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Termomeccanica Group Company

VE Technical Description


Capacity from 1800 to 7500 l/m
Pressure from 8 to 15 bar
Power from 15 to 45 kW
2 l Adicomp S.r.l.

Functional compressed air,
even in limit conditions.
VE compression stations are real complete, compact and quiet compressed air production
and treatment units; they are suitable for use in heavy-duty environments and in the most
varied industrial sectors with working temperatures between -15°C and +50°C.
Thanks to the reliability of the components used and the possibility of perfectly combining
the units with both energy-saving refrigeration dryer and reservoir with an integrated filter-
ing system, the VE stations are able to produce water-free compressed air, thus improving
the plant performance and extending the lifetime of the equipment.
Special attention has been focused on the transmission of power: the perfect alignment of
the pulleys obtained by flanging the pumping element and motor on the same plate and
the excellent quality of the belts and pulleys used, guarantee optimum transmission of pow-
er with lower maintenance costs.
The design and compact dimensions of these stations facilitate transportation and installa-
tion in the assigned compartments. In this sense the units have been designed to be
moved easily and guarantee the maximum safety.
The innovative air/oil separation system with a horizontal reservoir flanged to the pumping
element with a separator cartridge of the “spin-on” type permits fast replacement of the
filter without using special tools.
The ample size of the system and the ingenious mechanical separation method guarantee
the minimum contamination of the oil in the compressed air and long service life. l 3

VE, Water free,

the flexible protect your
industry solution. plants.
The experience gained over the years Adicomp offers integrated solutions with
and in the various engineering and devel- both vessels and dryers in an all-in-one
opment processes, allowed us to obtain a package to produce “water free” com-
versatile machine for any type of 24h use pressed air. This improves the reliability of
and for any kind of industrial application your distribution system and prevents cost-
where high air flows with constant quality ly production down times or late deliver-
levels are required. ies. The compressed air that comes into
Series VE compressors with belt transmis- contact with your end-product must abso-
sion meet the demands for flexible utiliza- lutely not affect its quality.
tion and all the requests for compressed The combination of a suitably sized refrig-
air at the various working pressures, while eration dryer within the compressor, along
maintaining the air quality level unaltered with a multiple filtering system, depending
over time. on the real compressed air needs, re-
Our VE compressors have been designed moves the moisture, vapors, aerosols and
with attention to the arrangement of the dust, thus protecting your machinery and
various mechanical parts in order to facili- investment.
tate programmed maintenance, and with
an eye to the costs for maintaining the
compressor itself which have been consid- Electronic control,
erably reduced.
The VE series is available in various cus- management of
tomized solutions, from the standard ver-
sion to the water-free one with refrigera- compressed air.
tion dryer and reservoir with centralized
condensate discharge and to the ATEX VE compressors are equipped with inno-
version. vative electronic controllers ready for in-
sertion in a compressed air management
system with the main aim of keeping the
production and treatment of compressed
CO2, air under control, as well as containing
costs in a simple and cheap way.
lower emission. We use the most modern communications
and monitoring technologies in order to
By ducting the cooling air it is possible to allow our stations to interface with interna-
heat the rooms and workshops adjacent tionally used communication protocols
to the compressor rooms and, in whole or such as Profibus DP, Modbus RTU, De-
in part, make use of the hot air dissipated viceNet, etc. These technologies permit
by the compressor. the complete integration of our compres-
With the aid of the cooling fluid and spe- sion stations with the latest monitoring and
cial oil/water exchangers, it is possible to control technologies for plants operating
heat the water and/or any liquids for in modern industrial production sites,
combined cycle heating. where control is a fundamental require-
ment for optimizing costs associated with
industrial production.
4 l Adicomp S.r.l.

Key Points Power,

air quality,
Developed for maximizing performance of the
compression units and specially designed to
all-in-one solutions
facilitate the end-user. It permits ideal man-
agement of the machine in real time and a
for any need.
minimum waste of energy during operation off
This board is characterized by a simple intuitive
interface with an LCD panel which does not
envisage the use of a specific language and is
universally comprehensible.
Every compressor can be integrated with the
other units that already exist with even easier
use of the entire station, if all the units have
been manufactured by Adicomp.
This allows the user to manage and optimize
operation of the entire plant and not just of
the single compressor.


A distinct compressed air/fluid radiator

equipped with a separate high head fan for
ensuring compressed air at a low temperature.
It operates in both continuous and intermittent



The lubricated single-stage rotary compressor

screw element is driven directly by an electric
motor by means of belts fitted rigorously on
balanced steel pulleys fixed by taper-locks.
In this power range belt transmission consti-
tutes an important characteristic of Adicomp
machines as it makes it possible to drive the
compressor element with the maximum perfor-
mance and reliability.


The use of special materials that are suitable

for the most extreme and explosive environ-
ments means that this station can be used for
any application.
VE22-10B l 5

Innovative Key Points


for you. Adicomp has developed an innovative air/oil

separation system with a horizontal reservoir
flanged to the pumping element.
The air/oil separation cartridge is the SPIN ON
type, which means that it is easy to change.


Combination with a filtering system that guar-

antees the production of compressed air in
quality class 1, the equivalent of a concentra-
tion of contaminants below 0.01 mg/m3.



Completely automatic, this space-saving unit

combines compressor, high-efficiency dryer,
automatic condensate discharger, filtering set
and accumulation reservoir without the use of
any particular connection of piping between



The compressor can also work with the doors

open so that any internal inspection that may
be necessary is even easier.
Thanks to special panels, the air/oil coolers
can be cleaned without having to be disman-


The sound-absorbing coating with a washable

surface has been designed for reducing the
noise level during use, making it slightly higher
than a normal conversation and lower than
that of an air-conditioner.


Adicomp is very attentive to efficiency, so that

all our motors are at the highest levels recog-
nized by international standards.
6 l Adicomp S.r.l.

principal characteristics

The lubricated single-stage rotary screw compressor is composed of two rotors: a 5-lobe male and a 6-slot fe-
male one with asymmetrical profiles. Rotation of the rotors produces compression of the air with continuity and
without pulsations.
The compressor element is driven directly by an electric motor by means of belts fitted rigorously on balanced
steel pulleys fixed by taper-locks. In this power range belt transmission represents an important characteristic of
Adicomp machines as it makes it possible to drive the compressor element with the best results and maximum
The compression is developed in a single stage and the heat of compression is removed by the oil injected be-
tween the two rotors.
Furthermore, the oil lubricates the rotating mechanical parts and ensures the seal between the two rotors.
The forged steel rotors are cut by specially tooled CNC machines. The roller and ball bearings support the radial
loads and the axial thrusts respectively.


The oil circuit is composed as follows:

• Air/oil reservoir containing a centrifugal oil separator;

• High-efficiency spin-on type de-oiler cartridges;
• Thermostatic valve;
• Oil cooler with large exchange surface;
• Oil filtering cartridge;
• Minimum oil pressure valve.

The oil whose functions are to cool, to ensure perfect tightness of the parts under pressure and to lubricate, is
kept in circulation exclusively by the pressure difference of the air between the air/oil reservoir and the com-
pressor element.
This technical solution makes it possible to eliminate the traditional gear pump, which has a negative influence
both on the power taken in by the station and on maintenance costs.


The cooling circuit is composed of the air-type oil chiller and by the final compressed air cooler combined with-
in a single radiator cooled by a separate 4-pole axial electric fan.


The electric motor used is IE2 or IE3 efficiency class and F insulated with shielded bearings, sized to withstand to
class B temperatures and with a degree of protection IP55.
The choice of technologically advanced electric motors manufactured by major international manufacturers in
this industry, they values a lot our machines comparing them to other correspondents.
Into VE version the electric motor is connected to the compressor block by pulleys and belts specially sized to
carry all the power generated out.


The starter equipment – leading brand star/delta remote switches with protective thermal relays and line cut-off
switch – in compliance with EC/UL standards, is fitted in the compressor command and control board.


IP55-rated electrical control panel with automatic YD start-delta starter, protection of the main motor and fan
motor, protection against high temperature of the air/oil mix and against incorrect rotation direction.
Regulation by electronic board with temperature sensor and pressure transducer, off-load/loaded operation
with timed automatic stopping for greater operating economy.
The regulation system used in this machine processes the signals of the pressure and air flows requested by the
user by means of sensors located inside the unit.
Correct programming of operations guarantees the constant air flow requested without any pressure jumps. l 7

The electronic system makes it possible to:

• Control the operating conditions of the main components of the compression station.
• Change the programmed working conditions.
• Determine any maintenance work in an automatic manner, as regards the environmental and operating
conditions of the station, thereby rendering service more secure and less onerous.

A luminous monitor with three displays on the control board makes it possible to display the working conditions
of the machine and the triggering of any of the alarm and blocking devices provided.
More specifically:

• Display indicating the working pressure;

• Display indicating the working temperature;
• Symbol LEDs;
• Failure messages; Status messages; Maintenance messages;
• Start button
• Programmed stop button;
• Emergency stop button


• Two-stage intake filter with high filtering power (equivalent to 99.80% of particles larger than 3 micron) with
large accumulation capacity.
• Safety valve
• Check valve in the air circuit.
• Lubricant oil filler.
• Line voltage cut-off.
• Dryer (optional)
• 500 lt. reservoir (optional)
• Integrated filtering system (optional)


• Economical: DRM dryers have been designed for combination with the standard flows of the air compres-
sors. It is not necessary to recommend larger sizes: the dryer-compressor combination is tested and guaran-
teed by ADICOMP within the operating limits indicated in the technical characteristics.
• Functional: correct operation of the DRM dryer is monitored by means of the DMC15 electronic control in-
strument with a digital display that shows the dew-point temperature, with a cyclical timer that controls the
condensate discharge solenoid valve, and with a sensor that measures the condensation temperature and
activates a condenser cooling fan. A hot by-pass valve makes it possible to adapt the potential of the refrig-
erating compressor to the evaporator load, thereby preventing the formation of ice in any working condi-
tion. The aluminium ALU-DRY dryer module has an exclusive feature that completely directs the flow of moist
air along a descending vertical path and therefore with naturally facilitated condensate discharge.
• Environment-friendly: the component materials of the DRM dryers are highly recyclable. For some years
ADICOMP has been implementing an environmental policy aimed at the continuous search for eco-
compatible materials, the use of eco-friendly refrigerators and compliance of the components with Commu-
nity Directives 2002/95/EC “RoHS” (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) and 2002/96/EC “RAEE” (Waste from
electrical and electronic equipment ).


Installing a compression station is extremely simple.

No foundations are required. It is therefore sufficient to position it in the designated place, make the electrical
connections from the line to the power board on the machine and the pneumatic connection from the air de-
livery valve of the station to the reservoir or distribution network.
The compression unit complies with EC and EMV standards.
The tolerances of each unit are tested in our works and a certificate is issued stating that the parameters meas-
ured comply with the DIN1945 standard, while the measured values may change as follows:

• Flow rate: ±5%

• Power intake: ± 6%
• Noise level (CAGI-Pneurop): ± 3%
8 l Adicomp S.r.l.


1 - air filter 12 - oil filter

23 - air-air heat exchanger
2 - intake valve 13 - oil radiator
24 - air-freon exchanger
3 - solenoid valve 14 - final cooler
25 - condensate separator
4 - screw pumping element 15 - electric fan
26 - dew-point temperature sensor
5 - belt transmission 16 - power board
27 - refrigerant gas compressor
6 - electric motor 17 - electrical panel display
28 - gas condenser
7 - air-oil reservoir 18 - temperature transducer
29 - condenser electric fan
8 - safety valve 19 - pressure transducer
30 - filter
9 - air-oil separator 20 - oil recovery visor
31 - capillary tube
10 - minimum pressure valve 21 - air reservoir
32 - dryer control panel
11 - thermostatic oil valve 22 - automatic discharge unit


VE products overview
Working Maximum Free Air De- Noise
Power Receiver Weight Dimensions
Model pressure pressure livery (FAD) Dryer Level
kW - HP bar bar PSI l/min m3/h dB(A) l Kg cm
VE15-08B 7,5 8 115 2400 148
VE15-10B 15 - 20 9,5 10 145 2100 126 - 70 - 210
VE15-13B 12,5 13 189 1800 108
VE18-08B 7,5 8 115 2900 174
VE18-10B 18 – 25 9,5 10 145 2500 150 - 70 - 305
VE18-13B 12,5 13 189 2050 123
VE22-08B 7,5 8 115 3250 195
VE22-10B 22 - 30 9,5 10 145 2950 177 - 70 - 337 130x100x150
VE22-13B 12,5 13 189 2550 153
VE22-08C 7,5 8 115 3900 234
VE22-10C 22 - 30 9,5 10 145 3400 204 - 72 - 362
VE22-13C 12,5 13 189 3000 180
VE30-08B 7,5 8 115 5200 312
VE30-10B 30 - 40 9,5 10 145 4550 273 - 72 - 397
VE30-13B 12,5 13 189 3850 231
VE37-08C 7,5 8 115 6200 372
VE37-10C 37 - 50 9,5 10 145 5450 327 - 72 - 515
VE37-13C 12,5 13 189 4800 288
VE37-08H 7,5 8 115 6350 381
VE37-10H 37 - 50 9,5 10 145 5600 336 - 74 - 550 150x100x163
VE37-13H 12,5 13 189 4800 288
VE45-08H 7,5 8 115 7500 450
VE45-10H 45 - 60 9,5 10 145 6800 408 - 74 - 605
VE45-13H 12,5 13 189 5800 348
VE receiver version
VE15-08B500 7,5 8 115 2450 148
VE15-10B500 15 - 20 9,5 10 145 2100 126 - 70 500 350
VE15-13B500 12,5 13 189 1800 108
VE18-08B500 7,5 8 115 2900 174
VE18-10B500 18 - 25 9,5 10 145 2500 150 - 70 500 397 195x75x203
VE18-13B500 12,5 13 189 2050 123
VE22-08B500 7,5 8 115 3250 195
VE22-10B500 22 - 30 9,5 10 145 2950 177 - 70 500 477
VE22-13B500 12,5 13 189 2550 153
VE receiver and dryer version
VE15-08B500D 7,5 8 115 2450 148
VE15-10B500D 15 - 20 9,5 10 145 2100 126 DRM25 70 500 362
VE15-13B500D 12,5 13 189 1800 108
VE18-08B500D 7,5 8 115 2900 174
VE18-10B500D 18 - 25 9,5 10 145 2500 150 DRM32 70 500 445 195x75x203
VE18-13B500D 12,5 13 189 2050 123
VE22-08B500D 7,5 8 115 3250 195
VE22-10B500D 22 - 30 9,5 10 145 2950 177 DRM32 70 500 485
VE22-13B500D 12,5 13 189 2550 153

Reference’s conditions Product codes’ interpretation

 Ambient temperature: 20°C e.g. / es. : VE22-13B500D
 Intake pressure 1bar(a)
 Relative humidity 60%
Model Power Pressure Receiver Dryer
10 l Adicomp S.r.l.

——————————————————————————— l 11

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Termomeccanica Group Company

Adicomp S.r.l.
via del Progresso, 35 - 36050 Sovizzo (Vicenza) Italy
Ph. +39 0444 573979 - Fax +39 0444 809186 -

Copyright © 2015 Adicomp S.r.l. – All rights reserved

Datas are indicative and may be changed in any time without notice.
Rev. December 2015

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