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Level:3ASS/GE/M December 2019 English Exam (First Term) : Adapted From S. Beder, 'A Community View'1998, Pp. 101-111

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Level :3ASS/GE/M December 2019

English Exam (first term)

Part One: Reading(15 points)
A. Comprehension(08 pts)
Read the text carefully then do the following activities.
Advertisers spend billions of dollars a year worldwide encouraging and manipulating
people into a consumer lifestyle with devastating impacts on the environment. Advertising
exploits individual insecurity, creates false needs and offers counterfeit solutions. Children
are particularly vulnerable to this sort of manipulation.
Children are increasingly becoming the target of advertising because of the money they
spend themselves,the influence they have on their parents spending and because of the
money they will spend when they grow up. Marketing used to concentrate on sweets and
toys; it now includes clothes, shoes, fast foods, sports equipment and computer products.
Therefore, marketing to children should be carefully restricted. In particular, Internet
and TV adverts should be banned. Such advertising favorsthe cost of these services rather
than thatof children's values, health and integrity. The future of the planet will be at stake if
we allow advertisers to turn children into hyper consumers.
Adapted from S. Beder,
'A Community View'1998,pp. 101-111
1. Say whether thefollowing statements are true or false? Write T or F next to the
letter corresponding to the statement.
a. Huge sums of money are spent on advertising.
b. Advertising targets children only.
c. Modern marketing focuses on sweets and toys.
d. Adverts have harmful effects on children.
2. Identify the paragraph in which the following ideas are mentioned.
a. we ought to stop TV and Internet ads for kids.
b. the influence of ads on people's lives leads to environmental degradation.
3. Answer the following questions according to the text.
a. Are today's advertising methods ethical?
b. Why does advertising target children? State two reasons.
c. Do you agree with the writer's conclusion, "The future ... hyper consumers."? Justify.

4. Find who or what the underlined words in the text refer to.
a-themselves §2 b-that §3
Text exploration (07 pts)

1. Find in the text words or phrases that are closest in meaning to the following:
a- fake §1 = ... b-impact §2 = ... c-forbidden §3
2. Divide the following words into roots and affîxes(07 pts)

Words Prefixes Roots Suffixes

insecurity ………… ………… …………
encouraging ………… ………… …………
restricted ………… ………… …………
3. Rewrite sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A.
1. A- I want to be able to eradicate corruption after my election.
B- I wish …….........................................................................................................
2. A- The FAF should impose more stringent punishments against corrupt clubs.
B- It’s high time ........................................................................................................
3. A- The authorities Are controlling the imported products
B- The imported products …………………………………………………………….
4. Fill in each gap with the appropriate word from the list given.
evaluate - ethical - advertising - adults - unethical - children
There are questions about the ability of children to understand advertising and not be
deceived by it. Experts say that ....1.... don't understand persuasive intent until they are nine
years old and that it is....2.... to advertise to them before then. According to Holmes from
the Consumers Union, "Young children havedifficulty in distinguishing between ....3.... and
reality, and ads can distort their view of the world." Additionally children are unable to
....4.... advertising claims.

Part two: Written expression (05 points)

Choose ONE of the following topics.
Topic one:
You feel you are a victim of advertising. Write an article of about 80 to 100 words for
your school magazine denouncing the impacts ads have on your lifestyle. Make the best use
of the following notes.
- manipulate / over-consumption
- change eating habits / health problems
- waste of money / debts
- household waste / environmental problems

Topic two :
Write an essay of about 80 words on the following topic: Do you think that
conventional food is really endangering our health ?
AnswerSheet 3ST/GE/M Exam First Term

A / Compréhension :

1 .a/true b/false c/false d/true

2. a- paragraph 3

3. a- No, theyaren’t

b- 1- because of the money the childernspend

2- the influence childern have on their parents spending/ the moment theywillspendwhentheygrow up

3- yes/no

4. themselveschildrenthatcost


1. Fake = counterfeit impact= influence forbidden= banned


prefix Root suffix

In Secure ity
en Courage ing
re Strict ed
3. 1b- I wish I wouldbe able to eradicate …… election

2b- It’s high time the FAF imposed more stringent …… clubs

3b- The importedproducts are beingcontrolled by the authorities

4 . 1- children 2- unethical 3- advertising 4-evaluate

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