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Critical Thinking Workbook

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Better decisions.

Everyday. Everywhere.
Think about it!

Critical thinking is really the

foundation in terms of what
we feel makes people successful
here at Varde.”
Global HR Director, Varde Investment Partners
Critical Thinking
in Today’s Workplace

Not long ago, most American Critical thinking is now more important than ever. With globalization and the increased
speed of business, employees at every level are facing a complex flow of information.
workers performed pretty much the
Good decisions require focusing on the most relevant information, asking the right
same task all day, every day. If they questions, and separating reliable facts from false assumptions—all elements of critical
encountered a problem, they would thinking. Without each of these elements, the decision is likely to fall short. And the entire
enterprise may suffer.
consult a manual, or perhaps their
supervisor. But as the modern world Crucial decisions, such as where to cut costs, which job candidates to hire, and what
features should go into your flagship product, are also being made at a faster pace and
has migrated from a manufacturing to by people at every level of an organization. To meet this growing need, more employers
a service-based economy, employees are taking steps to help their employees develop critical thinking skills through training
are increasingly being asked to make programs. Such programs can have as high as 17X ROI, and because critical thinking
underlies problem solving, planning, creativity, and other skills, an employee’s performance
quick, well thought-out decisions— can soar.
often on their own, with limited
By providing your employees with critical thinking training, you’ll empower them to make
direction. good decisions. And good decisions equate to jobs well done—and a company’s success.

When you consider the challenges that businesses face today... competition, technology, the
speed of change... it has simply made business more complicated. This has reduced layers of
bureaucracy and passed responsibility further down the organization. We now expect the people at those
levels to act with a sense of understanding, agility, and critical thinking.”
Ed Reilly, American Management Association

All Jobs Today Require
Critical Thinking


PROFESSIONALS need critical thinking skills when need to put aside emotions to often make the mistake of
have to keep pace with an evaluating the rapidly changing make the best choice for the next focusing on what they can
increasingly dynamic regulatory condition of the patient. They play, such as overconfidence in a provide their clients, rather than
environment and understand must be able to accurately assess favorite player or perhaps anger what the clients are really looking
how to design solutions to the information at hand and at a referee’s bad call. Critical for. By thinking critically, however,
meet their customer’s investing, make the right decisions for the thinking provides a clear picture salespeople can better recognize
education, and retirement patient’s well being. of the best options. the need to consider all points of
planning goals. view.

What is Critical Thinking?

Critical • Thinking logically with clarity and precision so that you can RECOGNIZE ASSUMPTIONS
Thinking can • Using an approach that is objective and accurate to EVALUATE ARGUMENTS
be defined as:
• Focusing on information that is relevant to DRAW CONCLUSIONS


According to a Society for Human Resource
Management survey, critical thinking is the Strategic Thinking 64%
skill of most increasing importance over the Critical Thinking Skills
next 5 years. Leading Change 56%

Yet only 28% of college graduates are rated as

Ability to Create Vision and Engage Others 54%
having excellent critical thinking skills.

Even many emerging leaders (those being Ability to Inspire 47%

groomed for the C-suite) lack good critical
Understand total enterprise and how different
parts work together

Source: 2009/2010 Trends in Executive Development Report, Executive Development Associates and Pearson

Train Yourself to Think Better
with the RED Model®

Pearson’s RED critical thinking model provides individuals with a framework for “thinking about their
thinking.” The RED model® is based on three keys of thinking critically. Each of the skills fits together in a
process that is both fluid and sequential.


R ecognize Assumptions It is deceptively easy to listen to a comment or presentation and assume the
information presented is true even though no evidence was given to back it
up. Noticing and questioning assumptions helps to reveal information gaps

Keys to or unfounded logic. We also need to examine assumptions from different
CRITICAL valuate Arguments

The art of evaluating arguments entails analyzing information objectively
and accurately, questioning the quality of supporting evidence, and
raw Conclusions understanding how emotion influences the situation. Common barriers
include confirmation bias, or allowing emotions to get in the way of objective

Bringing diverse information together to arrive at conclusions that logically
follow from the available evidence is crucial when making a decision. People
who can do this are careful to inappropriately generalize beyond the
evidence and they can change their position when the evidence warrants
doing so. They are often characterized as having “good judgment.”

Electronic Shareholder Notifications

Shortly after she was promoted to Senior Financial Analyst, Jennifer realized that
her company could save money if it emailed notifications to shareholders, rather
than send them by regular mail. It seemed a simple move—but if Jennifer had not
questioned her assumptions about electronic notifications, she might have made a
big mistake.

Because Jennifer understood the importance of critical thinking, she Next, Jennifer evaluated the quality of those assumptions. She did a cost
decided to evaluate all her assumptions before making any decisions. analysis, and found that the company could save more than $50,000. She
Among those assumptions: researched electronic shareholder notification programs, and concluded
that the project was feasible. But her last assumption—that shareholders
would prefer email—hit a snag.
Jennifer asked the company’s largest shareholders about receiving
e-notifications and found that many still preferred a paper copy. She also
• The cost savings would be significant. learned the SEC had strict regulations around online forums associated
with many e-notification systems. So while she implemented the new
• An effective electronic notification system could be
system—and saved her company money—she made the new service
readily purchased or developed.
available on an opt-in basis and ensured that legal guidelines were
• Since she preferred electronic notifications from followed.
other companies, others would too.
Checking her assumptions and adjusting in the face of new
information was the key to making e-notifications a success.

Critical Thinking:
What Will You Do With It?

Research shows that critical thinking serves as a solid foundation for building a variety of other important skills. For
example, good critical thinkers tend to suspend judgment early, which is important in the creative process. They
also consider problems from multiple perspectives and grasp the “big picture” by seeing how parts of a system work
together. So what problem will you solve today?





Launching a Telecommuting Program

Because of technology improvements at a medium-sized accounting firm, it became

feasible for many employees to start telecommuting several days a
week. But the idea never got off the ground—though accountants and others
were asking to telecommute, the president of the firm held fast to his rule that all
employees had to come into the office every day.

He never fully explained his reasons to the employees, and never delved The president decided to challenge those assumptions. He tracked
into them himself. He just didn’t like the idea. But to his credit, after some down studies on telecommuting and consulted with colleagues at
time, the president realized he had certain unexamined assumptions and other companies. He also learned that some of his accountants weren’t
personal biases about telecommuting. Among them: working seamlessly with global colleagues because they felt pressure
to keep to a 9 to 5 schedule that valued face time over results. To help
reach a conclusion, he built a decision matrix where he listed possible
alternatives (e.g., no telecommuting, company-wide telecommuting,
telecommuting for select jobs only, etc.) and carefully evaluated each
according to criteria deemed critical to business success and employee
• Employees get less work done at home.
Based on his careful evaluation, he concluded that telecommuting
• There would be resentment among employees who, would not cause the problems he expected, and would likely increase
because of the jobs, would not be candidates for productivity because accountants would be happier.
telecommuting. He implemented a trial program, which was a success, and a year later
made it permanent.

Critical Thinking Gone Wrong
Critical Thinking Done the Right Way

Circuit City Schlitz
In 2007, Circuit City fired thousands of employees Schlitz beer was the #2 beer in the nation in the 1970s. In
who were being paid an above average salary for their order to cut costs, the company replaced barley malt with
position. The retailer assumed that firing these employees corn syrup and added a foam stabilizer. The result was a
would help the company remain competitive with Best beer with a drastically different taste and a gooey sediment
Buy. Unfortunately, many customers boycotted the store coating the bottom of the can. While they saved money
because of its shabby treatment of employees. Sales upfront, within just a few years the company’s Milwaukee,
plummeted and the company closed its doors in 2009. Wisconsin plant was closed and ultimately the company
was sold.


Henry Ford’s Assembly Line Chevy Volt

One decision that went against the norm of the time In December 2010, the much anticipated Chevy Volt hit the
ended up changing the entire future of an industry— streets of America. The Volt was one of two electric vehicles
Henry Ford’s auto assembly line. Ford’s logical approach to come to market in December, the other was the Nissan
to auto manufacturing reduced the cost of each vehicle, Leaf. After years of consumer and technical research,
which led to a steady increase in sales. Despite the lower Chevy’s decision to release a range-extended vehicle
cost of the Ford Model T, Ford quickly began to outsell instead of an all-electric vehicle paid off. By addressing
and out earn its competitors that were catering to the consumer concern about driving range and offering a
luxury market. This process opened up the auto market gasoline engine backup, Chevy was able to outsell the
to everyday consumers and revolutionized American Nissan Leaf by 17 to 1 despite the higher price tag.

Training Your Staff to Think Critically
Is a No Brainer

Perhaps more than any other business skill, critical thinking can make the difference between success and
failure as every dollar an organization spends or receives is a direct result of a decision.

Fortunately, these skills are not out CRITICAL THINKING:

of reach—they are readily available
to employees at all levels through
the RED model®.

Once gained, critical thinking

1 Is the #1 skill of increasing importance in the workplace.

skills last a lifetime, and become

a powerful asset for any

So what are you doing to

2 Is the raw material for problem-solving.

develop critical thinking in

your organization?
3 Gives your company a competitive advantage.

4 Is more important in today’s service-oriented marketplace.

5 Has a direct effect on an employees’ overall performance.

Critical Thinking Flash Cards
21 “RED” Questions to Ask


1. What is the key issue/ 1. What are the pros and cons 1. After evaluating all of the
problem that you are trying of the solution you are facts, what is the best
to solve? proposing? possible conclusion?
2. What information and facts 2. What are your biases? 2. What specific evidence is
do you have about this driving your conclusion?
3. Is there someone who
has a different opinion 3. Is there new evidence that
3. What are your ideas and that you could run your ideas would impact your decision?
assumptions that support by?
4. What does your common
your strategy or plan?
4. What impact will your sense and experience tell
4. Is there solid evidence to decision have on others and you to do?
support those assumptions, how will you handle this?
5. What is the timeline for
and what might be some
5. What will be the financial making a decision (e.g.,
gaps in your reasoning?
impact of your decision? would your decision be
5. Who are the key different in a month)?
6. Who would disagree with
stakeholders and what are
your proposed solution and 6. What opportunities does
their viewpoints?
what is the rationale that your conclusion provide?
6. What other ideas should be supports their viewpoint?
7. What risks are associated
7. What key points or with your conclusion?
7. What else do you need perspectives do you need to
to know? keep in mind as you evaluate
the options?

Join the Conversation

Visit Pearson’s blog Skepticism and Making Every Day April Fool’s Day
for tips & articles to improve your thinking! We all have at least one friend who consistently shares satire articles and obviously
false memes on social media and believes that they are true. Have you ever wondered
about that person’s thought process?

Reboot Your Thinking: The Ctrl+Alt+Del Approach to Critical Thinking

Every once in a while we need to hit the reset button. When life gets too hectic, our
days are over-scheduled, and information is coming at us faster than we can process
it, we need to STOP and RESET.

The Status of Critical Thinking in the Workplace

Study after study has confirmed that the skills gap is real, and the sky is falling for both
the current leadership pipeline within organizations and for the talent pool accessed
by recruiters.

Make Critical Thinking Fun: The Zombie Apocalypse Exercise

There’s a stigma to critical thinking training (and even the phrase critical thinking) that
it is boring, stuffy, and too academic to be engaging. But it doesn’t have to be mind-

6 Powerful Characteristics of Great Critical Thinkers

We spend so much time discussing what critical thinking is and how to do it that we
often overlook an important conversation: what skills do good critical thinkers have?

50 Ideas for Improving Your Thinking

1. Assign a Devil’s Advocate in meetings 26. Ask someone to evaluate your thought process
2. Disagree 27. Stay engaged
3. Ask Why 28. Practice
4. Use the RED Model of Critical Thinking 29. Accept ambiguity
5. Try a Brain Teaser 30. Listen
6. Test a hypothesis 31. Think like a genius
7. Learn from others’ failures 32. Define objective data
8. Don’t blindly trust statistics 33. Assess risk
9. Find a mentor 34. Ignore the distractions
10. Assess your skills with Watson-Glaser 35. Don’t waste time if you have no control
11. Reflect on your decisions 36. Watch “smart” television
12. Learn about logical fallacies 37. Try something new
13. Don’t censor your brainstorming process 38. Reflect
14. Imagine the Worst-Case-Scenario 39. Play strategic games
15. Wait… 40. Ask the “4 most important words”
16. Look for the spin 41. Analyze cause-and-effect
17. Check your emotions 42. Have a few friends with big heads
18. Tear apart your own idea 43. Be curious
19. Evaluate source credibility 44. Question everything
20. Ask the RIGHT questions 45. Watch the news
21. Challenge hierarchy 46. Get a great education
22. Mind Map 47. Take on a tough debate
23. Check gut feelings 48. Defend your position
24. Recognize assumptions 49. Don’t smoke
25. Accurately define the problem 50. Do more research

Critical Thinking

No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.


It’s all thinking. It’s all critical.
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