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Alexandria University
The Software, Data and Digital Ecosystems (SDDE) Research Group, Department of Computer Science (IDI),
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 2815 Gjøvik, Norway
Sejong University, Seoul 143-747, Republic of Korea
Catalink Limited, Charistinis Sakkada 5, Nicosia 1040, Cyprus
Faculty of Computers and Information Technology (FCIT), University of Tabuk, Tabuk 47711, Saudi Arabia
Visual Analytics for Knowledge Laboratory (VIS2KNOW Lab), Department of Applied Artificial Intelligence, School
of Convergence, College of Computing and Informatics, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul 03063, Republic of Korea
College of Computer Science and Technology, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao 266555, China
Instituto de Telecomunicações, 6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal
KEYWORDS Abstract Facial expression recognition (FER) is an emerging and multifaceted research topic.
Facial expression recogni- Applications of FER in healthcare, security, safe driving, and so forth have contributed to the cred-
tion; ibility of these methods and their adoption in human-computer interaction for intelligent outcomes.
Edge vision; Computational FER mimics human facial expression coding skills and conveys important cues that
Deep learning; complement speech to assist listeners. Similarly, FER methods based on deep learning and artificial
Machine learning; intelligence (AI) techniques have been developed with edge modules to ensure efficiency and real-
Health care; time processing. To this end, numerous studies have explored different aspects of FER. Surveys
Security; of FER have focused on the literature on hand-crafted techniques, with a focus on general methods
Artificial intelligence for local servers but largely neglecting edge vision-inspired deep learning and AI-based FER tech-
nologies. To consider these missing aspects, in this study, the existing literature on FER is thor-
oughly analyzed and surveyed, and the working flow of FER methods, their integral and
intermediate steps, and pattern structures are highlighted. Further, the limitations in existing
FER surveys are discussed. Next, FER datasets are investigated in depth, and the associated chal-
lenges and problems are discussed. In contrast to existing surveys, FER methods are considered for
edge vision (on e.g., smartphone or Raspberry Pi, devices, etc.), and different measures to evaluate
the performance of FER methods are comprehensively discussed. Finally, recommendations and
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: muhammad.sajjad@ntnu.no (M. Sajjad), faouzi.cheikh@ntnu.no (F. Alaya Cheikh), khan.muhammad@ieee.org (K. Muhammad).
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
1110-0168 Ó 2023 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
818 M. Sajjad et al.
some avenues for future research are suggested to facilitate further development and implementa-
tion of FER technologies.
Ó 2023 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818
1.1. Managerial and social implications of FER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 820
1.2. Applications of FER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 820
1.2.1. FER for the prognosis and diagnosis of neurological disorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821
1.2.2. FER in security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821
1.2.3. FER for learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821
2. Overview of the existing FER literature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 822
3. Working flow of FER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 822
3.1. Data acquisition and preprocessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 822
3.2. ROI detection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823
3.3. Emotion recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824
3.3.1. Conventional learning-based FER techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824
3.3.2. Deep learning-based FER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824
3.4. Output emotion and evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 829
4. FER datasets and associated statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830
5. Challenges and future research directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832
5.1. FER challenges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832
5.1.1. Scarcity of FER datasets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832
5.2. Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833
5.2.1. Surveillance-scaled FER datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833
5.2.2. FER with lower computational resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833
5.2.3. FER via E2E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833
5.2.4. Group expression analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
5.2.5. FER everywhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
5.2.6. Federated learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
5.2.7. AML for FER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
Declaration of competing interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
description of features characterizing the known expressions, (b). Additionally, the working strategy and contributions of
and 3) semantic representations characterizing expressions. FER from 2015 onward were studied, and its coverage by dif-
An extensive body of literature has emerged on FER in the ferent sources such as journals, publishers, ArXiv, and confer-
form of articles, surveys, literature reviews, and proposals. ences are shown in Fig. 1 (c). Similarly, FER must be
However, the works thus far have focused primarily only on examined in terms of baseline strategies used to recognize
working flow and feature extraction. To address the missing expressions in video or image content. These strategies were
aspects, this article first analyzed and considered FER in detail broadly divided into three parts, and their visual representa-
by presenting a taxonomy of and statistics on prior works. To tions are given in Fig. 1 (d). A list of abbreviations used in this
collect FER literature, a yearly search strategy that helped work with their expansions are provided in Table 1.
cover a wide range of articles from each year sequentially FER has been considered from both academic and indus-
was applied; subsequently, the articles were correspondingly trial perspectives, and can provide a window to the tempera-
categorized. The search for articles involved several search ment, cognitive ability, personality, and psychopathology of
engines, including Google, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, individuals. For example, an increase in the use of FER tech-
and IEEE Explore. The search revealed an increasing interest nology in the clinical investigation of the effects of neuropsy-
in FER in the form of more published articles, and the latest chiatric disorders on expression and perception has been
methods tended to be inspired by neural networks and end- shown to be tractable for quantitative research. Growth in
to-end network models. Additionally, newly developed emo- the field of FER has been achieved owing to their wide range
tion recognition datasets were constructed as the field was of applications in real-life scenarios, science fields, and medical
developed further over subsequent years. The number of arti- services. Some applications of FER include gauging con-
cles published each year is shown in Fig. 1 (a). Next, the qual- sumer’s emotions regarding products or identifying suspicious
ity of research on FER was investigated. Highly cited articles activity. Automotive companies applying FER technology aim
have a greater impact on the research community. High cita- to make cars safer and more personalized for individual
tion scores indicate the influence of leading research directions. customers.
Hence, article citation scores for each year were considered Human emotional expressions profoundly enrich our inter-
herein. Some statistics on these citations are shown in Fig. 1 actions with one another [12]. FER technology has been
Fig. 1 Statistics of FER publications across search engines in terms of their citations score and publisher-wise distribution of FER
methods. (a) Number of publications in each year ranging from 2015 to 2021. (b) Citations achieved by FER research in each year, where
2016 is the most cited year as the FER methods of this year have been well explored in the later research. (c) Division of publications in
each portal. (d) Categorization of FER methods based on their baseline strategy.
820 M. Sajjad et al.
applied in healthcare with AI-empowered recognition to recog- grammed behavior rather than the experience of a sentient
nize patients’ needs for medications or assist physicians in being. The expressions shown by robots’ faces are not reflex-
inquiring as to which patient may require more attention. ive but rather comprise a communication interface. In man-
Methods to exploring patients’ emotions for better health sys- agerial or social human interaction, expressions can deliver a
tem outcomes are being developed owing to their observed vast amount of information quite rapidly through the con-
positive impacts in several medical fields. Automatic FER traction of facial muscles in response to a particular action
can assist doctors in operating smart centers to detect stress or question [14]. For instance, if an individual asks a certain
and depression among patients for health purposes. This question or asks for permission to perform some action, a
approach may also help patients recognize psychological prob- response can be delivered through the movement of the
lems related to existing or previous medications [13]. Hospitals eye muscles or head pose. Similarly, a person’s state can
worldwide have begun to incorporate AI to handle patients’ be easily understood and discovered by observing only their
medication schedules as researchers have focused on applying facial appearance and muscle movements in response to a
neural networks to perform FER on patients. particular action. Thus, automatic FER methods are needed
to enable computational systems to accurately gauge a per-
1.1. Managerial and social implications of FER son’s mood. Regarding this, the proposed survey covers the
aspects of FER systems and their challenges in detail as a
Human expressions can show or conceal a variety of com- step toward the development of improved expression recog-
plex cognitive processes. Facial expressions elicit a rapid nition systems.
response and often imitate emotions. These effects occur
on peoples’ faces in a natural way and can be easily 1.2. Applications of FER
observed. By contrast, people recognize the expressions per-
formed by robots but understand that they exhibit pro- In this section, FER applications are discussed in detail.
A comprehensive Survey on Deep Facial Expression Recognition 821
1.2.1. FER for the prognosis and diagnosis of neurological 1.2.2. FER in security
disorders FER also plays an important role in security, where the malicious
FER is widely utilized in rehabilitation to help and monitor intentions of criminal suspects or perpetrators may be recognized
the patients; herein, the emotions of the patients are analyzed by analyzing their expressions [17]. At present, ubiquitous surveil-
to help and provide medical care. Similarly, the doctors or a lance has been implemented using security cameras installed in
leading counsel can judge their patients or clients’ emotional various locations, such as subways, markets, and stores. These
states from their appearance and body movements to note camera feeds can be used to detect and analyze individual’s facial
damaged or affected parts of their body. Patients inpatient emotions. These systems can identify suspicious activity, which
care can be treated on a priority basis by capturing data on can thus be prevented beforehand [18].
their state and moods through FER. Similarly, FER has been
incorporated to facilitate the prognosis and diagnosis of neu- 1.2.3. FER for learning
rological disorders (i.e., brain conditions or diseases), such as Educators can adjust their style of presentation according to
stroke, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease [10,15]. This learners by understanding learner’s emotional expressions of
enables clinicians to evaluate the mood of patients with neuro- their internal states. Students’ enthusiasm may be improved
logical disorders. For example, a patient may express inappro- by understanding their feelings in classroom or laboratory
priate or excessive emotions to express their state of mind or work [19].
conditions. Therefore, recognizing these emotions is of value Numerous groups are rapidly working on developing FER
in monitoring patients via smartphone cameras [16]. technology to improve performance and ensure real-time pro-
822 M. Sajjad et al.
cessing capability in various potential applications. Research- resented FER in two ways, namely message-based and facial-
ers must confront several issues and challenges due to the sen- component movement-based methods. They further catego-
sitive nature of changes in facial expressions. This survey rized message-based methods into discrete and continuous
provides information on the development of platforms for dimensional methods. According to their review, the discrete
FER methods to show how they can be generalized to deliver categorical method is a long-standing method that has been
a compact representation and learning terminology. Studies on widely adopted by psychologists to describe emotions. Simi-
FER are limited and largely describe only particular methods, larly, the continuous method was adopted from psychology;
with little or no focus on the deployment of such models on it describes emotions in terms of continuous axes of a multidi-
mobile platforms, such as edge devices and smart phones. Fur- mensional space. By contrast, movement-based components
ther, to the best of our knowledge, no detailed overview of use the movement of facial muscles for expression encoding.
deep learning and AI-based methods applied to this task has Similarly, Rajan et al. [21] covered FER techniques, the con-
been conducted. ventional classifiers used for FER classification, and FER
To overcome the existing challenges faced by current datasets. Another recently published survey [22] considered
surveys, this study provides a comprehensive survey of the an in-depth study of FER datasets and their creation, and sub-
development and implementation of FER technologies, as sequently properly aligned all the steps of conventional FER
shown in Fig. 2. The main contributions of this study are processes. Further, they overviewed the deep networks,
summarized as follows. sequential learning mechanisms, issues related to FER, and
Contributions challenges faced by the researchers during FER; next, they
highlighted some possible directions for future research on
1. To the best of our knowledge, this survey is the first to pro- FER. These details are given Table 2.
vide a thorough taxonomy of recent literature on FER that Finally, this study presents the main contributions of this
considers deep learning, conventional learning, hybrid survey. The proposed survey presents a thorough FER taxon-
approaches, and edge vision by analyzing the patterns of omy and the most recent FER literature developed for medical
these works. In addition, the manner in which the FER applications targeting patients with Parkinson’s disease,
has been considered is described from a medical perspec- stroke, multiple sclerosis, and CFS. Similarly, the preprocess-
tive, such as for monitoring patients with Parkinson’s dis- ing, main architecture steps, and evaluation metrics used to
ease, stroke, or dementia. evaluate the performance of FER methods are extensively dis-
2. Existing surveys are largely limited to methods deployed to cussed. Furthermore, the current challenges and issues in FER,
cloud computing or PC setups. However, this study covers and the directions for future research on FER are presented.
both edge- and cloud-based FER methods. In addition, dif-
ferent platforms and products are investigated for this pur- 3. Working flow of FER
pose. Further, an extensive set of information on debates
on FER methods targeting the diagnosis of various dis- This section describes the stepwise working flow of FER for
eases, as well as the corresponding journal details, their real-time processing of the generic pipeline of FER, as shown
impact, and the number of citations are provided. in Fig. 3, and the details of the working procedure of the FER
3. A general framework followed by the FER methods is pre- are given in Fig. 4. A comprehensive discussion of each step of
sented. The datasets and challenges faced by researchers in the pipeline are provided below.
this field are discussed comprehensively. Furthermore,
these challenges are addressed by suggesting some promis- 3.1. Data acquisition and preprocessing
ing directions for future research.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sec- Data collection through vision sensors and preprocessing are
tion 2 focuses on existing surveys and their downsides. Sec- essential steps. The data are typically acquired from different
tion 3 covers the working flow of FER systems in detail sources such as Pi Cam devices, mobile phones, or surveillance
while considering of deep learning and conventional learning cameras. Different data variations, such as illumination, head
methods. Section 4 discusses existing FER datasets and some poses, and background, are common in uncertain scenarios.
associated challenges. Section 5 sheds light on FER challenges Therefore, before training a recognition model, preprocessing
and research guidelines. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper is applied to normalize and align the visual semantic informa-
with some final remarks and suggests possible avenues for tion of the faces. Several face alignment techniques, such as
future research. holistic [26], part-based [27,28], DL-based [29–31], and cas-
caded alignment [32–34], have been widely applied for this
2. Overview of the existing FER literature
State-of-the-art AI-models contain a considerable number
of parameters, typically in the order of millions. A sufficient
This section explains recently published articles that have sur- amount of training data is required to ensure the generalizabil-
veyed FER technology. This survey discusses the contributions ity of such models. However, most existing datasets available
and disadvantages of these previous articles and compares the for training are insufficient for this purpose. To overcome this
proposed article with state-of-the-art FER surveys. First, the challenge, FER methods must apply data augmentation
work presented by Zhang et al. [20] explained the advance- techniques.
ments made in the creation of FER datasets and technique Data augmentation methods are designed to expand the
development. They focused primarily on occlusion problems size of a dataset and its diversity by applying random pertur-
and studied their effects on FER systems. Moreover, they rep- bations, such as image shifting, skew, rotation, adding noise,
A comprehensive Survey on Deep Facial Expression Recognition 823
Table 2 Comparative analysis of the present work with existing recent surveys in terms of their categorization as considering deep
learning (DL), conventional learning (CL), and hybrid approaches (HA).
Ref Year Platform Categorization Contributions Remarks
[20] 2018 U ✗ U U ✗ -Data creation, technique development, and -Only partial occlusion is widely considered.
occlusion problem are investigated for FER –No workflow mechanism is provided to
systems and associated challenges are describe FER steps.
discussed. –No comparative study of mainstream FER
[21] 2019 U ✗ ✗ U ✗ -FER techniques, classifiers, and datasets are -Most traditional FER techniques are
surveyed. Some discussion on face detection covered.
methods and features extraction is provided. -A concrete and easily understandable
framework is missing.
[23] 2020 U ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ -Three aspects regarding to 3D FER such as -The entire paper is based only on the
face structure and its preprocessing and occlusion problem under conditions of real-
classification are investigated. time emotion recognition.
[24] 2021 U ✗ U U ✗ -FER methods based on CNN are widely –No coverage of challenges in FER. Methods
focused on with applications of FER. are limited to CNN techniques only.
[25] 2022 U U ✗ U ✗ Major steps including preprocessing, features -Most popular challenges are not covered.
extraction, and classification are explained. Further, directions and recommendations for
future research are not provided.
Our 2023 U U U U U -A thorough taxonomy of FER and the most -Widely focused on FER literature and
recent FER literature is covered. Next, both properly categorizing the FER algorithms as
edge- and cloud-based FER methods are DL, CL, and HL techniques. Open challenges
highlighted. An extensive set of discussions on in FER are discussed, along with
journals, citations, and FER applications is recommendations for future work.
and image scaling. More unseen training samples [35] can be detection, including feature-based [42], knowledge-based [43],
generated through combinations of multiple operations that and appearance-based methods [44] as well as template match-
ensure a model’s robustness to rotated and deviated faces [36]. ing [45]. In knowledge- or rule-based methods, the human face
is described via defined rules and the representation depends
3.2. ROI detection entirely on how the rules are proposed. Similarly, feature
invariant methods use different types of features, such as
Region of interest (ROI) detection (in this study, the face) is human eyes or nose, for face detection. However, this tech-
also referred to as facial detection. ROI detection is performed nique can be negatively affected by light and noise. In template
by AI-based techniques to identify and locate faces in images. matching, an image is compared with features that were previ-
These methods have been widely adopted in several applica- ously stored or compared with standard face patterns and cor-
tions, such as security [37], law enforcement [38], entertain- related for face detection. Furthermore, appearance-based
ment [39], and personal safety [40] which involve tracking or techniques apply machine learning or statistical analysis to
surveillance. They have advanced considerably from rudimen- identify important face characteristics and have been widely
tary vision techniques to enhanced machine learning and arti- applied to perform emotion recognition.
ficial neural networks (ANN) [41]. Facial detection is A major improvement in face detection occurred in 2001
performed using conventional machine learning or deep learn- when Viola and Jones proposed a face detection framework
ing approaches. Several techniques have been studied for face with high accuracy [46]. They proposed the use of Haar-like
824 M. Sajjad et al.
Fig. 4 Working flow of FER techniques using conventional and deep learning techniques. First, the data acquired from any source, such
as Raspberry Pi, onboard camera or mobile phone camera devices, is fed into the face detection step. The second step performs face
detection. The detected face is forwarded to the emotion recognition step.
features to detect faces. The algorithm observes numerous to feature extraction. A mapped LBP feature was proposed
small subregions and attempts to determine a face by looking in [56] for illumination-invariant FER. SIFT [57] features that
for specific features in each subregion. It passes through are robust against image rotation and scaling are employed for
numerous different positions and scales because an image multiview FER tasks. Combining several descriptors of tex-
may contain several faces of various sizes. ture, orientation, and color and using them as inputs helps
The Viola–Jones algorithm remains popular for the detec- enhance the performance of network [58,59].
tion of faces in real time but fails when a face is masked or cov- Similarly, part-based representation extracts features by
ered by a scarf, or may be limited when a face is not oriented removing noncritical parts from the image and exploiting the
or aligned properly. Therefore, to avoid such problems in con- key parts that are sensitive to the task. The authors in [60]
ventional techniques and improve face detection algorithms, reported that three regions of interest (ROIs), including the
deep learning algorithms, such as R-CNN [47], SSD [48], eyes, mouth, and eyebrows, are predominantly related to vari-
VGG-Face [49], FaceNet [50], have been developed. Among ations in emotion. Table 3 highlights recently published con-
these, R-CNN was initially introduced for object detection ventional machine learning FER methods.
and is significant for its capability of achieving high CNN
accuracy on classification task in face detection tasks. 3.3.2. Deep learning-based FER
Recently, deep learning has attracted considerable attention
3.3. Emotion recognition for research interest, and has achieved state-of-the-art perfor-
mance in numerous applications in a wide variety of fields
After face detection and ROI extraction, the flow proceeds to [78] such as computer vision [79,80], and time-series analysis
the FER stage. Numerous techniques, including conventional and prediction [81]. Deep learning attempts to capture high-
and deep-learning methods, are available for this. In conven- level abstractions via hierarchical networks comprising numer-
tional approaches, to conduct feature extraction, FER meth- ous nonlinear representations and transformations. Unlike
ods use hand-crafted feature engineering techniques, and the conventional learning for FER, where the feature extraction
extracted features are subsequently fed into the classifier. By and classification steps are independent, deep networks per-
contrast, deep learning approaches can automatically extract form FER in an end-to-end manner. In particular, a loss layer
features and perform classification in an end-to-end manner, is inserted at the network end to control the generated back-
where a loss layer is substituted to the end of the network to propagation error. Thus, the prediction probability obtained
regulate the backpropagation error. for each sample is directly produced as an output by the net-
work. Typically, in a CNN, the SoftMax loss function is used.
3.3.1. Conventional learning-based FER techniques In particular, these models aim to minimize the cross-entropy
Conventional learning approaches include HOG [51], SVM of the model across the entire training dataset. This is achieved
[52], SURF [53], SIFT [54], and Naive Bayes [55]. Conven- by calculating the average cross-entropy loss across all training
tional practices use hand-crafted feature engineering tech- examples and then back-propagating the loss through the net-
niques, such as preprocessing and data augmentation, prior work to optimize the defined loss function by tuning the
A comprehensive Survey on Deep Facial Expression Recognition 825
Table 3 FER methods based on conventional machine learning techniques with their contributions and corresponding training
Ref Technique Contributions Dataset
[17] ORB, SVM -ORB features were extracted and fed into an SVM. MMI, JAFFE
[61] CNN, BoVW, -Features from a CNN were combined with handcrafted features FER-2013, FER+, AFFECTNET
SVM computed using BOVW. -SVM is applied for final classification.
[62] LPDP -An edge descriptor LPDP was developed which considered statistical CK+, MMI, FACES, ISED, GEMEP-
details of pixel neighborhoods to collect meaningful and reliable FERA, BU-3DFE
[63] FERAtt -An end-to-end architecture which focused on human faces was CK+, BU-3DFE
-The model applied a Gaussian space representation to recognize an
[64] CNN -Four-staged deep learning architectures were proposed. RAFD
-The first three networks segmented the essential facial components,
whereas the fourth combined the holistic facial information for better
[65] CNN, C4.5 -Features from CNN are combined with C4.5. JAFFE, CK+, FER2013, RAFD
[66] SCN -SCN is proposed to efficiently suppresses uncertainties to prevent the RAFD, AFFECTNET, FERPLUS
network from overfitting.
-This suppression enabled a self-attention mechanism and careful
relabeling to perform well.
[67] FACS -FACS was developed to measure human facial behavior based on N/A
muscle movement.
[68] N/A -Bias and fairness were systematically investigated through three RAFD, CELEBA
approaches such as attribute-aware, baseline, and disentangled
[69] 3D CNN -Deep spatiotemporal features were extracted based on deep appearance CK+, MMI, FERA
and neural network.
[70] CNN -An activation function was proposed for CNN models, and a piecewise JAFFE, FER-2013
activation technique was proposed for the procedure of FER tasks.
[71] LBP -An end-to-end network using an attention mechanism was proposed. JAFFE, OULU-CASIA, NCUFE, CK+
-The network comprised features extraction, attention module,
reconstruction module, and classification module components.
[72] N/A An FER system validation study was performed for a school in this NA
[73] LBP, MSAU-Net -Fine-grained FER in the wild was primarily considered and FG- FG-EMOTIONS, CK+, MMI, FER-
Emotion was proposed. 2013, RAFD-BASIC, RAFD-
-FG-Emotions provided several features such as LBP and dense COMPOUND
trajectories that facilitated the research.
[74] Channel State -A system based on Wi-Fi signals known as WiFace was developed for CSI (PRIVATE DATA)
Information FER.
Processing -Series of algorithms were developed to process the channel state
information signal to extract the most representative waveform
[75] KNN, NB, SVM, -A system for FER based on multi-channel, electro-encephalogram, and N/A
RF multi-modal physiological signals was developed.
[76] HOG, SVM -TV-series were considered for human behavior analysis using facial KDEF
-The authors detected and tracked faces using the Viola-Jones and
Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (KLT) algorithms
-They extracted HOG features and classified the expression using an
SVM model.
[77] EMM, KTN, SSN -A supervised objective AdaReg loss and a re-weighting category was RAFD, AFFECTNET, FERPLUS
proposed to address class imbalance and increase discrimination
expression power.
parameters of the network. In addition to end-to-end net- Furthermore, the works [84,85] presented a covariance descrip-
works, DNN models can be used to extract features. Subse- tor computed via deep CNN features, and its classification was
quently, a traditional classifier, such as an SVM or RF performed by Gaussian kernels on a symmetric positive defini-
model, is applied to the extracted feature descriptor [82,83]. tion. Table 4 highlights recently published conventional
826 M. Sajjad et al.
Table 4 FER methods-based on deep learning mechanism with their contributions and data usage.
Ref Technique Contributions Dataset
[99] CNN, MTCNN -MTCCN was used for face detection, while features were extracted via EMOTIW
ResNet-64 and were classified at a large margin; a softmax loss was used
for discriminative learning.
[100] CNN -A method based on the LeNet-5 architecture, comprising five trainable CK+
parameter layers, two subsampling, and a fully connected layer, was
-A SoftMax function was used for the final FER classification.
[101] PHRNN, MSCNN -A deep evolutional spatial–temporal network (composed of PHRNN CK+, OULU-CASIA, MMI
and MSCNN) was used to extract the partial-whole, geometry-
appearance, and dynamic-still information, thus effectively improving the
performance of FER.
[102] LSTM-CNN -For the facial label prediction, the authors used LSTM-CNN. CK+, DISFA
[103] 3D inception-ResNet- -A model with layers of an Inception-ResNet model were followed by an CK+, MMI, FERA, DISFA
LSTM LSTM unit was proposed.
-This method extracted temporal and spatial relations within facial images
between different frames in video
[104] LSTM-CNN -Using temporal dependencies, the LSTMs were stacked. GFT, BP4D
-Outputs of CNN and LSTM were aggregated into a fusion network for
per-frame prediction.
[105] CNN -A prepressing step was used to clean and augment the data. CK+, JAFFE, BU-3DFE
-Subsequently, a CNN was used for feature extraction and classification.
[106] CNN -Four layers of CNN were used for features extraction and classification. FER-2013
[107] CNN, ACNN -A CNN with ACNN was proposed to perceive occlusion regions in the RAFD, AFFECTNET,
face and emphasize the most discriminative un-occluded regions. SFEW, CK+, MMI, OULU-
[108] CNN-RNN -A hybrid CNN and RNN model was used for FER. JAFFE, MMI
[109] GoogLeNet, AlexNet -The performance of two different models was compared for FER. FER-2013
[110] Pre-trained CNN -Pre-trained state-of-the-art models were used for FER. CK+, JAFFE, FACES
Inception, VGG, VGG-
[111] ConvNet, FaceNet -Facial parts were focused on based on depth learning in the field of LFW FACE
[112] 3D and 2D CNN 3D FER was developed to accurately extract parts of face. BU-3DFE
[113] SWE and FNN -FER based on Jaya algorithm was performed, using SWE for features PRIVATE DATA: 700 FER
extraction and an FNN for classification. IMAGES.
[114] AlexNet CNN, FER- -Five different techniques for real-time basic expression recognition from CK+, KDEF
CNN, SVM, MLP images were compared.
[115] Hybrid CNN-SVM -Humanoid robot for real-time FER was proposed based on KDEF, CK+
convolutional self-learning feature extraction and an SVM classifier.
[116] FMPN -An FER framework called FMPN was proposed, in which a branch was CK+, MMI, AFFECTNET
introduced for facial mask generation to focus on muscle movement
[117] NA -Features extracted from an appearance-based network were fused with CK+, JAFFE
geometric features in hierarchical manner.
[118] Spatial CNN, Temporal -A hybrid deep learning model was proposed for FER. BAUM-1, RML, MMI
CNN -Two CNNs models, including Spatial and Temporal CNNs, were
investigated for FER.
[119] Ensembles of CNNs -Different aspects of ensemble generation and other factors influencing FER-2013, CK+, SFEW
the FER performance were studied.
[120] CNN -An FER approach was presented using a CNN. FER-2013
[121] SIFT, CNN -Features were extracted from SIFT and CNN. CK+, MMI
[122] Deep CNN -Different deep learning methods were employed, with a CNN selected as JAFFE
the best algorithm for FER.
[123] CNN -A framework that combines the discriminative features learned via CNN CK+
and handcrafted features was proposed.
[124] CNN, SVM -SIFT and deep features from CNN for FER were combined and CK+
classified by SVM.
[125] Light-CNN -Three CNN models, namely, the light-CNN, dual-branch CNN, and pre- CK+, BU-3DFE, FER-2013
trained CNN models, were used to extract features for FER.
[126] CNN -A CNN was employed for FER. FER-2013
[127] CNN -An FER system was developed based on a CNN model with data CK+, FER-2013, MUG
A comprehensive Survey on Deep Facial Expression Recognition 827
Table 4 (continued)
Ref Technique Contributions Dataset
[128] CNN -The Viola–Jones algorithm was applied for face detection, CLAHE for JAFFE, CK+
image enhancement, DWT to extract the features, and CNN for learning.
[129] DAM-CNN -A model called DAM-CNN was introduced for FER to automatically JAFFE, CK+, TFEID,
locate expression-based regions. BAUM-2I, SFEW
[130] CNN -Handcrafted features were proposed with a multi-stream structure to CK+, MUG, IWFER
improve performance.
[131] CNN, LBP -The abstract facial features learned via a deep CNN were fused with the ORL, CMU-PIE, FERET,
modified LBP features. FACE-SCRUB FACE
[132] DCNN -A two-staged framework based on a DCNN was proposed that was CK+, BU-4DFE
inspired by the nonstationary nature of facial expressions.
[133] MDSTFN -A multi-channel network was proposed to fuse and learn spatiotemporal CK+, RAFD, MMI
features for FER.
-An optical flow was extracted from the changes between the neutral and
peak expression.
[134] CNN, Auto encoder, -A CNN-based pre-trained model was used in core cloud to extract deep RML, ENTERFACE’05
SVM features.
[135] CNN, ELM, SVM -Speech signal was processed to obtain a mel-spectrogram treated as an PRIVATE DATA
image. The spectrogram was fed into a CNN.
-The most representative frames were provided to a CNN model and were
fused with the output obtained from another CNN model.
[136] CNN, EDLM -Based on ensemble learning model, an algorithm was proposed FER-2013, JAFFE,
comprising three sub-networks with different depths. AFFECTNET
-The sub-networks comprised CNN models that were trained separately.
[137] PNN, CNN, Residual -A PNN model designed to combine texture features was applied for CK+
Network, Capsule FER.
Network -This network was constructed using CNN, capsule network, and residual
network models.
[138] CNN -The impact of CNN parameters, such as kernel size and number of filters, FER-2013
was investigated for FER.
[139] CNN -A vectorized CNN model introducing the attention mechanism to extract CK+, FER2013
features in ROI of face was proposed. AFFECT-NET, JAFFE
-ROIs were marked before feeding them into the network.
[93] CNN, LSTM -An FER algorithm was proposed based on a multilayer maxout linear JAFFE, CK+
activation function to initialize CNN and LSTM models.
[140] CNN, LSTM -A framework based on CNN and LSTM structures was developed. CK+, MMI, SFEW
-Images were preprocessed and input to the CNN architecture.
[141] Fast R-CNN -A video-based infant monitoring system was proposed to analyze infant PRIVATE DATA
-The expressions included discomfort, joy, unhappiness, and neutrality.
-The system was based on Fast R-CNN.
[142] CNN, LBP -A system for FER was proposed based on CNN and LBP models. FER-2013
[143] CNN-BDLSTM -An enhanced DNN framework was reported for pain intensity detection VGG-FACE
via facial expression image using four level thresholds.
[144] CNN -A CNN-based FER system was proposed from facial images considering JAFFE, CK+
edge computing.
-The authors trained the model in the cloud and tested the trained model
on edge devices.
[145] LGIN -A LGIN model proposed that was designed to learn to identify an RML, ENTERFACE,
underlying graph structure to recognize emotions. RAVDESS
[146] Transfer learning -A pre-trained CNN was utilized recognize facial emotions. CK+, JAFFE
[147] Firefly algorithm -An FER technique was proposed based on the firefly algorithm, which CK+, JAFFE, MMI
was mainly used for feature optimization.
[148] HOG, Deep CNN -A DNN model was proposed for real-time FER. KAGGLE FER DATASET
-The model was able to detect, track, and classify the human face with
high performance.
[149] Fusion Technique -Facial expressions were localized based on audio and video frames. RML AUDIO-VISUAL
-A network for audio recognition and facial recognition was proposed. DATABASE
-Both the networks were assembled as fusion network.
[150] Hybrid 3D CNN, RNN -A DNN was proposed for FER based on videos and a network was used AFEW-6.0, HAPPEI
for audio as well.
[151] VGGNet, ResNet, -First, the structure of CNN models was studied. Next, four different FER-2013
GoogleNet, AlexNet CNNs models were applied to recognize human emotion.
(continued on next page)
828 M. Sajjad et al.
Table 4 (continued)
Ref Technique Contributions Dataset
[152] DNN -A DNN was proposed for the classification of facial expression based on JAFFE, CK+
a naturalistic dataset.
[153] LBP, ANN -LBP was implemented for feature extraction from images. JAFFE, TFEID, CK+
-GRNN was implemented for the classification of FER based on frame
[154] LSM-RNN, SVM -FER was performed based on LSTM-RNN and SVM models. EMOTIW-2015
[155] Deep learning methods -A DNN was proposed based on a webcam for a smart TV environment FER-2013, CK+
to recognize human facial expressions.
[156] DNNRL -A deep learning method with relativity learning was proposed. FER-2013, SFEW-2.0
-This model learned a mapping from the original images into a Euclidean
space, where relative distances corresponded to a measure of facial
expression similarity.
[157] CNN -A deep CNN was presented for accurate detection of human face FER-2013, JAFFE
[158] CFS based on landmark -An ANN model was presented to classify facial expressions. N/A
and ANN -A points/landmark technique was applied to enhance the performance of
the ANN.
[159] DNN -Multiple DNNs were presented to detect face expressions and combine SFEW-2.0, FER-2013, TFD,
their performance. GENKI
machine learning methods. Table 5 summarizes FER for dif- the current output. However, training RNNs is challenging
ferent edge devices and platforms for different application set- owing to the vanishing or exploding gradient problem; this is
tings. Some of these methods were developed to be deployed a situation in which the network is unable to propagate gradi-
over IoT devices; a detailed explanation of the libraries, train- ents from the output end of the model back to the layers near
ing, settings, and other experiments involved is included in the the input end of the model. A solution to this problem is the
same table. long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, a category of
As discussed above, directly training deep networks on rel- RNNs that can learn long-term dependencies. LSTMs have a
atively small FER datasets leads to problems of overfitting. To chain-like structure comprising memory cells, which include
mitigate this problem, several studies have applied pre-training four neurons each, designed to interact in a very special way.
techniques, wherein popular networks such as AlexNet [86], Gated recurrent unit (GRU) models are a variation of the
VGG-face [49], and VGG [87] are pre-trained on benchmark LSTM architecture. GRU models use fewer training parame-
datasets (such as ImageNet), and their last layers are fine- ters and, therefore, less memory. GRUs execute computations
tuned to adapt the network to a particular task. The authors faster compared with LSTM models, whereas LSTM is more
of [88] experimented with the VGG-Face model, which was ini- accurate for larger datasets. Existing state-of-the-art results
tially trained for face recognition, and then fine-tuned using have been obtained using LSTM or GRU networks. Training
the FER 2013 dataset. The results of their experiments such networks for FER further improves performance. A
revealed that the VGG-Face model was more suitable for the sequence of frames is provided to an LSTM [90] or GRU
FER task, compared with other networks that were pre- [91] network to learn variations in facial expressions and deter-
trained on the ImageNet dataset, which was developed for mine a person’s emotional or mental state. Some of these
object recognition. Similarly, [89] observed that pre-training methods are listed in Table 4.
on large emotion recognition datasets positively affected
recognition performance, and found that fine-tuning with CNN-LSTM and CNN-GRU. Several pre-trained
more FER data could improve performance. models based on CNN architectures and other related variants
Existing techniques commonly adopt RNN models and have been developed and trained for FER. These networks
their variants to recognize emotions in sequences of video include self-encoder and CNN models as well as confidence
frames. Hybrid connections with ConvNets models have networks. They typically exhibit a strong capability for auto-
achieved remarkable performance in several real-world appli- mated feature learning but have no ability to capture contex-
cations. Details of these networks are provided in the following tual time information. For this purpose, several variants
subsections. RNN models have been combined with CNNs to improve
their performance on FER takes such as CNN-LSTM [92– LSTM and GRU. To capture the temporal dependen- 94], CNN-GRU [95]. Such networks obtain richer and more
cies of sequential data, deep recurrent networks, particularly discriminative expression information from facial expression
LSTMs, have achieved promising performance. Recurrent sequences by eliminating the influence of differences and the
neural networks (RNNs) are neural networks that contain cyc- external environment to improve recognition accuracy. In
lic connections (loops). This characteristic enables them to these networks, the CNN extracts deep visual information,
learn the temporal dynamics of sequential data well. RNNs and the LSTM learns to synthesize and identify the temporal
can connect past information to the present task to predict dynamic sequence details. These networks focus on the influ-
A comprehensive Survey on Deep Facial Expression Recognition 829
Table 5 FER over different edge and IoT platforms along with recent products.
Ref/Paper Description Platform
[77] -Training was performed on an NVIDIA TITAN Xp GPUs and deployed on a phone. Smartphone
[144] -Three prototypes were used.
-The first prototype was an end device implemented on Android version 10, and the second was an edge
component implemented using CUDA 10.0-enabled NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 8 GB GPU drivers with
cuDNN v7.6 for deep learning models. The final result was a communication component with two parts, one
running on a smartphone using Apache HttpClient to communicate with server and the other is running in the
server with Django.
[145] -PyTorch was used with an NVIDIA RTX-2080Ti GPU for experiments.
[160] -An algorithm implemented in Python with PyTorch and OpenCV was used for the preprocessing operations on
the images. The training of the CNN took approximately one hour with a single NVIDIA Titan X GPU.
-To run the trained model on mobile device, it was converted into ONNX format and used ONNX-CoreML to
obtain a CoreML model for use on iOS v1 1 or higher.
[161] -A smartphone app was used to analyze facial expressions and to construct a classifier to predicts emotional states
in mobile settings.
-In a testing phase, the feasibility of the approach was demonstrated for certain emotions using a person-
dependent classifier.
[74] -The proposed model was easily deployable to smartphone devices.
[105] N/A
[162] N/A
[144] N/A Raspberry
[163] N/A Samsung S3
[137] -The Python programming language on a GTX1070 GPU was used to train the model. IoT devices
-A model was proposed for IoT; however, the device was not defined.
[134] -The model was proposed for IoT; however, the device was not defined.
[135] -The model was proposed for edge devices; however, the device was not defined. Edge
[136] -The model was proposed for IoT devices; however, the device was not defined. devices
Different Products
Product Link Platform
AffdexMe [AffdexMe on the App Store (apple.com)] IPhone,
MorphCasto [MorphCast - Facial Expression and Emotion Recognition AI | Face Emotion Analysis] Mac/Apple
Emotient [20 + Emotion Recognition APIs That Will Leave You Impressed, and Concerned | Nordic APIs |] Apple
Affectiva Smart
ence of micro-expression recognition. Some of these methods clouds. The output emotion is generally one of seven emotions:
are listed in Table 4. happy, angry, fear, disgust, sad, surprise, or neutral. Perfor-
mance is evaluated using several metrics, including precision, CNN-BDLSTM and CNN-BIGRU. BDLSTM and accuracy, recall, specificity, and F1-score. (Eq. (1)–(6)) More-
Bidirectional GRU (BIGRU) are extensions of traditional over, the method uses a confusion matrix that consists of true
LSTM and GRU architectures, respectively; they improve positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive (FP), and false
the performance of learning models for more effective FER. negative (FN) rates. Similarly, models are analyzed in terms of
BDLSTM trains two LSTM, and the sequence is processed their real-time deployment and sentiment analysis. The time
in both the forward and backward directions. Thus, an addi- complexity and FER model size were investigated for real-
tional context is provided to the network, which results in fas- time deployment on edge devices.
ter learning of the sequence of an expression. Therefore, for TP þ TN
FER, a CNN is inserted at the end as a hybrid connection Accuracy ¼ ð1Þ
TP þ TN þ FP þ FN
to help the model to deeply process the changes evident in
facial expressions. These hybrid connection models include TP
CNN-BDLSTM [96,97] and CNN-BIGRU [98]. Table 4 lists Precision ¼ ð2Þ
some of the hybrid methods.
3.4. Output emotion and evaluation Recall ¼ ð3Þ
Fig. 5 Visual representation of facial expressions from different well-known datasets: (a) Cohn_kanade, (b) JAFFE, (c) MMI, (d)
KDEF, and (e) BU-3DFE.
FER-2013 [170]: This is an unrestrained large-scale dataset BU 4DFE [175]: This dataset is used to analyze facial
collected from the API of Google image search, wherein the actions from static 3D space to dynamic 3D space. It con-
images were registered and resized to 48 48 pixels after tains 606 3D expression sequences in approximately 60,600
discarding incorrectly labeled frames. This dataset consists frames.
of 35,887 total images with seven emotion labels. Oulu CASIA [176]: This includes 2880 sequences obtained
AFEW [171]: This dataset consists of videos clips gathered from 80 individuals, of which each video was recorded
from movies with impulsive expressions, diverse head and processed by either infrared or visible light systems
poses, illuminations, and occlusions. This is a multimodal installed with three distinct illumination settings. The initial
dataset that provides a wide range of environmental condi- frame shows a neutral expression, while the peak expression
tions for video and audio. is given in the last frame. The initial frame with neutral
SFEW [172]: This dataset was gathered from the static expression and the last three frames from 480 videos deliv-
frames of the AFEW dataset. The most commonly applied ered by the visible light system under illumination were
version of SFEW 2.0 comprise three sets: training, testing, investigated experimentally.
and validation. These labels are publicly accessible. RAF-DB [177]: The real-world affective face dataset (RAF-
Multi-PIE [173]: This dataset comprises 755,370 images DB), contains 29,672 diverse ranges of facial images col-
ranging from 337 subjects with 19 illumination conditions lected from different sources on the Internet. Seven are
up to four recorded sessions and 15 viewpoints, where each basic, and eleven are compound emotion labels that were
face image is labeled as one of six expressions. A multiview manually annotated.
FER can be achieved using this dataset. EmotionNet [178]: This is a large dataset with one million
BU 3DFE [174]: The BU 3DFE consists of 606 emotion facial expressions collected from the Internet, of which
sequences captured from 100 individuals. The six expres- 950,000 images were annotated using an automatic detec-
sions were developed from each subject in different man- tion model in [178] and 25,000 images are annotated via
ners consisting of multiple intensities. Multi-PIE is also 11 automatic detections.
applicable to multiview FER analyses. CASME II [179]: This is also laboratory-controlled dataset
from which roughly 3000 facial movements, 247 expres-
832 M. Sajjad et al.
sions were chosen for the dataset with action units labeled. cantly affects the results. Changes in illumination can drasti-
The samples showed spontaneous and dynamic expressions. cally change facial appearance. Hence, the difference between
AffectNet [180]: This consists of more than one million two faces captured under different illuminations is higher than
images gathered from the Internet by querying different that of two distinct faces captured under the same illumina-
search engines with search terms related to emotions. tion. This issue makes FER particularly challenging and has
HAPPEI [181]: The happy people images is provided to attracted attention over the last few decades. Numerous algo-
evaluate the intensity of happiness in a group of people. rithms have been proposed to handle illumination, and they
This dataset contains 4886 samples sourced from Flickr broadly involve three distinctions. The first approach deals
using keywords that are associated with groups of people with image processing methods that are helpful for the normal-
and occasions, such as parties, marriages, reunions, and ization of faces with distinct lighting effects. For this purpose,
bars. All collected samples contained more than one indi- histogram equalization (HE) [188,189], logarithm transforms
vidual subject that was annotated with group-level mood. [190], or gamma intensity correlation [189] have been consid-
Synthetic FER Dataset [182]: Existing techniques have vari- ered. Another approach is 3D facial modeling. Researchers
ous limitations, such as sharpness, translation of distinct in [191,192] suggested that a face viewed form the front with
images, and preservation of identity. These issues are addressed different illumination creates a cone known as the illumination
via the texture deformation-based generative adversarial net- cone. Similarly, in the third approach, the features of the face
work, which disentangles the texture from a new image and are extracted where they are illuminated, and the features are
based on the extracted textures, and transfers the domains. subsequently forwarded for recognition.
Challenges in FER Datasets: Several challenges and issues Face pose. Face pose is another major challenge; FER
related to FER datasets, such as a lack of large-scale expres- systems are very sensitive to slight changes in pose. The face pose
sion data, image quality, and size, widely influence the recog- varies with the head movement and changes in viewing angle.
nition of emotion in both indoor and outdoor conditions. The head movement or variation in the camera point of view
Numerous solutions have been applied to overcome these chal- can cause changes in the facial appearance, thus creating intra-
lenges. If the images are of very low quality, a diverse range of class variations and considerably decreasing the performance of
cleansing and smoothing filters can improve the quality of the FER methods [193]. However, despite the powerful recognition
frames and thus increase the accuracy of FER. Typically, data- rate of CNN models to extract features, their recognition rate
sets contain a limited amount of data. However, as deep learn- decreases significantly with the introduction of face poses [194].
ing models require large-scale data for training, data The human face is roughly shaped like a convex spheroid, and
augmentation methods have been exploited to improve the pose leads to the self-occlusion phenomenon and reduces the
diversity of training data and assist in training the network. FER accuracy. Therefore, performing FER reliably for different
head posed remains a significant challenge.
5. Challenges and future research directions Occlusion. Occlusion refers to cases in which a certain
This section explains some notable challenges and identifies part of the face is not visible or is hidden. Occlusions occur
possible directions for future research. because of beards, accessories, moustaches, masks, and so forth.
The presence of such components makes the subjects more
5.1. FER challenges diverse and can causes recognition systems to fail. Owing to
the complex and variable environment in which a face is pre-
sented, occlusion may change significantly. Occlusions in FER
Defining an expression as representative of a certain emotion can be can be categorized into temporary and systematic [20]. Tempo-
difficult even for humans. Studies have shown that different people rary occlusions occur when the face portion are temporarily
recognize different types of emotions in the same facial expression. obscured by other objects; for example, a hand-covering face,
FER involves numerous challenges, such as the fact that diverse people moving across the face, or different environmental
training data are required, as well as imagery with diverse back- changes, such as lightening and shadows. Sometimes, self-
grounds, different genders, and different nationalities, etc. occlusion may occurs owing to variation in head pose. Whereas,
systematic occlusion is produced by the occurrence of individual
5.1.1. Scarcity of FER datasets facial components, such as hair, scars, or a moustaches [195].
Existing publicly available datasets do not suffice for effective
FER, nor are they sufficiently diverse. These problems require Ageing. Human facial features tend to change with age,
effective solutions, such as data augmentation, combination of such as, lines, shapes, and some other aspects. Recognizing
several datasets, modification of existing data, or creating a emotions in such cases is a very challenging, and solving this
new dataset [79]. Typically, complex deep learning models problem requires a considerable amount of training data. Con-
are extremely ‘‘data-hungry,” and require data in different sidering the age of the face, the majority of the mainstream
forms for more effective and easier training. This solution research has investigated whether posed facial expressions
avoids the overfitting problem in training the network. There- are decoded less accurately compared to young people faces
fore, FER requires data where the expression should be cap- [196,197], regardless of the expression. This occurs with facial
tured from all possible angles for effective outcomes. muscle contraction and the actual landmark change [198]. Ear-
lier literature attempted to discuss the decline in the recogni- Illumination. Illumination refers to light variation from tion of expressions in several ways. For example, older
different or single angles. A slight change in light conditions is people are presumed to focus on the lower half of their face
a significant challenge for emotion recognition and signifi-
A comprehensive Survey on Deep Facial Expression Recognition 833
during communications. Therefore, they can fail FER, which 5.2.1. Surveillance-scaled FER datasets
is expressed primarily in the eye regions. As the focus of FER research shifts toward challenging in-
the-wild environmental conditions, several researchers have Low resolution. Low-resolution images or videos in focused on deep learning technologies designed to handle dif-
FER systems represent another challenge. The minimum reso- ficulties such as occlusions, illumination problems, nonfrontal
lution for a standard image is 16 16, whereas an image less poses, and recognition of lower-intensity emotion. As FER is
than 16 16 is considered as low resolution for FER. Images a data-driven task in which the training of a deep network
with low resolution lead to the loss of feature information requires a large amount of training data to capture subtle
extracted via traditional techniques and the degradation of facial expression-related deformations, the lack of large-
better recognition. Similarly, the feature distribution changes scale training data is a major challenge in terms of quality
with a reduction in the resolution. This reduction occurs and quantity. Owing to different genders and cultures, emo-
because of the limitations in the quality of the camera equip- tions are interpreted in different ways. An ideal dataset must
ment and the distance of the person from the lens; therefore, include images with precise facial attribute labels, along with
the captured face image has different resolutions. Image other attributes, such as gender, race, ethnicity, and age, thus
super-resolution technology can recover high-resolution facilitating related research on different genders, distant age
images from low-resolution images with rich information ranges, and distinct cultural FER via deep learning methods,
[199–201]. Some studies [202] have used image super- such as transfer learning approaches and deep networks.
resolution to enhance low-resolution images for better FER. Similarly, existing FER datasets are widely captured using
normal cameras, whereas FER patterns are only recorded
5.2. Recommendations in terms of regular patterns. Models trained on such data
are less effective in recognizing expressions in surveillance
A thorough investigation of FER methods throughout the lit- footage or expressions that occur far from the camera view-
erature reveals numerous drawbacks and limitations that need point. The problem of occlusion and face pose has also
to be solved and addressed. A summary of these limitations is attracted significant attention to overcome the scarcity of a
provided in Table 7, and a detailed discussion of these limita- diverse range of FER datasets covering different head-
tions and future research directions is provided below. posing annotations and surveillance-based captured
Table 7 Summarized form of limitation/drawbacks in existing 5.2.2. FER with lower computational resources
FER. Combining edge computing with the deep learning technolo-
# Terms Remarks gies is expected to further enhance data processing and ensure
real-time processing to provide instant decisions. FER over
1 Bias and imbalanced Bias and inconsistency exist in
data distribution annotations that occur owing to an edge improves connectivity and security, and the data
different conditions and subjectivity of are processed over the edge. Edge intelligence further
annotations. Therefore, the algorithms improves the network control of data and communication
using intra-datasets lack management, and helps reduce the time delay. Thus, the
generalizability on unseen data and FER is performed with less computation, and the decision
exhibit reduced performance. is made on the same platform where the entire processing
2 Single modalities Humans with different behaviors in the is performed. For the FER domain, this may be considered
real world include an encoding from a ‘‘missing concept” of performing recognition of emotions
various perspectives, whereas facial
at the edge and making real-time decisions. Similarly, several
expressions in existing methods are
devices can be clustered, thereby forming an IoT-assisted net-
based primarily on single modality.
3 Head motions, These variations widely effect the work, where all devices are interconnected and share infor-
illumination, and performance of the FER methods, mation [17]. Such methods enable complex applications to
aging particularly in videos and 2D images, be executed on the network edge with limited process power
whereas 3D data is somewhat robust to [203].
such variations.
4 Dependency FER algorithms are dependent 5.2.3. FER via E2E
predominantly on large number of
Although a various technique that choose the learned features
features points.
5 Manual intervention Although FER methods are automatic, for FER as a prerequisite step can be found in the literature,
several systems still require deep networks or models that obtain a single video image as
intervention. input and process it directly to generate the type of expression
6 Age Most methods do not consider the time are lacking. The FER literature lacks such end-to-end (E2E)
and effects of age. deep CNN models that can directly process frames and pro-
7 Dissimilarity in data Facial data exhibit a high degree of vide real-time expressions. Thus, the development of such
dissimilarity, and FER systems can models is highly recommended in the future for FER with sat-
accurately recognize the expressions isfactory accuracy. Such networks are intended to process
only for faces similar learned in
frames or sequences of frames from the camera through differ-
ent convolutional layers and pooling layers. These models are
8 Action Units- (AU) Detection of AU or combination of
several AUS has not been addressed. expected to be relatively user-friendly, easy to operate, and
employed for real-time FER.
834 M. Sajjad et al.
5.2.4. Group expression analysis siders deep learning and AI using edge modules to ensure
Recognition of emotions of a single individual is compara- efficiency. To this end, numerous studies have contributed to
tively easy for deep network models. However, a collective the literature on FER. Most existing FER surveys focus on
and group emotion may positively provide a thorough sce- the features and characteristics of emotions from methods with
nario of the ongoing action to analyze the mood and examine different application directions. However, they have ignored
the subject’s actions and probable gestures. Therefore, a group the challenges of existing datasets and their solutions. Further-
FER method, wherein the overall expression of all individuals more, most studies do not provide any direction or motivation
is computed, is required. AI-based deep models should be pro- towards the edge/IoT setup for facial emotion recognition. In
posed and fine-tuned for this purpose. Similarly, deep models this study, the existing FER techniques were surveyed, and the
are developed for deployment on the network edge to be easily relevant literature was thoroughly analyzed and surveyed,
equipped in a learning class or workplace. essentially highlighting the FER working flow, integral and
intermediate steps of most methods, as well as pattern struc-
5.2.5. FER everywhere tures and limitations in existing FER surveys. In contrast to
current surveys, the FER for edge vision (that is, on mobile
The exposure of FER-based code and implementation
devices such as smartphones or Raspberry Pi computers) has
resources is a very important consideration in future research
been deliberately examined, and different FER evaluation tac-
owing to its positive impact on real-world applications [76].
tics have been comprehensively discussed. Finally, a discussion
Although several techniques either introduce a novel way of
on the challenges in FER along with some possible directions
learning expressions using hybrid frameworks or modified
for future research were presented.
ER-based systems, such methods are limit to applications in
In the future, we plan to provide a detailed comparative
homes, organizations, or other private sectors. Their imple-
analysis of FER methods applied for different purposes by
mentation and related resources are private and unavailable
exploring their implementation resources and algorithms.
for the development of real-time FER systems. Therefore, pub-
Our efforts will focus on the investigation and inclusion of
licizing source codes along with all the resources used on dif-
FER in security, performance on edge devices, precision, and
ferent websites, including GitHub and ‘‘Papers with Code,”
so forth. Similarly, data from different genders, races, and sce-
is highly recommended for effective usage by the FER
narios are not widely available; therefore, we plan to explore
such datasets and evaluate their performance in terms of dif-
ferent aspects considering different modalities.
5.2.6. Federated learning
Federated learning (FL) is a novel concept in machine learn- Declaration of competing interest
ing; herein, an algorithm is dispersed among other edge devices
or servers storing the data sample locally without exchanging it The authors declare that they have no known competing
[204]. This procedure is different from the commonly applied financial interests or personal relationships that could have
centralized algorithms that require all local datasets to be appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
loaded on a single server [205]. This learning enables the model
to gain more experience from a wide range of datasets at dif-
ferent locations. Features are extracted from both audio and Acknowledgement
images [204] and the collected information recognizes facial
expressions. This research was funded by the European Union through
the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program, in the
5.2.7. AML for FER context of the ALAMEDA (Bridging the Early Diagnosis
In adversarial machine learning (AML), adversaries act as and Treatment Gap of Brain Diseases via Smart, Connected,
malicious inputs designed to ensure that the model fails to pre- Proactive and Evidence-based Technological Interventions)
dict the correct labels. In recent years, AML has become a cru- project under grant agreement No GA 101017558. This work
cial part of computer vision tasks, such as FER, object is also partially funded by FCT/MCTES through national
detection, and activity recognition. In [206], an AML approach funds and when applicable co-funded EU funds under the Pro-
was proposed that provides anonymity for individual subjects ject UIDB/50008/2020; and by the Brazilian National Council
whose expressions have to be recognized by applying convolu- for Scientific and Technological Development-CNPq, via
tional transformation, which degrades the individual relevant Grant No. 313036/2020-9.
data for fully connected layers. The output was passed to
two classifiers to recognize the expression. References
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