AVN 204 To 904 EVN/CVN 204 To 904: Vertical Packaged and Split Air Conditioners
AVN 204 To 904 EVN/CVN 204 To 904: Vertical Packaged and Split Air Conditioners
AVN 204 To 904 EVN/CVN 204 To 904: Vertical Packaged and Split Air Conditioners
19.8 to 86.4 kW
Complete versatility and efficiency Electrical heaters : Heating elements (of finned elements) of
adequate power are supplied together with contactors, fuses
The units are designed to fully satisfy any application system need and relative switch. The heating element is protected by two
thanks to a complete range, versions and configurations and with temperature limiting devices, one with automatic reset and
the goal of guaranteeing high efficiency at any working conditions. the second with manual reset (see the correspondent chapter).
As the units are checked in the factory, during installation only The electrical heater is placed behind of evaporating coil so it
the electrical, air and condensate drain connections need to be
permits to add 1 or 2 heating stages to the unit.
made. They have also been developed thinking to make easy the
maintenance operations they need. Hot water coil : A water coil made of copper pipes and
aluminium fins can be placed inside the indoor section allowing
Structure 1 or 2 heating stages to the unit (Heat Pump).
Self supporting panels structure in steel sheet protected by oven- Thermostat : Regulation through the PCO terminal,
dried polyester paint for corrosion resistance. The panels are characterized by great versatility makes it easy for the user. It
thermally and acoustically insulated with a sheet 10mm high of allows the visualization and modification of control parameters
polyethylene foam high density. and fundamental operations by the user himself. pLAN
connections and interface with the more commonly-used BMS
Fan (Building Management Systems) are possible.
The external and internal sections of the whole range are both Thermostatic or enthalpy Free-Cooling : It is supplied as
supplied with centrifugal fans with dual intakes. Ventilation an independent module that, coupled with 2 dampers, realizes
characteristics can be adjusted by pulley (iron-made) and belt thermostatic and enthalpy Freecooling and, if coupled with
regulation. 3 dampers, in the presence of return centrifugal fan, permits
renewal of air in the places.
Page 2
Wall-mounted electronic thermostat consisting of a terminal (located New high tech user interfaces, terminal PGD that makes it easy
in the room) and a power board (located in the unit). Connection to with the user. Display and keypad offer the user the possibility of
the unit through 2 wires. programming the control parameters (set point, differential band,
alarm thresholds, etc) and basic operations (ON/OFF, display of
Features : controlled values).
Room sensor in the return. Connection of the terminal is unnecessary for Standard operation
of the control.
Temperature set-point between 16 °C and 30 °C.
Management of main system alarms.
Compressors shattering or sequence.
Other options :
Temperature probe on the return of the unit.
pLAN Network applications (up to 16 units controlled by a
PCO3). See the connections example in the next pages. Other options :
Remote temperature probe (connected to the terminal). Thermostatic or Enthalpy FreeCooling with proportional
management of the dampers.
Thermostatic Free Cooling.
pLAN connections, as well as possibility to interface the PCO
Timer Setting terminal (not compatible when pLAN network). with the more commonly-used BMS (Building Management
Systems) See the connections example in the next pages.
Dirty filter detector.
Timer setting.
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Examples of Connexion
In case of ARIA control, the units can be connected as follows. All connections available only with ARIA pLAN version.
pLAN connection
Line 1
Aria 1 Aria 2 Aria 3 Aria 200
Shielded cable
Line 6
TCP/IP connection
No Carel components
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Examples of Connexion (continued)
pLAN connection
PC + PlantVisor system
Shielded cable
TCP/IP connection
No Carel components
Shielded cable
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Supply and Return Positions
There is the possibility of several configurations of the inlet and outlet positions of the air intakes. The panel are easy interchangeable, although
the final configuration must be selected when order.
AVN units
EVN-CVN units
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Technical Data
MODELS 204 254 304 354 384 454 504 604 654 754 904
Cooling Capacity (1) kW 19.4 24.5 29.1 32.3 37.7 42.7 49.1 58.1 64.6 75.4 85.4
Power Input (1) kW 7.9 9.5 11.7 12.5 14.4 16.6 19.0 22.0 23.5 28.8 31.6
EER compressor W/W 3.4 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
EER unit W/W 2.5 2.6 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.7
Heating Capacity (2) kW 19.8 24.9 29.5 32.9 38.3 43.1 49.8 59.1 65.8 76.7 86.4
Power Input (2) kW 7.7 7.2 10.7 9.4 11.1 15.5 17.5 20.1 21.7 26.5 29.3
COP compressor W/W 3.6 4.1 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.9 4.1 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.9
COP unit W/W 2.6 3.4 2.7 3.5 3.5 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 2.9 2.9
Type Hermetic Scroll
Number 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
Number of circuits 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
Number of stages 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
Type of oil Danfoss P.O.E. 160 SZ. Copeland 3MAF 32 cSt. ICI Emkarate RL32 CF. Mobil EAL Arctic 22cc
Crankcase heater W 65 65 65 65 65 75 65 65 65 65 75
Quantity/Load litres 1.8 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 6.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 6.2
Cooling Power Input (1) kW 5.7 6.9 8.4 9.2 10.7 12.1 13.8 16.8 18.3 21.4 24.2
Cooling Electrical Requirement (1) A 10.5 12.3 15.3 17.4 18.5 23.7 24.5 30.6 34.8 37.1 47.3
Heating Power Input (2) kW 5.5 6.1 7.4 8.3 9.6 11.0 12.3 14.9 16.5 19.1 21.9
Heating Electrical Requirement (2) A 9.6 11.4 14.3 16.3 17.1 22.3 22.8 28.5 32.7 34.2 44.7
Number of fans 1 x Simple 1 x Tandem
Type Pulley & Belt ajustable motor Centrifugal fan
Absorbed Power Motor kW 0.75 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.50 1.50 2.20 2.20 2.20 3.00 3.00
Maximum Electrical Requirement A 1.93 2.60 2.60 2.60 3.40 3.40 4.94 4.94 4.94 6.60 6.60
Nominal airflow m³/h 4 000 5 200 5 500 6 800 8 000 8 000 10 200 10 500 12 500 14 500 15 000
Available Static Pressure Pa 120 120 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 150 150
Number of fans 1 x Simple 2 x Simple
Type Pulley & Belt ajustable motor Centrifugal fan
Absorbed Power Motor kW 1.50 1.50 2.20 2.20 2.20 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.40 4.40
Maximum Electrical Requirement A 3.40 3.40 4.94 4.94 4.94 6.60 6.80 6.80 6.80 9.88 9.88
Nominal airflow m³/h 8 500 8 500 9 500 11 000 12 000 12 700 15 600 16 500 19 000 21 600 23 000
Available Static Pressure Pa 120 120 120 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Length mm 1325 1325 1325 1675 1675 1675 2350 2350 2600 2600 2600
Depth mm 800 800 800 900 900 900 900 900 940 940 940
Height mm 1890 1890 1890 2030 2030 2030 1950 1950 2300 2300 2300
Packaged Unit Weight AVN kg 370 378 387 544 564 585 745 772 969 1007 1046
Split Unit Weight CVN kg 259 265 271 381 395 409 521 540 678 705 733
Split Unit Weight EVN kg 111 113 116 163 169 175 223 232 291 302 314
Condensing Water Drain pipe Male thread 3/4" G
Heat-Pump & Cooling mode High Pressure Pressostat. Manual Reset. 42 bar +/-1
Cooling mode Low Pressure Pressostat. Automatic Reset 4.5 bar +/-0.4
Heat-Pump mode Low Pressure Pressostat. Automatic Reset. 3.0 bar +/-0.3
Gas Refrigerant
Type R410A
Load kg 4.8 6.1 7.3 8.1 9.4 10.7 2 x 6.1 2 x 7.3 2 x 8.1 2 x 9.4 2 x 10.7
Power Supply 400V-III+N-50Hz(+/-5%)
Unit Maximum Electrical Input A 20 25 29 33 35 42 50 54 62 70 81
Packaged Sound Pressure Level (3) dB(A) 65.0 67.5 68.0 69.5 71.0 71.0 72.0 72.0 73.0 74.0 75.0
Evaporating Unit Sound Pressure Level (3) dB(A) 61.0 61.5 62.0 62.0 64.0 63.5 66.0 66.0 67.0 67.0 68.0
Condensing Unit Sound Pressure Level (3) dB(A) 64.5 67 67.5 69 69.5 70 70 70.5 71 72 72.5
(1) Indoor temperature : 27 °C and 50% RH (Twb=19 °C) and outdoor temperature : 35 °C.
(2) Indoor temperature : 20 °C and outdoor temperature : 7 °C (Twb=6 °C).
(3) Pressure sound level measured at 5 m distance from unit surface in free field conditions at 1.5 m from ground level and with air ducts.
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Optional Item Data
Electrical heater
It consists of modular finned elements that permit a wide selection of heating capacities. The finned elements are mounted in a frame and are
completely cabled.
The operation is regulated by the own air-conditioner control system. The heating elements have an independent switch and two thermal
cut-outs: the first one with automatic reset disconnects the heating elements when temperature reaches 77 ºC; the other, with manual reset,
disconnects it when temperature reaches 105 ºC.
In case of an internal cut-out failure of the fan, the unit control system stops the heating element.
All units can manage 2 stages electrical heaters, with the exception of 1 circuit Heat Pump unit managed by ARIA electronic control.
Models kW 204 254 304 354 384 454 504 604 654 754 904
Cooling Capacities kW 19.4 24.5 29.1 32.3 37.7 42.7 49.1 58.1 64.6 75.4 85.4
9 x x x
13.5 x x x
18 x x x
Electrical heater
1 stage
22.5 x x
27 x x x x x x
36 x x
45 x x x
9+9 x x x
13.5 + 13.5 x x x x x x x x
Electrica heater
2 stages
18 + 18 x x x x x x
22.5 + 22.5 x x
27 + 27 x x x
Models 204 254 304 354 384 454 504 604 654 754 904
Capacity kW 27.3 32.1 33.2 42.9 47.2 47.2 65.6 66.8 85.8 94.2 96.2
Nominal airflow m²/h 4 000 5 200 5 500 6 800 8 000 8 000 10 200 10 500 12 500 14 500 15 000
Water pressure drop kPa 16.5 22.3 23.7 25.9 30.9 30.9 19.3 20.0 23.9 28.3 29.5
Water coil connections Ø 3/4" G 3/4" G 3/4" G 3/4" G 3/4" G 3/4" G 1" G 1" G 1 1/4" G 1 1/4" G 1 1/4" G
Water flow rate l/h 1595 1878 1944 2509 2762 2762 3839 3908 5022 5514 5631
Air conditions : 20 °C and 50% RH.
Water conditions : Inlet 80 °C, outlet 65 °C.
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Optional Item Data (cont'd)
Thermostatic/Enthalpy freecooling
Thermostatic or enthalpy freecooling consists of 2 external damper module managed by a motor, or 3 external dampers when a return fan is
supplied with the unit.
2-damper freecooling
Motor Pressure Speed
Models airflow
(kW) (Pa) (rpm)
204 3400 0.55 96 502
254 4200 0.55 96 527
304 4400 0.55 96 545
354 5400 0.55 96 439
384 6400 0.75 96 466
454 6400 0.75 96 466
504 8200 1.1 120 657
604 8200 1.1 120 658
654 10000 1.5 120 635
754 10200 1.5 120 639
904 10500 1.5 120 648
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Operating Limits
Correcting Factors
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Cooling Capacities
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Cooling Capacities (cont'd)
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Cooling Capacities (cont'd)
Pt : Total capacity.
Ps : Sensible capacity.
Pabs : Absorbed power.
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Heating Capacities
Page 14
Internal Fan Curves
Size 204 - Min. airflow : 3250 m3/h - Max. airflow 4750 m3/h - Standard airflow : 4000 m3/h
Motor 0.75 kW
Available static pressure (Pa)
3 500
3 750
4 000
4 250
4 500
4 750
5 000
5 250
5 500
Airflow (m³/h)
Size 254 - Min. airflow : 4000 m3/h - Max. airflow 6400 m3/h - Standard airflow : 5200 m3/h
Motor 1.1 kW
Available static pressure (Pa)
2 v.a. = 831 rpm
4 000
4 400
4 800
5 200
5 600
6 000
6 400
Airflow (m³/h)
Size 304 - Min. airflow : 4450 m3/h - Max. airflow 6550 m3/h - Standard airflow : 5500 m3/h
Motor 1.1 kW
Available static pressure (Pa)
1 v.a. 891 rpm
2 v.a.- 831 rpm
3 v.a. - 770rpm
4 450
4 800
5 150
5 500
5 850
6 200
6 550
Airflow (m³/h)
Page 15
Internal Fan Curves (cont'd)
Size 354 - Min. airflow : 5450 m3/h - Max. airflow 8150 m3/h - Standard airflow : 6800 m3/h
Motor 1.1 kW
Available static pressure (Pa)
1 v.a. - 704 rpm
5 450
5 900
6 350
6 800
7 250
7 700
8 150
Size 384 - Min. airflow : 6350 m3/h - Max. airflow 9650 m3/h - Standard airflow : 8000 m3/h
Motor 1.5 kW
Available static pressure (Pa)
1 v.a. 743 rpm
2 v.a.- 692 rpm
6 350
6 900
7 450
8 000
8 550
9 100
9 650
Airflow (m³/h)
Size 454 - Max. airflow : 6350 m3/h - Min. airflow 9650 m3/h - Standard airflow : 8000 m3/h
1 v.a. - 786 rpm Motor 1.5 kW
Available static pressure (Pa)
6 350
6 900
7 450
8 000
8 550
9 100
9 650
Airflow (m³/h)
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Internal Fan Curves (cont'd)
Size 504 - Min. airflow : 8250 m3/h - Max. airflow 12150 m3/h - Standard airflow : 10200 m3/h
Motor 2.2kW
1 v.a. - 941 rpm
Available static pressure (Pa)
12 150
10 200
10 850
11 500
8 250
8 900
9 550
Airflow (m³/h)
Size 604 - Min. airflow : 8400 m3/h - Max. airflow 12600 m3/h - Standard airflow : 10500 m3/h
Motor 2.2 kW
3 v.a. - 882rpm
11 900
12 600
10 500
11 200
8 400
9 100
9 800
Airflow (m³/h)
Size 654 - Min. airflow : 9100 m3/h - Max. airflow 15050 m3/h - Standard airflow : 12500 m3/h
Motor 2.2 kW
Available static pressure (Pa)
2 v.a. - 744 rpm
14 200
15 050
11 650
12 500
13 350
9 100
9 950
Airflow (m³/h)
Page 17
Internal Fan Curves (cont'd)
Size 754 - Min. airflow : 11500 m3/h - Max. airflow 17500 m3/h - Standard airflow : 14500 m3/h
Motor 3 kW
Available static pressure (Pa)
17 500
15 500
16 500
11 500
12 500
13 500
14 500
Airflow (m³/h)
Size 904 - Min. airflow : 12000 m3/h - Max. airflow 18000 m3/h - Standard airflow : 15000 m3/h
Motor 3 kW
Available static pressure (Pa)
16 000
17 000
18 000
12 000
13 000
14 000
15 000
Airflow (m³/h)
Page 18
External Fan Curves
Size 204 - Min. airflow : 7000 m3/h - Max. airflow 10000 m3/h - Standard airflow : 8500 m3/h
Motor 1.5 kW
Available static pressure (Pa)
1 v.a. - 704 rpm
2 v.a. 656 rpm
3 v.a. - 608 rpm
7 000
7 500
8 000
8 500
9 000
9 500
10 000
Airflow (m³/h)
Size 254 - Min. airflow : 7000 m3/h - Max. airflow 10000 m3/h - Standard airflow : 8500 m3/h
Motor 1.5 kW
Available static pressure (Pa)
2 v.a. - 656 rpm
3 v.a. - 608 rpm
7 000
7 500
8 000
8 500
9 000
9 500
10 000
Airflow (m³/h)
Size 304 - Max. airflow : 7550 m3/h - Min. airflow 10800 m3/h - Standard airflow : 9500 m3/h
2 v.a. - 707 rpm
150 3 v.a. - 661 rpm
10 150
10 800
7 550
8 200
8 850
9 500
Airflow (m³/h)
Page 19
External Fan Curves (cont'd)
Size 354 - Min. airflow : 8750 m3/h - Max. airflow 13250 m3/h - Standard airflow : 11000 m3/h
Motor 2.2 kW
3 v.a. - 529 rpm
13 250
10 250
11 000
11 750
12 500
8 750
9 500
Airflow (m³/h)
Size 384 - Min. airflow : 9600 m3/h - Max. airflow 14400 m3/h - Standard airflow : 12000 m3/h
Motor 2.2 kW
Available static pressure (Pa)
14 400
12 800
13 600
10 400
11 200
12 000
9 600
Airflow (m³/h)
Size 454 - Min. airflow : 10150 m3/h - Max. airflow 15250 m3/h - Standard airflow : 12700 m3/h
2 v.a. - 566 rpm
14 400
15 250
10 150
11 000
11 850
12 700
13 550
Airflow (m³/h)
Page 20
External Fan Curves (cont'd)
Size 504 - Min. airflow : 12450 m3/h - Max. airflow 18750 m3/h - Standard airflow : 15600 m3/h
Motor 1.5 kW
Available static pressure (Pa)
18 750
16 650
17 700
12 450
13 500
14 550
15 600
Airflow (m³/h)
Size 604 - Min. airflow : 13200 m3/h - Max. airflow 19800 m3/h - Standard airflow : 16500 m3/h
Motor 1.5 kW
1 v.a. - 786 rpm
Available static pressure (Pa)
18 700
19 800
13 200
14 300
15 400
16 500
17 600
Airflow (m³/h)
Size 654 - Min. airflow : 15100 m3/h - Max. airflow 22900 m3/h - Standard airflow : 19000 m3/h
Motor 1.5 kW
1 v.a. - 631 rpm
Available sattic pressure (Pa)
2 v.a. - 588 rpm
21 600
22 900
15 100
16 400
17 700
19 000
20 300
Airflow (m³/h)
Page 21
External Fan Curves (cont'd)
Size 754 - Min. airflow : 17280 m3/h - Max. airflow 25380 m3/h - Standard airflow : 21600 m3/h
Motor 2.2 kW
Available static pressure (Pa)
23 040
24 480
25 920
17 280
18 720
20 160
21 600
Airflow (m³/h)
Size 904 - Min. airflow : 18500 m3/h - Max. airflow 27500 m3/h - Standard airflow : 23000 m3/h
Motor 2.2 kW
Available static pressure (Pa)
27 500
24 500
26 000
18 500
20 000
21 500
23 000
Airflow (m³/h)
Page 22
AVN 204-254-304
AVN 354-384-454
Page 23
Dimensions (cont'd)
AVN 504-604
AVN 654-754-904
Page 24
Dimensions (cont'd)
EVN 204-254-304
CVN 204-254-304
Page 25
Dimensions (cont'd)
EVN 354-384-454
CVN 354-384-454
Page 26
Dimensions (cont'd)
EVN 504-604
CVN 504-604
Page 27
Dimensions (cont'd)
EVN 654-754-904
CVN 654-754-904
Page 28
Servicing Area
The appliance must be planed on a flan, level and rigid surface and supplied with shock absorbers. In the picture below, minimum clearance
to be provided for maintenance access (both package and split units)
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