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Capes Lesson Plan 1st Year

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Rebahi Nouar Secondary School Academic Year: 2017/2018

Unit 02: Our Findings Show Class: 1 st Year LIT stream

Sequence: Developing Skills

Learning Objectives: by the end of the lesson, learners will be able to :

 Write a report about the findings of a survey about 1st year LIT pupils’
orientation to 2nd year.

Functions :
Teaching aids :
 Interpreting
 The white board
 Analysing
 Handouts
 Synthesizing
 Deducing

Phase Procedure Aim T.A.

Warm-up  Do you agree when I say that all first year  To introduce the topic
(preparation) LIT pupils prefer Foreign Languages of the lesson.
Key: PPs give different answers. They don’t
have to agree.
 How can we confirm or disconfirm this 5
claim? Mins
Key: we make a survey.
 T distributes handouts of a survey
 I have already done a survey with your
classmates in the other class and here are
the results.
Lesson  T asks PPs to fill in the gaps in the form  To activate PPs
presentation given with the items in Task 01. background knowledge.

(presentation) Key:
Task 01 1------- 1st Year LIT Pupils’ Orientation to 2nd
Year. (f)
2----- purpose. (c) 5
3----- number of informants (a) mins
4----- gender (b)
5----- age (d)
6----- education (e)
 Now we have the results of the survey.
What should we do at the end?
Key: we should write a report.
 What do we start with when writing a  To build schematic
report? knowledge needed for
Key: we start with a title. “1ST YEAR LIT writing the introduction.
 What comes next?
Key: the introduction comes next.
 What do we include in the introduction?
Key: we include all the items seen in the
previous task (task 01) 10

Task 02  T asks PPs to write the introduction to the  To write the Mins

(practice + report using the previously ordered items. introduction of the

Production) Key: ( you will find a suggested solution on report.

the last paper)
 T asks some PPs to read their
introductions then chooses the best and
writes it on the board.
 PPs correct mistakes if any.

 Now we have written the introduction.  To build schematic

What should we do next? knowledge needed for
Key: we should write the body of the report. writing the body of the
 What must be included in the body? paragraph.
Key: the body includes all the questions with
their options and results.
 Do we put them as they are?
Key: no, we change them to the reported
 T divides the class into 4 rows and gives  To change direst
each row a question with its options and questions and 20
Task 03 answers. Then, she asks each pair in a statements to the direct Mins
(practice + row to change them to the reported speech.
production) speech.
Key: ( you will find a suggested solution on  To write the body of
the last paper) the paragraph.
 T asks some PPs to read their productions
then chooses the best four answers to be
written on the board.
 T emphasizes the use of link words.

 Now we have written the introduction and  To build schematic

the body. What are we left with? knowledge needed for

(Presentation Key: we are left with the conclusion. writing the conclusion.

)  What is the purpose of the survey?

Key: to find out whether first year LIT pupils
prefer Foreign Languages stream or not.
 Where can we find the answer to this
Key: we find it in the results of the survey. 10
 Where do we write this answer? Mins
Key: we write it in the conclusion.
 T asks PPs to read again the results of the  To deduce the final
survey and sort out the final result. result of the survey.
Key: the final result is: first year LIT pupils

Task 04 prefer Foreign Languages stream.

(practice +  T asks PPs to use the final result they  To write the conclusion

production) came up to write the conclusion. of the report.

Key: : ( you will find a suggested solution

on the last paper)
 T asks some PPs to read their
productions then chooses the best answer
to be written on the board.


People think that most 1st year LIT pupils prefer Foreign Languages stream more than
Literature & Philosophy. I decided to do a survey to find out if it was true or not. I asked 34
informants, 21 girls and 13 boys, between 14 and 16 years old so as to confirm or disconfirm the

First, I asked my informants how they qualified themselves. Thirteen pupils said as higher
achiever and 21 as lower achiever. Then, I questioned them if they were good at Foreign
Languages. Twenty-five pupils said yes and 09 said no. After that, I asked them if they were good
at memorizing. Nine pupils said yes and 25 said no. Finally, I questioned the informants what they
preferred. Nine pupils said that they preferred Literature & Philosophy while 25 pupils preferred
Foreign Languages.

At the end, our findings show that first year LIT pupils really prefer Foreign Languages

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