Paradigm-Busting Workbook
Paradigm-Busting Workbook
Paradigm-Busting Workbook
It is up to us to interpret the “facts”
Thought exercise: is a given megatrend an opportunity or threat? It could be either, depending on your mindset. Complete this exercise by filling in the blanks, challenging yourself to interpret the “facts”, which many see as threats, as opportunities.
Threat Opportunity
New health-care
Rising health-care costs Health-care spending
services and settings
Higher purchasing power of citizens
creating a conducive business
environment for better consumer
Urban congestion Urbanization
products & services companies, banks,
credit institutions, healthcare,
education industry, transport etc.
Growing power and
Economic loss and human impact Sustainability
infrastructure needs
Creates a better environment for
Near-term price and energy volatility Energy price volatility shifting to stable green energy
alternatives like Hydrogen etc.
Creates employment, leads to better
High competition in rapidly evolving innovation to compete, fringe
Shifts in our mental models enable us to solve problems and pursue opportunities
Small, incremental change in our mental
models doesn’t always yield the change we
need; we need to actively challenge our Old mental models
assumptions to drive meaningful change.
BIC opened the door to new lines of business (e.g., lighters, razors) by shifting mental models
Low-cost airlines shifted prevailing airline paradigms to disrupt the aviation industry
Fill in the blanks.
Describe another mental model shift that has resulted in a major change
Fill in the blanks.
Video CD/DVD Stores ● No or limited piracy through these
● Depended on In-store sale of physical platforms
● Subscription model ( monthly or
CDs/ DVDs – more infrastructure
needed. yearly )- access to entire content hosted.
● ● OTT deals with production houses –
Piracy and black market of movies /
video industry. exclusive hosting of specific titles.
● Niche and exclusive content available
● Rental/ Buy model – single movies or only on their platforms – Loyalty and
multiple exclusivity of customer base.