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Implementation of Smart Restaurant With E-Menu Card: Mayur D. Jakhete Piyush C. Mankar

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 119 – No.21, June 2015

Implementation of Smart Restaurant with e-menu Card

Mayur D. Jakhete Piyush C. Mankar

Asst. Prof; Electronics Dept; M.E. student; Electronics Dept;
G.H.R.I.E.M, Jalgaon G.H.R.I.E.M, Jalgaon
India India

ABSTRACT of tools that have been built from the ground up alongside the
Today’s era is said to be the world of technology. So many platform providing developers with high productivity and
efforts have been taken by restaurants owners also to adopt deep insight into their applications.
information and communication technologies such as PDA,
wireless LAN, costly multi-touch screens etc. to enhance The project mainly aims in designing completely automated
dining experience. This paper highlights some of the menu in restaurants with the help of Android mobile phone
limitations of the conventional paper based and PDA-based using Wi-Fi module and a LCD to provide a user-friendly
food ordering system and proposed the low cost touch screen environment. There is no need of a person to take the order
based Restaurant Management System using an android from the table. The menu will be displayed automatically on
Smartphone or tablet as a solution. The system consists of a the customer mobile application using wireless Wi-Fi
Smartphone/tablet at the customer table contains the android connectivity and we can directly order the menu with the help
application with all the menu details. The customer tablet, of press on the menu.
kitchen display connects directly with each other through Wi-
Fi. Orders made by the customers will be instantly reach the 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
kitchen module. This wireless application is user-friendly, The journey for getting up to the peak of joy and facilities that
improves efficiency and accuracy for restaurants by saving we are presently experiencing started with initial footstep of a
time, reduces human errors and provides customer feedback. wireless technology. The introduction of basic proposed
This system successfully overcomes the drawbacks in earlier systems and consequent developments are been mentioned
automated food ordering systems and is less expensive as it here
requires a one-time investment for gadgets.
Khairunnisa K. proposed the application of wireless food
Keywords ordering system. This work presented in-depth on the
Smartphone; automated; Wi-Fi; E-menu; android application; technical operation of PDA[1] based Wireless Ordering
intelligent; ordering System (WOS) including systems architecture, function,
limitations and recommendations.
1. INTRODUCTION N. M. Z. Hashim presented an approach to develop a system
The advancement of Information and Communication by introducing the integration of Bluetooth technology[2] as
Technology has led to an increasing number of industries to the communication medium and Peripheral Interface
use electronic media and corresponding application for Controller (PIC) as the hardware which implemented faster
information exchange. In the restaurant sector, Modern ordering system.
wireless device such as Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) has
been adopted into restaurant system to replace the S. R. Patil, Snehal Salunkhe highlighted the limitations of the
conventional way of taking orders using pen and paper. existing technologies and proposed the advanced system,
However, the PDA-based food ordering system has known which focuses on low cost touch-screen[3] development to
limitations such as the requirement of training of attendants, enhance the dining experience.
the need of having attendants to operate, the inefficiency
during peak hours and small screen size and the K. A. Wadile developed a control system for autonomous
Multitouchable restaurant Management System has mobile robots[4] used in Hotel management. Mobile robot
limitations such as touch screens used are of mostly capacitive having minimal centralized control was developed. The work
type or resistive type which are costly. Hence by introducing focused on the development of two basic motion control
an application loaded in an android Smartphone or tablet algorithms, namely a GOTO algorithm and a FOLLOW
containing the menu details these limitations can be algorithm, for use in a master–slave system. These robot
overcome. motion control algorithms would have wide applicability in
hotel operations.
Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes
an operating system, middleware and key applications. Ashwini Bankar, Mamta Mahajan later on took one step
Android boasts a healthy array of connectivity options, ahead. They further exended the service with Paypal[5].
including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and wireless data over a cellular Technologies were used innovatively in a modern restaurant
connection (for example, GPRS, EDGE (Enhanced Data rates such as multi-touch LCD with Arduino mega, RF module,
for GSM Evolution), and 3G). Android provides access to a database & line following Robot to enhance quality of
wide range of useful libraries and tools that can be used to services and to enrich customers’ dining experience.
build rich applications. In addition, Android includes a full set

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 119 – No.21, June 2015

Sushmita Sarkar presented the integration of touch technology

in restaurants using android. This system was a basic dynamic
database utility system which fetches all information from a
centralized database[6]. The tablet at the customer table
contains the android application with all the restaurant and
menu details.

Suradej Sarmaputra furthermore put the enchanting concept of

NFC i.e. Near field Communication for restaurant field[7].
The solution “Food Pre-Order System using NFC Based
Smartphone” introduced an alternative method for the guests
to be able to create the order before they approach the
restaurant. Using NFC based Smartphone; the pre-ordered
items can be captured by touching the phone at the NFC
attached menu poster placed in eye-catching crowded area.
When the guests approach the restaurant, the saved order can
be confirmed by touching the Smartphone at the Order
Dispatching Station located in the service area inside the
Fig 1. System block diagram
Kiran Kumar reddy, B.Naresh employed combination of
Bluetooth technology along with android phone[8]. An 3.2. System Overview
android application was designed containing food item details The microcontroller used in this project is ARM LPC2148. It
in restaurant. The input device was Smartphone or tablet and is a 64 pin Microcontroller which comes under ARM 7
output section was PC. Cloud-based server for storing the version of ARM controllers. This is intended for high end
database was used which made it inexpensive & secure. applications involving complex computations. It follows the
enhanced RISC architecture. It has high performance and very
Asan, N. Badariah introduced Smart Ordering System which low power consumption..
was also a fast way to order food at a restaurant. The system
used a small keypad to place orders and the order made by Reset is used for putting the microcontroller into a
inserting the code on the keypad menu. These codes came 'known' condition. That practically means that microcontroller
along with the menu. The signal would be delivered to the can behave rather inaccurately under certain undesirable
order by the Zigbee technology, and it would automatically be conditions. In order to continue its proper functioning it has to
displayed on the screen in the kitchen.[9]. be reset.

M. Firdouse Ali Khan and V. Swapna later on added facility The LPC 2148 board readily offers crystal oscillator
like speech commands and wireless technology like Zigbee with 60 Mhz frequency which leads to excellent system
for data transmission from input section i.e. customer to performance. The LEDs are used for indication purpose. Wi-
kitchen section[10]. The system would automatically Fi module shows connectivity with Smartphone through small
complete data receiving, storage, display, and analysis. It was LED on it
provided with many advantages as great flexibility, portability
Wi-Fi is a wireless technology that uses radio
3. PROPOSED WORK frequency to transmit data through the air. Wi-Fi has initial
We propose this integration of touch technology in restaurants speeds of 1mbps to 2mbps. Wi-Fi transmits data in the
based on android technology. It is a wireless food ordering frequency band of 2.4 GHz. It implements the concept of
system using android devices. Android devices, in the past frequency division multiplexing technology. Range of Wi-Fi
few years, have reached the pinnacle of popularity and have technology is 40-300 feet.
revolutionized the use of mobile technology in the automation
of routine task in wireless environment. A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a thin, flat
electronic visual display that uses the light modulating
properties of liquid crystals. Liquid crystal display is very
3.1 System block diagram important device in embedded system. It offers high
The system block diagram of Touch and Order in restaurants flexibility to user as he can display the required data on it.
is shown in figure. The android application on tablets at the
tables. The tablets will be provided to customers, at their Here we have used it for displaying the order at kitchen
tables, allowing them to directly view the menu card and
order immediately from their respective tablets. The tablets
are the property of the establishment and are kept at each
table. A buzzer or beeper is an audio signaling device, which may
be mechanical, electromechanical, or electronic. It will sound
This system, however, is confined within the restaurant for indicating that a new order is been received at kitchen
vicinity only.
Fig. shown below is the actual circuit diagram for our system:

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 119 – No.21, June 2015

Fig 2. Circuit diagram for system

Flowchart for understanding the system operation.

3.3. Methodology
Each table in the restaurant will be accompanied with an
android tablet or a Smartphone. The device will be loaded
with an android supporting application containing food menu
details at that restaurant.

All the above mentioned digital components such as

Smartphone/tablet (containing menu app), Microcontroller, an
another android phone (we used it for enabling hot-spot to
tether the wireless network) and Wi-Fi module are connected
wirelessly to create a Wi-Fi network.

Some steps are mentioned here to understand the working of

the system easily:

 Enable the Wi-Fi on Smartphone/tablet on which

you wish visualize the E- menu card.
 Turn on the Portable hotspot on another android
phone to tether wireless network.
 Now switch on the power supply. We will find an
initial indication of buzzer and LED. (The blinking
small LED on Wi-Fi module will stop blinking
immediately after detecting the Wi-Fi on
 Now we can observe the connected devices (Wi-Fi
module and Smartphone containing app) on the
phone on which hotspot is enabled.)
 As we tap to open the application that we have
designed for menu details, we will be asked to enter
the IP address and port number of system.
 After entering the valid credentials we will be
presented with the screen in that Smartphone/tablet
containing beautifully colored images of the menus
in the restaurant.
 Person may tap on the image that he/she want to
order. After clicking on, command will go to
microcontroller through Wi-Fi.
 The microcontroller is dumped with an embedded C Fig 3. System Operation
coding containing all the details regarding menu.
 Eventually it will command to the LCD to display 3.4. Technologies
the corresponding order on it at the kitchen section This project is implemented using following software’s:
along with buzzer indication.
3.4.1 Express PCB –
Express PCB is a software tool to design PCBs specifically
for manufacture by the company Express PCB (no other PCB
maker accepts Express PCB files). It is very easy to use

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 119 – No.21, June 2015

3.4.2 Keil µ Vision4 software –

The µVision IDE from Keil combines project management,
make facilities, source code editing, program debugging, and
complete simulation in one powerful environment. The
µVision development platform is easy-to-use and helping you
quickly create embedded programs that work. The µVision
editor and debugger are integrated in a single application that
provides a seamless embedded project development

3.5. Assumptions
The success of the proposed system is based on the
assumptions that:

 End users should be able to use tablets.

 Network connection will always remain stable.
 Tablets should work fault free. Fig 5. Status when no input (order) is given
3.6. Advantages
 Low power consumption.
 No need of a person to take order from the table.
 Long life.
 Highly sensitive
 Easy to install because of wireless interface.
 Usage of Android touch screen smart phone in
performing the task.
 Wi-Fi wireless transmission
 Useful for even illiterates and dumb people.
 Can be used with any language.
 Easy to install because of wireless interface.
 Fast response.
 Efficient and low cost design.
 Low power consumption.
3.7. Limitations:
 Status and feedback of order is not obtained. Fig 6. Order received for Water
 Limited distance (Generally confined to a hall).
 System may not work properly if tablet/Smartphone 5. CONCLUSION & FUTURE SCOPE
suffer a defect
Integrating features of all the hardware components used have
 Also may become a drawback if end users are not been developed in it. Presence of every module has been
able to use the tablet/Smartphone devices. reasoned out and placed carefully, thus contributing to the
best working of the unit. Secondly, using highly advanced
IC’s with the help of growing technology, the project has been
4. TEST RESULTS successfully implemented. Smart restaurant is developed in
Following are the screenshots of actual results of our system. order to provide easy interaction between customers through
wireless technology. Thus the project has been successfully
designed and tested.

Similarly, the system can also be implemented with Graphical

LCD for displaying the menu as we have used android phone.
However the system becomes more bulky and delicate to
handle because each table is going to consist of such module
for ordering.

[1] Khairunnisa K.” The Application of Wireless Food
Ordering System” in MASAUM Journal of Computing,
Volume 1 Issue 2, September 2009

[2] N. M. Z. Hashim “Smart Ordering System via

Bluetooth” in International Journal of Computer Trends
and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 4 Issue 7–Month

[3] S. R. Patil “e-converse An affordable touch screen

Fig 4. Menu options at customer mobile. solution to intrigue Dining experience”

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 119 – No.21, June 2015

[4] K. A. Wadile “E- restaurant management system using [8] Kiran Kumar reddy, B.Naresh”Intelligent E-Restaurant
robot” in international journal of informative & futuristic using android OS” international journal of scientific
research. 2015 engineering and technology 2014

[5] Ashwini Bankar “Review paper on - Design of [9] Asan, N. Badariah” Zigbee-Based Smart Ordering
Intelligent Restaurant with a Touch Screen Based Menu System (S.O.S)” International Journal of Computer
Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 11 number 5
[6] Sushmita Sarkar “Integration of Touch Technology in – May 2014
Restaurants using Android” in International Journal of
Computer Science and Mobile Computing 2014 [10] M. Firdouse Ali Khan and V. Swapna” Design And
Implementation Of Ordering System For Restaurants” in
[7] Suradej Sarmaputra,’’ The Food Pre-Order System for International Journal of Engineering Research &
Restaurant using NFC Based Smartphone” Technology (IJERT) in 2012
Technopreneurship and Innovation Management
Program Chulalongkorn University..


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