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Dec 8 Writers Workshop

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Subject/Grade: Language Arts 2/3 Lesson/Date: December 8.

2020Time:1 hour

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson This lesson is session 5 of a writer’s workshop series in which students will work to develop
Overview: narrative storytelling skills. The focus of this lesson is to have students review their writing
goals and perform a mini check-in on their work to see how it has progressed. The lesson
begins with a review/ anchor chart build of how we can “show” a story instead of “telling” a
story. Afterwards students review their individual writing goals and compare them to their own
writing to decide if they have made progress with their work. Students are then asked to write
about a small moment using as much detail as possible, while referring back to their goals. At
this point the teacher will circulate and review with certain students where their writing is at in
comparison to their goals. The lesson ends with an exit slip, during which students will answer
two questions about the writing they did.
GOs: Students will:
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and
critically to oral, print and other media texts. (GLO 2 from Grade 2 POS)

SOs: Students will:

 Structure texts and create narratives (2.4)
 use own and respond to others’ ideas to create oral, print and other media texts (2.4)

Learning Students will:

Objectives  Review the expectations for their writing
 Review their writing goals
 Check in with their writing goals
 Work to write a descriptive story that “shows” not “tells”
 Demonstrate an understanding of how to write a narrative story
 Demonstrate the work ethic/stamina to write continuously

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative  Formative assessment was Summative N/A
Assessment done previously before this Assessment
lesson and will be used for the
teacher to focus on certain
students during writing time
 Formative assessment can also
be done afterwards in two
ways: with the exit slip, or by
reviewing the writer’s
workshop sheets again.

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to  Organize anchor charts about Resources:  Student’s work for formative
Lesson: “ideas/tips for when I get stuck assessment
while I’m writing” and  Lucy Calkins
“showing a story vs telling a  Anchor Chart
story.  Exit Slips
 Have writer’s workshop sheets
printed out
 Have student checklist printed
Subject/Grade: Language Arts 2/3 Lesson/Date: December 8. 2020Time:1 hour
 Have exit slips printed out
 Performed formative
assessment on student’s
previous work.
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
9:40- Review of Previous Concepts/New Learning:
9:45  We haven’t done writer’s workshop in a while so let’s look back
at some of the things we have been learning about.
- Writing true stories
- Focusing on small moments and adding lots of detail
- Using my 5 senses to add details
- Working to create a mind movie with our writing
- Writing like grade 2/3 writer’s do
- Writing about people or places
 Explain that today we’re going to begin by reviewing how we can
write really detailed stories and then we’re going to go over some
ideas for when we get stuck with writing. After that we’re going
to go over our writing goals and then we’ll start writing.
9:45- Transition: Go to anchor chart, begin with the “Showing a story, not telling
9:47 it”. Have students grab their writer’s workshop duotangs
(9:47- Direct Instruction: Anchor Chart Making Formative
10:00) (Note: Anchor charts are semi-made so that student input is included) Assessment: can be
 Begin with the anchor chart titled “Showing my Stories not Telling done here with
Them” evaluative listening
- The chart will have one side filled in that has a simple sentence, to look at students’
and the other side in a different column labeled “Show my verbal answers
- Have students suggest ways/sentences you can use to change the Differentiation: by
sentences from simple to detailed having anchor
- Remind them that if they get stuck for detail they can try and charts written out
think of their 5 senses, use dialogue and adjectives together it should
- The 4 basic sentences are: emphasize the
 I went outside to play message to
 I was so excited students. By having
 I was hungry the anchor charts
 I was sad visible for students
 Once done with one anchor chart flip over to the other one titled to look at while
“When I get stuck I can….” And then halfway done “Some ideas I they are writing it
can write about...” allows them to use
- Remind students that “I can’t think of anything else to write is it as a tool to assist
not an excuse. Everyone has tons of really amazing stories. them.
There is always more to write”
- Ask students for strategies they can use when they get stuck
during their writing and write them down on the anchor chart.
Examples could be:
 Look at the charts in the room for ideas
 Set a mini goal for myself like to write for the next 5
Subject/Grade: Language Arts 2/3 Lesson/Date: December 8. 2020Time:1 hour
minutes straight
 Re-read my old writing to look for inspiration
 Add detail to my story by using my 5 senses and
- Once finished the top half, move to the bottom half and ask
students for ideas that could help people write true stories. Some
examples could be:
 A time when I was really excited for something
 A person I look up to
 A place I like to visit
 A bad day at school
 The best meal I’ve ever eaten
 My birthday last year
 Explain to students that during their writing they are more than
welcome to come up to the anchor chart and look back at them
for ideas/inspiration and advice.
10:00- Transition: Have students open up their duotangs and look at their writing
10:02 goals.
10:02- Learning Activity: Goal Inquiry/ Self-Evaluation
10:10  Explain to students that before we get started writing we are
going to look at our writing goals. Explain to students that you
would like them to look through their previous writing, choose
the one that they think is their best writing and then think about
whether or not they are achieving their goal in that writing.
Explain to students that this is a silent process. Set timer for 5
 Discuss with students how it can be really hard to write good writing,
and that writing just like any other skill needs to be worked on in
order to see improvement. Use a metaphor example to
demonstrate how reviewing our goals can help us become better
writers (Ex. I’m trying to become better at dodgeball and my two
goals are to get better at aiming and get better at dodging. By
checking in with my goals while I’m playing dodgeball, I can ensure
that I am doing my best). Tell students that when they start
writing in a moment, you want them to keep their writing goals
in mind. Tell them that you will be reading these writer’s
workshop entries later and looking to see if their working to
achieve their writing goal.
10:10- Transition: Have students choose which writer’s workshop sheet they would
10:12 like to work with.
10:12- Learning Activity: Writing: Formative
10:28  Have students take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. Ask them Assessment:
to clear their minds and get in that writing mindset. Review the Students
expectations during writing time. Remind students that they can workbooks can be
look back to the anchor chart for advice and to keep in mind looked through
their writing goal. afterwards to
 Have students begin writing, set timer for 13 minutes. formatively assess
 While students are writing, use your previously done formative if students are A)
assessment to work with students who need extra help, are reaching their
struggling with narrative writing or are having a hard time writing goals and
Subject/Grade: Language Arts 2/3 Lesson/Date: December 8. 2020Time:1 hour
focusing. B) demonstrating
the ability to write
true narratives.
Using the
previously done
assessment the
teacher can pick out
students who
require extra
10:28- Transition: Have everyone put their pencils down and focus back on the
10:30 front.
10:30- Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class: Formative
10:40  Thank students for writing so well, mention again that you’re going Assessment: By
to be going through everyone’s stories to see where they’re at with having students fill
their writing goals. out an exit slip it
 Explain that before they go for recess you would like to know gives the teacher a
where they think they’re at with their writing goals glimpse into where
 Handout exit slips the student thinks
 Explain to students that you would like them to read over their their own work is
own writing and then afterwards you would like them to fill out at. These exit slips
the exit slip. The first box with the happy pineapple is something can be used to help
that they did really well in their writing, and the second is direct further
something that they still need to work on. instruction/
 Ask students to answer these honestly and take them seriously differentiation.
because you’re going to be reading them later.
 If there’s extra time at the end, students may share their narrative
Stage 4: Reflection
1. How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:
2. Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
3. Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
4. What must be addressed to improve this plan?
5. How I have grown from this teaching experience:

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