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Speech Unit

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An ELL skill focused unit plan that revolves around speaking,

listening and helps students build their confidence in public
speaking in English

Unit Plan Created by: Teegan Gallinger

For PSIII: Lord Beaverbrook High School

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Unit Rationale……………………. 3-4

Unit Organizer……………………. 5

Month-at-a-Glance……………….. 8

Unit Assessment Plan………………….. 11

Unit Rationale 3

After discussing with my teacher mentor how important verbal discussion is in ELL classes, I knew that a unit centred around
speech and persuasive/ rhetorical writing would be a great way to build my student’s confidence and skills. As I started to think
more, I started to play around with the idea of having a mock election where students could compete in wards for mayoral
candidacy. Not only will this, hopefully, create enthusiasm about the unit but it also falls into creating that socio-linguistic
atmosphere that is a part of ELL’s curriculum. The unit will start with looking at creating opinions and we’ll look through some
articles to do some reading comprehension and create our own opinions on topics. From here we’ll build towards putting opinions
into persuasive writing. We’re going to start by looking at advertisements because I think that will be an easy to grasp modality for
students since they’re used to seeing them all the time. Our main text we’ll look at is going to be I’ve Got a Dream (as requested
by multiple students) and we’ll start by breaking it down into chunks to examine ethos, logos, pathos, and different types of
persuasive techniques. (Before this we’ll also do a Frayer model vocabulary/ gallery walk so that we can embed the vocabulary
into our knowledge). Students will then have a mini project where they will create an elevator pitch using persuasive language to
sell me on a certain topic/ item. Students will hand these pitches in through flip grid. The final and cumulative assignment for this
unit will have students working to create a persuasive speech about their ward’s opinions and positions. Rather than having
everyone give their speech, student’s will post their videos online in a similar process to the way that they handed in their elevator
pitch. Our final day will be “election day” where students will nominate one person from their wards to give their speech and then
we’ll cast ballots on who should become our mayor and announce the winning candidate.
Essential Questions:
How can I properly develop and present a public speech with confidence and fluency?
• How can I practice my public speaking?
• How can I prepare for public speaking?
• How can I build confidence in my English fluency?
• What kind of idioms can I use to make me seem more like a native English speaker?
• How can I persuade people with my speaking?

Big Meta Concepts:

- Public speaking – Rhetoric – Ethos, Pathos and Logos
- Emphasis – Tone
- Idioms – Metaphor
- Sarcasm – Rhetorical questions
Focused Outcomes Language Arts Demonstrations of Learning
Strands Used
1.19 Writing
LP4 – Socio-Linguistic | L – Respond
Reading Elevator Pitches
appropriately to a broad range of idiomatic
expressions, slang, sarcasm, and innuendo Listening
indicated by subtle changes in tone, volume, Speaking Graphic Organizers
speed, and/or intonation.
LP4 – Socio-Linguistic | R – Understand Reading comprehension work
implied meaning of social references, cultural
references, and figurative language in context.
I’ve Got a Dream Work (part summative)
LP4 – Auditory Discrimination | L –
Understand rapid speech on familiar and Speech
unfamiliar topics.
LP3 – Linguistic Vocabulary | W – Use a range
Persuasive Posters
of words, approximately 25,000, including
utility words, descriptive words, subject- Debate
specific words, and academic words. - Each student needs to have turn being the
LP4 – Discourse | S – Connect ideas using a “speaker” of their debate team
variety of cohesive devices to compare,
contrast, persuade, conclude, and show cause
and effect.
2.26 Graphic Organizers
LP4 – Pronunciation | S – Demonstrate
appropriate expression and appropriate Listening comprehension
inflection in a variety of contexts with
increasing accuracy.
3.14 Ethos Pathos Logos in speeches work
Use figurative language such as simile,
metaphor, personification, allusion, idioms,
and symbolism in expository text for effect,
Mini debates
where appropriate. Possible linguistic
functions: Quote of the day discussions
describe, evaluate, justify.
Speech Prep Work:
- Draft
- Workshopping with peers

Unit Organizer/ Colour Descriptor

Opening Developmental Culmination

(Romance) (Precision) (Generalization)
Ted Talk on Public Speaking Opinion based writing Elevator Pitches
Would you rather
Teens article (reading Four corner opinions Draft work of speeches
Ward opinion writings Speech workshop

Persuasive posters Final draft of speeches

Persuasive Advertisement Work Election day

Ethos Pathos Logos Work

Frayer Vocabulary with

Persuasive techniques and
Gallery Walk

I’ve Got a Dream work


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Finishing Previous Unit Finishing Previous Unit Intro/Hook for Continuing Intro/Hook NID


Quote Would You Rather

Debate Reading Comprehension

Direct Instruction: - Article: teens not
- PowerPoint allowed in Calgary
- Introducing how Mall
our days will look - Article graphic
for this unit organizer
- Debate “etiquette” - Class discussion
explain how
debates will wok
- Daily Quote
introduce and run

Ted Talk
NO SCHOOL Introduce our Continuing Opinion Opinion Based Writing Mini Lesson: Persuasive
Neighbourhoods and Based Writing Posters
Political Campaign Read through
Have wards name Wards work opinionated article and Introducing persuasive
themselves - Opinion writing on identify different writing and images
Identify political areas? - Using the 4-corner opinions, complete through the use of
argument chart graphic organizer advertisements
Introduce opinion - - Having students fill
writing OR out an organizer
Using 4 corner based on an
argument chart based Looking at verbal advertisement
on the reading from techniques like tone and - Working on posters
Thursday. pauses, moments of for their wards
silence, emphasis etc. (coming up with
their slogans)

Introducing Ethos, Persuasive Techniques I’ve Got a Dream Continue Work on I’ve Mini Creative Project
Pathos and Logos Continued Background knowledge/ Got a Dream
- Direct instruction Frayer Model context Elevator Pitch speeches:
- Organizer that - Gallery walk with Depending on how - Students have the
has them looking different Listen, Read, Listen previous class went we period to write a
at “clips” of persuasive speech either continue with one-minute elevator
speeches and methods Picking out egos pathos picking out persuasive speech that sells me
picking out which (emphasis, logos and other components. on an idea of theirs
method of rhetorical persuasive techniques - They’ll post the
Persuasive writing questions, he uses video to flip grid
is being used idealism, - They have to
metaphor, etc.) respond to one
person’s video.
Introduce Speech Speech Activity Work Speech Workshop Speech in Wards Election Day
Activity Period
Have speeches ready In their wards students Watch speeches, cast
Fake “election” Focus on writing for workshopping give their speeches and ballots and announce our
different quadrants speeches. Use organizer then discuss who they mayor!
will have a different as rough draft Rotation type style with think should be the
issue that they must peer feedback “mayoral candidate”
persuade the class on. Mini Lesson: using
(Work based on
opinions that they
created in previous
Students can work
with and gather ideas
from their quadrant
partner but they need
to present their speech
to the class individually

Stage 2: Assessments
Group Frayer Persuas Speech Speech
Discussion and Daily I’ve got a Model/ ive Draft given on
Graphic Quote Elevator
Title Verbal Mini- dream Ethos Posters Planning/ Flipgrid
Organizers Reflection Pitch
Reflections Debates Work Pathos Worksho
Learning s
Logos p
Outcomes Type
Summati Summati
(Formative/Summati Formative Summative e (for Formative tive Formative Summativ
ve ve e
ve) Throughout / Formative chosen) e
Weighting 5% 5% N/A 5% 5%% 5% N/A 70%
LP4 – Socio-Linguistic | L – X
Respond appropriately to a
broad range of idiomatic X
expressions, slang, sarcasm,
and innuendo
indicated by subtle changes
in tone, volume, speed,
and/or intonation.

1.20 X
LP4 – Socio-Linguistic | R –
Understand implied meaning
of social references, cultural X X X X X
references, and figurative
language in context.

LP4 – Auditory X
Discrimination | L –
Understand rapid speech on X X
familiar and unfamiliar
LP3 – Linguistic Vocabulary | X X
W – Use a range of words, X
approximately 25,000,
including utility words,
descriptive words, subject-
specific words, and academic

LP4 – Discourse | S – X
Connect ideas using a variety
of cohesive devices to
compare, contrast, X X X X X X X
persuade, conclude, and
show cause and effect.

LP4 – Pronunciation | S – X X
Demonstrate appropriate
expression and appropriate
inflection in a variety of X X X
contexts with increasing

3.14 X X
Use figurative language such
as simile, metaphor,
personification, allusion,
idioms, and symbolism in
expository text for effect,
where appropriate. Possible
linguistic functions:
describe, evaluate, justify.

* I want the Peer editing to be more of a simple summative assessment that is made evident through the worksheets. I essentially want
to know that they’ve gone through the process of rough draft, to peer edit, and then finally to hard copy work*
Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating and Creating
Assessment Brief Description (Conversation/
Title Observation/
Product) (Taxonomy)
Throughout the unit students will partake in multiple whole
Group class discussions, table discussions and other smaller
Discussions/ discussions. During these times evaluative listening can be Conversation/ Understand
Verbal used to ensure that students are grasping the main concepts. Observation Applying
Reflections In this category also falls any of the verbal reflective
response we’ll be doing
Graphic organizers will be used at multiple points to assess
mainly students listening and comprehension skills. One Understand
day has students using an organizer to read through an Product ing and
Organizers Applying
article from a recent event, a different day has them using it
to organize their understanding of a Ted Talk
Instead of starting our days with a word of the day we are
going to switch to a quote of the day for this unit. The
quotes will revolve around speeches, be from speeches or
Daily Quote have something to do with what we’ve been focusing on in Product
class. Students have a worksheet that they will use to
respond to it and then at the end of each week they’ll give
me one to use for marks.
I want students to get to use to using rhetoric and being
able to converse with one another. Each day we’ll take
some time to look at our debate topic and then students will Conversation Applying/
Mini Debates Evaluating
have time in their wards to make out three debate topic
points, they’ll “elect” one person to discuss with the other
When I asked students which speech, they’d like to focus
on a lot of them responded with I’ve Got a Dream. We’ll
do some work with background knowledge and context and
then start to look at how the speech is given. We’ll then Conversation/ Analysing/
I’ve Got a
take our ethos, pathos and logos knowledge and start to Observation/ Evaluating/
Dream Work Product Creating
look for the specific moments where King is being
persuasive. We’ll also have discussions around what makes
him such a great speech giver and why this speech remains
famous today.
Students will use the Frayer model to define certain
Frayer Model/ components of persuasive writing. We’ll then do a gallery Understand
Ethos Logos walk with them. We’ll also go through some work of Observation
Pathos Work picking out ethos logos and pathos from different clips of Analyzing

Persuasive Students will work in their wards to create persuasive Evaluating

Posters and posters and advertisements about the different things that Product and
Advertisements their wards stand for. We’ll also use this time to have a creating

mini lesson on slogans and idioms that political speeches

often use as a brand for their ward.

I really liked the idea of students having an “elevator pitch”

where they try to persuade me that I need something. I
think it provides a great opportunity to use the knowledge Product/ Evaluating/
Elevator Pitch
that we’re going to be digging into as well as it’s good prep Conversation Creating
for the upcoming speech project. Students will submit their
elevator pitches to me online through flipgrid
Students will have the opportunity to workshop and edit
Rough Draft their rough draft of their speeches. We’ll go through some
Product/ Evaluating/
Speeches and organizers to help us use persuasive language in our Conversation Creating
Workshopping speeches and then they’ll get some time to peer workshop
with each other.
The cumulation project for this unit has students creating a
one-minute speech about an issue and their wards solution
Final Copy/
to it. The speeches will have required persuasive Product/
Video of Conversation
components and will be developed from their rough draft
work. Rather than having everyone present students will be
able to hand in their speeches on flip grid.

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