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Maxwell2015 Is Psychology Suffering From A Replication Crisis

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Is Psychology Suffering From a Replication Crisis?

What Does “Failure to Replicate” Really Mean?

Scott E. Maxwell University of Notre Dame
Michael Y. Lau Teachers College, Columbia University
George S. Howard University of Notre Dame

Psychology has recently been viewed as facing a replica- mistakenly reporting an effect when in reality no effect
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

tion crisis because efforts to replicate past study findings exists) at 5%. However, as a number of authors (e.g.,
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

frequently do not show the same result. Often, the first Gelman & Loken, 2014; John, Loewenstein, & Prelec,
study showed a statistically significant result but the rep- 2012; Simmons, Nelson, & Simonsohn, 2011) have dis-
lication does not. Questions then arise about whether the cussed, data analyses in psychology and other fields are
first study results were false positives, and whether the often driven by the observed data. Data-driven analyses
replication study correctly indicates that there is truly no include but are not limited to noticing apparent patterns in
effect after all. This article suggests these so-called failures the data and then testing them for significance, testing
to replicate may not be failures at all, but rather are the effects on multiple measures, testing effects on subgroups
result of low statistical power in single replication studies, of participants, fitting multiple latent variable models, in-
and the result of failure to appreciate the need for multiple cluding or excluding various covariates, and stopping data
replications in order to have enough power to identify true collection once significant results have been obtained.
effects. We provide examples of these power problems and Some of these practices may be entirely appropriate de-
suggest some solutions using Bayesian statistics and meta- pending on the specific circumstances, but even at best the
analysis. Although the need for multiple replication studies existence of such practices makes it difficult to evaluate the
may frustrate those who would prefer quick answers to accuracy of a single published study because these prac-
psychology’s alleged crisis, the large sample sizes typically tices typically increase the probability of obtaining a sig-
needed to provide firm evidence will almost always require nificant result. Gelman and Loken (2014) state that “Fisher
concerted efforts from multiple investigators. As a result, it offered the idea of p values as a means of protecting
remains to be seen how many of the recently claimed researchers from declaring truth based on patterns in noise.
failures to replicate will be supported or instead may turn In an ironic twist, p values are now often manipulated to
out to be artifacts of inadequate sample sizes and single lend credence to noisy claims based on small samples” (p.
study replications. 460).
The question of whether a pattern seemingly identified
Keywords: false positive results, statistical power, meta- in an original study is in fact more than just noise can often
analysis, equivalence tests, Bayesian methods best be addressed by testing whether the pattern can be

replicated in a new study, which has led to increased
sychologists have recently become increasingly attention to the role of replication in psychological re-
concerned about the likely overabundance of false search. Moonesinghe, Khoury, and Janssens (2007) have
positive results in the scientific literature. For ex- shown that successful replications can greatly lower the
ample, Simmons, Nelson, and Simonsohn (2011) state that risk of inflated false positive results. Both Moonesinghe et
“In many cases, a researcher is more likely to falsely find al. (2007, p. 218) and Simons (2014, p. 76) maintain that
evidence that an effect exists than to correctly find evidence replication is “the cornerstone of science” because only
that it does not” (p. 1359). In a similar vein, Ioannidis replication can adjudicate whether a single study reporting
(2005) concluded that for disciplines where statistical sig- an original result represents a true finding or a false positive
nificance is a virtual prerequisite for publication, “most result. Perspectives on Psychological Science devoted a
current published research findings are false” (p. 696). special section to replicability in 2012 (Pashler & Wagen-
Such concerns led Pashler and Wagenmakers (2012) to
conclude that there appears to be a “crisis of confidence in
psychological science reflecting an unprecedented doubt Scott E. Maxwell, Department of Psychology, University of Notre Dame;
Michael Y. Lau, Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology,
among practitioners about the reliability of research find- Teachers College, Columbia University; George S. Howard, Department
ings in the field” (p. 528). Simmons et al. (2011) state that of Psychology, University of Notre Dame.
“a field known for publishing false positives loses its cred- We thank Melissa Maxwell Davis, David Funder, John Kruschke,
ibility” (p. 1359). Will Shadish, and Steve West for their valuable comments on an earlier
version of this paper.
An initial reaction might be that psychology is im- Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Scott
mune to such concerns because published studies typically E. Maxwell, Department of Psychology, University of Notre Dame, Notre
appear to control the probability of a Type I error (i.e., Dame, IN 46556. E-mail:

September 2015 ● American Psychologist 487

© 2015 American Psychological Association 0003-066X/15/$12.00
Vol. 70, No. 6, 487– 498
arisen in several disciplines, much of the concern has
focused on psychology. A 2012 article in The Chronicle of
Higher Education, for example, raised the question, “Is
Psychology About to Come Undone?” (Bartlett, 2012).
More recently, a 2014 Chronicle of Higher Education
article described the apparent crisis as “repligate” (Bartlett,
A particular replication may fail to confirm the results
of an original study for a variety of reasons, some of which
may include intentional differences in procedures, mea-
sures, or samples as in a conceptual replication (Cesario,
2014; Simons, 2014; Stroebe & Strack, 2014). Although
conceptual replication studies can be very informative, they
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

may not be able to identify false positive results in the

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

published literature, because if the replication study fails to

find an effect previously reported in a published study, any
discrepancy in results may simply be due to procedural
differences in the two studies. For this reason, there has
been an increased emphasis recently on exact (or direct)
replications. If exactly replicating the procedures of the
Scott E. original study fails to replicate the results, then it might
Maxwell seem reasonable to conclude that the results of the original
study are in reality nothing more than a Type I error (i.e.,
mistakenly reporting an effect when, in reality, no effect
exists). The primary purpose of our article is to explain
makers, 2012). More recently, this journal has begun a new why even an exact replication may fail to obtain findings
type of article, a Registered Replication Report (RRR). In consistent with the original study and yet the effect iden-
an APS Observer column, Roediger (2012) stated that “By tified in the original study may very well be true despite
following the practice of both direct and systematic repli- these discrepant findings.
cation, of our own research and of others’ work, we would It might seem straightforward to decide whether a
avoid the greatest problems we are now witnessing” (para. replication study is a success or a failure, at least from a
19). Along these lines, collaborative efforts such as the narrow statistical perspective. Generally speaking, a pub-
Reproducibility Project (Open Science Collaboration, lished original study has in all likelihood demonstrated a
2012) and the website, which provides statistically significant effect. In the current zeitgeist, a
an archive of replication studies, reflect systematic efforts replication study is usually interpreted as successful if it
to assess the extent to which original findings published in also demonstrates a statistically significant effect. On the
the literature are replicable and can be trusted. other hand, a replication study that fails to show statistical
Several recent apparent replication failures have been significance would typically be interpreted as a failure.1
widely publicized and have begun to cast doubt in some An immediate limitation of this perspective is that the
minds on the extent to which the field more broadly is beset replication study may have failed to produce a statistically
with a preponderance of results that cannot be replicated. significant result because it may have been underpowered.
Most notably, various replication studies (e.g., Galak, Le- There is always some probability that a nonsignificant
Boeuf, Nelson, & Simmons, 2012; Ritchie, Wiseman, & result may be a Type II error (i.e., failing to reject the null
French, 2012) apparently fail to confirm Bem’s (2011) hypothesis even though it is false). However, this limitation
highly publicized findings regarding the existence of psi. seems to have an immediate solution, namely to design the
Another highly publicized example is the apparent failure replication study so as to have adequate statistical power
of Doyen, Klein, Pichon, and Cleeremans (2012) and Pa- and thus minimal risk of a Type II error. As Simons (2014)
shler, Coburn, and Harris (2012) to replicate Bargh’s work states, “If an effect is real and robust, any competent
on the influence of subtle priming on behavior. More researcher should be able to obtain it when using the same
generally, out of 14 replication attempts organized by procedures with adequate statistical power” (p. 76). Unfor-
Nosek and Lakens (2014), nine were interpreted as failing tunately, in practice, things are rarely so simple. A major
to replicate the original study and the other five were
viewed as only partial replications. Such apparent replica-
tion failures are hardly unique to psychology. Scientists at 1
Because the recent debate about replication failures in psychology
the biotechnology firm Amgen attempted to replicate 53 has been framed in terms of statistical significance, we will use signifi-
landmark studies in hematology and oncology, but were cance testing as the framework for this article. However, it is important to
note that replication can also be conceptualized in terms of effect sizes. In
able to confirm the original findings in only six cases, particular, a replication study might address the extent to which the
implying an apparent failure rate of 89% (Begley & Ellis, sample value of an effect size reported in a published paper can or cannot
2012). Although concerns about replication failures have be duplicated in a replication study.

488 September 2015 ● American Psychologist

of failing to reject the null hypothesis may be unwise for
replication studies. Suppose 100 published studies have
correctly rejected 100 different false null hypotheses.
Should we be satisfied if attempts to replicate each of these
studies suggest that 20 of these findings cannot be trusted?
A strong argument can be made that replication studies
should be designed to have power greater than .80. For
reasons that will become clear later in the paper, we refrain
from recommending a specific level of desired power, but
in general we believe that values in the neighborhood of .90
and .95 may be more appropriate than .80.
Second, even after identifying the value for desired
power, the appropriate sample size depends greatly on the
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

presumed effect size. Designing a replication study would

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

seem to have a decided advantage over designing an orig-

inal study, because an effect size value can be obtained
from the original study that is being replicated. Unfortu-
nately, things are less straightforward than they first appear.
One immediate problem is that effect sizes reported in the
literature are generally biased estimates of true population
Michael Y. effect sizes. Such factors as publication bias and selective
Lau reporting lead to published effect size values that are larger
than their actual population counterparts (Greenwald, Gon-
zalez, Harris, & Guthrie, 1996; Lane & Dunlap, 1978;
goal of our paper is to explain why this approach is, at best, Maxwell, 2004; Schmidt, 1992). As a result, a replication
a partial solution toward designing a replication study and study designed to have adequate power based on a pub-
interpreting studies that fail to achieve statistical signifi- lished effect size will tend to be underpowered and thus
cance. The rest of the paper is separated into five sections. will be too likely to fail to replicate the original finding. For
We first discuss complications in determining what is con- those interested in pursuing this further, Gelman and Carlin
sidered adequate power for any replication study. In par- (2014) demonstrate that misleading conclusions can be
ticular, conventional practice fails to take into account quite probable when sample effect size values are taken at
sampling variability of the original effect size estimate. face value from published studies, and describe an alternate
Next, even if adequate power is achieved, a statistically approach to avoid this problem.
nonsignificant replication result does not unequivocally Third, basing sample size of a replication study on the
point to the failure of replication. We show how a statisti- effect size reported in an original study fails to take into
cally nonsignificant replication finding can sometimes be account the sampling variability in the original sample
equally suggestive of a nonnull finding. Central to replica- effect size. Statisticians have distinguished between “con-
tion attempts is the desire to know if a nonsignificant ditional power” and “predictive power.” The former is the
finding argues for the acceptance of the null. The next probability of rejecting the null hypothesis conditional on
section of the paper offers frequentist and Bayesian2 solu- an effect size that is presumed to be known with certainty.
tions to assess more accurately the evidence against the
In contrast, “predictive power” acknowledges that the ef-
findings of an original study. The ensuing section shows
fect size is typically not known with certainty but instead is
that one consequence of these alternative methods is that
at best an estimate. Predictive power averages the power
very large sample sizes will typically be needed if the goal
of a study is to show that an effect is essentially zero. This over the plausible values of effect size (based on the
realization leads to the final section, which emphasizes the estimated standard error of the estimated effect size) so as
need for more than a single replication study. to obtain a point estimate of the power taking uncertainty
into account. Dallow and Fina (2011) explain that “predic-
Difficulties in Adequately Powering a tive power can lead to much larger sample sizes than
Replication Study either conditional power or standard sample size calcu-
lations when used with the same nominal value for
Several factors complicate designing an adequately pow-
ered replication study. First, a decision must be made as to
how much power is in fact adequate. The most popular 2
There are two main schools of statistical inference, frequentist and
convention is to design a study so as to have statistical Bayesian. Traditional null hypothesis significance testing is based on a
power of .80 (Cohen, 1988), which corresponds to an 80% frequentist conceptualization of probability. From this perspective, param-
eters are fixed, and the goal is to infer what would happen over repeated
chance of rejecting the null hypothesis if it is false (i.e., sampling. In contrast, Bayesians regard parameters as variables and cal-
finding a true effect). Although any choice of power value culate probabilities associated with different parameter values. See
is necessarily somewhat subjective, allowing a 20% chance Kruschke (2014) for an excellent introduction to the Bayesian approach.

September 2015 ● American Psychologist 489

true effect size is 0.35. From this perspective, there is a
25% chance that the true power of the replication study is
at most .50 even if the replication exactly duplicates every
detail of the original study except that the sample size is
increased by over 50% in the hope of obtaining adequate
power. Of course, the power is even less if the replication
study is designed with the same sample size as the original
The practical implication is that basing sample size
calculations for a replication study on the effect size ob-
tained in an original study is less straightforward than it
might first appear. A researcher who feels confident that his
or her replication study has been designed with statistical
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

power of .80 may in fact unknowingly be confronted with

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

a much less powerful replication study. A primary contrib-

uting factor here is the nonlinear relationship between
effect size and power. In the previous demonstration, the
power for an effect size of 0.50 was .80. Even though effect
sizes of 0.35 and 0.65 are equidistant from 0.50, their
respective power values (i.e., .50 and .95) are not equidis-
George S. tant from the power of .80 for an effect size of 0.50.
Howard Instead, the power loss associated with an effect size of
0.35 is much greater than the power gain associated with an
effect size of 0.65. Thus, failing to take sampling variabil-
ity into account in planning a replication study can lead to
power” (p. 311).3 Psychologists who use power analysis greater risk of having an underpowered study than sug-
to design replication studies typically rely on conditional gested by conventional practice. For those interested in a
power calculations and thus implicitly assume a single method to address this problem, Kruschke (2013) describes
value of the unknown population effect size. However, how Bayesian approaches to sample size planning can take
as Dallow and Fina state, this practice “almost certainly sampling variability into account because “one uses an
gives rise to undersized, underpowered studies” (p. 317).
entire distribution of parameters instead of a single point
Thus, even if published effect sizes were unbiased, typ-
value for the effect size” (p. 581).
ical replication studies are unlikely to control Type II
Taylor and Muller (1996) developed a procedure for
error rates at the desired level.
sample size determination that takes into account both
A hypothetical original study that compared the means
effect size uncertainty and censoring that occurs as a result
of two independent groups using 40 participants per group
of publication bias. Unfortunately, practical implementa-
(and thus a total sample size of 80) illustrates the impact of
sampling variability. Suppose this study produced a statis- tion of the method will often be problematic in psychology
tically significant t value of 2.24. A researcher decides to because original studies are frequently underpowered (But-
replicate this study. How large does the sample need to be ton et al., 2013). In this case, Yuan and Maxwell (2005)
for conditional power to equal the current conventional show that any attempt to use the effect size from the
standard of .80? The t value of 2.24 corresponds to a original study in order to plan the sample size of a repli-
Cohen’s d value of 0.50 (a “medium” effect size [Cohen, cation study is likely to be a wild guess. Both Taylor and
1988]), which, in turn, implies that 64 participants per Muller (1996) and Yuan and Maxwell (2005) suggest that
group (and thus a total sample size of 128) are needed to researchers should use a confidence interval for the popu-
achieve a power of 0.80. However, the effect size value of lation effect size in order to plan future sample size instead
0.50 is only an estimate. The true population value could be of relying on a point estimate of the effect size. However,
either smaller or larger than 0.50. For example, a 50% Yuan and Maxwell (2005) conclude that with a relatively
confidence interval for the population value when n ⫽ 40 small effect size, the sample size of the original study needs
per group ranges from approximately 0.35 to 0.65. Thus, to be surprisingly large or else the lower limit of the
there is a 25% chance that the population value is less than
0.35, just as there is a 25% chance that the population value 3
Dallow and Fina’s (2011) conceptualization of predictive power
is larger than 0.65.4 How powerful will the replication assumes that original data will be combined with the data to be collected,
study with n ⫽ 64 per group be if the true effect size is only whereas we use the term predictive power to refer to the power that will
0.35 or is actually as large as 0.65? If the true effect size is occur based on only the new data that will be collected.
0.65, the corresponding power will be .95, which naturally Strictly speaking, this interpretation requires a Bayesian perspec-
tive. More will be said about Bayesian statistics later in the paper. Also,
is larger than the anticipated value of .80. One might expect 50% confidence instead of the more typical 95% confidence level is used
a similar drop in power if the effect size is smaller than here to illustrate the effect sizes corresponding to the 25th and 75th
0.50. In reality, the power drops all the way to .50 if the percentiles instead of the 5th and 95th percentiles.

490 September 2015 ● American Psychologist

confidence interval for power may not even exceed .05. failing to obtain a statistically significant result. Some
Taylor and Muller’s (1996) approach to sample size plan- participants in the replication debate would conclude that
ning is an improvement over standard practice when the the replication study fails to support the original study, and
goal is to show that an effect exists, but as we will discuss thus the results of the original study should be regarded
later, other methods of sample size planning may be more with skepticism. Beyond that, some individuals mistakenly
appropriate when the goal is to show that an effect does not infer that the null hypothesis here is likely to be true (or at
exist or is so small it is essentially zero. least essentially true). In other words, the effect size in
McShane and Böckenholt (2014) emphasize that be- question is mistakenly interpreted to be zero (or so close to
yond the uncertainty associated with any sample effect size zero that it is reasonable to regard it as being essentially
there is almost always variability in effect sizes even across equal to zero). For example, psi does not exist, or subtle
seemingly equivalent studies. Meta-analyses of various social cues do not actually have an effect on behavior.
psychological phenomena typically reveal substantial vari- These are exactly the sorts of conclusions often reached
ability across studies even when those studies are designed when replication studies produce nonsignificant results. For
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

to be exact replicates of one another. McShane and Böck- example, when Pashler, Coburn, and Harris’ (2012) at-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

enholt show that such variability leads to overly optimistic tempts to replicate two of Williams and Bargh’s (2008)
power calculations, thus making the actual probability of a priming studies yielded nonsignificant findings, they con-
successful replication less likely than it appears. For those cluded that it is possible “that the Williams and Bargh
interested in pursuing this further, McShane and Böcken- results are simply not valid, representing, for example,
holt have developed an approach to adjust power calcula- Type I errors” (p. 6). Similarly, Ritchie, Wiseman, and
tions for the degree of heterogeneity thought to be present French (2012) state that their failure to obtain significant
for the effect being studied. results in attempting to replicate Bem (2011) “leads us to
favor the ‘experimental artifacts’ explanation for Bem’s
Difficulties Interpreting a original result” (p. 4).6
Nonsignificant Result Nonsignificant replication results raise a fundamental
in a Replication Study question, namely, to what extent do nonsignificant results
support the truth of the null hypothesis? To answer this
The previous section explained why designing a replication question, we need to consider our hypothetical replication
study to have adequate power is generally far from straight- study in more detail. The observed t value of 1.50 implies
forward. Suppose, however, that it were possible to design that the sample value of Cohen’s d for the replication study
a replication study with adequate power. Furthermore, sup- was 0.23. A 95% confidence interval for the population
pose that the replication study, unlike the original study, value of d based on this study yields an interval of ⫺0.07
fails to produce a statistically significant result. Common to 0.53. Because zero is contained in this interval, zero is a
practice would imply that the replication failed. In partic- plausible value for the true population effect size. How-
ular, it would seem to follow that the results of the original ever, it is very different to conclude that zero is a plausible
study have been overturned. We now proceed to show that
value than to conclude that the effect size is exactly zero. In
this interpretation is often premature.
fact, the results of this study in no way support a strong
Consider once again an original study that compared
conclusion that the effect size is even close to zero. Based
the means of two independent groups of 40 individuals per
on the confidence interval, the results of the replication
group (i.e., total N ⫽ 80) and reported a statistically sig-
study leave open a conclusion that the population effect
nificant t value of 2.24. A psychologist decides to replicate
size could plausibly be “medium” (e.g., a value of 0.50). It
this study. The psychologist begins by calculating the ef-
is clearly inappropriate to conclude that no effect exists
fect size obtained in the original study, and finds that
when it is plausible that the effect size could actually be
Cohen’s d is 0.50. Following conventional practice, the
psychologist chooses a sample size of 86 per group (total
Rosenthal and Rubin’s (1994) “counternull” effect
N ⫽ 172) for the replication study, because this will pro-
size offers a complementary perspective, by providing the
vide a power of .90 to detect a medium effect at an alpha
effect size estimate that is as equally supported by the data
level of .05 (two-tailed).5 Notice that achieving a power of
.90 requires more than twice as many participants per as is a null finding. In other words, for any given sample
group as the original study, and even a power of .80 estimate, Rosenthal and Rubin’s counternull value is de-
requires more than a 50% increase in sample size. fined to be the effect size that is supported by the data
Suppose the replication study yields a t value of 1.50. exactly as much as the null value of zero is supported by
The corresponding two-tailed p value is .14, so the repli-
cation study fails to obtain a statistically significant result. 5
The sample size of 86 per group provides conditional power of .90
Conventional wisdom would state that the replication study if the population effect size is truly medium. As we have shown, the
failed, casting doubt on the validity of the original study. In predictive power may be considerably less than .90, but we base our
particular, if the sample effect size in the original study is discussion on conditional power because this is the typical approach by
which power analysis has been used to determine sample size.
the true value of the population effect size, the fact that a 6
The authors of these studies emphasized that other interpretations
sample size of 86 per group in the replication study yields are also possible, but many readers may have focused on the eventual
power of .90 guarantees that there is only a 10% chance of conclusion that the phenomena in question may not exist.

September 2015 ● American Psychologist 491

the data. Consider our example of the replication study methods that can answer this question. One method derives
with a Cohen’s d of 0.23. The counternull effect size here from a frequentist perspective, while two methods are
is approximately 0.46. This implies that a population effect available from a Bayesian perspective. Excellent general
size of 0.46 is as plausible as an effect size of zero, based introductions to these methods already exist (and we cite
on the replication study. Although it is tempting to con- them throughout the following pages), so we focus on
clude that the nonsignificant statistical test supports a con- explaining the relevance of these methods for interpreting
clusion that the true effect size is zero, the data equally replication studies with nonsignificant statistical results.
support a conclusion that the true effect size is 0.46. From For a frequentist, the fundamental question is whether
this perspective, it is equally likely that the unknown pop- the results of a replication study imply that the null hy-
ulation effect size is essentially medium (i.e., a Cohen’s d pothesis is essentially true by a nominal level of uncer-
of 0.50) as it is that the population effect size is zero. Thus, tainty. Answering this question requires establishing a re-
concluding that the true effect size is zero or even very gion of equivalence, which represents a range of parameter
close to zero based on the nonsignificant test is misguided values for which the null hypothesis is for all intents and
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

because it is just as likely that the effect size is medium. purposes essentially true. This idea is similar in spirit to
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Although the researcher who conducted the replica- Serlin and Lapsley’s (1985) concept of the “good-enough
tion study followed all of the rules and designed the study principle” that science sets standards to evaluate the extent
very carefully, the end result is a study that neither con- to which experimental results are “good enough” to support
firms nor contradicts the original study. Although it is an underlying scientific theory. This approach requires
plausible that the population effect size is zero, it is essen- researchers to establish how close to a specific theoretical
tially equally likely that the population effect size is in fact value (e.g., zero) an effect needs to be to conclude that the
as large as the 0.50 value that was found in the original correspondence between the data and the theory is good
study. Thus, the nonsignificant result obtained in the rep- enough that the data supports the theory. For example,
lication study offers only weak evidence in support of a researchers might decide that a Cohen’s d value anywhere
conclusion that the null hypothesis is true. Although the between ⫺0.10 and 0.10 is good enough when a theory
replication study failed to confirm the original study, it predicts a null effect. It is important to realize that this
does not follow that the replication study has overturned region is expressed in terms of population parameters, not
the original study. Unfortunately, the replication study has sample observations. As a result, it does not suffice simply
produced equivocal results that neither confirm nor contra- to see whether the sample value of Cohen’s d falls within
dict the original study. the specified interval. Instead, it is necessary to take sam-
pling variability into account. This can be done either by
The Problem and Possible Solutions performing a statistical test (Rogers, Howard, & Vessey,
1993) or by forming a confidence interval (Seaman &
The essential problem is how to justify a conclusion that Serlin, 1998). Understanding the rationale for the method is
the results of an original study are not trustworthy. The easiest from the perspective of confidence intervals. From
conventional answer is simple, namely that nonsignificant this perspective, the results of a replication study fall into
results in a replication study justify overturning the original one of three categories.
study if the replication study was adequately powered. First, a confidence interval for the effect may fall
However, our major point so far is that this simple answer entirely within the equivalence region. For example, the
is often wrong. The fact that a replication study has resulted confidence interval for Cohen’s d might be entirely con-
in a nonsignificant statistical test does not necessarily mean tained within the bounds of ⫾0.10. In this case, the effect
that the results of the original study should be discounted. is essentially zero, even at its highest and lowest values
The statistical problem is that rejecting the results of taking sampling variability into account. As a result, it is
the original study involves accepting the null hypothesis of certain to a high degree that the true population effect size
the replication study. For example, a replication study is no larger than 0.10 in absolute value, in which case a
might be interpreted as showing that individuals exposed to proper conclusion is that the effect size is essentially zero.
subtle social cues behave the same as individuals not ex- Such a result provides strong statistical evidence contrary
posed to such cues. However, failing to reject the null to an original study that had found a statistically significant
hypothesis is not the same as accepting it. Although we effect.7
teach this message to our students, it seems to have been Second, the confidence interval for the effect size can
forgotten when we interpret the nonsignificant results ob- fall entirely outside the equivalence region. This implies
tained in a replication study. On a related note, Finch, that the effect is almost certainly not close to zero. Not only
Cumming, and Thomason (2001) found that 37% of studies is the effect statistically significant, but it also has some
with statistically nonsignificant results interpreted their re- real theoretical or practical importance. Such a result un-
sults as providing evidence that the null hypothesis was
The dilemma is how to use the data from a replication Notice that even if the confidence interval for the effect size were
to exclude zero, it is still appropriate to conclude that the effect is
study to decide whether to discard the results of an original essentially zero when the entire confidence interval is contained within the
study in favor of a conclusion that the effect in question is equivalence region. In this situation the effect is statistically significant
essentially null. Fortunately, statisticians have developed but is judged to be of no real theoretical or practical importance.

492 September 2015 ● American Psychologist

equivocally supports an original study that had found a Two Bayesian methods exist for assessing whether a
statistically significant effect. replication study clearly fails to support the results of an
Third, the confidence interval can overlap the equiv- original study. The first method involves a region of prac-
alence region. Unfortunately, this implies that the effect tical equivalence (ROPE, Kruschke, 2014). The general
could plausibly be trivial but could also plausibly be non- logic is similar to that of the frequentist equivalence ap-
trivial. Such a result is equivocal, because it neither clearly proach, except for two potentially important differences.
contradicts nor supports an original study that had found a First, a Bayesian highest density interval, unlike a frequen-
statistically significant effect. tist confidence interval, “actually includes the 95% of pa-
To examine these three possible outcomes further, rameter values that are most credible” (Kruschke, 2013, p.
reconsider our hypothetical replication study that obtained 592), so “when the 95% HDI [highest density interval] falls
a t value of 1.50 with 86 participants per condition. The within the ROPE, we can conclude that 95% of the credible
corresponding 90% confidence interval8 for the population parameter values are practically equivalent to the null
value of d based on this study yields an interval of approx- value” (Kruschke, 2013, p. 592). Second, the Bayesian
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

imately ⫺0.02 to 0.48. This interval overlaps the equiva- method incorporates a prior distribution for the effect size.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

lence region, which means that the results of the replication Then a highest posterior density interval is formed for the
study are equivocal. It is impossible to say whether the effect size and this interval is compared to the ROPE as in
replication study supports or refutes the original study. the frequentist approach. An attractive feature of Bayesian
To understand how different this approach is from methods is that they often facilitate robust estimation
traditional hypothesis testing, consider a recent replication (Kruschke, 2013). However, this generally requires the
study conducted by Wortman, Donnellan, and Lucas availability of raw data, which is why we do not present a
(2014). These authors attempted to replicate a previous numerical example of the ROPE. Interested readers are
study by Bargh and Shalev (2012), which had shown that referred to Kruschke (2013, 2014) for such examples.
the experience of physical warmth leads to reduced reports The Bayesian perspective offers a second method that
of feeling lonely. The original study had reported a Co- does not directly rely on a confidence interval for the effect
hen’s d value of 0.61. The replication study obtained a size. The question of interest here could be stated as how
Cohen’s d value of 0.02, thus almost exactly zero. At first probable is it that the null hypothesis is true, given the
glance, this seems to represent overwhelming evidence results of the replication study? This question is meaning-
against the original study if the replication study was ade- less from a frequentist perspective, but can be answered
quately powered. The authors of the replication study went from a Bayesian perspective (Wagenmakers, Lee, Lodew-
to considerable lengths to ensure that their study was in fact yckx, & Iverson, 2008). In particular, the Bayesian ap-
adequately powered, and ended up with 260 participants, as proach can quantify the degree to which the data support
compared to the original study, which had 75 participants. either the null hypothesis or the alternative hypothesis. The
The corresponding 90% confidence interval for Cohen’s d important distinction here is that “from a Bayesian perspec-
tive, the fact that the null hypothesis is unlikely is not
for the replication study ranges from ⫺0.18 to 0.22. Thus,
sufficient reason to reject it—the data may be even more
it is plausible that the population effect is larger than
unlikely under the alternative hypothesis” (Wagenmakers,
Cohen’s “small” effect size value of 0.20. This result would
2007, p. 790).
provide clear evidence against the existence of the effect
Kass and Raftery (1995) pointed out that whereas
found in the original study only if d values as large as 0.22
estimation and testing are basically complementary in fre-
were regarded as essentially zero. Even if an apparently
quentist statistics, this is not necessarily true in Bayesian
adequately powered replication study shows no effect
statistics. While the ROPE has its roots in estimation,
whatsoever from a traditional hypothesis testing approach, Bayesian testing provides a different perspective on the
it does not necessarily follow that the replication study question of evaluating the plausibility of the null hypoth-
strongly supports the lack of an effect, in which case the esis. As the previous quote from Wagenmakers indicates,
finding of a nonzero effect in the original study may still be in Bayesian testing it is necessary to consider not only how
plausible. likely the null hypothesis is given the data, but also how
The Wortman et al. (2014) replication study produces likely the alternative hypothesis is given the data. This is
equivocal results although from a conventional perspective commonly accomplished through the Bayes factor (BF).
it casts doubt on the original study. Unfortunately, the The BF specifies the ratio of the probability of one
replication study has failed to provide a definitive answer to model to an alternative model. For example, the BF com-
the question of whether the effect found in the original paring the null model and the alternative model determines
study is implausible. The problem is that the confidence the relative probabilities of these two models. For the
interval is too wide to justify a clear conclusion. Although
the replication study was designed to have adequate statis-
tical power to reject the null hypothesis, it was not designed 8
Confidence intervals for establishing equivalence typically are
to have adequate statistical power for the test of equiva- based on 90% confidence instead of 95% because the underlying logic
hinges on two one-tailed tests of significance. Each one-tailed test is
lence. A later section of the paper addresses the question of performed with an alpha level of .05, but it is impossible for both null
sample size planning when the goal is to show that an effect hypotheses to be false, so the overall alpha level is in fact .05 even though
is essentially zero. two tests have been performed, each with an alpha level of .05.

September 2015 ● American Psychologist 493

hypothetical replication study with t ⫽ 1.50, the BF9 for the psychology, the necessary sample size is likely to come as
null hypothesis relative to the alternative hypothesis is a shock to most researchers. An approximate formula for
2.14. This implies that the null hypothesis is 2.14 times appropriate sample size is provided by Chow, Shao, and
more likely to be true than the alternative hypothesis. Thus, Wang (2003):
this result supports the plausibility of the null hypothesis,
but does not provide overwhelming evidence in its favor. 2共1.645 ⫹ z␤⁄2兲2
n⫽ , (2)
According to Jeffreys’ (1961) classification scheme, the BF ␦2
of 2.14 implies “weak” evidence in favor of the null hy-
pothesis. Alternatively, the probability that the null hypoth- where n is the sample size per group, ␤ is the desired
esis is true based on the data in the replication study is probability of a Type II error, and ␦ defines the value of
given by Cohen’s d that is deemed to be essentially null. It is
important to note that this formula is similar to the standard
B01 formula for calculating sample size for a typical t test
Pr(H0true) ⫽ , (1)
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

B01 ⫹ 1 comparing the means of two independent groups (e.g.,

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Gonzalez, 2009, pp. 122–124), but is not exactly the same

where B01 is the BF for the null hypothesis. Substituting the because the test of equivalence is functionally two one-
value of 2.14 into Equation 1 shows that the probability sided tests (hence the acronym TOST). It should also be
that the null hypothesis is true based on the replication noted that Equation 2 is developed from a frequentist
study data equals .68. Thus, although this analysis favors perspective, but Kruschke (2013, 2014) describes a Bayes-
the null hypothesis, it is still quite plausible that the alter- ian sample size approach based on the ROPE.
native hypothesis is true, despite a nonsignificant statistical Table 1 shows the necessary sample size (per group)
test from the frequentist perspective. In contrast to the to obtain specified levels of power for two definitions of
frequentist approach, the Bayesian approach directly ad- equivalence in terms of Cohen’s d. It is immediately obvi-
dresses the probability of a null or alternative hypothesis. ous that for the definitions of “equivalence” considered in
Additionally, in contrast to conventional approaches to the table, the necessary sample size per group is much
understanding replication results, statistically nonsignifi- larger than the typical replication study. The sample sizes
cant findings may or may not be found to support the shown in the table are larger than might be expected
conclusion of a successful replication. because (a) it is important to distinguish very small effects
The BF is controversial even among Bayesians for in an equivalence study, and (b) the equivalence test is
two reasons. First, proponents as well as critics agree that statistically significant (meaning that the results are con-
results obtained with the BF approach can depend greatly sistent with an essentially null finding) only when the
on the choice of an alternative hypothesis. However, pro- sample mean difference is small and also the corresponding
ponents such as Rouder, Speckman, Sun, Morey, and Iver- confidence interval is narrow. As a result, multiple repli-
son (2009) see this as a plus, whereas others such as cation studies will often be necessary instead of only a
Kruschke (2011) suggest it can sometimes be a disadvan- single study if the goal is to show convincingly that an
tage. Second, researchers who generally favor parameter effect is for all practical purposes essentially zero, as an-
estimation over model comparison express concerns such ticipated by such authors as Bonett (2012); Kahneman
as, “The BF by itself can be misleading, for example in (2012), and Nosek, Spies, and Motyl (2012), or even as far
cases where the null hypothesis is favored despite huge back as Hunter (2001), where such methods as cumulative
uncertainty in the magnitude of the effect size” (Kruschke, meta-analysis and crowd sourcing of replication efforts
2013, p. 602), whereas supporters maintain that “As a rule (where multiple investigators join together to conduct rep-
of thumb, inference based on evaluating a null without lication studies, such as in the RRR) can be used to track
comparison to alternatives tends to overstate the evidence the proper interpretation of multiple studies over time.
against the null” (Rouder et al., 2009, p. 227). Additional
information on the BF is available in Masson (2011); Using Multiple Studies to Address the
Rouder et al. (2009) and Wagenmakers (2007). Question of Equivalence
Sample Size Planning for The previous sections of the paper implicitly assumed that
Equivalence Studies only one replication study had been conducted, but after
seeing Table 1 it is clear that multiple replication studies
Statisticians have developed procedures for sample size will almost always be necessary to establish that an effect
planning to provide adequate statistical power for equiva-
lence tests. In fact, such procedures are readily available in
some statistical packages (e.g., SAS, R) for basic statistical 9
The BF was calculated using the online web calculator at pcl.mis-
tests such as comparing the means of two independent, using a scale r of 兹2⁄2 for the scaled JZS Bayes factor, which,
groups. Unfortunately, calculations will often reveal that here, is based on a Cauchy distribution centered at zero for the standard-
very large samples are required to have adequate statistical ized effect size (Rouder et al., 2009). This approach follows a precedent
established by Jeffreys (1961) and continued by Zellner and Siow (1980),
power for equivalence tests. Of course, sample size de- hence the JZS acronym mentioned in the previous sentence. However, it
pends on how narrow or wide the region of equivalence is is important to stress that the specific value of the BF can depend greatly
defined to be, but for typical definitions of equivalence in on the presumed alternative.

494 September 2015 ● American Psychologist

significant effect size estimate of 0.61. The sizable discrep-
Table 1 ancy in effect size estimates would seem to necessitate
Sample Size (per Group) to Obtain Specified Power pursuing possible moderators in an effort to understand
for Test of Equivalence why the two studies produced such different results. How-
Equivalence region Power n
ever, Wortman et al. (2014) report that the difference
between the estimated effect sizes of the two studies is
–0.10 ⬍ d ⬍ .10 .50 1,077 itself not statistically significant at the .05 level. Thus, it is
.80 1,714 plausible that sampling error completely accounts for the
.90 2,166 difference between the effect sizes of the two studies. From
.95 2,600
⫺0.05 ⬍ d ⬍ .05 .50 4,305
a methodological perspective, it is important to realize that
.80 6,852 testing heterogeneity of effects in a meta-analysis should
.90 8,659 replace categorizing studies as either significant or nonsig-
.95 10,397 nificant, and then searching for reasons to explain why
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

different studies are in different categories.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Note. This table is based on an independent groups comparison where the

underlying population means are exactly the same, assuming an alpha level of
A previous section of the paper explained how a BF
.05 (two-tailed), normality, equal variances, and equal sample sizes. can be used to assess the extent to which a single replica-
tion study supports the null hypothesis of no effect. Kuiper,
Buskens, Raub, and Hoijtink (2013) describe a Bayesian
method that can be used to evaluate the plausibility of the
null hypothesis by combining evidence from multiple stud-
is so small as to be considered nonexistent. This raises a ies. In particular, a BF as well as an accompanying poste-
question about how to analyze the data obtained from rior model probability can once again be calculated to
multiple studies. The natural answer is to use meta-analy- evaluate the extent to which the available data support the
sis. existence or nonexistence of an effect. Alternatively, a
An argument could be made that fixed effects meta- Bayesian meta-analysis can be used to synthesize effect
analysis might be appropriate for a collection of direct size estimates (e.g., Hedges, 1998; Higgins, Thompson, &
replication studies. In reality, even studies designed as Spiegelhalter, 2009).
direct replications may differ from each other in unantici-
pated ways, suggesting that random effects meta-analysis Summary and Conclusions
may often provide a better model. Simons, Holcombe, and
Spellman (2014) point out that “Even though all of the Our main point is that the proper design and interpretation
studies in an RRR adopt the same procedures, they might of replication studies is less straightforward than conven-
not be measuring exactly the same effect” (p. 554). More tional practice would suggest. In particular, designing stud-
generally, a random effects model may be preferred be- ies with adequate power encounters several important
cause the ultimate goal is usually to draw inferences about complications. Furthermore, interpreting a nonsignificant
effect parameters in a population of studies based on a replication study becomes complicated even when the
random sample of studies (Hedges & Vevea, 1998). In study appears to have been adequately powered according
addition, cumulative meta-analysis (Lau et al., 1992) can to currently accepted practices. Most importantly, the mere
provide a valuable model by incorporating the information fact that a replication study yields a nonsignificant statis-
provided in the latest replication study into a previous tical result should not by itself lead to a conclusion that the
meta-analysis conducted on prior replication studies. corresponding original study was somehow deficient and
Furthermore, meta-analysis can provide a valuable should no longer be trusted, even if the replication study
method for studying potential moderators explaining why appears to have been adequately powered.
different studies obtain different effects. In particular, We suspect that researchers may well discover that
meta-analysis provides an alternative to the flawed ap- designing appropriate replication studies frequently re-
proach of inferring that studies differ if an original study quires larger sample sizes than most researchers are accus-
reports a statistically significant effect but a replication tomed to, or else the results of any single replication study
study fails to find a significant effect. It is tempting to infer are likely to be equivocal. A main reason for this is due to
that the studies have produced truly different results and to not attending to the sampling variability of effect size
begin the search for possible moderators, but as Gelman estimates in original studies. As a result, just as it may be
and Stern (2006) have pointed out, such an inference is unwise to consider a single original study as definitive, it
often misguided. The fact that one study produces a sig- may also be unwise to regard a single replication study as
nificant effect while the other fails to produce a significant providing the final word. Instead, researchers should expect
effect does not necessarily imply that the results of the two that multiple replication studies will often be needed to
studies are significantly different from each other. For resolve apparent inconsistencies in the literature. Of course
example, consider the Wortman et al. (2014) replication of the value of multiple replication studies extends well be-
Bargh and Shalev (2012). As mentioned earlier, Wortman yond purely statistical considerations. Scientific psychol-
et al. (2014) obtained a nonsignificant effect size estimate ogy invariably involves establishing boundary conditions
of 0.02, whereas Bargh and Shalev (2012) obtained a and moderators to ascertain the extent to which effects

September 2015 ● American Psychologist 495

generalize to other interventions, outcomes, persons, and time, but the intervals formed in earlier decades often did
settings. As Shadish, Cook, and Campbell (2002) have not overlap with intervals obtained in subsequent decades.
stated, “most of this knowledge about generalization is the Tversky and Kahneman’s (1971) representation hy-
product of multiple attempts at replication, or reflection on pothesis explains why “most psychologists have an exag-
why successful or failed generalization might have oc- gerated belief in the likelihood of successfully replicating
curred, and of empirical tests of which reasons are true” (p. an obtained finding” (p. 105). According to this hypothesis,
342). “if we expect all samples to be very similar to one another,
The RRR recently initiated by Perspectives on Psy- then almost all replications of a valid hypothesis should be
chological Science exemplifies one type of approach we statistically significant” (Tversky & Kahneman, 1971, p.
recommend. In particular, the first article of this type per- 108). Alogna et al.’s (2014) RRR reinforces Tversky and
fectly illustrates the perils of relying on a single replication Kahneman’s point that the uncertainty inherent in individ-
study. Alogna et al. (2014) report the results of 31 labs that ual studies tends to far exceed intuition, emphasizing the
replicated the procedures originally described in Schooler value of multiple studies.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

and Engstler-Schooler’s (1990) article on verbal overshad- Despite raising doubts about the extent to which ap-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

owing. In particular, each lab calculated a confidence in- parent failures to replicate necessarily reveal that psychol-
terval for the effect of verbal overshadowing in order to see ogy is in crisis, we do not intend to dismiss concerns about
whether each replication study supported the significance documented methodological flaws in the field. Question-
of the effect. Interestingly, “all of the confidence intervals able research practices such as those identified by John et
for the individual replications in RRR1 included zero” al. (2012) and Simmons et al. (2011) clearly need to be
(Alogna et al., 2014, p, 570). Because the interval for each addressed because they produce inflated estimates of effect
individual study contained zero, no study found a signifi- sizes and render p values largely uninterpretable. Similarly,
cant effect. Each study taken alone might then seem to we agree that the continuation of underpowered studies in
refute the original finding that verbal overshadowing exists. many areas of psychology (e.g., Button et al., 2013) un-
However, instead of interpreting each replication sepa- dermines scientific psychology. We support efforts such as
rately, the authors used meta-analysis to obtain a cumula- those of Funder et al. (2014) to improve the quality of
tive confidence interval based on all of the replication research in psychology. Furthermore, we support the in-
studies combined. The meta-analytic confidence interval creased emphasis on replication, and believe that replica-
did not contain zero, and clearly supported the existence of tion plays an essential role in developing a cumulative
a nonzero effect of verbal overshadowing. Alogna et al. science of psychology. Nevertheless, we also believe that
(2014) conclude, “Had we simply tallied the number of psychologists need to be aware of the limitations of single
studies providing clear evidence for an effect in RRR1, we replication attempts, especially when those attempts may
would have concluded in favor of a robust failure to rep- seem to contradict original studies. Enormous sample sizes,
licate—a misleading conclusion” (pp. 570 –571). In other much larger than those typical in psychology, are generally
words, every single one of the individual replication studies required for demonstrating that an effect is so small that it
can essentially be regarded as null. Rarely will a single
failed to replicate the original finding in the sense that none
replication study by itself be able to show that an effect
of them obtained a significant result and yet the meta-
reported in an original study is no longer trustworthy.
analysis revealed a significant effect.
Although we have focused on statistical issues in
Hedges (1987) also illustrates the value of conducting
evaluating the extent to which replication studies indicate
multiple studies of the same phenomenon and using meta-
that an effect found in an original study may not truly exist,
analysis to interpret the combined results. Hedges states
we want to emphasize that statistical considerations are
that “the notion that experiments in the social sciences
only one aspect of what should always be a broader con-
produce relatively inconsistent (empirically noncumula- sideration. Cook, Gruder, Henningan, and Faly (1979),
tive) results is not supported by these data” (p. 450). Greenwald (1975), and Wilson and Shadish (2006) all offer
Surprisingly, Hedges also shows that single studies in the valuable perspectives on broader issues involved in evalu-
physical sciences cannot necessarily be relied upon because ating the veracity of null effects. From the perspective of
“The data from the physical sciences show that even re- replication studies, Brandt et al. (2014) have developed
search based on sound theories and strong methodology helpful guidelines for conducting replication studies.
may not always yield results that are consistent in an Finally, it may seem discouraging that the design and
absolute sense by a statistical criterion” (p. 450). In a interpretation of replication studies is more complicated
similar vein, what could be more constant than a physical than current practice in the discipline implies. However, the
constant, such as the speed of light? Amazingly, Henrion potential silver lining is that some of the apparent replica-
and Fischoff (1986) show that estimates of physical con- tion failures currently plaguing the field may turn out not to
stants such as the speed of light changed throughout the be failures after all.
20th century. In fact, examining results over time caused
“deBray to suggest that the speed of light was not constant
but decreasing by about 4 km/s/yr” (Henrion & Fischoff,
1986, p. 793). Eventually, it became clear that the speed of Alogna, V. K., Attaya, M. K., Aucoin, P., Bahnik, Š., Birch, S., Birt,
light is in fact a constant and has not been changing over A. R., . . . Zwaan, R. A. (2014). Registered replication report: Schooler

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