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Make Peace Unit Introduction

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Lesson plan

LEVEL: 2 YEAR (Scientific Streams).


UNIT 01: Make Peace Teacher’s name: Abdelghani Adnane

THEME: Peace and Conflict Resolution School:
Learning Objectives: by the end of this unit learners will be able to:
1. Infer the concepts of peace and war and associate them with different practices.
2. Identify and discuss sources of conflicts.
3. Learn lexis related to the theme and the unit.
Material needed: Pictures, pens, brush, white board.
Time expected: 1 Hour
Rubric Procedure Aim Timing

 The T invites Ls to look at the pictures displayed.
 The T engages Ls in a discussion through questions. To Activate Ls’ prior 15mns
- What do these pictures represent? knowledge.
- Which organization helps keep peace in the world? To introduce lexis
- Who is the man in the picture? Where is he from? related to the theme
and unit to Ls.

To provide Ls with
varied necessary
vocabulary related to
Possible Ls’ answers: War – soldiers – bombs – fire – tanks –
the topic.
Logo – Organization – Black man arrested – police.
Key: - The first two pictures represent wars and conflicts.
- The Logo is for the UN organisation, located in New
- The man is Martin Luther King Jr, a black American
who fought to end racism, segregation and slavery.
Task 01: Match the words with their definitions
Words Definitions
a- Conflict 1- Member of an army. 10mns
b- Refugee 2- Fight, struggle or
serious disagreement.
c- Soldier 3- A prize awarded for
those who promote
peace worldwide.
d- Noble Peace Prize 4- A person who is
forced to leave his To acquire keywords
country because of and expressions
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war. related to the theme.

Task 02: Complete the mind map


War: Death, destruction, fight, ...

Peace: Happiness, development, growth, …. To enrich students’

 The T asks the students:

- What are the sources of conflicts? 10mns

- How can you solve a conflict?
- Do conflicts happen only between countries?

Key: Sources: Pressure, poor communication, lack of

clarification, ……

Resolutions: Empathy, listening, good communication, … To associate the

theme with Ls daily
life practices.

Project Presentation: Achievements Card

An achievements card contains a person’s picture and

biography. It states what this person has done to promote peace
in the world. This person can be:
Martin Luther King Jr – Nelson Mandela – Mahatma
Ghandi – Yasser Arafat

 The T asks the students to choose their partner and sets To introduce the
the deadline of the final submissions’ deadline. project of the unit to
 The T guides the students the mention the following Ls.
points in their works:

- A picture of the Nobel Peace Prize winner.

- A short biography of his personal life.
- His achievements and contributions to achieve peace.
- Famous citations and quotes that this person said.

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