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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

National Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Networking (ACCNet – 2016)

Smart Ambulance System

Poonam Gupta Satyasheel Pol Dharmanath Rahatekar
Dept. of Computer, G.H. Raisoni, Dept. of Computer, G.H. Raisoni, Dept. of Computer, G.H. Raisoni,
college of engineering and college of engineering and college of engineering and
management, Wagholi management, Wagholi management, WagholiHijewadi,
Wagholi, Pune Kothrud, Pune Pune

Avanti Patil
Dept. of Computer,
G.H. Raisoni, college of engineering
and management, Wagholi
Viman Nagar, Pune

ABSTRACT have been increased and to bar the loss of life due to the
Emergency medical response in India is lagging behind other accidents is even more crucial.
countries. This is partially because of lack of technology We can overcome these limitations by upcoming technology
implementation at ground zero. To address the issue, we are like IoT[1] i.e, Internet of Things. Various hardware devices
introducing smart ambulance system. It would take India to can be connected with each other via wired and wireless
competitive position in emergency services around the globe. networking tools and software implementations. Use of
Over the last few years there is a revolutionary development various
in the field of Internet of Things (IoT). It can be used
seamlessly & widely in large number of end system where REST APIs can help to communicate between the server and
subset of a large amount of data can be accessed and client end which is implemented in this project.
processed easily and powerfully. IoT and smartphone
REST APIs are designed in such a way that time complexity
technologies helps in building a platform which serves every
will be minimized extensively. This is achieved by
smartphone user. The application collects location
exchanging only the required data with server in order to
information from Global Positing System (GPS) hardware
minimize the traffic and loss of data packets in the process of
and uses Google Map Application Programming Interface
transaction. With the help of cutting edge technology and
(API) to plot details of the ambulances on the Google Map
keeping the goal in mind we’ve developed this application. It
Client of the Smartphone App. Same functionality can be
is also an attempt to participate actively in the process of
used for the other module which enables user to find the
transforming into smart city and make required services more
hospitals with the number of services provided by those in
brief manner. With the help of medically equipped and
technologically powered ambulance, information about
patient’s health details can be sent to the hospital in order to
Google has developed API for user’s ease. Google Maps gives
take further action. Interaction between the smartphone and
information about hospitals nearby, with its rating and
the centralized database can be done using Representational
distance from user’s current location. The drawback of
State Transfer Application Programming Interface (REST
Google Maps is that it only pins the hospitals but does not
APIs). The platforms that are used, capable of molding into
provide their detailed information. Hence user may need to
various services that are implemented and it is believed that
access information about the hospital by going to particular
these technologies can make a revolutionary work in public
hospital’s website.
GPS work if utilized properly.
Smart ambulance system application overcomes this
Keywords drawback and gives hospital information related to user’s
Hospital, Ambulance, Emergency, Public Safety, Smart City, medical emergency. It’s a protocol that gives information
Smartphones, GPS, REST, JSON. efficiently about the patient’s health including pulse, blood
pressure etc. It also tells about the respective drugs and
1. INTRODUCTION medicines automatically. All this is informed to the doctor and
In today’s era, there are many cities which are working on the caretaker about the patient’s condition. All these
transforming themselves into Smart Cities. If the city is going interactions are controlled and takes place under Ambient
to be called as Smart City, then it should have all possible Assisted Living (AAL) system. This Project has a facility of
advancements in the sector of smart technology. Improving delivering the prescribed drugs to the patients. A Device
efficiency in healthcare sector if one of the difficult and most named Ubiquitous Drug Injector (UDI) also has designed.
challenging jobs. That includes various aspects such as getting One More pervasive device is designed which is for patients.
ambulance within minimum amount of time, providing proper It receives inputs from the ambient sensor devices. It correctly
treatment to the patient so that the chances of surviving infers the patient’s condition. All the things done in this
increases in critical condition. Traffic congestion is one of the project facilitates in prescribing appropriate drugs for the
major problems in urban areas, which have caused much respective diseases and saves lot of time [2].
hitches for the ambulance. Moreover road accidents in the city

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
National Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Networking (ACCNet – 2016)

This project has a goal to create a smart environment at the result of user’s query is sent back to the user in form of JSON
hospital and the ICU unit is the main aim. Here a small format.
difference or the treatments given at that time can make great
changes. For implementing this researchers have used ZigBee Smartphone application reads the response of the server and
which is a wireless Communication protocol, OSGi it’s a retrieves the required information and places it on to Google
middleware called as Open Service Gateway initiative. A map client of smartphone device or displays in a listed format
knoplerfish is used which is a framework for implementing depending on the user’s preference. A marker is used to pin
OSGi. The ICU can be made more sophisticated by the use of point the location of retrieved data is knows as Pin. To
pervasive computing devices, sensor, and wireless differentiate between pins that are used for pointing hospitals
communication technologies. This project helps doctors to get and ambulances we’ve used custom pins. It makes easier to
information about his patient admitted in the ICU. All the understand the difference even to naïve user. This can be done
changes in patient’s physical condition can be received by the using Google Map API’s functionality. There is a set of
doctor remotely. Various outputs given by the monitoring predefined markers that are made available by Google in their
systems is collected. It is then sent to the orchestration server Google Map API. But for user’s convenience custom pins are
and which hosts the web services. A camera is fixed at the used. That API guideline is also provided in Google Maps
patient’s end. All the collected information of the live feeds of documentation.
the patient is stored at the distributed database. It is then
displayed in the web service according to the doctor. Hence,
3.2 Architecture
We’ve tried to keep the architecture of the system as simple as
doctor gets information about the patient’s condition and
possible. As there won’t be need of any security model the
caretaker gets the information about the prescription of the
architecture complexity is automatically reduced. Following
patient [3].
diagram states working of module one.
The Importance of communication during the disaster times is
Diagram Fig. 1 suggests user sends requested to server
understood well by this project. Emergency situation includes
regarding the required service i.e. either hospital information
disasters like fire, medical emergencies, accidents,
or ambulance details.
earthquake, floods or any other natural calamity. The project
works on enabling ad hoc smart phone based communications The second module is used to send live information about the
at the emergency time over WIFI, to avail the service the patient’s health to the desired hospital selected by the user
person in trouble shall call EMS(Emergency Management (Fig.3). Using various smart devices support enabled
System) designed by this project. Requests are received by the hardware components, the readings will be recorded by the
server. Lent server system principle is used the server system which will be available inside the ambulance. The app
responds to the client’s request. Client and rescue application will send the data in the form of live feeds so that hospital
is developed as an android application. Server is implemented management can make necessary pre-requisites till patient
as a web based application. The system is tested using various reaches the hospital. It is said that treatment given while
GPS enabled android Phone [4]. taking patient from source place till hospital is most crucial in
case of any heart related problem and emergency. Thus
The health status of the wireless sensor networks is relatively
Hospital administrative person can guide which actions
opaque to the network administrators, and they are deployed
should be taken until patient it reaches hospital.
to monitor the environment. This project provides detection of
failure and symptom alerts also. The project is divided into 2
parts as, energy efficient protocol and distributed failure
detector module. Energy efficient protocol is used for
delivering state summaries. The failure detector is robust to
packet losses and attempts that the reports of failure will not
exceed a specific rate on negative side. The findings are
evaluated by implementing for tiny OS platform on Mica2
notes on a 55-node network, and find that the project gains
8090% reduced bandwidth usage as compared to standard
data collection methods [5].


3.1 Overview
The system is divided into two modules depending on their Figure 1: Module One: Finding Ambulances & Hospitals
functional & behavioral implementation. Both modules work
on the principle of IoT [8] with the help of REST APIs. First
module is used to find locations of ambulances within the
5km radius from user’s location. Also the same module is
used to find hospitals and their services within radius of 10km
of user’s current location.
Here user’s location is traced using GPS hardware device. The
location is retrieved in the form of double value as latitude
and longitude. E.g. 19.54526, 73.87099. This is the format of
the latitude and longitude. This location is transmitted to the
server by executing POST request. Depending on the user’s Figure 2: Module Two: Sending patient’s information to
location, server processes the data and matches with records the hospital
stored into the database. After processing of such data the

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
National Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Networking (ACCNet – 2016)

3.3 Design and implementation 3.5 Why use JSON over XML
The implementation of this system is divided into server client i. Simplicity:
architecture in order to make small size application and keep JSON is simpler to understand than XML. Since JSON has
all the data available centrally. Thus client is nothing but a smaller grammar, it has more capability than XML for
smartphone having the application and the server side used for mapping onto the data structure
handling user requests and respond by processing them.
ii. Extensibility:
3.3.1 1.User application JSON needs not to be extensible. Since it does not require
This application will initially be based on Android & iOS. On defining new tags or attributes to represent the data. While in
launching the app first device will automatically detect the XML, the case is opposite. Comparatively, JSON has a better
location of user using the GPS devices [6]. Later depending and simpler structure compared to XML and is more easy and
on the user’s requirement/need user will choose option of faster to process. Even though software is available for the
finding nearby ambulances or hospitals or just view services programmer to handle XML, some additional software or
provided by hospitals. This query is sent in the JSON format code is required. While in JSON, less specialized software can
to the server. Server will process on it and respond also be used. JSON notations features which are simpler and
accordingly. The response from server will also be in JSON no additional software’s are required.
format [7]. Smartphone app will read the data from response
Access rate of JSON is faster than XML as it uses fewer
and plot the coordinates or information according to the user’s
words compared to XML.

3.3.2 2.Server end 3.6 Mathematical Model

Server end is designed keeping ease of work in mind. It is Let set H be the set of number of hospitals
designed using PHP. When server will receive a request from H = {h1, h2, h3,…………..,hn}
device, it will parse the data and extract result from the
database. This result will be placed in the JSON format and Let set A be the set of number of Ambulances
will be returned to the device which made that same request. A = {a1, a2, a3,………….., an}
Every JSON request will send data depending on request URL
type. Every request will be in the form of POST/GET query. Let set U be the set of number of Users

3.4 JSON(Javascript object notation) U = {u1, u2, u3………….., un}

JSON is a data interchanging format and is selfdescribing. It Let set S be the set of number of Services
is a rift of the JavaScript programming language. JSON acts
as a syntax directed translators. With the help of high level S = {s1, s2, s3,…………..,sn}
grammar leaning operations, it helps to understand significant
parts of the application JSON acts as a very important aspect
considering sending and retrieving information. Using JSON, Let Result for search of Hospital queries be Rh
we can store information or data in and organized manner. It
Rh = u1 ∩ h1
helps in transmitting data between the server and web
application and vice versa. Let Result for search of Ambulance queries be Ra
It is in text format and this helps in computing language Ra = u1 ∩ a1
independency. Hence, it works as an ideal tool. It has 2 basic
same parts namely 4. ADVANTAGES
It’s beneficial for the users in case of emergencies as it saves
i. Key time which gets consumed in searching for the ambulance by
ii. Value other means.

Where they both together are used as a pair In JSON, the key Information about the hospitals provided helps in getting the
denotes a string which needs to be enclosed between appropriate hospital which is suitable for the patient’s
quotation marks, whereas value can be anything such as treatment.
string, numbers, Boolean expression, and array or can also be Sending patient’s health information to the hospitals helps the
an object. hospital staff to get things ready required for the treatment.
Here the patient need not to wait in any case. Hospitals
information is directly provided through maps and hence there
is no need to visit the particular hospital’s website for
information. Live feeds will help for better medical
procedures which helps in saving patient’s life in an effective

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
National Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Networking (ACCNet – 2016)

Table 1: Chart showing things to be included in smart city initiative [9]

5. CONCLUSION Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information

In this paper, an idea is proposed for saving a patient's life in a Technology, Vol. 31 No.2, pp. 9199,Sep 2011.
faster way possible. It is beneficial for users in case of [3] VeeramuthuVenkatesh, Pethuru Raj, KaushikGopalan
emergencies as it saves time. With this Application, the and Rajeev.T," Healthcare Data Fusion and Presentation
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the app and can provide necessary equipment required for the Orchestration Mechanism," IJCA Special Issue on
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Information about the hospitals provided helps in getting the Practical Applications, Vol. 2, pp. 17-23,June 2011.
appropriate hospital which is suitable for the patient’s [4] Emergency Management System Using Android
treatment. The live feed data sent through the ambulance to Application RehkaJadhav, Jwalant Patel,Darshan Jain,
the hospital helps in keeping track of patient's health details SuyashPhadhtareDepartment of Information Technology
and reach the hospital without any time lag. Sending patient’s G. H. Raisoni Collage of Engineering & Technology,
health information to the hospitals helps the hospital staff to University of Pune, Pune
get the necessary pre-requisites regarding the patient’s
treatment. [5] Ruihua Zhang, and Dongfeng Yuan, "A Health
Monitoring System for Wireless Sensor Networks," in
Hence it reduces the time complexity and helps to provide Proc. of 2ed IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics
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Future scope of this project can be planned by using some of China, May 2007.
the similar concepts used in this project. In order to save lives [6] A Public Safety Application of GPS-Enabled
there are many other factors which can be taken into Smartphones and the Android Operating System, John
consideration. Traffic is one of the most serious issue faced in Whipple William Arensman Marian Starr Boler,
day to day life. This can create delay for the ambulance to Information Systems Engineering Department,
reach the hospital. Traffic police can help in this if they know Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference
the ambulance’s current location in advance. For the same, on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics San Antonio, TX,
traffic police will be provided with an application which USA - October 2009. SSS
shows the current location of ambulance through GPS.
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Sierra, Fac. Informática. Universidad Complutense de
6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Madrid. 28040 Madrid (Spain), Proceedings of the 2013
Our thanks to the experts who have contributed towards Federated Conference on Computer Science and
development of this paper. Information Systems pp. 1557–1564.

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