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Cong Questions BJP, Says Gujarat Under-Reporting Covid-19 Deaths

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People, govt became New York City mayor The song Seeti maar’s
negligent after 1st Covid Bill de Blasioto sends scrubs version gets Disha
wave: Mohan Bhagwat medical aid to India Patani’s attention RNI No. 57290/94, Regd No: DL-SW-05/4189/15-17 Vol. 28 No. 89 | 16 PAGES | `5.00

WINDOWS Cong questions BJP, says Gujarat ■ Lawsuit in US seeks to establish AI as ‘alter ego’ of govt

under-reporting Covid-19 deaths Cairn eyes AI assets abroad

A report claims that Gujarat issued 1.23L death certificates to recover $1.7b from India
New Delhi, May 15: UK’s ◗ ◗ SOURCES SAID ◗ ONCE A court recog-
between March 1-May 10 this year, against 58K last year Cairn Energy Plc has
brought a lawsuit in a US
India will take all nec- nises Air India as the
essary steps to defend alter ego of Indian gov-
with agency inputs Fadnavis writes court that potentially can
lead to seizing of Air against any such ‘ille-
gal enforcement action’
ernment, Cairn can
seek attachment or
to Sonia, says
NEW DELHI, MAY 15 India’s overseas assets
such as airplanes to on grounds that the seizure of its assets in
The Congress on recover $1.72 billion from government has chal- the US such as air-
Saturday alleged under-
reporting of Covid-19 Maha hiding the Indian government
which an international
lenged the arbitration
award in the appropri-
planes, immovable
assets and bank
deaths in some states,
especially Gujarat, and
demanded an explanation
Covid deaths arbitration tribunal had
awarded after overturn-
ing levy of retrospective
ate court in The Hague
and it is confident that
accounts to recover the
amount it was awarded
from the Central and the BHAGWAN PARAB taxes. the award will be set by the arbitration tri-
Queen Margrethe of Denmark
state governments. Citing MUMBAI, MAY 15 Cairn on May 14 filed a aside. bunal
a newspaper report from lawsuit in the US District
poses with Prince Nikolai Gujarat, it said that “the Senior BJP leader Court for the Southern tration tribunal. tions through its
(left) and Prince Felix, arrive Centre, in conjunction Devendra Fadnavis has District of New York PTI had on March 28, Ministry of Civil
ahead of Prince Christian’s with some state govern- Bodies of the deceased buried in the sand near the written a letter to seeking declaration of Air 2021, reported that Cairn Aviation.”
confirmation at Fredensborg ments, is suppressing the banks of Ganga river allegedly due to shortage of Congress president Sonia India as the “alter ego of will bring lawsuits to “From the time of its
Castle Church on Saturday. true numbers of new wood for cremation during the second wave of Covid Gandhi alleging that the Indian government” by pierce the corporate veil nationalisation to the pre-
— AP infections and Covid at Shringverpur Ghat in Prayagraj on Saturday. — PTI Maha Vikas Aghadi virtue of control and as a to establish that certain sent day, India has
related deaths.” (MVA) government is state-owned company it is state-owned entities are always treated Air India
Mamata’s brother Congress leaders P.
Chidambaram and Deaths in ‘Baseless
hiding the number of
Covid deaths in
“legally indistinct from
the state itself,” accord-
India’s alter ego under
Bancec for enforcing the
as an integral part of the
state itself, not a separate
Ashim dies after Shaktisinh Gohil in a
joint press conference
Gujarat this
year have dou-
analysis’ has
been present-
Maharashtra and said
that she should advise the
ing to a copy of petition
reviewed by PTI.
arbitration award.
The Bancec guidelines
company with indepen-
dent personality,” it said.
battling Covid-19 alleged that the deaths
in Gujarat this year have bled compared to ed by the media by
state about how to handle
the pandemic. While Mr
The lawsuit seeks to
establish the “Air India is
deal with determining
when a judgment against
While Cairn said it is
“taking necessary legal
doubled compared to 2020 2020 and the sub- twisting three Fadnavis offered no the alter ego of India and a foreign state is enforce- steps to protect share-
Kolkata: West Bengal chief and claimed that the sub- stantial increase aspects together, proof, the Maharashtra that it should be held able against its agencies. holders’ interest in the
minister Mamata Banerjee’s stantial increase cannot cannot be including time of Congress hit back at him jointly and severally The May 14 lawsuit absence of a resolution to
brother Ashim Banerjee, who be explained as a natural saying Mr Fadnavis is responsible for India’s seeks to make Air India the arbitral award”,
was undergoing treatment annual one and can only explained as a ‘nat- the death in the trying to cover up the fail- debts, including from any liable for discharge of the sources said India will
for Covid-19 at a hospital be attributed to a pandem- ural annual one’ family, registration ures of Prime Minister judgment resulting from arbitration award against take all necessary steps to
here, died on Saturday morn- ic. and can only be for the death certi- Narendra Modi who has recognition of the the Indian government. It defend against any such
ing, his family members said. The two Congress lead- attributed to the fication and issuing turned the country into a award.” said, “Air India is not a “illegal enforcement
The TMC supremo’s brother, ers cited a news report “crematorium”. Once a court recognises typical state-owned air- action.”
popular as ‘Kalida’ among in Gujarat Covid pandemic of the certificate In his letter, Mr Air India as the alter ego line. By operation of its India, they said, will
locals in his residential area Samachar which claimed — CHIDAMBARAM — P. JADEJA, Fadnavis alleged that of the Indian government, internal law and the contest the move on
of Kalighat, breathed his last that Gujarat issued about since Maharshtra has 22 Cairn can seek attach- Articles of Association grounds that the govern-
around 9.20 am at the pri- 1,23,000 death certificates
Cong leader Home minister, Gujarat per cent of India's total ment or seizure of its under which Air India ment has challenged the
vate hospital, they said. between March 1 and May coronavirus cases and 31 assets in the US such as was created, India has arbitration award in the
■ More on Page 4 10, against about 58,000 that they got these figures During the period per cent deaths, the actu- airplanes, immovable full functional, adminis- appropriate court in The

Israel: Body of Kerala

certificates issued during verified after collecting March 1 to May 10, 2021, al number of deaths due assets and bank accounts trative, and economic Hague and it is confident
the same period last year. data from 33 districts of the government to Covid has been to recover the amount it control over Air India that the award will be
■ Turn to Page 4 ■ Turn to Page 4 ■ Turn to Page 4
woman reaches India
The news report claimed the state. was awarded by the arbi- and controls its opera-

New Delhi: The body of

Soumya Santhosh from Anil Vij: Black ■ Mumbai reported 1,147 Covid cases, 62 deaths in 24 hours
Assam: Ulfa-I declares
Kerala, who was killed in a
fungus declared
PM Modi reviews Covid-19 situation unilateral Covid-19
rocket attack in the Israeli

notified disease
city of Ashkelon, arrived in
New Delhi on Saturday

in Haryana
morning. Union minister of
State (MoS) for External
Affairs V Muraleedharan,
along with Israeli deputy Chandigarh, May 15:
Delhi Police arrests 25 people
with agency inputs
ceasefire for 90 days recovered from the virus
has increased
2,04,32,898. The national

envoy Rony Yedidia Clein,

paid their last respect.
■ More on Page 4
Haryana health minis-
ter Anil Vij on Saturday
said that black fungus
Prime Minister Narendra
Modi on Saturday chaired
over posters criticising Modi capital recorded 6,430 new
Covid-19 cases and 337
fatalities on Saturday
1 killed in Karbi Anglong by Dimasa militants
MANOJ ANAND resolve the conflict
has been declared a a high-level meeting on AGE CORRESPONDENT vaccines to foreign coun- while the positivity rate GUWAHATI, MAY 15 through talks. “It is the
Man makes ‘peepal’ notified disease in the
the Covid-19 situation in
the country. Amid mas-
NEW DELHI, MAY 15 tries?)” were pasted in
several parts of Delhi.
dipped to 11.32 per cent.
While Mumbai reported A day after a grenade
responsibility of both the
government and the Ulfa-I
tree 2nd home in MP Now, if any cases of
this disease are found,
sive oxygen shortage and
criticism over the govern-
Delhi Police on Saturday
arrested 25 people for
On Thursday, police
received complaints
1,147 new Covid-19 cases,
2,333 recoveries, and 62
blast that rocked Upper
Assam, the outlawed
to create an atmosphere
for resolving the conflict
Bhopal: Panicked at the the doctors will have to ment’s handling of Covid- allegedly pasting posters regarding the deaths in the last 24 United Liberation Front through talks across the
prospect of his oxygen level report them to the con- 19 crisis across the coun- critical of PM Narendra posters. Based on further hours. of Asom - Independent table,” he said.
dropping below normal cerned chief medical try, PM Modi emphasised Modi in connection with complaints, as many as Chairing a high-level (Ulfa-I) on Saturday Earlier Ulfa-I in a state-
level, a man in a village in officer (CMO), Mr Vij on ramping up testing. the shortage of vaccines. 25 FIRs were registered meeting, Mr Modi called declared a unilateral ment sent to newspaper
Indore district in Madhya said in a statement With 3,26,098 fresh infec- The posters reading, under various sections for augmenting health- ceasefire for three months offices through email
Pradesh has made a peepal here. tions, India’s Coronavirus “Modiji humare bachon and 25 people were care resources in rural with immediate effect. said, “During the Covid-19
tree near his home his sec- The black fungus caseload rose to 2,43,72,907 ki vaccine videsh kyu arrested from across the areas to focus on door-to- The Paresh Baruah-led crisis time we have decid-
ond home to maintain his infection, also known as on Saturday. According to bhej di (Modiji, why did city. door testing and surveil- insurgent group said it ed for a unilateral cease-
oxygen saturation level. mucormycosis, is the Union health min- you send our children’s ■ More on Page 2 lance, and asserted that took the decision because fire for three months from
■ More on Page 3 caused by a fungus istry, the country’s total localised containment of the Covid-19 pandemic every activity which will
called mucor. Covid-19 death toll 3,890 fresh fatalities. The to 36,73,802 and the num- strategies are the need of in Assam. come into effect from May
COUNTERPOINT Black fungus has been
declared a notified dis-
increased to 2,66,207 with active cases have reduced ber of people who have ■ Turn to Page 4 The Ulfa-I’s unilateral
ceasefire comes close on
15, 2021 (Saturday). We
want to inform the indige-

Torrential rains
ease in Haryana, Vij the heels of Assam chief nous people of Assam that
said. minister Himanta Biswa for three months our

batter Kerala
Now, if a patient is Sarma’s recent appeal to every activity will be
diagnosed with black Mr Baruah to come for- stopped.”
fungus in any govern- ward for peace talks. Though Ulfa-I has not
ment or private hospi- Thiruvananthapuram: However, Mr Sarma, responded to chief minis-
tal of the state, it will Torrential rains accom- who was in Upper ter’s appeal for peace-
have to be reported to panied by fierce winds Assam’s Tinsukia on talks directly, security
the CMO of the con- and high tidal waves Saturday, refused to give sources see it a ploy of the
cerned district so that wreaked havoc and any reaction to Ulfa-I’s outfit to hold the possible
appropriate steps can claimed two lives in unilateral ceasefire but onslaught of security
be taken to prevent the Kerala, as it lashed the said that his government forces after the grenade
disease, he said. — PTI state since last night was in favour of creating blast which the outfit has
■ More on Page 4 forcing the government a congenial atmosphere to disowned.
to shift hundreds of

Pandemic to be
families to relief
camps,sources said. The
southernmost Have been asked to postpone
more deadly district,Thiruvananthapu
ram to Kasaragod in the
visits, says Bengal governor
this year: WHO northern tip, witnessed
widespread uprooting
WEATHER Geneva, May 15: With
Rough sea weather conditions due to formation of cyclone ‘Tauktae’ in the Arabian
of trees, water-logging
and disruption of power
assurance and commit-
ment to the people of the
Max: 41OC several states continu- since last night. state. At all costs the
ing to see a worrying Sea in Thiruvananthapuram on Saturday. — PTI ■ More on Page 3 West Bengal governor Constitution will be pre-
Min: 27OC number of cases, hospi- Jagdeep Dhankhar on served, protected and
RH: 0% talisations, and deaths, Saturday evening alleged defended. They should
Rain: 1%
Forecast: Mostly sunny
India’s Covid-19 situa-
tion remains hugely con-
cerning, World Health
Organisation chief
Israel flattens Gaza building hosting AP, Jazeera that state chief secretary
Alapan Bandyopadhyay
has asked him to post-
pone his proposed visits
not lose confidence in
democracy and law. I
share their excruciating
agony and suffering.”
ASTROGUIDE Tedros Adhanom
Ghebreyesus said on
Gaza City, May 15: An
Israeli air strike Saturday Q An Israeli air strike
owner of the Jala Tower,
said an Israeli intelli-
to areas hit by post-poll
violence because of the
The state government is
yet to react to his claim.
Plava: Uttarayana Friday, warning that the demolished the 13-floor Saturday demolished the 13- gence officer warned him two-week lockdown start- Earlier in the day the
pandemic's second year building housing Qatar- floor building housing Qatar- he had just one hour to ing from Sunday. governor, who traveled to
Tithi: Vaishakha Shuddha will be “far more deadly” based Al Jazeera televi- based Al Jazeera television ensure the evacuation of Quoting a message from Coochbehar in North
Chaviti till 9.59 am than the first for the sion and American news and American news agency the building. Mr Bandyopadhyay, Mr Bengal and Assam in the
Star: Arudra till 11.11 am world. agency The Associated The Associated Press in the In a phone call with the Dhankhar tweeted, last two days, visited
Ghebreyesus added Press in the Gaza Strip, officer, AFP heard him “Chief Secretary Nandigram where leader
Varjyam: 12.14 am to 1.58 am that the WHO is respond- AFP journalists said.
Gaza Strip, AFP journalists
beg for an extra 10 min- @MamataOfficial to my of the Opposition
Durmuhurtam: 4.54 pm to ing to the Coronavirus Israel “destroyed Jala said. utes to allow journalists visits to unprecedented Shuvendu Adhikari
5.46 pm surge in India and has Tower in the Gaza Strip, to retrieve their equip- post poll violence affected defeated chief minister
Rahukalam: 4.30 pm to 6 pm shipped thousands of which contains the Al ment before leaving. areas: Respected Sir, it Mamata Banerjee in the
oxygen concentrators, Jazeera and other inter- the tower’s owner ahead ground after the Israeli “Give us ten extra min- would be advisable to Assembly election and
SUNSET TODAY 7.09 PM tents for mobile field national press offices,” Al of the strike. air strike, sending up a utes,” he urged, but the kindly defer the proposed met villagers affected by
SUNRISE TOMORROW 5.29 AM hospitals, masks and Jazeera said in a tweet, Al Jazeera broadcast huge mushroom cloud of officer on the other end of visits in view of the post-poll violence.
MOONRISE TOMORROW 8.22 AM other medical supplies. with an AP journalist say- footage showing the dust and debris. the line refused. extant restrictions.” Later he asked the CM
MOONSET TODAY 12.00 AM ■ More on Page 6 ing the army had warned building collapsing to the Mr Jawad Mehdi, the — AFP He, however added, “My ■ Turn to Page 4
pg 2

SHORT TAKES ■ Oxygen bank will have 200 concentrators in each of the 11 districts: CM 25 FIRs filed, 25 held over
Patients should not
take Remdesivir at
Kejriwal launches O2 bank pasting anti-Modi posters
for home-isolated patients
‘Modiji humare bachon ki vaccine videsh kyu bhej diya’, read posters
home: AIIMS docs New Delhi, May 15: The ◗ A SENIOR police officer further action will be
New Delhi: Covid-19 patients Delhi Police has regis- said More FIRs are likely taken.”
in home care should not take tered 25 FIRs and arrested Elaborating further
to be registered if further
Delhi govt to procure 67L
Remdesivir medication and New Delhi, May 15: Chief as many people for about the FIRs and
they should get admitted at minister Arvind Kejriwal, allegedly pasting posters complaints are received. arrests, the police said
a hospital if the oxygen level on Saturday, announced critical of Prime Minister investigation is underway three FIRs were regis-

Sputnik V vaccines: CM
drops below 94, AIIMS doc- the launch of an oxygen Narendra Modi in connec- to ascertain on whose tered in northeast Delhi
tors advised on Saturday. concentrator bank for tion with the vaccination behalf these posters were and two people were
The doctors were addressing Covid patients requiring drive against Covid-19, being put up. arrested from there.
a webinar on ‘Medication oxygen support in home New Delhi, May 15: Amid doses each of Covishield officials said on Saturday. Three FIRs were regis-
and Care in Home Isolation’ isolation or those recuper- vaccine shortage faced by and Covaxin and have The posters reading lic servant) of the Indian tered in west and five peo-
for Covid-19 patients. ating after discharge from Delhi, chief minister written to Dr Reddy’s who “Modiji humare bachon Penal Code and other rele- ple were arrested while
“Remdesivir should never be hospital. Arvind Kejriwal on are dealers of Sputnik in ki vaccine videsh kyu vant sections, including another three FIRs were
taken at home. Positive atti- He said despite declin-
The oxygen bank Saturday said his govern- India for nearly the same bhej diya (PM why did you section 3 of the registered in outer Delhi
tude and regular exercise are ing number of cases and will have 200 oxy- ment has written to Dr quantity,” Kejriwal told send vaccines of our chil- Prevention of Defacement and three more people
a must for patients in home positivity rate in the gen concentrators Reddy’s Laboratories for reporters. dren to foreign coun- of Property Act, across were nabbed from there.
isolation,” said Dr Neeraj national capital, there in each of the 11 supply of around 67 lakh The response from Dr tries?)” were plastered in various districts of the In northwest part of the
Nishchal of the All India would be no laxity in the districts for Covid doses of Russian Covid-19 Reddy’s is awaited, he several parts of the city, Delhi Police, officials national capital, four FIRs
Institute of Medical Sciences fight against the virus. vaccine Sputnik V. said. “We have asked them they said. said. were registered after
(AIIMS). Dr Manish, also from Each district in Delhi patients under Dr Reddy’s Laboratories (Dr Reddy’s) how many On Thursday, police A senior police officer which two were arrested,
AIIMS, said if the oxygen will have a stock of 200 home isolation and launched Sputnik V — the doses and by what time received information said, “More FIRs are like- police said.
level goes below 94, concentrators that will be for patients who first foreign-made vaccine they can provide. No about the posters follow- ly to be registered if fur- They said two FIRs were
patients should be admitted, rushed to the doorsteps of have returned being used in the country response has come from ing which senior officers ther complaints are registered in the central
adding that while checking the patients requiring — on Friday. their side as yet.” of the districts were alert- received in this regard. As part of the city and four
the oxygen level the age of oxygen within two hours, home after recov- Kejriwal’s announce- Kejriwal said experience ed. of now, investigation is people were arrested
the patient and other chron- Mr Kejriwal said at an ery from hospital ment came after deputy of many countries shows Based on further com- underway to ascertain on while two FIRs were regis-
ic diseases should be kept in online briefing. but require oxygen chief minister Manish that coronavirus infection plaints, 25 FIRs were reg- whose behalf these tered in Rohini and anoth-
mind. “If the RT-PCR test Those requiring oxygen support as recom- Sisodia earlier this week can be reduced through istered under sections 188 posters were being put up er two FIRs in south were
comes out to be negative, concentrators can call the claimed that Covaxin mass vaccination. He (disobedience to order at various places across also registered.
but symptoms are present, it helpline number 1031 and mended by the manufacturer Bharat expressed hope that the duly promulgated by pub- the city and accordingly — PTI
is recommended to go for it will be provided free of doctors Biotech has refused to pro- vaccination programme
another test. Whether hospi- cost after it is recom- vide additional doses to in the country will pick up

`1,051cr announced for

— Arvind
talisation is required is to be
decided based on the inten-
mended by the doctors, he
said. Kejriwal,
the national capital. “We
have asked for 67 lakh
pace with the increased
availability of jabs. — PTI Centre launched
“The oxygen bank will Delhi CM
for real-time
Delhi records 6,430 Covid municipal staff salaries
sity of the disease,” he said.
The doctors also advised have 200 oxygen concen-

Covid-19 data
that medications must be trators in each of the 11 According to the Delhi
taken in the proper quantity districts for Covid government’s health bul-

cases, 337 more deaths

and at the right time. patients under home iso- letin on Saturday, there New Delhi, May 15: The of Delhi)”, the Aam
“Knowing about the medi- lation and for patients are 42,482 Covid patients Delhi government on Aadmi Party leader New Delhi, May 15: Chief
cine is not enough. Patients who have returned home under home isolation out Saturday announced a alleged. minister Arvind
should also know how and after recovery from hospi- of 66,295 active cases. New Delhi, May 15: Delhi tions of the committee, the fund of `1,051 crore for The South Delhi Kejriwal on Saturday
when they are to be taken, tal but require oxygen Mr Kejriwal said that recorded 6,430 new Covid- rates have been fixed, the the three municipal cor- Municipal Corporation, launched an integrated
only then would it prove to support as recommended often oxygen level drops 19 cases and 337 more fatal- order by the Delhi Disaster porations here to pay East Delhi Municipal command and control
be beneficial,” said Dr by the doctors,” said the in Covid patients and they ities on Saturday while the Management Authority salaries of healthcare Corporation and North centre (ICCC) to capture
Neeraj. The decision of home chief minister. can be saved from further positivity rate dipped to said. “The rates of hearse workers and other Delhi Municipal realtime pandemic man-
isolation for patients above The Covid patients who deterioration if oxygen is 11.32 per cent, authorities van facility for deceased employees amid the ongo- Corporation are all BJP- agement data.
60 years and with comor- are not enrolled under given to them immediate- said. The national capital Covid-19 patients has been ing second wave of the led civic bodies. The Covid care centres
bidities like hypertension, home isolation protocol of ly. had recorded 8,506 new fixed at `1,300 per trip for coronavirus pandemic. “The Delhi government that were closed down
diabetes, heart disease, and the Delhi government “If patients under home cases on Friday and a posi- initial 10 kilometres and Deputy chief minister has released `1,051 cr to after decline in the first
chronic ailments related to may call 1031 and avail the isolation require oxygen, tivity rate of 12.40 per `100 per kilometre there- Manish Sisodia, in an the three municipal cor- wave will be reopened
kidneys and lungs should be oxygen concentrator facil- our team will ensure the cent. after,” it said. online briefing, said porations in total so that and strengthened fur-
taken only after consulting ity, he said. oxygen concentrator The Delhi government If the family members of despite constrained cir- they can pay salaries of ther, Kejriwal told
doctors, they said. The com- Delhi health minister reaches them within two has fixed the rates for the deceased patient desire cumstances due to the their employees, amid reporters. The new cen-
monly observed symptoms Satyendar Jain, in a hours. A technician will hearse services provided to avail “dead body-wrap- lockdown, Chief this pandemic... the east tre will help in furnish-
among Covid-19 patients are tweet, said that Covid also accompany the team for deceased Covid-19 ping” facility as per coro- Minister Arvind corporation is to get `367 ing vaccination details,
fever, dry cough, tiredness, patients under home iso- to explain to the family patients, according to an na protocol, they would Kejriwal has taken this cr, north corporation availability of oxygen,
and loss of taste or smell. lation or those discharged members how to use the official order on Saturday. have to pay an additional decision as those people about `432 cr and south beds and medicines in
— PTI from the hospital can device,” he said. A committee was consti- `700. “In case the services who are helping fight the corporation `251 cr,” he both private and govern-
avail the facility of the Delhi government doc- tuted under the chairman- of an additional person is Covid-19 pandemic said. ment hospitals. The real-
Delhi dist courts first oxygen concentrator
bank in Delhi, after it is
tors will stay in touch
with all those who are
ship of the North Delhi
Municipal Corporation
required by the family of
the deceased patients to
should get their salaries.
Doctors and other
The minister asserted
that civic authorities
time data will be made
available to the officers

on vacation prescribed by the doctors.

Oxygen concentrators
being given oxygen con-
centrators. If the need
commissioner, which rec-
ommended the rates for
handle the body/wrapping
etc the charges would be
employees of the civic
bodies are not getting
must ensure this fund is
used for paying salaries
through an app, while the
government will also

from tomorrow
are portable devices that arises to send them to a hearse/mortuary services `500 which includes their salaries due to of employees only and consider to what extent
enrich oxygen content in hospital, it will be taken to be provided to deceased charges of safety gear to “mismanagement and not “diverted for other access can also be provid-
the air breathed by a per- care of, he said. coronavirus patients, it be worn by the additional corruption in MCD usage”. ed to public,” Kejriwal
New Delhi: In view of the son. — PTI said. On the recommenda- person,” it said. — PTI (municipal corporations — PTI said. — PTI
“alarming rise” in Covid-19
infections and the toll it has
taken on the health and lives
of judicial officers and staff
of subordinate judiciary, the
4 hawala operators under ED Delhi’s ‘ambulance couple’ goes where
Delhi High Court has pre-
scanner for alleged Chinese links
poned the vacation of dis-
trict courts. The high court
has decided that the district
courts, except that of metro-
soon call them for ques-
tioning, they added.
two-three years. Sources
had said his front or show-
case business was import
even relatives sometimes fear to tread
politan magistrates, in Delhi The ED case against
will remain closed for sum- Role of at least four Delhi- Peng stems from an and export of medical and
mer vacation from May 17 to based alleged hawala Income Tax Department electronic goods and some
June 3, both days included, operators is now under investigation of last year other items. Peng was
according to an office order the scanner of the and an FIR filed by the arrested by the Special Cell
issued by Registrar General Enforcement Directorate Delhi Police special cell of the Delhi Police in
Manoj Jain. It also said that (ED) for their links with against him in 2018. September 2018 on charges
the courts of metropolitan two Chinese nationals — Peng’s name had cropped of fraud and forgery and
magistrates will remain Charlie Peng and Carter up last year in connection was allegedly running an
closed for vacation from May Lee. Both Chinese nation- with the detention of two illegal money changer.
17 to May 27. According to als were arrested by the persons in Himachal Both ED and I-T depart-
the earlier schedule, the dis- ED in January in connec- Pradesh who were ment, sources had said, are
trict courts’ summer vaca- tion with a money laun- allegedly tracking also probing allegations if
tion was to commence from dering probe linked to an Tibetan spiritual leader Peng was “bribing” some
June 14 and end on June 30, alleged hawala racket Dalai Lama’s movement Tibetans living in Delhi.
both days included. The high worth an estimated Rs on his direction. The In a statement in August
court has also directed that 1,000 crore that involved Chinese nationals and last year, the Central
the cases listed in the dis- shell or dubious firms. some of his alleged asso- Board of Direct Taxes
trict courts between May 17 Sources said, ciates, including bankers, (CBDT) had, without iden-
and June 3 shall be taken up “Investigation by the cen- had also been raided by tifying the entities
from June 14 to June 30. It tral probe agency has the Income Tax involved, stated that its
also said that the existing revealed that Charlie Department last year. searches were based on
system of functioning via Peng and Carter Lee were Peng, sources had “credible inputs that a few
video conference shall con- in constant touch with alleged, had a fake Indian Chinese individuals and
tinue till June 30 in the dis- four Delhi-based hawala passport. Tax officials had their Indian associates
trict courts. The high court’s operators for sending claimed that he created a were involved in money
office order has also direct- money outside the coun- web of sham companies to laundering and hawala
ed that the Principal District try through illegal chan- launder hawala funds to transactions through a
and Sessions Judge and nels”. The agency will and from China in the past series of shell entities”.
Principal Judge (Family

Delhi riots: No
Court) shall ensure that bare
minimum staff is called phys-
ically and that majority of NBW issued against
them should mandatorily
work from home till the situ-
wrestler Sushil Kumar bail to former
AAP councillor
ation becomes normal. — PTI

Man arrested for in stadium brawl case

hoarding of AGE CORRESPONDENT i n g
Tahir Hussain In the combo pictures, Himanshu and Twinkle Kalia ferry the ill to hospital, fetch medicines, arrange funerals and
sometimes perform the last rites in New Delhi. — PTI

oxygen cylinders
NEW DELHI, MAY 15 H a r ya n a New Delhi,
and at his May 15: A New Delhi, May 15: ◗ In 2019, Twinkle was a call from Mayur Vihar in India’s most serious
A Delhi court on friends’ court here Profiles of humaneness in awarded the Nari Shakti east Delhi about a patient health crisis.
New Delhi: A 29-year-old Saturday issued ‘Non- r e s i - o n the time of Covid, Puruskar by President Ram who had died in an The couple was doing
man has been arrested for Bailable Warrant’ (NBW) dences. Saturday Himanshu and Twinkle autorickshaw on the way charitable work even
allegedly indulging in black against Olympic medal- Delhi dismissed Kalia spend their days
Nath Kovind. Four years to hospital, said Twinkle. before the pandemic
marketing of oxygen cylin- ist, Indian wrestler Police on the bail between helping the ill get before that, in 2015, an The Kalias, who live in struck and has received
ders in southwest Delhi’s Sushil Kumar, who is Friday applica- a fighting chance at life organisation in Dubai hon- Pratap Nagar in north several awards.
Dwarka area, police said on absconding ever since had writ- tions of for- Tahir and ensuring dignity in oured her as the First Delhi, reached there In 2019, Twinkle was
Saturday. Four oxygen cylin- his role surfaced in a ten a let- mer AAP Hussain death for those who don’t Woman Ambulance quickly, got the body veri- awarded the Nari Shakti
ders have been seized from brawl that led to the mur- ter to Sushil Kumar councillor make it. Driver’. In 2016, Himanshu fied by a doctor and helped Puruskar by President
Mohit’s possession, they said, der of a 23-year-old bud- D e l h i Tahir Hussain in con- As the second Covid-19 got the Ambulance Man’ in the last rites. Ram Nath Kovind. Four
adding that the car used in ding wrestler. Sources Government stating that nection with two wave ravages large parts award in Malaysia. “We got a call from years before that, in 2015,
their transportation has also said that a reward is like- their official, Sushil Northeast Delhi riots of India — including the Sandeep Mitra whose wife an organisation in Dubai
been seized. The police said ly to be announced on Kumar, and his associate, cases, saying he used national capital that has 12 ambulances are road Madhura had collapsed in honoured her as the First
Mohit, a resident of Dwarka, information on his Ajay Kumar, who is a his muscle power and seen thousands scramble ready to tackle any emer- an autorickshaw while he Woman Ambulance
owns a mobile shop. The arrest. physical education political clout to act as a for oxygen, hospital beds gency. was taking her to a hospi- Driver’. In 2016,
accused claimed that when “Police on Saturday teacher, have been named kingpin in planning and crematorium spots — “We don’t put it in tal. He was not getting any Himanshu got the
one of his family members moved an application by the victims and a and instigating the the Kalias, Delhi’s ambu- records but in the second help from his society or Ambulance Man’ award in
tested Covid-19 positive, he before the court to issue departmental action communal conflagra- lance couple’, ferry the ill wave of coronavirus we elsewhere. We reached Malaysia.
contacted someone who NBW against Sushil should be taken. Kumar tion. to hospital, fetch medi- have been helping almost there, got a doctor to the Hoping to ramp up their
arranged oxygen cylinders. Kumar and six others was appointed ‘Officer on The court said that cines, arrange funerals 20-25 patients daily reach spot and performed her work of facilitating hospi-
Thereafter, he too started which was approved,” Special Duty’ at Hussain did not use his and sometimes step in to hospitals. We have per- cremation at the Sarai tal admissions, blood
indulging in hoarding and said a senior police offi- Chhatrasal Stadium by hands and fists but riot- perform last rites too. formed cremations of 80 Kale Khan crematorium,” donations and arranging
black marketing oxygen cial. the city government. ers as “human Cloaked in PPE suits, people who have died of Twinkle said. funerals, Himanshu and
cylinders. After receiving Police said that after Sources said that weapons” who on his face shields and masks, COVID-19 and helped over The 39-year-old is a can- Twinkle said they have
information on Friday that police served notice to Kumar, to avoid arrest, is instigation could have the Kalias go where even 1,000 people in arranging cer survivor and the cou- expanded their team.
Mohit was hoarding oxygen Kumar to join the investi- changing his location killed anybody, and close relatives fear to for cremations,” ple has two daughters, As millions of Indians
cylinders and would come to gation, he switched off quickly. It has been denied him relief citing tread, spending their days Himanshu told PTI. Japji (13) and Riddhi (7). battle infection and death,
Sector 23 in Dwarka to sell his phone and has been learnt that Sushil left for the gravity of the tending to people suffer- It’s all free of course, the But personal commit- there are many more
them, a raid was conducted on the run since then. Haridwar and then offence and his influ- ing from Covid or those 42-year-old hastened to ments don’t come in the miles to go and hurdles to
and he was apprehended, Police teams are conduct- Rishikesh after the inci- ence in the locality. who have died of it and add. way of their zeal to help cross for this intrepid cou-
police said. — PTI ing raids in neighbour- dent. — PTI making sure their fleet of A few days ago, they got others in these days of ple. — PTI
pg 3

US greets prez of

Tibetan govt in exile

Torrential rains batter Kerala Govt’s ‘disastrous
policy’ will ensure
Claim 2 lives, houses damaged, cracks develop in 200 metre-long Valiyathura sea bridge
New Delhi: In a move that is
bound to anger China, the
United States on Saturday
congratulated Penpa Tsering
May 15: Torrential rains
accompanied by fierce
third wave: Rahul
who has been elected as the winds and high tidal New Delhi, May 15:
new president of the Central waves wreaked havoc Congress leader Rahul
Tibetan Administration — and claimed two lives in Gandhi on Saturday
popularly known as the Kerala, as it lashed the called for a national vac-
Tibetan government-in-exile state since Friday night, cine strategy and claimed
— based at Dharamsala, forcing the government that the government’s
Himachal Pradesh. Mr to shift hundreds of fam- “disastrous” inoculation
Tsering will succeed the cur- ilies to relief camps, policy will “ensure a dev-
rent CTA President Lobsang sources said Saturday. astating third wave” in
Sangay. US state department The southernmost dis- the country.
spokesperson Ned Price trict, Thiruvananthap- He also accused the Rahul Gandhi
tweeted, “The United States
congratulates Penpa Tsering
uram to Kasaragod in the
northern tip, witnessed
prime minister of mak-
ing “mother Ganga cry” Sena hails MP govt
on his election as the next
CTA ‘Sikyong’ (president in
widespread uprooting of
trees, waterlogging and
after bodies of suspected
coronavirus victims were for aiding orphans
the Tibetan language). WQe disruption of power sup- found floating in the river. Mumbai: The Shiv Sena
look forward to working with ply since last night. The “The Government of praised the BJP govern-
him and the CTA to support Central Water Commis- India’s (GOI’s) disastrous ment in Madhya
the global Tibetan diaspora.” sion issued flood warn- vaccine strategy will Pradesh for its decision
According to reports, thou- ing to the state in the ensure a devastating third to provide a monthly
sands of mask-wearing wake of rising water wave. It can’t be repeated pension of `5,000 and
Tibetan refugees in India and level in rivers like enough — India needs a free ration to children
other countries had turned Manimala and proper vaccine strategy,” orphaned due to the
out to vote for the election Achankovil. he said on Twitter. Covid-19. The Sena's
of the president and mem- As the India meteoro- Tagging media reports comments Saamana are
bers of the 17th Tibetan pari- logical department claiming that over 2,000 viewed as a veiled
ament-in-exile on April 11. (IMD) sounded “red bodies have been found in swipe aimed at deputy
alert”, indicating the 1140 km area along the CM Ajit Pawar in view of
6-time Amritsar MP possibility of extremely
heavy rainfall above 204 A man walks along a beach as gulls fly past during rough sea weather conditions, owing to the cyclone Tauktae in
Ganga, he alleged, “One
who used to say ‘Ganga’
the state government's
decision to allocate
Bhatia dies at 100 mm in 24 hours, in nine
districts, the entire state
the Arabian Sea, in Kozhikode on Saturday, May 15, 2021. — PTI has called him has made
Mother Ganga cry.”
nearly `6 crore for
appointing a private
Amritsar: Senior Congress
leader and six-time MP from
was put on high vigil.
Chief minister Pinarayi
■ Cyclone Tauktae: PM also reviews Covid readiness 5 teams of Mr Gandhi and the
Congress have been
agency to handle his
social media accounts.
Amritsar Raghunandan Lal Vijayan said the impact of attacking the prime min-
Bhatia passed away after a
brief illness, his family mem-
Tauktae was expected to
last the next 24 hours in
Modi asks officials to take NDRF from ister and his government
over its vaccine strategy
need. “May 15 Cyclone
Alert has been issued in
bers said on Saturday. He
was 100. Raghunandan
the state. “Two persons
drowned in Ernakulam Odisha fly and handling of the pan-
Kerala, Maharashtra,
Goa, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat
Bhatia died at a private hos-
pital here on Friday night.
He is survived by his son
Ramesh Bhatia, daughter
and Kozhikode
tricts,” he said.
Meanwhile, to ensure
the safety of people,
all steps for public’s safety to Gujarat
In yet another tweet, Mr
Gandhi appealed to peo-
ple to stay safe after
cyclone Tauktae warning
and Karnataka. Cyclone
Tauktae is already caus-
ing heavy rains in many
areas. “I appeal to
Saroj Munjal and younger night travel in high New Delhi, May 15: Prime AKSHAYA KUMAR was issued by the govern- Congress workers to pro-
brother J.L. Bhatia, they range Idukki district Minister Narendra Modi SAHOO ment in many states. He vide all possible assis-
said. He was first elected to was completely banned on Saturday reviewed the BHUBANSWAR, MAY 15 also appealed to Congress tance to those in need.
the Lok Sabha in 1972 from from 7 pm by the district preparedness of states, workers to provide all Please stay safe,” he said
Amritsar and again re-elect- administration. Central ministries and Five teams of National assistance to those in on Twitter. — PTI
ed from the same seat in the As the water level in agencies concerned to deal Disaster Response Force
1980, 1985, 1992, 1996 and major rivers like with the situation arising (NDRF) from Odisha on
1999 elections. Raghunandan
Bhatia had also served as
the governor of Kerala and
Meenachil, Achankovil
and Manimala was rising
steadily, authorities cau-
out of cyclone Tauktae
and asked them to take
every possible measure to
Saturday left for Gujarat
to join the post-cyclone
rescue and relief opera-
Govt, admin, public
Bihar from 2004 to 2008
and 2008 to 2009, respec-
tively. He had also served as
the minister of state for
tioned people living on its
banks to be vigilant.
The shutters of the
Kallarkutty and Malan-
ensure that people are
safely evacuated.
He also called for ensur-
ing maintenance of all
Fishermen anchored their boats at Versova beach in
Mumbai on Saturday. — PTI
tion as the cyclone
‘Tauktae’ is very likely
to hit Gujarat coast in
the form of very severe
dropped guard after
external affairs in 1992. He
held various positions in the
party, including the post of
kara dams in Idukki and
Bhoothathankettu dam
in Ernakulam were
essential services such as
power, telecommunica-
tions, health and drinking
for 24x7 functioning of
control rooms. He also
It is likely to cause heavy
rainfall in the coastal dis-
storm on

The cyclone is current-

1st wave: Bhagwat
Punjab unit president and opened and that of the and their immediate said that special care tricts of Gujarat, includ- ly brewing in the AGE CORRESPONDENT
general secretary. — PTI Maniyar in Pathanam- restoration in the event of needs to be taken to ing extremely heavy falls Arabian Sea. NEW DELHI, MAY 15

2 policemen shot
thitta and Aruvikkara damages caused to them, a ensure that there is least in Junagadh and Gir There are 125 person-
here were raised as a statement said. possible disruption in Somnath and heavy to nel in each NDRF team. Amidst India witnessing

dead in Punjab
precautionary measure At the high-level meeting oxygen supply from very heavy rain at a few The team members will the second wave of Covid-
following high inflow in which was attended by Jamnagar. He also spoke places in the districts of join the rescue activities 19, RSS chief Mohan
the catchment area. home minister Amit Shah about the need to involve Saurashtra, Kutch and in Rajkot in Gujarat. Bhagwat on Saturday
Ludhiana: Two policemen Valiyathura pier, one and top officials con- the local community for Diu, namely Gir Somnath, “The cyclonic storm, said the government,
were shot dead in Punjab’s of the oldest sea bridges cerned, Mr Modi directed timely sensitisation and Diu, Junagadh, ‘Tauktae’ formed over administration and pub-
Jagraon town, about 45 kilo- in the state located here, them to ensure special relief measures,” it Porbandar, Devbhoomi the Aarabian Sea is very lic dropped their guard
metres from here, an official developed a crack in the preparedness on Covid added. Dwarka, Amreli, Rajkot, likely to intensify fur- after the first wave, lead-
said. They were shot dead strong winds which hit management in hospitals, The India meteorological Jamnagar. ther into a severe ing to the current situa- Mohan Bhagwat
by some unidentified car- the shores since last vaccine cold chain and department said at the The PMO noted that the cyclonic storm by 5.30 tion and urged people to
borne persons when they night. A portion of the other medical facilities on meeting that the cyclone is Cabinet secretary is in pm today and very stay positive and proac- everyone dropped their
were chasing a truck, said over 200 metre-long power back up and storage expected to touch Gujarat continuous touch with the severe cyclonic storm by tive to fight the pandemic. guard after the first wave
the police. Deputy superin- structure, which offers a of essential medicines and coast between Porbandar chief secretaries of all the 11.30 am tomorrow,” the Mr Bhagwat’s remarks despite indications from
tendent of police G.S. Bains breathtaking view of the to plan for unhindered and Naliya around May 18 coastal states and agen- regional weather office have come at a time when doctors,” said Mr
said assistant sub-inspector sea, seemed tilted to a movement of oxygen afternoon or evening with cies concerned, and the said. the Modi government has Bhagwat while adding
Bhagwan Singh died on the side in the morning, tankers, the PMO said. a wind speed ranging up to home ministry is review- According to reports, been facing severe criti- that there is talk of a
spot while critically injured locals said. — PTI “He (PM) also directed 175 kmph. ing the situation round more than 50 teams of cism over its prepared- third wave.
ASI Dalwinder Singh suc- the NDRF (National ness against the second “But, we will not be
cumbed to his injuries on the Disaster Response wave of the global pan- scared. We shall stand
way to hospital. Both were
posted in the state’s criminal
investigation agency (CIA) in
Amarinder slams Yogi over ‘hate’ tweet Force) have been kept
ready for rescue and
relief operations in sen-
demic. Mr Bhagwat said
with scientists caution-
ing about a third wave,
like a rock.. We have to
stay positive and take pre-
cautions to keep our-
Jagraon. The police said the Chandigarh, May 15: Chief they are in much better every day by his own gov- sitive States- Kerala, the country needs to be selves Covid negative in
assailants managed to minister Amarinder shape than those in UP. ernment in UP? asked the Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, better prepared for it. the present situation,”
escape after the incident, Singh Saturday criticised “Any distinction on the Punjab chief minister, in a Gujarat and Addressing a lecture said the RSS chief.
which took place near the his Uttar Pradesh counter- basis of belief and reli- strong reaction to his UP Maharashtra which are series ‘Positivity Mr Bhagwat said this is
new grain market. The police part Yogi Adityanath over gion is contrary to the counterpart’s tweet. likely to bear the brunt Unlimited,’ the RSS chief not an appropriate time to
has sounded alert in his “inflammatory” tweet basic spirit of the Mocking the UP CM’s of the cyclone. said the country should point fingers and all
Ludhiana and other adjoin- on the declaration of Constitution of India. comment, Mr Singh said Red and orange alerts stay united and work as a should avoid making irra-
ing districts. — PTI Malerkotla as the 23rd dis- Presently, the formation of given the Yogi government have been sounded in team in these testing tional remarks.
trict of Punjab, terming it Malerkotla (Punjab) is a and the BJP’s track record various parts of times, instead of pointing Citing England’s situa-
Amarinder Singh

an attempt to incite “com- reflection of the divisive of spreading communal Gujarat. Low-lying areas fingers at each other. The tion in World War II when
munal hatred” in the policy of the Congress,” “What does he (Yogi) hate, such a remark was of the Islands of lecture series is part of everything seemed going
peaceful state. Mr Adityanath had tweet- know of Punjab’s ethos or utterly ridiculous, apart Lakshadweep are likely the RSS efforts to infuse against it, he said a quote

COUNCIL MEET Contrasting the commu-

nal harmony in Punjab
ed earlier in Hindi.
The UP CM’s tweet came
the history of Malerkotla,
whose relationship with
from being totally unwar-
ranted and uncalled for.
to get flooded, reports
positivity and confidence
among people as the
was written on the then
prime minister Winston

with the “divisiveness a day after Mr Singh Sikhism and its gurus was “The whole world knows Fishermen have been country faces the global Churchill’s desk which
being promoted by the Yogi announced the only known to every Punjabi? of the communally divi- asked to avoid venturing pandemic. read, “There is no pes-
Adityanath government in Muslim majority town in And what does he under- sive policies of the BJP, into Arabian Sea till “We are facing this situ- simism in this office. We
New Delhi: Amid a growing Uttar Pradesh, Mr Singh Punjab to be the state’s stand of the Indian and particularly the Yogi Tuesday as the sea con- ation because, whether it are not interested in the
chorus over the GST Council asked the former to stay 23rd district on the occa- Constitution, which is Adityanath government dition will remain very was the government, possibilities of defeat.
meeting not being convened out of his state’s affairs as sion of Id. being brazenly trampled in UP,” he said. — PTI rough during the time. administration or public, They don’t exist”.
for over seven months, the
Union finance ministry on
SpiceJet crew
Man makes ‘peepal’ tree 2nd
Saturday announced that the
next meeting of the panel
that decides on taxes on
goods and services will be spend 21 hrs
held on May 28. After over a
dozen Central and state
levies such as excise duty, home to ‘maintain’ O2 level inside jet at
service tax and VAT were
subsumed in a nationwide RABINDRA NATH
MP sees sharp drop
Zagreb airport
Goods and Services Tax CHOUDHURY
(GST) in 2017, the council,
headed by the finance minis-
in fresh Covid cases AGE CORRESPONDENT
ter and including representa- Amid a serious oxygen Bhopal, May 15: Madhya
tives of all states and union crisis unfolding across Pradesh has reported a Pilots flying a SpiceJet
territories, was mandated to the country, a 68-year-old sharp drop in new Covid flight had no option but
meet every quarter to delib- man in a Madhya cases and positivity rate to spend 21 hours resting
erate on issues at hand. The Pradesh village has cho- in the last 24 hours, pro- in the aircraft in the
GST Council last met on sen to make a ‘peepal’ viding a ray of hope for Croatian capital Zagreb
October 5, 2020 to finalise tree his second home to the administration to after authorities there
contours of borrowings by maintain a healthy tame the second wave of refused to allow them to
states to meet shortfall in SpO2. Rajendra Patidar pandemic soon. get off the plane as they
tax revenues. The meeting Rajendra Patidar of The state reported did not have a RTPCR
got extended and ended on Rau Rangwasa village, Covid victims due to lack 7,571 fresh cases on negative certificate.
October 12. Union finance nearly 40 km from of oxygen has disturbed Friday, the lowest single- The airline blamed
minister Nirmala Sitharaman Indore, has been spend- me. I thought that I day growth in positive Croatian authorities for
will chair the 43rd meeting ing around four hours in should apply our tradi- cases in the last 18 days. changing orders mid-air
of the GST Council on May the day every day since tional knowledge of stay- It had reported 13,254 and insisting on RTPCR
28, her office tweeted. “Smt the last couple of weeks ing close to a peepal tree fresh positive cases on negative tests after ini-
@nsitharaman will chair the to ensure that his blood to get sufficient oxygen April 27. Similarly, the tially saying it was not
43rd GST Council meeting oxygen level (SpO2) is to avoid such a crisis. positivity rate has also required.
via video conferencing at 11 maintained at 98-99. Hence, I decided to spend come down sharply from The aircraft was appar-
AM in New Delhi on 28th The idea to live in the at least four hours a day 18 per cent on May 5 to 11 ently on a charter flight
May 2021. The meeting will tree during day time to on the peepal tree,” he percent on May 14. SG-9035 on May 11 on the
be attended by MOS Shri maintain a healthy blood told this newspaper. In fact, the positivity New Delhi-Tbilisi
@ianuragthakur besides oxygen level has hit upon Mr Patidar, a farmer, rate had climbed to 22 (Georgia)-Zagreb
Finance Ministers of States & him when he learnt sits on a plastic chair percent three weeks ago. (Croatia ) sector with
UTs and Senior officers from about the death of scores perched on the branches Five of 52 districts in two sets of the cockpit
Union government & states,” of Covid-19 patients in of the peepal tree at least the state have reported crew. Aviation regulator
it said. Opposition party- different hospitals in the for four hours every day less than 50 fresh cases DGCA has “admon-
ruled states have been com- state due to lack of oxy- and does breathing exer- on Friday. The state has ished” the airline for the
plaining about not holding gen from visual and cises. also recorded an impres- incident, a DGCA offi-
the GST Council meeting in print media. “I maintain SpO2 of sive recovery rate of 86 cial said on condition of
recent weeks. — PTI “Death of so many 99.” he said. per cent. anonymity.
pg 4

Ex-IAS booked for
TAKES Migrant exodus 2.0
Anti-Israel protest
spreading flase info
Unnao: A former IAS officer
has been booked for spread-
ing misinformation by tweet-
in J&K, 20 detained
ing a seven-year-old photo-
graph of dead bodies float-
Top cop warns netizens against ‘irresponsible remarks’
ing in the Ganga in Unnao YUSUF JAMEEL ◗ MUDASIR GUL, the 32- witnesses said.
and claiming them to be SRINAGAR, MAY 15 year-old artist, who is Local sources said that it
recent ones spotted in the among the detainees had was a group of youth of
river in Ballia. The police The Jammu and Kashmir on Friday climbed onto a Padshahi Bagh who “feel-
said the 1982-batch, UP- police has detained at ing disturbed and highly
cadre officer Surya Pratap least 20 people, including
steel platform close in passionate over the may-
Singh was booked on May 13 a graffiti artist, following Srinagar’s Padshahi Bagh hem caused by the Israeli
after he tweeted an Unnao protests were held in capi- area to paint the face of a forces in Gaza Strip” had
picture of 2014 vintage, tal Srinagar and some sobbing woman wearing persuaded Gul to draw the
claiming that bodies being other party of the pre- Palestine’s flag as the graffiti. Later in the
seen in them were spotted a dominantly Muslim headscarf. He also wrote evening, the police visited
day earlier in the Ganga in Kashmir Valley against on the graffiti ‘We are Gul’s home and, according
Ballia district. Earlier, offi- Israel in the backdrop of Palestine’. to his elder brother Badr-
cials said, a total of 52 bod- its airstrikes and surface ul-Islami forced him to
ies found floating in the offensive in Gaza Strip. Valley.” He added, “All deface the graffiti by
Ganga in Ballia district on As many people have irresponsible social spreading patches of black
Tuesday were retrieved and People, including migrant workers, sit on the top of a bus to leave Kolkata after the West Bengal announced the over the past few days media comments that paint over it and then took
were disposed of after prop- complete lockdown from Sunday till May 30 to curb the surge in coronavirus cases. The state has been witnessing used social media plat- result in actual violence him along. The police
er last rites. In an FIR lodged a surge in Covid cases since the first week of April, amid the eight-phase assembly elections and high-octane cam- forms to vent their anger and breaking of law overnight also raided sev-
at the Unnao Kotwali police paigning by political parties. against Israel and show including Covid protocol eral homes in Padshahi
station, Mr Singh has also solidarity with the will attract legal action.” Bagh and arrested several

Black fungus Palestinians, the J&K Mudasir Gul, the 32- local youth who had

Full lockdown for 14 days

been accused of claiming on
social media that 67 bodies police on Saturday year-old artist, who is reportedly participated in
were buried on the Unnao warned that “irresponsi- among the detainees had the anti-Israel protest.
riverbank using JCB and
without last rites. — PTI
a notified ble social media com-
ments that may result in
on Friday climbed onto a
steel platform close to an
The police early
Saturday also detained a

YSRC MP sent to
14-days custody
disease in till May 30 in West Bengal
Haryana: Vij CM Mamata’s brother dies due to Covid complications
actual violence on streets
over the happenings in
Palestine would invite
action under the law”.
overhead water tank in
Srinagar’s Padshahi Bagh
area to paint the face of a
sobbing woman wearing
Muslim cleric Sarjan
Barkati from southern
Shopian district, two days
after he had reportedly
Inspector-general of Palestine’s flag as the criticised Israeli's mili-
Amaravati: A designated CID Chandigarh, May 15: police (Kashmir range), headscarf. He also wrote tary “aggression” against
court on Saturday night Haryana health minis- RAJIB CHOWDHURI Vijay Kumar, said, “J&K on the graffiti “We are Palestinians. However, the
remanded arrested YSR ter Anil Vij on Saturday KOLKATA, MAY 15 Police is keeping a very Palestine” amid chanting local police officials said
Congress MP K. Raghu said that black fungus close watch on elements of anti-Israel slogans by that Barkati was not
Ramakrishna Raju to 14 days has been declared a noti- West Bengal is finally who are attempting to an impromptu crowd. arrested for his anti-Israel
in judicial custody but fied disease in the state. entering another phase of leverage the unfortunate Some Angry youth put outburst but for making a
directed that he be admitted Now, if any cases of lockdown from Sunday for situation in Palestine to several Palestine flags ‘provocative statement’
to a hospital for treatment of this disease are found, the next two weeks till disturb public peace and atop the platform criss- during his speech to the
injuries allegedly caused due the doctors will have to May 30 as the second wave order in the Kashmir crossing a passageway, the worshippers on Id day.
to police torture. The CID report them to the con- of Covid-19 struck chief
court magistrate directed cerned chief medical minister Mamata
that the MP be kept in hospi-
tal till he was completely
officer (CMO), Vij said
in a statement here.
Banerjee's family. Ms
Banerjee's brother Ashim BODY OF KERALA WOMAN KILLED Maha Cong
cured. On the other hand,
hearing a Habeas Corpus
The black fungus infec-
tion, also known as
Banerjee, who was under-
going treatment for Covid- People stand in a queue to buy alcohol in Kolkata after IN HAMAS STRIKE REACHES INDIA MP’s health
mucormycosis, is 19 at a hospital here, died
petition, the Andhra Pradesh
High Court constituted a
medical board to examine
caused by a fungus
called mucor. Black fun-
on Saturday morning.
West Bengal reported
West Bengal government on Saturday announced com-
plete lockdown till May 30 due to surge in Covid cases.
the pain and sufferings
of the family of Ms.
worsens after
Raju's injuries and submit a
report by Sunday. Mr Raju
gus has been declared a
notified disease in
144 new deaths and 19,511
fresh cases of Covid-19
offices, shopping complex- goods carriers and all
es, malls, bars, sports industries and manufac- The mortal remains of
Soumya. More strength
to them,” the MoS tweet-
testing -ve
submitted a four-page letter Haryana, Vij said. infection in the last 24 complexes, pubs, cinema turing units will remain Soumya Santosh, 31, the ed. SONU SHRIVASTAVA
to the CID court magistrate Now, if a patient is hours. halls and beauty parlours closed. Indian woman killed in Santosh was killed in a MUMBAI, MAY 15
in Guntur alleging that the diagnosed with black State chief secretary will remain closed other All administrative, aca- the Hamas rocket attack rocket attack in Israel
sleuths beat him, causing fungus in any govern- Alapan Bandyopadhyay than those relating to demic, entertainment, reached Delhi from carried out by militant Senior Congress leader
severe injuries particularly to ment or private hospital announced on Saturday emergency and essential political, cultural and reli- Israel en route Kerala on group Hamas. The vic- and Rajya Sabha MP
his legs. He submitted pho- of the state, it will have that the latest curbs in services, including health- gious gatherings, group- Saturday where it was tim, who is survived by Rajiv Satav's health has
tographs showing his to be reported to the view of the surge in care, law and order, ings and congregations received by minister of husband and nine-year- deteriorated once again
swollen and bruised feet as CMO of the concerned Covid-19 cases would be courts, power, drinking and all outdoor activities state for external affairs old son living in Kerala, due to pneumonia and
evidence of police torture. district so that appropri- enforced from 6 am on water and media. — between 9 pm to 5 am — V. Muraleedharan in the was working as a domes- cytomegalovirus. A few
— PTI ate steps can be taken to May 16 to 6 pm on May 30 Among others, parks, including the movement capital. tic help at a house in the days ago, his Covid test
prevent the disease, he during which all govern- zoos, sanctuaries, all of people and vehicles "With a heavy heart, Israeli city of Ashkelon came negative. Revenue
said. ment offices and private intra-state local trains, have been further strictly received the mortal when a rocket fired by minister Balasaheb
Senior doctors of establishments and educa- Metro railway and intra- prohibited. Retail shops remains of Ms. Soumya Hamas hit the house. Thorat met to Mr Satav
Cong says Guj PGIMS, Rohtak will con-
duct meetings through
tional institutions, includ-
ing schools, collges and
state bus services and and supplies, bazaars and
inland water transport, haats, which were allowed
Santhosh in Delhi and
paid my last respects.
Both MoS Muraleed-
haran and Israeli
in Pune’s Jehangir hos-
pital on Saturday.
under-reportng videoconferencing with
all the doctors who are
universities, will remain
movement of private vehi- to be run in two phases a
cles, taxis and autorick- day earlier, will remain
CDA of Israel embassy
@RonyYedidia also
ambassador Ron Malka
had earlier spoken to the
Maharashtra health
minister Rajesh Tope
treating coronavirus During this period, all shaws, all intra-state open between 7 and 10 am joined. I empathise with family of the victim. told the reporters that
Covid-19 deaths patients in the state and
inform them about the
government and private movement of trucks and only. Mr Satav’s condition is
delicate. Mr Tope has
■ Continued from Page 1 treatment of black fun- spoken with Jehangir
of Gujarat has officially
admitted to only 4,218 Covid-
related deaths.
Mr Chidambaram said the
Recently, several states
have flagged cases of
Odisha docs save life of 15-day-old Covid +ve baby Hospital’s director to
enquire about the MPs
health. He would meet
Mr Satav on Sunday.
difference between
increase in the number of
the mucormycosis, especial-
ly among patients who
the virus just 15 days fol-
lowing her birth. Odisha DGP appeals to Maoists consent of the baby’s and
their gambling paid off.
“The doctors are try-
ing their level best. He is

infected with Covid to surrender

death certificates (65,805) and are diabetic. BHUBANESWAR, MAY 15 Incidentally, all her family According to Dr Arjit on a ventilator and
the official Covid-related Earlier this month, members also tested posi- Mohapatra who treated recovering from the dis-
deaths (4,218) in this period Niti Aayog member Doctors in a private hospi- tive. The baby was immedi- the baby girl, the drugs ease but he is suffering
must be explained. It cannot (health) V.K. Paul had tal in Bhubaneswar have ately shifted to the private AGE CORRESPONDENT assistance with empathy were administered as a from Cytomegalovirus,”
be a “natural annual increase” ruled out an outbreak of done wonders as they hospital after her health MALKANGIRI, MAY 15 and compensation as per life-saving measure under Mr Tope said. Mr Satav
or “due to other causes”, he Covid-triggered saved the life of a 15-day- deteriorated further. Even government protocols. emergency authorisation is being treated for
noted. mucormycosis and said old girl who had almost her major organs were on Amid reports that several During his visit to vari- use with parental consent. Cytomegalovirus but he
The Gujarat government that the situation was slipped into a vegetative the brink of failure and Maoist cadres have died of ous Maoists-affected “By God’s grace, the is suffering from addi-
rejected the Congress’ claim being monitored. — PTI state after contracting she was gradually slipping Covid-19 and many others regions in Malkangiri, child survived and has tional infections also.
and media reports suggesting Covid-19. into a vegetative state. are down with the disease, Koraput and been discharged from hos- Mr Tope said that all
that deaths due to Covid-19 in The girl named Gudia However, the doctors suc- Odisha DGP Shri Abhay Nabarangpur districts, pital. It’s like a miracle,” the expert doctors are
Gujarat are being underre- hailing from Madanpur in ceeded in saving the life of Saturday appealed to the the top police officer said said Dr Mohapatra. being called to treat Mr.
ported as “baseless and differ- Odisha’s Kalahandi dis- the child after 20 days of Left-wing extremists to that the government While Gudia’s story for Satav. Mr Satav, who is
ing from the reality”. trict was fully cured of the treatment that included 10 surrender before police would bear the cost of victory against coron- close to Congress leader
Rubbishing allegations that disease and returned home days of ventilator support. for early treatment. treatment of the infected avirus brings hope against Rahul Gandhi, is a mem-
it was hiding the correct fig- with her parents on Friday, The treatment process The DGP assured them rebels if they surrender at despair, incidents of ber of the AICC and con-
ure of Covid-19 related deaths the hospital authorities was not that easy. The doc- of all necessary medical the earliest. young children falling sidered a mainstay of
in the state, the Gujarat gov- said on Saturday. tors had to administer prey to the disease has his party in the
ernment claimed the reports According to reports, both steroids and which are currently not made these life-saving emerged as a major Vidarbha and
were “misleading” and have Anil Vij Gudia tested positive for Remdesivir to Gudia allowed for infants. They interventions with the concern. Marathwada regions.
been published “with the men-
tality of creating panic among
The Gujarat government
said one cannot claim more
Bengal governor Fadnavis writes to Sonia Cairn eyes AI assets abroad
people died due to Covid-19 by ■ Continued from Page 1 urgent steps to restore ■ Continued from Page 1 er,” he said.
simply comparing death cer- in a threatening mood, their confidence in the suppressed to a large However, the ■ Continued from Page 1 suits to pierce the corporate covery in Rajasthan. In 2006,
tificates of two years, which is “Lakhs of people have fled worst post-poll violence.” extent. Maharashtra Congress set aside. Sources said the veil between the Indian gov- it listed its Indian assets on
not accurate as there are many the state and took shelter He claimed, “Never ever “In Mumbai, 88,000 slammed the BJP government has also ernment and its owned com- the BSE. Five years after
factors to be considered, elsewhere. Did you have a imagined would face a sit- deaths are recorded leader saying the Covid engaged a counsel team panies such as in oil and that the government passed
including the fact that the look at these people? The uation @MamataOfficial every year. However, in situation in the coun- which is ready to defend gas, shipping, airline and a retroactive tax law and
state government decided to Indian Constitution has where tearfully people the year 2020 the num- try has worsened as the against any enforcement banking sectors, to seize billed Cairn `10,247 crore
issue death certificates with- its power... Wake up and plead (to) the constitu- ber rose to 20,179, of Modi government did action. their overseas assets to plus interest and penalty for
out late fee and affidavit till stop the state supported, tional head, ‘Will change which only 11,116 have not take it seriously. While they maintained recover the money awarded. the reorganisation tied to
July 31, 2021. organised and condoned the religion’ to live!” The been shown as Covid “Due to the Centre’s that neither the govern- The lawsuit is similar to the flotation. The state then
Gujarat home minister violence.” ruling Trinamul deaths. Of the daily negligence, the country ment nor any PSU has the one brought by expropriated and liquidated
Pradeepsinh Jadeja said in a Tweeting a video of the Congress, however, 4,000 Covid deaths reg- is witnessing over four received any such notice, Crystallex International Cairn’s remaining shares in
statement that “baseless women, Mr Dhankhar slammed Mr Dhankhar istered in India, nearly lakh cases of Covid people aware of the Cairn Corp to attach property of the Indian entity, seized div-
analysis” has been presented wondered, “Unimaginable over his state-wide visits. 850 alone are from daily and more than lawsuit said the case has Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A idends and withheld tax
by the media reports by “twist- post poll violence Serampore TMC MP Maharashtra,” said the 4,000 deaths. By writing been brought only on (PDVSA), the state-owned refunds to recover a part of
ing three aspects together, @MamataOfficial. Kalyan Banerjee alleged, BJP leader. to Sonia Gandhi, Mr Friday and notices in due oil company of Venezuela, the demand.
including time of the death in Terrified people with diffi- “I challenge the governor "Should it be called a Fadnavis is trying to course will come to the con- in Delaware couple of years Cairn challenged the move
the family, registration for the culty and fear @WBPolice to give the details of post- Maharashtra Model," cover up the failures of cerned authorities. back after the Latin before an arbitration tribu-
death certification and issuing and reprisals at hands of poll violence in writing if asked Mr Fadnavis in the PM. Instead, he The sources said as and American country failed to nal in The Hague, which in
of the certificate… All these ruling party workers nar- what he complains about his letter. He further should have the when any such notice is pay the firm $1.2 billion that December awarded it $1.2
three things combined togeth- rate indescribable woes of is true... All of his claims alleged that regions courage to write to Mr received, the an arbitration tribunal had billion (over `8,800 crore)
er to show death figures and horror. Appeal CM to take are created ones.” like Marathwada, Modi, who has turned g ove r n m e n t / c o n c e r n e d ordered to pay in lieu of the plus costs and interest,
analysis in the print media Vidarbha and North the country into a cre- organization shall take all 2011 seizing gold deposits which totals $1.725 million
report is totally inappropriate. Maharashtra in the matorium,” said necessary steps to defend held and developed by the (`12,600 crore) as of
The data of the year 2020 has
no accuracy at all in this
PM reviews situation state have been com-
pletely neglected by the
MVA government.
Maharashtra Congress
chief Nana Patole.
Congress leader
against “any such illegal
enforcement action”.
Cairn had first moved
Indian assets across sever-
al jurisdictions have been
December 2020.
The company has been
since then courting Indian
Mr Jadeja maintained that ■ Continued from Page 1 be worked out, including The former Rahul Gandhi’s warn- courts in the US, the UK, identified that Cairn will be government officials to get
per the government data, 8,944 the hour, especially in through provision of oxy- Maharashtra CM’s let- ing about the pandemic Canada, France, Singapore, seeking to seize to enforce the money paid. Its officials
Covid-19 deaths have been states with high positivi- gen concentrators. ter has come against in February 2020 was the Netherlands and three the award. “Cairn is taking have held three face to face
reported in the state till ty rate in districts. Uttar Pradesh on the backdrop of Mrs not heeded by the BJP. other countries to register the necessary legal steps to meetings with the then rev-
Friday. He also said that death He also said states Saturday registered 281 Gandhi’s own missive The Centre’s arrogance the December 2020 arbitra- protect shareholders’ inter- enue secretary Ajay
certificates are obtained should be encouraged to fresh Covid-19 fatalities, to Mr Modi criticising and complacency is tion tribunal ruling that est in the absence of a reso- Bhushan Pandey in
online for various purposes by report Covid-19 numbers raising the death toll to the Centre’s failure at responsible for this sit- overturned the Indian gov- lution of the arbitral February and at least one
the family and one cannot transparently, “without 17,283, while the infection handling the Covid out- uation, he added. ernment’s `10,247 crore award,” a company video call with his succes-
ignore the possibility of more any pressure of high num- count climbed to 16,09,140 break in the country. Despite difficulties, demand in back taxes and spokesperson said. “Cairn sor Tarun Bajaj.
than one registration for a per- bers showing adversely on with 12,547 more cases. Responding to it, Mr Maharashtra has man- ordered New Delhi to remains open to continuing Finance minister Nirmala
son sometimes and also delay their efforts”, remarks Kerala’s Covid-19 tally Fadnavis said Mrs aged to vaccinate 1.15 return the value of shares it constructive dialogue with Sitharaman had last month
in obtaining the certificate by that come amid reports has risen to 20,88,208 with Gandhi should instead crore people, highest in had sold, dividends seized the Government of India to reiterated that internation-
the family. that many states have been 32,680 fresh cases, death advise the states where the country. The corona and tax refunds withheld to arrive at a satisfactory out- al arbitration ruling on
The minister asserted that under-reporting their case toll has climbed to 6,339 Congress is in power. control model of recover the tax demand. come to this long-running India’s sovereign right to
Gujarat has “to a large extent and fatality tallies. with 96 more fatalities. “The overall situation Mumbai has also been Subsequent to the courts issue.” taxation sets wrong prece-
controlled the situation” with Mr Modi also directed West Bengal registers 144 in the country would praised not only by the in the US and other places The Scottish firm invested dent, but had said that the
the help of doctors, health that a distribution plan new Covid-19 fatalities, improve if the PM and Niti Ayog, but giving recognition to the in the oil and gas sector in government is looking at
workers, cooperation of peo- for ensuring oxygen sup- highest so far in a single Maharashtra govern- also on the global level, arbitration award, the firm India in 1994 and a decade how best it can sort out the
ple and a collective approach. ply in rural areas should day, 19,511 fresh cases. ment got its act togeth- Mr Patole said. has now begin bringing law- later it made a huge oil dis- issue. — PTI
pg 5

This is the story of the
16 MAY 2021 week. India's only dou-
ble Olympic medallist
and its most decorated
wrestler Sushil Kumar
Ranjona Banerji has been absconding
now for a little over a
Off the beaten track week, booked that he is
for the murder of his
compatriot Sagar Rana
outside the Chhatrasal

Freedom, as understood stadium. The charges

include both murder
and conspiracy. It is

by escapists and readers said that Rana had fall-

en into the company of
gangsters but the dis-

hen I was about 17, I got hooked to JRR Tolkien’s The Lord of pute was one over
the Rings. I had read The Hobbit earlier. And once I moved petty property. But the
from the adventures of Bilbo Baggins to Tolkien’s massive tril-
ogy, this became my go-to book to answer all my questions
events certainly add
about life and its own questions. All right, that’s a sweeping statement. grist to theories about
Maybe not the only book, but one of my main “escape” books. From 17 to wrestling's close links
about 45, I read the series every six months. Curled up, shut out the out- with the world of crime
side world and delved into that dark, funny and magical world of good and
evil but most of all, of human frailty. in the badlands of

How govt’s own credo of

Sometimes, it answered my questions. Sometimes it made me question Haryana and Uttar
my assumptions. Sometimes it just took me away from whatever was hap- Pradesh.
Children’s literature, if you can call Tolkien that, has been a go-to from Priyanka Mathur
whenever I stopped being a child, if that ever happens either. I am far New Delhi
from alone in this, but we all have our own reasons. If Bruno Bettelheim
points out that the “Uses of Enchantment” are integral to human growth,
then writing for children is our first step to being us.
For the same reason, in my youth at least, the insistence by adults that
Charles Dickens was essential reading for children destroyed for me and
many others a fine Victorian novelist. Oliver Twist and Little Nell were
children yes, and David Copperfield started off as one in the novel, but
accountability got violated this was the first rule position of oxygen supply
Delhi chief minister looking at a
far larger picture and thinking
Dickens did not write for children. He wrote about children. thrown to the winds in has somewhat improved about children orphanned by
I quibble and digress. the dozens of political ral- now, but when the crisis Covid-19. This amidst his pressing
Those fables and fairy tales told to children follow similar patterns: that
adults can be evil, you have to look out for yourself. Thus, mythology is
Pavan Varma lies addressed by him.
True, other political
was fully upon us, there
was gross lack of coordi-
concerns of battling the scourge in
his territory. Leaders need to be
perfect reading for the young, once you get past censoring out the sex! parties were equally nation too in the distribu- sensitive and nurture an ethos of
Although my paternal grandmother thought the chicanery and wicked- guilty. But there is an tion of available oxygen. inclusiveness. The resources of the
ness did not provide good lessons for chil-
dren! For a few generations of Indians, the
Chanakya’s View important difference.
They were not the ruling
The number of hospital
beds and ventilators
state will then follow. West Bengal
is at the threshold of a third Covid
sanitised pretty-picture version of Indian party at the centre, nor remained stagnant in the wave and going under lockdown.

mythology in the Amar Chitra Katha lthough the ruler, elected democrati- did they coin this catchy mistaken hubris that we Its governor, Jagdeep Dhankhar,
comics replaced grandmothers and their BJP likes to cally, is the Prime slogan. According to the have “conquered” the still cannot see beyond the recent
tales. appropriate Minister. Mahabharata, the leader virus. Assembly poll only to keep flog-
From Robert Graves to Joseph Campbell, our ancient All our ancient texts must serve by example, Our vaccine policy is in ging a post-poll violence issue.
mythology has long been another escape wisdoms, it is categorically state that or else he will become an shambles. The Centre R. Narayanan
from everyday reality to larger human real- becoming increasingly the ruler is duty bound to object of ridicule. announced that those in Navi Mumbai
ity. To understand why we are what we are, clear that the govern- work for the welfare of The permission given the 18-44 age group could
our old tales and fables and philosophies ment does not follow the people, and discuss to hold the shahi snans in be vaccinated from May
provide invaluable pointers. That behind
the history of wars and victors is the human
their injunctions.
“Oriental despotism”
the qualities needed for
this purpose. The
the Kumbh Mela is a clas-
sic example of doing
1, even when they knew
that vaccines are just not
story of why and how our minds work and Children’s literature, was the label that misin- Arthashastra says: “The what pleases oneself but available for this pur- IT IS SHOCKING to know that
what we have done with them. if you can call Tolkien formed and biased histo- king’s pious vow is readi- is not for the good of the pose. Earlier, millions of West Bengal Chief Minister
What is growing up then and do we ever do rians often dismissively ness in action, his sacri- people. The sanction to vaccines were exported Mamata Banerjee’s younger broth-
it? All those cartoons we watched in our that, has been a go-to used for politics in fice, the discharge of his such a “super-spreader” or gifted abroad, and no er Ashim Banerjee died due to
childhood, Tom and Jerry for instance. from whenever I ancient India. The truth duty. In the happiness of event, just because it planned steps were taken Covid-19 on Saturday. He was
Violence, wit and western classical music. stopped being a child, is that political science his subjects lies the catered to what the BJP to timely boost produc- undergoing treatment for Covid-19
Is that being cynical? But the lesson is if that ever happens was a sophisticated disci- king’s happiness, in the perceives to be its vote tion or increase stocks. at Medica Hospital in Kolkata for
always the same. The good, the bad, the either. I am far from pline then. The most welfare of his subjects, bank, was decidedly The current policy, nearly one month after he tested
tricksy nature of life. You might run a mile alone in this, but we important texts on this yogakshema, his welfare. against the interests of where each state is inde- positive for the virus. In the wake
in fright if you see a real-life mouse and lov- subject are, of course, The king’s good is not the vast number of pendently floating global of rising coronavirus cases, the
ingly cuddle your cat, but you really wanted all have our own Kautilya’s Arthashastra that which pleases him, Hindus, and Indians as a tenders, often from the West Bengal government on
the mouse to win! The wily coyote to fall off reasons. and the Shanti Parva pas- but that which pleases whole. Lakhs of people in same producer, is anar- Saturday extended the lockdown
the cliff. The duck and rabbit to outwit the sage in the Mahabharata. his subjects.” The Shanti such mask-less proximi- chic, impractical and a till May 30. With this, Ms Banerjee
gun. Apart from these, there Parva admits of no dou- ty made a mockery of the blatant abdication of took a personal loss as a result of
Obviously, I was grown up (well, open for debate!) by the time I reached are important sections in ble standards. “Let the public posturing to the responsibility by the the Election Commission's deci-
J.K. Rowling and the Harry Potter series. I devoured them all the same the Ramayana, the king first discipline him- contrary of the leader. Centre. Indeed, there is a sion to bow to the wishes of the
and shared the wonder with my nephews. I saw the references to Tolkien Dharmashastras, Thiru- self. Only then must he We have also seen how verifiable attempt to pass Centre and hold an eight-phase leg-
and C.S. Lewis’s Narnia and so many other similar writers before valluvar’s Thirukkural, discipline his subordi- “readiness in action”, the buck to the states islative assembly election in the
Rowling, but you had to appreciate her own story and her adherence to and later during the nates and subjects, for was missing. A spectacu- when the responsibility state.
that age-old dictum: adults can be evil, children for themselves. Gupta period, the that is the proper order of lar lack of preparation in in such matters is clearly Sankar Paul
There are books and books and reasons and reasons for reading them. Nitisara (Essence of discipline. The king who anticipation of the that of the central gov- Chakdaha, West Bengal
But I’m thinking about books for escape. For when reality is tough and Politics) of Kamandaka, tries to discipline his inevitability of a second ernment. Under the
you crave the thrill of familiar fears, hopes and solutions. One of my and the Nitivakyamrita subjects without first dis- wave was evident. There National Disaster
favourite sections of Lord of the Rings is when Aragorn demands the dead
fulfil their promise, powerfully conjured in the Peter Jackson films. And
of the Jain scholar,
Somadeva Suri. Kautilya
becomes an object of
himself was a delay of eight
months in inviting bids
(NDMA) 2005, the prima-
then always, for the comfort of food, song and magic, the time that the mentions that there were ridicule in not being able for oxygen plants after ry responsibility for AS PER THE India Meteorological
hobbits spent with Tom Bombadil, sadly and unforgivably left out of the at least four schools of to see his own defects.” India declared the pan- “prevention of disaster, Department (IMD), the depression
Jackson film series. Two favourite bits, dark and light but think a bit and political science that pre- These explicit injunc- demic to be a disaster on or the mitigation or pre- in the Arabian Sea is likely to
you don’t know which is which. dated his work, and tions have been much too March 14, 2020. And, out paredness and capacity intensify into a “very severe
Last year, I read through the entire Georgette Heyer romance series to names as many as 13 often breached before of the 162 oxygen plants building for dealing with cyclonic storm” on May 17 and
shut out the pandemic. The effects of this year’s pandemic are so bad, that authors prior to him that too. But, in the current planned for, only 33, as threatening disaster situ- cross the Gujarat coast a day later.
I have not been able to find that solace. The Lord of the Rings saw me contributed to them. context, we see just how per the health ministry, ations”, is that of the It had also said the weather condi-
through the Gujarat riots of 2002, and I have not read the series since. Ancient political theory flagrantly they were vio- have been installed. The Centre. tion has intensified into a deep
Instead, I have done the unthinkable and watched the films over and over focuses extensively on lated in the preparation Our ancient seers were depression, and it is very likely to
again. I started with a six on ten, but the marking has improved since the responsibilities of a for and handling of the The current repositories of much wis- further intensify into cyclonic
then. ruler. Matsya Nyaya, pandemic’s vicious sec- dom. The BJP swears by storm, Tauktae. The cyclone has
It’s magic that gets me through, though. The unreality of our reality. where big fish eat the ond wave. The intention
policy, where each them, and invokes them already triggered heavy rainfall in
The wonders of nature, of anthropomorphic animals that tell us about small at will, was a pre- here is not to politicise a state is indepen- with smug proprietor- Kerala and is expected to extend to
ourselves in Kenneth Grahame’s The Wind in the Willows, the humour, scription for anarchy. tragedy, but to under- dently floating ship, but the practices Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra and
the sensitivity, is distilled into Rat’s words, “This is the place of my song- The institution of king- stand the gulf between global tenders, they adopt tell an entire- Gujarat. Red and orange alerts
dream”, in the chapter, Piper at the Gates of Dawn. From Pink Floyd to ship was essential to pre- what the BJP professes to often from the ly different story. have been sounded in various
the craving for divinity to mythology to human longing to Bruce vent this state of anar- believe in, and what same producer, is Chanakya must be won- parts. In these distress times, the
Chatwin’s The Songlines, it’s all in that chapter. chy. The philosophical those in power actually dering how those of his heavy rains would add to the trou-
Somewhere trawling through the online world of books, I downloaded a sanction for a ruler was do. anarchic, descendants, who proud- bles of the people. The authorities
book about Bengali fairy tales. I want to hear them in my Mother’s voice thus quite akin to Firstly, it is clear that impractical and a ly — even exclusively — need to take precautionary
but I cannot. So, I read about the boy whose soul was locked into a box and Locke’s Social Contract, the PM did not discipline blatant abdication claim him as their own, measures.
I wonder. I cannot escape our current reality because I do not want to, and wherein people them- himself first while of responsibility have drifted so far away N. Sadhasiva Reddy
I cannot do the other human thing of belief. But I can dream of running selves, in their own self- instructing his subjects by the Centre. from his precepts. Bengaluru
away. To where, and in which book, is what I can no longer answer. interest, concur in one of to do so. There is little Indeed, there is a
them assuming the point in coining the slo- The writer, an author Every Monday the best letter of
The writer is a senior journalist who writes on media affairs, politics power of a ruler. In gan, do gaz ki doori, verifiable attempt and a former diplomat, the week wins `500. Email:
and social trends. She tweets at @ranjona. today’s context, such a mask hai zaroori, when to pass the buck... is in politics

enior Congress leader wishers to pen newspaper columns their loved ones. uperstar Amitabh Bachchan’s MLAs and MPs, who went into hid-
Pramod Tiwari took his col- either attacking the Opposition or donation of `2 crores to the ing when faced with the wrath of

leagues by surprise at the trying to burnish Mr Modi’s image ragya Thakur, the controver- Delhi Sikh Gurdwara agitating farmers, legislators
party’s working committee which has been severely dented by sial Lok Sabha MP from Managing Committee for a covid belonging to the saffron party in UP
meeting last week when he referred his government’s poor handling of Bhopal, finally put in an centre at Gurdwara Rakab Ganj has are now at the receiving end as they
to Ahmed Patel’s passing and sug- the pandemic. For instance, urban appearance in the Madhya Pradesh set the proverbial cat among the are unable to respond to desperate

Anita Katyal gested that someone be appointed to development minister Hardeep Puri capital last week after a gap of over pigeons. With the DSGMC heading requests from their constituents for
take his place. Mr Tiwari pointed obviously has plenty of time to two months. Ms Thakur ensured into elections, Bachchan’s donation hospital beds and oxygen. The
out that as Congress president Sonia respond extensively on Twitter to that her arrival was duly noted by has become a hot-button issue with health infrastructure in the state
Political Gup-Shup Gandhi’s political secretary, Patel
played a pivotal role in bridging the
critics about the Centre’s decision to
continue with the Central Vista
the local media as photographers
and reporters were
the committee’s former presidents
Paramjit Singh Sarna and Manjit
has proved to be woefully inade-
quate as the second wave of the coro-
gap between her office and the party redevelopment project, which assembled to witness and record the Singh G.K. coming down heavily on navirus pandemic has ravaged both
at large. Stating that this communi- includes the construction of a pala- distribution of face masks and the current head Manjinder Singh cities and the rural areas, taking a
cation had broken down after Patel’s tial new home for the Prime steamers to needy persons by her. Sirsa for accepting money from the heavy toll on people’s lives.
death, Mr Tiwari requested that the Minister, during the pandemic. Mr She subsequently disappeared after actor. According to them, Bachchan Predictably, the BJP MLAs are a
Congress president fill this spot Puri was beside himself with anger the photo-op. Pragya Thakur has was closely associated with Rajiv worried lot. The Assembly elections

Damage control with the appointment of a senior

party leader who has administrative
experience and a good working rela-
tionship with party workers. This
that “canards” were being spread
about the PM’s dream project
though he was unable to explain the
rush to declare the construction as
acquired a reputation for going
missing on the pretext of undergo-
ing medical treatment each time the
Bharatiya Janata Party or the
Gandhi and was suspected of sup-
porting the anti-Sikh riots which fol-
lowed Indira Gandhi’s assassination
in 1984. Bachchan’s money, they
are due early next year and, if peo-
ple’s anger persists, they will have a
tough time getting re-elected.
Meanwhile, UP chief minister Yogi

keeps ministers left everyone wondering if Mr

Tiwari was pitching for former
Madhya Pradesh chief minister
an essential service at a time when
people are battling for their lives
due to lack of oxygen, hospital beds
Madhya Pradesh government are in
trouble. Thakur was nowhere to be
seen during the first wave
maintained, is tainted and should
not have been accepted by the
DSGMC. They demanded that Sirsa
Adityanath’s office is busy putting a
gloss on the horror stories being
reported on a daily basis, pointing to

busy; will Diggi Digvijaya Singh. and medicine. Then, again a furious
Mr Puri posted lengthy tweets in
of the pandemic last year and it was
no different this time
be removed immediately. Several
other members of the Sikh commu-
an article on the WHO website prais-
ing the state government’s efforts in

replace Ahmed? A
t a time when the country is response to Congress leader Jairam which prompted a Congress leader nity also joined this chorus with an micro planning, house visits and
witnessing its worst health Ramesh’s post mocking the decision to announce a reward for eye on the DSGMC elections. concurrent monitoring of the coron-
crisis, it would be expected to use Mr Modi’s photograph on vac- the “missing” MP. Her absence has avirus cases, ensuring that nobody

that Prime Minister Narendra cine certificates. Mr Puri’s col- been particularly glaring he plight of Bharatiya Janata missed access to health care ser-
Modi’s Cabinet colleagues would leagues are similarly engaged but during the second surge of coron- Party legislators in Uttar vices.
have enough on their plate these none has cared to empathise with avirus infections as Bhopal has been Pradesh today is similar to
days. And yet Union ministers are those suffering or offered condo- among the worst affected cities in that of their counterparts in Punjab Anita Katyal is a Delhi-based
busy writing articles or getting well- lences to families who have lost the state. some months ago. Like Punjab journalist

EDITOR IN CHIEF: T. VENKATRAM REDDY, PRINTER & PUBLISHER: K. SUDHAKAR; THE ASIAN AGE office is located at: New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi-110002. Phone: (011) 23211124;
Published and Printed on behalf of and for; Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited, Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi 110 002 at BFL Infotech Ltd., C-9, Sector-III, Noida -201301;
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pg 6

Vaccines ‘less effective’ against B1.617.2
PAKISTAN CANAL UK expert reiterates no evidence of increased severity of illness from the variant first identified in India
Lahore, May 15: Eleven people, London, May 15: The vac-
including seven children, of
the same family drowned after
cines being administered
to protect against Covid-19
their vehicle plunged into a
canal in Pakistan's Punjab
are almost certainly less
effective against prevent-
province, rescue authorities
ing the transmission of
the B1.617.2 variant first AT CHANGI JAIL EVEREST CLIMBS
The accident happened on identified in India, a lead-
Friday in Sheikhupura dis- ing UK scientist who Singapore, May 15: About Beijing, May 15: China
trict, some 50 kms from advises the country’s vac- 5,000 inmates, staff and has cancelled attempts to
Lahore, when the vehicle head- cination programme said partners at Singapore's climb Mount Everest
ing towards Khanqah Dogran on Saturday. Changi Prison will be test- from its side of the wor-
from Qila Didar Singh skidded Professor Anthony Harn- ed for Cóvid-19 over the ld's highest peak because
off the road and plunged into den, from the University of next few days after a chef of fears of importing
the canal. Oxford who is the deputy working there was con- Cóvid-19 cases from
After being informed of the chair of the Joint Comm- firmed to have the infec- neighbouring Nepal,
accident, police and Rescue ittee on Vaccination and tion, according to a media state media reported.
1122 officials rushed to the Immunisation (JCVI), said report on Saturday. The closure was con-
accident spot and retrieved the it was important to appro- All inmates face-to-face firmed in a notice Friday
bodies from the canal. ach the easing of lockdo- visits will be replaced by from China’s General
“Before the rescue divers wn in England with utm- phone calls with effect Administration of Sport,
reached there all 11 people -- ost caution as it remains from May 17 until further the official Xinhua News
seven children, two women and unclear exactly how much notice, the Singapore Agency said.
as many men drowned and more transmissible the Prison Service (SPS) said. The move reflects the
died,” Rescue official variant detected in India The chef is a contract abundance of caution
Muhammad Farooq said. is. But he reiterated that staff working in the China has taken in deal-
He said the Rescue divers had there is no evidence so far prison kitchen located at ing with the pandemic.
recovered all bodies and hand- of increased severity of Institution A5 in Cluster While China has mostly
ed them over to the families. illness or that the particu- A of Changi Prison, said curbed domestic trans-
lar mutation of the coron- SPS. The 39-year-old last mission, Nepal is experi-
U.S. WOMAN: $26M avirus evades the vaccine.
The vaccines may be less
reported to work on
Wednesday. He felt unwell
encing a surge with
record numbers of new
LOTTERY TICKET effective against mild dis-
ease but we don’t think
after work, developing a
fever and runny nose, and
infections and deaths.
China had issued per-
GOES DOWN DRAIN they’re less effective agai-
nst severe disease. But in
sought medical treatment
at a general practitioner
mits to 38 people, all
Chinese citizens, to climb
Norwalk, Calif., May 15: The combination with being Brazilian athletes, health workers and military officers pose for a photo with Covid-19 vaccination mascot named clinic where he received a the 8,849-metre (29,032-
winner of a $26 million less effective against mild “Ze Gotinha,” or Joseph Droplet, after the athletes got shots of the Pfizer vaccine at Urca military base in Rio de polymerase chain reac- foot) -high mountain this
California Lottery prize may disease, they’re almost Janeiro, Brazil, on Friday. — AP tion (PCR) test for Covid- spring. Nepal has given
have literally washed the certainly less effective 19. permission to 408 people.
chance of a fortune down the against transmission,
TAIWAN FACES His test result came back Climbing was not allowed
The winning SuperLotto Plus
ticket for the Nov. 14 drawing
was sold at an Arco AM/PM
Prof. Harnden told the
BBC. We don’t know how
much more transmissible
it is yet. All the evidence
Pandemic to be ‘far more COVID-19 WORST
positive the next day.
SPS said it immediately
ceased kitchen operations
at Institution A5 and
from either side last year
because of the pandemic.
In Nepal, several clim-
bers have reported testi-
convenience store in the Los
Angeles suburb of Norwalk.
Thursday was the last day to
redeem it.
so far suggests there is no
evidence of increased sev-
erity of illness or that it
evades the vaccine. So, at
deadly’ this year: WHO OUTBREAK
Taipei, May 15: The
island of Taiwan, which
started contact tracing
among staff and inmates
upon confirmation of his
infection. — PTI
ng positive for Covid-19
after they were brought
down from the Everest
base camp. — AP
Nobody did. the moment, on the basis Geneva, May 15: The dros Adhanom Ghebrey- gency orders until the end has had enviable success
Store employee Esperanza of the evidence we are World Health Organisa- esus. of May, Hiroshima, Okay- in containing Covid-19,
Hernandez told the Whittier
Daily News that a woman came
in Wednesday and told workers
that she had put the ticket in
doing the right thing, cool-
ly, calmly continuing with
Monday, but keeping eve-
rything under review, he
tion issued a grim warn-
ing on Friday that the sec-
ond year of Covid-19 was
set to be “far more dead-
The mood also darkened
in Japan where the
Coronavirus state of eme-
rgency took in another
ama and northern Hok-
kaido, which will host the
Olympic marathon, will
now join them. Japanese
imposed new restrictions
in its capital city on
Saturday as it battled its
worst outbreak since the
Repatriation flight
her pants and it was destroyed
in the laundry.
The store's manager told
KTLA-TV that surveillance
said, in reference to the
next stage in the easing of
lockdown that begins in
England from Monday.
ly”, as Japan extended a
state of emergency amid
growing calls for the
Olympics to be scrapped.
three regions just 10 we-
eks before the Olympics,
while campaigners sub-
mitted a petition with
public opinion is firmly
opposed to holding the
Games this summer.
Swiss tennis great Roger
pandemic began.
Authorities raised the
alert level for Taipei, the
capital, and the surround-
from India in Oz
video showed the woman who His comments follow UK “We’re on track for the more than 350,000 signa- Federer said Friday that ing area of New Taipei Melbourne, May 15: The The arrivals will be tak-
bought the ticket, and she's Prime Minister Boris second year of this pan- tures calling for the Gam- “what the athletes need is city. The level 3 alert, first repatriation flight en to the Howard Springs
known to store workers. Johnson’s Downing Street demic to be far more dead- es to be cancelled. a decision: is it happening which remains in effect carrying Australians stra- centre. Passengers on this
A copy of the surveillance press conference on ly than the first,” said With Tokyo and other or isn’t it?” for two weeks, requires nded in India landed in flight had to undergo and
video was turned over to Friday evening. — PTI WHO director-general Te- areas already under emer- — AFP people to wear a mask Darwin on Saturday fol- return a negative result on
California Lottery officials, the outdoors and limits lowing the end of the fed- two tests before they could
manager said. indoor gatherings to five eral government’s contro- get on the plane a PCR

NYC Mayor to UK eager for a

The claim will be investigat- people and outdoor gath- versial ban on them from test in the two days before-
ed, lottery spokeswoman Cathy erings to 10 people. — AP returning home. hand and then a rapid anti-
Johnston said. The repatriation flights gen test.
facilitated by the Austral- The Australian govern-
give aid to India big reopening
ian government for its ment had introduced the
stranded citizens in India travel ban for its residents
EX-MAYOR GUILTY CANADA VACCINE resumed from Friday fol-
lowing a two weeks ban
and citizens a fortnight
ago to mitigate the risk of
OF CORRUPTION New York, May 15: New step up and help India in London. May 15: When saying goodbye to months DRIVE STEPS ASIDE
due to the Covid-19 health
crisis in India.
high infection rate at its
quarantine facilities,
Massachusetts, May 15: York City Mayor Bill de its moment of crisis. We London’s Science Museum of tough lockdown restric- The Qantas jet touched including the Howard
Former Massachusetts mayor Blasio has announced pla- are sending vital medical reopens next week, it will tions. Montreal, May 15: The down at the Royal Austr- Springs centre in Darwin.
first elected at the age of 23 by ns to tap into the city’s st- equipment to India to send have some new artifacts: Starting Monday, all general in charge of coor- alian Air Force (RAAF) The repatriation flight
touting himself as a successful ockpile to send Covid-19 a clear message: Nobody is Empty vaccine vials, test- restaurants and bars in dinating Canada’s Covid- base shortly before 9:00 am was the first flight after
entrepreneur was convicted test kits, swabs, ventilato- in the fight against Covid- ing kits and other items England can reopen with 19 vaccination campaign local time. the Australian govern-
Friday of stealing money from rs, pulse oximeters and ot- 19 alone. Together, we can collected during the pan- some precautions in place, has left his post in the It was scheduled to carry ment imposed a temporary
investors in his start-up to her vital medical supplies save lives and beat back demic, to be featured in a as can hotels, theatres and Public Health Agency as up to 150 passengers but in ban with a threat of crimi-
bankroll his lavish lifestyle to India to save lives and the pandemic, the mayor new Covid-19 display. museums. And Britons he is being investigated the end, only carried 80 nal sanctions, including
and soliciting bribes from mar- beat back the pandemic. said. Kapil Longani, Britain isn’t quite ready will be able to hug friends by the military, the people back to Australia. five years in jail and fines
ijuana vendors who wanted to His announcement came Counsel to the Mayor said: to consign the Coronavirus and family again, with the Department of National Many passengers on the of up to 66,000 Australian
operate in the struggling mill as India recorded 3,26,098 As a proud Indian immi- to a museum — the out- easing of social distancing Defence said Friday. first flight on Friday were dollars for people who try
city. fresh Covid-19 cases that grant with generations of break is far from over. But rules that have been in Formerly commander of grounded due to Covid-19 to return from India.
Jasiel Correia was found took the national tally to family currently living in there is a definite feeling place since the pandemic the Nato mission in Iraq, positive test results, Aust- The next flight from
guilty of extortion, fraud and 2,43,72,907, while 3,890 new India, it breaks my heart that the UK has turned a began. Major-General Dany Fort- ralian High Commissioner India is scheduled in just
filing false tax returns after 23 fatalities pushed the death to see the ongoing Covid- corner, and the mood in the It’s the biggest step yet to in has left his public to India Barry O’’Farrell over a week. Almost 10,000
hours of jury deliberations toll to 2,66,207. 19 tragedy unfold. The country is upbeat. reopen the country follow- health assignment “pend- was quoted as saying by Australians, permanent
over four days in a trial that In a statement posted on Mayor is a leading citizen “The end is in sight,” one ing an easing of the crisis ing the results of a mili- ABC News. residents and their imme-
highlighted Correia's swift rise the official website of the of the world, and on behalf newspaper front page blamed for nearly 128,000 tary investigation”. He A total of 70 people were diate family members are
and fall in Fall River, where he City of New York, he said of the Indian community, I claimed. “Free at last.” deaths, the highest report- was appointed last Nove- barred from boarding. 46 seeking to return to
had dazzled voters at a young that just over a year ago, offer my deepest gratitude read another. ed Covid-19 toll in Europe. mber by PM Justin Trud- of those tested positive to Australia with around
age with his promises to turn New York City was the ce- for his decision to commit Thanks to an efficient Deaths in Britain have eau to coordinate the logi- Covid-19, while 24 others 1,000 who have been priori-
the city around. ntre of the global pandem- life-saving resources to vaccine rollout pro- come down to single digits stics of the largest vaccin- were identified as close tised as ‘vulnerable’.
Correia, now 29, was also ic. Now it is our turn to India. — PTI gramme, Britain is finally in recent days. — AP ation campaign. — AFP contacts. — PTI
acquitted on three counts,
including accusations that he

Brexit lawsuit: EU mulls ‘next steps’

forced his chief of staff to give
him half of her salary in order
to keep her city job.
Correia pleaded innocence
and claimed that the charges
US joins global
were politically motivated. He
also told reporters that his
''fight is not over” and predict-
ed he would win on appeal.
effort against Brussels, May 15: The
European Union said
Saturday it was weighing
its “next steps” after
letter of formal notice,
sent on 15 March,” a
European Commission
spokesperson said.
Northern Ireland from
mainland Britain.
Brussels says this vio-
lates the protocol of the
ship crisis and unrest in
Northern Ireland.
The protocol is designed
to prevent the emergence
ing from mainland Brita-
in, effectively keeping the
UK region within the EU’s
customs orbit.

violent extremism Britain formally respond- “The Commission will 2019 divorce pact that of a “hard border” betwe- The dispute over the
CALIF. UNIVERSITY ed to Brussels over the
launch of legal proceed-
now assess the contents of
the letter before deciding
deals with Ireland, one of
the most sensitive and
en Northern Ireland,
which remains part of the
Northern Ireland protocol
is one of multiple feuds
DROPS SAT SCORES Washington, May 15: Two Facebook, Twitter and
ings alleging London
broke the Brexit protocol
on next steps.” The EU
began an “infringement
fought over issues of Brit-
ain’s break from bloc me-
United Kingdom, and its
EU neighbour, the Repu-
souring post-Brexit ties
between the EU and its for-
FOR ADMISSION years after a white
supremacist in New Zea-
Amazon, and is named for
the New Zealand city
covering Northern Irel-
and. “We can confirm that
procedure” in March after
London unilaterally delay-
mbership after 47 years.
The two sides insist they
blic of Ireland.
The special arrangement
mer member — with
France and Britain also
San Francisco, May 15: The land livestreamed the where the slaughter at the the United Kingdom ed until October the intro- are working hard to find a shifts customs and regula- recently squaring off over
University of California won't slaughter of 51 Muslim two mosques took place. replied on May 14 to the duction of custom con- solution after the protocol tory checks to Northern fishing rights around the
consider SAT and ACT scores worshippers on Facebo- British Prime Minister European Commission’s trols on goods arriving in helped generate a leader- Irish ports on goods arriv- Channels Islands. — AFP
that are submitted with admis- ok, French President Boris Johnson said in a
sion and scholarship applica- Emmanuel Macron says prerecorded video that
tions under a settlement of a
student lawsuit that was
the internet continues to
be be used by terrorists as
authorities in his country
alone had taken down BIG | CAT Texas man was out on bond for a 2017 fatal shooting charge
announced Friday. a weapon to propagate more than 300,000 pieces

Search for tiger on as ‘owner’ back in jail

The 10-campus system, which hate. of terrorist material from
has more than 280,000 students Macron and other lead- the internet over the past
statewide, decided not to con- ers from tech giants and decade, which he descr-
tinue fighting a judge's injunc- governments around the ibed as a tsunami of hate.
tion issued last fall that barred world — including the US “Terrorist content is
it from considering the scores for the first time — gath- like a metastasising Texas, May 15: While a ing arrest after authori- cat is still doing well,” Carole Baskin, from the der charge, alleging the
for admission even when they ered virtually on Satu- tumor within the inter- Texas man who police ties allege he fled from Elliott said. At a separate Netflix’s docuseries incident showed Cuevas
were submitted voluntarily, the rday to find better ways to net, or series of tumors,” allege is the owner of a Houston officers who news conference in Hous- “Tiger King,” has offered a “has a total disregard for
San Francisco Chronicle stop extremist violence Johnson said. “If we fail tiger that frightened resi- responded to a call about a ton, police Cmdr. Ron $5,000 reward for the the public safety.”
reported. from spreading online, to excise it, it will dents after it was seen dangerous animal on Borza said some of the tiger’s safe return. State District Judge
Activists have long argued while also respecting free- inevitably spread into briefly wandering around Sunday night. tips officers have received At the time of his arrest Frank J. Fraley did not
that standardized tests put dom of expression. homes and high streets a Houston neighbourhood After a court hearing in on the tiger’s possible on Monday for allegedly grant the request, but
minority and low-income stu- It was part of a global the world over.” was ordered back behind a separate case Cuevas, 26, location have been “a little evading Houston police, instead revoked Cuevas'
dents at a disadvantage. Critics effort started by Macron Since its launch, gov- bars on Friday, the ani- is facing in neighbouring bit crazy.” Cuevas was already out on current $125,000 bond and
say test questions often contain and New Zealand Prime ernments and tech com- mal’s whereabouts remain Fort Bend County, his “We know the group of bond for a murder charge issued a new bond for
inherent bias that more privi- Minister Jacinda Ardern panies have cooperated in a mystery. attorney, Michael W. Ellio- people that are involved in in a 2017 fatal shooting in $300,000. It was the fifth
leged children are better after deadly attacks in some cases in identifying An all-day court hearing tt, reiterated his client do- the exotic animal trade Fort Bend County. Cuevas time that Cuevas' bond
equipped to answer. They also their countries were violent extremist content Friday didn’t reveal any esn’t own the tiger. Elliott here in Houston ... We has maintained the shoot- had been revoked in the
say wealthier students typical- streamed or shared on online. Ardern, however, new information on the said he only knew the first have visited all of them ing was self-defense, El- murder case.
ly take expensive prep courses social networks. said more tangible tiger’s whereabouts as name of the owner, that he and no luck so far,” Borza liott said. Borza said that Cuevas
that help boost their scores, The US government and progress is needed to stop Houston police say about has been working with the said. Investigators believe Cuevas had been and his attorney have not
which many students can't four other countries it from proliferating. 300 tips they’ve so far US Fish and Wildlife the tiger has likely been released on a separate cooperated with Houston
afford. joined the effort, known The meeting was aimed received haven’t panned Service to find India and passed around between six bond for the evading ar- police in the search for the
That was the argument in a as the Christchurch Call, at revitalizing coordina- out. Police allege Victor that Cuevas only wants for and eight different loca- rest charge on Wednesday. tiger but ''maybe if he goes
2019 lawsuit filed against the for the first time this year. tion efforts, notably since Hugo Cuevas is the owner the animal to be safe. tions in Houston in an Fort Bend County prose- to jail he'd be more cooper-
UC system on behalf of some It involves some 50 President Joe Biden of the tiger, a 9-month old “We want to find India. effort to hide it but that cutor Christopher Baugh ative with us. We'll see
high school students and non- nations plus tech compa- entered office. male named India, and he Somebody knows where the animal is probably asked Cuevas be held wit- how that goes.''
profit groups. nies including Google, — AP is facing a charge of evad- India is at. Hopefully the still in the city, Borza said. hout a bond for the mur- — AP
pg 7

OUR CRITIC’S RATING Outstanding ★★★★★ | Great ★★★★ | Good ★★★ | Okay ★★ | Poor ★ | Truly Terrible TT

Unbearably stupid and boring

group of cops. But here, as in over.
Radhe: Your Most most Salman films, no one else
matters except him. That is
In Radhe, Salman doesn’t just
show us a six-pack torso (hello,
Wanted Bhai because his Radhe has super- CGI), but attention is also called
CAST: Salman Khan, Disha powers that even Superman, to his ample man-boobs which
Patani, Randeep Hooda, Jackie Spiderman, Shaktiman haven’t twitch in a rather creepy way at
Shroff yet harnessed. the sight of Ms Diya.
DIRECTOR: Prabhu Deva Radhe is no ordinary cop. He is

RATING: TT an encounter specialist on sus- he main bad guy
pension, and yet when the men- in Radhe is Rana (Randeep
Streaming on Zee5 ace of drugs and suicides Hooda) whose shoulder
spreads through the schools and length hair is annoying.
colleges of Mumbai, it is he that Rana doesn’t seem to have or
the commissioner of police want a life. He stays in an aban-
turns to for help. doned mill and with his two men
SUPARNA SHARMA Because even when he is off eats out of aluminium takeaway
duty, Radhe flies into the high- containers. Sometimes the sweet

adhe is allegedly an rise apartment of a bad guy who people who send him food also

You wanted lots

official remake of the has raped and killed a girl. Why send him thermocol plates.
2017 South Korean he couldn’t get there earlier and Rana doesn’t inspire much love
film, The Outlaws. save the girl is not disclosed. But for a life of crime. And just a
This means that then, that’s not the point of this video of his sad life would have
we could sit with both the films scene. This scene is meant to been enough to deter future
and play “spot the difference”
till the end of time. But what’s
the point?
No Salman Khan film before
inspire The Matrix people.
Radhe, you see, is so fast that
he’s not even a blur. People he
attacks and even kills are not
fools. ACP Avinash Abhyankar
(Jackie Shroff) is a moron
apart and arms making round
brackets around his torso.
criminals. But since Salman
Khan films are a sequence of
dances and fights, he goes after
of blood? Mortal
Kombat listened
and since Dabaang (2010) even aware that they have been who gets to wear a silk maroon Sometimes, after beating the bad In Radhe, Salman doesn’t just
and Bajrangi Bhaijaan (2015) has attacked till they find them- dress and show-off his waxed guys, he hooks his jacket to his beat up all the bad guys, he con-
really had a point except to treat selves bleeding or dead. But legs. index finger and flings it on his verts some into duffle bags and
India’s legions of Salman-esque since some people need to see The wider world is made up back. There are also several even sends a flying knife into a
man-babies to how “bhai” and process how lethal he is, of a good, old Muslim man who shots of him holding his belt goon’s half-eaten Batata Vada
shaves, dances, kicks and flexes. Radhe kills everyone and then is a mute, moral approver, a buckle or hands in his pant and pins it to a wall. MARK KENNEDY
In fact, Salman Khan films proceeds to show the main bad young kid who wants to catch pocket. All these call attention to At the end he jumps out of an

these days don’t even qualify as guy a replay of how he did it. the bad guys, and several women his manhood which, unfortu- SUV and flies into an airborne he first death in the Mortal Kombat reboot occurs less
films, in the sense that they are who either get raped, killed or nately, is shy and whimpering helicopter. It all ends with a than three minutes in, which is actually pretty coy.

not even moving images. They irector Prabhu beaten. Except for the one when it comes to having any dance where Salman barely This is a movie, after all, based on a video game
are simply a collage of snap- Deva’s Radhe is like that Salman is romantically inclined meaningful contact — romance, moves and Disha Patani over- where the point is bloody violence.
shots of him posing in high horrible “I’ve Mixed towards, of course. chemistry — with any actress. compensates with worrying A katana slices a man vertically in half, triggering a burst
heels which his pants try to hide Everything That Was Leftover” Since Salman Khan went pelvic thrusts. of controlled murders. By the 6-minute mark we’ve seen

by splitting at the bottom and dish which Mummyjis are given alman Khan could never bonkers over a girl in the What is more worrying, howev- seven more men cut to pieces, including one who has a
flaring out. to cooking every few months. really act and for a while 2003 Tere Naam, he has been a er, is that two very loved men of sword slammed directly down through the top of his skull.
It’s one thing to suspend disbe- The film can’t even come up now he has stopped moving reluctant suitor. So it’s the our film fraternity — Salman The clever use of a gardening trowel — likely not what
lief for the sake of a story, char- with a single whistle-worthy dia- as well. Throughout Radhe, women who must prance around Khan and Prabhu Deva — think the agricultural manufacturer initially intended — knocks
acters, a world conjured up. It’s logue and uses that old “Ek baar Salman carries a fixed expres- him like dizzy squirrels in short it is okay to peddle this imbecili- off four more and then we’re off on a bloody tear for the
quite another for us to have to jo main commitment karta sion, as if he sent his wax statue skirts. These women are shapely, ty as a film. next 110 minutes through history, legend and comprehen-
also pretend that Salman Khan hoon...” line over and over. to the shoot and everyone much younger do-gooders who, sion.
is tall, that he can move, and that Even the supporting charac- around had to pretend it was the when not simpering or dancing, PS It may come as no
he is a young man and not a 55-
year-old first-in-line for the
ters are like zombies who have
risen from Salman’s previous
real thing.
So directors, choreographers
are helping others. When they
are dancing they take his hand
A joke has been doing the
rounds on WhatsApp about
surprise that Mortal
Kombat swaggers mortal kombat
Covid vaccine. tacky films. As if, upon hearing and fight masters have to make and place it on their waist or Radhe: when it comes to CAST: Lewis Tan, Jessica
that Salman is making another him stand in poses that can be present their booties for him to “You guys don’t know him, but hand-to-hand combat: McNamee, Josh Lawson, Joe

he Salman Khan universe film, they crawled out of those joined together later, on the edi- do a gentle tabla thing on it. I have a friend who has been on a The effects are Taslim, Mehcad Brooks
is always pivoted on imag- films and arrived on the sets tor’s screen, to insinuate move- In Radhe, Disha Patani’s name wheelchair most of his life. And impressive, from the DIRECTOR: Simon McQuoid
ined masculine physical of Radhe. They do here what ment . is Diya. Since she is always in today he stood up to switch off flips and slashes to RATING: ★★★a
power, prowess, speed and moral they did then. This means that we get several shorts and skirts, she gets told the TV while watching Radhe.” the sound of blood
Streaming on Netflix
courage where he is the good Radhe’s official world is made stills of him: The pinky-lipped off about her clothes, Baddi I just want to know at what gushing and the
guy up against bad guys. And up of minions who are devot- pout, eyes crinkled to project Ammi style. But there is that point he stood up from the clunk of metal
this is the plot of Radhe. ed bhakts and his bosses are smoldering, Salman standing mandatory bare torso scene of wheelchair. I want to frame that through bone.
The Outlaws was about a either corrupt or bumbling with feet shoulder distance Salman for his fans to swoon scene. But the acting is
laughable, the dialogue may make you wish for your own
quick dispatch and the plot — gobbledygook about strange
dragon markings, chosen ones and other realms — only

Wonder Woman combats a huckster’s rise in ‘1984’ makes sense if you’re high. “I’ve spent years trying to fig-
ure out what it all means,” one character complains. Don’t
waste your time.
Cherished fighters from the game are all here — Sonya
Blade, Kano, Sub-Zero, Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Jax —
JAKE COYLE A snake oil salesman who (Robin Wright). interwoven into the story of a new character — Cole
Wonder woman placates cravings while steal- The dream stone trans- Young. He’s a struggling mixed martial arts fighter — real-

f you’re going to make a ing everything else is, you forms another, too: Barbara ly a “human punching bag” — who gets beat up for $200 a
movie about wish fulfill-
CAST: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, might say, a touch timely. Minerva, a meek archeolo- bout but has a super nice, well-adjusted family.
Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal,
ment, 1980s America is Robin Wright, Connie Nielsen Wonder Woman 1984 plays gist played by Kristen Wiig. But Cole (Lewis Tan) has a mysterious dragon mark on
about as good as you can up its Trump critique about Awkward in heels and most his chest — “It’s not a birthmark!” he’s told — and soon
do for a setting outside the
DIRECTOR: Patty Jenkins as much as it does its ’80s everything else, she mutters learns what it means: “An ancient prophecy foretells” that
Arabian Desert. RATING: ★★★★ea style. In one scene, Steve that she’d like to be more like a new group of fighting champions will mass and threaten
“Wonder Woman 1984,” Streaming on Amazon Prime Trevor (Chris Pine), sum- Diana when holding the order on Earthrealm, also known as, you know, Earth.
Patty Jenkins’ time-traveling Video moned from the grave by stone, setting off a metamor- Simon McQuoid does a decent job on his feature directo-
sequel to 2017’s record-set- Diana’s own wish while hold- phosis that playfully rial debut, giving us a constantly staggered hits of
ting Wonder Woman, shut- ing the gem, giddily tries on remakes Wiig’s typical dopamine in the form of controlled violence.
tles Gal Gadot’s warrior to all the period-appropriate screen presence, and creates Screenwriters Dave Callaham and Greg Russo have a
the era of Regan economics, clothing like Ken’s fashion another foe for Wonder strong tendency to lean into ancient Asian mysticism
parachute pants and “Rio.” history through the repeat- show in Toy Story 3. Best in Woman. (“There is much to learn”) and stilted medieval ones, too:
All have their cameos in ing pitfalls of megalomani- the first “Wonder Woman” Just as in Wonder Woman, “The prophecy is upon us!”
Wonder Woman 1984, a acs intoxicated by power. were the screwball fish-out- I think Jenkins has left some Australian actor Josh Lawson as the psycho Kano steals
superhero parable of greed Last time, it was German of-water scenes of Diana opportunities on the table. the movie with enough twisted humor to deserve his own
and fanny packs with point- and British military leaders experiencing London with The first film, despite being franchise. “Hey, David Copperfield,” he says to Liu Kang
ed references to today. under the sway of Ares, the Trevor; this time the roles set in 1918 during WWI, omit- after an impressive control of a fireball. Many of his lines
Two movies in, it’s clear god of war. This time, it’s a are reversed, and the charm ted any real interaction with seem gleefully ad-libbed and he stands out in a forest of
that Jenkins and DC Comics struggling entrepreneur/TV a little less. the era’s then-flourishing stilted dialogue.
have a thankfully different personality who, in stealing What does Max’s rise have women’s rights movement — Anyway, Cole, Sonya Blade and Kano must train for a big
concept for Wonder Woman an ancient gem — the to do with Wonder Woman? A a vital source of inspiration showdown and find their inner fighting mojo. “The fate of
as a film franchise. Like its “dream stone” — from the huckster is a kind of perfect to Marston. Likewise, Earthrealm is in our hands,” says Liu Kang. If they don’t
predecessor, Wonder Woman Smithsonian in Washington, foil to Diana, conceived from Wonder Woman 1984 — more win over enemies from out there (in the, uh, Outworld,) the
1984 is spirited, purposeful D.C. (where Gadot’s Diana the start as a force for truth. focused on “greed is good” whole human race will be enslaved. This film has equal
and blessedly lacking in now works), gains the power (Her lasso of truth was mod- decade and its contemporary parts Karate Kid, X-Men, Indiana Jones and more than a
grandiosity. And both films to grant wishes. Max Lord eled after the polygraph, an resonances — doesn’t much whiff of Star Wars.
place Wonder Woman not (Pedro Pascal) goes from invention of Wonder Woman pause to interrogate the It all culminates in what seems to be a massive multi-part
under the burdensome heft deadbeat dad to despot, turn- creator William Moulton 1980s’ gender imbalances. fight but then all the combatants realize that love is
of world building or even ing into a conman of mythi- Marston.) Jenkins opens the Like the last movie, Wonder stronger than hate and put down their weapons and hug it
universe saving — or at least cal dimensions. He’s a dia- film with an Amazonian Woman 1984 becomes con- out. Ha! No way, dude, just kidding. It’s a full-on gore-fest of
Gadot comes across as too bolical genie without a bot- flashback to an obstacle sumed by its (admittedly fight porn.
resplendently regal to ever tle, or to paraphrase Robin course race on the island of quite good) antagonist. It Video game adaptations are famously hit or miss, and this
seem weighed down. She’s William’s Aladdin, he’s got Themyscira where a young drags in the third act in a franchise has been both. The first is well regarded while its
more a moral and muscular phenomenal cosmic powers Diana learns the value of messy White House battle sequel was widely panned. This new one is exactly what
counterweight to ego-driven sans the itty, bitty living truth. “No true hero is born and a prolonged finale. the doctor ordered if you’re a fan. And that’s because
male misdirections, steering space. from lies,” says Antiope — AP everyone onscreen needs a doctor. — AP

Passing on your password? Streaming services are past it

MAE ANDERSON times the cost of a season of sent via email or text, but Technology. Among millen- Sharing or stealing tripling and quadrupling,
HBO’s Game of Thrones. also gave them the choice of nials it’s even higher: 56% streaming service pass- so you have to fund it some-

any of us were “Frankly the industry has verifying “later.” Netflix of online adults ages 18- to words cost an estimated where.” CFRA’s Amobi
taught to share as been gravitating toward did not say how many peo- 29 have shared passwords. $2.5 billion in revenue in said. “Most services are
kids. Now stream- that. It’s a question of ple were part of the test or “With the cost of all the 2019 according to the most looking at losses for the
ing services ranging from when, not if,” said CFRA if it was only in the U.S. or streaming platforms recent data from research next few years before they
Netflix to Amazon to analyst Tuna Amobi. “The elsewhere. bought together equaling a firm Park Associates, and break even. So they can use
Disney+ want us to stop. landscape seems to be pret- “They’ll be taking a very cable bill — which it was that’s expected to rise to every subscription that
That’s the new edict from ty set in terms of these new cautious approach to it,” supposed to eliminate -- I nearly $3.5 billion by 2024. they can get.”
the giants of streaming entrants, so it seems like a Amobi said. “Handled the think it’s a great thing to be That may be a small frac- Another way to finance all
media, who are hoping to good time to get a much bet- wrong way, there’s always a able to share your login to tion of the $119.69 billion this new programing is to
discourage the common ter handle on subscribers.” downside to a move like help family and friends eMarketer predicts people raise prices. Netflix hiked
practice of sharing account It’s a tricky balance. The this.” save a few bucks,” said will spend on U.S. video the price of its most popular
passwords without alienat- video companies have long The test comes at a crucial Ryan Saffell, 39, an IT direc- subscriptions this year. But plan by $1 last October, to
ing subscribers who’ve offered legitimate ways for time for Netflix. Last year’s tor from Las Vegas. subscriber growth is slow- $14 a month. Disney+ fol-
grown accustomed to the multiple people to use a pandemic-fueled sub- Another study found more ing, and costs are increas- lowed in March with its own
hack. service, by creating profiles scriber growth is slowing. than a quarter of all video ing. $1 a month increase, to $8.
Password sharing is esti- or by offering tiers of serv- It remains the streaming streaming services are used Companies are investing Josh Galassi, a 30-year-old
mated to cost streaming ice with different levels of service to beat with more by multiple households. dizzying sums to produce Seattle resident who works
services several billion dol- screen sharing allowed. than 200 million sub- That includes a family or own original movies and in public relations, says
lars a year in lost revenue. Stricter password sharing scribers globally. But a bevy friend sharing the account shows and stand out from everyone he knows shares
That’s a small problem now rules might spur more peo- of new competitors have they pay for outside of the competitors. Disney+ said passwords. If companies
for an industry that earns ple to bite the bullet and emerged, including household, or, less com- it’ll spend up to $16 billion a start to crack down, he said
about $120 billion annually, pay full price for their own Disney+, which is cheaper ice that is very family- to monitor it. But it’s obvi- monly, several households year on new content for he would subscribe to the
but something it needs to subscription. But a too- and has quickly snapped up friendly, we expect families ously something we have to splitting the cost. And 16% Disney+, Hulu and ESPN+ services he uses, but only if
address as spending on dis- tough clampdown could 100 million subscribers in to be able to consume it - watch.” of all households have at by fiscal 2024. Netflix is the shows he likes are on
tinctive new programing also alienate users and less than two years. four live streams at a time, Roughly two in five online least one service that is expected to spend $19 bil- the service, like The Good
skyrockets. Amazon’s drive them away. When Disney+ launched for instance,” he said in a adults have shared pass- fully paid for by someone lion on originals this year, Fight on Paramount+. He
upcoming Lord of the Rings In March some Netflix in 2019, then CEO Bob Iger CNBC interview. “We’ll words to online accounts else according to the study research firm Bankr esti- does that with Starz’
series will reportedly cost users began to get popups said the service was mod- watch it carefully with var- with friends or family by Leichtman Research mates. Outlander, subscribing
$450 million for its first sea- asking them to verify their eled on sharing. ious tools, technology tools, members, according to the Group. That increases to “Programming spend is only when the show is on
son alone - more than four account by entering a code “We’re setting up a serv- that we have available to us Pew Center for Internet and 26% for 18- to 34-year-olds. doubling, or in some cases and then canceling. — AP
pg 8

Torres treble helps
City pip Newcastle Athletes need to
Newcastle: Pep Guardiola sug-
gested Ferran Torres could fill
Sergio Aguero’s boots as know more: Fed
Manchester City’s leading strik-
er next season after the
Spaniard scored a hat-trick in a
4-3 win over Newcastle on
Raman alleges campaign against him Geneva, May 15: Roger
Federer said on Friday that
athletes need a firm deci-
sion on whether the Tokyo
● An Olympics
singles gold medal is
the only major
With a third Premier League New Delhi, May 15: Olympics are going ahead, honour missing from
title in four years already sealed
with three games to spare,
Sacked as women’s crick-
et team coach, W.V. BCCI SNUBBED with the tennis star saying
he was in two minds over
Roger Federer’s
collection — but the
Guardiola again took the Raman has alleged that a the Games.
chance to hand a number of his
fringe players an opportunity to
“smear campaign”
against him has gained
STRICKEN VEDA, An Olympics singles gold
medal is the only major
39-year-old said he
would understand if
the Games were
shine two weeks ahead of the
Champions League final.
Torres made the strongest case
unwarranted traction
and urged the BCCI pres-
ident Sourav Ganguly to
LAMBASTS LISA honour missing from the
Swiss great’s collection —
but the 39-year-old said he
called off.
to be involved against Chelsea stop it. New Delhi, May 15: would understand if the The widening emergency,
in Porto on May 29 with a trio In a mail that has also Former Australian Games were called off. aimed at combatting a
of fine finishes to take his tally been marked to National women’s team captain The pandemic-postponed fourth wave putting
for his first season in England Cricket Academy head Lisa Sthalekar has 2020 Olympics are due to Japan’s medical system
to 13 goals. Rahul Dravid, Raman claimed that the BCCI open on July 23. under strain, comes with
The 21-year-old, who also wrote it will be “extreme- neither checked on Veda “It’s difficult,” Federer public opinion firmly
scored a hat-trick for Spain ly disconcerting” if his Krishnamurthy after the told Switzerland’s Leman opposed to holding the
against Germany earlier this candidature was rejected twin tragedies in her fam- Bleu television. Games, fearing further
season, was bought by City in due to reasons other than ily nor communicated to “We’re not hearing much. infections. “Honestly I
August off the back of his “my incompetency as a the bereaved India crick- That makes me think the don’t know what to think,”
impressive performances for coach”. eter its decision to not Games will happen, even if said Federer.
Valencia as a winger. — AFP In a surprising move, consider her for the I’ve heard that lots of peo- “I would love to play in
Raman was not retained upcoming tour of ple in Tokyo are against the Olympics, win a medal
as the head coach of the England. the Games.” for Switzerland, that would
Sharma lies 53rd senior women’s team by
the Cricket Advisory
Earlier this month, the
flamboyant middle-order
Japan expanded a coron-
avirus state of emergency
make me so proud.
“But if that doesn’t hap-
at British Masters Committee (CAC) which
picked Ramesh Powar for
India batter lost her elder
sister Vatsala
Friday, just 10 weeks before
the Olympics, as cam-
pen due to the situation, I
would be the first to under-
Wishaw, UK: Indian golfer the top job. Shivakumar to Covid-19, paigners submitted a peti- stand. But I think what the
Shubhankar Sharma was lying It was under Raman two weeks after her moth- tion with more than 350,000 athletes need is a decision:
tied 53rd after an action- that Indian team cher- er succumbed to the signatures calling for the is it happening or isn’t it?
packed closing with birdies on ished a runner-up finish dreaded virus. Games to be scrapped. “At the moment, we have
15th and 18th besides two at the women’s T20 World On expected lines, she With Tokyo and other the impression that it will.
bogeys in between in the third Cup last year. was not included in the areas already under emer- We know it’s a fluid situa-
round of the Betfred British “I presume you might Indian Test and ODI team gency orders until the end tion. And also you can also
Masters here. have been told different for the tour of the United of May, three more regions decide as an athlete if you
The only Indian to make the cut views about my style of Kingdom, but ICC Hall of — including northern want to go. If you feel
among four participants, functioning and work Famer Sthalekar was not Hokkaido, which will host there’s a lot of resistance,
Sharma carded 1-under 71 in the ethic. Whether those BCCI president wishes to convinced with the the Olympic marathon — maybe it’s better not to go.
third round of the tournament
hosted by Danny Willett.
views conveyed to the
officials of the BCCI had
do a course correction.
“If I were to be rejected
whole episode.
now join them. I don’t know.” — AFP

S.S.P. Chawrasia, Ajeetesh any impact on my candi- due to my incompetency “Whilst not selecting
Sandhu and Gaganjeet Bhullar
had missed the cut.
dature is of no conse-
quence now,” Raman
as a coach, there is no
argument on a judgment
FOR JUNIOR SELECTOR’S JOB Veda for the upcoming
series may be justified
England’s Eddie Pepperell’s bid wrote in the letter which call at all. But what will New Delhi, May 15: Former India batsman Surinder from their point of view,
to win the British Masters for a is in possession of PTI. be extremely disconcert- Amarnath has applied for the junior selector’s posi- what angers me the most
second time got a boost as he “What is important is ing is if my candidature tion in the BCCI. The application deadline for the five is that as a contracted
carried a one-stroke lead into that the smear campaign was rejected due to any vacancies ended last month and the BCCI will soon get player she has not
the final round. seems to have gained other reasons,” said the going with the selection process. received any communica-
some unwarranted trac- former India opener. Surinder, the son of the great Lala Amarnath, played tion from BCCI, just to
TVESA MAKES CUT “Especially if it was
tion with some BCCI offi- 10 Tests and three ODIs for India. even check how she is
Tvesa Malik battled swirling cials which needs to be due to allegations from “Our national team is doing well. It is mainly coping,” Sthalekar said in
winds and gusts of up to 35km halted permanently. I am people who were more because of the robust structure in place that we keep a note on her Twitter han-
per hour but still made the cut prepared to give an expla- focussed on achieving producing good cricketers. I hope to unearth more of dle.
at the Investec South African nation should you or any their personal objectives that talent as a junior selector if given the opportuni- She added, “A true asso-
Women’s Open in Cape Town. of the office bearers at the expense of the ty,” the 72-year-old said. ciation should deeply
— PTI require it.” overall hygiene and wel- Besides his rich experience of playing the game, care about the players
He said he was not used fare of the Indian Surinder also has substantial coaching experience. He that play the game... Not
to “moaning and whin- women’s team and the spent three years in Morocco, developing the game focus solely on just the Novak Djokovic
Pole potential from ing” but was bringing up
the issues in case the
pride of the country.”
from scratch and was also chief consultant for Goa
Cricket Association. — PTI
game at any cost. So dis-
appointed.” — PTI
celebrates his win
on Saturday. — AFP
Honda in France
Le Mans, France: The most dra-
matic Qualifying of the year
produced a rollercoaster of
emotion for the Repsol Honda
England’s IPL players may BANCROFT SAYS OZ BOWLERS
Team as both Marc Marquez
and Pol Espargaro challenged
for pole position. miss Tests against Kiwis AWARE OF BALL-TAMPERING
Rain just before the start of
Free Practice 3 meant the par-
ticipants for Q2 were already
London, May
England are unlikely to
London, May 15: Cameron
Bancroft, one of the three
central figures in the infa-
set, Marc Marquez and Pol
Espargaro holding their places
rush their Indian
Premier League players
ENGLAND COACH TO TAKE mous ball-tampering scan-
dal, says it is “self explana- BEAT TSITSIPAS IN QF
in the top ten. The weather
would dictate much of
Saturday’s action as sporadic
straight from quarantine
to the Test squad against
New Zealand as they
BREAK AFTER NZ SERIES tory” that apart from
Rome, May 15: World number one Novak Djokovic sur-
vived a three-set battle with Greece’s Stefanos
showers left the Le Mans circuit would be lacking red-ball London, May 15: England head coach Chris Australian bowlers were Tsitsipas over two days in their rain-delayed quarter-
damp throughout the day. practice, according to Silverwood will take a break after his team’s two also aware of the illegal finals to advance to the Italian Open semi-finals on
The morning’s wet conditions reports. Tests against New Zealand, handing over the tactics during the Saturday. The defending champion won through 4-6, 7-
suited Marc Marquez well, able This will mean that the reins of the ODI side to his assistants for the Newlands Test. 5, 7-5 after 3hr 16min on court in the clash which had
to show his speed without likes of Jos Buttler, home series against Sri Lanka and Pakistan, Bancroft was caught on been suspended from Friday because of rain in the
stressing his still-recovering Jonny Bairstow, Chris starting late June. camera using sandpaper Cameron Bancroft Italian capital.
body. Marquez’s performance in Woakes, Sam Curran Having been part of England’s tours of Sri on the ball in the third Test The Serb, a five-time Rome winner, had been trailing
Free Practice three saw him and Moeen Ali, who are Lanka and India earlier this year, Silverwood said against South Africa in self-explanatory.” 6-4, 2-1 when the game was halted overnight.
end the penultimate practice serving a mandatory 10- he will take a break to refresh himself before 2018, a scandal that had The Australian bowling Djokovic twice recovered from a break down in the
session on top, marking the day quarantine after returning at the helm for the marquee Test series rocked Australian and attack in the Newlands final set to seal a berth in the final four for the eighth
first session he has led since returning from the cur- against visiting Indians, starting in August. world cricket. Test had comprised pacers straight year on his second match point.
Warm Up at the 2020 Spanish rently-suspended IPL, In Silverwood’s absence, his assistants Paul In an interview with The Mitchell Starc, Pat
Grand Prix. are likely to miss the two Collingwood and Graham Thorpe will take charge Guardian, asked if some of Cummins, Josh
Tests against NZ, start- of the ODI team for one series each in the home the bowlers knew what he Hazlewood, Mitchell Rafael Nadal ended a run of three straight losses to
ing on June 2. matches against Sri Lanka and Pakistan from late was doing, Bancroft Marsh and spinner Nathan Alexander Zverev with a convincing 6-3, 6-4 win over
Mavs book NBA Their isolation period
expires at the weekend,
June to mid-July. — PTI replied: “Yeah, look, all I
wanted to do was to be
Bancroft said he wanted
the German to reach the semifinals on Friday.
Zverev beat Nadal in straight sets at the same stage
playoff berth leaving little more than
two weeks before the lack of red-ball practice since taking full control
responsible and account-
able for my own actions
to be “liked” by his team-
mates and in turn lost con-
in Madrid a week ago and their latest meeting was also
one-sided. Nadal will next face big-serving American
Los Angeles: Luka Doncic’s 11th first Test at Lord’s. could be a concern — of the process from Ed and part. trol of his values. Reilly Opelka, who reached his first Masters semifi-
triple-double of the season pro- “The timeline is con- particularly with other Smith. “Yeah, obviously what I “I invested too much to nals by edging Argentine qualifier Federico Delbonis
pelled the Dallas Mavericks to a sidered too tight for the options having spent sev- England men’s cricket did benefits bowlers and the point where I lost con- 7-5, 7-6 (2). — Agencies
114-110 victory over the Toronto (IPL) returning players, eral weeks competing in managing director the awareness around that, trol of my values. What
Raptors on Friday and into the meaning calls up are the County Ashley Giles had earlier probably, is self-explanato- had become important to
NBA playoffs. expected for the likes of Championship,” said hinted that players who ry,” he added. me was being liked, being

Games a win over

Doncic scored 20 points, Ollie Robinson, Craig another report in The returned from the sus- Asked again if his bowl- well valued, feeling really
grabbed 10 rebounds and hand- Overton and James Independent. pended IPL are unlikely ing colleagues had some important to my team-
ed out 11 assists and the Mavs Bracey,” according to a Head coach Chris to feature in the Test knowledge of what was mates, like I was contribut-
held off a late challenge from report in BBC Sport. Silverwood will on series against New happening, he replied: “Uh ing something by using
the short-handed Raptors, sandpaper on a cricket

Covid, says Batra

“While fitness levels Tuesday convene his Zealand. yeah, look. I think, yeah, I
whose seven absentees includ- could be managed, the first selection meeting — PTI think it’s pretty probably ball.” — PTI
ed stars Kyle Lowry, Pascal
Siakam and Fred VanVleet.
Kristaps Porzingis scored 21
points and Dorian Finney-Smith
drained two late three-pointers
for the Mavs, who saw a 10-
point lead midway through the
fourth quarter dwindle to two
Lack of practice a worry for Indian teams women’s squad have yet to year will give them a sem- Cricket in India (BCCI)
New Delhi, May 15:
Opposition to the Olympic
Games will be there amidst
a raging Covid-19 pandem-
ic but conducting the
committee of Japan and
IOC to decide.
“But as far as Indian ath-
letes are concerned we are
taking all necessary pre-
points with 4.9 seconds remain- be picked. blance of confidence, not have given their go ahead biggest sporting spectacle cautions and have been
ing. — AFP For the women who will to forget their recent for- for Indian women to par- in Tokyo will send out a preparing to the best of
be playing a Test match ays while playing the IPL. ticipate in the much strong message that the our abilities to put up our
Hemant Kenkre for their country a little The women’s squad, how- awaited ‘The Hundred’ in world is moving beyond best-ever performance in
Live on TV Silly Point
after six years — they last
played in Mysore against
ever, will have loads of
work to do considering
England. Teen sensation
Shafali Varma, top of the
the catastrophic situation,
IOA President Narinder
the Olympics” he added.
Batra’s comment has
FOOTBALL South Africa in November their series losses (One T20 ranks, will join four of Batra said on Saturday. come after critics from
English Premier League: Tottenham 2014 — this is an opportu- Day and Twenty20) to her teammates in the 100- The Tokyo Olympics, Japan on Friday submitted
est cricket offers a women counterparts who nity they’re certainly South Africa a few months ball gala this July. which was scheduled to be a petition, calling for the

Hotspur vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
from 6.35 pm; West Bromwich Albion vs different kind of will lock horns with looking forward to being a ago. Win or lose, this summer held last year, was post- Games to be cancelled as
Liverpool from 9 pm; Everton vs Sheffield
United from 11.30 pm on Star Sports pressure and two England, two days earlier part of. The series, held in is going to be very special poned because of the pan- the host nation fights a
Select 1, HD Indian teams will in a one-off Test match at Considering that two of Lucknow should be con- for Indian women crick- demic. fourth wave of coron-
soon be part of cricket’s Bristol on June 16. The India’s senior-most sidered more as a warm eters. The Indian Olympic avirus infections.
Italian league: Fiorentina vs Napoli from 4
pm; Udinese vs Sampdoria from 6.30 pm; bio-bubble that will engulf preparations, for both women cricketers, Mithali up since the Indian eves The BCCI in its able Association (IOA) The petition, signed by
Parma vs Sassuolo from 9.30 pm; AC their existence in the com- tours are purely mental Raj and Jhulan Goswami, didn’t really get a chance judgement have shown President, who is also an 3,50,000 people was submit-
Milan vs Cagliari from 12.15 am (Monday) ing months. The Indian considering the vagaries have played only 10 Test to shake off the rust accu- that they are more than International Olympic ted to the IOC and
on Sony Ten 2, HD
men’s cricket team are to of the dreaded pandemic matches each since they mulated by the forced happy to promote the Committee (IOC) member, International Paralympic
embark on their onward whose second innings has made their Test debuts lockdown. game amongst the ladies is hoping that the Games Committee (IPC) chiefs as
Published by K. Sudhakar for and on journey to England in the left a sorry tale in India. against England in 2002, For the ladies, the by giving them more will be held as scheduled, well as Tokyo Governor
behalf of Deccan Chronicle Holdings first week of June to play While the 20 picked in the the Bristol game assumes England tour is a come- international opportuni- from July 23. Yuriko Koike.
Limited at Jawaharlal Nehru National the first ever men’s squad are going a lot of significance. back for sorts as they will ties. Just like the men, “Life has to move on and The IOA chief also
Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Upadhyay International Cricket through the long distance The biggest worry that be playing three One Day women’s cricket too will conducting the Olympics assured that the travel ban
Marg, New Delhi 110 002. and Printed by Council (ICC) World Test motions prescribed by the the two squads (men and and Twenty20 matches fulfill the potential it has will give a strong message imposed on India by Japan
him at BFL Infotech Limited, C – 9, Championship Final that Indian support squad women) will have is the apart from the sole Test shown with remarkable that we have moved beyond wouldn’t affect country’s
Sector – III, Noida – 201301. is stated to be played in even as they are getting lack of proper match prac- match at Bristol. The good talent cropping up from the Covid-19 pandemic,” participation in the
Editor – T. Venkatram Reddy, Southampton on June 18 out of the hangover tice. For the Virat Kohli- news, and one so much nooks and corners of Batra said. Games. Japan on Thursday
RNI Registration number 57290/94, Price India.
against New Zealand. caused by the truncated led team, their Test series needed for Indian “Opposition to the Games suspended entry of foreign
in Nepal - Nep.Rs. 20.00
They will be joined, in Indian Premier League victory against Joe Root’s women’s cricket is that For now, it’s one step at a will always be there but it nationals from 153 nations,
per copy.
the Old Blighty, by their (IPL), the members of the Englishmen earlier this that Board of Control for time! is now up to the organising including India. — PTI

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