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A Medical Writer's Guide To Meta-Analysis: Adam Jacobs

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A medical writer’s guide to

Meta-analysis is a statistical technique for
combining the results of more than one
study. It should be immediately obvious
how useful this is: it is very rare that a single
study gives us a definitive answer in
medicine. To get a good idea of whether an
intervention works to treat or prevent
disease, or whether a particular environ-
mental factor is associated with an increased
risk of disease, for example, it is frequently
necessary to take account of many studies to
get a better overall picture.
By combining studies in this way, not
only can we reduce the risk of being fooled
by a study with unusual results as a result of
a statistical fluke or bad study design, we can
also get more precise estimates of the
magnitude of effects. It is entirely possible,
for example, that several individual studies
have looked at a particular intervention but
been underpowered to detect its effects, and
each of them alone failed to find a significant
effect, but if you combine all the studies in
a meta-analysis you could find that the
overall result is that a statistically significant
effect can be confirmed.
Meta-analysis should not be confused
with systematic review, although the two
often go together. A systematic review is an
attempt to find and review the entirety of
literature on a particular topic using a
thorough literature search, often looking for
unpublished as well as published studies.
This guards against any cherry-picking (at
least in theory) and ensures that decisions
Adam Jacobs are made on the totality of evidence.
Premier Research, Wokingham, UK Abstract Often, a systematic review will include a
Meta-analysis is a statistical technique for meta-analysis. Once all the relevant studies
summarising the results of multiple have been identified, their results can be
Correspondence to: studies in a quantitative manner. It combined using a meta-analysis to give a
Adam Jacobs should not be confused with a systematic numerical summary. However, it is possible
Senior Principal Statistician review, though in practice the two are to do a systematic review without a meta-
Premier Research often found together. The main pitfalls analysis: typically, results will be presented
Fishponds Road with meta-analyses are being sure that in narrative form with no attempt made to
Wokingham the studies being combined are similar produce a precise numerical summary of the
RG41 2GY enough that it makes sense to combine results. This might be done, for example, if
UK them, and being sure that all relevant all the studies identified had such different studies have been included. methods, interventions, or study popu-
lations that trying to combine them into a
single estimate does not make sense.
Equally, it is possible to do a meta-

22 | September 2016 Medical Writing | Volume 25 Number 3

Jacobs – A Medical Writer’s Guide to meta-analysis

analysis without a systematic review. criteria to exclude the studies that you don’t If you observe substantial heterogeneity,
Sometimes studies may be chosen in a non- like. So just because a systematic review has then it is reasonable to question the
systematic way and yet still combined in a been conducted thoroughly and scrup- relevance of an overall estimate.
meta-analysis. Obviously when interpreting ulously in accordance with its inclusion If you are looking at meta-analysis results
the results of such an analysis it is important criteria, there is still no guarantee that all you will come across things called “fixed
to ask questions about what other studies relevant trials have been included. It’s always effects estimates” and “random effects
might exist and why they were not included, worth reading the inclusion criteria carefully estimates”. These are alternative statistical
but there may sometimes be legitimate and making your own mind up about how approaches for combining multiple studies,
reasons for meta-analysis of data that have reasonable they are. and are based on different assumptions.
not been chosen through the methods of One of the most important decisions for The fixed effects method makes the
systematic review. the meta-analyst is when it makes sense to assumption that there is no important
I say that “in theory” a combine data and when it doesn’t. By heterogeneity, and that all studies are
One of systematic review guards combining a wide range of studies you can essentially measuring the same thing. In
the most against cherry-picking, get apparently more statistically precise other words, it assumes that any differences
important but in practice a estimates, as you have more data. However, in estimates of treatment effects from one
decisions for systematic review is that statistical precision may be illusory. If study to the next are due purely to statistical
the meta-analyst not an absolute you are investigating the efficacy of a random variability. If in fact you observe that
is when it guarantee. An imp- particular treatment in different study heterogeneity is low, then the fixed effect
makes sense to ortant process in a populations, for example, an overall estimate measure gives you a good summary of the
combine data systematic review is may conceal the fact that the treatment results.
setting the inclusion works really well in some patients and is The random effects method assumes that
and when it
criteria for the studies harmful in others. So when looking at a heterogeneity is present, and the differences
doesn’t. that will be included. meta-analysis it is always worth looking at among studies are due partly to statistical
There are no hard and fast the detail of the individual studies and random variability, but also due to differ-
rules about what inclusion criteria asking if they are investigating the same ences in the “true” treatment effect that each
should be, and some judgement is always thing. If they are not, then an overall study is measuring, as it is not assumed that
required. For example, do you require a estimate may be meaningless. all studies are measuring the same thing. In
minimum sample size for each study, and if Happily, this question of how compar- practical terms, the main difference between
so, what size? Will you include just trials able different studies are can be investigated the two methods is that random effects
against placebo or also trials against active statistically. A good meta-analyst will look estimation gives more weight to small
comparators? Will you only include for a measure of heterogeneity among the studies that give different results to the
randomised trials or will you also include studies. It is expected that not all studies will average effect.
observational research? Should there be a give exactly the same result just because of Interpreting the results of random effects
minimum study duration? Will you include normal random variation, but do the studies meta-analyses is, as mentioned
studies on all patients with cancer, all vary more than would be expected by above, difficult. Although it
patients with advanced cancer, or only on chance? That’s a simple question to ask, gives you an estimate of If you
those with confirmed metastatic disease? though not so simple to answer. Although it the average effect, that observe
The possibilities are endless, and there are is possible to calculate a simple statistical treatment effect may substantial
no right answers: the best choice will test and calculate a P value, where a depend on specific heterogeneity,
depend very much on individual circum- significant P value shows significant hetero- characteristics of the then it is
stances. geneity, the results of such a test are not studies. If you want to reasonable to
And here is the problem. If you know the straightforward to interpret, as there is a apply the results to a question the
literature in a particular area well – as many high risk of both false positive and false real life situation, there relevance of
systematic reviewers do – you will know negative conclusions. is no guarantee that you an overall
what the important studies are. You will Higgins et al.1 have proposed an altern- will be applying it in an estimate.
therefore know, when you decide on your ative approach to quantifying heterogeneity, average situation. Your situ-
inclusion criteria, that a particular choice of by calculating a measure known as the I2 ation may match some studies far
inclusion criteria will exclude specific statistic, where 0 means that the studies are better than others.
studies that you already know about. If you all identical and higher values (with a For example, some studies may have used
have an agenda, then you can still cherry maximum of 100%) show increasing different doses. You may find that the high
pick your data subtly by choosing inclusion heterogeneity. dose studies give greater treatment effects Volume 25 Number 3 | Medical Writing September 2016 | 23

A Medical Writer’s Guide to meta-analysis – Jacobs

ogeneity that needs to be unpicked in this

case, including genetic features of the patient
and the nature of the infecting organism.3
One very common way in which the
results of results of meta-analyses are
presented is with a graph known as a forest
plot. The example in Figure 1 is typical.
This shows the results of a meta-analysis
on the effects on coronary heart disease
Source: Mozaffarian et al.4

(CHD) of increasing polyunsaturated fat in

place of saturated fat.4 There is a lot of
information in that one graph. We can see
details of each study, including the name of
the study, the number of patients, and the
number of CHD events. We also see how
extensive the dietary changes were in each
Figure 1: Forest plot of the effects of replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat on study as figures for % polyunsaturated fatty
coronary heart disease. Abbreviations: CHD: coronary heart disease; MI: myocardial acid consumption in the control and
infarction; PUFA: polyunsaturated fatty acid; RR: relative risk intervention groups. We then see the results
presented both graphically and in text. The
than the low dose studies. The relevant ity at 28 days in patients with severe sepsis central blob of each line shows the estimated
estimate is therefore not an average, but the and septic shock. Their overall meta- relative risk from each study, and the extent
treatment effect for the dose level that you analyses did not find a significant effect on of the horizontal line shows the 95%
are interested in. That’s a fairly obvious mortality (relative risk 0.92, 95% confidence confidence interval. The size of the central
example, but there can be many other more interval 0.75 to 1.14, P = 0.46), but it also blob shows how much weight the study
subtle factors that can affect treatment found significant heterogeneity (I2 = 58%, provides (mainly a function of the number
effects, such as the inclusion criteria for the P = 0.003). When they divided their studies of patients in each study), the bigger the
study, treatment duration, concomitant into those that had used long courses of low blob, the more that study contributes to the
medications, healthcare setting, etc. dose corticosteroids or short courses of high overall analysis. We then get the same
One way to deal with the problem of dose corticosteroids, they found that there information in text form to the right of the
heterogeneity is to determine the major was indeed a significant reduction in graph.
cause of heterogeneity and to present mortality in the studies that had used long At the bottom, we see the overall
separate estimates for different groups. For courses of low doses (relative risk: 0.80, 0.67 estimate. Again, we see the relative risk and
example, Annane et al.2 did a systematic to 0.95, P = 0.01), but not in the studies with its confidence interval, presented both
review and meta-analysis to investigate the short courses of high doses. Ignoring the graphically and in text form. That’s the
effects of corticosteroids on overall mortal- heterogeneity would have meant missing the important number to take away from meta-
important difference between the analyses, though as stated previously, it may
difference dosing regimens. be hard to interpret in the presence of
That said, use of corticosteroids significant heterogeneity among studies.

Generic in sepsis is complex and controv- The forest plot gives us another means of
● Funnel Plot ersial, and Annane et al’s analysis is assessing heterogeneity by simply eyeballing
● ● unlikely to be the last word. the spread of the estimates from the

● ● Although a meta-analysis can give individual studies.

● ●●

more reliable results than a single Lastly, no discussion of meta-analyses

● study, even a meta-analysis is often would be complete without a few words

● ●

not sufficient to settle a medical about publication bias. Meta-analyses will

● ● question once and for all. There is never give a true summary of all the research

probably considerably more heter- that has been done if some studies are
Source: Wikipedia

● ●
● excluded. We know that not all studies are

● ● published. The claim by the All Trials

x 2x 3x Figure 2: Hypothetical symmetric campaign that only 50% of studies are

funnel plot published is of course nonsense and the real

24 | September 2016 Medical Writing | Volume 25 Number 3

Jacobs – A Medical Writer’s Guide to meta-analysis

10 ●

8 ●

and septic shock: a systematic

1 / standard error of RR

● ●
6 ●
● review and meta-analysis BMJ.
● 2004;329(7464):480.
4 3. Morgan, Paul (@drpaulmorgan).
● “@statsguyuk Very! The host-

response mechanism is a mix of
● genetics (cytokine response) and

the individual bug. Lots of
0 interesting research!”. [Tweet,10
1 2 3 4 5 June 2016, 8:12 AM]. Available
Risk ratio from:
Figure 3: Funnel plot of studies investigating link between industry sponsorship and 741166150147538944.
results favourable to the sponsor’s product. Abbreviations: RR: relative risk 4. Mozaffarian D, Micha R, Wallace S.
Effects on Coronary Heart Disease
of Increasing Polyunsaturated Fat
figure is probably much higher,5 but example of an asymmetric funnel plot. in Place of Saturated Fat:
nonetheless, the proportion of trials that I created this funnel plot from data A Systematic Review and Meta-
are published is certainly less than 100%, provided in a Cochrane review of the Analysis of Randomized
and we know that studies reporting effect of pharmaceutical industry spon- Controlled Trials. PLoS Med.
negative results are less likely to be sorship on publications.7 The reviewers 2010;7(3):e1000252.
published than positive studies.6 If a claimed that trials sponsored by pharma- 5. Jacobs A. Zombie statistics on half
meta-analysis includes only positive ceutical companies were more likely to of all clinical trials unpublished.
trials and ignores negative ones, then it be favourable to the sponsor’s product [Blogpost; 29 August 2015].
will give an over-optimistic estimate of than independent studies. Certainly the Available from: http://www.
the true treatment effect. results of their meta-analysis showed statsguy.
A careful meta-analyst will therefore that very strongly, but how much can we on-half-of-all-clinical-trials-
try to tell whether there is any evidence trust that result with such strong unpublished.
that publication bias has occurred. One evidence of publication bias? 6. Song F, Parekh S, Hooper L, Loke
way to do this is with a funnel plot, in Meta-analysis is undoubtedly a useful YK, Ryder J, Sutton AJ, et al.
which the treatment effect of individual technique that can provide important Dissemination and publication of
studies is plotted on the x axis against the insights when summarising the medical research findings: an updated
size of the study on the y axis. If all literature. However, it is not a magic review of related biases. Health
studies are published, the results would bullet, and must be interpreted with the Technol Assess. 2010;14(8).
look roughly like an inverted funnel, same caution you would apply to any 7. Jacobs A. Cochrane review on
with a greater spread of studies towards other results. Obviously if a meta- industry sponsorship. [Blogpost;
the bottom of the plot, where small analysis is based on poor quality studies, 20 December 2012]. Available
sample sizes means that considerable the result will also be questionable. But from:
variation in results is likely, and a smaller in addition, it is also important to be cochrane-review-on-industry-
spread towards the top, where large aware of whether the studies are sponsorship.
sample sizes would keep results close to sufficiently similar that a meta-analysis
the “true” result (Figure 2). makes sense, and crucially, whether all
If there is publication bias, it is likely relevant studies have been included. Author information
that small negative studies will be Adam Jacobs was previously a
unpublished, whereas small positive References medical writer, and was president of
studies will be published. Large studies 1. Higgins JPT, Thompson SG, Deeks EMWA in 2004 to 2005. He now
are more likely to be published whatever JJ, Altman DG. Measuring works as a medical statistician at
they show, as once you’ve gone to all the inconsistency in meta-analyses. Premier Research. He still teaches
trouble of doing a large study you are BMJ. 2003;327:557–60. regular workshops for EMWA on
more likely to be motivated to write it 2. Annane D, Bellissant E, Bollaert E, statistical topics. You can find him on
up. This can give rise to asymmetry in Briegel J, Keh D, Kupfer Y. Twitter at @statsguyuk.
the funnel plot. Figure 3 shows one Corticosteroids for severe sepsis Volume 25 Number 3 | Medical Writing September 2016 | 25

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