3. The duties and functions of a RGE under the BO are classified into
“executive role” and “advisory role” as appropriate in respect of the geotechnical
elements of building works as outlined at Appendix A.
/5. …..
5. The RGE would take up an “executive role” for tasks 2A, 2B, 4, 7A, 7B,
10 and 11. For these executive tasks, the RGE shall prepare and sign the prescribed
geotechnical plans and reports. For example in task 11, the submission of monitoring
reports, justifying the proper functioning of permanent anchors and horizontal drains,
should be prepared and signed by the RGE. For the geotechnical works for which the
RGE takes up an executive role, the RGE shall also be required to certify that the
works have been carried out in accordance with the approved plans and that the works
completed are geotechnically safe.
6. Tasks 1, 3, 5A, 5B, 6, 8 and 12 are duties and functions of the RGE in an
“advisory role” in geotechnical related matters. In all these advisory tasks, the
geotechnical report/supporting documentation should be prepared and signed by the
RGE. The signature is deemed to indicate the RGE’s acceptance of responsibility for
the geotechnical report/supporting documentation. The AP or RSE should be
responsible to prepare and sign as appropriate the plans concerned and the associated
reports and documentations relating to non-geotechnical matters.
( AU Choi-kai )
Building Authority
Ref : BD GP/BORD/75(X)
BD GP/BREG/P/16 (Pt V)
(Rev. 2/2009)
Appendix B
(PNAP 294)
Division of Responsibilities between AP, RSE and RGE
Buildings Brief Description of the Signing of Plans Signing of Supporting Supervision of Works Certification of
Ordinance & Requirement Documents Completion
BO s16(3)bb BA may refuse consent AP and RSE to prepare and RGE to sign Geotechnical RGE – Qualified To be certified
when precautionary and sign demolition plans. Reports and supporting supervision on by AP & RSE
other protective measures documentations geotechnical aspects
are not adequately RSE should ensure all the imposed under
provided. relevant recommendations RSE to sign Structural BOs.17(1)(6)(e) as a
by the RGE are incorporated calculations for structural condition of approval
B(A)R 8(3) Demolition plans as in the plans. Any difference supports and structural
prescribed plans in opinion should be assessment report relating RSE – All supervision of
resolved between the RSE to the demolition structural works apart
B(C)R 7 Building works not to and RGE before submission from the above
adversely affect adjoining to BD.
buildings etc.
2A. Ground Investigation in Scheduled Areas
Buildings Brief Description of the Signing of Plans Signing of Supervision of Works Certification of
Ordinance & Requirement Supporting Completion
Regulations Documents
B(A)R 8(1)(l) Ground investigation plan RGE – Ground RGE to sign The RGE appointed shall give such RGE – ground
in the scheduled areas are investigation plans in Geotechnical periodic supervision and make such investigation in
prescribed plans Scheduled Areas Reports and inspection as may be necessary to ensure Scheduled
supporting that the geotechnical works are being Areas
B(C)R9 Site investigation to be documentations carried out in general accordance with the
carried out to recognized where submitted. provisions of the Ordinance and
standards as to provide regulations and with the plans approved by
adequate geotechnical data the BA, and the supervision plan prepared
in compliance with the technical
B(C)R24 Site investigation to be memorandum issued under section 39A of
carried out to provide BO.
necessary information for and
design and construction of Qualified supervision imposed under
foundations BOs.17(1)(6)(e) to be provided by RGE as
set out in PNAP 132.
2B. Ground Investigation in Non-scheduled Areas
Buildings Brief Description of the Signing of Plans Signing of Supervision of Works Certification of
Ordinance & Requirement Supporting Completion
Regulations Documents
B(C)R9 Site investigation to be Submission of plans RGE to sign The RGE appointed shall give such RGE – ground
carried out to recognized to BA for approval is Geotechnical periodic supervision and make such investigation
standards as to provide not a statutory Reports and inspection as may be necessary to ensure
adequate geotechnical data requirement under supporting that the geotechnical works are being
BO. documentations carried out in general accordance with the
B(C)R24 Site investigation to be where submitted* Ordinance and regulations. Details are set
carried out to provide out in PNAP 132.
necessary information for
design and construction of
* The relevant foundation, site formation, excavation or other plans may be disapproved if the ground investigation report-
- is found not acceptable;
- does not include the required certificate from Registered Specialist Contractor (Ground Investigation Field Works) or RGE; or
- does not include a proper surveyed record of the boreholes.
3. Geotechnical Assessment for General Building Plan when required
Buildings Brief Description of the Signing of Plans Signing of Supporting Supervision of Works Certification of
Ordinance & Requirement Documents Completion
B(A)R 8(1)(ba) BA may require N/A RGE to sign Geotechnical N/A N/A
geotechnical assessment of Assessment Reports and
adequacy of the site for supporting documentations
the proposed building where submitted
4. Site Formation
Buildings Brief Description of Signing of Plans Signing of Supporting Supervision of Works Certification of
Ordinance & the Requirement Documents Completion
B(A)R Site formation plans AP* - General layout RGE to sign The RGE appointed shall give such AP* to certify
8(1)(bb) are prescribed plans plan showing location Geotechnical Reports periodic supervision and make such completion of site
of site and extent of and supporting inspections as may be necessary to formation works
works, and connection documentations ensure that the geotechncial works are
B(A)R 11A In area number 1 of of proposed surface being carried out in general accordance RGE to certify
the scheduled areas, drainage to public RGE to sign with the provisions of the Ordinance completion of
foundation plan to be drains Performance Review and regulations and with the plans geotechnical
submitted with site Reports and supporting approved by the BA, and the aspects of site
formation plan RGE – All site documentations on the supervision plan prepared in formation works
formation plan except completed site compliance with the technical
B(C)R 20 Site formation works general layout plan and formation works as memorandum issued under section 39A If structural works
to be designed and plans involving required under of BO, are involved, RSE
constructed to have structural details only BOs.17(1)(6)(g). and to certify the
adequate margin of Qualified Supervision imposed under structural works.
safety and would not RSE – plans showing RSE to sign structural BOs.17(1)(6)(e) as set out in PNAP 83
adversely affect any structural details calculations and
structure, etc. structural assessment RSE- supervision of structural works
* If the proposed works encroaches on Government land, AP shall arrange for permission from Lands Department.
5A. Foundation in Scheduled Areas Nos. 1, 2 & 4 and Designated Area of Northshore Lantau
Buildings Brief Description of the Requirement Signing of Signing of Supporting Supervision of Works Certification of
Ordinance & Plans Documents Completion
B(A)R 8(1)(d)(i) Foundation plan to show size & To be signed RGE to sign RGE – Qualified AP & RSE to
B(A)R11A position of foundation together with by RSE Geotechnical Reports supervision on the certify
site investigation work undertaken and and supporting geotechnical aspects completion of
grouting works to be carried out documentations imposed under foundation
BOs.17(1)(6)(e) as a works
In Designated Area of Northshore condition of approval
Lantau, the submission of foundation as set out in PNAP 83
plan to follow the conditions set out in
PNAP 283
B(A)R 8(1)(d)(ii) Foundation plan in scheduled areas 2 & RGE to sign RSE – All supervision
4 to be accompanied by supporting Performance Review of structural works
documentation including schedule of reports on the completed apart from the above
geotechnical design assumptions and foundation in Scheduled
discussion of anticipated geotechnical Areas Nos.1, 2 & 4
problems etc
5B. Foundation Affecting Slopes and Retaining Walls
Buildings Brief Description of the Signing of Plans Signing of Supporting Supervision of Works Certification of
Ordinance & Requirement Documents Completion
B(C)R 23 Foundation works not to To be signed by RSE RGE to sign Geotechnical RGE – Qualified AP & RSE to
adversely affect any Reports and supporting supervision in the certify
building, structure, land, documentations geotechnical aspects completion of
street or services imposed under foundation
RSE to sign structural BOs.17(1)(6)(e) as a works
design calculations of condition of approval as
foundations and structural set out in PNAP 83
assessment reports
RSE – All supervision of
structural works apart
from the above
6. Excavation and Lateral Support
Buildings Brief Description of the Signing of Plans Signing of Supporting Supervision of Works Certification of
Ordinance & Requirement Documents Completion
B(A)R 8(1)(bc) Excavation and lateral RSE to sign plans RGE to sign Geotechnical RGE – Qualified To be certified
support plans required to Reports and supporting supervision on the by AP & RSE
be submitted for approval RSE shall ensure that all the documentations geotechnical aspects
as stipulated in PNAP 148 relevant recommendations imposed under
shall include a schedule of by the RGE are incorporated RSE to sign structural BOs.17(1)(6)(e) as a
geotechnical design in the plans. Any difference design of shoring and condition of approval as
assumptions, and a report in opinion should be structural assessment set out in PNAP 83
to include discussion of resolved between the RSE report of the effects of the
anticipated geotechnical and RGE before submission excavation and dewatering RSE – All supervision of
problems to BD. on adjoining structures structural works apart
from the above
B(C)R7 Building works not to
adversely affect adjoining
building etc
7A. Groundwater Drainage Works in Scheduled Area 1
Buildings Brief Description of the Signing of Plans Signing of Supporting Supervision of Works Certification of
Ordinance & Requirement Documents Completion
BO s28A BA may require plans RGE RGE to sign The RGE appointed shall give such To be certified
prescribed by regulations Geotechnical reports periodic supervision and make such by AP* & RGE
to show groundwater AP* to prepare and supporting inspections as may be necessary to
drainage works whether or and sign general documentations ensure that the geotechnical works are
not extending beyond the layout plan if being carried out in general accordance
site boundary in Schedule proposed works RGE to sign with the provisions of the Ordinance and
Area No. 1 extend beyond Performance Review regulations and with the plans approved
the site boundary reports on the by the BA, and the supervision plan
completion of the prepared in compliance with the technical
groundwater drainage memorandum issued under section 39A
works in Scheduled of BO, and
Area No.1 Qualified supervision imposed under
BOs17(1)(6)(e) to be provided by RGE
* If the proposed works encroaches on Government land or adjoining private lots, AP shall arrange for permission from Lands Department or
adjoining lot owners, and certify completion of works.
7B. Water Supply and Wells
- 10 -
8. Superstructure
Buildings Brief Description of the Signing of Plans Signing of Supporting Supervision of Works Certification of
Ordinance & Requirement Documents Completion
B(A)R 8(1)(i) Prescribed plan to show RSE RGE to sign Report on RGE’s input as necessary. To be certified
structural details geotechnical design by AP & RSE
parameters for the
- 11 -
10. Remedial Works to Dangerous Hillside
Buildings Brief Description of Signing of Plans Signing of Supporting Supervision of Works Certification of
Ordinance & the Requirement Documents Completion
BOs.27A BA may order AP* – General RGE to sign The RGE appointed shall give such AP* & RGE to
owners of natural, layout plan showing Geotechnical reports and periodic supervision and make such certify
formed or man-made location and extent supporting inspections as may be necessary to completion of
land, or earth- of works, and documentations ensure that the geotechnical works are investigation/
retaining structure connection of being carried out in general accordance slope
considered to be proposed surface RSE to sign structural with the provisions of Ordinance and stabilization
dangerous or liable drainage to public calculations and regulations and with the plans approved works
to become drains structural assessment by the BA, and the supervisions plan
dangerous, to do report prepared in compliance with the technical If structural
works or to carry out RGE – remedial memorandum issued under section 39A works are
investigation and works plan except of BO involved, RSE
remedial measures as plans involving to certify the
specified structural details Qualified supervision imposed under structural works
only BOs.17(1)(6)(e) to be provided by RGE
- 12 -
11. Long Term Monitoring (Post Occupation Permit)
Buildings Brief Description of the Signing of Plans Signing of Supporting Supervision of Works Certification of
Ordinance & Requirement Documents Completion
No statutory PNAP 50 – Monitoring of Submission of such RGE to sign Geotechnical RGE to supervise the N/A
requirement but pre-stressed ground monitoring report is not a reports, including monitoring works
Practice Note for anchors statutory requirement, interpretation of the
AP&RSE except when a Dangerous monitoring data, and
PNAP 137- Monitoring of Hillside Order under periodic monitoring
horizontal drains BOs.27A is issued records
- 13 -
12. Hoardings, Covered Walkways and Gantries Affecting Slopes and Retaining Walls
Buildings Brief Description of the Signing of Plans Signing of Supporting Supervision of Works Certification of
Ordinance & Requirement Documents Completion
B(P)R 64(1) Plans of hoardings, AP/RSE to prepare and sign RGE to sign Geotechnical AP and RSE – All N/A
covered walkways and the plans Reports and supporting supervision of
gantries to be submitted documentations erection/demolition of
with application for RSE should ensure all the hoardings, covered
hoarding permit relevant recommendations RSE to sign structural walkways and gantries
by the RGE are incorporated calculations for structural
PNAP 75 - hoardings, in the plans. Any difference supports and structural
covered walkways and in opinion should be assessment report relating
gantries not to adversely resolved between the RSE to the hoardings, covered
affect the stability of any and RGE before submission walkways and gantries
nearby slopes or retaining to BD
walls RGE to certify the stability
of any nearby slope or
retaining wall not being
adversely affected, in the
streamlined processing
under Appendix D of
PNAP 75 and renewal of
hoarding permit and minor
amendment under
Appendix E of PNAP 75
(Rev. 2/2009)
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