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The key takeaways are that this document outlines a school curriculum and schedule for the year, covering various English language topics across different units and sequences.

The document outlines the school year month by month. For each month it lists the weeks, dates, units/topics to be covered, and the listening, speaking, reading, writing and other skills to be practiced each week.

Some of the topics covered include intercultural exchanges, the press, the environment, innovation and technology, and famous people. Language skills like phonics, grammar, vocabulary and more are also practiced.



School : Teacher:
Months September Weeks 2 dates 09 13

The Annual Schedule

Level & Stream: 1st literary Stream
Content Diagnostic Evaluation Unit One : Intercultural Exchanges / Getting Through Sequence One : Listening & Speaking
Project Announcement : Making a Job Application Booklet Anticipate Listen & check Say it clear: Intonation in polite requests/ Stress in two-syllable words ItsYour Turn Say it in Writing: writing a short speech about ad antages & drawbacks o! Internet

School Year: 2012 / 2013



16 20


23 27


Sequence Two : Reading & Writing

Anticipate" #ead& $heck %isco er the Language Write it #ight


30Sep 04

Sequence Three: Developing Skills:

&hone Tactics Su''ary" (aking phone con ersation )or'al" In!or'al Language: Writing 'essages using !or'al or in!or'al *nglish Application letters: recognising the layout" writing an application letter


Stop & Consider: 2 07 11

*+pressing &urpose" The use o! ,'ust-. ,ha e to-. ,need toThe use o! articles" correlati e con/unctions ,either0000or-. ,neither0000000nor-


Sequence Four: Consolidation & Extension

Write it 1ut" Work it 1ut Unit Two (3rd): Communication T!e Pre""# $ur %inding" "!ow&&&

Sequence One : Listening & Speaking 3 14 18

Project Announcement : Conducting a 'ur(e) Anticipate


Page 1 sur 4
Listen & check Say it clear: (aking co'pound nouns" Stress in co'pound nouns Stress Shi!t ItsYour Turn" Say it in Writing

21 25

25 %

Sequence Two : Reading & Writing

Anticipate" #ead& $heck %isco er the Language

5 November 1

28 31
Write it #ight

1st Term Test + Correction Sequence Three: Developing Skills:

Tactics Su''ary !or doing a sur ey #ecognising" !ill in a 2uestionnaire Su''arising dialogues choosing the appropriate reporting erbs Se2uel o! ,%e eloping Skills'top * Con"ider: +eported 'peec!

04 08


11 15


Sequel of Stop & Consider:

Ad erbs o! 'anner" Ad erb or ad/ecti e3 Ad/ecti es with the su!!i+es ,!ul-. or ,less-" stress in such words

Sequence Four: Consolidation & Extension

Write it 1ut" Work it 1ut Unit T!ree (,t!): -n(ironment Pollution# Back to .ature

Sequence One : Listening & Speaking 3 4 1 18 22 25 29 02 06

Project Announcement : Making a Con"umer /uide Anticipate Listen & check



1st Term Exams Correction of the1st Term Exam

Say it clear: Intonation in au+iliary & ,wh- 2uestions Stress Shi!t ItsYour Turn" Say it in Writing

2 3 4

09 13 16 20 22 31


Winter Holidays Winter Holidays Sequence Two : Reading & Writing

Anticipate" #ead& $heck

Page 2 sur 4 1 02 03 January

%isco er the Language Write it #ight 45,80% 50 %

Sequence Three: Developing Skills: 2 06 10

Tactics Su''ary !or conducting a 'eeting #ecognising" responding to an ad ert" writing a ,green- ad ert-

Stop & Consider:

$onditionals type4.5.6 %eri ing ad/ecti es using su!!i+es %eri ing opposites using pre!i+es 7uanti!iers

3 January 4 5

13 17 20 24 27 31

54,16% 58,32%

Sequence Four: Consolidation & Extension

Write it 1ut" Work it 1ut 5.6

2 Term Test + Correction Unit Four: Innovation & Technology/ Eureka Sequence One : Listening & Speaking
Project Announcement : Making a Pro%ile o% an 0n(ention Anticipate Listen & check Say it clear: Intonation in indirect 2uestions Stress in na'es o! sciences & ad/ecti es deri ed !ro' the' Turn" Say it in Writing ItsYour



03 07


2 3 4 1

10 14 Sequence Two : Reading & Writing 17 21 24 28 03 07 10 14

Anticipate" #ead& $heck %isco er the Language Write it #ight

66,64% 70,80


2nd Term Exams Correction of the2nd Term Exam Sequence Three: Developing Skills:
Tactics Su''ary !or a product presentation & ser ice #espond to a newspaper article !ro' an opinion page #espond in writing to opinions about tachnology

75 %

Page 3 sur 4 3 17 21 4 24 28 Stop & Consider: April 1 31 04 Spring Holidays Spring Holidays

The use o! de!inite" inde!inite articles *+pressing result using ,so0000that%escribing an ob/ect: shape. colour. etc


The use of the future perfect

Unit 1i(e (2nd): 1amou" People $nce Upon a Time

07 11

Sequence One : Listening & Speaking

Project Announcement : 3riting a Book +e(iew Anticipate Listen & check Say it clear: pronouncing !inal ,edStress in three-syllable words



14 18

ItsYour Turn/ Say it in Writing Sequence Two : Reading & Writing

Anticipate" #ead& $heck %isco er the Language


4 5

21 25 28 02(May)

Write it Right 3rd Term Test + Correction Sequence Three: Developing Skills:
Tactics Su''ary: describing people 8uided story telling #espond to a short narrati e



05 09


Stop & Consider: 2 12 16

The use o! si'ple past & past continuous The use o! relati e pronouns

100 %

3 4 Inspector:

19 23 26 - 30

Sequence Four: Consolidation & Extension Write it Out/ Work it Out 3rd Term Exams Correction of the3rd Term Exam Principal / Vice-Principal : Teacher:

Page 4 sur 4

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