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Pros and Cons of Communication Technology and Its

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Intan Nazili Binti Hamirun
Nur Anis Athirah Binti Mohamad Fauzi
Nur Farah Iwana Binti Abdul Nasser
Nurafidah Alia bt Azhar
Nur Farina Nadia Binti Md Najib
Mohd Faizal Bin Abd Rahman
Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................1
2.0 PROS OF COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY.....................................................................2
3.0 CONS OF COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY....................................................................4
5.0 CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................8
6.0 REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................9

The interchange of information through voice, signs or symbols were known as

communication. The very first mode of communication occurred when our ancestor started
speaking since 5,000,000 years ago. Communication that occurred when people who are
communicating are not in a same time and place over a medium is called telecommunication.
The development of technology especially when telephone take place is a sign of
advancement in communication systems and real telecommunication was born. Telephones
gradually make it way to television, videophone, satellite and eventually computer networks.
Computer networks have transformed modern day communication and communication
technologies that we can see today.

Every single thing happened in our lives have both positive and negative impact. The impact
of communication technology might be vary. Nowadays mobiles and internet are probably
the most important aspect that most people can’t live without. Most of us would feel
something incomplete in life when there are no mobiles or internet. Take an example of a
person in this modern world world. The day begin with a “good morning” message and
“goodnight” through the same platform. The social medias are like a world themselves, like a
virtual world. The constant use of mobiles and the Internet for communication for a whole
day has changed the nature of communication. There are modes like emails, teleconferencing,
video conferencing, networking sites and among other tools to make things going smoothly.
Mobiles, emails, and social networking sites are the most common method of communication
among our generation.

However there are several downside that we musn’t overlooked when we rely on technology
too much. All the action we take must have their own implication and some of them might
last forever. So we must preserve what we value the most before it takes it from us.


2.1 Better connectivity

Technology has created new modes of communication the most prevalent one is online.
Online communication system detecting an online chat linked to an online forum in which
user posts are shown chronologically in the online forum based on the time the usage posts
are posted on the online communication system. Defining relationships between the user
posts based on the extracted plurality of conversation elements, in which deciding the
relationships involves determining something details. For example, meeting people from
various cultures and societies on online forums and communicating with them instantly is
very popular. Without having to be there in person, chat rooms and discussion forums
encourage people to meet each other. When it comes to coping with social anxiety, this has
given them even more versatility. Online conversations are becoming a common norm now.

2.2 Improved communication speed

This is obviously the greatest enhancement that communication has seen through technology
is speed. It is instant modern contact. Within milliseconds, you receive the message others are
trying to convey. To ensure instantaneous transmission of messages and other types of data to
every place on the earth, wireless signals, satellites, undersea cables, and other advanced
technology are sought. For example, During both the disaster alert and disaster recovery
periods, satellite radio will play a key role. The biggest gain is the ability to broadcast well
outside regions not reached by ordinary radio networks. If the communication towers of the
regular radio networks are destroyed in a tragedy, satellite radio may also be of support.
Establishing communication with distant areas has been a major challenge and the question
of access to remote and far-flung areas has been overcome with the introduction of satellite

2.3 Making information appealing

With the availability of technology, information distribution will be more interesting and
communication will be more effective. In the employment sector, for example customizing
messages is one of the easiest ways to ensure workers get more value from contact and
benefits. Focused on the workforce's complex needs. HR can split employees into groups by
rank, role, workplace, career stage, life stage, or business unit, Yehuda said, and then balance
each audience with messages and media. This works, for instance, well when communicating
medical benefits.

2.4 Approaching a wider audience

These days, communications media have also affected the private sector. Businesses are
increasingly making use of technology to boost their workers' efficiency and innovation.
Publicly, a large part of online communication is done through social media. Internet
connectivity will help companies to enter a large sector of the audience, allowing them to
more efficiently market their goods.

2.5 Multiple channel when communicating

Data or medium resources would be incorporated with technology, therefore making contact
more positive impact. Methods of communication could involve printing materials and the
above mentioned digital communication tools. For example, according to reasons such as
employment, schooling, and the military, many married couples are physically divided for an
extended period of time. In longdistance relationships (LDR) to indicate how many hours per
week each of several channels of communication was used. Skype and Facebook were the
most frequently used channels of communication. Telephone (audio), tweeting, and digital
messaging were used extensively during both eras. Video talking discovered to be used more
often during the relationship's long-distance era. Video communication can be especially
important for LDR, as it allows a richer interaction format than other modes of
communication, as mentioned above (text messages, phone calls). This channel contains both
video and audio channels and, through a mutual presence, renders the other person salient. In
contrast, relational closeness can be helped by the concept of shared space.


As a human being, we are still linked to a lot of important things in our daily lives. By using
communication technology (CT) gadgets in our lifestyle, many time-consuming calculations
and difficult tasks have become easier and social connections have been increased. CT has
impacted lives by improving the timely delivery of information through the media and
improving connectivity in homes and workplaces through social networks, e-mails, etc. The
quality of human life has improved significantly through communication technology.
However, there are five cons of communication technology.

3.1 Reduce face to face interaction

According to Bosamia (2013), most people prefer online interactions rather than actual
conversations, so people appear to become more individualistic and introverted. Another
drawback is that we cannot communicate our thoughts or what we really want to say by using
e-mail or social networking sites. Therefore, we required face to face contact with them in
order to communicate our true feeling.

3.2 Reduced physical activity

Users may take a more sedentary lifestyle.This will lead to health issues, such as obesity,
diabetes, and heart disease. Many countries have laws on the workplace to avoid issues such
as repetitive strain injury or eye training, but lack of physical activity is seldom addressed as
a specific health threat. As mentioned by Jon Johnson (2020) in Medical News Today,
technologies, such as tablets, smartphones, and computers, can keep a person's attention for a
long time. This might lead to an eye train.Symptoms of the digital eye may include blurred
vision and dry eyes. In other regions of the body, such as the head, neck, or shoulders,
eyestrain may also cause pain.

3.3 Lead to cybercrime

The technologies particularly the Internet, can be used to impersonate individuals or to mask
their personality and identity, which contributes to their attitude towards unethical behavior
or behavior that varies from their actual behavior when they face each other face to face.
Anonymous individuals can commit multiple cyber crimes.

3.4 Social isolation

Communication technology have contributed to the so-called social isolation of many people,
particularly those who have been addicted to them. According to Griffin (2010), Social
isolation is also characterized as the absence of relationships on an individual level with
family or friends, and on a wider level with society. The absence or weakness of the social
network of a person indicates whether the individual is isolated socially. The less time they
spend with relatives or friends, the more depression, sadness, and isolation they experience.

3.5 Increase unemployment rate

The phenomena we’re seeing has economic implications, loss of income and social
implications, loss of place and self-esteem. Job losses can occur due to automation replacing
manual operations (Bosamia, 2013). For example, robots that replace individuals on an
assembly line. As for job exports, data processing work is sent to other countries where there
are lower operational costs.


Nowadays, information and communication technology has been very advanced all
over the world whether it gives a positive or negative impact to the society.

For the positive impact that information and communication technology has
contributed to the society is the better interaction among society. One of the biggest
developments in communication that give a big impact to the society is in 1831 when
electric telegraph was invented. In 1849, telephone was invented and until now,
telephone gives a big impact to the human’s communication technology. Now, we just
have to ring a telephone to delivered messages whether the recipient is near or far
from us. We can communicate with each other without boundaries and anytime that
we want. With an advanced communication technology, society has become one
community in online world. It gives a better interaction and communication between a
various of community in all over the worlds. Even though information and
communication technology helps people to a better interaction, they also can give a
negative impact when society too immersed in the digital world and it reduces the
face-to-face interaction between human. It becomes a norm when people are tend to
choose to socialize in social digital world instead of reality.

Then, in the previous times before communication technology has evolved,

interaction between human are depends on writing a letter that could take a few days
to arrive to the receiver and it brings difficulty to them. In this present times,
information and communication technology has help society to communicate with
each other easily in a short period of time. They do not have to wait for a long period
of time to get certain messages and a lots of negative consequences for late receiving
messages can be avoid. But, this has affect the decline of letter volume among human
and it can demise the uses of letter history. Society is tend to choose the easiest and
quickest way to delivered a messages, therefore email are the best options to send a
messages and it is not used any money at all.

Next, because of the rapid expansion of technology, it contributes people to be more

creative with the various of advanced technology in using of education, workplace,
entertainment and many more. It gives a big impact to the development of creative
industries especially in entertainment. The widens use of Computer Generated
Imagery (CGI) in all over the world brings a creativity in another level that has
become a pride in creative industry. It contribute the progress of country and becomes
one of the contributors of the country. Nevertheless, although it contributes a lot to
society, ICT also affects the physical activity among society. New generation
especially teenagers has becoming too immersed with digital world such as online
games and it affect physical activity among them are less. They constant use mobile
phones in their daily life and most of the teenagers nowadays are experiencing a sleep
deprivation due to the excess use of mobile phone. It also can increase the obesity rate
among society due to the lack of physical activity among them.

Other than that, ICT helps to create a multi-channel communication such as SMS,
messages, e-mail, print, website and mobile applications. The diversity of
communication platform has contribute society to facilitate their daily life by having a
plenty of options of communication to choose. However, ICT also can increases the
cybercrime activity in social world. Cybercrime is a criminal activity that either
targets or uses a computer, a computer network or a networked devices. The rapid
expansion of communication technology has affect the increases of fraud among
society. Some people that are too knowledgeable in technology can do a cybercrime
against individuals such as harassment via e-mails, cyber stalking, dissemination of
obscene material, defamation, unauthorized control or access over a computer system
which also known as hacking, e-mail spoofing and also spamming.

Last but not least, the impact of ICT on business are also particularly significant. ICT
helps society to enhance knowledge and information and with the knowledge that they
have, they can set up an online business that are very significant now among society.
ICT helps in lowering the barriers to starting a business at low cost because they do
not have to own a physical shop. As such, it is crucial enabler of changes and ICT
maturity is closely linked to economic growth in this country. It plays a central role in
the appearance and development of social businesses in society. However,
information and communication technology also gives a negative impact which is
technological unemployment. Technological unemployment is the loss of jobs due to
the technological change. Most of the company are tend to choose a machine or robot
to replace human work force because machine and robot are more enticing. Robots

and machines are work 24 hours without stop rather than human whom have limit.
This affect most of the jobs are being taken over by the robots and machines.


In conclusion, communication especially when it comes to technology have a big

impact in our lives. Some might say it is fundemantal to have internet or mobiles to
communicate with each other otherwise they won’t bother at all. The way we
communicate have changed gradually over the years and the impact might last
forever. It is indeed important to have an advance technology when communicating
because it make things easier. People can reach each other easily, a wider audience or
a better connectivity when using communication technology. However there are also
the “con” side when we’re using these type of method to communicate. People might
not realize this but communication technology really does bring more harm if not use
properly like increase cybercrime, unemployment and eventually demolished the
conventional method of communication which still hold their own uniqueness. So it is
our duty to prevent all the bad effect of communication technology to happen while
stay progressive in the particular area.

In addition the communication technology that we’re currently using have impact and
contributed a lot to the society especially when it comes to economy. People who
starting up new business have benefitted this the most because it can reach a bigger
audience. At the end of the day communication is still the same wether or not people
are using new type of method to communicate with each other. It depends on
individues themselves on how they’re going to use the thing in a good way or the
other way around.


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