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Aermec PXO-PXU-PWO-PWU Data Sheet Eng

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Close control
air conditioners
Air Conditioners for Close Control
and Data Centers
high energy efficiency
and minimum environmental impact

Though optimized for use in data centers and

Main characteristics
telephone exchanges, they are equally valid
Aermec’s “P” Series air conditioners for close
in special applications such as measurement
control are special machines with design and
laboratories, TV recording studios, musical
operating features which clearly differentiate
instrument storage areas, museums, control
them from standard air conditioning units.
rooms for electricity power stations and railway
The total cooling capacity coverage of the
junctions and other areas in general where
models with direct expansion - OPA with up-
there are prevalent sensible thermal loads
flow air discharge and UPA with down-flow -
and crowding is negligible. Their application
ranges from 7 up to 90 kW.
is also ideal in widely varied industrial sectors:
The same machines are available in chilled
optics, electronics, electro-medical equipment,
water versions - OPU and UPU - with capacities
electronic equipment production, musical
of up to approximately 200kW.
instrument production etc. In these applications
The “P” Series air conditioners offer very
high energy efficiency values in all operating
conditions which translates into less CO2
emissions and particularly low running costs.

ISO 9001
GOST certification Cert. n° 273
an integrated system of treatment of the external which need over time the addition of extra air
air may be requested. conditioners.

Very high EER values

Silent functioning
The “P” Series direct expansion air conditioners
The design of the machine has not not neglected
- models OPA and UPA - enable very high EER
the search for very low sound operation, thanks
(Energy Efficiency Ratio) values to be reached.
in particular to:
- the selection of very quiet scroll compressors;
- the application of EC plug fans featuring
Very high ratio of cooling low sound levels at projected conditions
capacity to footprint area which appreciably reduce as the speed
This is an important feature in the containment
of the space occupied by the cooling machines,
- extensive thermo-acoustic insulation of the
thus freeing up more useful space for the
cabinet shell.
positioning of IT equipment. The ”P” Series
air conditioners have been designed to offer
the highest sensible cooling capacity with the Two fundamental construction
minimum footprint possible. types
This advantage is especially important given the The “P” Series air conditioners are produced
progressive increases in capacity required by in two fundamental construction versions
data centers and other computer applications which enable all application requirements to be

met, in both data centres and in other special Models with SHR between 0.9 and 1 are to be
locations: chosen for the air conditioning of areas where
- direct expansion; sensible thermal loads are very prevalent and
- hilled water. which do not require (if not minimally) the
In general, direct expansion units are more treatment of latent loads by dehumidification,
commonly used in buildings of medium/ such as data centers, highly computerized
small dimensions, with required capacity not offices, telephone exchanges and more
exceeding 400kW. Chilled water units with generally special close control uses.
dedicated cooling groups are generally used Machines with SHR of less than 0.9 are
above this value. characterized by having (at equal refrigerant
circuit) a lower airflow and therefore greater
dehumidification. This makes them well
adapted to civil or special applications also
Different versions for different
with high crowd levels and appreciable external
airflow. They are appropriate for commercial
Also considering their adequacy from an and service industry areas such as offices,
aeraulic and performance level angle, the shopping centres, restaurants, libraries and
“P” Series direct expansion air conditioners museums.
are assembled with various combinations
of compressors/airflows, thus determining
different SHR (sensible heat ratio) of the

devices. At equal operating conditions, the
combination of EC motors and plug fans therefore
characteristics offers remarkable advantages in many areas:
functionality, energy efficiency, low sound level,
Plug fans with EC motors:
absence of vibration in operation and soft start
minimum energy consumption (less current absorbed on starting).
The fan section is made up by one or more
backward curved, free running impeller, radial Four alternatives for regulation
fans (plug fan) which are particularly silent Aermec provides four different alternatives
in operation. Apart from offering very high for the regulation of the airflow of the EC
performance plug fans also guarantee easy fans depending on the requirements of the
cleaning the blades. These fans are fitted as installation:
standard with EC (electronically commutated)
1. Constant fan rotation speed. The available
constant current brushless motors with external
high static pressure is ideal for most applications.
rotors and are the latest innovation concerning
The effective air flow is the consequence of
energy saving in the fan sector.
the real pressure drop of the aeraulic system
EC motors are about 25-30% more efficient than
of the installation; it can however be calculated
normal asynchronous alternating current motors.
through AERMEC’s computerized selection
They also allow continuous speed variation
depending on the external sensor signal on the
microprocessor control of the machine, without 2. Constant airflow independent of the
the need for an inverter or other electronic pressure drop of the filters. An internal

sensor guides the microprocessor management 4. Airflow as a function of pressure in the
system to vary the airflow handled by the fan, raised floor. This regulation alternative is
depending on the degree of clogging of the envisaged for plants with raised floors where
filters, in order to maintain a constant airflow. the air is distributed under the floor itself. The
This makes sure that insufficient cooling does Survey microprocessor management system
not occur due to reduced airflow arising from maintains constant under-floor pressure. In
dirty filters. AERMEC recommends this type of particular, in very large areas subdivided into
regulation when F7 filters are used, in order to multiple local zones with partition dampers
increase their working life. driven by individual thermostats, constant
regulation of the pressure is necessary in
3. Variable airflow depending on the cooling order to avoid imbalances in the distribution
capacity required by the installation. This of the air. In fact, without correct fan speed
is the classic VAV (Variable Air Volume) plant regulation, the closure of one or more of the
arrangement which responds to increased dampers could cause an excessive increase
demand by a proportionate increase in airflow in the airflow through the dampers remaining
and vice versa. As has been noted, this type open. A pressure sensor is included to be
of plant offers interesting energy advantages at installed in a representative under-floor point
partial loads, which occur extensively throughout to guide the Survey which, in its turn, regulates
the year, especially at night. The VAV system, the fan speed in order to maintain the designed
which is recommended only for chilled water pressure values.
machines, requires that modulating regulation
of the cooling capacity is provided.

Plug fans with AC motors Survey Microprocessor
As an alternative to the standard fans with The “P” Series air conditioners are equipped
EC motors, other fans can be selected as with the Survey microprocessor which has been
accessories: always the plug fans type but with expressly designed to manage the performance
traditional AC motors. These fans have two of the machines in both data center and civil
operating speeds and therefore two different applications. Survey keeps control of the
airflows and static pressureswhich can be fundamental functions of the air conditioning:
selected through their terminal strip cabling. cooling with or without dehumidification,
heating, humidification, regulation of the air
flow based on the condition of the filters and/
or other design requirements. These features
mean that Survey operates the machine at a
high level of energy efficiency in all working
conditions and ensures continuity of service,

even in emergency situations, if the machines conditions. The scroll compressors used in the
are equipped with two compressors or the “P” Series air conditioners are selected from
plant has multiple machines. Survey has a wide the most efficient and reliable models available
range of auto-diagnosis functions and can also from highly qualified international constructors.
completely manage all the alarms.

Single or double refrigerant

Scroll compressors circuit
Extremely quiet scroll compressors with high The models with “1” as the last digit of the
energy efficiency have been installed in the numerical part of the identification code have
direct expansion units. They offer a significant a single circuit and a single compressor. Those
reduction in energy consumption and therefore with “2” as the last digit on the other hand have
allow the impact on the environment to be two completely independent refrigerant circuits
limited. In fact, scroll compressors give higher and two compressors.
volumetric performance than alternative ones The installation designer can therefore choose
at equal yield capacity. In addition, the absence to use a single compressor machine or one with
of valves eliminates the pressure drop which two compressors which offers 50% redundancy.
is characteristic of the alternatives, allowing The circuits are fitted with all the safety and
an increase in energy efficiency in equal regulation devices necessary for efficient and

reliable operation. The evaporator coil can unchanged. Adopting the electronic expansion
be single or double circuit depending on the valve (accessory) guarantees a significant
number of compressors. increase in the EER.

Electronic expansion valve Ecological refrigerants

Electronic expansion valves are one of the The machines with direct expansion cooling
most recent pieces of equipment to improve system use the R-410A refrigerant, which does
the energy efficiency at partial loads of direct not damage the ozone layer.
expansion machines. These valves are installed
at the inlet of the evaporator, substituting the
traditional thermostatic expansion ones. This
permits much more precise control of the
quantity of refrigerant entering the evaporator
dependent on the effective requirement of
the load, thus guaranteeing good capacity
regulation between 100% and 50%.
Electronic expansion valves also enable the
amount of overheated gas at the outlet of the
evaporator to be controlled, thus allowing
a significant reducing of the condensation
pressure during winter or night-time operation
whilst maintaining the evaporation pressure

Very high efficiency heat above, reduces the heat exchange and so
requires coils with more rows and is therefore
exchanger coil
totally unfruitful. The aluminium fins have
The copper-aluminium coils fitted to direct
specialization of the TURBO/COIL® profile,
expansion machines with downward air
perfected in the LU-VE SpA research labs.
discharge can have, as accessory, a hydrophilic
They produce a predetermined turbulence of
surface treatment to the fins in order to
the crossing air which therefore increases the
prevent any downward condensate drag. This
coefficient of heat exchange.
treatment, which penalises the heat exchange
The copper tubes have the special TURBO/
of the fins, therefore necessitates an increase
FIN ® internal helical grooves which centrifuge
in the size of the coils and is required whenever
the liquid refrigerant flow thus optimising the
the environment has to be dehumidified. It
capacity of heat exchange between air and
therefore has to be specified when many
operators are present or when there are large
volumes of fresh air. In machines with chilled
water coils, the hydrophilic treatment is not
envisaged as dehumidification is in fact non-
existent due to the temperatures of the supply
water being always higher in order to exploit the
free cooling effect (up to 20°C in data centers
with hot pool air distribution), the non-presence
of operators, and to the absence of any kind
of humidity: this surface treatment, as stated

Refrigerant and oil charge in the two regimes typical of chilled water
OPA e UPA mono-block air conditioners with
- 15/20 °C, or higher, as required by most data
incorporated water condenser (accessory)
centres, telephone exchanges etc;
are supplied complete with refrigerant and oil
- 7/12 °C, mainly for wellness applications in
the civil sector.
OPA e UPA air conditioners for connecting
In both cases, the standard floating regulation
to remote condensers are supplied only with
allows the progressive modulation of the cooling
nitrogen pressurized charge and the standard
capacity based on the demand for cooling the
oil charge of the compressor(s). The refrigerant
environment without any sudden variations
charge and any topping-up of the oil level has
which could cause discomfort. Nevertheless a
to be done by the installer during the installation
modulating valve is available as an accessory,
installed in place of the floating one when very
precise regulation of the cooling capacity is
required. It is also very suitable for those cases
Hydraulic circuit and
which involve high rates of fresh air.
regulation valves
If the plant is equipped with variable flow pumps,
The chilled water units are fitted with a fin-pack
two-way valves with modulating regulation can
type heat exchanger coil with several rows,
be fitted instead of three-way ones.
copper tubes and aluminium fins. The coils have
as standard a motorized three-way valve for the
floating regulation of the water flow. The coils
are designed to give maximum performance

Local network and remote can be equiped with a RS485 card working with
MODBUS RTU protocol.
Further Gateway’s are available for interfacing
With Survey, it is possible to operate the “P”
more units (up to 12 units to 1 gateway) to other
Series air conditioners both by local network
important Serial Communication Protocols:
with multiple units (up to 12) in one place or by
- Lonwaorks FTT10
remote management.
- Bacnet MS/TP or TCP/IP
In local network applications, one machine
- TCP/IP Ethernet
is the slave and the others are master. The
- TCP/IP Ethernet with an integrated GSM
slave unit comes into operation in emergency
situations or when peak demand exceeds the
design values. The slave units are rotated at
predetermined intervals (for example every 12
Electrical boards
or 24 hours) and switch to the master role to The “P” Series air conditioners have electrical
balance the number of working hours of the boards with complete safety protection in
compressors. accordance with EU and the principle international
In remote applications, the machines can be regulations. There is a main switch with shutter-
controlled from remote positions via modem block function, in addition to magneto-thermic
or via supervision software developed by switches and contactors. There are terminals
Aermec. for switching on and off the machine by remote
For applications involving remote control of control, and other free terminals for the remote
the unit, supervsing systems and interface to indication of a cumulative alarm. The machines
Building Management Systems (BMS) the units with compressors have phase sequencers as

standard in order to protect the compressors efficiency F7 air filters if a more rigorous control
from any damage should the machine start up of the IAQ is required. The filters are installed,
in the opposite direction from normal. Remote upstream of the cooling coil, in an inclined
condenser fan speed regulators are also position. Their large surface allows lower air
available as accessories. crossing speeds and therefore lower energy

Large surface-area filters

Adequate air filtration is an especially important
requirement in data centers in order to prevent
damage to information technology equipment
caused by air-dispersed particles which can
also carry corrosive substances. But also is
civil applications, IAQ (indoor air quality) control
is a topic of ever-growing importance.
To satisfy this demand, Aermec equips its “P”
Series air conditioners as standard with re-
generable self-extinguishing class G4 filters.
Alternatively, they can be substituted with high

Modern design suitable also The recirculation air intake for upflow (OP) units
can be situated in two positions, at the choice
for civil environments
of the customer: the standard version has the
The “P” Series air conditioners have a modern,
suction grille on the front, while the special
functional design which is suitable not only for
version has a blind front panel and takes air in
data centers but also for civil areas. In fact,
from the bottom of the unit.
the anthracite grey colour blends in perfectly
For downflow (UP) units, air is taken from the
with most office and laboratory furnishings as
top of the machine and discharged through
well as information technology equipment. The
the bottom panel or, as an alternative, through
machine is constructed with a metal frame and
grilles in the lower part of the front panel so that
aluminium profiles to which are fitted the closing
the air flows out above the floor.
panels and access doors in sheet steel. The
latter are hinged to permit easy opening. Doors
and panels are thermo-acoustically insulated on
the inside by a layer of polyurethane protected
by a plastic film for a total thickness of 25mm.
Doors and panels have an final external surface
treatment of an anthracite (dark grey) PVC film.

“Free cooling” air-water: using necessary to maintain the water cooling at the
desired temperature, one or more compressors
renewable energy
are switched on for the strategic length of time
This system (accessory) uses external air - a necessary to reach the desired conditions.
source of renewable energy - instead of or in This too is an energy saving situation, even if
addition to mechanical cooling. Envisaged the savings are not as high as the preceding
for the OPA/FC - UPA/FC air conditioners, example.
it consists of a cold water coil integrated with Only mechanical cooling without free
the direct expansion one with a three way cooling. This situation arises when the
modulating valve controlled by microprocessor. temperature of the external air is too high
Three different operating regimes are therefore to produce sufficient cooling. In this case
possible: the compressors function as normal. This
Only free cooling. This occurs when the operation exploits to the full the high energy
external air temperature is sufficiently low to efficiency of the refrigerant circuits thanks to
bring the water circulating in the coil to a value the larger size of the coil’s fin pack. So even
which fulfils the requirements of cooling in the using only mechanical cooling helps to keep
data center, or more generally, in the area to energy consumption down compared to other
be acclimatized. This is the maximum energy systems.
saving scenario as the compressors are always The water cooled condensers of the refrigerant
out of service. circuit are provided with a pressure-switch
Free cooling + mechanical cooling. If the system to regulate the condensing pressure
external air temperature is higher than that (accessory).

working mode
(Direct Expansion + H2o).


working mode
(Direct Expansion)


working mode
(chilled water)

“Two sources” for the The “two sources” typology is very flexible.
The second source can be both by direct
maximum safety of continuity
expansion or chilled water and the priority of
of operation or the use
operation can be chosen depending on the
of excess energy from a
requirements of the installation.
centralized installation
Instead of using a free cooling circuit, this system
(accessory) uses any available excess energy
from the air conditioning plant of the building.
In other words, when there is enough cooling
energy available from the central air conditioning
plant, the unit stops its own compressors and
uses the cooled water thus made available,
passing it through the same water coil installed
in the free cooling air conditioners.
One advantage of this system is that it can be
used in emergency situations: if a dedicated
cooling group breaks down, it will maintain a
continuity of service thanks to the cooled water
from the central plant.

working mode


working mode

Accessories Sound proofing devices
‰ Sound damped duct for air suction or
Numerous accessories and options are discharge.(h=550 mm). Allows a reduction
available for the “P” Series air conditioners of approx.4 dB(A) of the SPL of the unit.
to personalize the installation depending on ‰ Double layer sound damping panels.
the requirements of the plant and its design. Reduces SPL by approx 2 dB(A) in upflow
Divided by function, they include: units (OP series), and approx.4 dB(A) in
downflow units ((UP series).
Free cooling or two sources ‰ Double-layer “sandwich” thermo-acoustic
‰ Additional Free cooling circuit. insulation panels.
‰ Additional Two sources circuit.
Panels and base
Alarms ‰ Blind front panel (OP) and open base for
‰ Water alarm (supplied loose). bottom air intake.
‰ Out-of-range air discharge temperature ‰ Front panel with grille in the lower part (UP)
alarm. and closed base.
‰ Smoke/fire alarm terminals.
Water cooled condensers and pressostatic ‰ Plenum (h=550 mm) for air discharge or
valves intake with front grille.
‰ Welded stainless steel water cooled plate ‰ Plenum (h=550 mm) for air discharge or
condenser. intake with front and side grilles.
‰ 2 way pressostatic valve (only if the water
condenser is selected).

Direct expansion unit cooling capacity Under bases
regulation ‰ Adjustable under base (OP only).
‰ Electronic expansion valve. (Specify precise height with order).
‰ Electronic hot-gas injection system for the ‰ Adjustable under base with air deflector
regulation of cooling capacity (100-10%). (UP only). (Specify precise height with
Heating, reheating and humidification
‰ Single-step or double-step low thermal-
inertia electrical heating/reheating coil. Fans and filters
‰ Immersed-electrode modulating humidifier ‰ Electronic EC fans with incorporated inverter
and dehumidification control. for constant rotation speed regulation.
‰ Humidity sensor for the single control of ‰ Electronic EC fans with incorporated inverter
dehumidification. for the regulation of air flow in relation to the
required cooling capacity.
‰ Electronic EC fans with incorporated inverter
Boards and sensors
for the regulation of constant pressure in the
‰ Humidity sensor and board for external
raised floor.
humidification control not supplied by
‰ Electronic two-speed AC fans.
‰ F7 filter to be installed on the air intake as
‰ RS 485 communication board.
substitute for the standard G4.
‰ Monophase condenser-fan rotation speed
Dampers variator (winter control), maximum power 8
‰ Gravity-operated overpressure dampers on Ampere.
the air outlet (OP series).
‰ Motorized overpressure dampers on the on
the air intake(UP series).

Performance as the test conditions AERMEC
YC-PXO: direct expansion air conditioners with air cooled or water
condensers and up-flow air supply
Models 71 111 141 211 251 301 302 372 361 461 422 512 612 662 852 932
Tot. cooling cap. kW: 7,2 11,2 14,3 20,9 25,2 30,4 30,6 38,2 47,2 42,2 51,2 64,3 67,5 84,3 96,0
Sens cooling cap. kW: 6,7 10,6 11,8 19,8 21,7 29,4 27,7 31,0 46,2 41,5 45,0 58,2 59,8 67,3 83,5
Airflow m3/h: 2200 3200 3200 7000 7000 8700 8.700 8.700 14.500 14.500 14.500 14.500 17.900 17.900 17.900 22.500
EER 3,09 3,11 3,15 3,12 3,05 3,10 3,18 2,96 3,38 3,12 3,06 3,21 3,11 3,14 3,41
LPS:dB(A) 49 49 49 56 56 58 58 58 63 63 63 63 68 68 68 69
Dimensions & weight
Lenght mm. 750 750 750 860 860 750 1.410 1.410 1.750 1.750 1.750 1.750 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.640
Depth mm. 630 630 630 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880
Height mm. 1990 1990 1990 1.990 1.990 1965 1.990 1.990 1.990 1.990 1.990 1.990 990 990 990 1.990
Net weight kg. 170 170 170 210 270 270 300 315 330 400 420 440 420 490 315 330

YC-PXU: direct expansion air conditioners with air cooled or water

condensers and down-flow air supply

Models 71 111 141 211 251 301 302 372 361 461 422 512 612 662 852 932
Tot. cooling cap. kW: 7,2 11,2 14,3 20,9 25,2 30,4 30,6 38,2 47,2 42,2 51,2 64,3 67,5 84,3 96,0
Sens cooling cap. kW: 6,7 10,6 11,8 19,8 21,7 29,4 27,7 31,0 46,2 41,5 45,0 58,2 59,8 67,3 83,5
Airflow m3/h: 2200 3200 3200 7000 7000 8700 8.700 8.700 14.500 14.500 14.500 14.500 17.900 17.900 17.900 22.500
EER 3,09 3,11 3,15 3,12 3,05 3,10 3,18 2,96 3,38 3,12 3,06 3,21 3,11 3,14 3,41
LPS:dB(A) 49 49 49 56 56 58 58 58 63 63 63 63 68 68 68 69
Dimensions & weight
Lenght mm. 750 750 750 860 860 750 1.410 1.410 1.750 1.750 1.750 1.750 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.640
Depth mm. 630 630 630 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880
Height mm. 1990 1990 1990 1.990 1.990 1965 1.990 1.990 1.990 1.990 1.990 1.990 990 990 990 1.990
Net weight kg. 170 170 170 210 255 270 300 315 330 400 420 440 420 470 315 330

Performance as the test conditions AERMEC
YC-PWO: with chilled water coil and up-flow air supply

Models 10 20 30 50 80 110 160 220

Tot. cooling cap. kW: 10,6 19,6 31,4 41,3 71,2 92,5 148,4
Sens cooling cap. kW: 9,9 17,2 31,4 38,8 68,0 83,2 131,2
Airflow m3/h: 2200 3400 7800 8.300 16000 17.000 26.400
LPS:dB(A) 47 49 57 56 59 61 64
Dimensions & weight
Lenght mm. 750 750 860 860 1750 1.750 2.640
Depth mm. 630 630 880 880 880 880 880
Height mm. 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1.990 1.990
Net weight kg. 155 155 180 250 450 450 650

YC-PWU: with chilled water coil and down-flow air supply

Models 10 20 30 50 80 110 160 220

Performance 11,1 19,3 30,6 39 69,2 88 151 175,8
Tot. cooling cap. kW: 8,4 13,8 24,5 30 53 64,9 106,5 129,5
Sens cooling cap. kW: 2.400 3.500 7.800 8.300 16.000 17.000 26.400 34.000
Airflow m3/h: 20 20 75 75 75 75 75 75
LPS:dB(A) 82 82 80 78 83 81 84 84
Dimensions & weight
Lenght mm. 750 750 860 860 1.750 1.750 2.640 3.495
Depth mm. 630 630 880 880 880 880 880 880
Height mm. 1.990 1.990 1.990 1.990 1.990 1.990 1.990 1.990
Net weight kg. 155 155 180 250 450 450 650

The performances are referred to: refrigerant R410; condensing temperature: 45°C; inlet air: 24°C - 50% RH; for chilled water: 7/12°C;
The SPL is referred to 2 m distance, 1,5 m height, free field and sound damped discharge mouth. Available static pressure: 30 Pa. EER =
Electro Efficiency Ratio = Total cooling capacity / compressors power input + fans power input. The above performances don’t consider the
heat generated by the fans which must be added to the thermal load of the system.
Air cooled condensers to be matched
with Aermec air conditioners
Galvanized steel casing with Epoxy-Polyester powder coating for a maximum resistence to the corrosion
Painted in white colour RAL 9003.
Very high efficiency condensing coil.
Very high efficiency single phase directly driven axial fans for continuos external operation.
Life lubrificated and thermally protected motors. Each fan section is separated from the others.
Safety protection grilles on air discharge.
Main switch fitted in a weatherproof box.
Fans speed regulation (winter control) is available as accessory in the indoor unit. The models ACC 74
and ACC 83 are standard equipped with fans speed regulation.

Models ACC 8 11 16 19 21 25 29
Nominal capacity (1) kW 8,3 10,8 16,5 19,9 21,5 24,8 29,8
Air quantity m3/h 2.600 2.200 5.200 4.800 4.400 7.800 7.200
Fans number n. 1 1 2 2 2 3 3
Fans diameter mm 350 350 350 350 350 350 350
Motor power input W 180 180 360 360 360 540 540
Absorbed current Amps 0,85 0,85 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7 2,5
Sound pressure level (2) dB(A) 40 40 43 43 43 45 45
Internal circuit volume dm3 2,0 3,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 4,0 6,0
Lenght (H - V installation) mm 743 743 1.298 1.298 1.298 1.853 1.853
Depth (H installation) mm 610 610 610 610 610 610 610
Depth (V installation) mm 510 510 510 510 510 510 510
Height (H installation ) mm 906 906 906 906 906 906 906
Height (V installation ) mm 578 578 578 578 578 578 578
Weight kg 20 29 29 33 37 42 48

Models ACC 32 42 50 55 61 74 83
Nominal capacity (1) kW 32,3 43,1 50,3 56,1 62,0 75,4 84,0
Air quantity m3/h 6.600 8.800 13.600 12.700 14.900 20.400 19.000
Fans number n. 3 4 2 2 2 3 3
Fans diameter mm 350 350 500 500 500 500 500
Motor power input W 540 720 1.250 1.250 1.160 1.880 1.880
Absorbed current Amps 2,5 3,4 5,5 5,5 5,5 8,3 8,3
Sound pressure level (2) dB(A) 45 46 50 50 51 51 51
Internal circuit volume dm3 6,0 10,0 9,0 12,0 14,0 13,0 17,0
Lenght (H - V installation) mm 1.853 2.408 1.895 1.895 2.393 2.705 2.705
Depth (H installation) mm 610 610 905 905 1.110 905 905
Depth (V installation) mm 510 510 470 470 705 470 470
Height (H instllation ) mm 906 906 1.070 1.070 1.230 1.070 1.070
Height (V installation ) mm 578 578 830 830 1.040 830 830
Weight kg 54 71 94 102 177 132 144

(1) Nominal capacity at 35°C ambient and 50°C condensing temperature; R410A
(2) Sound pressure level in free fi eld at 10 meters from the unit.
The ACC air cooled condensers are available in the following versions:
ACC/H horizontal installation and vertical air discharge;
ACC/V vertical installation and horizontal air discharge;
ACC/LT for very low temperature; vertical installation and horizontal air discharge.
Available accessories:
ALUPAINT: for better protection of the aluminium fi ns (suggested in salt atmospheres);
22 EC FANS: for energy saving (available on models with fan diameter 500 mm).
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