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Implementation of Iot Based Smart Laboratory: M. Poongothai A. L. Karupaiya R. Priyadharshini

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 182 – No. 15, September 2018

Implementation of IoT based Smart Laboratory

M. Poongothai A. L. Karupaiya R. Priyadharshini

Department of ECE Department of ECE Department of ECE
Coimbatore Institute of Coimbatore Institute of Coimbatore Institute of
Technology Technology Technology
Coimbatore-641014 Coimbatore-641014 Coimbatore-641014

ABSTRACT to the end user. As campus becomes bigger, new management

Internet of Things is a promising technology that has wasted problem appears. Managing the huge number of electrical
no time spreading across the world and connecting the huge systems and devices in a campus has become a real problem.
number of individuals with the devices around them. The There also arises a problem in power management. It is
proposed work aims to develop a smart laboratory system in difficult to monitor all sub-systems such as lighting,
CIT campus based on IoT and mobile application projecting and air conditioning system. But if these systems
technologies that operates in an intelligent manner. This are left indiscriminately, energy will be wasted. The proposed
provides a platform that allows devices to be connected, work aims to reduce the manual effort by automating
sensed and controlled remotely across a network laboratory resources, thereby achieving a futuristic model of
infrastructure. The IoT lab is implemented by embedding the laboratory using IoT. This can be achieved by replacing some
electrical appliances such as lights, air-conditioners, fans and traditional devices by the smart IoT hardware kit so that sub-
projectors in the laboratory with sensors and network system devices will connect to each other for better access[3].
connectivity. These software enabled physical objects collect The user can check the status of the light and control the
and exchange the real time data. Devices in the laboratory are electrical appliances remotely. These devices provide benefits
connected to IoT smart hardware kit and communicate to the users with limited mobility that may have a difficult
through an MQTT protocol which is a messaging protocol for time getting to or even reaching their control switch.
machine-to-machine communication. IoT smart hardware kits
are designed using ESP8266, Arduino UNO, relays and
current transformers. All ESP8266s act as MQTT clients and An automation system uses the portable devices as a user
an online server acts as an MQTT broker. The proposed work interface. They can communicate with an automation network
mainly intents to provide an easy accessibility of the electrical through an Internet gateway, by means of low power
appliances through an Android application and a user communication protocols like Wi-Fi [5]. The emerging
interactive dashboard developed in Node-RED. Along with technologies of Internet of Things (IoT) can be utilized to
the status and energy consumption of individual devices, better manage energy consumption. In the following, few
temperature & humidity status of the laboratory can also be related research works in this field are briefly discussed.
monitored using sensors and viewed in dashboard and mobile Chandramohan et al [1] proposed the intelligent operation for
application. From the results of implementation, it is observed lamps and fans. Here the system is connected with
that the appliances in our lab are remotely monitored and temperature control and lamp control. Light dependent
controlled, thereby reducing their energy consumption resistor (LDR) and Temperature sensor (LM35) are the main
considerably. components for this automatic control of lamps and fans. In
this work, the LDR is responsible for lamp control and LM35
Keywords is responsible for controlling the operation of fan. The
Environmental monitoring, IoT kit, Mobile application, proposed home energy control system design intelligent
MQTT, Node-RED, User- interactive dashboard services for users and provides comfort. The system proposed
in this work [1] is implemented with smart phone.
The Internet of things is a communication paradigm that Pavithra.D et al [9] proposed an efficient implementation for
refers to the idea of connecting the objects of everyday life to IoT (Internet of Things) used for monitoring and controlling
the internet. These objects are assembled with the home appliances via World Wide Web. This work aims at
microcontrollers, transceivers to enable communication, and controlling home appliances via Smartphone using Wi-Fi as
configured with protocol stacks that will realize the communication protocol and raspberry pi as server system.
interaction of the objects with one another to reach to The user here moves directly with the system through a web-
common goals without human intervention This paradigm based interface over the web, whereas home appliances like
gained its strength from the fact that it is interacting with a lights, fan and door lock are remotely controlled through easy
wide variety of devices such as: robots, drones, heating and website. The server is interfaced with relay hardware circuits
air-conditioning systems, security alarms, household that control the appliances running at home. The
appliances, power generation systems, office equipment, and communication with server allows the user to select the
so on, which generate a massive amount of data to provide appropriate device. The communication with server permits
new services to people and both public and private sectors[2]. the user to pick out the acceptable device. The server
A smart laboratory system is based on IoT and mobile communicates with the corresponding relays. If the web
application technologies and aims to provide a practice affiliation is down or the server isn't up, the embedded system
platform for CIT students learning IoT concepts and mobile board still will manage and operate the appliances
application technology. It provides a real smart environment domestically. The proposed concept is extremely clichéd and
for CIT to help improve campus management in the Internet lacks sound design principles.
era and also provides security, energy efficiency and comfort

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 182 – No. 15, September 2018

Akbar Satria et al [12] reveal that most of the home which act as MQTT clients. An online server acts as an
automation systems use Bluetooth in their mobile device for MQTT broker [6].
implementation. This has various demerits in every aspect.
Primarily the Bluetooth has a very small range and the Node-RED is a programming tool for wiring hardware
proposed system could only work in small homes, excluding devices. It provides a browser-based editor that makes it easy
homes with larger area. Bluetooth does not support remote to wire wide range of nodes in the palette that can be deployed
operations, (i.e.) the appliances cannot be controlled by to its runtime in a single-click. Node-RED application aids in
Bluetooth from a remote geographical area. Many appliances creating the interactive user interface dashboards.
within the same range may pick up the commands given to RASPBERRY PI 3 [4] runs the Node-RED application in it.
particular device resulting in erroneous behaviour. An android application is developed using Android Studio
that provides accessibility to control the devices. The control
Kodali R.K et al [10] presented an overview of a light weight signals are sent from the broker through the dashboard or
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol. In mobile application. Clients publish the status of the devices to
the prototype, author attempted to implement MQTT on the broker and can be viewed in the dashboard. All the
ESP8266, a WiFi based development board. Sensors and devices can be controlled universally and the status of the
actuators are connected to ESP8266 and a Mosquitto based devices can be visualized.
MQTT broker is established for remote monitoring and
control. 3.1 Hardware Setup
Vamsikrishna Patchava et al [11] have proposed a system for
Smart Home Automation technique with Raspberry Pi using
IoT and it is done by integrating cameras and motion sensors
into a web application. This system has been designed using a
Raspberry Pi module with Computer Vision techniques. Using
this, home appliances connected through a monitor based
internet can be controlled. Raspberry Pi operates and controls
motion sensors and video cameras for sensing and
surveillance. For instance, it captures intruder’s identity and
detects its presence using simple Computer Vision Technique
(CVT). Whenever motion is detected, the cameras start
recording and Raspberry Pi device alerts the owner through an
SMS and alarm call.

3. PROPOSED MODEL Figure 2: Hardware setup of IoT kit

The proposed work aims at designing a smart laboratory that
The main components used are
facilitates remote monitoring and control of the lab devices
using mobile application and Node-RED dashboard. In this  ESP8266- It is a low-cost Wi-Fi microchip with full
system, each lab device is interfaced with a data acquisition TCP/IP stack and microcontroller capability. Here,
module that is an IoT object with a unique IP address it acts as an MQTT client.
resulting in a mesh wireless network of devices. The data
acquisition System on Chip (SoC) module collects energy  Arduino UNO- It is a microcontroller board based
consumption data from each device of smart lab and transmits on the ATmega328P. Here, it sends the status of the
the data to a centralized server for further processing and devices to client.
analysis[7]. All appliances in the laboratory use MQTT
 Current Transformer- It is a transformer that
(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol for
measures the AC current of the circuit. It senses the
current flowing through it and the values are in
 Relay- It acts as a protective switch. It uses an
electromagnetic switch operated by a small electric
current that can turn on or off a much larger current


Using this system, lights and fans are controlled and their
usage can be monitored by the user using his mobile phone.
This system ensures optimal utilization of energy by
continuous monitoring of the lab environment by integrating
the lab devices through an IoT platform. The devices are
monitored continuously and their energy consumption and
usage are calculated and displayed in the Node-RED
Figure 1: Block diagram of the proposed system dashboard.
MQTT is a machine-machine connectivity protocol specially
used in Internet of Things application. It is designed as an
extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport.
All systems in the laboratory use this protocol for
communication. The systems are connected to ESP8266s

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 182 – No. 15, September 2018

Figure 3: Dashboard for ECE Lab

Figure 3 shows the dashboard that displays the temperature
and humidity conditions inside the laboratory that are
measured by sensors connected to NODE-MCU which acts
as a client. The Node-RED dashboard acts as an output
window that shows the actual status of all the connected
devices and provides access to the device which is shown in
Figure 4. The mobile application has been developed that Figure 5b
allows controlling the entire appliances all at a same time
and also the individual device.

Figure 4: Dashboard for IoT Lab

Figure 5c

Figure 5d
Figure 5: E-REMOTE app pages
Figure 5a
E-Remote is a locally developed interactive application for
android users. This application has been developed in
ANDROID STUDIO using JAVA programming language. It
is a digital remote to monitor and control the appliances of
IoT Lab and ECE Lab which is shown in Fig. 5. The proposed

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 182 – No. 15, September 2018

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department and thus the results are obtained. of a Secure and Smart Lab with Wireless Sensor
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5. CONCLUSION Vol.3, No. 6.
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controlled universally, and the status of the devices can be Prediction Algorithm”, International Education &
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of Technology. The authors would like to acknowledge
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Dr.V.Selladurai, Principal, CIT and Dr. A,Rajeswari ,
automation”,IEEE Global Conference Communication
Professor and Head, Department of ECE, CIT for their
Technologies (GCCT) on 2015, pp 169-173.
guidance and support throughout the period of this work.
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