Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Head Quarters Renewable Energy Integration Feasibility
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Head Quarters Renewable Energy Integration Feasibility
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Head Quarters Renewable Energy Integration Feasibility
SW12 9BS
Table 1 .............................................................................................................................3
Table 2 ............................................................................................................................4
1.1 Tejash Roy, Renewable Energy Engineer, has been requested by Stuart
ty Gas Total
Annual energy use (kWh) 88'700 00
£4,20 £11,1
Annual energy cost (inc VAT) £6,900 0 00
Unit cost (p/unit) 7.78 1.91
kWh/m2 floor area 74 183
Carbon dioxide emissions (kg CO2) 31'100 0 79'900
Carbon dioxide emissions per area (kg
CO2/m2) 32 35 67
Table 1 i
1.2 Table 1 shows the annual energy use and cost, and related carbon dioxide
1.3 This report follows on from an Energy Survey Report, issued by Target
Energy Services Ltd. The report recommends measures to cut the energy
cost by £3’900 (35%) per annum, for an investment cost of £4’700 with a
payback period of 1.5 years. This will achieve an estimated 33% savings in
Tejash Roy
February 2011
ty Gas Total
Annual energy use (kWh) 68,700 00
£2,40 £7,20
Annual energy cost (inc VAT) £4,800 0 0
Unit cost (p/unit) 7.78 1.91
kWh/m2 floor area 57.3 106.8
Carbon dioxide emissions (kg CO2) 22,500 0 46890
Carbon dioxide emissions per area (kg
CO2/m2) 18.8 20.3 39.1
Table 2
1.4 The measures recommended can be seen in Table 3. The changes are aimed
measures in the active systems, and thus achieving a cost saving. This is a
implemented, and thus the base load defined for this feasibility study is shown
in Table 2, unless they are in conflict with the recommendations made in this
Tejash Roy
February 2011
Estimated annual
saving Paybac
CO2 k
Measure capital
Cost Energy saving period
cost (£)
savin saving (kg (years)
g (£) (kWh) CO2)
Total 3900 0 4700
Table 3
Tejash Roy
February 2011
using RETScreen;
2.1 Following the changes made by the Action Energy report, the CIBSE
headquarters are not a zero-emissions building.
2.2 As the headquarters are for the Building Services Engineers, it should be
made an example of how to achieve zero-emissions for a modernised
Victorian office building.
2.3 The optimal method of achieving this goal should be by implementing a range
of renewable energy technologies.
2.4 The challenges posed with implementing these technologies can be related to
planning issues, ease of installation (as the construction process should aim
to be carbon neutral), economic feasibility, maintenance required by the new
systems, and the performance of the systems in regards to producing the
required energy demand.
3.1 The following are possible renewable energy technologies that could be used:
• Biomass heating;
Tejash Roy
February 2011
3.2 I shall briefly describe each of the above technologies with respect to how
they could be applied in CIBSE’s context.
3.3 This technology converts solar irradiation into DC energy. They are usually
roof mounted, facing southwards and are tilted at 30 degrees to maximise
3.4 The system is made up from roof mounted solar panels, batteries to store the
energy, invertors to convert the DC power into AC power, a controller to
manage the energy storage and deliver power, and the fixed structure to
mount the PV modules.
3.5 Each PV module is made of solar cells. A single cell can generate roughly
1.5W and 0.5V under optimum conditionsiii. The cells are joined in series and
parallel to meet the desired load conditions.
3.6 The downside with PV’s is that they are very costly to install, have a long
payback period, and require replacing after approximately ten years, and the
power generated by them is unreliable; as they rely on the weather conditions.
3.7 The UK is Europe’s windiest country. Electricity is generated from the wind by
means of using the wind velocity to drive a geared rotor and turbine to
generate the electricity.
3.8 Wind speed increases with height above ground and is fastest offshore or in
coastal regions. The amount of power generated from the turbine varies with
wind speed. Hence the most reliable generation is when wind velocity is more
uniform over long periods of time.
3.9 The downside with wind turbines is the noise from the turbine, the visual
impact and electromagnetic disruption.
Biomass heating
3.10 These systems burn plant or other organic matter to generate heat. Earth
annually generates 130 billion tonnes iv which roughly equates to 6 years of
the world’s year 2000 energy use.
Tejash Roy
February 2011
3.11 Although the actual burning of the fuel releases carbon into the atmosphere,
however when the plants are grown they absorb the equivalent amount in
photosynthesis, hence the carbon neutral fuel source.
3.12 Biomass heating can be implemented simply to existing gas fired or oil
burning systems, with a new system of storing and/or growing the fuel to be
3.13 Biomass boilers can also form a valuable source of heat for combined heat
and power (CHP) systems, which will be explained in more depth later.
3.14 Also known as solar wall heating, is widely used to heat ventilation air
buildings. It is a relatively new technology for heating air with solar energy.
They are used as cladding of exterior, south facing walls, and can be cost
effective for new builds or retrofits to existing walls.
3.15 The system comprises of a solar collector mounted on the building, and a fan
and air distribution system installed inside the building. The wall is designed
as a perforated plate as the solar collector. As the air passes through the
small holes in the plate, it gets heated and gets ducted into the building.
3.16 The only power usage is the fan load to drive flow throughout the duct system
within the building. During summer months, a bypass damper can be opened
to avoid an unnecessary air conditioning load.
3.17 As with PV, the system relies heavily on the presence on solar radiation.
3.18 Similar to SAH, the system utilises incident solar irradiation to heat water for
heating load or direct usage. The system consists of a solar collector, control
system, pump, and storage tank.
3.19 As with PV, the system relies heavily on the presence of solar radiation, but
backup can be made available in the form of an immersion heater in the water
3.20 This system utilises the abundant energy stored within the earth itself from
solar radiation. As 46% of solar radiation is absorbed by the earth, v an option
for building heating and cooling would be to utilise this large thermal load.
3.21 As the ground transports heat slowly and has a high thermal heat storage
capacity, the temperature changes very slowly over the course of a year. A
topsoil layer of soil and groundwater below, allows the temperature of the
earth to be lower than ambient air at summer and warmer in winter.
Tejash Roy
February 2011
transfer heat energy, can work with an efficiency of approximately 300%, i.e.
for every 1kw of pump work delivers 3kw of heating/cooling load.
3.23 Heat is extracted from the ground using a series of buried pipes either in a
horizontal array, or in vertical bore holes, depending on space available.
Typically water or a water-antifreeze mix is used as the working fluid on the
system. As the temperature gains are lower than a typical gas fired or oil
burning boiler, a forced convection heater or large radiators should be used
and kept on constantly to provide the necessary temperature.
3.24 CHP systems utilise the waste exhaust gas from the heating system to
produce steam and turn a turbine, and hence produce electricity. Therefore
rather then heating systems having low efficiencies in the range of 40%, using
this heat capture, efficiencies as high as 80% can be obtained.
3.25 Any number of heat generation technology can be used, i.e. coal fired, gas
fired or biomass. The system should be sized such that it can be left running
constantly for optimum efficiency. Therefore a detail profile on the viability for
the need for constant thermal and power loads should be determined.
• 25 (31.9 sq.m) off Apin solar mono-Si SP190 Solar photovoltaic panels
with a combined 4.75kw output, mounted on the conference centre
3.27 It is recommended that the biomass heating produce the majority of the
heating load for the building, with the CHP function being used to power the
GSHP and charge batteries. During summer months, when the heating load
decreases, the system will be controlled to produce a greater amount of
3.28 The GSHP will only need to be used to produce intermediate temperature air
ventilation constantly throughout the year. Due to the CIBSE building location,
a large system of buried pipework will not be possible. In the summer months,
it will be used constantly to provide very efficient cooling.
3.29 The current air conditioning system will be kept in place, to provide peak load
demand on the hottest days of the year.
Tejash Roy
February 2011
3.30 It is recommended that the wind turbine and PV array be used to provide the
building’s electricity demand, taking load from the battery when supply runs
low, i.e. an overcast settled day.
3.31 It will be expected that excess electricity can be exported back onto the
national grid, which will also be connected to the buildings supply, in event of
an emergency, and also sold, as a source of revenue.
3.32 This system will ensure that the building has full energy functionality
constantly throughout the year, regardless of whether one or two of the
energy systems are out of service or cannot supply the necessary load
4.1 RETScreen does not allow the entire proposed energy production system to
usage down individually. This has the advantage of being able to closely
modify the parameters for each energy system, but does not allow full system
implementation to the order which would maximise the realism for a feasibility
4.2 The full printouts for the energy systems analysis can be found in the
4.3 All systems were analysed financially with 2% inflation, a 20 year project
lifecycle, a 70% debt ratio, and a debt term of 10 years with 5% interest.
4.4 The Biomass boiler can produce 49kW of heating capacity, which is 123% of
the required load for the building. By controlling the load of the boiler, the
power output from the CHP function will reduce the building’s electricity
Tejash Roy
February 2011
demand from solar and wind sources. The GSHP supplies 95.2% of capacity,
so the existing a/c system can be kept in place to supplement on peak load
4.5 The use of cheap wood pellets, would give an annual savings of £4’350 on
fuel. Including O&M costs and debt repayments, the annual cost of the
4.6 The system would contribute a net annual GHG emission reduction of 29.4
N.B The system modelled has not considered the costs and benefits of the
CHP function of the system; however the electricity cost for GSHP is
4.7 The 25 units of the PV panel, when implemented in London, have a capacity
4.8 The initial cost of the energy system is characteristically high at £53’284.
However even at this, with debt repayments, as there is no fuel charge, the
simple payback is 8.4 years, with an annual GHG emission reduction of 64.7
Tejash Roy
February 2011
4.9 Although rated at 80kW, due to the location, only 9.4% of the capacity can be
utilised. However, this is sufficient to supply 65.9 MWh to the load, with only
4.10 With a low initial cost of £5’500 and no fuel costs, the annual savings on grid
electricity is such that the system will repay itself within a year, and as such
5.1 The initial drawback with the wind turbine will be planning permission. With a
hub height of 30m and 18m rotor, choosing an appropriate location which
Due to the complexities of the integration of all the systems, most of them will
only be able to become fully operational when the entire system I installed,
thus meaning careful planning of the logistics and construction process will
lead to the lowest lead time before the benefits from the cheaper energy can
be seen.
considered and installed together, can power the entire CIBSE headquarters
with a relatively low payback period, with all the accompanying carbon
Tejash Roy
February 2011
6.3 RETScreen has shown how each individual system can work autonomously
from each other and thus allowing a degree of flexibility within its design rules.
Feed in Tariffs, whereby payement is made for the electricity that is generated
in the business and also additional payment for renewable energy that is
have not been considered in the RETScreen analysis, but would further
reduce the cost of implementation and payback periods, while also generating
Assignment/Coursework proforma – ME5521
Target Energy Services Report – 00924/Exp/195/00/012 ENQ 006559
Renewable Energy Technologies Coursebook – Part 2 – Brunel University
Renewable Energy Technologies Coursebook – Part 2 – Brunel University
Textbook – GSHP - RETScreen