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2019 Q. Have you ever been YESTERDAY’S POLL RESULT:
body-shamed? Should Virat Kohli step down
as RCB captain?
Yes No
`3.00 Ÿ Pages 14
AHMEDABAD Go to our Twitter handle Yes  65% @dna, look for #DNAPoll No 30% and vote.
Can’t say 5%

43°C - 24°C AQI 128 R.N.I. No. : GUJENG/2007/22424

Even as PM launches three-pronged attack, Oppn shows united front at rally

India rejects Pak
‘Speed breaker Didi claim of ‘attack’
has sleepless nights’
DNA Correspondent

New Delhi: India has strong-

ly rejected Pakistan’s claim
that New Delhi is planning an
Arshad Ali attack on the neighbouring country, calling the claims
“irresponsible and preposter-
Kolkata: Launching yet an- ous” with a clear objective of
other salvo against West Ben- BSP leader Mayawati, SP leader Akhilesh Yadav (R) and RLD leader Ajit “whipping up war hysteria”
gal CM Mamata Banerjee, Singh (L) during the joint election rally in Deoband on Sunday —AP in the region. On the contra-
Prime Minister Narendra ry, said Raveesh Kumar, a
Modi on Sunday addressed his
third rally in Bengal in four
days and claimed that the UP grand alliance spokesperson for the Minis-
try of External Affairs, “This
public gimmick appears to be
Pakistan foreign minister Shah
Mehmood Qureshi. — AFP

sounds poll bugle

chants of ‘Modi, Modi’ were a call to Pakistan-based ter- they said it
giving her sleepless night. Re- rorists to undertake a terror
delhi voters face ferring to her as ‘Speedbreak- attack in India.” „„Pakistan said it has
unique dilemma er Didi’ while speaking at the India’s reaction came soon information that India
Rasmela Ground in Cooch DNA Correspondent Deoband — famous as the after Pakistan summoned the is planning an attack
Elections in Delhi pose a unique
Behar, he claimed, “The more second topmost Dar-ul-Ul- Indian envoy in Islamabad between April 16 and 20.
dilemma as citizens want to
you do ‘Modi’ ‘Modi’, the more oom — falls next to Saharan- and issued him a demarche
bring the PM Modi government „„Pakistan also
Speed breaker Didi loses sleep New Delhi: Coming togeth- pur city where PM Naren- “warning against any misad-
back to power though their MPs summoned the Indian
and takes out her anger on the er in a massive show of dra Modi addressed a mam- venture”. Earlier in the day,
have left them disappointed. envoy in Islamabad and
Election Commission of In- strength in Western Uttar moth rally just two days ago. Pakistan foreign minister
dia. Her restlessness shows Pradesh’s Deoband on Sun- After its falling out with Shah Mehmood Qureshi said issued a demarche.
urmila in dock for what happens to a person who day, leaders of the Grand the SP-BSP, the Congress Islamabad had reliable intel-
‘anti-hindu’ remarks „„India’s MEA called it a
is afraid of losing support at Alliance — Samajwadi Par- has fielded a strong candi- ligence that India was plan-
gimmick, and said it might
Bollywood actor and Con- the ground level.” ty, Bahujan Samaj date in Saharanpur ning an attack between April
be a call for Pak-based
gress’s Lok Sabha candidate Later in the day, when ad- Party and Rashtri- and the alliance 16 and April 20. “If anything
terrorists to attack India.
Urmila Matondkar had report- dressing a rally in Tripura, he ya Lok Dal — told fears the split vote happens, you can imagine the
Our alliance is
edly said “Hinduism is the most also attacked the Left and the their supporters in may allow BJP’s impact on the peace and sta- „„India also said if Pak
not a toxic
violent religion in the world”. Congress and claimed that no uncertain terms sitting MP Raghav bility of the region,” he said. did have actionable
concoction but a
“the Opposition will stoop to that the vote can- Lakhanpal to win “A new mishap could be intel, it must share it
force of change. It
maha battle on the any level to oust me”. He even not be split due to
is an alliance that
again. staged. And its purpose will through right channels
cards in 1st phase took a jibe at Congress’ mani- the Congress. They
will bring about
The three party be to justify their (India’s) of-
festo, alleging that it seems to also flayed the PM chiefs attacked fensive against Pakistan and
The first phase of polls cover- a new Prime
ing seven seats in Maharashtra be blowing Pakistan’s trum- Prime Minister Narendra Modi (C) waves to supporters during a campaign for his SARAB (liq- both PM Modi and to increase diplomatic pres- terrorist attack”.
will see a tough fight between pet more than that of India. rally in Cooch Behar, West Bengal on Sunday —AFP uor) remark Congress on vari- sure against Islamabad.” “Pakistan needs to take
Interestingly, of his three against the grand Akhilesh Yadav, ous counts and In response, India advised credible and irreversible
the BJP-Shiv Sena and SP leader
meetings in West Bengal, two alliance. leading the charge, Pakistan that instead of try- steps against terrorism oper-
Congress-NCP alliances.  P5
were in north Bengal where
the party aims to score the
...Mamata accuses Centre of intimidation “Don’t split your RLD chief Ajit Sin-
votes. The Congress is not gh said, “What has Prime
ing to create an alibi for its
complicity in terrorism, it
ating from territories under
its control rather than make
maximum seats in the state. Kolkata: Two hours after PM Narendra Modi’s rally at strong enough to give a Minister Modi done in five should use established diplo- hysterical statements to ob-
Someone told me Pointing to the bamboo Cooch Behar, West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee hit back tough fight to BJP. Only the years? He wasn’t talking matic and DGMO channels fuscate the core issue that
Mayawati will be structure readied for Mama- in two back-to-back rallies, accusing the PM of using gov- Mahagathbandhan can fight about your achche din, but and share any actionable bedevils our region: Cross-
PM on Monday, Akhilesh ta’s Monday rally at the same ernment machinery and institutions to intimidate the op- the BJP,” said BSP supremo his own achche din.” He and credible intelligence it border terrorism,” India
on Tuesday, Lalu on Wed, ground, Modi said, “The stage position. She wondered why PM Modi is not removing his Mayawati, specifying that also criticised the PM over may have. It also warned said, adding that Pakistan
Naidu on Thursday, Stalin there has been put up to pre- own cabinet secretary or the Union home secretary, if he her remarks were particu- the pending Rs 10,000 crore that India “reserves the right cannot absolve itself of the
on Friday and Rahul on vent people from gathering in was so “fond of making last-minute changes”.  Report, P5 larly for the “people of Mus- dues to the sugarcane farm- to respond firmly and deci- responsibility of a cross-bor-
Saturday; Sunday my meeting.”  Turn to P4 lim community”. ers in the state. Turn to P4 sively to any cross-border der terrorist attack on India.
will be a holiday
Amit Shah,
BJP president, mocks
Oppn alliance Chaos reigns supreme as J&K EC to Mamata:
Within rights to
I-T swoops in on MP CM’s aides
govt shuts highway for civilians
New Delhi/Bhopal: The In- searches are linked to sus-

inside  transfer officers come Tax Department on Sun-

day launched pre-dawn
pected movement of hawala
money during the ongoing
searches on at least 50 loca- polls season and tax evasion.
india DNA Correspondent New Delhi: The Election tions in Delhi and Madhya Locations in Indore, Bhopal
Giving in to pressure from Commission has rejected Pradesh against people linked and Delhi (Green Park) were
the NIA, Hurriyat leader West Bengal Chief Minister to state Chief Minister Kamal being raided and those being
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq will Srinagar: The Jammu and Mamata Banerjee’s allega- Nath on charges of alleged searched included Nath’s for-
today present himself for Kashmir government on Sun- tions that it ordered transfer tax evasion, officials said. mer Officer on Special Duty
questioning in Delhi P4 day imposed its highway lock- of four police officers at the A team of about 200 I-T de- (OSD) Pravin Kakkad, former
down, even as two former chief behest of the ruling BJP at partment and police officers adviser Rajendra Miglani and
ministers — Farooq Abdullah the Centre, saying the deci- swooped down on these prem- executives linked to his broth-
world and Mehbooba Mufti — hit the sion was based on “cumula- ises around 3 am and some er-in-law’s firm MoserBaer
Israeli PM Benjamin streets to defy the order. tive feedback” from one of its undisclosed cash was recov- and his nephew Ratul Puri’s I-T officials at the residence of
Netanyahu has pledged to The Jammu-Srinagar top officials and the special ered, they said, adding the company, they said. —PTI Nath’s former advisor Miglani —PTI
annex settlements in the highway was dotted with se- police observer.
occupied West Bank if he curity personnel from Bara- The Commission also told
wins Tuesday’s elections  P7 mulla to Udhampur as the Banerjee that as per election
ban order was imposed amid Only security forces convoys were allowed to ply on the highway. — PTI law, it is “fully within its
Afterhrs  much chaos. Civilian vehi- rights” to transfer and ap-
Akshay Kumar and Kareena cles weren’t allowed to ply walked. Though emergency Baramulla and Udhampur on point officers during model
Kapoor Khan open and only security convoys vehicles were being allowed Sundays and Wednesdays, code. It said it won’t respond
up about were seen moving. through, civilian traffic reserving the two days for to the averment to prove its
With inter-city public movement came to a grind- movement of security forces’ image and referred to Section
transport not functional, ing halt. convoys. The possibility of a 28A of the Representation of
people faced a lot of incon- The government had on terrorist attack with the gen- the People Act to drive home
after a
decade with venience in getting to their April 3 issued an order ban- eral elections around the cor- the point that EC can transfer
Good News destinations. Some were seen ning civilian traffic on the ner was cited as the reason and post them during the poll
riding cycles while others national highway between for the order. Turn to P4 code period. Report, P5

size doesn’t matter Victims of body shaming say they faced depression, anxiety

Body shaming casts ugly shadow on mental health

Anagha Sawant and stress induced by body the custom, while 90 per cent shaming. The concept of body skin-deep beauty said people who don’t con-
shaming includes comments form to the standard norm are
Mumbai: Body shaming is far
more common than you
about weight, skin tone, body
shape and hair. It may even be 31% women say they didn’t
feel like facing the world
because of what people say
mocked in films and TV.
“We have been getting cases
thought. Nine out of 10 wom- unintentional, as 89 per cent where people from different
en have experienced body women said they feel uncom- age groups said they faced psy-
shaming, although, interest-
ingly enough, 95 per cent
fortable about their own selves
after reading comments about
32.5% said their friends
make negative
comments about how they look
chological issues because of
body shaming. The perception
didn’t even realise when they other people’s appearances. of physical appearances tends
body shamed someone. These “We have been getting cases to be significantly influenced
were the startling findings of
a survey wherein 1,244 women
where women are struggling
with self-image. In such cases,
97% said the issue of body
shaming needs to be
addressed in schools
by a multitude of factors, in-
cluding the role played by me-
from 20 Indian cities were they may experience depres- dia, peer influences, societal
asked about their experiences. sion, anxiety and even rela- factors, etc. There is a need to
The survey, conducted by tionship issues. We wanted to al Sciences, Fortis. anxious and nervous follow- work towards creating a sensi-
Mumbai-based Fortis Health- check to what extent is body In addition, two in three ing negative comments. In ad- tised and aware society that’s
care, came about after the hos- shaming affecting mindsets,” women said it’s important to dition, a large majority (76 per able to respect one’s own as
pital received several cases of said Dr Samir Parikh, director, look good to feel confident, cent) said portrayal of beauty well as others’ body image,” Dr
depression, low self-esteem Mental Health and Behaviour- while 62 per cent said they felt in the media contributed to Parikh added.
daily news & analysis I Ahmedabad I Monday, April 8, 2019
musings I I I

Safety vs Software: Aviation at a crossroad

Lawfully Yours would like to be flown in a safe air- capacity, aircraft manufacturers services, which are said to be essen- the car – which make the vehicle

craft with pilots able to control it have been working with stronger tial for extremely fast responses worth driving on the road and gives
ast week, preliminary investi- fully, or would prefer a software- and better materials, technology necessary for successful function- confidence to the user. The simple
gations revealed that the pilots controlled aircraft which makes the and management practices. Truly a ing of driverless cars. Something principle ought to be, the higher the
of the Ethiopian Airlines were presence of pilots meaningless and fantastic endeavour! But, in this similar is what is done in flying price, the safer the car should be.
unable to control the aircraft on top of it is not able to fly and land quest, how can safety be compro- drones, however, the drones are con- But, without certain basic safety
despite following the proce- the aircraft safely? I don’t think that mised is incomprehensible. Simula- trolled by some remote agency. Is features a vehicle is just a piece of
dures repeatedly given by the any reasonable person with even a tors, virtual reality, modelling, ex- similar technology successful in metal, and cannot be sold in the mar-
manufacturing company Boeing. little bit of common sense would perimentation, testing in real life commercial flying operations? Once ket as a vehicle.
The aircraft nosedived uncontrol- even take a moment to answer it. conditions, etc. are standard indus- the pilots don’t have any control Similarly, an aircraft – especially
lably, resulting in its crash last Everyone would prefer to be safe – try practices, and, it is beyond any- over the aircraft, it is as good as fly- if the company boasts it to be one of
month killing everyone on board. It we are not talking about individuals one’s comprehension as to how the ing in a pilotless aircraft. the finest – without adequate safety
anurag is being said that a particular soft- on a suicidal mission – and not give control of an aircraft can be simply It has been reported that Boeing features is just a piece of metal and
k agarwal ware either did not work properly or two hoots about fancy aircraft de- taken away from the pilots. used to charge extra for certain doesn’t have airworthiness. How the
was not installed. This software, or sign with cutting-edge technology cession, have shaken many experts The upcoming driverless cars is safety features for the aircraft of 737 certification authorities gave the
The author is a
lack of it, somehow did not allow the using the latest software supported and made the common travellers akin to giving the complete control Max series. This is unbelievable. green signal is a mystery and must
professor at IIM-A, pilots to control the aircraft. Boeing by artificial intelligence. Ultimately, nervous and anxious about safety. In of the driving of a car to a software, When a person buys a car there are be investigated. Any aircraft must has been working on this software what matters is “safety”. the zest to develop an ultimate flying guided by artificial intelligence, certain basic safety features – some be fully equipped with all the safety
since October 2018, when a similar Recent developments in the avia- machine with the least fuel con- connected to internet, global posi- mandatory due to legal and regula- features and the pilots should al-
aircraft had crashed in Indonesia. tion industry, especially the two sumption, least carbon emission, tioning system (GPS), and now the tory compliance, and some others ways have complete control of the
Ask an air traveller whether he crashes of Boeing 737 in quick suc- and the maximum possible carrying very recently launched 5G telecom depending on the usage and price of aircraft.

Make your Spreading the word

A nation
marriage desperately
exclusive wishing to fail
REVERSE shift view point

ibbing is a part of every human nature. s Balakot surgical strike is going to be
Harmless, yet dangerous when overdone alive, at least till elections are around, I
and overused – especially in relationships. am unable to escape from reading social
I very recently met a couple who was in media posts about it from some of the
terrible marital distress, thanks to the fib- smartest people of my nation.Though I
bing nature of the husband. Being brought am not in a position to accept or deny
up in a conventional patriarchal family, where the existence or success/failure of surgical strike
father was very autocratic, fibbing became his with cent percent certainty, this episode has
second nature right from his childhood to protect made me sure about something else.
himself from him. When he got married, his fib- I am absolutely sure that no nation on the
bing habit continued. It was very disturbing for planet is as keen or desperate to fail as the coun-
the wife initially, but she slowly came to terms try called India.
with it. To keep the marital harmony intact, she The amount of intellectual energy that Indian
kept quiet thinking most of his lies were white intelligentsia has invested in looking for evi-
lies. However, she felt the husband started taking dences to prove failure of surgical strike is so
advantage of her silence. Along with his fibbing, incredible that their failure-hunger needs to be
he also started keeping things to himself, and not explored to look for an explanation for this un-
share details. The hus- doubtedly unique Indian talent.
band’s friend had a major Let us differentiate this quest of desperation
illness and the ill friend’s from our standard hatred for the state that stems
wife started seeking help from systemic inefficiencies and corruption that
from him. The wife was are in front of us.
involved initially with Balakot is not here for us to see to be sure of
some particulars. But its failure by any stretch.
gradually he tapered giv- State’s CEO S Murali Krishna and Ahmedabad collector Vikrant Pandey flag off a train at Ahmedabad with the message for maximum voting in upcoming elections Unfortunately, for some mysterious reason,
ing all the information. Imran Khan has also not invited our 150 plus
Apparently, his friend’s scientists, 600 plus theatre artists, 200 plus acad-
SAGARIKA SHAH wife started texting him emicians and various other experts for a tea to
Relationship and on a regular basis – ini- Balakot to help them confirm and celebrate fail-
couples therapist. Helps tially
Mobilising best minds for addressing
with the health bul- ure of the strike. And yet, the social media is
letins and later under the filled to the brim with Indian Sherlock Holms
couples and individuals pretext of some vain mat- offering conclusions about its failure.
deal with their ters. The ill friend’s wife If we look honestly at Balakot, with the level

complex national challenges?

relationship problems made it a point to connect of information available, it
effectively only with the husband’s offers convenience of friend and not with his choosing either of the op-
wife although they were tion of success and failure,
all friends. Eventually, when the wife found out and yet India has enough
about the exclusive connection between her hus- minds on the margin sultation process whose view one does not Why can not similar professionalism be the countrymen not only opting

band and the friend’s wife, she couldn’t take it and like at all. It is the diversity and debate that way in which committees are constituted, for failure but are so desper-
felt deceived. It wasn’t the communication be- et us surmise about the post-election will bring out the best for the country. minds are mobilized and consensus achieved ate that they are ready to go
tween the two that drove her nuts. Being kept in scenario and overall expectations in Let us take the case of providing cooking for achieving the best societal good. to any extreme in looking
the dark by her husband made her upset. Why general. gas connections to the poor, an eminently I am sure this is not in the interest of any- for evidence from any-
would her husband and the friend’s wife want an Whosever the voters elect, there good idea. Now when we design supply chain,
exclusive connection with each other? She felt it will be certainly a rise in expecta- it will help to explore the relative utility in
one to have good policies implemented badly
or conceived weakly. There was news of an samir where, even from Pakistan
to proclaim failure of their
was taking undue advantage of her understand- tions. For most of the self-employed high biomass areas versus low biomass are- MNREGA worker whose thumb surface hav- shukla nation in an act of aggres-
ing, sweetness and patience apart from being business and professional people, a as, frequency of replacement will ing been worn out, biometric identification City-based science sion.
unfair to the unwell friend. simplification of regulatory need to be high in low biomass ar- did not work, though he had Aadhar card. From psychological per-
One tends to fib or hide things when one fears framework will be the most cher- eas, population density may be low, Naturally, if we have to pay pension or wages
nomad who tries to spective, this desire to look
one’s partner. If the spouse is unreasonable and ished wish. For the working class, villages may be located far away to workers who work with their hands, find definitive answers for failure really needs ex-
innately suspicious and jealous, it’s a different low consumer prices and easy from the source of supply and should not we anticipate such problems. This ploration as, when there is
story. But with an understanding partner, fibbing availability of essentials, afforda- money required to buy the cylinder is the kind of triangulation that will happen reasonable opportunity
excessively can be a deal breaker. It’s very much ble health care, and quality educa- may not always be there. How do we when the design of public policy and its im- available, people should be choosing the option
taking all the goodness for granted. So called ‘one tion for their children in govern- link the employment program, pay- plementation is checked up with not only that makes them feel good and not the one that
to one’ connections with only the friends’ ment schools and colleges obvi- ment of wages, payment for public experts but also user groups. Last week, I makes them feel bad. So, there is only one pos-
spouse/s is unethical and unhealthy. ously matter most. For the elite, supplied goods and services like wrote about the pervasive scope of improve- sibility that can explain the choice, i.e. failure
Have the best of friendships with your friends the low to moderate risk-high re- ration, kerosene, gas, premium of ment that exists in the design and implemen- feels good to a given set of Indians.
and their spouses. But be mindful of the exclusiv- turn investment opportunities anil gupta health and life insurance etc. tation of toilets all over the country. Namib- If it sounds weird, in reality it is not, as loving
ity. The only person to have an exclusive relation- will be very attractive besides less It is quite possible the with a re- ian entrepreneur recently designed a low- failure is a lot common than what it seems. If one
ship with is your partner. Exclusively yours! taxation. For high net-worth indi- The author is duction in transaction costs, the cost toilet which won a national second prize. needs to make one’s life simple, accepting failure
viduals, the ability to invest in founder of Honey utilization efficiency will go down. Gandhi ji announced a one lakh rupees prize is a path of least resistance. It is a state of mind
start-ups and other ventures with- Bee Network Spatial inequality can be compen- in 1929 open to all for redesigning the spin- that offers a great comfort, especially if one can
in and outside the country without & visiting faculty sated by sectoral allocative efficien- ning wheel. The value of that amount will not assign the cause of failure to someone or some-
attracting too many reporting lia- at IIM-A cy and effectiveness. be less than 10 cr today. Why not have both thing else.
bilities and constraints will be at- In contemporary data and collaborative as well as crowdsourced design All the Indians trying really hard to prove that
tractive. knowledge-intensive world, the contest for meeting various developmental their nation has failed are comfortably satiating
Now, no government can please quality of management can be im- challenges. their failure-hunger because they have delinked
all and that too equally. But then all programs proved significantly by using big data and I hope that the new government will bring themselves from the state. Working hard to prove
which are intended to deliver benefits to the efficient and integrated supply chains. Why a new approach to learning from its mistakes failure of their own nation is not a source of dis-
poor can benefit a lot from feedback from should this be made into an ideological issue? and as well as outstanding achievements in comfort for them because they see that failure as
people with diverse background. Labelling When Aadhar was implemented, a bipartisan a bipartisan manner. It will try to mobilize a success of their ideology.
in ideological terms rather than intellectual approach was used to streamline the system the best minds over every issue regardless As an intellectual musing, this is a great sub-
terms does not help. In fact, it does not hurt regardless of who designed, under which rul- of whether they were engaged by one or the ject to explore, but there is something more real
at all if there are such people in every con- ing dispensation. The results are for all to see. other government at different times. here, and that needs urgent cognisance by the
entire nation if it wants to remain a nation.

Back in time: the courageous journeyer of joy

Failed or successful, surgical strike meant
that some really young Indians had to fly across
a hostile border and face death. Such acts of val-
our are possible only when these young men
know that there is a nation rooting for their suc-
JOY OF LIVING of learning’. The who’s who from when people went to enquire about his No solider can lay down his life for a nation

Ahmedabad, who have made a dent in so health, he would recount his experiences that is desperately looking to prove that he has
ooking back at school years brings many walks of life across the country and with people who were taking care of him. failed. And lot worse is when he sees a nation
smiles to the face when we think of globe were nurtured or influenced by Ka- His childlike interest and fondness for peo- looking at him as a potential liar.
the friends, games, fun and mischief pasi Saab. These range from Abhijaat ple made him lap up the life stories and So, to all my extremely intelligent friends out
that were all rolled together with in- Joshi, screenwriter of films like “Three narratives of doctors and caregivers at- there looking at international media and even
nocence and carefree times. An occa- Idiot’s”, Madhu Rai, cricketer Parthiv Pa- tending to him in the hospital.This left Pakistan with hope that Balakot has failed, I
sional teacher also finds herself in tel, Sural Collector Dhaval Patel, and a absolutely no room for any bitterness, an- have a simple prayer.
this list. Juxtaposed with this smile-list are host of doctors, teachers, engineers and ger or cynicism. He was the same joyful A nation can survive only when guarded
the faces, words and thoughts of teachers, administrators who have made a differ- voyager of life in a different setting! fiercely by its soldiers. India needs its armed
prefects and even principals, which often ence. Those who had walked and breathed He had an elephantine grip and mastery forces and wants them to be confident that there
bring sadness and tears to the eyes. Their in the school or been friends with Mr Ka- over so many subjects and yet carried all is a nation standing behind them praying for
jayanti ravi needless tyranny is something I’ve strug- pasi speak of his refreshing influence and this so lightly. He touched almost three their success and not for their failure.
The author is a gled to understand. Can’t school rooms be impact in their lives. generations of Ahmedabad, leading them
Harvard-educated happy spaces, I would often wonder. A student thrown out of class by a into exciting worlds of multi hued creativ-
civil servant & writer, While the strict, stern, anger-spewing teacher recounts how the ‘poker faced’ ity and joy. A fortnight ago, a packed hall
and has worked in teacher was the stereotype, I’m sure we Principal asked him to meet him in his of- of his students and friends had gathered
the education sector can all recollect some worthy exceptions fice. On nervously entering the Principal’s to celebrate his ‘power-packed’ beautiful
with a smiling, happy heart. One such room, he was treated to some exquisite so many things on many evenings, seated life that effortlessly impacted and trans-
‘iconoclast’ was Sh Himmatbhai Kapasi, music of Beethoven and explained the nu- on his now empty chair in Vidyanagar formed so many worlds around.
the celebrated and revered Principal of ances of it. He was also told to not be mis- school. He was a traveller and pilgrim of A book and a film on his life and work
Vidyanagar school of Ahmedabad. True chievous in future as he was allowed to go joy, whose curiosity, wonder could deftly has been put together by his family and
to his name, he exhibited the immense home for the day. That was Principal Ka- turn the ordinary and mundane into some- students as a homage. As I read this book,
courage required to be so very different. pasi for you! The student who recounted thing fun or even ‘topsy-turvy’. As an aca- I get to know more and more about this
He was lenient, encouraging, experiment- this is a principal of a leading city college demic leader, he explored new worlds, ex- humble, elderly man with a lilting voice.
ing, improvising and innovating across today! posing young minds of various biological People may scarcely believe that he
diverse fields. A ‘renaissance man’, Kapasi Over the last decade, my involvement ages to different, fascinating worlds and strode through this garden of life, in his
Saab could straddle Beethoven, Kurosawa, and engagement with Saptak brought me people, connecting them to create new own terms, in a complete journey of joy.
Gavaskar, Ustad Amir Khan with the same in contact with this legend. I can hear his friendships and worlds of activities and May his spirit live on, as we celebrate his
ease as diverse foods and crafts. His leader- lilting voice as he would discuss the nu- amusement. life and the gentle fragrance that flows
ship made Vidyanagar a true ‘metropolis ances of carnatic music, films, nature and Down with bouts of serious illness, from it.
ah edabad I I I
Ahmedabad I Monday, April 8, 2019 I daily news & analysis

Battle of political survival for

in brief
Mercury to
remain at 42

sons of two ex-chief ministers

degree Celsius
The maximum tempera-
ture in Ahmedabad was
forecasted to be 42 de-
gree Celsius till Thurs-

It is imperative for Tushar Chaudhary & Bharatsinh Solanki to win in the polls to avoid political oblivion
day. The India Meteoro-
logical Department said,
the minimum tempera-
ture would be 24 degree Sumit Khanna can win only if he manages File photo of Congress rally
C till Thursday. Clear to get their support, and to

Heat forces noon

sky and dry weather prevent political oblivion for
likely in Ahmedabad and Any election is crucial for all himself,” he said.
other parts of the state candidates, but the upcoming Chaudhary told DNA that
over the next six days. Lok Sabha battle is especially he was getting good response

breaks, hits LS
Heat wave conditions critical for two Congress during campaigning, and
likely in Banaskantha, leaders, for whom the 2019 was confident of a victory,
Sabarkantha, Rajkot, polls could very well be a mat- but declined to comment
Surendranagar, Amreli, ter of political survival. when asked what impact an
and Kutch. The political careers of adverse result could have on

poll campaigning
Tushar Chaudhary, the Con- his political career.
Exam held for fire gress candidate from Bardoli As far as Solanki is con-
station officers ST seat, and Bharatsinh cerned, he still has a strong
After a gap of 20 years, Solanki, 65, the candidate say in the party’s affairs in
the Ahmedabad Munici- from Anand seat, hang in the Gujarat – his cousin Amit Although campaigning for the
pal Commissioner con- balance, and the outcome of Bharatsinh Solanki campaigning ahead of the polls; Tushar Chaudhary (R) Chavda replaced him as the Lok Sabha elections in Gujarat campaign
ducted the exam for re- the April 23 elections could state Congress president is picking up, candidates and
„„BJP MP Kirit Solanki,
cruitment of 17 fire sta- very well decide their politi- Striking similarities between careers of the two leaders when he stepped down last their supporters are finding it
who represents the
tion officers. Officials cal future. This is true more year - but a loss in the elec- tough to reach out to their vot-
Both are sons of former chief Both Chaudhary and Solanki have been MLAs. Ahmedabad West
said that 80 out of 83 in the case of Chaudhary tions would be seen as a body ers in the afternoon hours due
ministers. Chaudhary’s father Solanki was elected to the assembly thrice from constituency, campaigned
candidates appeared for who has seen his political blow to him. to the scorching heat.
Amarsinh Chaudhary was the state’s 1995 to 2002, and Chaudhary in 2002. Both on a bicycle, while sitting
the exam on Sunday. Mu- stock dwindling in the past “Anand is one seat which As the maxmimum tem-
first and only CM from the tribal were elected to Lok Sabha in 2004, and again MP of Jamnagar, Poonam
nicipal commissioner few years. the Congress expects to win, perature has touched 42 de-
community till date, while Solanki’s in 2009. Both served as ministers in the UPA Maadam, who is seeking
Vijay Nehra said that ap- Chaudhary, 53, will take and it is critical for Bharat- grees Celsius in many parts of
father Madhavsinh Solanki was chief II government. Both had lost in the 2014 Lok her re-election, rode a
pointment orders would on current MP and BJP can- sinh to deliver. A loss will the state, candidates now pre-
minister for four terms. Sabha elections. bullock cart.
be issued after elections. didate Prabhu Vasava, from certainly erode his stock,” fer to take afternoon breaks
the tribal reserved seat in said a senior leader, pointing and campaign till late evening „„At several places
Three students for Surat district. Solanki, on the Solanki was president of Gujarat Pradesh Congress out that party president Ra- instead. Dhansukh Bhanderi, in rural parts of the
ISRO programme other hand, will face-off Solanki was the state
Committee twice, while Chaudhary was one of the four hul Gandhi had made it clear a BJP leader from Rajkot, said state, the BJP also
Three students, viz. against BJP candidate Congress president that only those who can win candidates and party workers roped in magicians for
working presidents ahead of the 2017 assembly elections.
Kunj Devang from Ra- Mitesh Patel from Anand seat during the 2017 polls, and make the Congress win now campaign in two shifts- campaigning.
jkot, Pratham Patel from in central Gujarat. Initial re- which saw the party will have a say in how the morning and evening- as they
Aravalli, and Rahul ports suggest a tough battle tally rise to 77, its party is run. prefer taking afternoon breaks
Solanki from Suren- awaits Chaudhary, while best performance in Speaking with DNA, due to the rising heat. 10 pm, we hold booth meetings.
dranagar, will represent Solanki has an edge over his nearly three decades. Tusharbhai was winning For me , this is an Bharatsinh said that the com- Congress spokesperson We take afternoon breaks due
the state at the Yuva Vig- BJP rival. Chaudhary had when Congress was important election, but it ing elections were crucial as Manish Doshi also said that to heat,” Bhanderi said.
yani Karyakram (Young “Tusharbhai was winning contested in the polls, they would decide the future heat has affected campaign In many cities like Rajkot,
much against the senior doing well. One can say is a do battle, not a die
Scientist Programme) of when Congress was doing direction of the country. activities and party leaders Surendranagar and
Indian Space Research well. One can say that the vic- leadership’s advice, that the victories were battle. I am confident of “For me personally too, are now avoiding meeting vot- Ahmedabad, the maximum
Organisation (ISRO). tories were more because of which wanted him to more because of the getting blessings of this is an important election, ers in the afternoon. temperature has gone beyond
They were selected from the party’s popularity and focus on campaigning, party’s popularity and people of Anand. but it is a do battle, not a die “Election material like caps 40 degrees, which has damp-
but lost, and suffered
among 203 students who work than his own. On the
a huge blow to his
work than his own. Bharatsinh Solanki, battle. I am confident of get- are being distributed to sup- ened the spirit of most of the
had applied. The three- other hand, other leaders like ting blessings of people of porters in large numbers to candidates, political leaders
week programme aims Jitu Chaudhari have been standing in the party. Congress Leader Congress leader Anand,” he said. help them avoid the sunlight,” said. Doshi said, “Rising mer-
at imparting basic winning in election after Solanki stressed that the he said. “We used to start cam- cury levels have affected cam-
knowledge on space election in spite of the in- result in 2019 would be drasti- paigning around 9.30 am. But paigning as party workers
technology, space sci- roads BJP has made in the A party leader from Surat promoting his supporters, importance of the coming cally different than in 2014, now, we reach out to people in avoid going out in the after-
ence, and space applica- tribal community,” said a said that Chaudhary using had alienated him from the election, and is reaching out and that the Congress would two shifts- between 8 and 11 noon. We have divided cam-
tions to students. Congress leader, requesting his influence to get tickets for party’s workers. to leaders and workers who win 16 out of 26 seats in the am- and then from 5 to 8 pm. paigning in two shifts and give
anonymity. family members, instead of “Tusharbhai realises the are unhappy with him. He state. Thereafter, between 9 pm and breaks during afternoon.” —PTI

Single-use plastic Going Hi-Tech

Key conspirator in LRD paper
ban likely from May leak case arrested from Delhi
Gargi Raval DNA Correspondent made an advance payment of Rs 7.99 lakh. As per officials,
on December 2, Virendra got
The Ahmedabad Municipal On Saturday, during a joint a call from Arora saying that
Corporation (AMC) had ear- operation conducted by Anti- paper was cancelled. After
lier announcd the ban on Terrorism Squad (ATS) of the news was spread, Viren-
plastic products below Gujarat, Ahmedabad crime dra changed his appearance
50-micron thickness in the branch and Delhi police ar- and moved out of his house
city. A blanket ban was in- rested the main conspirator to hide from the cops. The in-
troduced on the usage, man- and leader in the LRD paper vestigation also revealed that
ufacturing and selling on leak case, Virendra Mathur Virendra was involved in
water pouches, bags and from Rohini area of Delhi. other paper leak too.
plastic cups. Now, as per the During the interrogation, Virendra Mathur The LRD recruitment
resolution of the United Na- Representational picture the accused revealed that he exam on December 2, 2018,
tions, the civic body will ban was provided with a solved Further investigation re- was cancelled after an official
the single-use plastic items paper of the LRD exam two vealed that Virendra contact- got to know about the paper
in civic body’s jurisdiction A huge amount of days prior to the examina- ed Monu from Gujarat, who leak. The new dates of the
from May 2019 onwards. plastic is dumped tion. In exchange he was to with the help of his associate exam were fixed for January
The civic officials are LED Raths, which will talk about the central government’s achievements, were flagged off from the State BJP pay Rs 1 crore to Vinay Arora made arrangements for the 6. So far police have arrested
meeting with people from daily because of headquarters in Gandhinagar on Sunday. and Vinod Chikkara, both ar- students from Gujarat to a total of 15 people in related
food business and other eat- lucrative packaging of rested by crime branch. travel to Delhi. Virendra had to the case.
ery operators asking them food parcels. We have
to stop using the single-use
asked them to find an
plastic items like spoons,
forks, plates etc. “Other alternative.
Rape case Man had moved HC against his conviction and sentence awarded by sessions court

HC acquits rape convict, orders him to pay `5 lakh for child

than this, we have asked the
food business operators to
AMC Official
reduce the usage of plastic
for the food parcel. A huge
amount of plastic is dumped Post the ban, there will be
daily because of lucrative difficulty in finding substi- Nirupam Banerjee fixed deposit in the name of Case file high court, his counsel con- the accused impregnated the
packaging of food parcels. tute for milk packaging and the child born out of the tended that the prosecution woman and she delivered his
We have asked them to find milk products pouches that physical intimacy between „„As per the case failed to prove that he had child, which was confirmed
an alternative,” said a sen- have been used by the dairy The Gujarat High Court ac- the accused and victim. It or- details, the woman had taken the woman forcibly by a DNA test. It was also ar-
ior AMC official. industry. “It is easy to ban quitted a man convicted for dered that the amount should alleged that she was and raped her. It was also gued that the accused cannot
The ban has been delayed the items like plastic spoons rape and sentenced to life by be paid to him once he at- raped by the accused on contended that the trial court take the defense of ‘consent’
because of the announce- and fork, but there is a big sessions court in Godhra. tains 18 years of age, while June 4, 2011. failed to appreciate that the as the same was not argued
ment of the General Elec- question of the plastic being The division bench of Jus- the interest accrued on the victim was in love with the before the trial court. The
tion 2019. With the ongoing used by the dairy industry. tice JB Pardiwala and Jus- principal should be paid to „„State’s argument failed accused, was a consenting state’s counsel also submit-
election process and imple- There needs to be some al- tice AC Rao stated that the the woman. Notably, the man to convince the division party to the physical rela- ted that the life of the child
mentation of Model Code of ternative for that also,” physical intimacy between had moved the high court bench, which quashed tionship, and had filed the born out of the physical rela-
Conduct, the civic body added the official. the accused and victim was against his conviction and sessions court’s order FIR after a gap of seven tionship has become miser-
could not issue a notifica- In June 2018, the civic with the latter’s consent and sentence awarded by the ses- & directed authorities to months. It was also contend- able due to social stigma, as
tion regarding the ban. Ac- body had seized more than she was not lured by giving sions court on July 18, 2016. release man. ed that the victim had filed the accused has married an-
cording to the sources, once 12,000 kg of banned plastic any false promise of mar- As per the case details, an injunction suit to ensure other woman.
the election gets over in and levied administrative riage. the woman had alleged that ened by the accused not to was arrested and the case that the man does not marry However, the state’s argu-
state on April 23, 2019, the charge worth more than While ordering the man’s she was raped by the ac- disclose about the incident was tried by the sessions someone else as she was in ment failed to convince the
civic body will impose the crore rupees soon after the release from jail, the division cused on June 4, 2011, at to anyone, or else, he will court which held him guilty love with him and had mar- division bench, which
ban. The ban will be imple- ban on plastic items. But af- bench, however, made it clear around 2 am, while she was kill her. The FIR was regis- for the alleged crime. ried him in a temple. quashed and set-aside the
mented from May 1, 2019, ter few weeks, some of the that he should deposit Rs 5 returning home from a mar- tered at Lunawada police When the man’s appeal On the contrary, the coun- sessions court’s order and
which is also the foundation banned items are still being lakh before the trial court riage ceremony at her sis- station for rape and crimi- against the conviction and sel for the state government directed the authorities to
day of the State. used in city premises. which should be kept in a ter’s place. She was threat- nal intimidation. The accuse sentence was heard by the argued that the act of rape by release the man.
daily news & analysis I Ahmedabad I Monday, April 8, 2019
indi I I I

Mirwaiz to appear
before NIA in Delhi
Decision comes after meeting of Hurriyat Conference members

Srinagar: Seemingly giving

in to pressure from the Na-
tional Investigation Agency
(NIA), Moderate Hurriyat
Conference Chairman Mir-
waiz Umar Farooq decided to
present himself before the
agency for questioning on
This follows the third sum-
mons issued by NIA asking
Mirwaiz to appear for exami- Moderate Hurriyat Conference Chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq —PTI
nation at its headquarters in
New Delhi on April 8. Keep- flashback
ing in view security concerns
raised by Mirwaiz, NIA had On March 9, the agency to the NIA through his
in writing assured the Hur- had first summoned him counsel Aijaz Ahmad Dhar,
riyat chief of full security. for questioning in the terror informing the agency that he
NIA had summoned Mir- funding case. Later, Mirwaiz was willing to cooperate if he
waiz in a case registered in had sent a detailed response is examined at Srinagar
2017 under different sections
of the Indian Penal Code
(IPC) including Sections 121 nagar but said it would take ing deliberately harassed and
(waging war against the care of his security concern. an effort is being made to
state) and 120B (criminal con- It is unfortunate that they criminalise the leadership
spiracy) and others. did take into account other because of their political
A crucial meeting of Hur- concerns and are insisting stand.
riyat Executive Council on an investigation in Delhi. “Hurriyat is a coalition of
members, including chair- It was decided in the meeting political parties striving for
man Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, that they (all executive com- the peaceful resolution of the
Prof Abdul Ghani Bhat, Bilal mittee members) will accom- Kashmir issue and to associ-
Gani Lone, Masroor Abbas pany Mirwaiz to New Delhi ate it with anything related to
Ansari was held on Sunday for the investigation,” said a terror is ridiculous and delib-
to discuss the summons and Hurriyat Conference spokes- erate victimisation because
further course of action. man. of our political ideology,”
“NIA has refused to con- It was agreed upon in the said the spokesman.
duct the investigation in Sri- meeting that Mirwaiz was be- Full report on:

Chaos reigns
as J&K govt
‘Speed breaker Didi
closes hwy has sleepless nights’
From p1 From p1
The controversy snowballed “The stage is a monument of
further when Mehbooba and Didi’s destruction. What she
Farooq took to the streets to is doing is so child-like. How
defy the diktat. “Protested can one think of winning by
against governor adminis- doing such childish activi-
tration’s callous and absurd ties?”
ban today. How can you re- He reiterated that while
strict civilian movement on the Central government had
our main highway? You want replied to Pakistan’s terror
to smother Kashmiris, attack at Pulwama with an
change the demographics of air strike and successfully
the state and imprison them tested the anti -satellite mis- PM Narendra Modi in Cooch Behar,
in their own land? Over my sile, Mamata was among the WB —PTI
dead body,” Mehbooba said, first one to criticise and
while symbolically defying shower canards. “She and took over from the CPM, but
the order. PDP supporters led her ‘milawat’ friends had a started its own policies for
a march at Srinagar’s Pantha problem with everything and growth and development, un-
Chowk, and shouted slogans kept on chanting ‘Modi like the TMC which had
while demanding the ban be hatao’, ‘Modi hatao’. He al- ousted the Left Front rule in
revoked. “This is Kashmir, not leged that Mamata had sup- Bengal. I cannot imagine
Palestine. We won’t allow you ported people who want to how she has been following
to turn our beloved land into divide the country and make their footsteps in terms of
an open air prison. Kashmiris two Prime Ministers within hooliganism, high-handed-
now need to seek permission the country — one in India ness, and corruption. Her
to use roads that rightfully be- and another one in Kashmir. leaders were involved in chit-
long to them and pay taxes for. Referring to the CPM rule fund scams.”
Full report on: in Tripura he said, “The BJP Full report on:

UP grand alliance
sounds poll bugle
From p1
On PM Modi’s “Sarab” (liquor) remark, SP
chief Akhilesh Yadav said, “It looks like
the people who talk about liquor are on a
heady trip of some kind. Our alliance is not
a toxic concoction but a force of change. It
is an alliance that will bring about a new
Prime Minister.” Following that, Mayawa-
ti said, “BJP will lose this election because
of policies inspired by hatred.. especially
their chowkidar campaign... no matter how
much the chhote, bade chowkidars try, the
FORM A BJP will not win,” she said.
[Under Regulation 6 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India
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Date : 8th April 2019 Vinod Tarachand Agrawal
Place : Ahmedabad (Interim Resolution Professional)
small fish LJP vows job
reservation in
59 2,293 200 private sector

ball t
Registered but unrecognised Total political parties in India, Number of registered parties that
The Lok Janshakti Party, an ally

parties that have fielded as per the EC. Out of these, contest elections, mainly to get some
candidates for the 26 Lok only seven are recognised as advantage out of polls. Rest, experts of the BJP on Sunday promised
Sabha seats in Gujarat national parties say, are money-making machines extending job reservation in private

sector, stern action against those
involved in cow vigilantism and
Electoral Bonds are all Tax paid and declared money. mob lynching. Releasing the party’s
Parties declare how many bonds they got. All white manifesto for Lok Sabha elections,
money and better transparency. However, many well- LJP chief and Union Minister Ram
meaning persons have a problem for every solution Vilas Paswan vowed stern action
against those found guilty of mob
Arun Jaitley, Finance minister and BJP leader lynching and hate speeches.

lo k sabha elect i on 2 0 1 9 To empower VP Singh, had urged him to implement Mandal report: Lalu Prasad writes in his memoir I I I Ahmedabad I Monday, April 8, 2019 I daily news & analysis

It’s Modi vs Rahul in Delhi; poll Mamata accuses Modi of

intimidating opposition
battle not among local leaders Arshad Ali

NCR voters want to bring BJP back to power even though MPs have left them disappointed Kolkata: Within two hours
of Prime Minister Narendra
Modi’s rally at Cooch Behar
Sakshi Chand and Advitya Bahl happened however issues in which he lambasted Chief
file picture Villages adopted like a wedding hall, health

vans, foot-over-bridges, com-
Minister Mamata Banerjee,
Mamata hit back at Modi
New Delhi: Elections in the
National Capital might turn
by the MPs munity toilets, police booth
need to be taken care of as
from two back-to-back rallies
– one from Mainaguri in Jal-
out to be interesting this time 1 New Delhi MP Meenakshi well. “There are many paiguri district and the other
as the voters want to bring Lekhi: Qutub Garh and Pilanji schools in the area but we do at Falakata in Alipurduar
Narendra Modi-lead govern- not have access to them. The district.
ment back to power even 2 North-east Delhi MP Manoj After Modi alleged that
aim was to make it an urban
though MPs in their constitu- Tiwari: Kadipur and Chauhan Mamata was venting her an-
village but that is yet to be
encies have left them disap- Patti ger at the Election Commis-
achieved. Schools which have
pointed. 3 East Delhi MP Maheish occupied the land of the vil- sion (EC) over the removal of
Surprisingly the battle is Girri: Chilla village. lage do not even give admis- senior IPS officers ahead of Chief minister Mamata Banerjee held two back-to-back rallies on Sunday
not among the candidates in 4 West Delhi MP Parvesh sion to lids from the village,” the polls, she said, “You think
the constituency, but people Verma: Jharoda Kalan said Choudhary. by replacing two police offic-
term it as a Prime Minister
Modi vs Rahul Rahul battle
5 North West MP Udit Raj:
Chilla village adopted by
East Delhi MP Maheish Girri
ers, you will win polls? All
officers are our officers.” She
Fully within rights to transfer officials
in which they want PM Modi
6 Chandni Chowk MP Dr
has overflowing drains with also demanded that secretar- during elections: EC tells Mamata
to be victorious. garbage kept outside the ies at the PMO should be re-
Harsh Vardhan: Dheerpur and drain, poor sewer lines and moved as well.”Do you think New Delhi: The Election was working at the behest
Migrant voters matter Singhola kids as young as 5 or 7 chew- using investigating agencies Commission has rejected of the BJP.
The National Capital holds 7 South Delhi MP Ramesh ing tobacco and roaming in and other institutions to con- allegations of West Bengal Responding to Baner-
seven Lok Sabha seats in its Bidhuri: Bhatti the lanes. When asked if they duct raids will intimidate Chief Minister Mamata jee’s letter, the poll panel
kitty, and the people allege go to school some said they people?” Mamata asked. Banerjee that it ordered said Saturday that “It is the
that their voices are unheard did while some have got their Retorting to Modi’s claim the transfer of four police ECI and the governments
and promises made by their to do any good to the villages names registered but have that the TMC chief was officers at the behest of the of states/UTs who are
current leaders are yet to be in Delhi’s periphery. How Delhi voted in 2014 never gone. scared of him, Mamata said ruling BJP at the Centre, jointly responsible to elec-
fulfilled. The main issues in These rural areas that Name No of polling Voters Voters turn Kadipur village in Delhi it was actually Modi who was saying the decision was tors of the largest democ-
the last five years for the busi- were promised civic and in- station out % adopted by MP Manoj Tiwari afraid of her, and not the based on “cumulative feed- racy and are bound to act
ness class have been the seal- fra development continue to has seen development in the other way round.”The more back” from one of its top strictly in the letter and
ing drive in the city and GST, battle water, power, roads and Chandni Chowk 1485 982275 67.87 face of it with free wifi but you try to intimidate me, the officials and the special spirit of the respective
whereas for the middle and school woes. DNA carried out North East Delhi 1744 1317974 67.32 lacks constant water supply, more will I roar,” she said, ad- police observer. roles set forth by the found-
the poor class has been the a ground report and visited East delhi 1634 1196731 65.41 garbage disposal and medical dressing two back-to-back The Commission also ing fathers of the Constitu-
unemployment, demonetisa- various villages which were facilities. For youngsters, the rallies. told Banerjee that as per tion.” The letter, written by
tion and lack of development adopted by various MPs. New Delhi 1525 970169 65.11 wifi has been a boon. Better She alleged that Modi had election law, it is “fully one of the deputy election
work in their area. Ramesh Kumar, a resident North West Delhi 2053 1356404 61.81 medical facilities and cleanli- come asking for votes in 2014 within its rights” to trans- commissioners, and ad-
Delhi is also home to the of Bhati village which was West Delhi 1889 1348744 66.13 ness is what the area awaits. and 2016 with several assur- fer and appoint officers dressed to Banerjee, re-
maximum number of the mi- adopted by Ramesh Bidhuri Similarly, Dheerpur vil- ances but none of those were during the model code. ferred to Section 28A of the
grant population including said, “Ever since the BJP South Delhi 1680 1102849 62.92 lage which was adopted by Dr kept. “In 2014 he said that he It said it won’t respond Representation of the Peo-
the labourers, students com- came to power we all had Total 12010 8275146 65.10 Harsh Vardhan in Chandni was a ‘Chaiwala’, but now he to the averment to prove its ple Act to drive home the
ing from across the globe. placed hope on the party to Chowk constituency has nar- has turned into a ‘Jhoota image. Banerjee had on point that EC can transfer
Even though people have improve the living conditions row lanes, wires hanging and chowkidar’. He had said that Saturday written to the EC and post them during the
been majorly disappointed of the area. However, forget Brahm Singh Tanwar who is but nothing has happened till vehicles parked on the sides, Rs 15 lakh will be deposited alleging that the poll panel poll code period.  —PTI
with their MPs owing to lack about providing employment also a BJP leader and a for- now,” she said. and it would take hours for in everyone’s accounts. Noth-
of visibility to poor facilities opportunities, our village mer Delhi MLA. Out of various villages services to reach them in ing of that sort happened. He
provided to them their desire does not even have any basic Bijendri, a resident of adopted by the MPs, the one case of any calamity. said that every year there Mamata threw a challenge Claiming that North Ben-
to bring back PM Narendra healthcare facilities. Politi- Bhati village who has a hand- in New Delhi, Pilanji adopted will be two crore jobs but on at Modi, daring him to try gal was neglected before the
Modi is at its peak. Last elec- cians come to our area once icapped son and has to take by Meenakshi Lekhi has seen Unresolved civic issues the contrary, after demoneti- and implement National Reg- TMC came to power, she said
tions around 65 per cent peo- in five years and then van- care of two of her grandchil- a little more amount of devel- In some villages in the Na- sation, two crore jobs were ister of Citizens (NRC) in the BJP comes like a cuckoo
ple voted in the National ish.” dren, said “Mostly girls in the opment than the others, prob- tional Capital people have lost. You keep on accusing of Bengal. She also alleged con- bird in the spring only during
Capital. When DNA visited the villages sit at home post class ably owing to the location of either seen their MPs for lay- our involvement in Saradha spiracy behind the Pulwama the elections.
Bhati village it came to fore five as the school in the vil- the village. ing foundation stones or dur- scam, whereas you yourself killings of jawan and said, She also accused the BJP
Ground reality that the entire village does lage is up to that class. The Choudhary Raj Pal, the ing functions or festivals. conduct meeting with the big- “‘Shena mere shena prem’ of allowing people who loot-
The Sansad Adarsh Gram Yo- not have proper school up to MP had come to the school Pradhan of the village stated Civics issues continue to gest accused in the Saradha (You show sympathy to the ed people’s money to flee the
jana scheme, under which class twelve. Villagers, how- once and promised that it that Lekhi does come to the plague most of the seven vil- scam by your side,” she add- army after killing the army), country.
MPs adopted villages, failed ever, are all in praise for their would be up to class twelve, village and some work has lages which the DNA visited. ed. BJP shame shame.”  With inputs from agencies

Give BJP a chance to BJP accuses Urmila of maligning Hinduism 104-year-old to cast
serve Odisha: Shah her vote in Assam DNA Correspondent
inclusiveness and non-vio-
lence. I believe in Hinduism
which embraces benevo- Assam: “To make democra-
PTI Photo

Mumbai: A Bhartiya Ja- lent concepts of Wasudhaiv cy work, we must be a nation

nata Party (BJP) worker, Kutumbakam and Ahimsa of participants, not simply
accusing Bollywood actor Paramodharma. This is the observers. One who does not
and Congress’ Lok Sabha Hinduism promoted by our vote has no right to complain.
candidate Urmila Matond- great forefathers and This observation by Amer-
kar of allegedly making Lokmanya Tilak, Gandhiji, ican novelist Louis L’Amour
anti-Hindu remarks, sub- Vivekanand and Sardar Pa- seems to come alive through
mitted a written complaint tel. I believe in, love and the likes of Lakhi Pal, a
to the Powai police station respect Hinduism in this 104-year-old woman from As-
on Saturday night. The sense and not in what BJP sam who is looking forward to
worker has also sought ac- wants to promote. Unfortu- exercise her franchise in the Sand sculpture to aware voters at
tion against Congress nately, today raising voice coming Lok Sabha elections. Puri beach, in Odisha on Sunday
party president Rahul against BJP ideology and Lakhi Pal’s family lives, in a
Gandhi and a television speaking the truth amounts small house near the Morana- “She (Lakhi Pal) says, I will
journalist. to committing a crime. I hat Railway station in As- go to vote. She says this is a
BJP chief Amit Shah during a public meet at Bargarh, on Sunday  —PTI In his complaint, BJP Congress candidate Urmila Matondkar along with Sanjay Nirupam —AP have been victimised like sam’s Charaidev district, with way to respect the nation,”
spokesperson Suresh Na- so many others in the last 5 her son and daughter. Her son her daughter Madhu ex-
Polosara: BJP president khua claimed that in a TV Reacting to the com- intentions. In my inter- years by BJP. I deplore this is the sole breadwinner and plains. The family has been
Amit Shah on Sunday called
POLL BOUND interview, Matondkar plaint, Matondkar said, view, I had only objected to aggressive and hostile poli- her daughter Madhu Pal looks promised by the administra-
upon the electorate to give Assembly election in ‘falsely’ stated, “Hinduism “The complaint filed the fake, divisive and vio- cy of BJP.” after her. The family is in tion that arrangements will
“rest” to Odisha Chief Min- Odisha is slated to be is the most violent religion against me is ex facie bo- lent ideology promoted by Meanwhile, DCP, Zone pretty bad condition economi- be made so that Lakhi can
ister Naveen Patnaik as he is held along with Lok in the world”. According gus, baseless and filed with the BJP in the name of Hin- 10, Navinchandra Reddy cally. Despite old age infirmi- cast her votes. Charaidev’s
“tired” and “lacks the will” Sabha polls in four to Nakhua, it can “cause ulterior motives. I have duism to misguide our peo- said, “We will be investi- ties, Lakhi says she is excited deputy collector DK Sandike
to develop the state. phases, beginning April disharmony among citi- been grossly misquoted by ple and bring disrepute to gating the matter, but no to vote. “JaiBu (Will go),” says met the family some days ago
Shah was addressing a 11. The state has 147 zens and malign the coun- the complainant who is a our great religion. Hindu- FIR has been lodged so Lakhi when her daughter and assured them of arrange-
rally here under Aska Lok assembly and 21 Lok try at a global level”. BJP member with malafide ism is an epitome of peace, far.” asks in a raised voice. Lakhi ments made for them to cast
Sabha segment in Odisha’s Sabha seat is hard-of-hearing. their votes.  —ANI
Ganjam district where poll-
ing is slated to be held on
April 18. of the state. election ready Voting for 48 Lok Sabha seats in the state will be held in four phases in April
“There has been no devel- “The Modi government in

Maha: Ruling, oppn alliances in direct fight in first phase

opmental work during the last five years has allo-
Naveen Babu’s tenure in 19 cated Rs 5.56 lakh crore for
years. He is tired. Therefore, Odisha’s development. Did
give BJP a chance to meet the money reach the people
the aspirations of the peo- in their villages?” Shah
ple,” Shah said promising asked. Mumbai: The first phase of ALL SET Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), deo Usendi of the Congress.
that the BJP will take Odisha Assuring the people that Lok Sabha elections covering say political observers. Besides, senior Congress
on the path of development. only the saffron party can seven constituencies in Maha- In Nagpur, 2,065 polling In the other constituencies, leader Manikrao Thakre is in
Alleging that the Odisha ensure better governance in rashtra will see a tough con- centres will be set up the Kunbi and Banjara com- fray from Yavatmal-Washim
is being run by the officers, the state, the BJP leader ap- test between the ruling BJP- where 21.6 lakh voters munities could be the decid- where Shiv Sena’s sitting MP
Shah said, “The next BJP pealed to the people not to Shiv Sena and the opposition would cast votes, while ing factors, they say. Bhavna Gawli is seeking a
government will end ‘Babu- repeat the mistake of voting Congress-NCP alliances. the Bhandara-Gondiya In Chandrapur, Union Min- fourth term.In Ramtek, the
dom’ in Odisha”. the BJD again. The Congress is in a direct constituency will have ister of State for Home Han- Congress has fielded Kishore
He alleged that officers If the BJP comes to power fight with the BJP in four of 2,184 polling centres for sraj Ahir is seeking re-elec- Gajbhiye against Sena’s sit-
call the shots in the Naveen in Odisha, it will punish peo- these constituencies and with 18.08 lakh voters. tion for the fourth time. The ting MP Krupal Tumane. In
Patnaik government while ple indulging in unlawful the Shiv Sena in two others. BJP leader’s main rival is Bhandara-Gondiya, the NCP,
the elected MLAs and MPs activities, including those Besides, the NCP is locked in cies will go to polls. In Nagpur, Suresh Dhanorkar, who last contrary to speculations of
have no voice. involved in mining and chit- a battle with the BJP in one Union minister and senior year quit the Shiv Sena and fielding party heavyweight
The BJP national presi- fund scams, he said. seat. There are 116 candidates BJP leader Nitin Gadkari and joined the Congress. Praful Patel, has nominated
dent also came down heavily Assembly election in Odi- in fray and over 1.30 crore vot- Congress’ Nana Patole, who In Wardha, the Congress Nana Panchbuddhe against
on the BJD government al- sha is slated to be held along ers are eligible to exercise Picture for representation quit the saffron party in 2017, has fielded Charulata Tokas, BJP’s Sunil Mendhe. The NCP
leging that it failed to reach with Lok Sabha polls in four their franchise at 14,919 poll- are pitted against each other. its women’s wing chief, has replaced its sitting MP
the benefits of welfare phases, beginning April 11. ing centres. Of the total vot- Voting for 48 Lok Sabha Wardha, Ramtek, Nagpur, Dalit and Muslim voters against sitting BJP MP Ram- Madhukar Kukde, who won
schemes, launched by the The state has 147 assembly ers, 66.71 lakh are men, 63.64 seats in the state will be held Bhandara- Gondiya, Gadchi- are likely to play a crucial role das Tadas while in Gadchiroli- the last year’s bypoll after
Narendra Modi government and 21 Lok Sabha seats. lakh women, and 181 belong to in four phases on April 11, 18, roli-Chimur, Chandrapur and in Nagpur, which is the head- Chimur, BJP nominee Ashok Nana Patole resigned from the
at the Centre, to the people  — PTI the third gender category. 23 and 29. In the first phase, Yavatmal-Washim constituen- quarters of the Rashtriya Nete’s main opponent is Nam- seat and the BJP.  —PTI
Ahmedabad I Monday, April 8, 2019
06  opini n I I I

daily news & analysis

Truth of wave-less elections
Beneficiaries don’t always vote for the party, as Manmohan Singh’s vast loan waiver plan showed

Hats in the ring

Less than a week
remains for first
phase of polling.
Parties have de-
Regional satraps are fancying chances in general polls clared candidates
for most of the

n political terms, Narendra Modi and the BJP enjoy a few seats. Congress has
distinct advantages over their rivals. For one, the BJP is the also announced its
only party that has one candidate for the top job. The maha- manifesto.
gathbandan or grand alliance, which is opposing it, has more Amitabh Tiwari Both BJP and
Congress have
than one. Days after BSP supremo Mayawati declared her some- sealed alliances and finalised seat ar-
what modest intentions of playing a key role in the formation rangements.
of the next government, Bengal chief minister Mamata Baner- While BJP has coined the slogan Modi
jee, has made her intentions clear. She told reporters in Kolka- hai to Mumkinhai and Main bhi Chowk-
ta that the Trinamool will play an important role in putting in idaar, Congress is banking on the NYAY
place an anti—BJP government in New Delhi. The two feisty scheme. In the process to retain power,
BJP faces many challenges.
women, both mass leaders in their own right, are putting forth Congress has released its manifesto
their names ahead of the crucial elections. The focus of their and is promising Rs 72,000 pa to 5 crore
attack is the same. India needs to be protected against the BJP poorest of poor families, besides filling
and only they have what it takes to stop the saffron juggernaut. up 22 lakh government jobs and increas-
While anyone can propose any name, including their own, the ing guaranteed employment under NRE-
fact is that democracy is a numbers’ game and roles will become GA from 100 to 150 days.
This has put pressure on BJP to re-
clear only once the numbers are known – in other words, when lease its manifesto and come up with
the cards are out. Happily for the BJP’s propaganda machine, concrete plans to negate some Congress
which is going in the overdrive about the personal ambitions promises.
of non-BJP leaders, these two are not the only political heavy- In the 2014 general elections, BJP had
weights who fancy their chances. There is Akhilesh Yadav in announced its manifesto on the day of
UP, TRS in Telangana and Chandrababu Naidu in Andhra first phase of polling. It can’t wait for that
long this time, as there has never been so Madhya Pradesh was the best performing state under PM Awas Yojana and Top 5 in Ujjwala — File photo
Pradesh, who consider themselves in the run. Add to it the odd much buzz about a poll manifesto in elec-
imponderable, who may emerge as the dark horse – remember tions in India. Awas Yojana and Top 5 in Ujjwala. Yet who won in the Modi wave), replacing
HD Devegowda and IK Gujral back in the 1990s – and come out The BJP needs to recreate the Modi Shivraj Singh Chouhan lost the elections. them won’t lead to big dissidence.
of the woodworks. BJP spin masters are impressing upon the magic of 2014 in 2019. BJP benefitted There has been an aspirational hike A candidate needs significantly high-
voters the need to put into place a stable government – read, one from a Presidential-style election in 2014 in India. The poor and downtrodden are er resources to contest a Lok Sabha seat
sans the uncertainties of coalition politics, which only Modi is where 27 per cent voters supported the not easily swayed by the schemes as compared to a Vidhan Sabha seat. So, un-
party, just because Modi was the prime they feel they have been deprived of less the rebel is lapped up by another
in a position to give. Frankly, it is a tactic that goes in favour ministerial candidate. these benefits for long and whatever the party, his/her chances of contesting as
of the BJP. The voter cannot be faulted for believing that with The opposition through strategic alli- government has doled out to them is independent are low.
so many claimants for the top job, instability looms large. At ances, especially in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar their birth right. Another issue is that there is no wave
another level, the sentiments of other contenders can also be and Jharkhand, is trying to keep the elec- By just hoping that beneficiaries will in favour of the BJP, like in 2014. Also,
appreciated. Being at the sidelines of national politics, and with tions focused on local issues and on the vote for the party may not work; by this there is no wave against the BJP, like wit-
space at the top open for any fresh contender, there is no reason performance of MPs. logic no government would have ever nessed against the Congress in 2014.
It is hoping to exploit the anti-incum- lost. People voted out Manmohan Singh The party is trying to convert a wave-
why regional party heads should not legitimately believe that bency against MPs. Neither Congress nor in 2014 even after announcing one of the passing the blame of its failures on the less election into a wave in favour of
they are serious contenders. After all, let’s face it. While na- any other party has officially announced biggest farm loan waivers in India’s his- Congress central government. Modi, through campaigns like Modi hai
tional parties have got ample chances to run government in their prime ministerial candidate. tory and implementing path breaking This strategy has been efficiently used to Mumkinhai and Main bhiChowkidaar.
India, regional satraps have been left out of the sweepstakes. This is the same formula, which Con- schemes as NREGA. by Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and It is being helped by a hapless opposi-
Mamata, if she wins a substantial number of seats in her big gress used effectively in the 2018 state The Modi government is carrying out Gujarat BJP governments over the past tion, which has yet to come up with any
state, can legitimately aspire to lead the country. The last time elections of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattis- a media blitz, wherein newspapers are one-and-a-half decades. slogan/theme. The Pulwama attack and
garh and Rajasthan. flooded with advertisements, running In most state elections after 2014, the Surgical Strike 2.0 has been able to re-
a regional leader became a Prime Minister was well over two- The alliances in UP and Bihar are try- into many pages. BJP blamed opposition for not utilising verse the fortunes of BJP, according to
and-a-half decades ago; for them the feeling of being so near ing to convert the elections into a caste- The problem with newspaper ads is funds released by the Modi government opinion polls, also giving a boost to
and yet so far, would be overwhelming. There are strong indica- based affair, rather than focus on devel- not many people pay attention to it. Ad- and won many states. Now it’s not going Modi’s popularity.
tions that regional parties could do well in this election and opment, which trumped caste equations ditionally, majority of the target voters to be that easy. NDA-ruled states can’t The issue is catching up in BJP strong
cobble together an alliance. It would also fair to say that re- in 2014. of schemes/beneficiaries, the poor and blame the Centre and Modi can’t blame hold pockets, North, Centre and West.
gional satraps pose by far the most serious challenge to the BJP, BJP is targeting beneficiaries of vari- downtrodden, don’t read newspapers. states where BJP is in power for not ful- However, it will be a big challenge to keep
ous government schemes, especially Jan The BJP will need to rely on other me- filling his manifesto promises. up this momentum.
as compared to the Congress. There is another aside to this Dhan, Ujjwala, PM Awas Yojana, Ayush- diums like social media and WhatsApp The party needs to devise strategies to The Congress manifesto points on
equation. If there are more and more leaders who throw their man and Mudra, to coax them to vote for to disseminate information about its negate this triple anti-incumbency. It has amendment of AFSPA and repeal of sedi-
hats into the ring, it makes the contest less presidential. the party. achievements. denied tickets to 31 per cent sitting MPs, tion have given BJP an opportunity to
It claims to have touched the lives of The party today has most MPs, MLAs as per last count. keep the matter hot.
most households in India through one or and even councillors. It is ruling the By doing this, the party blames sitting To sum up, an election like 2019 is very

No last word
the other scheme. But beneficiaries don’t highest number of states along with its MPs for non-performance and also hard difficult to predict. While BJP hopes for
necessarily translate into votes. We have allies. This leads to what call be called sells the fact that it is proactive and won’t an outcome like 1971, opposition hopes to
seen this in recent state elections. MP triple anti-incumbency. BJP state govern- tolerate such MPs. BJP hopes that since see a 1977 verdict.
was the best performing state under PM ments, in the past, have benefitted by many MPs are lightweights (first timers Author is a political analyst
Now, US says it has not taken stock of their F16s in Pak

he case of the Pakistani F-16 is getting more and more curi-
ous. Days after the Pakistani military authorities got the
Americans to state that the Indian MIG-Bison that shot a
Pakistani F-16, was not actually the aircraft in mention, Indians
has done one better. Pentagon has denied that an American
Pragyan Prayas Ojha Sachin Tendulkar ‘AI robots may assist soldiers in future’
@pragyanojha @sachin_rt
cientists in the US are developing ar- quires soldiers to constantly switch
defence team had conducted a physical inspection of the F16s
that Pakistan has. Last week, Islamabad said in a statement that
What a spell from the Playing sports is an easy tificial intelligence (AI) systems that among these tasks, which means that
could help robots assist soldiers in the brain is also rapidly shifting among
an American defence team had taken stock of their F-16 inven- bowlers... it was #AlzarriJoseph and and cost effective way of staying the battlefield in future. For the re- the different brain regions needed for
tory in Pakistan and found out that all their aircraft was intact. today it is #KagisoRabada... why healthy and fit. What sport are you search, published in the journal Science these different tasks,” he said.
Advances, team looked at soldier brain
In the ensuing tension between the two countries, which had should batsmen have all the fun! picking to stay healthy?
led to IAF fighter Abhinandan Varthaman hitting a F-16 in his
MIG-Bison before bailing out and being captured in Pakistan,
#LetsPlayIndia #WorldHealthDay
activity during specific tasks for ways to
incorporate AI teaming to dynamically New rocket fuel safer
the point at stake is the make of the enemy fighter jet that was
Anand Mahindra complete tasks. According to Jean Vet-
tel, a senior neuroscientist at the Army than hypergolic fuels
shot by the IAF pilot. As ever, in the fog of war, clarity is a ma- Research Laboratory (ARL) in the US, research found that it is possible to
jor casualty. Pakistan claims that no F-16 was shot by the Indian I am in the habit of technologies that can predict states and develop rocket fuel that is cleaner
and what was actually hit was a Chinese aircraft, while India appreciating good work, no matter I am seeking votes in the behaviours of the individual soldier and safer than the commonly used
is sticking to its version that it was actually a F-16 that had been may help create a more optimised team. hypergolic fuels. The research revealed
hit. Part of the Pakistani reticence has to do with the end user
who does it, or under which backdrop of Sabarimala. My The work between ARL and the Univer- that the new fuel is still just as effective
agreement that they have with the US. As per the terms of the government or organisation. I believe Ayyan (lord Ayyappa), our Ayyan, sity at Buffalo is looking at ways the
dynamics and architecture of the hu-
as the hypergolic fuels. “This is a new,
cleaner approach to develop highly com-
agreement, Pakistan is not supposed to use F-16 except to coun- in positive thinking. if our Ayyan is an man brain may be coordinated to predict bustible fuels, that are not only signifi-
ter terror and fighting a war with India certainly does not con- such behaviors and consequently opti- cantly safer than those currently in use,
stitute an act of fighting terror. So who is speaking the truth? emotion for us, this mize team performance. “In military but they also respond or combust very
Gargi Rawat
There is another aside. The F16 is one of the US Air Force’s top
government will be operations, soldiers perform multiple
tasks at once. They’re analysing infor-
quickly, which is an essential quality in
rocket fuel,” said Tomislav Friscis, a co-
brands, sales of which go into trillions of dollars worldwide. It
Hema Malini’s campaigning given a befitting reply
mation from multiple sources, navigat- senior author. The new fuels use simple
would be a little ambitious to expect that the Americans will ing environments while simultaneously chemical ‘triggers’ to unlock the energy
easily concede that an old-fashioned MIG has shot down a is going to keep us all entertained it by the people of Kerala assessing threats, sharing situational of one of the hottest new materials, a
mighty F16. Its market repercussions would be huge, experts in seems. Though just what is happening — Suresh Gopi, awareness, and communicating with a class of porous solids known as metal-
the business state. One thing is for sure though; the last subject distributed team,” said Vettel. “This re- organic frameworks, or MOFs.
in this pic #elections NDA candidate, Thrissur
on the subject is yet to be told.
send your feedback to

Central Intelligence Agency eyes the world of footloose NGOs

The Central Intel- interpretation of available information formation, as desired by lawful authori- gence is well-suited to paint in our minds
ligence Agency from closed and open sources.’ ties for counterintelligence activities the interplay of actions, information,
(CIA), vector of The CIA has a favourable situation and other policy-driven operations. and analysis needed to navigate the com-
the US foreign pol- when the World Bank in a study, ‘Fra- For CIA, intelligence, Warner per- plex, uncertain, and downright danger-
icy, whose essence gility, Conflict & Violence (FCV), ceives, ‘is the official, secret collection ous environments where extreme pover-
is global war-mon- perceives “a critical development chal- and processing of information on for- ty stubbornly persists. This approach is
gering in the ser- lenge that threatens efforts to end ex- eign countries to aid in formulating and not about acting like James Bond, but
vice of neo-liberal treme poverty, affecting both low — and implementing foreign policy, and the rather about thinking like him.’
finance capital, middle-income countries. The share of conduct of covert activities abroad to The powerful CIA operators will
Sankar Ray now looks up to the extreme poor living in conflict-af- facilitate the implementation of for- thrive on politicians and warlords who
the non-govern- fected situations is expected to rise to eign policy’. don’t hesitate to shift alliances abrupt-
ment organisations to help its subver- nearly 50 per cent by 2030. Bisca hyphenates himself from ly and interfere militarily to prop up lo-
sion strategies. Conflicts also drive 80 per cent of all sleuths with a covert contempt and cal protégés.
The rationale is, to briefly encapsu- humanitarian needs, while they reduce points out with a dissenting mood that With the fleeting geopolitics amidst
late, firming up better management of gross domestic product growth by two Former Chile President Salvador Allende there are other definitions, which stress internal disputes over land, water, or
the ‘unknown’, meaning ‘the develop- percentage points per year, on average.’ that development practitioners who other scarce resources that incite and
ment professionals’ who will be enticed The CIA works obviously at cross- tentatively redefined as ‘knowledge and es it, and these definitions rarely refer work with the NGOs ‘are not spies, nor ignite in-fighting between local popula-
‘ to take a leaf from the intelligence purposes with the Bank that at least for- foreknowledge of the world around to one another or build off what has should they aspire to be’. tions, ‘even the most knowledgeable ex-
community book and draw inspiration mally (cynics say ostensibly) expresses us—the prelude to decisions by been written before. Without a clear If they are to retain the experience as perts must look for new ways to com-
from how spies try to predict the fu- concern for and assists fragile econo- policymaker.’But it had never a sus- idea of what intelligence is, how can we project managers and economists and to prehend the world.’ The CIA cannot af-
ture’, aptly put in by Paul M Bisca of mies. It is, judging by its history of tainable definition for intelligence. develop a theory to explain how it ‘behave like spies — the methods of ford to sit idle in the changing situa-
the Brookings Institution. threatening democracies (especially Michael Warner discussed the con- works?’, he wrote. functioning under the CIA being bound tions and so is in search of innova-
The CIA is keen on using the NGOs the ones that strive for radical social troversy on definition of intelligence However, sleuths generally look up to be different – it “is bound to raise eye- tions. The NGOs are in its antenna. And
whose existence is threatened the and agrarian changes), will try to cash and counter-intelligence in the CIA to espionage as a function for eliciting brows for professionals driven by the many NGOs are infested with fishy and
world over due to fast drying of inter- in on the ‘fragility risks’ that afflict low website. ‘We have no accepted defini- specific types of information, needed quest for sustainability and equity’, the footloose elements that CIA bosses can
national funding sources in ‘collection, — and middle-income countries. tion of intelligence. The term is de- for national security. The CIA subse- Brookings scholar adds. He bluntly,but conveniently employ, even use ; throw,
processing, integration, analysis, and Small wonder, the CIA intelligence is fined anew by each author who address- quently collate and analyze the data/in- truly states, ‘methodology of intelli- if needed. Author is a thinker

Vol 12 n Issue No. 153 RNI: GUJENG/2007/22424. Printed and Published by Prashant Saxena on behalf of Diligent Media Corporation ltd. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, Survey No.148 P, Nagdevta Mandir, Changodar, Bavla Highway, Sanand, Ahmedabad (Gujarat) and Published at Diligent Media Corporation
Limited, Venus Atlantis Building, Unit No. 201 to 208, 2nd Floor, 100 Feet Road, Prahladnagar, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015. Phone: 079 4060 2000. Editor: Deepak Lokhande Responsible for selection of news under PRB Act.
w rld I I I
Ahmedabad I Monday, April 8, 2019 I daily news & analysis

Netanyahu vows to annex West UK’s May concedes

in brief
Rouhani asks Iraq
to demand US Brexit deal won’t
Bank settlements if re-elected
troop withdrawal
Tehran: Iran’s supreme
leader Ayatollah Ali
pass ‘in near future’
Khamenei has called on London: British Prime Min- I haven’t noticed
Iraq to demand US troops ister Theresa May acknowl-
any great change
A large-scale annexation could end already fading hopes for a two-state solution with Palestinians
leave “as soon as possi- edged that the government’s
ble”, warning that Wash- strategies to get her Brexit in the
ington is plotting to re- deal approved in Parliament government’s position so
move the Iraqi govern- Jerusalem: Israeli Prime failed, saying Saturday
far. I’m waiting to see
ment. The remarks came
during a visit to Tehran
Minister Benjamin Netanya-
hu has pledged to annex settle-
Palestinians there’s little prospect law-
makers will back the thrice- the red lines move
on Saturday by Iraqi
Prime Minister Adel Ab-
ments in the occupied West
Bank if he wins Tuesday’s
denounce vow rejected divorce agreement
“in the near future.” Jeremy Corbyn,
del Mahdi, whose coun- elections, a deeply controver- Dead Sea: Israel’s leader With the UK once again Labour Party leader
try is under pressure sial move that could prove to will face a “real problem” days away from a deadline for
from the United States to be the death knell for the two- if he follows through with leaving the European Union,
distance itself from Iran. state solution. his election campaign May pressured opposition such as workers’ rights and
“You should take actions His comments late Satur- promise to annex Jewish lawmakers to help her find a environmental protection.
to make sure the Ameri- day, just days before the close- settlements in the Israeli- compromise agreement in- Britain is due to leave the
cans withdraw their ly-fought April 9 poll, could occupied West Bank, the stead, saying voters “expect EU on Friday unless May can
troops from Iraq as soon be seen as an appeal to right- Palestinian foreign minis- their politicians to work to- secure another delay from
as possible because wher- wing voters who do not be- ter said on Sunday. Riad gether when the national in- the EU, which already agreed
ever they have had an en- lieve in the feasibility of a Malki said that PM Benja- terest demands it.” to postpone the Brexit day
during presence, forcing peace agreement with the min Netanyahu’s pledge After May’s deal with the originally set for March 29.
them out has become Palestinians. was likely aimed at rally- EU out for a third time in the May now is asking for Brit-
problematic,” Khamenei “I will apply (Israeli) sover- ing his nationalist base. In House of Commons, the prime ain’s departure to be pushed
told Abdel Mahdi. eignty, but I don’t distinguish addition, Turkey’s Foreign minister invited the opposi- back until June 30, hoping to
between settlement blocs and Minister Mevlut Cavusog- tion Labour Party this week to reach a compromise with La-
Ghosn to name isolated settlements,” he said lu said that Netanyahu’s discuss alternatives. But three bour and a deal through Par-
names as wife in an interview with Channel “irresponsible” statements days of talks ended with no liament in a matter of weeks.
flees Tokyo 12 television. won’t change the fact that agreement and the left-of-cent- “The longer this takes, the
Tokyo: Arrested former He did not provide details West Bank is Palestinian er Labour accusing May’s greater the risk of the UK
Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn on how quickly he planned to territory and Israel’s occu- Conservative government of never leaving at all,” May
is set to name the people move ahead with it and wheth- pation violates interna- not offering real change. said in a statement.
he believes are responsi- er it would involve all settle- An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man walks past a Likud election campaign poster depicting Israeli Prime Minister tional law. —Agencies “I haven’t noticed any But EU leaders favour a
ble for his downfall in Ja- ments. If done on a large-scale, Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem on Sunday —Reuters great change in the govern- longer delay to avoid another
pan, his wife said in an annexation could end already ment’s position so far,” La- round of cliff-edge prepara-
interview on Sunday as fading hopes for a two-state bour leader Jeremy Corbyn tions and politics. And they

Trump: Democrats would leave Israel out there

she fled Tokyo out of fear solution with the Palestinians. said Saturday. “I’m waiting to say the UK needs to put for-
she could be detained. It is a move the Israeli far- see the red lines move.” ward a concrete plan to end the
Ghosn was re-arrested right has long pushed for. Labour favours a softer stalemate to get any further
last week in the Japanese Settlements built on land form of Brexit than the gov- postponement. An extension
capital over fresh allega- occupied by Israel in the 1967 Las Vegas: President Donald The group, backed by nise Israel’s 1981 annexation ernment has advocated. The requires unanimous approval
tions of financial miscon- Six-Day War are deemed ille- Trump warned on Saturday GOP megadonor Sheldon of the Golan Heights after party says Britain should re- from the 27 remaining leaders,
duct which will see him gal by the international com- that a Democratic victory in Adelson, supported getting a quick history lesson main closely bound to EU some of whom are fed up with
held in custody until at munity and their ongoing con- 2020 could “leave Israel out Trump’s 2016 campaign and during a conversation on a trade rules and maintain the Brexit uncertainty and reluc-
least April 14. struction is seen as a major there,” as he highlighted his is preparing to spend mil- different subject. He made bloc’s standards in areas tant to prolong it further. —AP
barrier to peace. pro-Israel actions in an effort lions on his 2020 effort. the snap decision during a
No independence Senior Palestinian official to make the case for Jewish “I know that the Republi- discussion with his top Mid-
for Catalonia, says Saeb Erekat said Netanyahu’s voters to back his re-election. can Jewish Coalition will dle East peace advisers, in-
Spanish PM statement on annexation was Speaking at the annual help lead our party to an- cluding the US ambassador
Madrid: There will be no “not surprising.” meeting of the Republican other historic victory,” to Israel, David Friedman, &
independence for Catalo- “Israel will continue to bra- Jewish Coalition, Trump Trump said. son-in-law Jared Kushner.
nia, nor a referendum on zenly violate international touted his precedent-shred- “We need more Republi- “I said, ‘Fellows, do me a
the question if the social- law for as long as the interna- ding actions to move the US cans. Let’s go, so we can win favour. Give me a little histo-
ists are returned to power, tional community will con- Embassy to Jerusalem from everything.” Jewish voters ry, quick. Want to go fast. I got
Spanish Prime Minister tinue to reward Israel with Tel Aviv and recognition in the US have traditionally a lot of things I’m working
Pedro Sanchez told sup- impunity, particularly with last month of Israeli sover- sided heavily with Demo- Donald Trump during the meet in on: China, North Korea. Give
porters Sunday. “No is the Trump administration’s eignty over the disputed crats — and are often ideo- Las Vegas —AFP me a quickie,” Trump said to
no,” Sanchez told a So- support,” he said on Twitter. Golan Heights. “We got you logically liberal — but Re- laughter from the crowd.
cialist Party meeting at In an interview broadcast Fri- something that you want- publicans are hoping to ‘Made Golan Heights “‘How do you like the idea of
Zaragoza, in the north- day, Netanyahu said he told US ed,” Trump said of the em- narrow the gap next year, in decision after quick me recognising exactly what
east region of Aragon, President Donald Trump he bassy move, adding, “Un- part as Trump cites actions history lesson’ we’re discussing?’” said
ahead of the April 28 leg- would not remove settlements like other presidents, I keep that he says demonstrate Trump said he made the con- Trump, recounting the con-
islative elections. or people as part of a future my promises.” support for Israel. troversial decision to recog- versation. —Agencies
American peace plan. —AFP UK PM Theresa May near High Wycombe in Britain on Sunday —Reuters

Rwanda a family again, 25 Singapore’s ‘fake news’ laws upset tech giants
years after genocide: Prez Singapore: Tech giants have
reacted with horror after Sin-
gapore proposed laws against
false and in extreme cases
take them down.
If an action is deemed ma-
skewed power
Critics say one of the
legislation of its kind to date,
this level of overreach poses
significant risks to freedom
Kigali: President Paul Kag- “fake news” allowing author- licious and damaging to Sin- most worrying aspects of of expression and speech,”
ame said Sunday that Rwan- ities to order the removal of gapore’s interests, companies the new legislation is that said the Asia Internet Coali-
dans had become a family content and impose hefty could be hit with fines of up it is up to authorities to tion, an industry association
again, 25 years after more than fines, in what critics say is an to Sg$1 million ($740,000). In- decide what is false and whose members include Fa-

800,000 people were slaugh- assault on free speech. dividuals could face jail what is not cebook, Google and Twitter.
tered in a genocide that The government unveiled terms of up to 10 years. Parliament House in Singapore Simon Milner, Facebook’s
shocked the world. a bill last week containing Authorities in the tightly- vice president of public poli-
Kagame lit a remembrance tough measures, including controlled country -- long which could sow divisions in line discussion, as did tech cy in Asia-Pacific, said the
flame at the Kigali Genocide powers for ministers to order criticised for restricting civil the multi-ethnic city-state. companies which have big social media giant was con-
Memorial, where more than social media sites like Face- liberties -- insist the meas- But press freedom groups investments in the ultra-mod- cerned about potentially be-
250,000 victims are believed to book to put warnings next to ures are necessary to stop the condemned the proposals, ern city. ing compelled to remove con-
be buried, mainly from the mi- posts authorities believe to be circulation of falsehoods saying they could stifle on- “As the most far-reaching tent. —AFP
nority Tutsi people, as the
country began its annual 100
days of mourning that coin-
cide with the length of the
slaughter. They are only some
(L-R) African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat, Paul
Kagame, Jeannette Kagame and European Commission President Jean-
Claude Juncker, light the flame of hope in Kigali on Sunday —Reuters
collateral damage
Dutchman finishes
world’s longest electric
of those killed by the genocidal
Hutu forces, members of the The fighting spirit trol of the devastated country.
old army and militia forces Kagame, now 61 and who has
called the “Interahamwe”, that is alive in us. been in power ever since, led
began their bloody campaign
of death on April 7, 1994, the
day after the assassination of
What happened
here will never
happen again
the memorial to the dead.

Deep trauma
car trip in Australia
President Juvenal Habyari- For many survivors, forgive- Sydney: A Dutchman com-
mana, a Hutu. ness remains difficult when pleted an epic 95,000 kilome-
cheaper than fuel
Paul Kagame,
Some were shot; most were the bodies of their loved ones tre journey by electric car in
beaten or hacked by machetes.
President of Rwanda have not been found and many Sydney Sunday in a bid to
„„Wiebe Wakker said
before the car was
“In 1994, there was no hope, killers are still free. prove the viability of such modified, it would have
only darkness. Today, light ra- into a new tapestry,” he said. A quarter of a century on, vehicles in tackling climate used 6,785 litres of petrol
diates from this place ... How Kagame was speaking at the the east African nation has change. to complete the journey
did it happen? Rwanda became Kigali Convention Centre, a recovered economically, but Wiebe Wakker drove his
a family once again,” Kagame dome-shaped auditorium in the the trauma still casts a dark retrofitted station wagon „„The modified vehicle
said. “The arms of our people, centre of the capital, a modern shadow. Kagame has kept an nicknamed “The Blue Ban- can travel 200 km on
intertwined, constitute the pil- building emblematic of the re- authoritarian hold as he dit” across 33 countries in a single charge, with
lars of our nation. We hold generation of Rwanda. The steers the small, landlocked what he said was the world’s Wakker saying he
each other up. Our bodies and killings lasted until Kagame, East African nation through longest-ever journey by elec- spent just US$300 on
minds bear amputations and then 36, led the mainly Tutsi economic recovery. Growth in tric car. electricity, much of it
scars, but none of us is alone. Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) 2018 was a heady 7.2 per cent, Runners pass along discarded cups at a refreshment point during the Vienna City Marathon in Vienna, The trip from the Nether- in the remote desert
Together, we have woven the into Kigali on July 4, ending according to the African De- Austria on Sunday —Reuters lands to Australia took just Outback of Australia
tattered threads of our unity the slaughter and taking con- velopment Bank (AfDB). —AFP over three years and was
funded by public donations
from around the world, in- “I wanted to change peo-
unprecedented freedom the communist nation clamps down on independent demonstrations cluding electricity to charge ple’s opinions and inspire
the Bandit, food and a place people to start driving elec-

In possible first, Cuba allows march by animal activists

to sleep. tric by showing the advan-
Wakker drove across a va- tages of sustainable mobili-
riety of countries and envi- ty,” Wakker said.
ronments including Turkey, “If one man can drive to
Iran, India, Myanmar, Malay- the other side of the world in
Havana: On Sunday morning communications student ted the existence of what it the relationship between the sia and Indonesia, with the an electric car, then EVs
a group of animal-lovers were who received the permit for calls “legitimate civil society” Cuban state and independent route determined by the of- (electric vehicles) should
to march a mile down one of the march from the Plaza of — groups overseen, sponsored civil society — Cubans trying fers he received on his web- definitely be viable for daily
Havana’s main thoroughfares the Revolution borough of and managed by the state and to effect change in their soci- site. use.” —AFP
waving placards calling for an Havana. Communist Party. Those ety while making clear to
end to animal cruelty in Cuba. There is no indication groups are fixtures in the mass everyone, particularly the
Short, seemingly simple, Cuba is moving toward unfet- marches and gatherings organ- authorities, that they have no
the march is to write a small tered freedom of assembly: ised by the state on public holi- interest in crossing the red
but significant line in the his- The state still clamps down on days. On the other end of the line known as “politics.”
tory of modern Cuba. The unapproved political speech spectrum are dissident groups, In the year since Raul Cas-
socialist government is ex- with swift and massive police often with close ties to anti- tro handed the presidency to
plicitly permitting a public mobilisations, waves of ar- Castro forces in Miami who longtime party technocrat
march unassociated with any rests and temporary deten- want to overthrow the socialist Miguel Diaz-Canel in April
part of the all-encompassing tions. So a march by inde- government and reinstall a 2018, churches, civil society
Communist state, a move that pendent civil society groups Grettel Montes de Oca Valdes, a professional dancer and founder of the capitalist system with close groups and loose associations
participants and historians seeking government action is group Cubans in Defense of Animals in Havana, Cuba —AP ties to Washington. Their at- of like-minded acquaintances
call highly unusual and per- a remarkable sight in a coun- tempts at street protests and have been using the growing
haps unprecedented since the try where, for nearly 60 years, “It’s unprecedented,” said zine. “This is going to mark a other forms of organising are availability of internet in
first years of the revolution. virtually every aspect of life Alberto Gonzalez, a co-organ- before and an after.” almost instantly quashed by Cuba to organise for various
“It’s a historic event,” said was part of a single chain of iser of the march and pub- Since shortly after its foun- state security. causes, and the state has been
Beatriz Del Carmen Hidalgo- command ending in a su- lisher of The Ark, an online dation, the Cuban Communist The animal-rights march ceding them a small degree of Wiebe Wakker finishes his three-year electric car journey from the
Gato Batista, a 21-year public preme leader named Castro. Cuban animal-lovers maga- government has only permit- is part of a wider change in freedom to operate. —AP Netherlands to Australia, in Sydney, Australia on Sunday —Reuters


Sensex Week change Nifty FTSE 100 Nikkei 225

38862.23 189.32 p 11665.95 42.05 p 7401.94 167.61 p 21807.50 601.69 p
Gold 10 gram 31609.00 31.00q Silver kg 37560.00 315.00 p Brent Crude $/barrel 68.86 1.70 p

US $ 69.23 0.07 p EURO 77.65 0.07 p British pound 90.26 0.11p UAE dirham 18.85 0.04 q

news in numbers Rs 8,634 crore - Overseas investors have pumped into Indian capital markets in the first five trading sessions of April

Week Ahead Freight deal advances keep Railways’ finances on track


Earnings: Technology Sindhu Bhattacharya NTPC paid Rs 5,000 crore in Indian Railways officials get tariff certainty as they traffic earnings were Rs advance for 2018-19 for trans- Comparative performance say more such tie-ups with will be insulated from annu- 1,96,714 crore as against Rs
majors TCS and Infosys will
kick off the earnings season for porting coal. of Freight Traffic other freight customers al tariff hikes. 2,00,840 crore in the BE.
March quarter and full fiscal New Delhi: National Ther- Coal accounts for almost In millions Apr-Feb Apr-Feb % could be in the offing since An Indian Railways offi- For four successive years
mal Power Corporation 50 paise of every rupee 2017-18 2018-19 chg Railways has now formulat- cial told DNA Money that since 2015-16, Railways has
year on April 12
(NTPC) and Container Cor- earned by Indian Railways Tonnes 1,049.39 1,103.53 5.16 ed a policy called the ‘Freight this IS “win-win’’ for both fallen short of its BE earn-
Delta Corp, Tata Metaliks, poration of India Ltd (Con- from freight and NTPC ac- Originating Advance Scheme’, which of- the parties. It helps the Rail- ings target, as per the re-
Bajaj Consumer Care, Tinplate cor) have agreed to shell out counts for almost a fifth of Rs crore Apr-Feb Apr-Feb % fers tariff certainty to big ways avoid high-cost market port from the Standing
Company, GTPL Hathway are about Rs 13,000 crore jointly the total coal loaded each 2017-18 2018-19 chg freight customers who borrowings while helping Committee.
among other companies that as advance freight payment year. Earnings 101,887 112,683 10.60 pledge a large sum of money the customers gain tariff A senior Railway Board
will announce their quarterly for the financial year 2019-20 A look at Railways’s oper- (Incl. NTPC) in advance. stability. official had said earlier that
earnings in the coming week to the Indian Railways for ating ratio since the NDA The policy specifies that For several years in a row, earnings from both freight
carrying coal and contain- government took over shows In three of the five years the Budget Estimate (BE) of customers who had mini- Railways has had trouble in and passengers have seen
Elections: The first phase ers, respectively. why advance payments for of the NDA government, this 92.8% to 96.2%. For some of mum annual freight revenue achieving its annual earn- “healthy” growth in 2018-19
of general elections will begin on
Concor is a public sector freight are critical for its fi- ratio was over 95%. Accord- the UPA years, this ratio was of Rs 500 in the previous cal- ings target. In the Interim but declined to comment on
April 11. Voting for 91 seats will
undertaking under the Min- nances. ing to the 22nd report of the much lower: 90.2% in 2012-13, endar year can participate in Budget for 2019-20, it revised the mismatch between BE
be held in 20 states - Telangana,
istry of Railways. Operating ratio shows Standing Committee on Rail- 93.6% in 2013-14 and 91.3% in the scheme. This way, Rail- gross traffic receipts target and RE targets as well the
Andhra Pradesh, Assam,
With this move, Indian how much Railways spends ways, the OR was 96.5% in 2014-15. ways will get much-needed for 2018-19 down by over Rs operating ratio.
Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar,
Railways aims to keep its to earn each rupee. The high- 2016-17 and 98.4% in 2017-18. So the Rs 13,000 crore ad- cash ahead of schedule 4,000 crore or by about Rs Indian Railways earns al-
Jammu & Kashmir, Maharashtra,
mounting operating ratio er the OR, the worse the fi- For 2018-19, it has already vance will likely keep the OR through such advances and 11.3 crore each day. In the re- most 65 paise of every rupee
Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram,
(OR) in check. In 2017-18 too, nancial position. been revised upwards from manageable. the freight customers will vised estimates (RE), gross through freight.
Nagaland, Odisha, Sikkim,

Shortfall in personal levy

Tripura, Uttar Pradesh,

SBI Caps, Kotak Mah

West Bengal, Chhattisgarh,
Uttarakhand, Lakshadweep and
Andaman & Nicobar

Macro data: Industrial

hits direct tax collection to find buyers for Jet

production data for February
and CPI Inflation for March will
be released on April 12 after the
market hours

Manju AB April
First in dna NIKK


Personal income tax mop-up at Rs 4.67 L cr against Rs 5.29 L cr target



38877.12 179.53 
11643.95 69.25 
FTSE 100
7391.12 73.74 
21713.21 207.90  EI 225
MUMBAI 207.90 
7391.12 Money
FTSE 100
reported2171 on3.21April 4 that Jet
GOLD 10 gram 31474.00 6.00 SILVER kg 37215.00 120.00  BRENT CRUDE $/barrel 69.24 0.25 

Mumbai: Merchant bankers EX
US $ 68.43 0.32  EURO 76.95 0.06  BRITISH POUND 90.02 0.36  UAE DIRHAM 18.67 0.09 
73.74  $32.38 billion — Exports expected in March, the highest ever in any month, commerce minister Suresh Prabhu said

69.25  0.25 
missed signing the resolution after SC
Share pricing as per Sebi formula will be expensive for airline’s lenders
IL&FS arm may lose 90% $/barrel 69.24
SENS 11643.95
SBI Caps and Kotak Mahin- 38877.12 179.Jet 53 Air
 misses resolution 0.09  of `19K cr gross bad loans 
Will banks

US: FOMC minutes, inflation

 18.6 7 37215 .00 120.00
follow RBI’s
date, may fly towards NCLT DIRH AM SILVE R kg
minister Suresh
rate cut?
D 90.0 2 down the RBI circular
Ateeq Shaikh collect Rs 697 crore from

6.00  those assets. We have also

0.36  31474 .00

month, commerce
 IFIN has external been able to get Rs 235

ost economists and Mumbai: IL&FS Financial crore from the recovery

GOLD 10 gram
exposure of Rs 10,656
bankers believe that Manju AB Services Ltd (IFIN) has a process,” said Sivaraman.

Anjul Tomar
crore; exposure to

dra Capital have been ap- BRIT ISH POUN

Reserve Bank of In- gross non-performing as- IL&FS Group and its Showing confidence in

highest ever in any

dia’s (RBI) Monetary Poli- sets (GNPA) of around various entities is Rs improving the numbers, the

for March to be released on

cy Committee (MPC) Mumbai: Bank-led resolu-  Shareholding 90%, possibly a record for senior executive said they

0.06 
NOWHERE 6,849 crore
would announce a rate cut tion for the full-service do- as on Dec 31, 2018 companies in its financial are not saying that this 90%

11.4 EURO 76.9 5

of 25 basis points today. mestic airline Jet Airways  Naresh Kumar bracket.  IFIN’s other current is to be forgotten.


The retail inflation is hov- will be the first casualty of Goyal “One of the things that assets are Rs 1,300 “The recovery efforts

 51.0%

ering around the comfort- the Supreme Court’s sweep- would have struck many of cr, making the total are on. There are enough

d in
able zone set by the cen- ing order quashing the Re-  you is that a company exposure Rs 18,805 cr opportunities to make sure

  ETIHAD Airways

orts expecte
tral bank. Though it rose serve Bank of India (RBI) 24.0% which reported GNPA of that we are able to recover.

to a four-month high of circular of February 12. Shares debt of banks was to be about 5% in March 2018 We will use the legal pro-

US $ 68.4
 Mutual Funds

2.57% in February, it re- The signing of the agree- converted into (has such a high GNPA lat- cess to recover in the form

fact files
3.55% pointed to scout for prospec- ion
mains lower than RBI’s ment to convert debt into er). I have heard double- of Insolvency and Bank-

1,500 cr
 FIIs 3.19%

expectations. 11.4 crore shares at Re 1 was  digit GNPA, but 90% GNPA, ruptcy Code (IBC), one-

Net collection (2018-19) Target (2018-19) S $32.38


April 10
It has now come to light scheduled on Wednesday I am sure all of you would time settlement, even crim-

IL&FS arm may

 Insurance

that the MPC at its rate re- (April 3, 2019). But now with Companies say, it is unusual by any inal process, etc; multiple
view held during the Feb- the court cancelling the cir- Bankers had agreed to pump in Jet 2.14% standards that is the chal- ways of making the client
ruary 5-7 meeting consid- cular, bankers are unable to through a bond issuance 281.05  Public & Others lenge which we have to or borrower to come to the
ered a much bigger repo convert the debt into equity Jan 1, 19 JET AIRWAYS (INDIA) 16.12% face,” said Uday Kotak, non- table. We can’t predict the
rate cut than the 25 bps re- or take over the shares of sub-10% – Goyal’s Share price on BSE in ` executive chairman, IL&FS, timeline over here. It’s go-

tive buyers for the belea- NE

duction (one bps is one- Naresh Goyal at Re 1. on Wednesday. Uday Kotak ing to be time consuming
hundredth of a percentage) Bankers are waiting for stake in Jet was slated Six months ago, on Octo- and long drawn process,”
that RBI eventually an- some clarity on the plan to be brought down to 251.10 ber 3, Uday Kotak-led man- Sivaraman said.

ine’s lenders
nounced. Ravindra Dhola- from both the government Apr 4, 19 agement took charge of ing the total exposure Rs At the group level, the
kia, part of the six-member and RBI. IL&FS group. 18,805 crore. total outstanding debt (fund
MPC, believed there exist- Lenders were getting stat- Updating on the last six As of March 2018, the based as well as non-fund

Rs lakh crore be expensive for airl

Jet defers March salaries
ed space for a substantial utory and regulatory per- us. We would be violating the months’ performance on gross bad loans were

13.6% Growth in direct tax

based) currently stands at
rate cut of about 50 to 60 missions when the SC order Supreme court order. With the resolution and recov- around 5.3%, which jumped Rs 99,354 crore.
bps as the central bank’s came on Tuesday and over- the RBI circular cancelled, ery processes undertaken to around 61.8% in Septem- Of this, Rs 48,470 crore is

headline inflation reported turned their plans. Now the we will be unable to convert by the management, N Si- ber 2018. fund-based debt in four

the sharpest correction. On airline may head to NCLT, the debt into equity, so the Shahkar Abidi interest. Jet has over 16,000 varaman, chief operating This further increased

Sebi formula will

holding companies, namely,

the flip side, there are pal- where it will be auctioned majority shareholding in the employees on its payrolls. officer, said, “Group enti- to about 90% in December IL&FS, IFIN, IL&FS Energy

Euro Area: ECB to decide on gr

pable signs of stress and off or Etihad would need to airline continues to rest The lenders to the cash- ty’s recovery will be sub- 2018. Development Co Ltd (IED-

of `19K cr

strain in economic activi- come up with an offer. with Naresh Goyal,” said an- Mumbai: Jet Airways has strapped carrier had recently ject to the resolution pro- “As far as enforcement CL) and IL&FS Transporta-

New Delhi: A shortfall in guered domestic airline Jet per

ties and the growth de- “The situation is very other banker, who is part of now deferred the payment approved immediate funding cess and what kind of val- with the third parties is tion Networks Ltd (ITNL).

ing as
served a push. fluid now. Now the only hope the lenders’ consortium. of March salary to its em- of Rs 1,500 crore. uation are we able to real- concerned, the recovery Kotak also expressed

Jet Air misses reards NCLT

What is now important seems to be Etihad buying “In the absence of the RBI ployees. Earlier, only The airline’s manage- ise and get the money process is on. But I still concern about the net

Total direct 11.38 Sha re

to see if banks will allow out Goyal’s shares. Heading circular the pricing of the the top management, ment said the employees back.” fear that we are staring at worth of the entities and
the rate cut transmission for NCLT will only delay the share will now have to fol- pilots and engineers will be updated on April 9. IFIN has an external ex- around 90% gross NPA, businesses of the group.

collection over last year

to customers to take place. process and ground the air- low the Securities and Ex- were affected due to the “In light of the current situ- posure of Rs 10,656 crore, which means that these “It would be reasonable
RBI’s rate cut in February lines,” said a banker change Board of India (Sebi) salary delays. ation, please note that sala- while the exposure to are difficult credits. We to assume that there is
had met with a lukewarm “We have not signed the pricing formula, based on Jet’s pilots have threat- ries for March 2019 will be IL&FS Group and its vari- have lent money, but they significant erosion in net
response from the banks, agreement. The signing was the six month average price, ened to go on strike from deferred,” Jet chief people ous entities is Rs 6,849 have defaulted on their worth, and in many cases

interest rate on April 10

reeling under the high cost scheduled for today, but now which will turn out to be April 15 if their salaries, that officer Rahul Taneja said in a crore. normal servicing. There’s there could be signifi-
of deposits. While the li- we cannot go ahead as the very expensive for banks,” have been pending since Jan- communication to the staff IFIN’s other current as- a portion of the credit, cantly negative net

the personal income tax col- Airways. Lenders are going MONEYEDIT
quidity conditions in the Supreme court can question the banker said. Turn to p2 uary, are not paid along with on Wednesday. Turn to p2 sets are Rs 1,300 crore, mak- which we have been able to worth,” he said.
market are vital in deter-

tax revenue
mining the extent of trans-
mission, the bad debt pile-
Canada’s Roadis, ADB slashes
Reliance buys AI-based chatbot NCLT: Govt

up has also nudged many
India’s growth retains power
banks to build in a margin

NIIF team up to firm Haptik in `700 crore deal

over their lending rates.

forecast to 7.2% to direct RBI

date, may fly tow

build $2 bn roads Ateeq Shaikh
New Delhi: Asian Develop- DNA Money Correspondent The start-up’s AI-based New Delhi: The Supreme

20.1% Target growth in direct tax


lection resulted in the union to pursue a resolution in 180 Will banks

ment Bank (ADB) has low- chatbot enables consumers Court’s order quashing Re-
ered India’s growth forecast

As poll fever rises, Kotak to interact with virtual serve bank of India’s (RBI)

 IFIN has extern 6

softens bearish call P2 for 2019-20 to 7.2% from 7.6% New Delhi: Mukesh Amba- agents and organisations February 12 circular will
DNA Money Correspondent estimated earlier due to mod- ni-promoted Reliance Jio through text and voice. For give the government discre- eration in global demand Digital Services has ac- enterprises, Haptik’s solu- tionary power to issue a di-
and likely shortfall in reve- quired 87% stake in artificial tions help in dealing with rection to the apex bank for

China: Data on inflation, exposure of Rs

Raymonds enters into real

Mumbai: Canada’s highway nue on the domestic front. intelligence (AI) start-up customer service and feed- referring a defaulting com-

S Financial
estate business P3 concessions manager Roadis For the just concluded fis- Haptik for a consideration of back, user engagement as pany to the National Com-

ow RBI’s
and National Investment and cal (2018-19) also, ADB has Rs 230 crore. well as lead generation. pany Law Tribunal (NCLT)

Mumbai: IL&F crore; exposure its

Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) cut the growth estimate to The transaction size, in- The team at Haptik will on case by case basis in pub-

days as earlier planned but foll


(IFIN) has a
have partnered to create a 7% from 7.3% projected in cluding investment for continue to drive growth of lic interest, official sources

government closing the fi-

Big idea, bigger cheque P4 vehicle for investing $2 bil- December last year. growth and expansion, is es- the business, including the said.

mop-up in 2018-19
Services Ltd
lion (over Rs 13,800 crore) in “Growth slowed from 7.2% timated at about Rs 700 crore, INTELLIGENCE CALL enterprise platform as well The Supreme Court on
India’s road sector, the big- in fiscal 2017 to 7% in 2018, including Rs 230 crore as the as digital consumer assis- Tuesday quashed the RBI
ming as- IL&FS Group
gest such platform in the with weaker agricultural out- consideration for the initial  Reliance Jio Digital tants. It will also give a boost circular of last year that per-

gross non-perfor around

country. put and consumption growth business transfer for AI- will hold around 87% of to Haptik’s existing enter- tains to the provisions for

rate cut?
s is Rs
ST SMART The vehicle will make eq- curtailed by higher global oil based chatbot firm Haptik, the business prise-grade business, with referring the defaulter to the

vehicle sales for March to be

various entitie
uity investments in toll oper- prices and lower government the company said in a state- the company continuing to NCLT even on a one-day
PAVING THE  The rest will be held
ate transfer (TOT) projects expenditure. ment on Wednesday. build innovative AI solu- overdue. However, the SC

Will have to bring by Haptik founders and

being brought out by Nation- “Growth is expected to re- On a fully diluted basis, tions for corporates globally, had upheld the constitution-


al Highways Authority of bound to 7.2% in 2019 and Reliance Jio Digital will hold the statement said. al validity of Section 35AA

1,892 km
JET AIRWAYS 6,849 crore
new rules: Kant
a record for
India (NHAI) and also look at 7.3% in 2020 as policy rates around 87% of the business, Akash Ambani, director, of the Banking Regulation

Personal Income
acquiring concessions from are cut and farmers receive with rest being held by Reliance Jio, said, “This stra- Act, which empowers the

nancial year with the direct will await Reserve Bank of

90%, possibly
The government and Re- the existing road developers. Highways managed by Roadis income support, bolstering Haptik founders and employ- and expansion of the plat- tegic investment underlines Centre to act, either directly
serve Bank of India (RBI) José Antonio Labarra, across the globe domestic demand,” ADB ees through stock option form, with an addressable our commitment to further or by directing RBI to take

its financial current

will have to bring in a new chief executive officer, Road- said in its Asian Develop- grants. market opportunity of over boost the digital ecosystem action against defaulters.

and710 km Shareholding companies in  IFIN’s other

set of regulations to en- is, said in a statement, “This ment Outlook (ADO) 2019 This transaction enables 1 billion users in India, the and provide Indian users Section 35AA empowers

ost economists that
sure that borrowers repay agreement, which aligns released on Wednesday. Reliance Jio to leverage statement said. conversational AI-enabled the central government to

released on April 11; Balance

Manju AB
their debt on time follow- with our growth strategy, Roads the Canadian company This growth will reverse Haptik’s capabilities across In April 2016, Haptik had devices with multi-lingual authorise the RBI to issue

6.78 crore Tax returns filed in

as on Dec 31, 2018 1,300
assets are Rs
ing the Supreme Court strengthens our long-term manages in India two years of the declining various devices and touch- raised capital from Times capabilities. We believe voice directions to any banking

e  et bracket.
striking down an earlier commitment to India. NIIF is trend as reforms to improve points in the consumer’s Internet, which will exit the interactivity will be the pri- company or banking compa-

bankers believ manju.ab@dnaindia.n FLIGHT TO

rule of the monetary au- a partner that perfectly fits the investment climate take journey. The investment business as a part of this mary mode of interaction nies to initiate insolvency

Tax (Plus securities

things that
thority, Niti Aayog chief our profile given its commit- vestment opportunities. The effect, the ADO said. —PTI focus is on enhancement transaction. for Digital India.” Turn to p2 resolution process. —PTI

of In- “One of the cr, making the
executive Amitabh Kant ment to infrastructure invest- road network is a key ena-

tax mop-up at Rs 11.38 lakh India (RBI)’s revised frame-

 Naresh Kumar
said on Wednesday. With ment and the robust govern- bler for the Indian economy

Reserve Bank Poli- NOWHERE of 5 cr

Supreme Court striking
LENDING HELP RBI expected to cut repo rate 25 bps today, according to economists
ance standards it follows.” to grow and sustain its posi-

- have struck manyany exposure Rs 18,80

down (the February 12, Roadis is a wholly-owned tion as the fastest growing

Bank-led resolu
2018 RBI circular on NPAs) subsidiary of the Public Sec- major economy in the world,

Inflation down, but

Mone tary
high rates pinch
as ultra vires, the issue

tor Pension Investment

and this provides significant


of trade data for March to be

needs to be relooked by Board, one of Canada’s larg- upside potential for invest-

dia’s (MPC)
both the RBI and govern-
Mum 
est pension funds. With a

ervice do-
ments while creating value

51.0% a comp
transaction tax) last fiscal
you is that
ment to arrive at a new presence in six countries, for users.”

cy Committee rate cut tion for the full-s Airways ted GNPA of
regulation that will ensure Roadis manages 1,892 kilo- Earlier this year, NHAI

.4 cr 

that financial discipline metres of highways in ten had scrapped the bids re- Manoj Kumar India’s general election. the costs for farmers. World Bank data shows for Monitoring Indian Econ-

which repor
from borrowers should concessions, including 710 ceived for the second round It is also an immediate The facts are simple. In- that real interest rates in In- omy.

e Jet
crore as compared to the tar- work on stressed assets.
nce a  ETIHAD Airways
continue, he said. km in India alone. The other of TOT package in which New Delhi: Indian business- problem for the monetary dia’s retail inflation rate has dia went up to 6.2% in 2017 RBI is expected to cut the

would annou mestic airlin March 2018

countries include Mexico, Singapore-based Cube High- es are getting squeezed. As policy committee of the Re- dropped to below 3% from from 2.5% in 2012, while real repo rate by 25 basis points

‘Won’t intervene

s today. casualty of about 5% in

Brazil, Portugal and Spain. It ways was the highest bidder, economic growth slows and serve Bank of India (RBI), as more than 10% in 2013. In the rates fell in many other (bps) to 6% this week, a Reu-

in matters of Jet’ also holds stake America’s but its bid was 14% short of inflation sinks they have lit- it decides whether to cut its same six-year period, bank Asian countries, including ters poll of economists

of 25 basis point is hov- will be the first t’s sweep-

Wind Energy Transmission the Rs 5,362 crore reserve tle ability to raise prices official benchmark interest borrowing costs for manu- China. showed. There is also con-

GNPA lat-
Civil aviation minister

out on April 12
Suresh Prabhu on Texas, a transmission line. price set by NHAI. without losing sales, and yet rate, and by how much, at a facturers and retailers have India’s economy lost mo- cern among government and

(has such a high

Wednesday ruled out any Anchored by the Indian Cube Highways, IRB In- they are getting almost no meeting on Thursday. declined only marginally by mentum in the October-De- central bank officials that

ion Cour
government, NIIF is a fund frastructure Developers and relief from borrowing costs “Had the borrowing costs about one percent from over cember quarter, reducing

the Supreme
commercial banks are not

Mutual Funds
The retail inflat comfort-
interference in efforts to
help cash-strapped Jet manager with a focus on in- Adani Group-Prakash As-

with lending rates remain- declined by 3-4 percentage 13%, business leaders say.

the annual rate of growth to passing through the RBI’s

doubl e-
er). I have heard GNPA,
frastructure and related sec- phaltings & Toll Highways ing high. points along with inflation, That means real interest 6.6%, the slowest pace in five repo rate cuts to borrowers.

ing the
Airways, saying that the
tors. NIIF creates invest-

government should not be India Ltd had submitted The result: profit margins we would have made invest- rates have gone up in quarters. India’s dominant state-

get of Rs 12 lakh crore for


The central bank’s new ering around ing order quash

seen to be doing any kind ment platforms for interna- their bids of Rs 4,612 crore, get crushed. And that helps ments and created thou- last five years. Many New investment pro- owned banks are saddled
tional and Indian investors Rs 3,675 crore and Rs 2,718 to explain why companies sands of new jobs,” said Su- economists, includ- posals declined to 14- with massive bad debt and

was to be 90%
of deals to help an airline.

digit GNPA, but

5.43 crore Actual returns filed
by the cen- of India (RBI)
with a mandate to invest crore, respectively, for the are not confident enough to darshan Sareen, president ing Ravinder year low of $138.72 weak deposit growth, re-

Shares debt of banks

Against the backdrop of
equity capital in domestic second package. The bids significantly boost capital of the All India Manufactur- Dholoakia, a mem- billion in 2018-19, stricting their ability to lend.

able zone set

lenders set to take control

serve Bank  FIIs 3.19%

infrastructure. were invited in August 2018. spending or hire at a robust ers Organisation. ber of the RBI’s falling for the fourth “Interest rates will re-

of you would
of Jet Airways under a
NIIF managing director The maiden TOT package pace. Indian manufacturers pay MPC, have said straight year, ac- main elevated in India as the

ary 12. I am sure all

debt resolution plan, he

gh it rose
and chief executive officer bagged by the joint venture The rise in India’ real in- 12-14% bank lending rates that real rates in cording to data col- gap between deposits and

converted into
said banks are direct

tral bank. Thou high of circular of Febru the agree-

Sujoy Bose said, “The Indian of Macquarie and Ashoka terest rates - the comparison annually, he said, the highest India are too high. lected by the Cent- lending is widening due to

ual by any
stakeholders and are
dealing with commercial road sector has attracted sig- Buildcon had received a between the inflation rate among the emerging market India is also suf- e r falling saving rates in the

say, it is unus the chal-

nificant global capital over ‘bumper response’ and the and the rate people pay to economies. The government fering in comparison economy,” said Devindra
matters of the airline

of  Insurancies
The signing

the last two decades and will quote was 54% higher than borrow - will be a major pays a subsidy of 3-4 percent- to international Pant, chief economist at In-

to a four-month

0 cr partner
where the ministry would

2018-19. framework is expected to framework to resolve `1,50bad Etihad may cough

not like to intervene. continue to offer large in- the base price. headache for whoever wins age points to banks to lower rivals. Shaktikanta Das dia Ratings. —Reuters

rt debt into is
ary, it re- standards that

Corporate 6.71 by the people

2.57% in Febru
mains lower
than RBI’s ment to conve at Re 1 was
11.4 crore
scheduled on
share s
 Public & Others
lenge which
face,” said Uday
we have to
Kotak, non-
281.05 man, IL&FS,
The direct tax includes come in a few days time. debt of Rs 2,000 crore and up the money and increase
to pump in Jet Uday
to light But now with 16.12% executive chair
Income tax It has now come (April 3, 2019). Bankers had agreed AIRWAYS (INDIA)

6.71 rate re- lling the cir- issuanc e 1, 19 JET esday .

at its the court cance through a bond Jan in ` on Wedn
that the MPC are unable to Share price on BSE on Octo-
g the Feb- Six months ago,

3 crore More people to get tax

view held durin consid- cular, bankers into equity -led man- exposu
personal income tax and cor- Bankers have postponed above. DNA Money sub- ruary 5-7 meeti
ered a much
rate cut than
bigger repo re-slated its shareholding.
10% – Goyal’s
stake in Jet was n to
the 25 bps re-
conve rt the debt
or take over
Naresh Goya
the share
l at Re 1.
251.10 s of
Post the Apr 4, 19
ber 3, Uday Kotak
IL&FS group
charg e of ing the total
18,805 crore
As of Marc
h 20
the last six

poration tax. exemption in 2019-20 the date of inviting bids for ported in its April 4 toedition be brought dow

resolution plan, Etihad’s

bps is one- waiting for Updating on gross bad
Bankers are

ST smart
duction (one on the plan rman ce on which
a percentage) some clarity mont hs’ perfo around 5.3%,
hundredth of and recov -
that RBI event
ually an-
from both the
gover nment
March sahave fallen to ies the resol ution n to aroun
d 61.8% in S

Annual Growth Rate of Union Taxes (%) t deferswould

Dhola- sses undertake
While the corporate tax potential buyers to April 10 that the airline had missed Je stake
Ravin dra ery proce Si- ber 2018.
nounced. and RBI. gement, N in
six-member Lenders were
getting stat- be violating the by the mana This further
kia, part of the atory per-
us. We would
order. With operating in De
MPC, believed
there exist-
utory and regul SC order Supreme court cancelled, varaman, chief to about 90%
has over 16,000 “Gro up enti-
a substantial
collection stood at Rs 6.71
office r, said,
after resolutions for the re- signing the resolution after 12% with lenders being ma-
the lar interest. Jet 2018.
ed space for missions when the RBI circu its payrolls. will be sub-
50 to 60 ay and over- e to convert employees on ty’s recovery “As far as enfo
rate cut of about bank’s came on Tuesd we will be unabl Shahkar Abidi to the cash- ution pro-
plans. Now the into equity, so
the .net ject to the resol the third p
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 (BE) 2018-19(RE) 2019-20 (BE) a_shahakar@dnaindia The lenders
bps as the centr reported turned their to NCLT , the debt g in the r had recen tly what kind of val- with the
holdin cess and rned,

lakh crore, personal income vival is yet to get the neces- the Supreme Court had
strapped carrie
jority shareholders.
ion head majority share conce
headline inflat airline may diate funding able to real-

‘Creditors’ rights
ction. On be auctioned nues to rest Airways has uation are we proce ss is on. s
the sharpest corre are pal- where it will airline conti Mumbai: Jet approved imme crore. the mone y
would need to l,” said an- the payment 1,500 ise and get fear that we
the flip side, there off or Etihad with Naresh Goya is part of now defer red of Rs

Taxes on Income and Expenditure 6.7 14.6 17.8 15.0 20.1 15.0 y to its em- manage- d 90% gro
stress and an offer. banker, who of March salar The airline’s back.” nal ex- aroun
tax took a beating last year. sary regulatory approval. struck down the RBI circular. pable signs of
“There is a lot of interest
come up with is very other employees th
mic activi- “The situation the lenders’ conso of the RBI
ployees. Earli
er, only ment said the IFIN has an exter crore, which mean s
strain in econo April 9. diffic ult cr
and the growth de- now. Now the only hope “In the absen ce
the top mana gement, will be updated on posur e of Rs 10,656 to are
ties fluid g pricing of the engineers current situ- exposure y
Etihad buyin circular the pilots and “In light of the while the have lent mone

Corporation Tax 5.7 7.0 17.8 8.7 17.5 13.3

seems to be
The I-T department collected Bankers expect the bidding “The value of the airline is from investors. But everyone
served a push.

not disturbed’
s. Heading now have to
fol- due to the note that sala- and its vari-
What is now
out Goyal’s share delay the share will were affected ation, please IL&FS Group have defau lted
will allow will only Secur ities and Ex- delay s. for Marc h 2019 will be ous entiti es is Rs 6,849 norm al servicin
to see if banks mission for NCLT low the salar y ries
ground the air- of India (Sebi) have threat- chief people a porti on of
the rate cut trans place. process and change Board Jet’s pilots deferred,” Jet crore.
current as-
Rs 4.67 lakh crore against the process to be completed in its brand and the goodwill it will undertake due diligence
banker la, based on strike from Taneja said in IFIN’s other which we have

Taxes on Income other than Corporation Tax 8.5 21.5 19.8 26.9 26.9 17.2 to customers
to take lines,” said a d the pricing formu price, ened to go on es, that officer Rahul the staff crore, mak-
Febru ary signe h avera ge their salari tion to are Rs 1,300
RBI’s rate cut
in “We have not the six mont April 15 if communica sets
a lukewarm signing was out to be ng since Jan- . Turn to p2

which will turn have been pendi along with on Wednesday

e buys AI-baased ch
had met with agreement. The

The Supreme Court’s target of Rs 5.29 lakh crore in three weeks after the Expres- carries. In the National Com- which will take time. That is
the banks, today, but now for banks,” paid
response from high cost scheduled for very expensive Turn to p2 uary, are not
ahead as the
Taxes on Property and Capital Transactions -0.6 8.9 30.1 -7.9 -7.9 16.4 reeling under
of deposits.
While the li-
we cannot go
Supreme court
hes Relianc
can question
the banker said.

ADB slaswe
judgement on the Re- personal income tax. This sions of Interest (EOI) are pany Law Tribunal (NCLT),diits, why quidity condi

tions in the

market are vital of trans-
in deter- think Etihad is 00
ik in `7 cr or e de
Source: Annual Financial Statements, Union Budget, BE: Budget estimates, RE: Revised estimates nada We need good
Cavalue. ia’s gro wth
firm Hapt
mining the exten
serve Bank of India included Rs 11,000 crore on received. In the meantime, cannot get any forecastbet because they don’t
debt pile-
mission, the bad ed many
to 7.2% The start-up

(RBI) circular does not account of securities trans- banks have started provid- to find an investor NIIF outside team upthe
up has also nudg margin
banks to build
over their lendin
in a
to have
g rates.
to undertake due dili- New Delhi:
Asian Develop-
DNA Money Corres
chatbot enabl
to interact
agents and

roads gence,” said a banker.

) has low- through text
ment Bank (ADBth forecast

$2 bn pro-
Amba -

Muke sh s, H
INSIDE ered India’s grow from 7.6% New Delh
i: enter prise
disturb the rights of action tax. rect tax collection target for returns were only 5.43 crore. tions in similar proportion,” ing emergency funding to Tribunal. MARKETS
The bidding for 2019-2 0 to 7.2%
r due to mod-
estimated earlie l demand Digital Servi in artificial
mote d Reliance
ces has ac-
tions help
customer serv

Kotak eration in globa in reve- quired 87%

stake back, user en
creditors to insolvency “The entire shortfall of Rs the past year was revised at This is mainly due to many pointed out the official. the airline to keep it afloat. cess will take three weeks and As poll fever rises, P2
softens bearish
“If the verdict was a day
DNA Money Corres
pondent and likely short
nue on the dome
stic front.
uded fis- Hapti crore.
(AI) start-up
k for a considerat
ion of well as lead ge
The team a
continue to dr
For the just concl Rs 230
proceedings and would 62,000 crore is on account of Rs 12 lakh crore, up from the taxpayers filing their re- A taxpayer is a person Once the plan is approved, we COM hope to implement the later, we would have got the CALL
PANIES Mumbai: Cana ger Roadis
da’s highw ay
cal (2018-19)
also, ADB
estimate to
The trans action size,
tment for
the business,
nds enters into real s mana the grow th ng inves enter prise pl
Raymo concession cut cted in cludi and expansion, is es-
estate business
and National
Investment and INTELLIGENCE 7% from 7.3% proje growth , as digital co

bring in behavioural personal income tax. It is budget estimate of Rs 11.5 turns twice, mostly to make who has either filed I-T re- the banks will infuse Rs 1,500 resolution by June 30, that is approvals. The issue is about
) Rs 700 crore
Fund (NIIF year.
December last d from 7.2% timated at about crore as the tants. It will a
Infrastructure to create a Digital
have partnered ting $2 bil- “Growth slowe including Rs
230  Reliance Jio to Haptik’s
l d 87% of
to 7% in 2018, for the initia will hold aroun prise-grade
vehicle for inves crore) in in fiscal 2017 consideration
fer for AI-
changes, making credi- harder to get people to pay lakh crore which represent- corrections. turn or in whose favour tax crore through a non-convert- within 180 days,” said a sen- converting 11.4 lakh shares at
ltural out- the business
Big idea, bigger
cheque P4 lion (over Rs
13,800 with weaker agricu n growth business transfirm Haptik, the compan
sector, the big- put and consu
mptio based chatbot be held build innov
India’s road in the r global oil said in a state-  The rest will
platfo rm iled by highe comp any ers and tions for cor
gest such curta nment the by Haptik found
tors more responsible for taxes than to make them file ed a growth target of 15%. ible debenture (NCD) issue.

According to the govern- has been deducted at source. ior banker ST SMART
of the consortium. Re 1. The price was decided
The vehicle will toll oper-
uity investmen
ts in
make eq-
prices and lower gover
“Growth is expec ted to re-
ment on Wednesday
On a fully dilutewill hold
Reliance Jio Digita l
d basis , emplo yees the stateme
Akash A
Reliance Jio
(TOT) projects in 2019 and of the business,
their actions and inac- returns,” said a senior offi- The higher revised target ment, the taxpayers’ base The number of people un- The resolution proposal After Naresh Goyal, the by the circular which is now
tegic invest
trans fer boun d to 7.2% aroun d 87%
out by Nation- as policy rates held by sion of the plat- i
being brought 7.3% in 2020 with rest being employ- and expan e our comm
Will have to bring 92 km of e ssabl

oft the airline, 1,8

Authority rs receiv ers and , with an addre the d
al Highways look at are cut and farmebolstering Haptik found option form oppor tunity of over boost

tions, said M S Sahoo,


cial in the finance ministry. was seen as unrealistic by has gone up exponentially in der the taxable category is missed the necessary legal founder and

nullified,” said the banker.

I) and income suppo ees throu gh mark et and provi
India (NHA in India, the
new rules: Kan
ssions from ed by Roadis nd,” ADB
acquiring conce developers. Highways manag domestic dema Develop- grants. 1 billion users conversati
n enables
the existing road Labarra, across the globe said in its Asian ) 2019 This transactio age statem
ent said.
k had devic
es w
Re- (ADO to lever 2016, Hapti
t and io ment Outlook esday. Relia nce Jio s capabilitie
chairperson of Insolven- The direct tax collection many in the government. the past four years with the expected to further decrease and regulatory approvals by his wife Anita were forced 71to Even after the SC verdict,
The governmen José Anton In April

0 km
India (RBI) officer, Road- ilities across al from Time
serve Bank of chief executive released on Wedn Haptik’s capab and touch- raised capit will exit the
in a new ent, “This will reverse es Inter net, which
will have to bring to en- is, said in a statem This growth various devic of this mary
which align
s an company the declining point s in the
consu mer’s ess as a part
two years of for Digita
cy and Bankruptcy
showed a growth of 13.6% As many as 6.78 crore tax number of return filers al- as anyone earning up to Rs 5 a whisker, as it did on the day resign from the airline’s
Roads the Canadi
the bankers had put up a brave
set of regulations repay th strategy, ms to improve tmen t busin
with our grow long-term manages in India trend as refor ey. The inves ent transaction.
sure that borro take journ
debt on time follow- gthen s our the inves tment climate focus is on enha ncem
their stren is said. —PTI
to India. NIIF
25 bps today
me Court commitment effect, the ADO
Board of India (IBBI). over last year as against the returns were filed during most doubling in a short lakh will not have to pay in- Supreme Court quashed the Board last month, decks front saying that the resolu-
ing the Supre r ctly fits es. The
cut repo rate
an earlie perfe tuniti
striking down a partner that its commit- vestment oppor a key ena-
tary au- ected to rk is
rule of the mone chief
LP RBI exp
our profile given - road netwo

tion is on course and that EOIshigh rat

tructure invest the Indian econo
thority, Niti Aayog Kant ment to infras n- bler for
“In view of this judge- target of 20.1% for 2018-19. In the last year. However, the time. “This has, however, not come tax during the current controversial February 12 were cleared for a new inves-
robust gover in its posi-
executive Amita . With
ment and the to grow and susta t growing
it follows.”

esday ance standards the fastes
said on Wedn ed tion as in the world,

be fla
striking a wholly-own

will In
me Court Roadi s is major econo my

ment, a bank-creditor the Interim Budget, the di- number of people who filed resulted in higher tax collec- financial year 2019-20. circular that mandated a tor. There are talks that its called April
Supre des significant
ary 12, the Public Sec-
down (the Febru on NPAs) subsidiary of tmen t and this provi inves t-
ar Inves tial for Wor
2018 RBI circul issue tor Pension upside poten farmers.
the Canada’s larg- creating value the costs for that re
as ultra vires, Board, one of a ments while al election. simple. In-

now needs to ask itself

ed by funds. With for users.” India’s gener The facts are dia we
needs to be relookgovern- est pension year, NHAI immediate ion rate has
and six countries, Earlier this Manoj Kumar It is also an dia’s retail inflat 3% from from 2
both the RBI presence in kilo- bids re- the monetary
ment to arrive
at a new
Roadis mana
ges 1,892
had scrapped
the problem for dropped to below2013. In the rates
ensure ays in ten second round Indian business- ittee of the Re- 10% in
when it should initiate

Baring to acquire 30% stake in NIIT Tech

that will s of highw d for the New Delhi : policy comm more than Asian
regulation metre ceive
g squee zed. As India (RBI), as period, bank
including 710 ge in which

GST: Service
same six-year

Indiabulls AMC to buy

discipline concessions, of TOT packa Cube High- es are gettin serve Bank of China
that financial . The other th slows and er to cut its for manu-
from borrowers
km in India alone Mexico, Singapore-b
ased economic grow it decides wheth borrowing costs ers have Ind
highest bidde
r, they have lit- mark interest and retail

the proceeding and justi-

de inflation sinks official bench
continue, he said. countries inclu ways was the a facturers marginally by
and Spain. It 14% short of raise prices how much, at declined only
Brazil, Portugal America’s but its bid was tle ability to rate, and by from over
‘Won’t intervene crore reserve sales, and yet .
also holds stake smission the Rs 5,362 without losing ng on Thursday costs about one percent the a
of Jet’ almo st no meeti wing leade rs say.
in matters . g “Had the borro ess

fy itself why it is initiat-

Tran price set by NHAI IRB In- they are gettin wing costs 13%, busin
Wind Energ y on line. ays, 3-4 percentage s real interest
ter , a trans missi Cube Highw relief from borro declin ed by That mean quar
minis with inflation,
Civil aviation Texas the Indian Developers and rates remain- have gone up

cos can opt for

u on Anchored by frastructure with lending points along invest- rates
Suresh Prabh NIIF is a fund p-Prakash As- would have made thou- last five years.
gover nment,
ing or not initiating the
out any Adani Grou ing high. margins we
Wednesday ruled a focus on in- Toll Highways The result: profit
created economists, inclu

three commercial assets

efforts to manager with related sec- phaltings & ments and
interference in Ltd had subm
itted And that helps jobs,” said Su- Ravinder
ed Jet frastructure
and get crushed. sands of new ing
help cash-strapp invest- India Rs 4,612 crore
, companies n, president a mem-
g that the NIIF creates their bids of to explain why enough to darshan Saree Manufactur- Dholoakia,
proceeding in case of a Airwa ys, sayin tors. inter na- and Rs 2,718 dent RBI’s
for are not confi of the All India ber of the
government shoul kind
d not be ment platforms investors Rs 3,675 crore boost capital
n ctively, for the significantly ers Organisatio
MPC, have
seen to be doing airline.
any tional and India to invest crore, respe at a robust facturers pay
ate ge. The bids spending or hire Indian manu real rates in
with a mand second packa rates that

New Delhi: Funds affiliated

default. This will bring held by members of families of deals to help rop of al in domestic in August 2018. bank lending high.
India are too

digital bet
equity capit were invited pace. ’ real in- 12-14% the highest
Against the backd control package
The rise in India arison annually, he said, India is also
take infrastructure. The maiden TOT venture et
lenders set to a mana ging director d by the joint rates - the comp amon g the emerging mark fering in comparison
under NIIF bagge terest t
of Jet Airways
in behavioural changes with Baring Private Equity of NIIT founders Rajendra
tive officer and Ashoka inflation rate gover nmen
economies. The 3-4 percent- to inter natio
plan, he and chief execu of Macquarie between the
Share price on BSE in ` people pay to
debt resolution “The Indian ed a of
direct Sujoy Bose said, con had receiv the and the rate pays a subsidy rivals.
said banks are ted sig- Build be a major s to lower
1425 has attrac respo nse’ and w - will point s to bank
and are road sector ‘bumper borro age

Ateeq Shaikh
stakeholders whoever wins
among the creditors, Dual Advantage Commer- Asia (BPEA) will buy about
higher than
Pawar and Vijay Thadani.
l capital over headache for
commercial nificant globa quote was 54%

by April 30
dealing with es and will
„„Funds affiliated with matters of the
try would
the last two decad large in- the base price.
continue to

making them more re- cial Asset Fund that focuses 30% stake in mid-sized IT 1349.50 Vijay Thadani, vice chair-
where the minis
not like to interv

1300 BPEA will buy about

sponsible for their ac- only on commercial assets services firm NIIT Technolo- 18.85 million shares at a man and managing director
tions and inactions,” he Mumbai: Indiabulls Asset in Tier-1 cities to get a regu- gies from NIIT Ltd and other price of Rs 1,394/share at NIIT Ltd, said BPEA’s as-
said. IBBI is a key insti- Management Company lar rental income and capi- promoter entities for about sociation will support the New Delhi: The tax depart-
tution in the implemen- (AMC) is looking to acquire tal appreciation as returns Rs 2,627 crore, as per a regu- „„The deal will also existing management team ment has given service pro-
tation of the Code. Ac- three commercial properties on investment. latory filing. trigger an open offer in capturing the opportuni- viders with a turnover of up
cording to Sahoo, the in as many Tier-1 cities in This is their fourth fund The deal will also trigger ties in an increasingly digi- to Rs 50 lakh time till April
pressure of non-per- India and at least one of in the realty space, but first an open offer under which
925 „„This will take the total tal world. 30 to opt for the composition
forming assets has light- these deals is likely to such fund in the commer- BPEA will make an offer to deal value to up to Rs In another development, scheme and pay 6% Goods
800 4,890 crore
ened due to behavioural close soon, said a source cial segment. “The com- the public shareholders of NIIT Technologies said it will and Services Tax (GST).
Apr 2, 18 Apr 5, 19
change among debtors close to the development. pany continues to ac- NIIT Technologies for pur- acquire Hyderabad-based The option to pay GST at
and creditors that has Pune, Chennai and quire commercial real chasing up to 26% additional WHISHWORKS IT Consult- a reduced rate of 6% would
been due to the Code. Bengaluru are the cities estate assets of a smaller shareholding -- taking the signed definitive agreements ation for the purchase of ing, a move that will strength- be effective from the begin-
where the company is evalu- scale in the range of Rs 200 total deal value to up to Rs to buy about 18.85 million shares from promoter enti- en the former’s digital capa- ning of the financial year or
Bring ATF under ating mid-range commercial crore to Rs 500 crore,” said 4,890 crore. shares of the company (ap- ties is estimated to be ap- bilities. It also signed a de- from the date of obtaining
GST: Prabhu real estate assets. an executive. In a late night filing to proximately 30% sharehold- proximately Rs 2,627 crore,” finitive agreement for selling new registration during the
Aviation turbine fuel Once the acquisition is Through this fund, Indi- BSE on Saturday, NIIT Tech- ing) from NIIT Ltd and other it added. its entire 88.99% stake in Esri financial year.
(ATF) should be brought finalised, this would be the abulls AMC is looking to cre- nologies said, funds affiliat- promoter entities at a price This includes about 14.4 India Technologies Ltd to En- Service providers opting
under the Goods and third such deal by the com- ate a portfolio of Rs 2,000 ed with Baring Private Eq- of Rs 1,394 per share. million shares of NIIT Ltd vironmental Systems Re- for the composition scheme
Services Tax (GST) re- pany under its Indiabulls crore of commercial spaces. uity Asia (BPEA) have “The aggregate consider- and about 4.3 million shares search Institute, Inc. —PTI can charge a lower tax rate
gime as it will ensure a of 6% from customers, as
level playing field for the against the higher rates of 12
domestic airline indus-
try, civil aviation minis- distress call Monetisation of assets to bring in Rs 5K cr annually, salaries are pulling BSNL down, he says and 18% for most services
under GST.
ter Suresh Prabhu said. In a circular, the Central

BSNL can manage its expsenses till June: CMD

He said input costs Board of Indirect Taxes and
should be competitive Customs (CBIC) said suppli-
for any sector and the ers who want to opt for com-
ministry has been of the position scheme would have
strong view that the fuel to file Form GST CMP-02 by
should be brought under Mansi Taneja ing a lucrative VRS which was unable to pay salaries ing towards North. Only Reli- Authority of India (Trai), the 7.2 lakh new landline connec- selecting ‘Any other supplier
the GST regime. Differ- will be given to the willing for February on time. Its ance Jio and BSNL have been market share of BSNL has tions were provided in last eligible for composition levy’
ent rates of taxes in employees. Laying off em- private-sector rivals, on the adding users and increasing increased from 9.44 % in fiscal with 80,000 in March latest by April 30, 2019.
states push up the price New Delhi: Ailing state-run ployees is not at all under other hand, have around their market share. We are March 2018 to 9.76% January itself. Also, around 90,000 Businesses which apply
of ATF, he said. “Each telecom player BSNL expects consideration,” BSNL chair- 20,000-25,000 people on each seeing positive signs. The fo- 2019. Between December and new broadband connections for new registration may
state has a different tax. Rs 5,000 crore revenues an- man and managing director of their payrolls. cus is back on the revival of March, the company has were also given by BSNL last avail the said benefit in
Due to this, the refuel- nually from the planned as- Anupam Shrivastava told “The worst is behind us. BSNL through various meas- achieved two million monthly month, according to num- Form GST REG-01 at the
ling cost completely set monetisation of its land DNA Money. The silver lining is that the ures,” Shrivastava said. average gross connections. Its bers from BSNL. time of filing application for
changes. We feel that it and buildings and does not The asset monetisation is decline in revenues has According to a report by total new gross connections DoT has already asked registration.
should be done. I hope see any problem in manag- also being considered active- stopped; it has started look- the Telecom Regulatory were 2.1 crore in the last Trai for its views on allot- AMRG & Associates part-
the GST Council takes a ing the expenditure till June. ly by the government, he financial year. ment of 4G spectrum to ner Rajat Mohan said, “Nu-
call on that and we are The asset sale is part of said. According to BSNL’s The worst is behind us. The silver lining It also leased out BSNL without auction. merous service providers
pursuing this with the the revival plan being consid- own estimates, once real es- about 13,500 towers If employee expenses are tried to file this intimation
council continuously. We ered by the Department of tate monetisation plan is
is that the decline in revenues has till date to other op- rationalised by various opting composition scheme
will work on it that avia- Telecommunications (DoT). given a green signal, it will stopped... Only Reliance Jio and BSNL erators, which mechanisms including VRS recently but were denied due
tion fuel should also be “Under BSNL’s revival bring in a minimum of Rs have been adding users and increasing their brought in additional and support by the govern- to a legal embargo. Now with
brought under GST for plan, the government is con- 5,000 crore revenues, he said. revenue of about Rs ment, we will be a dividend this clarification, GSTN
predictability and for sidering allotment of 4G BSNL, which has a huge
market share. The focus is back on revival 676 crore last fis- paying company, Shrivasta- would start accepting the in-
level playing field.” spectrum to BSNL and offer- employee base of 1.76 lakh, —Anupam Shrivastava cal. Around va said. timations soon”. -PTI
c mpanies I I I
Ahmedabad I Monday, April 8, 2019 I daily news & analysis

In brief

Coal import rises

8% in Apr-Feb
Deal wins to drive IT Q4 results Marriott’s senior exec
to join Hilton soon
Infosys, TCS and HCL Tech are expected to post strong revenue growth despite higher rupee Ashish K Tiwari
new journey
India’s coal import

160bps 1.5-2
increased by 7.8% to Soumonty Kanungo by Kotak Institutional Equi-

212.11 million tonnes in
With over 20 years ties, it said March is a season- Mumbai: The India opera-
the April-February
of hospitality industry
ally weak quarter for IT com- tions of NYSE-listed global
experience under his
period of FY19, a report Mumbai: As India Inc. gears % Appreciation in rupee
panies, yet it expects a steady hospitality major, Hilton,
belt, Hoon has been with
said. This comes at a up for the corporate earn- quarter with strong growth has picked up another sen-
time when the Rise in Nifty IT index over QoQ revenue growth against the dollar may Marriott International for
ings, the information tech- strong from Infosys, TCS and HCL ior executive, Dhruv Hoon,
government is looking benchmark Nifty in fourth expected in TCS, Infosys lead to marginal decline almost 12 years
nology (IT) sector is poised footing Technologies. However, mut- from its main competitor
at relaxing the timeline for healthy fourth-quarter quarter and Wipro in CC terms in Ebit margins ed performance from Wipro Marriott International’s In-
for the 1 billion tonne earnings on the execution of and Tech Mahindra is expect- dia office. market.
coal production target it deal wins in the recent past, ate a tad vis-à-vis FY19. Much ed as growth will be led by According to multiple in- With over 20 years of hos-
had set earlier for Coal according to analysts. of this expectation is largely NIFTY IT the ramp-up of large deals dustry sources, the vice- pitality industry experience
India (CIL), which This week, two IT biggies built into the significant out- 16500 won by companies over the president for Marriott’s ho- under his belt, Hoon has
accounts for over 80% Infosys and Tata Consultan- performance that Nifty IT past two quarters. tel development in the Asia been with Marriott Interna-
of the domestic coal cy Services (TCS) will an- index has shown in the past 15600 On profitability, the Kotak Pacific, Hoon is set to as- tional for almost 12 years. He
output. nounce their March quarter 15 months,” Nirmal Bang report said that earnings be- sume a similar role at Hil- could not be reached for a
earnings on April 12, fol- said in a research report. 14700 fore interest and taxes (Ebit) ton’s India office. comment on the new career
PFS, USICEF team lowed by Wipro on April 16. According to the report, margin will decline margin- “Hilton is working on move. When contacted Ahlu-
up for solar biz According to stock-broking there could be some modest 13800 ally on a sequential basis due building its India portfolio walia did not comment on
Infrastructure finance firm Nirmal Bang, Nifty IT disappointment in store on to 1.9% appreciation of the and has now got him (Hoon) Hoon’s appointment either.
company PFS has joined index outperformed Nifty by both revenue and margin rupee against dollar and tal- to head its development and Queries mailed to Marriott
hands with the US-India a modest 160 basis points (bps) fronts, especially in 2HFY20, ent constraint-led increase related activities in this re- International remained un-
Clean Energy Finance in the March 2019 quarter. Do- because of slower economic 12707.10 in cost structure in the US. gion. He has been with Mar- answered at the time of go-
(USICEF) to leverage 12000
mestically, the sentiment was growth in the US, Europe and Apr 2, 18 Apr 5, 19 “Profitability perfor- riott for long now and will ing to print.
funds for solar projects bolstered by the view that the China. Other issues like con- mance will be a key focus join Hilton very soon,” said Globally Hilton operates
in India. It is an current NDA government will cerns over demand from area. Benefit from the strong a hotel industry source. 17 brands across 5,685 hotels
innovative facility come back to power in the gen- global BFSI sector because of cle, it expects almost all com- growth of 2.6-2.7% QoQ. deal flow and increasing This move comes a little in 113 countries. However, its
which presents PFS eral elections. a flattening yield curve; po- panies to show a reasonably “While TCS was a stand- digital deal sizes will be off- over a year after Hilton hotel portfolio in India com-
with an opportunity to “The cumulative outper- tential softening of demand healthy growth on quarter- out performer among the set to some extent with slow- brought on board prises just 19 properties
finance and deploy high- formance of Nifty IT by ap- from manufacturing sector on-quarter (QoQ) basis driv- large companies in terms of er spending growth in budg- Navjit Ahluwalia as across Hilton, Conrad,
impact development prox. 2,400 bps over Nifty in due to tariff imposed by the en by execution of deal wins organic revenue growth in ets in FY2020. We expect its senior vice presi- DoubleTree by Hilton
projects which can the past 15 months has priced US on Chinese goods and po- in the recent past. Among FY19, we see slightly slower slower growth from the dent and country and Hilton Garden Inn
contribute in achieving in the modest acceleration in tential softening in pricing, Tier-1 companies, it expects growth for it in FY20. For banking vertical for the in- head - India. In his hotels. With the inten-
India’s distributed revenue growth of select both in digital and legacy ser- 1.5-2% QoQ revenue growth most other large companies, dustry in FY2020E. We ex- tenure of over 13 tion of beefing up its
energy target of 40 GW companies in both FY19 and vices, consequent to pressure in case of TCS, Infosys and we see a modest acceleration pect Infosys, HCL and Tech years, Ahluwalia India portfolio, Hilton
by 2022. FY20. Stock price perfor- from customer spends. Wipro in constant currency in organic growth in FY20. Mahindra to grow faster in was the man respon- has been sprucing up
AL eyeing CIS mance has also been bol- The report also said that (CC) terms, while HCL Tech- This view is driven by the FY2020E. Stock returns for sible for giving Mar- its India team post-
stered by the strong capital unlike in the past when nologies and Tech Mahindra stronger order inflow over IT companies can be muted riott a strong Ahluwalia’s
countries return to shareholders. On an fourth quarter tends to be would clock 3-4% growth. the course of FY19,” the re- from here after a strong per- foothold in appoint-
Commercial vehicle
industry aggregate basis, we relatively weak, as customers Mindtree and Persistent Sys- port added. formance in the past 12 the Indian ment last
major Ashok Leyland Dhruv Hoon
believe growth would acceler- get into their budgeting cy- tems are likely to show In another research report months,” it further added. hospitality year.
(AL) is looking to set up
more assembly plants

‘Equipment finance biz Hero Moto pips Honda in two-wheeler sales race
overseas, including the
CIS region and African


to slow during elections’

Share price on BSE in ` 170 New Delhi: Hero MotoCorp significantly wiped off the
150 stretched its lead to around
stretching lead two-wheeler industry growth
148.10 130 20 lakh units over rival and „„In the fiscal year of first half.
erstwhile partner Honda in ended March 31, the HMSI cited issue such as

two-wheeler sales in 2018-19 homegrown two-wheeler increased insurance premi-
90 rei Infra’s, chief man- set quality situation of crease cash flow from them. amid a slowdown in the do- major sold 78,20,745 um in September 2018 damp-
87.65 70 aging director, He- the company? In the same way, we ap- mestic market. units ened festival sentiments, and
Apr 2, 18 Apr 5, 19 mant Kanoria, spoke There is a continuous im- proach clients and make ef- In the fiscal year ended pre-festival stock buildup
about the company’s provement in stressed assets forts to turn that asset into March 31, the homegrown „„In the fiscal 2017-18, was converted into high in-
performance in FY19, and our non-performing as- a performing one. two-wheeler major sold Hero MotoCorp sold ventories for the two-wheel-
countries, as part of
stressed accounts and sets (NPA) has come down 78,20,745 units as compared 75,87,130 lakh units er industry. The company
plans to scale up its
equipment finance busi- substantially. We also „„ Tell us about your bor- to 59,00,840 units sold by said it had re-aligned sup-
global operations, a top
ness among others in declared the same rowing portfolio and the Honda Motorcycle and Scoot- plies with domestic demand
company official said.
an interview with in the last quarter. current cost of funds? er India (HMSI), according to as compared to 14,63,253 ment with Destini 125, be- to correct inventories and
The company is banking
Swati Khandelwal In fact, NPAs are We never go for asset lia- the latest sales figures issued units in FY18. sides existing models. support its dealer partners.
on its new range of
of Zee Business. improving each bility majority mismatch in by the companies. Hero said it has been able On the other hand, HMSI, In FY19, Pune-based Bajaj
medium and heavy
Edited Excerpts: quarter and went our borrowing portfolio. In the fiscal 2017-18, Hero to keep sales higher during which had declared its ambi- Auto maintained its position
commercial vehicles
for a realisation This is the reason we never MotoCorp sold 75,87,130 lakh FY19 through forays into tion to be the number one as the third biggest two-wheel-
and light commercial
„„ Have you been for the problematic faced liquidity issues at our units, while HMSI sold premium motorcycle seg- two-wheeler maker in India er maker in India with sales
vehicles (LCVs) to help
able to meet the tar- stressed assets. end. We lend after matching 61,23,877 units. Thus, Hero’s ment with the launch of the by 2020 overtaking Hero, said of 42,36,873 units as against
it enter new regions
gets of FY19 and how In 30 years, we have de- the liability side where we lead over HMSI increased by ‘Xtreme 200R’ and the fast- the challenging and disrup- 33,69,334 units in the previous
beyond its traditional
promising FY20 can be for veloped a process to repos- only go for long-term borrow- 19,19,905 lakh units in FY19 growing 125cc scooter seg- tive second half of 2018-19 fiscal, a growth of 26%. —PTI
Srei Infra? sess the equipment and re- ing. This is a reason that the
Cairn’s legal cost We expected growth in sale them. Interestingly, recent crisis didn’t have any
nearly triples
British oil firm Cairn
Energy plc has seen its
our equipment and project
financing business in FY19
and were successful in main-
several construction compa-
nies like buying repossessed
equipment. Thus, we face
impact on us because we had
a perfect book in the tenure.
Arcil infuses `20 cr to revive Everstone to
buy majority
ailing Malwa Industries
cost of fighting an taining the target. In short, minimal losses on this „„You were in the process

stake in
arbitration against the FY19 has ended on a good front. When it comes to in- of unlocking the equip-
Indian government note. Though the IL&FS is- frastructure assets then we ment finance business.
imposing retrospective sue led to a slowdown of our have worked on the stressed What happened to it and
tax nearly tripling in
2018 even as it lost
disbursement in the third
quarter, the equipment fi-
account and recovered a lot
from our clients and provi-
what is your growth tar-
get for that business? New Delhi: Leading asset reached a turnover of Rs 204
Sahyadri Hosp
investments and tax nancing business noticed a sioned certain accounts, A: Last year, we wanted to reconstruction company Ar- crore and Ebirda of 31% New Delhi: Private equity
refunds pending final growth in the fourth quarter. where recovery was not pos- bring an initial public offer- cil has revived Ludhiana- compared to industry lead- player Everstone Group will
award. Cairn in its In fact, it was our strategic sible. However, we also work ing (IPO) of the equipment based ailing denim manufac- ers’ Ebitda margins of acquire a controlling stake
latest annual report said decision to be slow on dis- on the provisioned account business, but cannot do due turer Malwa Industries with around 25%. in Sahyadri Hospitals Ltd,
administrative expense bursement as focused on im- because provisioning to the market conditions. last-mile funding towards Arcil CEO and MD Vinay- Maharashtra’s leading hos-
towards Indian tax proving return on equity doesn’t mean the asset is Later, demerger of the equip- working capital needs to the ak Bahuguna said, “We recog- pital chain, for an undis-
arbitration has risen to and profitability. We were under stress. They are pro- ment financing business was tune of Rs 20 crore, after ac- nised the need for additional closed amount, according to
about Rs 158.4 crore in able to end this quarter in visioned in accordance with announced in the month of quiring over Rs 500 crore of working capital for the ramp- a release.
2018 from about Rs 56 the same way but will be able the guidelines issued by the January, so that, it gets listed the company’s debt. up of the business and there- Pune-headquartered
crore in 2017. to share the figures only af- regulator. We work on the directly. Srei Infra share- Malwa Industries is one after we injected last mile Sahyadri Hospitals operates
ter the results are out. asset to revive it and in- holders will directly get the of the few integrated denim funding towards working five tertiary care and three
e-way bills of cos The first quarter of FY20 stocks of the equipment manufacturers in the coun- spinning off debt capital requirement to the secondary care hospitals
not in sync: GST will remain slow due to elec- business. However, regula- try with all activities from tune of Rs 20 crore.” Our re- with 750 beds across Pune,
tions. The new government’s tory approvals are needed spinning to garment under „„Arcil acquired more structured debt is a mix of Nashik and Karad areas. In
GST officers have - whosoever comes to power for the purpose and we have one roof in India’s cotton than 97% of Malwa vanilla debt, hybrid instru- a release on Sunday, Ever-
started seeking – investment strategy to- submitted applications for belt Ludhiana. Industries’ total debt of Rs ments, and equity, which bal- stone said it has signed an
clarification from wards infrastructure and the the purpose. It will take time, Arcil acquired more than 550 crore between FY18 ance well the serviceability of agreement to buy a control-
companies whose tax projects will be out by June six-nine months, and we are 97% of Malwa Industries’ and FY19 the business and our return ling stake in Sahyadri Hos-
payments did not match 2019. Thus, things will depend expecting that we will be total debt of Rs 550 crore expectation, Bahuguna said. pitals.
with the e-way bills on it but the running projects, from a consortium of five „„Malwa Industries Arcil also provided an ad- “The combination of pri-
completed by FY20 so that
generated, as revenue specifically, state government Srei Equipment gets listed lenders between FY18 and have a marquee client equate moratorium for repay- mary and secondary capital
authorities start projects, will continue as it is. directly. This will enable FY19 to fast track the revival. base globally ments to the company to al- outlay is expected to increase
matching supplies data We will finalise our strategy them to raise equity di- It is now in the process of low it some breathing space the bed-count significantly
to check tax evasion, in accordance with the rectly from the acquiring the remaining out- and wrote off the unsustain- in the next five years,” the
sources said. It has strategy of the new market and meet standing debt, a top Arcil of- hams, United Colors of Ben- able portion of the debt. release said.
come to the notice of tax government. its capital re- ficial said. etton, Killer, Pepe and Jack & “Moreover, promoter Ri- Everstone would leverage
officers that some quirements by The company has a mar- Jones. shi Oswal, who is a veteran its significant healthcare ex-
transporters are doing „„Update us on directly access- quee client base spread During peak performance in the textile industry, was pertise and experience to
multiple trips by stressed assets ing the market across global markets in- in FY06, Malwa Industries keen to work hard to turn grow the overall business,
generating only a single as well as the and the inves- cluding Levi’s, US Polo As- with 20 million metres per around the company,” Bahu- Everstone Group CEO Sa-
e-way bill. available as- tors. sociation, H&M, Deben- annum (MMPA) capacity guna said. —PTI meer Sain said. —PTI

bitter pill Foreign investors may pump in

Aurobindo Pharma, Macleods Pharma, Hetero Labs and Lupin have recalled drugs

Domestic pharma firms continue to recall drugs `18K cr in Voda-Idea rights issue
DNA Money Correspondent (API) of these drugs. where the probability of se- New Delhi: Foreign inves- route funds from its foreign A total of 11,05,085 bottles rious adverse health conse- tors are likely to invest entities, sources said.
of Losartan Potassium tab- quences is remote. around Rs 18,000 crore in the The board of directors of
Mumbai: The voluntary lets, manufactured by Hetero Aurolife Pharma LLC, a rights issue of Vodafone Vodafone Idea on March 20
drug recalls by the domestic Labs Limited, are having an step-down subsidiary of Au- Idea, which includes a major cleared the planned Rs
drug manufacturers in the ongoing nationwide Class II robindo Pharma, has initi- chunk from promoter Voda- 25,000-crore rights issue at a
US market continues, ac- recall due to deviation in ated a Class II voluntary re- fone Group, sources said. price of Rs 12.50 per equity
cording to the US Food and current good manufacturing call of a total of 1,45,237 bot- The company’s Rs 25,000 share, a steep 61% discount
Drug Administrations (FDA) practices, as trace amounts tles of Valsartan tablets. crore rights issue will open to the prevailing market rate.
enforcement report. of cancer-causing impurity, Macleods Pharma, USA, on April 10. “Vodafone Idea In a regulatory filing, the
Last week, FDA in its en- N-nitroso-N-methyl-4-amin- has also initiated a similar had approached the govern- The promoter sharehold- company had said the rights
forcement report found Au- obutyric acid (NMBA) de- voluntary recall of 9695 bot- ment for FDI approval. The ers -- Vodafone Group and Adi- entitlement ratio has been
robindo Pharmaceuticals, tected in the API. tles of Losartan Potassium proposal has received clear- tya Birla Group -- have reiter- fixed at 87 equity shares for
Macleods Pharmaceuticals, A class III recall is a situ- and hydrochlorothiazide ance from Cabinet. It is ex- ated to the board that they in- every 38 shares held by eligi-
Heritage Pharmaceuticals, ation in which use of or ex- tablets after they were de- pected that Rs 18,000 crore tend to contribute up to Rs ble shareholders of the com-
Hetero Laboratories and Lu- on account of the defective initiated a recall of hyper- posure to a violative product tected of NDEA traces. An- during the rights issue will 11,000 crore and up to Rs 7,250 pany on the record date, that
pin have recalled drugs due container as repetitive com- tension drugs Valsartan, is not likely to cause adverse other domestic pharma com- come from foreign sources,” crore respectively, amounting is April 2, 2019.
to various reasons. plaints were received indi- Valsartan and Amlodipine health consequences. On the pany, Heritage Pharmaceuti- an official said. to a total of Rs 18,250 crore, as According to Citi Re-
Lupin’s US arm Lupin cating pump was not work- combination and Losartan other hand, a class II recall is cals, has initiated Class II Any foreign funding part of the rights issue. search, the successful com-
Pharmaceuticals Inc has ini- ing. On the other hand, Het- tablets from the US market a situation in which use of or voluntary recall of 11,888 above Rs 5,000 crore requires While Vodafone Group’s pletion of the capital raise
tiated a Class III voluntary ero Labs, Aurobindo Phar- after FDA analysis found exposure to a violative prod- units of prescription-only Cabinet approval. The Cabi- entire funding will be con- would be positive for the
recall of 3,200 bottles of tes- ma along with its group traces of potential human uct may cause temporary or Etomidate injection, USP 20 net had on February 28 sidered as a foreign invest- company as it could strength-
tosterone topical solution, 30 company Aurolife Pharma carcinogen in the active medically reversible adverse mg/10 ml (2 mg/ml) 10 ml cleared the company’s FDI ment in the rights issue, Adi- en the balance sheet, remove
mg/1.5 ml in 110 ml bottles and Macleods Pharma have pharmaceutical ingredients health consequences or single-dose vial. proposal. tya Birla Group may also going concern risks. —PTI

SWIMMING India’s Kushagra Rawat BADMINTON Chinese ace Lin Dan

makes ‘B’ standard for 2019 FINA World wins Malaysia Open final against countryman
Championships and 2020 Tokyo Olympics after Chen Long to claim his first major title in two
clocking 08:07.99s in 800m freestyle at Thai- years. The world No. 16 smashes his way back to
land Age Group Championships in Bangkok victory with a 9-21 21-7 21-11 score
ATHLETICS Ethiopia’s Tebalu Zawude Heyi (2hr 8min 37sec) & Alemu Megertu (2hr 22min 52sec) win men’s & women’s races in Rome Marathon 10

Capitals punish Challengers no end

IPL playoff
venues to be
finalised today
Finalising venues for Kohli & Co suffer sixth straight defeat; Rabada’s 4/21 restricts hosts to 149/9; Captain Iyer hits 67 to steer Delhi to 4-wicket victory
‘Reality is no one has
the IPL Playoffs along
with decision to float
fresh tenders for various
sponsorship and servic-

taken responsibility’
es will be finalised at the
Committee of Adminis-
trators (CoA) meeting in
New Delhi on Monday.
The meeting will also be
Match No. 20 Bengaluru: Helplessness was
attended by three office Bengaluru: There was no palpable when Virat Kohli
bearers – acting presi- end to Royal Challengers spoke after his side’s sixth
dent CK Khanna, acting Bangalore’s woeful run this straight defeat this IPL season.
secretary Amitabh IPL as the Virat Kohli-led side “We thought 160 would be com-
Chaudhary and treasur- suffered its sixth straight de- petitive, but we kept losing
er Anirudh Chaudhry. feat while Delhi Capitals wickets at regular intervals, so
As per agenda of the played like a unit to win by I wanted to take the game deep.
meeting, it is learnt that four wickets here on Sunday. Even 150, had we held on to our
Chennai and Hyderabad RCB batsmen found the go- chances, would’ve been diffi-
are in the reckoning for ing tough after being invited cult for them. We need to grab
hosting the play-off and to bat first and could only those chances, can’t give ex-
eliminator matches manage 149/8 in the stipu- cuses every day,” said Kohli
while the final will be lated 20 overs. post match.
played in Mumbai. The With the ball not coming “We just weren’t good on
operational details of on to the bat, Kohli scored the given day. That’s the
mini Women’s IPL is almost a-run-a-ball before whole story of RCB this sea-
also expected to come up hitting two sixes late in his son,” he said in dejection.
for discussion. innings, consuming 33 balls Kohli, who took 33 balls for
for his 41. Had it not been for his 41 runs after largely going
Amir’s World Cup Kohli and Moeen Ali’s contri- a-run-a-ball, said he had no
selection in doubt butions, RCB would have option to play in that fashion.
Mohammad Amir’s been in deep trouble. Ali hit “The wicket was tough.
World Cup selection an 18-ball 32. Delhi Capitals captain Shreyas Iyer in action during his knock of 67 against Royal Challengers Bangalore in Bengaluru on Sunday —BCCI When AB got out, I had to an-
was thrown into uncer- South Africa paceman chor the innings. Stoinis was
tainty after captain Sar- Kagiso Rabada (4/21) ac- good, Akshdeep was good too. RCB’s Virat Kohli reacts as he walks
faraz Ahmed expressed counted for four RCB bats-
n zone When one senior batsman back to the pavilion after being

concerns over the expe- men to lead Delhi’s bowling No. of runs Virat 20 matches, the second most by a gets out, it’s important for the dismissed on Sunday —AFP
rienced left-arm pacer’s attack, which also comprised Kohli has scored single player against any opponent other senior to anchor. I
inability to take wickets Chris Morris (2/28), Axar Pa- against Delhi in the IPL. Suresh Raina’s 803 wasn’t happy getting out at your chances better. Shreyas
in ODIs. “When your tel (1/22) and Sandeep Lam- Capitals (or Delhi Daredevils as runs against Mumbai Indians the stage, could’ve made 25-30 made 67, he was dropped on
main strike bowler is ichhane (1/46). they were known until last year) in tops the list more for the team if I was eight. You never know,
not taking wickets regu- Shreyas Iyer, then, played still there till the end, but felt could’ve come into the game
larly obviously it causes
concern to the captain,”
a captain’s knock, making a
50-ball 67 to guide Delhi Capi-
SCOREBOARD 160 was a good score.”
Talking about poor field-
that time.”
Looking forward, Kohli
Sarfaraz told a televi- tals to a comfortable win, RCB vs DC, Match No. 20, Venue: M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bengaluru; Toss: DC, elect to bowl ing of his side which has now said his side needs to needs
sion channel. Since the bringing their IPL campaign RCB R B 4/6 SR DC (tgt 137) R B 4/6 SR dropped 15 chances, Kohli relax and accept whatever
Champions Trophy fi- back on track. P Patel c L’chhane b Morris 9 9 1/0 100.00 P Shaw c Nath b Negi 28 22 5/0 127.27 hinted pressure is playing in comes “in front of us”.
nal at the Oval in 2017 Iyer anchored the chase V Kohli c Iyer b Rabada 41 33 1/2 124.24 S Dhawan c Saini b Southee 0 1 0/0 0.00 players’ mind. “There’s nothing more you
when he produced a with some crucial partner- de Villiers c Ingram b Rabada 17 16 1/1 106.25 S Iyer c Chahal b Saini 67 50 8/2 134.00 “When the mind is clut- can tell the team. We’ve asked
match-winning spell of ships as Delhi overhauled the DC’s Kagiso Rabada (C) celebrates in Bengaluru on Sunday —BCCI M Stoinis c Tewatia b Patel 15 17 0/1 88.23 C Ingram lbw b Ali 22 21 2/1 104.76 tered, you wouldn’t be able to the boys to take responsibili-
3/16, Amir, 26, has taken target with 7 balls to spare. M Ali st Pant b Lamichhane 32 18 1/3 177.77 R Pant c Southee b Siraj 18 14 2/0 128.57 focus on the chances that ty. It hasn’t happened so far,
only five wickets in 14 Iyer smashed eight fours come your way. When you and that’s the reality. Need to
HOW THEY STAND A Nath c Pant b Rabada 19 12 4/0 158.33 C Morris c de Villiers b Saini 0 3 0/0 0.00
ODIs including going
wicketless in nine of
and two sixes in his knock that
helped Delhi grab the fifth
Six meter TEAM M W L T P NRR
P Negi c Pant b Rabada 0 1 0/0 0.00
T Southee (not out) 9 9 0/0 100.00
A Patel (not out)
R Tewatia (not out)
4 1 1/0 400.00
1 2 0/0 50.00
have clarity, you can take play expressive cricket.” —PTI

12 5 7
them. “I can’t say place in the points table, snap- KKR 5 4 1 0 8 1.058 MD Siraj lbw b Morris 1 5 0/0 20.00 Extras (LB 5, W6, NB1) 12
whether he (Amir) will ping a two-match losing streak
CSK 5 4 1 0 8 0.159
Y Chahal (not out) 1 1 0/0 100.00 Total (for 6 wkts, 18.5 ov) 152 (8.07 runs per over) Orange cap Purple cap
be in the World Cup where they lost to Kings XI Extras (LB1, W3, NB1) 5 Fall of wickets: 1-1 (S Dhawan, 0.3 ov), 2-69 (PP Shaw,
squad or not but our Punjab and Sunrisers Hy- SRH 5 3 2 0 6 1.000 Total (for 9 wkts, 20ov) 149 (7.45 runs per over) 8.2 ov), 3-108 (CA Ingram, 13.1 ov), 4-145 (SS Iyer, 17.3 David Warner Kagiso Rabada
minds are clear about derabad in the last two games. MI 5 3 2 0 6 0.342 Fall of wickets: 1-16 (Patel, 1.6 ov), 2-40 (de Villiers, ov), 5-145 (CH Morris, 17.6 ov), 6-147 (RR Pant, 18.2 ov) (SRH) (DC)
5.6 ov), 3-66 (Stoinis, 10.4 ov), 4-103 (Ali, 14.3 ov), 5-133 Bowling: T Southee 2-0-24-1 (W2), N Saini 4-0-24-2 (W1,
279 11 wickets
our plans and when the Chasing 150 to win, Iyer England all-rounder Ali
squad is announce eve- forged a 68-run partnership came to the crease and sud- DC 6 3 3 0 6 0.131 (Kohli, 17.1 ov), 6-137 (Nath, 17.3 ov), 7-138 (Negi, 17.6 NB1), Y Chahal 4-0-36-0 (W2), P Negi 3-0-27-1 (W1), Md
ov), 8-142 (Siraj, 18.6 ov) Siraj 1.5-0-14-1, M Ali 4-0-22-1
ryone will know,” with opener Prithvi Shaw (28) denly batting looked easy. He KXIP 5 3 2 0 6 -0.094
Ahmed added. after Shikhar Dhawan was pulled and drove with ease. Ali Bowling: I Sharma 4-0-31-0 (W1), C Morris 4-0-28-2 Result: DC win by 4 wickets Jonny Bairstow (SRH)  262 Yuzvendra Chahal (RCB) 9
RR 5 1 4 0 2 -0.848
dismissed by Tim Southee in spoilt Ishant’s figures, hitting (W1, NB1), K Rabada 4-0-21-4 (W1), A Patel 4-0-22-1, S Man of the match: Kagiso Rabada Shreyas Iyer (DC)  215 Shreyas Gopal (RR) 8
Women’s U-23 the third ball of the innings. him for a six and a four. —PTI RCB 6 0 6 0 0 -1.453 Lamichhane 4-0-46-1
squads named
Harleen Deol, Sushree

Smith’s 73* in vain as Knights crush Royals

Dibyadarshini and Devi-
ka Vaidya will lead the
India Red, India Green
Match No. 22, Venue: PCA IS Bindra Stadium, Mohali
and India Blue teams, re-
spectively, at the U-23
Women’s One Day Chal-
Live on Star Sports 1, 2, 1 Hindi, 8pm
lenger Trophy to be Teams look to return to winning ways RR vs KKR, Match No. 21, Venue: Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Jaipur, Toss: KKR, elect to bowl
played in Ranchi from DNA Correspondent RR R B 4/6 SR KKR (tgt 140) R B 4/6 SR
April 20 to 24. KXIP: Lying fifth in the SRH: Top-heavy SRH seek
Squads: India Red: Har- points table, KXIP Team to sort their middle- A Rahane lbw b Krishna 5 7 1/0 71.42 C Lynn c Midhun b Gopal 50 32 6/3 156.25
leen Deol (C), R Kalpana will look to return to News order woes, which fell flat Jaipur: Openers Sunil Nar- J Buttler c Gill b Gurney 37 34 5/1 108.82 S Narine c Smith b Gopal 47 25 6/3 188.00
(WK), S Meghana, Ridhi- winning ways. Kings against MI. While pacers ine and Chris Lynn negated S Smith (not out) 73 59 7/1 123.72 R Uthappa (not out) 26 16 1/2 162.50
XI hope for Chris Gayle to have been decent, spin duo of R Tripathi c Chawla b Gurney 6 8 0/0 75.00 S Gill (not out) 6 10 0/0 60.00
ma Aggarwal, Ruzu whatever tricky situation the
retun to form and others Rashid Khan and Mohammad B Stokes (not out) 7 14 0/0 50.00 Extras (LB8, W3) 11
Saha, Tejal Hasabnis, CH pitch posed to share a 91-run
Extras (LB5, W4, NB2) 11 Total (for 2 wkts, 13.5 ov) 140 (10.12 runs per over)
Jhansilakshmi, Renuka have to shoulder Nabi have been impressive in stand and power Kolkata
Total (for 3 wkts, 20 ov) 139 (6.95 runs per over) Fall of wickets: 1-91 (Narine, 8.3 ov), 2-114 (Lynn,
Chaudhary, Tejaswini responsibility middle overs Knight Riders to an eight-
Fall of wickets: 1-5 (Rahane, 1.1 ov), 2-77 (Buttler, 11.5 10.5 ov)
Duragad, Arundhati wicket win over Rajasthan ov), 3-105 (Tripathi, 15.4 ov) Bowling: D Kulkarni 3-0-31-0 (W1), K Gowtham 1-0-22-0,
Reddy, Shanti Kumari, Royals here on Sunday. Bowling: P Chawla 4-0-19-0, MP Krishna 4-0-35-1 (W2, J Archer 3-0-14-0, S Gopal 4-0-35-2, S Midhun 2-0-27-0
Devyani Prasad, Suman Sarfaraz Key Mohammed With this win, KKR move
Khan contest Nabi NB2), S Narine 4-0-22-0 (W1), K Yadav 4-0-33-0, H Gurney (W1), B Stokes 0.5-0-3-0 (W1)
Meena to the top of the table with 4-0-25-2 (W1) Result: KKR win by 8 wickets
India Green: Sushree eight points and pip Chennai KKR’s Chris Lynn during his knock of 50 against RR on Sunday —
­ BCCI Man of the match: Harry Gurney
Dibyadarshini (C), Shiva- KXIP’s leading scorer with 165 runs has found touch and can look Super Kings on a better net
li Shinde (WK), Priya Pu- dangerous. But, he has to contend among other things, off-spinner run rate. Earlier, Australian bats- for his involvement in the Sawai Mansingh stadium, runs from the next 10 overs
nia, Yastika Bhatia, Nabi who SRH’s most successful bowler with 7 scalps After restricting RR to man Steve Smith scored an infamous ball-tampering the runs were a premium as with Smith scoring the bulk
Ayushi Garg, Drishya IV, 139/3, KKR reached the tar- unbeaten 73 to anchor Ra- scandal in South Africa, hit the ball did not come on to the of the runs. Rajasthan Royals
Ekta Singh, Radha Yadav, Played: 12, KXIP: 3, SRH: 9 get in the 14th over losing jasthan Royals innings. seven fours and one six in his bat easily. were immediately at the
Rashi Kanojia, Manali both Lynn and Narine. While Smith struck his first half unbeaten knock. He shared The stadium was also en- backfoot as soon as the match
Dakshini, Renuka Singh, Pitch Report: Pacers Weather Report: Thunder- Lynn, who was lucky when century of this IPL season 72 runs in 10.4 overs with gulfed by a sandstorm before started as Rahane was
usually have a good storm in the afternoon should
Akshaya A, S Anusha an inside edge off Dhawal after the home side were in- opener Jos Buttler (37) for the tie but the match started trapped leg before wicket by
outing here clear by the time match starts
India Blue: Devika Vaid- Kulkarni hit the bail but it vited to bat on a tricky track. the second wicket after cap- on time. Prasidh Krishna when the

ya (C), Nuzhat Parween Punter Point: Watchability quotient: (1-3: Forget it; did not dislodge off the The former Australia cap- tain Ajinkya Rahane was out The home side were 56/1 at scoreboard read just 5. But-
(WK), Shefali Verma, KXIP: 11/10, 4-7: If there is nothing else to watch; groove. Lynn completed his tain, who returned to com- cheaply for 5 in the second halfway stage but increased tler hit a couple of fours in
Simran, Tanushre SRH: 8/11 8 and above: try not to miss it) half-century while Narine petitive cricket last month over. the scoring rate at the back the fourth over bowled by
Sarkar, Prativa Rana, fell three short of it. after serving one-year ban On a slow track at the end of the innings to add 83 Krishna. —With PTI inputs
Minnu Mani, Tanuja

I don’t celebrate wickets, I celebrate wins, says MI sensation Joseph

Kanwar, C Pratyusha,
Simran Dil Bahadur,
Kshama Singh, Vrushali
Bhagat, Indrani Roy

on the tube DNA Correspondent

(All Live) the game for my team.”
Meanwhile, speaking to the
first game. So I just wanted to
go out and put all my effort We want to win as many games
as possible at the start: Rohit
Mumbai: IPL’s latest debu- media, Joseph described his into this team.
BASKETBALL tant, Alzarri Joseph, is a man record-breaking bowling ef- “The score doesn’t really
Sony ESPN of few words. The 22-year-old fort on his IPL debut as “unbe- matter. I just go out and put
06:30 NBA, Portland vs from Antigua just believes in lievable”. “Unbelievable. It’s a my best foot forward. You get Hyderabad: Traditionally a slow starter, Mumbai Indians
Denver his bowling performances great start. I don’t think I the information from the first skipper Rohit Sharma says he wants his team to win most
speak loud for him. could have asked for anything ball so you know what varia- of its initial matches this IPL season, as some of his play-
KABADDI After taking the best ever better. So I will really cherish tions you need to use.” Joseph ers will leave for World Cup preparations at the back-end.
Star Sports 2 & 1 Hindi IPL bowling figures 6/12 in this moment,” said Joseph. said the Hyderabad pitch was “We want to win as many games as possible at the start
17:00 Pro Kabaddi League 3.4 overs that helped Mumbai Defending 136/7, Joseph not the best one for shot-mak- because we know how hectic it gets in the end. A few of the
Player Auctions Indians defeat Sunrisers Hy- wreaked havoc with the ball to ing. “The pitch wasn’t the guys leaving for the World Cup doesn’t help either,” Shar-
derabad by 40 runs on Satur- bundle out Sunrisers for 96. easiest to play on. So 136 from ma said after his team’s victory over Sunrisers Hyderabad
CRICKET day night, the right-arm Joseph claimed the wickets of 120 balls, we knew we were in Saturday night. “We don’t want to be a team who starts off
Star Sports 1, 2, 1 Hindi pacer told his captain Rohit MI captain Rohit Sharma (L) takes selfie with man of the match Alzarri dangerman David Warner, Vi- for a game if we take some poorly.” Sharma was in awe of debutant Alzarri Joseph,
20:00 IPL, KXIP vs SRH Sharma that he did not cele- Joseph after their win in Hyderabad on Saturday —BCCI jay Shankar, Deepak Hooda, early wickets,” he said. who took 6/12. “It was a sensational bowling effort from
brate wickets but wins. Rashid Khan, Bhuvneshwar Stating that his sole aim is Alzarri, to bowl like this in first game. He’s come in with
FOOTBALL In a brief interview for just want to go through your To which, Joseph, whose Kumar and Siddharth Kaul to to help his side win the IPL a lot of confidence from the CPL and he’s carrying it here,”
Star Sports Select 1 & 2 Sharma asked his work in the middle. You don’t figures were also the best by hand Mumbai Indians their crown, Joseph said: “I play Sharma said. “We didn’t bat well to start with, kept losing
00:30 (Tue) Premier match-winner: “When you get excited too much when an IPL debutant replied brief- third win from five games. for. I play for wins. It’s a good wickets and we knew after a few overs that it wasn’t a 170-
League, Chelsea vs West talk of Caribbean players, you take wickets. You just ly: “I don’t celebrate wickets, Asked what was going on feeling but I want to win this 180 pitch. The pitch was under covers for a day, it was rain-
Ham there’s a lot of excitement. want to keep it cool and calm I celebrate wins. My aim isn’t his mind before his debut tournament,” he said. ing as well and the wicket was a bit sticky,” he said. —PTI
You seem to be very quiet. You and focus on the job at hand...” just to take wickets but win match, he said: “It was my  —With PTI inputs
sP rt I I I
Ahmedabad I Monday, April 8, 2019 I daily news & analysis

Hot on Heels
Back in national reckoning after long absence, Junior Hockey WC-winning skipper talks about dealing with instant fame

Of Harjeet’s
Playoff-hungry mother to tell her that my
Nets topple Bucks starte People
name is back in the list, she
was relieved and happy, and
Joe Harris sank the go- withi d talki so was my father.
ahead three-pointer with
even n my clo ng, from “They told me,
outsi se cir

rise, fall &

84 seconds left as the ‘Thoda dhyaan rakh
Brooklyn Nets’ playoff
‘Harj de. Log cle and ke khel na, dobara
push got a boost with a
eet ka bolte mauka mila hai
133-128 win over the Mil-
b khe the, (you’ve got another
wapa l
s?’ ega
waukee Bucks on Satur- chance, play careful-
day. The Nets used a bal- ly now). Don’t let it go
anced attack to beat the waste’. My mother, fa-

second chance
shorthanded Bucks as ther and brother all told
eight players scored in me the same thing, ‘Forget
double figures. They whatever has happened in
also drained 19 three- the past and begin a new jour-
pointers. Brooklyn im- ney’,” Harjeet said.
proved to 40-40 on the Working on his game at
NBA season to move Frequent talks with the Surjit Academy over the
into a tie with the Orlan- Harendra would also reinstill past year, Harjeet promises to
do Magic for sixth place Rutvick Mehta his belief. be back fitter, a more refined
in the Eastern Confer- “I spoke to Harendra sir a player and eager to start a
ence standings. I’d look at photos from those (WC) days and month ago, and he told me, fresh chapter while not bask-
Mumbai: A day after the ‘Keep working hard, you will ing in the glory of his illustri-
Kumar appointed memorable night of Decem- feel good about myself. Just staring at those come back’,” Harjeet said. ous old one.
Haryana coach
Haryana Steelers said
ber 18, 2016, when India lifted
the 2016 Men’s Junior Hock-
photos would instill so much positivity in me New opportunity,
“Whatever mistakes I have
made before, I don’t want to
Rakesh Kumar, one of ey World Cup at home, a fresh chapter repeat them,” Harjeet said.
India’s most decorated photo of captain Harjeet However, not everyone “It’s a new chapter for me,
Kabaddi players, as the Singh sleeping while clutch- around him was as opti- and it will be a little different
franchise’s head coach ing the trophy went viral on Difficult to handle lull his beloved mistic as him and his for- for me this time because I’ve
ahead of the Pro Kabad- social media. after WC euphoria World Cup-win- mer coach. been out for a year. So, I feel
di League season. Kumar The soft-spoken boy, all of Patience can come at a pre- ning coach and axed sen- “My family was really wor- it might be a bit difficult for
was the most expensive 20 then, said he never wanted mium for any aspirational ior national coach, Harendra ried. They do not know much me as things might have
player in the inaugural to part ways with the trophy, young sportsperson, let Singh, echoed in his ears. about hockey, and they changed.
edition of the league, the same kind of attachment alone one who has tasted in- “Harendra sir used to tell couldn’t understand why “But what hasn’t changed
where he was picked up he felt while playing hockey stant fame. us, ‘Joh bhi hamare haath their son was kept out of the is my love for hockey, and
by the Patna Pirates as for his country. Hailing from Kurali, a mein nahi hai uske baare team,” Harjeet said. that will help me adjust to it,”
the team’s captain for But life isn’t always a sweet small district in Mohali, Har- mein socho mat’ (‘Don’t think “But now when I called my he added.
the season. He has dream, as Harjeet would soon jeet grew up in a humble about things that aren’t in
played 55 matches in the wake up to realise. background, with his father a your control’). So, after a
PKL, earning 260 points Promoted to the senior na- truck driver. point, I realised there was no
through the first five sea- tional set-up to test the Pun- The kid took a liking to point in thinking about what
sons of the league and jab youngster’s mettle, Har- hockey, while the talent was people talk about me,” Har-
this will be Kumar’s first jeet couldn’t replicate the groomed at the famed Surjit jeet said.
coaching stint. spark he showed while lead- Academy in Jalandhar. His
ing the India colts. promising hockey career be- Finding comfort in
Football league The midfielder was not gan to take shape, and it shot past glory
irked by racism only dropped from the squad to life during the 2016 Junior What also helped Harjeet was
Angry English Football but also pushed into oblivion World Cup when Harjeet reliving his glory days to find
League chiefs have con- barely months after he quenched the thirst of the some solace in darkness, like
demned a fresh outburst turned into Indian hockey’s country’s hockey fans by merely staring at that image
of alleged racism in sev- overnight sensation. leading India to a World Cup where he is hugging the
eral matches this week- Out of the national team’s triumph in Lucknow. World Cup.
end. Championship side periphery for more than a The shy boy made head- “Whatever I achieved in
Brentford confirmed a year, Harjeet’s fall was as lines everywhere — of his the past, like with the junior
season-ticket holder was steep and dramatic as his rise. rags to riches tale, of him team, I would think about it,
arrested following a On Sunday, however, he making tea for his team- look back at those days. I
claim of abuse by Derby took the first step towards mates, of him being the soul would just look at photo-
midfielder Duane Holm- climbing the long ladder of a successful squad. graphs from those days and
es in Saturday’s 3-3 draw once again. Harjeet has been Why, there was even a Pun- feel good about myself. Just
at Griffin Park. Wigan, named among the 60 proba- jabi movie made based on his staring at those memorable
also in the second tier, bles for a month-long senior life, titled Harjeeta, which photos would instill so much This picture of captain Harjeet Singh sleeping with the 2016 Junior Hockey
have reported a sicken- men’s national training camp released in May last year. positivity in me,” he said. World Cup trophy went viral on social media after India lifted the trophy
ing message was sent to to be held in Bengaluru from However, the noise around Despite being upbeat,
wing-back Nathan By- Monday. The list will be him quickly made way for an there was a fear that Harjeet
rne on social media to pruned to 33 after a selection eerie silence. might go the Unmukt Chand ‘Need to establish potential in trials’
the police. trial on April 20. “I found all that a bit too way, another junior World
For now, though, the difficult to handle,” Harjeet Cup-winning captain who A total of 60 probables have been named for the senior men’s
Malaysian golfer 23-year-old Harjeet is happy said. “I had won a World Cup was touted as the next big national camp which begins at the Sports Authority of India centre
dies in hotel room just to be back in the national not too long ago, and soon I thing in Indian cricket but in Bengaluru on Monday. Apart from Harjeet Singh, his junior Indian
Malaysian professional reckoning. was also out of the team and has since faded away. teammates Santa Singh, Vikramjit Singh, Dipsan Tirkey, Manpreet
golfer Arie Irawan has “It has been a long wait,” nowhere near the radar. “Yes, sometimes I would go (Junior) and Armaan Qureshi, who were not part of the previous
died at the age of 28 in Harjeet told DNA from Delhi, “People started talking, into a negative space of mind, national camp, too have been selected. “While most of the senior
China where he was pumped about heading to the from within my close circle thinking why am I not making players from the previous 33 core probable group have made it to
competing in the Sanya Sports Authority of India and even outside. Log bolte the cut. Pata nahi tha ki aisa this list, they are aware that they need to establish their potential
Championship. A PGA centre in Bengaluru. the, ‘Harjeet kab khelega wa- bhi ho sakta hai (I didn’t know during the trials to ensure they are picked in the final list of
Tour statement said “I’m really happy to be pas?’ (People would talk, things could go this way). But players, who will stay on till May 5,” said Hockey India’s high
Irawan was found dead given another chance. It has ‘when will Harjeet play then I realised that is life. I performance director David John. “No one’s place in the team
in his hotel room on the been more than a year that I again?’). I found that really would think, kabhi toh mauka is guaranteed and this group is highly competitive with some
resort island of Hainan have waited for this. Now I’m hard to deal with,” he added. milega (I’ll get a chance some fresh young talent who are expected to add depth.”
on Sunday morning. excited to go back,” he added. That’s when the words of day),” Harjeet said.
“Early indications his
death was from natural

Atletico see red as Messi, Suarez fire Barca

causes. The coroner has the wall at camp nou
not completed his re-
port,” the PGA Tour
statement said.
Barcelona: Barcelona in- followed by Suarez with 20.
n zone creased their La Liga lead to Both also scored late goals on

No. of goals Lionel Messi a commanding 11 points after Tuesday to salvage a 4-4 draw
has scored in La Liga, Lionel Messi and Luis Su- at Villarreal.
1 leading the list of most
goal-scorers this season. He is fol-
arez scored late goals in a 2-0
win over 10-man Atletico Ma-
Barcelona, who have also
reached the final of the Copa
lowed by Luiz Suarez with 20 drid on Saturday. del Rey, increased their chanc-
“We know that that we es of a domestic double with

Messi and Suarez have now have taken not one, but two seven rounds remaining.
scored 4 of Barcelona’s last 6
2 goals including 2 late goals to
steps (toward the title),” Su-
arez said.
Atletico needed a win to real-
istically keep alive their
salvage a 4-4 draw at Villarreal in Second-placed title chances in the
their previous game Atletico played one league and salvage a
man down for more disappointing sea-
did you know? than an hour after Die- son. Indian cricket legend Rahul Dravid (C) is presented a Barcelona jersey as
3 Barcelona’s Luis Suarez (bottom) celebrates his goal with teammates
Lionel Messi has won 335
matches in La Liga, the most
go Costa earned a di-
rect red card in the 28th
Manchester Unit-
ed manager Ole Gun-
he visited Camp Nou to watch the Catalans beat Atletico Madrid 2-0 in their
La Liga match on Saturday —twitter/@FCBarcelona
during their match against Atletico Madrid at Camp Nou —AFP by any player in the league minute, when the refer- nar Solskjaer watched
ee said the Spain striker in- the match in person, before
barcelona also insulted referee, fumes Simeone sulted him with expletives the Spanish club visits Old

Atletico Madrid coach Diego Simeone cursed his side’s bad luck
with refereeing decisions in games against Barcelona after Diego
for not calling an alleged
Suarez finally beat goal-
Trafford on Wednesday for
the first leg of their Champi-
ons League quarterfinal.
Pep calls quadruple
bid ‘impossible’
Costa was sent off. Costa was shown a straight red card in the keeper Jan Oblak with a Barcelona, however, had a
28th minute for a verbal outburst at referee Jesus Gil Manzano, curling shot from outside difficult time in making good
who said in his report that the striker had made a derogatory the area that went in off the on its extra man.
comment about his mother. “I asked the referee if what he said post in the 85th minute. Mes- “We improved in the sec-
was so bad because we have seen Barca players do the same si added a second goal a min- ond half. We were threaten- London: Manchester City
thing, saying things right in the referee’s face and they did not get ute later. ing their area but their goalie manager Pep Guardiola in-
Send in your answers to sent off, they got away with it,” Simeone said. “If Costa really said Messi and Suarez have Oblak was incredible,” Bar- sisted completing a quadru- Names what the referee claims he did then he was correctly sent off, but fueled Barcelona’s quest to celona coach Ernesto Val- ple of trophies is still “al-
of the first 10 winners will be Gerard Pique (L) confronts Diego we must be doing something wrong as we have had seven players defend their league title all verede said. —AP most impossible” for the
published tomorrow Costa after his red card —AFP sent off in 11 games.” season long. Messi leads the Stopwatch: Barcelona 2 (Suarez English champions despite
competition with 33 goals, 85, Messi 86) bt Atletico Madrid 0 progressing to the FA Cup
final with a 1-0 win over
Brighton on Saturday.

Sathiyan secures WC Arsenal upbeat about top 4 despite loss

Gabriel Jesus’s solitary
early goal was enough as City
failed to hit top gear against Manchester City’s Gabriel Jesus

berth after finishing 6th Everton: Unai Emery said

Arsenal remain in control of
math at Goodison Park.
“I think generally we are n zone
the Seagulls, but still
stretched an incredible run
to 22 wins in 23 games.
(R) is tackled by Brighton’s Martin
Montoya in London —AFP

Yokohama: India’s G Sathi- win at the Challenge Plus the race for Champions well. I don’t think; ‘today we No. of shots Arsenal attempted in the first half, their fewest Guardiola’s men will re- possible to win the quadru-
yan booked a berth at the Oman Open, the world No. 21 League qualification after lost and we are very bad’. It in the first half of a Premier League game since May 2016 turn to Wembley to face ei- ple,” said Guardiola. “Sur-
World Cup after finishing Lin seemed far superior than another disappointing away was a bad result, not a good against Manchester City ther Watford or Wolves on viving in this stage of the
sixth in the ITTF-ATTU the 26-year-old Indian. performance saw his side performance today, but we May 18 for what they hope competitions is already a
Asian Cup in positions 5-8 The left-hander was at his lose 1-0 at Everton on are fourth,” Emery will be the chance to clinch miracle.
match here on Sunday. usual best and quickly took Sunday. said after the game. the first ever domestic treble “Still we are there. That’s
Sathiyan, who had the first game. Sathiyan man- Phil Jagielka, only “Before, I knew it in English football history. why it’s incredible what
stunned world No. 14 Chun aged a few more points in the drafted into Everton’s was going to be diffi- City trail Liverpool by two these players have done.
Ting Wong of Hong Kong on next two games but Lin, ex- starting line-up at the cult. After this result, points in the Premier League “Every game we lose play-
Saturday, couldn’t produce ploiting the angles well, last minute, scored I am thinking the title race but have a game in ers but that is normal when
his best against the 17-year- mounted the attack to put the game’s only goal as same,” the Arsenal hand and retained the League you play a lot of games. We
old Lin Yun-Ju of Chinese pressure on the Indian. Arsenal extended their boss added. Cup in February. are going to try until the end
Taipei, who notched up a 11-4 The world No. 28 Indian wretched record as the only Everton had already But ahead of the first leg every game.”
11-8 11-8 14-12 win to finish could have taken a game from club in the top four divisions threatened from one of Lucas of their Champions League Brighton were left to rue a
fifth. the Taipei’s No. 2 paddler as of English football not to Digne’s long throw-ins before quarter-final at Tottenham controversial decision not to
Despite the defeat in the he had two game points in the have kept a clean sheet on the full-back delivered the on Tuesday, Guardiola in- send off Kyle Walker just af-
positions match, Sathiyan fourth set, but the wily teen- their travels this season. set-piece that led to Jagiel- sisted it will still require a ter the half-hour mark for a
sealed a spot at the World Cup ager pocketed it to push But Arsenal boss Emery, ka’s opening goal on 10 min- “miracle” to claim all four clash with Alireza Jahan-
to be held in Chengdu, China, Sathiyan, who is competing while conceding his team utes. —AFP trophies. bakhsh. —AFP
from October 18 to 20. in his first Asian Cup, to the had played badly, tried to re- Stopwatch: Everton 1 (Jagielka “I will announce you Stopwatch: Manchester City 1
Fresh from his recent title sixth spot. —PTI main positive in the after- 10) bt Arsenal 0 Arsenal’s Aaron Ramsey (R) vies with Everton’s Idrissa Gueye —AFP something. It is almost im- (Jesus 4) bt Brighton 0


Nimrat Kaur is having a blast in Casablanca, where she’s filming Homeland finale. “People
Mumbai on are loving and the culture is close to ours. Language is a problem, as most speak in Arabic or
French,” says the actress, who gets homesick on days. “I miss my food, friends and Mumbai
Nimrat’s mind and can’t wait to come back,” she adds. Nimrat will be back during a break from the shoot,
around end-April, “I’ll get back to shooting in June. I look forward to coming back for a bit.”

ArtistEs first

SRK offered Pari’s role similar for Ranveer

Inspector Ghalib to Alia’s? Only they will get credit in the music videos
launched by the actor’s record label

anveer Singh recently
launched his
independent record
label IncInk with
filmmaker-musician Navzar
Eranee. The actor announced
that his passion project will
strive to discover future
superstars of the music
world and showcase them to
a global audience. Soon, they
dropped their first music
video titled Zeher and
presented young rapper
Kaam Bhaari to India. When
Zeher was uploaded on
streaming platforms, it didn’t
have Ranveer’s credit. It just
focussed on Kaam Bhaari as
he was the creator of the
music. So, it became obvious
that the Gully Boy hero
was putting artistes at the
“Ranveer is using his
superstardom to bring focus
to these raw musicians of
our country. Even in the
music video, he didn’t sing,
but just did a cameo strategi-
In Bhuj: The cally, so that more people dis-
cover the track and watch
Pride Of India, Kaam Bhaari. It’s incredible
Parineeti Chopra
Parineeti plays an to see the focus on talent and Ranveer Singh
Alia Bhatt the entire music industry has
important character noticed this,” revealed a
— of a femme fatale

music industry source.
Shah Rukh Khan
ost the success of Akshay Kumar-starrer
Kesari, in which she had a small role,
Heena Rehman —
Parineeti Chopra has two new projects who works for the Ranveer is using his superstardom to bring focus to these raw
lined up. While she has replaced Indian Government musicians of our country. Even in Zeher’s music video, he didn’t
Shraddha Kapoor in ace shuttler Saina
A source sing, but just did a cameo strategically A source

Nehwal’s biopic, the Namaste England actress
t seems the debacle of Zero has got Shah Rukh Khan will reportedly play a spy in Bhuj: The Pride Of
rethinking about his career. Earlier this year, he opted out India, starring Ajay Devgn.
of Saare Jahaan Se Accha, the biopic on astronaut Rakesh A source tells us that Pari’s role will be on
Sharma. While there’s no official announcement of the the lines of Alia Bhatt’s character from Raazi.

Salman takes
superstar’s next movie, it is reported that he might act in a “Parineeti plays an important character — of a
web series, which he will also produce for an international femme fatale Heena Rehman — who works for
streaming platform with whom he has inked a lucrative deal. the Indian Government and passes information
Meanwhile, among the several scripts that he’s said to be about Pakistan’s attack plans,” says our

on land mafia
reading, one of them is reportedly Madhur Bhandarkar’s informer, adding, “This is similar to what
Inspector Ghalib. The gritty action drama revolves around Alia did as Sehmat in the Meghna Gulzar
the sand-mining mafia. The Indu Sarkar director has directorial.” Given that Alia continues to win
allegedly approached SRK to play the title role. laurels for her performance, it remains to be
seen how Pari pulls it off.

in Dabangg 3

‘We are always

teasing each other’ A
fter Hrs was the first to report that unlike
the first two installments, Dabangg 3
owes its inspiration to real life. Even
though Salman Khan has begun filming
as Chulbul Pandey in Maheshwar (the jurisdic-
Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor Khan talk about tion of his grandfather, Abdul Rashid Khan as
DIG of the then Indian Imperial Police), the new

reuniting on screen after a decade with Good News movie is based on exploits of the former cop
from his tenure in North Indian cities like
House of Pixels Noida and Ghaziabad.
A source privy to the screenplay reveals that
this Prabhudheva directorial sees supercop
Chulbul Pandey take on the land mafia. “Some
years ago, land-grabbing by the mafia, who had
political clout and financial muscle, made
headlines. This particular police officer had
taken on them, knowing the implications of
their political connections,” says our informer,
adding, “How this cop dealt with the land
mafia is the basis of the story of
Dabangg 3.”

Salman Khan

khushi and
Janhvi fight
over clothes!
he Kapoor khandaan “Khushi is righteous and
is known for their even for sharing clothes,
mad cap histrionics she is like, ‘You can’t take
and bonding. them without asking me’.
Kareena Kapoor Khan Producer Boney Kapoor Otherwise there is no ri-
and late superstar actress valry but this taking each
Akshay Kumar Sridevi’s kids Janhvi other’s’ clothes without
The best part Kapoor and Khushi telling is a big issue. But
about working Kapoor are almost she is my fashion censor.
inseparable. While Janhvi She has the best sense of
Nayandeep Rakshit ‘Working with and emotions for all ages.”
with Akshay is that made her foray into Bolly- fashion from us all.”
Akshay is fun’ he doesn’t waste

Ask her how he is on the wood last year, Khushi is Janhvi also spilled
kshay Kumar and Bebo is all smiles about sets and pat comes the time. So, we go on still preparing herself for some beans about the fun
Kareena Kapoor pairing up with Akki response. the big launch. Recently, and active WhatsApp
Khan have not again. She says, “Akshay is “Working with him is set, wrap up and the Dhadak heroine shot group that consists of all
only been part of one of the most dedicated always fun. The best part I can head home to an episode for the second the Kapoor cousins. She
several successful projects and disciplined stars that is that he doesn’t waste season of Feet Up With the shared what actually goes
but also share an amazing we have. We haven’t worked time. So, we go on set, wrap be with my son, Stars in which she down in that group and
equation off screen. in a film for the longest up and I can head home to Taimur revealed the biggest rea- how each one of them is a
When we spoke to both time and now Good News is be with my son, Taimur,” son behind her fights with different character in their
of them recently, they happening. It’s an exciting she laughs. Kareena Kapoor Khan, her younger sibling. own right.
opened up about their project for us to be a part actress Khushi Kapoor and Janhvi Kaooor
camaraderie. of. It has the right humour Contd on P13

Disclaimer: Note to reader: Some of the content/coverage that appear in our special ‘feature’ page/s may be paid for by the concerned brands. Such page/s will be appropriately declared as ‘features pages’ (e.g. reader engagement feature, etc.)
Etc daily news & analysis
Ahmedabad I Monday, April 8, 2019
Contd from P12
‘Our equation has get mementos from shoot
remained the same’
‘akshay’s extremely
ajid Nadiadwala’s Chhichhore, which had its
last shooting schedule in Mumbai, wrapped up
yesterday. Director Nitesh Tiwari and team
ended it with a song shoot that had all the
eight actors led by Sushant Singh Rajput and Shrad-
loving and dha Kapoor in it. The track was filmed over five days.
well-mannered’ On their last day, the chhichhoras of the movie were
given a token of appreciation from the production
Kareena feels that Akshay house’s marketing team. A source from the sets says,
has evolved a lot since their “The goodies majorly consisted of souvenirs and
last film together, Kambak- customised diaries. They were given certificates for
kht Ishq (2009). “He has completing the shoot along with a few utility items
grown fantastically as an ac- that included personalised hoodies, bookmarks, sip-
tor. If you see in the last few pers and laptop sleeves. Lastly, the most special
years, it has been higher item was the slam book in which all the actors
than anybody else. It’s also had penned down their thoughts about each oth-
because of the way he func- er. These were not luxury products but memen-
tions. But otherwise, he’s tos which they will keep with them.
hardly changed as a person.
He’s extremely loving and
‘Working with Kareena Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor Khan
has been a lovely
Akshay, too, heaps praises them. But I have never done ades now. “Whenever we
on his co-star. The a full-length feature film meet — whether it’s on a film
National Award-winning with Kareena after she got set or an awards night — our
star smiles, “I’ve done many married. This is the first equation has remained the
films with Bebo and her sis- time. But nothing has same. We are extremely fond
ter Lolo (Karisma changed.” of each other. Bebo and Lolo
Kapoor). In my entire tease me about the amount
career, I’ve done around 12- ‘We have a lot of of money I’m making and I
13 films every year. That’s fun banter’ tease them about having a
quite a lot. Most of them Akki shares that his friend- flat in every building in Ban-
Sushant Singh Rajput The hamper that was given to the actors Shraddha Kapoor
have been hits. It has always ship with the Kapoor sisters dra. That’s our fun banter,”
been lovely working with has lasted for over two dec- he laughs.

pick your brain crossword hidato Baby Blues

Down (5)
1 A theatre or 19 Acrid (7)
concert hall 20 Intensity or
- “do one” might (5)
anagram ? (5) 21 Pranks (5)
2 To do with 23 Direct path (7)
sight (7) 24 Move rest-
4 Bloody (4) lessly (6)
5 Hateful (6) 25 Brood of
6 Keyboard pheasants (3)
instrument (5) 27 Inspire anew
7 Song of the (5)
past (5) 28 Sports groups
9 Psychic power (5)
(3) 30 Flower part (5) The Pajama Dairies
12 Freezing 32 Small casks
mixture (7) (4)
14 Curved line (3) 33 London,
16 Head wrap (5) Midland and
17 Look fixedly at Scottish (3)

Across ornamental shapes (7) 29 Please your ___ and plague

3 Eskimo home (5) 15 Desert haven (5) your heart ? (3)
8 Expert (5) 18 Shed tears (3) 31 Alleviated (5)
10 Drily amusing (5) 19 Small basket for berries (6) 32 Sounded a bell (7) The goal of Hidato is to fill the grid
11 Superlative suffix (3) 21 Gold coin of England (7) 34 Shoelace tip (5) with consecutive numbers that
12 ___ McDermott : Australian 22 Milky gem (4) 35 Little devil (3) connect horizontally, vertically, or
paceman of not so recent 23 A wild pig (4) 36 Burning gas (5) diagonally from first to the last
24 Pretended or concocted (7) 37 Retract (5) number in the grid. The first and last
past ? (5)
26 Complete fool (6) 38 Hoard (5) numbers of a puzzle and some other Tina’s Grove
13 Art of clipping shrubs into
numbers are already filled in.

spellathon How good is your vocabulary? Spell out sudoku

as many words of four or more letters
as you can from the letters in today’s To solve a Sudoku
diagram. In making a word, each letter puzzle, every digit
must be used only once and each word must appear once
must contain the letter in the centre. in: Each of the
There should be at least one nine-letter vertical columns;
word! Plurals, foreign words, and Each of the
proper nouns do not qualify. horizontal rows;
Rate yourself Each of the boxes.
20 Average; 22 Good; 24 Wow!


trace, trice


farce, fierce, race, react, recite, rice,


create, erect, face, facet, fact,

care, cart, cater, cite, craft, crate,
acre, cafe, CAFETERIA, carafe, carat,


Marjorie Orr
Your year ahead will be a time when cutting corners and going for easy fixes won’t work. You’ll need to work hard and be conscientious. With
IF IT’S YOUR perseverance you will gain the respect of the people who really matter. Your positive approach will be infectious so you’ll persuade others to join in.
BIRTHDAY TODAY Money will be up and down so saving when you have surplus will be a good idea. Success will come towards the year end and beyond.


Mar 21 - Apr 20 Apr 21 - May 20 May 21 - June 21 June 22 - July 23 July 24 - August 23 Aug 24 - Sep 23
You will be more protective of It’s a very upbeat day when you Your emotional responses will Try not to get unsettled if Other people may be You want to be flamboyant, to
those around at work or out in will want to communicate on a be more intense today. Influential things are not going precisely demanding a lot of you, so be in the spotlight. Clearly not a
the community. And the more much broader scale. There may people will be drawn into your as you want. You will tend to watch you don’t end up feeling day to be keeping your feelings
you give, the more everyone be messages coming in from orbit, but you need to tread softly react over-quickly to things, resentful. Don’t let them push to yourself. So go flirt, have
will think you are absolutely marvellous. abroad or from a distance away. You need and not say everything you think. Maybe you hearing slights where none exist. It’s a fact you too much. Where fitness and health are fun, play games with loved ones. Forget
You will also be questioning yourself about an escape route from dreary mates or are resentful about old obligations, whether of life that what we most dislike about concerned, you are in a phase when you will routine chores and duck out if you feel an
what you are doing with your life at the restrictive chores. You want pals as well over cash or other matters. Perhaps it ourselves is usually what we most dislike be aiming to regenerate your body. If you do order coming your way. Your attitude to
moment, and where you really want it to go as lovers now, nothing too intense or reminds you of the influence which others in other people. Instead of blaming close have ailments then you will find that giving lovers will be intense. If you have started a
in the future. Give yourself time to reflect claustrophobic will do. You do hold strong hold over you. You need to keep reminding mates you can choose to see them as a them prompt and sensible attention from new romance recently, it could be someone
and make decisions. You may have to sort views about certain matters but need to yourself that you can’t be an island unto mirror. Understand yourself, come to trusted professionals and sound remedies who is not entirely good for you. You can’t
through various different alternatives remember that what is true for you may yourself. There will always be ties, promises terms with what may not be as bad as you will result in improvements. Ignoring them live with them and you can’t live without
before you reach a satisfactory answer. not necessarily be true for someone else. and agreements which have to be honoured. think, and your interactions will improve. and hoping for the best just will not work. them.


Write to Sept 24 - October 22 Oct 23 - November 22 Nov 23 - Dec 22 Dec 23 - Jan 20 Jan 21 - Feb 19 Feb20 - March 20
Marjorie This is a good day to be You may be saying things to You will be very charming as Try not to overreact to other If you are around others too You may be dashing around
Orr self-protective and retreat into others in a way they don’t long as everything goes your people’s comments at the much, you’ll end up being different people, trying to sort
a private place, preferably at entirely understand. You don’t way, otherwise your stubborn moment. Sometimes you can subjected to their demands so out what they think about
with your
home. So much the better if come to any conclusions before side may show through. If you get yourself worked up about you might as well do what you things, getting confused as a
queries at you can manage to take the day off. But you speak, words just flow out like a flood. feel concerned about money, you can blame want to do for yourself. You’ll be surprised result. But at the end of it all you’ll be able
things that are not as important as you are
afterhrs@ even if you’re at work, you need some Whereas if you could stand back and be a Pluto which makes you think you aren’t doing making them out to be. Try to give yourself in the quiet moments how inspiration to come to your own judgements. Then
dnaindia. kind of protective niche where you can bit more sensible about things, it would well. Whereas in fact if you just push harder, some space to just wind down and be a bit suddenly hits you about things that seemed when the moment comes you’re ready to
net push away awkward people and hassles. help enormously. You have to watch a you could turn your situation around very more at peace if you possibly can. This could to have no answer. If you are feeling jangled say, “This is what’s going to work for the
www. You ’re in a long phase of transforming tendency to come across as self-righteous nicely. It’s well worth your while pushing be the right time to aim for any of the roads maybe you need to back away from certain future and where to commit my energy”.
star4cast. your inner emotional life. Slowly but surely or dogmatic in discussions. It’s not so yourself into doing boring paperwork. Once to personal enlightenment and development, people. You are susceptible to picking up Try not to live so much in your hopes for
com you want to move away from old patterns much what you say sometimes as the way you have that organised, you’ll be able to whether through yoga, psychological gloomy vibes which are nothing to do with the future that you forget to enjoy what you
of relating and behaving. you say it. Lighten up. Be less intense. spend with a clear conscience. understanding or even astrology. you. Find time to re-centre yourself. already have.
Our idea is to come together ... into a
new party that better reflects the second
eurosceptical views that unite us...
Now is our chance to unite the
country once and for all
—Matteo Salvini, Italian Deputy PM
14 I I I Ahmedabad I Monday, April 8, 2019 I daily news & analysis

‘Vote to Cong will give rise NGT slaps `100-cr fine

I have full faith
in my farmers:
on Andhra over mining
to terrorism & Naxalism’
TRS’ Kavitha
New Delhi: The National
Green Tribunal has slapped
an interim penalty of Rs 100

Votes given to TRS will strengthen hands of Owasi, warns UP CM Adityanath crore on the Andhra Pradesh
government for inaction to
prevent illegal sand mining
Hyderabad: Uttar Pradesh ties with all of them would in the state.
Chief Minister Yogi Adity- only ‘create a serious threat to A bench, headed by NGT
anath on Sunday said that a the security of the country as Chairperson Justice Adarsh
Sitting TRS MP K Kavitha vote given to the Congress in well as Telangana. Kumar Goel, directed the
the Lok Sabha elections He accused the previous chief secretary of Andhra
I have full faith in my would only strengthen terror- Congress-led UPA govern- Pradesh to forthwith prohibit
1 farmers. The 179
farmers entered the
ism, naxalism and separatist
forces and obstruct develop-
ment of “serving biryani” to
terrorists and saidthe Modi
all unregulated sand mining.
The green panel said it is the
fray for the April 11 Lok ment. Likewise, votes given to government on the other duty of the government to
Sabha elections as a mark of the ruling Telangana Rashtra hand, has shown resolve ‘with provide complete protection
protest, alleging that the rul- Samithi in Telangana would bullets’ in dealing with terror to the natural resources as a future generations,” the tute of Mines, Dhanbad, IIT
ing TRS had failed to ensure strengthen the hands of Asa- attacks. “The BJP leadership trustee of the public at large. bench said, in a recent order. Roorkee and Madras School
Minimum Support Price for duddin Owasi, heading the has shown that only bullets “Moreover, even a policy The tribunal directed the of Economics to undertake
turmeric and red jowar party’s ally AIMIM and his can be the answer to terror- to give free sand as welfare state government to deposit environment damage assess-
brother, he said. UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath at Peddapalli, Telangana, on Sunday — PTI ists, he said. Adityanath also measure cannot justify un- Rs 100 crore ‘environment ment within three months
The farmers who
2 are protesting and
contesting are sup-
In contrast, if voters chose
BJP, under the leadership of Addressing a public meet- ties which are dangerous’ to
alleged that the UPA govern-
ment ‘failed’ the armed forces
regulated mining unmindful
of impact on environment. If
compensation’ with the Cen-
tral Pollution Control Board
and furnish a report to this
Tribunal. “The chief secre-
Prime Minister Narendra ing at Peddapalli in support national security. “The re- by not allowing them to act in the course of mining, dam- within a month. tary may also prepare a re-
porters of the BJP and the Modi, they could be assured of BJP’s candidate, S Kumar, cently released Congress (against terrorists) and said age is caused, the same must It also constituted a com- port about the particulars of
Congress. Let them be in the that the party-led government Adityanath said both Con- manifesto certifies it while the hands of the scientists be recovered from such viola- mittee comprising Central the licences granted for sand
fray. Farmers in general are would ensure the country’s gress and TRS are with the AIMIM is known for its anti- were ‘tied’, unlike under the tors. Authorities cannot avoid Pollution Control Board, Min- mining in the whole state of
benefiting from the state’s comprehensive development, ‘anti-nationals’. national statements and Modi government when they their duty under the environ- istry of Environment, Forest Andhra Pradesh and estimat-
welfare schemes like Rythu prosperity and establish India He alleged that both par- acts,” he said, asserting that showed their prowess by de- mental law to restore the and Climate Change ed amount of sand extract-
Bandhu as a superpower, he said. ties were supporting activi- the alliances of these two par- veloping the A-Sat. —PTI damage which is a duty to (MoEF&CC), National Insti- ed,” the tribunal said. — PTI
Wait till results. You
3 will get to know. The
catch me 100 of 360
As BJP chants Phir ek baar...,
TRS swept recent
assembly polls and will
win handsomely in the Lok
Sabha polls as well nabbed Indian
Out out 17 parlia-
mentary constituen- Cong pitches on Nyay theme fishermen
cies, we will win 16
while AIMIM will bag one Saswat Panigrahi
released: Pak
seat. When I was leaving
home, I told my family that Karachi: Pakistani officials
I will be busy with elections New Delhi: With just four on Sunday said they will re-
and won’t be available for days to go for the first phase lease the first batch of 360
the next 20 days of the Lok Sabha elections, Indian prisoners detained for
the ruling BJP and the main fishing illegally in the coun-
After polling, I have
5 to be with my son.
I also have to be
Opposition party Congress
on Sunday unveiled their
try’s territorial waters in the
Arabian sea. Prison official
publicity campaigns – the Munir Ahmed said that 100
with my father. Honestly, campaign themes and cam- prisoners will travel by train
we haven’t talked for the paign slogans. While ‘Phir under police guard to the
last 15 days as I am in my ek baar Modi sarkar’ (Modi eastern city of Lahore before
constituency. But he be- government once again) is Union ministers Arun Jaitley and Piyush Goyal in New Delhi on Sunday being handed over to Indian
lieves that the development the BJP’s campaign slogan, authorities at the Wahga bor-
agenda of this nation needs Casey Larson of the US soars through the air during a trial jump at the second stage of the 67th four hills ski the Congress’s campaign lyrics for the Congress’s soon successfully altered the der crossing Monday.
to change jumping tournament in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany — AP slogan reads ‘Ab Hoga Nyay’. campaign song, the cam- political culture,” he said. Pakistani and Indian mar-
NYAY is also the acronym paign video has been filmed “Second, while emphasis- itime agencies frequently ar-
for the Congress’s proposed by popular director-produc- ing the fact that the nation rest each other’s fishermen
minimum income guaran- er Nikkhil Advani. Advertis- wants a honest government, on charges of illegal fishing.

Prince William goes undercover with British spies tee scheme Nyuntam Aay
Yojana, promised in its man-
ifesto. The BJP’s campaign
ing firm Percept Edge is the
agency behind the cam-
paign. Senior BJP leader
the BJP campaign theme
will highlight how the Modi
government has worked for
The detainees often languish
in prison until such goodwill
gestures are shown from ei-
London: Prince William tribution they make to our song is ‘Chalo phir ek baar and Finance Minister Arun all sections of society,” Jait- ther side. Pakistan’s foreign
has spent three weeks on un-
brief history national security, was a truly ham Modi Sarkar banate Jaitley released the party’s ley said. ministry has said the remain-
dercover work placements Prince William’s attach- humbling experience,” he hain, chalo milkar saath aae campaign slogan, campaign “Third, it will highlight ing Indian prisoners will be
with Britain’s security and ment comes after his said. Staff at the security and desh ko badhate hain (Let’s song, at BJP’s central office the decisiveness of the gov- released this month. These
intelligence agencies to gain grandmom, Queen intelligence agencies “work elect the Modi government in Delhi, while giving a ernment on the issues of fishermen form the first
a first-hand understanding Elizabeth II, celebrated in secret, often not even able again, let’s come together to glimpse of the party’s cam- development and national batch of 360 Indian prisoners
of the role they play in com- GCHQ’s centenary to tell their family and help the nation moving for- paign theme. The BJP is security. It will further em- Pakistan has announced to
batting terrorism. this year with a visit to friends about the work they ward). The party has not scheduled to release its man- phasise that only a strong set free in four phases this
The 36-year-old second in its ex-top secret base, do or the stresses they face”, disclosed who has penned ifesto on Monday. leadership can take decisive month. The released prison-
line to Britain’s throne de- Watergate House, London he said, adding that the coun- the lyrics for the song. Jaitley, the head of par- actions,” he said. ers were taken to the Karachi
scribed the experience of try owes them deep gratitude Nyay, anyay mitaneke ty’s Publicity Committee, “Fourth, there is a need Cantonment Railway Station
working with the MI5, MI6 for the difficult and danger- liye utha ek tufan hun. Mein said BJP’s campaign is for a decisive leader and ma- under heavy security, where
and Government Communi- ably held his own amongst said in a statement. ous work they do . Hindustan hun. Ab hoga largely themed around four jority government,” the Fi- they boarded the Allama
cations Headquarters (GC- some highly skilled analysts William, the Duke of Cam- According to Kensington nyay. (Justice is a cyclone to aspects. nance Minister said. “The Iqbal Express for Lahore, The
HQ) as a humbling one, while and operators. His Royal bridge, undertook his work- Palace, William learned end the injustice. I am India. “First, the nation wants a elections will be a fight be- Express Tribune reported.
the GCHQ said the royal had Highness asked some prob- place attachments last month about risks to the UK’s na- Now there will be justice). government which can re- tween a cohesive govern- From Lahore, they would
worked exceptionally hard ing questions and demon- and concluded his mission on tional security and economy This is the campaign song of ally work. The Modi govern- ment of PM Modi and chaos be taken to the Wagah Border
during his internship. strated a real grasp of our Saturday. “Spending time in- and also observed counter- the Congress. While well- ment took the reins of the and mahamilawat offered by for handover to the Indian
“William worked excep- mission,” the head of coun- side our security and intelli- terrorism teams analysing known Bollywood lyricist country in 2014, an era of the Opposition,” Jaitley authorities, it said. — PTI
tionally hard to embed him- ter-terrorism operations at gence agencies, understand- intelligence and carrying out Javed Akhtar penned the Congress’s corruption and said.
self in the team and comfort- GCHQ, an anonymous post, ing more about the vital con- investigations.

Gym faces penalty Man withdraws $10mn to see it ‘Some people want
for ‘discrimination’ to finish my career’ Abuja: Nigerian billionaire
Aliko Dangote, known as Af-
rica’s richest man, told a fo-
ca’s future were agriculture
and new technologies. But he
advised young African entre-

against the disabled rum in Ivory Coast on Satur-

day how he once took $10
million in cash out of the
bank just to look at it and get
preneurs not to get carried
away by the first flush of suc-
cess. “Often in Africa we
spend our projected incomes.
Bengaluru: Karnataka CM
HD Kumaraswamy on Sun-
day said a section of people
wanted to “finish him off po-
(in Mandya).”
The CM also said he did
not depend on the alliance
partner, Congress in Man-
We are doing it as
a goodwill
Guwahati: In a path-break- it into his head that this was There are ups and downs” in litically” by defeating dya. “Some Congress gesture and hope
ing judgement on making real money, not just figures business, he warned. his son Nikhil Ku- leaders are working
services accessible to persons on paper. Dangote said he regretted maraswamy in the and some are not
India will reciprocate.
with disabilities in the state, “When you’re young your Aliko Dangote the customs and administra- Mandya Lok Sabha working (in Man- Another 100 will be rele-
the Gauhati High Court has first million is important, but tive problems that hamper constituency. dya), but I am not ased in the second phase
imposed penalties on a gym after, the numbers don’t my car I put it in my room. I business development thro- Reflecting the upset with that.
and the Assam government mean much,” Dangote, a looked at them and thought ughout the continent. widening cracks in There is a sec-
on April 15 and in the
for discrimination against manufacturing tycoon with a ‘now I believe I have money’ As an example he cited the the ruling coalition, tion out to finish me third phase on April 22,
such a person. range of companies span- and took it back to the bank difficulties his cement group Kumaraswamy said he off by defeating Nikhil another 100 will be freed
Gauhati HC Judge Ujjal ning cement to flour, told the the next day,” he told his audi- faces in exporting to Benin was relying “only on the Kumaraswamy. However,
Bhuyan, last month, ordered fer of a month-long condi- Mo Ibrahim forum in Abid- ence. Anecdotes aside, Dan- from Nigerian factories 40 JD(S) MLAs, MLCs and the they don’t have the support Mohammad Faisal,
a prominent gym here and tional membership with jan. “One day, I cashed 10 mil- gote said that the two most kilometres from the border.  sitting member of parlia- of the locals there,” Kumar- Pak Foreign Office spokesperson
the Assam government to pay charges equivalent to an an- lion, put them in the boot of promising sectors for Afri-  — AFP ment L R Shivarame Gowda aswamy alleged. — PTI
Rs 50,000 each as penalty in a nual membership,” Ali said.
2011 writ petition filed by Ar- Referring to the Persons
man Ali, Executive Director
of National Centre for Pro-
with Disabilities (Equal Op-
portunities, Protection of
not any more people walk through several kilometres of snow-covered valley to fetch drinking water

In a J&K village, a glass of water means treading snowy track

motion of Employment of Rights and Full Participa-
Disabled People (NCPEDP) tion) Act 1995 and its succes-
against inaccessible, disa- sor, Rights of Persons with
bled-unfriendly services. Disabilities Act 2016, which
According to the case his- have equal opportunities and
tory, Ali had applied for a non-discrimination as its ful- Doda: Braving the lurking when she came under an ava- cialised treatment.” Raveesa
membership with the gym in crum, Justice Ujjal Bhuyan, threat of avalanches and at-
Troubled waters lanche while collecting water Bano, 18, a student, said, “We
2011. On realising his disabil- in his order, also made a refer- tacks by wild animals, wom- Shah Nawaz Mir, from the fountain. “I have live here dangerously by de-
ity, the gym demanded as con- ence to Section 29 of the en in some villages of this panchayat member of nightmares and shiver with fying possible death every
dition for membership doc- RPWD Act, which casts a mountainous district of Ganori-Kusharthawa, fear whenever I think of that day, especially during the
tors certificates from both his duty on appropriate govern- Jammu and Kashmir tread said despite several frightful incident. So many winter when there is heavy
physician as well as an ortho- ments to conduct, encourage, several-kilometre snowy pleas to political years have passed, but still I snowfall and the wild ani-
pedician. The gym also sub- support or promote aware- track deep inside the forest to representatives and have to visit the spot every- mals remain on prowl.” She
jected him to a rigorous work- ness campaigns and sensiti- fetch drinking water from a the civil administration, day to collect the water for said centrally-sponsored
out in an attempt to discour- sation programmes to ensure natural source for daily use. nothing has been done to our survival,” she said. Re- Swacch Bharat Abhiyan and
age him, during which he was RPWD were protected. Nearly 100 families living provide water supply to calling the incident, Begum Open Defecation Free (ODF)
also put through humiliation Justice Bhuyan also di- on the slopes of three ham- the villages. said she and others were col- slogans sounds good but a lot
and ignominy by members of rected the Assam govern- lets — Ganori, Kuthal and lecting water when suddenly needs to be done to uplift the
the staff and other users, ment to ensure that all offic- Naik Mohalla of Kahara Ganori, Kuthal and Naik Mohalla of Kahara tehsil may boycott the LS polls an avalanche struck from the living standards of the peo-
Ali’s petition stated. ers and employees of the So- tehsil — are considering boy- forest,” middle-aged Kulsu- mountain burying them. ple, especially those living on
“I was almost treated like cial Welfare Department un- cott of the upcoming Lok vide drinking water facility risk to fetch water from the ma Begum of village Ganori “Luckily we got timely the hills. “We too have
an untouchable and they used dergo trainings in terms of Sabha elections to lodge their to them over the past seven natural fountain under the told PTI. Begum, along with help and were rescued from dreams ... To have running
all tactics to discourage me. Section 39 of the 2016 Act. protest against the “failure” decades. “We have no other foothills of snow-peaked three other villagers, had a the snow after four hours and tap water in our homes,”
The final straw was their of-  — PTI of the administration to pro- option but to put our lives at mountains deep inside the narrow escape six years ago airlifted to Jammu for spe- Bano said. — PTI

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