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On this Independence Day, IFL wishes...

Our Community

Sri. Ram Nath Kovind Sri. Narendra Modi Sri. Sibi George
President of India Prime Minister of India Ambassador of India to Kuwait

Touch the sky with glory’:

How Rafale will be a Game Changer?
Special view at Page No. 24
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M.A. Asad Khan S. Ramadoss Ravi Varrier

GM-Managing Partner- KSCS,G5 Gen.Trad, President - IFL CEO, Al Rashed Int. Shipping
& AlLewaa Security Services MD, Global Technology Co.
India – Pharmacy of the World
Indian Railways converting On this day, we come together, we unite
and make it another beautiful day to
crisis into Opportunity speak and fight against corruption while
we spiral the flag of our beautiful nation.
“India is playing the role as the pharmacy
of the world during the Covid-19 pandemic
Indian Railways introduced first "Kisan with its vast experience and deep
Stop bribing and taking the same. If knowledge in medicine, setting the tone for
Rail” Farmer Rail, a special Parcel Train from corruption levels in India were reduced
many regional and global initiatives”, Shanghai Cooperation
Devlali (Maharashtra) to Danapur (Bihar), which will play an to levels in developed economies such as
Singapore, India’s GDP growth rate could Organization Secretary-General Vladimir Norov has said.
important role in transport things like Milk, Vegetables, fruits increase at a higher rate annually.
to the market very quickly at the minimum Cost. India has so far supplied medicines to 133 countries in
Let’s salute this glorious nation on its the fight against Covid-19, which shows India's generosity,
Chittaranjan Locomotive Works (CLW), a production unit Independence Day! despite the fact that the country's government has taken
of Indian Railways has turned out 31 electric locos in the urgent measures to prevent and treat the disease on a
Happy Independence Day! national scale, Norov told PTI in an interview on jun21.
month of July 2020, cumulative stands for 62 locos in this
financial year, despite the COVID 19 related restrictions. to transport dry chilies from Reddipalem in Andhra Pradesh At the landmark 75 years of the United Nations at the
to Bangladesh. ECOSOC session on Jul 17, PM Modi said In our joint fight
Rail Coach Factory Kapurthala has set milestone by
against COVID-19, India has extended medical and other
turning out record 151 LHB coaches in July 2020. Three times Despite prevailing situation of COVID-19 pandemic, Rail assistance to over 150 countries.
of July 2019 production. Highest ever monthly LHB coach Wheel Factory manufactured 15582 wheels & 6480 axles
production since LHB Transfer of Technology (TOT) in 2002. in June’20, higher than 15295 wheels and 5020 axles of the The Indian pharmaceuticals market is the world 3rd largest
same period last year. in terms of volume and 13th largest in terms of value. India has
Indian Railways has converted 5231 coaches into Covid become the world largest producer of generic medicines,
Care Centres. Presently, 813 Coaches have been deployed. I n d i a n accounting for 20 per
Patients with cent of the total global
Railways breaks
mild Covid production, 40% of
another record. generic demand in
symptoms are O p e r a t e s the U.S. and 25% of
admitted as 'SheshNaag', a all medicine in U.K, 62
per MoHFW 2.8 Km long train. per cent of the global
guidelines. 'SheshNaag' is demand for vaccines
the longest train and 70% of the World
A robot Health Organization’s
n a m e d ever to run on
Indian Railways. vaccines are sourced
'Rakshak' has from India.
been created 200 Railway Maintenance Projects including yard
by Central Railway to distribute medicine, food as well as India has one of the lowest manufacturing costs in the
remodeling, repair of old bridges, doubling and electrification world – lower than that of the U.S. and almost half of the cost
take temperature of the Corona infected patients, at Bharat of rail lines and renewal of scissor crossovers completed in Europe. India has the highest number of U.S. Food and
Ratna Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Memorial Hospital, Byculla, during COVID-19 lockdown period. Pending for several Drug Administration approved sites outside the U.S. 8 out of
Mumbai. years, these unfinished projects often confronted Indian 20 top generic companies are from India.
Satellite Tracking of Trains have improved efficiency in train Railways as bottlenecks.
Presently, Indian pharmaceutical firms supply over 80%
operations: Around 6500 locos (electric & diesel) are already With the world moving like the fastest wheel going downhill of the anti-retroviral drugs used globally to combat AIDS
equipped with GPS, about 6000 locos to be equipped by I was compelled to write this article to bring awareness to (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).
Dec 2021. through these achievements, we aim to create hope and India has the ability to be a bridge between the
Indian Railways has transported 63.1 lakh migrants through inspiration for the future of our India. Indian Railways has developed and developing world and facilitating a two-
4615 Shramik Special trains. Last Shramik Train ran on 9th July. overcome many challenges over the course of its 167-year- way flow of information, products and expertise.
old journey.
Indian Railways is committed to aid in the export of Indian I am proud to be an Indian because I know what I
products! In a first, Indian Railways loads Special Parcel Train
*** ***
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Ashok Kalra a lethal contagion that has claimed the lives of tens of K.S. Lamba
(Managing Director/Partner) thousands and infected many more. The virus has socially MD, Almailem group of companies
Mughal Mahal Gen Trad & Cont Co.W.L.L. and economically locked down the country, disrupted the
Fmr. Hon. Chairman (Indian Community School) livelihoods of millions of people and taken a heavy human Every Indian pay tribute to all the
toll. But now, after nearly six months, we are beginning to see freedom fighters on this historic day of
On the occasion of our nation’s the first signs of a slow recovery. Independence day . Our thousands of
74th Independence Day it gives me freedom fighters are laid down their lives, so
great pleasure to extend my heartiest Meanwhile, on the external front, adversaries have been that our country is breathing this day. Never
greetings to readers of Frontliners and attempting to take advantage of our preoccupation with forget their sacrifice…
to the Indian community in Kuwait. the pandemic and make stealthy encroachments across
our borders. But internal viruses and external aggressors will Celebrate this day with silent prayers of
This year, our Independence Day is being held under the eventually come to realize that India and Indians can never thanks to our heroes who made it possible
dark cloud of Covid-19 infections that continue to ravage be subdued. We will prevail over viral contagions and border for us to live in a free nation.
the world. Despite the pandemic taking a huge toll in human aggressions alike.
lives and causing untold economic and social suffering to Happy Independence Day!
people in India and around the world, we should not let On this Independence Day, as we pay our respects to
despair overcome us. Better and happier days are bound the many men and women who fought and died for our
to return. freedom, and remember with pride the brave soldiers
Our country’s Independence Day is a strong reminder
who pay the ultimate price to ensure the sovereignty and Happy Independence Day
territorial integrity of our country, let us also say a big thank
that no matter what difficulties we face, or how long it to our healthcare warriors.
takes, eventually we overcome all adversities and emerge
triumphant. The first unfurling of our tri-color national flag Unsung and unrecognized, these selfless individuals are
from the rampart of Red Fort in New Delhi on 15 August, 1947 toiling night and day in the frontline of the fight against
was a powerful signal to the world that even against the Covid-19. In cities, towns and villages across India, legions
greatest odds India will prevail. of doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers are placing
their own lives at risk in order to provide medical care to
Independence Day reminds us once again how Indians those infected by the virus.
from across the country and from all strata of society came
together in the fight for our freedom and emerged triumphant In Kuwait, hundreds of Indian doctors, nurses and other
over what was until then considered the invincible British medical personnel are also at the forefront in the fight against
Empire. Though the country was under the direct yoke of the the pandemic. On the occasion of our Independence Day
British Raj for nearly a century and people were subjected to let us take a moment to express our profound thanks to the
untold suffering and hardships, we never gave up hope. We Indian medical fraternity for their selfless sacrifices. Let us
never doubted our resolve to gain full freedom, we never also convey our gratitude to the people and government of
despaired even when faced with daunting challenges; we Kuwait for the safety and exceptional healthcare provided
always knew that ultimately we would emerge victorious to everyone during this period
and become a free nation.
Let us also make this Independence Day an occasion to
T o d a y , rededicate ourselves to India and pledge to take forward
we are the flame of freedom that was handed to us by past
confronted generations. On our 74th Independence Day let us resolve
by many new to work together to build an India of tolerance, harmony,
challenges. equality, justice and the rule of law. Let us take the multiplicity
On the of languages, religions, cultures and customs of our country,
internal front as the scaffold to build a strong and truly independent
we are using nation that will always triumph over all adversities.
all our health
resources I take this opportunity to once again wish all Indians the
to contain, very best on this Independence Day.
mitigate and
c o n q u e r
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Dr. R. Seetharaman Rajpal Tyagi Dhiraj Oberoi

CEO, Doha Bank Group B. Architecture, Managing Director & Partner Managing Partner, KITCO
International Interiors The Mars Orbiter Mission made India the
On the occasion of the 74th As we celebrate the day of Independence, only nation in the world to reach Mars in its
anniversary of Indian Independence give some thought of what happened decades first attempt. It also made India first in Asia,
Day which falls on 15th August 2020 I ago when we were still in bondage. Our forefathers and fourth in the world to reach the surface
extend my warm greetings to all India signed an agreement and offered to give their blood of Mars.
Citizens. in exchange for this day. What more can we give
them in return than being true patriots? It is our time to India is among the topmost countries
The fight with Covid-19 virus which guard and protect our country’s wealth and freedom.
in the world in the field of scientific
had hit the Global economy, including Independence is among the most valuable gifts one research, positioned as one of the top five
India since 1st Quarter of 2020 is not can benefit from. This day God granted this gift to nations in the field of space exploration.
yet over. The Lockdown in India which had started since our freedom fighters. Some died with the hope of
March 2020 has been removed in some parts, however the seeing a new day while others were lucky enough True independence and freedom can only
challenge from COVID-19 still persists. In May 2020, Indian to witness. My prayer is for God to keep blessing us exist in doing what’s right.
Government came with 20 lakh crore stimulus package to always so that our coming generations will also enjoy
the sweetness of Independence. Happy Independence Day!
save the lockdown-battered economy, and focuses on tax
breaks for small businesses as well as incentives for domestic Happy Independence Day!
manufacturing. India had allowed limited exports of anti-
malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a potential weapon in
the COVID-19 virus fight. in Reliance Jio Platforms. An annual World Competitiveness
Index compiled by Institute for Management Development
According to IMF June 2020, India’s economy is projected (IMD) has ranked India at the 43rd position for 2020 .
to contract by 4.5 percent following a longer period of
lockdown. Amidst the challenges from COVID -19 it is time to Indian capital markets have recovered from early lows
honour our independence and cherish our freedom. India in March 2020. Indian rupee is near 75 levels. Indian forex
is one of the oldest civilizations and has a rich and varied reserves exceed $500 bn recently.
heritage. The values that guided our freedom movement,
led by Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi became the India is land of unity in diversity. It has different languages,
cornerstone of the Independent Indian Republic. customs, art and culture. Indian dance has themes drawn
from mythology, legends and classical literature. Indian
The great dream of raising a new India from the ashes literature can date its origins to the oral tradition of the Vedas
of colonialism reached a historic denouement in 1947; and the great epics of India, which are still an integral part
more important, independence became a turning point of daily life. Indians have a diverse selection of cuisine types.
for an equally dramatic narrative, nation-building. India’s
Constitution represented a liberation from the stranglehold India’s Bollywood, Kollywood, Tollywood and other
of traditional inequity in gender, caste, community that had regional language films have attracted global audiences.
chained us for too long. This inspired a Cultural Evolution Indians have spread across globally on account of their
which put Indian society on the track to modernity: society knowledge, skill and commitment. On account of this Indian
changed in a gradual evolution. culture has also transcended borders in the form of dance,
literature, food, music, festival or cinema Indian festivals are
India has secured a respected place in the comity of celebrated globally. The Indian Culture has brought Global
nations. India is the largest democracy and is committed Indian Community closer.
to tolerance, harmony, equality, justice, and the rule of
law. India today is poised for a giant leap from the ranks Indians will play an active role on social responsibility,
of developing countries to developed countries. India is global awareness and civic management. We need social Happy Independence Day
expected to take steps to reverse the economic slowdown solidarity and the goals of liberty, equality and the pursuit of
of an economy that has been one of the engines of global happiness can bring India together with people from all over
growth. the world.

The key happening segments in India include an attractive On this day we take pride as an Indian and celebrate the
investment destination, e- commerce market, largest road success of India across various fields in the Global arena and
network, food production, domestic air growth and largest once again I extend my Independence Day greetings and
startup eco-system. India FDI grew by 13% to $49.97 billion in Good Health to all Indian Citizens.
2019-20 financial year. The US FDI to India crosses $40 bn in
current fiscal, with over $20bn announcements made by some Jai Hind
of the top companies like Google, Facebook and Walmart ***
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M. Mullick S.K.Wadhawan Peeyush Jain

G.M, Kulaib Inter. Trd. Cont. Chairman, Samara Group of Co. COO, ROC Ltd &
President IIT-IIM Alumni Association
I am extremely proud to be an Indian. India is India Values and Beliefs Renewing The Pledge
a vibrant place where you will find innumerable
differences co-existing. It is one of the oldest The Namaste is one of the oldest
civilisations. It’s no wonder that we’re one of Indian traditional ways of greetings Air pollution, responsible for one in
the fastest growing economies in the world right which means 'I bow to you'. Without every eight deaths and the loss of 1.24
now, and of course we still have a long way to boundries, Namaste becomes world's million lives in India in 2017. Air pollution is
go. new style of greeting because of one of the biggest global environmental
Pandemic. Indian ‘namaste’ to greet, convey respect and challenges of today. Renewable energy
We are also recognised for being the world’s
also maintain a safe distance. is key to mitigate climate change.
second largest population. But unity in diversity is
the main reason for my pride in being an Indian. Respect is an extremely valued component of the A time bound national level strategy for pan India
Happy Independence Day! everyday life of people in India. Children are taught from a implementation to tackle the increasing air pollution problem
very young age to always respect their elders. Even as adults, across the country in a comprehensive manner in the form
the elderly are still at the top of the totem pole. Children take of National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) was launched by
care of their parents once they are adults, and their parents Government Of India.
will most likely live with them until their lives have ended.
The NCAP will be institutionalized by respective ministries
Family is an extremely important component of Indian and will be organized through inter-sect oral groups, which
culture. Families are valued highly and are a part of an include, Ministry of Road Transport and Highway, Ministry
individual’s life until death. The concept of ‘Vasudhaiva of Petroleum
Happy Independence Day
Kutumbakam’ (world is one family) is ingrained in our DNA. and Natural Gas,
It is our duty to pass on the collective age-old wisdom to our Ministry of New
succeeding generations. and Renewable
Indians seek harmony throughout life. Indians are Energy, Ministry
concerned with “cosmic energy.” India also sees a large of Heavy Industry,
number of festivals, mainly because of the prevalence of Ministry of Housing
diverse religions and groups. The number is endless. and Urban
Affairs, Ministry of
India is a land of 'unity in diversity', and our dances are Agriculture, Ministry of Health, NITI Aayog, CPCB, experts
no different; different forms of dance (classified as folk or from the industry, academia, and civil society.
classical), origin from different parts of the country. Classical
dances in India are strictly classified as and performed India plans nearly 60% of electricity capacity from non-
according to the rules and guidelines prescribed in the fossil fuels by 2027. In the 2027 forecasts, India aims to
Natyashastra. generate 275GW of total renewable energy, in addition to
72GW of hydro energy and 15GW of nuclear energy. Nearly
Indian food and cuisine not only form an integral part of
100GW would come from “other zero emission” sources, with
the culture of India but are also one of the critical factors
advancements in energy efficiency expected to reduce the
of India's popularity worldwide. Just like dances, religious
need for capacity increases by 40GW over 10 years.
practices, language and clothes, you will also find a wide
variety of food throughout the country, which is enriched Renewable Energy can help India clean air, cut coal
with extensive use of spices and herbs. addiction.
Happy Independence Day!
Happy Independence Day!

*** ***
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N.S. Shetty AN. Natarajan Sanjeev Suri

(Oriental Restaurant group) Hotel Saravanaa Bhavan, Kuwait Country Manager, Air India, Kuwait
Again, it is time for us to show other nations
Freedom is our birth right, but was snatched that we are great people from a great
away from us, again our nation earned this Why am I Proud to be an nation. And let’s continue our struggle
freedom after making great sacrifices, Let’s
never take it for granted!
Indian towards prosperity and betterment of our
dear nation.
For every Indian, Independence Day is
We all are so different, but there is one thing an occasion to celebrate and to remember the struggles of This is the day when we became free and
that unites us and it’s independence. those who fought to give us this gift. independent officially. This is the day we’ll
never forget.
Salute and wave the national flag... up
There are more reasons to feel proud to be an Indian.
above and high... rejoice and share our Let’s pay homage to all the great souls who
national pride. • I am living in world’s largest democracy. laid their life for their country.
Happy Independence Day! • I am living in world’s 2nd most populous country. Happy Independence Day!

• I am living in a land of diversity.

• I am living in a land of 2nd largest English speaking
population in the world.
• I live in a country
where people
belonging to
different religions
Happy Independence Day
• I live in a country
which produces
world’s largest
number of Engineers,
Doctors and
• I live in a country
which is an emerging super power.
• I live in a country which is home to more than a hundred
different languages.
• I live in a country where Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus
• I live in country which invented Chess Game.
• I live in country which is the world largest democracy with
900 million voters.
• I live in country which has world largest no of Post offices.
Happy Independence Day
• I live in country which exports Software’s to 90 countries.
Today we are living freely because many sacrificed their
lives for the sake of our country.
Tel.: 24960 800 - - Follow us @almailemgroup
Salute to the great souls! Happy Independence Day!
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Dr. S.M. Hyder Ali • Install low water consuming plumbing and sanitary Anil Parasher
Chairman, fixtures. Resident Manager
TVS Hyder Group Oriental Insurance, Kuwait
• Switch back to buckets; power showers are very wasteful.
Make Every Drop Count • Do not leave the tap running while washing the dishes in The Indian Soldier is a Role
At least 21 Indian cities are predicted the kitchen or even while brushing your teeth. Model for the Nation
to run out of groundwater by 2020, • Avoid leakage of water from taps.
India has faced insurgencies and
according to a report released by the
• Do water recycling, kitchen water can be used to water terrorism since independence. From the snow-clad and
Indian government’s think tank, NITI Aayog. Today, millions wind-swept mountains of the Himalayas in the north, to the
lawns for example.
of people are still living without safe water. Households, steaming hot and humid jungles of the seven sisters in the
workplaces, farms and factories are struggling to survive. Conserve water, conserve life. Happy Independence Day! northeast and the shimmering sands of the burning Thar
Desert in the west, The Indian Soldiers never lowers their
India received 24 % less rainfall than the 50-year average guard.
in the week ending on June 26, as per data from the India
Apart from guard whenever wherever if there is danger
Meteorological Department. Only 8 % of all the rainwater or natural disaster, the military has a constitutional duty to
in India is conserved. A key source of water, groundwater undertake tasks and missions like rescue and shelter. When
levels in 52 % of wells monitored nationwide were lower in they pledge to work for the nation, they dedicate their entire
2018 compared with last decade’s average. life to protect the country and its citizens.

India has approximately 18 percent of the world’s Happy Independence Day The Indian Soldiers are firmly committed to protect the
territorial integrity and sovereignty of the nation. Hindu,
population but Muslim, Sikh, Christian and belonging to many other faiths,
has only 4 % usable They prays, eats, lives, plays and fights for India together in
water sources. uniform.
Considering the
They stood by the
grim situation, nation through thick
it is necessary and thin. They held the
to use water nation together for 73
in a thoughtful turbulent years. Soldier
way. Water life is one of honor, glory
and sacrifice – of life
conservation and limb. His blood has
means using our hallowed the nation’s
limited water battlefields.
supply wisely and caring for it properly.
For our tomorrow, they willingly, selflessly, unpretentiously,
A step towards conserving water is a step towards gives his today, but asks for nothing in return. More than any
other group or community in the country, the Indian soldier
securing the future. It minimizes the effects of drought and embodies and represents the idea of India.
water shortages. It guards against rising costs and political
conflict. It helps to preserve our environment. It makes For many decades they have been ambushed, fired upon
water available for recreational purposes. It builds safe and with machine guns, made the target of land-mines and has
been tortured and killed in cold blood by ruthless terror and
beautiful communities. Snow slide on India, but they never down the courage.
The trick is making water conservation a way of life— Whenever they goes on leave to his village and when he
not just something we think about once in a while. Water finally retires, he spreads the message of nationhood and a
conservation is the most effective and environmentally disciplined way of life in all corners of the country.
sound method to fight global warming.
The Nation as a whole owes its Armed Forces as well as
Tips to save water : CAPFs greater support not merely the Government but also
from Society. No matter how much we speak about the
• Do rainwater harvesting. bravery of our soldiers, it is still not enough.
*** ***
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D. Ram Mohan Reddy Krishnakumar Eacharath

Ravi Kohli Chief Operating Officer
GM, UAE Exchange Centre Co WLL, Kuwait
MD, Al –Sabah & Kohli Group New India Assurance (Govt of India) , Kuwait.

Help people, especially poor. Please I belong to a country where after every 100 km
think from the perspective of our nation INSURANCE DURING there is variation of environment, language,
development. COVID 19 wardrobe, cuisine yet the people residing
there are Indian.
Poverty is no less than a nightmare, but in
places like India the key problem is mindset. Year 2020 has almost been a year of Feel the pride of being the part of such a
If people start realizing the hardships of poor Covid 19, the deadly virus has become part of each and glorious nation. Let’s pay homage to all the
people and come forward to help them, there is no way India great souls, Who laid their life for their country.
every human being on the planet. Infact there is no country
cannot be at the forefront of nations.
on the globe that didn’t get affected due to the pandemic. My warm patriotic wishes to make this day
Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you truly memorable.
It has become the problem of everyone, and the entire
can do for your country!
economic activities had to come to stand still. The closedown Happy Independence Day!
Happy Independence Day! has badly impacted the business activities small and big. This
has led to a recession which was never seen before.
Happy Independence Day
Business entities are facing severe cash crunch and
hardships for meeting out their standard standing charges
such as salaries, rents etc. It is seen that during these difficult
times, least priority is given to the payment of Insurance
premium pertaining to their business, workmen, Health etc.
Many think Insurance as their last priority, which is absolutely
wrong. In reality Insurance premium payments needs to be
given top priority, the reason being any hazard can attack
from some side. There could be fire incidents, water leakage
due to pipes, theft etc. Health insurance premiums and
safety of workmen are never to be discontinued as this has
a direct impact on the health and well-being of individuals.

Hence, it is never to be felt that Insurance premium

payments are a financial burden during these Covid 19,
they are the most essential expenses which would give an
adequate protection.

Happy Independence Day
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Aziz F Mathews Varughese Anant Kapadiya

Tajmahal Marbles, Kuwait General Manger, BEC Chairman,
Indian Business & Profesional Council-Kuwait
The nation will forever remain the land of the
Celebrating Democracy free as long as it’s the home of soldiers and
the braves. Today, August 15, 2020 India celebrates
India is the world’s largest its 74th Independence Day and every
Carried with care, coated with pride, Dipped
democracy. It is a nuclear weapons Indian national across the world remembers
in love, Fly in glory, Moments of freedom in
power and has joined the elite space shade of joy. and salutes our political leaders and
club. India would be the second largest economy in the world freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives
This day means life without boundaries and
by 2030. Currently, more than 100 countries are technically for gaining Independence for the country.
limits. It’s our freedom day, our Independence
democracies in so far as they hold elections to choose their Day! Time to celebrate!
rulers. The Indian Constitution and the institutions that it has Our Constitution came into being in 1950 and India
Happy Independence Day! became the largest democracy in the world. A healthy
created have allowed the Indian democracy to thrive.
combination of our cultural, religious and ethnic diversities
The appurtenances
Happy Independence Day provides a variety non-existent in any other country and
of democracy - adult
we are proud of it. India is a multi-cultural society and we
suffrage, a free media,
truly believe Unity in Diversity. India has experienced several
an independent
hiccups since independence and handled them wisely and
judiciary, the rule of
successfully. The current COVID-19 crisis will also pass.
law, the sanctity of
property rights - have Our country is progressing gradually but surely in all
given Indians an directions and sooner than later India will revive its economy
institutional framework in full and rank amongst the best in the world.
for the exercise of
political choice and freedom to express dissent. This has Happy Independence Day.
acted as an indispensable safety valve in an inequitable
Jai Hind!
milieu with great discrepancies in the distribution of power
and wealth. The Indian electorate now numbers more than
800 million, making Indian elections the largest organised ***
single political activity in human history. Democracy has
proved to be the most effective instrument for the cherished
pursuit of power.

As the largest democracy in the world, India is an example

of success, progress and development. Let new India arise
out of peasants’ cottages, workers’ factories, scientists’
labs and corporate boardrooms with a common ground
provided by our democratic institutions.

Happy Independence Day!

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A.M.A Siddiq Ajay Goel Ramdas Nair

Chairman, Supreme Group of Companies Chief Operating Officer, City Centre Head of Sales & Marketing, BEC

The spirit of a young soul is unmatched…. The greatest gifts you can give your children On this day, take time to think of our country’s
let us promise ourselves to work harder to are the roots of responsibility and the wings
make our nation free from corruption. Let us past. Learn from our freedom fighters and
promise not to let anyone play with peace of independence. stand in the gap to make this country a safe
and harmony of our country. ‘haven’ for the next generation. This is the duty
Don’t let politics get in the way. Let every
On the occasion of Independence Day, of all patriots. Our country is your pride, build it
patriot be honoured, Without them, freedom
I wish that each and every dream for a and watch as others take pride in it.
would have died, What they did, we can’t
brighter and more prosperous India come
today with all our efforts and hard work… repay. I am always full of pride wherever I am. I walk with my head
Jai Hind!!!! held high because I know I live in a free country. I do not and
My heart beats with pride when I see
will never, however, take this freedom for granted because it was
Happy Independence Day! the amazing colours of Independence
purchased with a martyr’s blood. They gave it all, left the comfort
spreading joy and happiness all around us.
of their homes, the love of their families and the hope of life for my
May the glory of this day be with you forever.
freedom. Happy Independence Day.
Happy Independence Day!
Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day Happy Independence Day
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Nitin Singhvi Dr. Narender Dhir Ayyoob Kachery

SVP & Chief Financial Officer, ATC - Kuwait English Optics Regional Director, Grand Hyper, Kuwait

The Independence day of India turns 74 this Today is a very special day for the nation and
year, and ever since, India’s road to being its people.
a developed nation is certainly one for the We can lead the World First, each and every individual pay their
books. As patriotism fills the air on this day, we taxes to their Government. Stop destroying
take a look at the many milestones we have India will be one of the key public assets. “Be a good person” because
achieved along the way, and look forward players in this new World order. The a good person will always be a good citizen.
to the ones that await us in the future. pandemic has spurred the idea that Avoid using kids as labourer.
global manufacturing will relocate
Freedom in the mind, Faith in the words, Pride If people will work hard, then more
to India from China. While India development will takes place. Let us work in
in our hearts & Memories in our souls. has gradually improved in the World Bank's ease of doing the benefit of our nation.
I hope this Independence Day brings you business ranking, there is clearly still room for streamlining
investment. “No nation is perfect, it needs to be made
happiness and hope. perfect”
Happy Independence Day! In 2010, China overtook the US to emerge as the world’s Happy Independence Day!
largest manufacturing sector. However, the rise of China
as the world’s factory began back in the 1980s initially as
a producer of low-end products, which gradually rose to
become a manufacturing hub of everything under the sun –
from drugs to electronic gadgets.
This presents a moment of opportunity for India which can
reap rich dividends by creating a manufacturing-friendly
environment and offering lucrative deals to global players
for setting up units in India. Reports have indicated that a
large number of companies have already initiated talks with
Indian authorities seeking to pursue production plans in this
country in sectors such as electronics, medical devices and
textiles, among others.
India possesses a large labor pool as almost half its
population of 1.2 billion is of working age.
The government has already placed a decisive focus on
leveraging the manufacturing sector to ‘Make in India’ &
‘Skill in India’. The other major advantage for India is larger
domestic consumption.
India's agriculture and rural economy have so far
remained least affected by the pandemic so enough food Happy Independence Day
grains available. Already Government pumped enough
liquidity for both the consumers and producers of goods and
India already focused on to bring supply chains closer to
home. As supply chains become realigned, more products,
including electric vehicles and their components will be
manufactured domestically. World includes USA, India
manufacturing depend on China’s Supply chain.
The doors of opportunity are unlocked, get ready to earn,
expand and win. Development with patriotism will make
Happy Independence Day India prosperous and strong. Lets Make our Country great.
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Mrs. Ananthi Natarajan George Varghese

Head - Business Development & Marketing,
Ex. IFL President Madhulika UAE Ex. Co
India is gem of a country. It's history, Freedom is one of the most expensive
culture & heritage is as unique as it is rich. commodities. No amount of money will be
Youth has the power to change… power enough to buy freedom. It is the result of
to build a stronger, happier and more sacrifices and struggles of many brave Let us
prosperous nation. Work with freedom STANDSTILL reverence them today and always by fighting
and defending the welfare of this country.
and responsibility to bring the change
We paid a heavy price for our freedom; May our country always flourish and continue
do not lose it to crime and self-interest. I go about my Work From Home celebrating many better and prosperous years
Promise to be responsible and always work of Independence. When my country prospers
for the pride of the nation. Warm wishes on As food gets delivered by a drone; I prosper too, for that reason, I will never stop
Independence Day. praying for its freedom and prosperity.
for at the supermarket, I fear
Happy Independence Day! Happy Independence Day!
my own shadow - did someone come too near ?
I have stopped looking out the window
at the empty playground below,
that awaits happy feet.
No horns are heard on the deserted street.
The rocks of news and numbers cause
the waves of loneliness to pause;
Forming eddies of strange imagined hypertension
as hope emerges from a prayer’s refraction.
I have no friends left.
Silences echo from the weft
of tattered relationships,
Happy Independence Day
As the very nearness strips
us of respect, tolerance,
and the hollow pretense
of Business As Usual.
Happy Independence Day between a cure and a vaccine’s duel.
And then, there is the other guilt:
Because I have a job, enough to eat.

Happy Independence Day!
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of Independence
of Republic dayday
- 2019
- 2019
at Indian
at Indian
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Part 1 Book Release - Mr. P. Chidambaram Part 2 book Release - Mr. T.N. Seshan Part 3 Book Release - Actor Sarath Kumar Part 4 Book Release - Director K. Balachandar

Part 5 Book Release - Director Visu Part 6 Book Release - Mr. Thirunaukarasar Momento to Mrs. Maneka at Part-7 Release Felecitation to Director Bharathiraja at Part-8 Release

Part-9 Book Release - by Actor Vikram Momento to Sri. MSV at Part 10 Release Part 11 Book Release - Mr. Arun Shourie & Mr. Karti Momento to Sri. Ilayaraja
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Part 20 Book Release - Mr. Salman Khurshid Part 21 on Medical Achievers Release Part 22 on Indian Women Talents Release
Part 19 Book Release - Director Bhagyaraj
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Aparna Prasannam to Dandi, Gandhiji Besides these,

declared that he there is a
It is an apt occasion for us to re-dedicate will not return to collection of
ourselves to his ideals. Gandhiji had driven all the ashram before 8718 pages
the major activities of independence as well the independence of gandhiji’s
as upliftment of the society from this Sabarmati of the country. manuscripts, 6937
Ashram. photaographs, 210 films, 124 micro film rolls, 509
The ashram now
Recently we had a chance to visit this Ashram audio cassettes, 121 records, 63 video cassettes
has a museum, the
with family and happy to share the experience. and 155 awards.
Gandhi Smarak
Mahatma Gandhiji, the father of the Nation, was Sangrahalaya. The Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya There is collection of excellent oil paintings
such a great personality of the contemporary age, is run by a public trust established in 1951. The of Hiralal Khatri. In the picture gallery “My Life is
that it is difficult to imagine that such a man had museum’s new premises were built in 1963. The My Message”, the photographs and paintings,
ever walked on this earth. museum’s main objective is to house the personal showing Gandhiji’s life from birth to death are
memorable of Mahatma Gandhi. Consequently displayed with time sequence. The exhibition of
Sabarmati Ashram (also known as Gandhi the exhibits on view depict the vivid and historic Gandhiji-smruti stamps is also arranged here.
Ashram, Harijan Ashram, or Satyagraha Ashram) events of Gandhiji’s life. Attenborought’s film ‘Gandhi’ projected Gandhiji
is located in the Sabarmati suburb of Ahmedabad, in the right Perspective before the film went public.
Gujarat, on the banks of the River Sabarmati. After New Gandhi
through this film,
returning from South Africa, Gandhiji established Memorial Museum
Ashram on the bank of Sabarmati on 1917. Building
made people
Gandhi used to remark, “This is the right place A new museum realize that the great
for our activities to carry on the search for truth and was built in 1963 man Gandhi was
develop fearlessness for on one designed by born in India and
side are the iron bolts of Charles Correa. his field work was
the foreigners and on the The Sangrahalaya Ahmedabad, and
other, thunderbolts of was then re- his official residence
mother nature.” located into the well-designed and well-furnished was this Ashram.
museum building and was inaugurated by
He stayed in the Today, the Ashram serves as a source of
Jawaharlal Nehru,
ashram for many inspiration and guidance, and stands as a
Prime Minister of
years before he monument to Gandhi’s life mission and a testimony
India on 10 May
finally proceeded to others who have fought a similar struggle. The
for a march to Ashram is mainly involved in a number of activities
Dandi to break In this museum, that serves to both preserve the history of Gandhi
the salt law on 12 34,177 letters and the freedom struggle and also to promote and
March 1930. Before written by Gandhiji educate people in the great philosophies, values
starting the march are preserved. and teachings of Gandhi.
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Dr. Anis Ahmad Remesh Ananda Das Sunil Menon

Director,Education Chief Operating Officer, Oncost CEO Al Qabandi United Company, Kuwait
Paradigm Pionners Group (UAE, Kuwait & India)
SIMS Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only
be achieved by understanding. You can’t My India My Pride
The Indian Army is known worldwide separate peace from freedom because
no one can be at peace unless he has his The Indian Armed Forces, consisting of the
for its exceptional courage, bravery and
freedom. Let us bring equality, justice, and Indian Army, the Indian Air Force, the Indian
the highest standards of professionalism. peace for all. Not just the politicians and the
Indian Army will always remain the pride world leaders, we all need to contribute. Me. Navy and the Indian Coast Guard are India’s
of our nation. You. It is our duty. shield and sword, which keep our interests safe, our enemies
at bay and the people of our country secure and free.
Here are some inspirational quotes from the brave soldiers Let’s spread the message which the tricolor
of the Indian Army: gives. Let’s spread peace, humanity, and Globally India is ranked number second in size. Indian
prosperity among the people. army is well equipped with missiles and other Hardware’s
1. “A Soldier is above politics and should not believe in
Happy Independence Day! that can hit targets far away from its shores.
caste or creed.” - Field Marshal KM Cariappa.
2. “Either I will come back after hoisting the tricolour, or I Missiles and nuclear weapons
will come back wrapped in it, but I will be back for sure.” -
India has nine types of operational missiles, including the
Capt. VikramBatra.
Agni-5 with a range of 3,000km to 5,000km, according to
3. “The enemy are only 50 yards from us. We are heavily the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in
outnumbered. We are under devastating fire. I shall not Washington.
withdraw an inch but will fight to our last man and our last
round.” - Major Somnath Sharma. Army
4. “There will be no withdrawal without written orders India has a 1.2 million-strong army, supported by more
and these orders shall never be issued.” - Field Marshal Sam than 3,565 battle tanks, 3,100 infantry fighting vehicles, 336
Manekshaw. armoured personnel carriers and 9,719 pieces of artillery,
according to IISS.

Air Force
With 127,200
personnel and 814
combat aircraft,
India’s air force is
substantially larger
but there are
concerns about its
5. “You have never lived until you have almost died. And fighter jet fleet.
for those who choose to fight, life has a special flavour. The
protected will never know.” - Capt. R Subramanian. Navy
6. “If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying India’s navy consists of one aircraft carrier, 16 submarines,
or is a Gurkha.” - Field Marshall Sam Manekshaw. 14 destroyers, 13 frigates, 106 patrol and coastal combatant
vessels, and 75 combat-capable aircraft
Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you
can do for your country. Thanks to the men and women of the Indian Armed
Forces, we are able to live our lives with freedom and great
Happy Independence Day! peace of mind. We thank them with all our heart.
Long Live Indian Army!!!
Happy Independence Day!
*** ***
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JP. Bansal Chinmya Suresh K. P

MD, TECHNOCRAFT GM, Kuwait India Exchange Advertising & Media Marketing Business (Consultant);
Acting Chief Coordinator - Community-ICSG Kuwait
for Covid19 relief works
Protecting our Farmers Say No to Panic,
India extensively uses organophosphate-
Say Yes to Precautions. I salute our heroes who laid down their lives
for you and me to enjoy liberty today. You
can now walk with pride, and your head
based pesticides in agriculture. As of 8 Aug, The coronavirus COVID-19 held up high as we enjoy the fruits of their
Organophosphates, are a major class of pesticides with hard work. Raise a glass in their honour and
is affected 213 countries; more than always remember to give back to the society.
high potential to enter the body through the skin and cause 12,561,514 people had recovered, out of 19,564,888 people
Let us work together as a team to make our
suffocation, paralysis, muscle weakness, loss of endurance known to have been infected around the world. Out of country a better place as we celebrate this
and in some instances - death. Our farmers are exposed to day. The day we obtained the freedom to
6,278,908 currently infected Patients, 64,998 (1%) people act, think, have faith, to love and to speak.
toxic pesticides through skin contact and inhalation, during are in serious or critical others 6,213,910 (99%) are mild in Let us give to the poor, show mercy to the
needy and feed the hungry. Let us all enjoy
the spraying of pesticides. Last year, 63 farmers died due to condition. the beauty of freedom in unison..
pesticide poisoning in Maharashtra alone and more than
The pandemic has created a massive economic Happy Independence Day!
1,000 were affected.
contraction that will be followed by a financial crisis in many
Cover your mouth and nose with a mask when around
A team from the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and parts of the globe. Indeed, the World Bank estimates that
others, otherwise you could spread COVID-19 to others even
Regenerative Medicine (inStem) have formulated and as many as 60 million people globally will be pushed into
if you do not feel sick. Always throw used mask in the trash.
patented a gel, extreme poverty because of the pandemic.
Masks should not be placed on young children under age
which promises to
The world is slowly emerging from the coronavirus 2, anyone who has
be a lifesaver for our
pandemic that has resulted in the most severe global trouble breathing,
farmers. In laboratory
e c o n o m i c or is unconscious,
tests, the gel showed
contraction since incapacitated or
a broad-spectrum of
at least the 1930’s. otherwise unable to
activity, detoxifying the
While world open up remove the mask
majority of commonly without assistance.
we have to protect
used pesticides in India.
the vulnerable
Frequently Wash your hands often with soap and water for
The inStem team is in the process of setting up a start-up and ensure the
at least 20 seconds. Using soap becomes far more effective
company based on this technology, and aiming to conduct known preventive
in removing microbes, because washing hands with sanitizer
a human pilot study shortly, which will be a step closer to the measures.
helps kill the microbes but does not remove most of the virus
commercialization of this technology. There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus and bacteria completely.

Their mission is to protect every single farmer and farm disease 2019 (COVID-19). It is indeed a very difficult time
Be alert for symptoms. Watch for fever, cough, shortness
for humanity. However, we can break the chain of spread
worker in India from pesticide-induced toxicity and lead to of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19.
and ensure safety of all by following Government health
major social impact in India and other developing countries.
guidelines. On this Independence day, Let us pray to God and
Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan ! Science Community to protect and to pass this tough phase
The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed
with good health and happiness!!!
Happy Independence day! to this virus by maintaining social distancing and avoiding
large gatherings.
*** ***
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Eng. Joseph Panicker, FIE, Int.PE national flag by Mohammed Ghouse

Former Chairman of IEI, Kuwait Chapter Prime Minister Founder, Velldon Real Promoters
and his speech
Independence Day at the Red Fort
Today, we stand up so high. Shed those
tears as we all remember all that died
Celebration during in Delhi. The for me, you and our whole country,
Covid-19 Pandemic ceremony at Red
risking their precious lives each and every
day. To our martyrs, here is our salute.
On the occasion of the 74th Fort will consist of Today is the day, that our nation sings aloud,
the presentation this is the day, that our liberty bells rings aloud,
anniversary of Indian Independence day which falls on
this is the day we shall start to remember
15th August every year, I extend my warm greetings to all of a Guard of what we truly stands for and celebrate our
Indians and at the same time pay tribute and remember all Honour by the independence.
the freedom fighters who have contributed and fought for Armed Forces accompanied by playing of the National
Happy Independence Day!
the independence of India and the soldiers who guard our Anthem and firing of 21-gun shots.
country till today from all external aggressions.
Around the world, technical start-ups are pushing India's armed forces have always kept the nation safe.
During this celebration, our country is also in a war with leading-edge innovations. Many use artificial intelligence Even in times of disasters, they are out there helping people.
Covid-19, the new Corona virus. This war is more intense (AI) and cloud computing to help organizations to process Our Prime Minister, on Sunday, 26 July 2020, paid tributes to
since the enemy is invisible, having capability to spread fast, big data, giving new insights to help fight the virus. Robots armed forces to mark the 21st anniversary of India's victory
and many a times it turns out to be deadly for humans. are deployed to disinfect hospitals, drones are used to over Pakistan in the Kargil war, saying their valor continues to
deliver medical supplies and AI is being used to spot and inspire generations. Our army has once again proved their
In order to win the war of Covid-19 epidemic, we need scan infections. Robots are delivering meals and medication bravery and patriotism towards our nation during the recent
to maintain social distance, wear masks, follow proper to patients. Authorities are using cell phones and satellite conflict with China in Galwan Valley in the Ladakh region.
sanitization, protect vulnerable persons and avoid large technology for tracking potential carriers.
congregation of people. This will be our lifestyle until we find a There are many unsung heroes around us, out of the list
vaccine. During Covid time, Technology is used widespread in Grocery stores started receiving digital orders and the foremost one is our farmers without whom grain and daily
its best possible manner in fields like communication, medical provide delivery services to cope with the situation. Cashless supply of milk cannot be distributed to people and food
sector, education sector, online shopping of groceries and transactions are used to remove the need of any physical camps. These men and women have kept supplies going,
commodities, exchange of cash or cheques, providing an extra layer of even without being designated as Frontline Corona Warriors.
banking etc. Our protection for a vulnerable person. Millions are hungry due to lack of work and with no money
Independence to sow the next crop, an enormous food crisis will emerge.
Who are the new heroes of India?
Day celebration
Also note that there are governments and NGOs who
too will become The real heroes are Covid-19 front line warriors like organize feeds for stray animals. For example, Kerala is now
technology doctors, health workers, para medical staffs and sanitation feeding stray animals and monkeys at few temples in the
based which workers for their noble services in fight against Corona virus state.
is befitting the and making India Covid-19 free. Covid warriors also include
occasion. These events could be webcasted in order to policy makers, Police and para military forces, people Lessons Learned:-Crucial investments required
reach out people who are not able to participate. The usual working in production and distribution of electricity and
We pride ourselves being the world’s fifth largest economy
pomp and splendor we used to witness in the Independence water, food and supply chain volunteers, Kudumbashree
and largest democracy. It often takes a crisis to bring
Day celebrations of the previous years will be vanished and etc. (Kudumbashree Mission is the poverty eradication and
about fundamental change. The Covid-19 epidemic have
instead we might listen to songs by selected groups and women empowerment program implemented by the State
underlined our deficiency, failures and weaknesses. We have
see selected number of dignitaries online. As we heard in Poverty Eradication Mission (SPEM) of the Government of
witnessed thousands of migrant workers and their families,
the media, the celebration will be limited to unfurling of the Kerala.)
perplexed by the situation left by foot to reach their home
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village, the safest ourselves and surplus to export to other countries. Think of a M. Srinivasan
haven they could worst case scenario of food crisis due to whatever reason, Bollywood Restaurant

think off. We for e.g. failure of Monsoon. In such a case we need to import
have witnessed food which will drain our money reserve. Even though there World’s largest telescope
the surfacing was panic buying during Covid-19, there was no shortage of
India is one of the countries — along
of our frightful food stuffs. The credit for this partly goes to the government’s
with USA, Canada, Japan and China —
practices of age- food grain procurement and distribution system. collaborating on this international project. India will spend
old impression a sum of Rs 1,300crore for the project across 10 years of
of caste, class
Way forward
and creed. There are still too many inequalities in our India’s success in many other fields including the space
India has a vital role in the Thirty Meter Telescope
society which has to be addressed by the policy makers mission has secured a respected place among nations. (TMT) project as the Segment Support Assembly (SSA),
and government. Crucial investments are needed to uplift India’s vision is to set her own Space Station in space as well or the complex opto mechanical sub-assemblies, will be
millions of our people who live in poverty. as to proceed with ‘Aditya mission’ to send a satellite to study manufactured in the country.
the Sun and ‘Venusian mission’ to send an Orbiter to study
To name a few other sectors where government should
Venus etc. India is poised for a giant leap from the rank of a
invest heavily are in the Health sector, Education sector, the
Developing Country to a Developed Country which also will
eradication of poverty and woman empowerment etc.
ultimately eliminate the suffering of our poor citizens.
India on the global stage
The initiative of 'Aatma Nirbhar Bharat' is a fresh push to
Depending on how we emerge from the Covid-19 crisis the theme of self-reliant India and would be appropriate
will determine India’s role in the post pandemic world order. if the theme is suitably spread and publicized among the
India being a universe in itself and home to one-sixth of people. The mantra is ‘Make in India for India and the World’.
humanity, we cannot be part of the problem, we have to
The pandemic
be part of the solution in the world arena. We have to be
has brought us to
stronger and united as a nation and we will have to work
an inflection point. The Segment Support Assemblies are meant to hold
towards an inclusive India that holds all of us regardless of
How we deal with it together and control the alignment of each of the 492
caste, class or creed. India needs to be part of international
now will determine hexagonal mirrors to form the 30-metre primary mirror.
efforts to deal with the Covid-19 crisis - multilaterally,
our place in the
regionally or bilaterally. As many as 100 SSA segments and 80 mirrors, designed
future world order.
to be placed along the primary mirror’s periphery, will be
• Supply of medicines India needs to be a global partner in leading the world to manufactured in India.
a next level in encountering global warming, fight against
We are also major producers of medicine to other The scientific community is now hopeful of making the
Pandemics like Covid-19, eradication of poverty, space
countries. It is also important to note that we are participating facility operational and see first light by 2029.
exploration, education to all etc. as part of international
in international efforts towards finding a vaccine and should
efforts. India on the Path to Become a Technology Superpower!
ramp up capacities to produce it in the quantities needed,
So becoming a super power isn't possible without support
both for our own people and for the world. Yes, the world will have changed by the time the crisis
of every single citizen of country. So let’s we join and leads
recedes, but we, Indians, will continue to be what we have country from developing status to DEVELOPED !
• Food security always been — Unity in Diversity.
We should be able to sustain in food production. We Happy Independence Day!
Jai Hind
should utilize every inch of the land for producing food for
*** ***
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A.K. Babu I. Razack Syed Anwar Ashfaque Ahmed Khan

General Manager - Finance Marina Optics President, Indian Cultural Society Kuwait
Ali Alghanim & Sons Group Gen.Trad& Cont. Co
India is the birthplace of Ayurveda, one of
India, the only Country where
the five elements of alternative medicine
the people's unity is indivisible and
Through Thick & Thin AYUSH -- Ayurveda, Yoga,Unani, Siddha and
indestructible. The Country where diverse
and rich cultures, traditions, regions and
How thin can the thinnest material If I am giving an opportunity of being born into
languages are all welcomed. Indian
be? It can be as thin as 100,000 this world again, I will choose to live my life
Cultural Society, the leading Socio Cultural & event
times thinner than a sheet of paper. You may not be able over and over again in this great country filled
with happiness, love, and shared prosperity. Organization in Kuwait extends its unfeigned wishes to each
to imagine or see with naked eyes such a material, but IIT and every citizen of the Nation on the special occasion of
Gandhinagar students Harini Gunda, Saroj Kumar Das and Happy Independence Day!
74th Independence Day.
Kabeer Jasuja have synthesized a two-dimensional material
We are thankful & we
of just one-nanometer thickness
congratulate IFL team
These nanosheets are made of boron atoms arranged in for publishing this special
edition. Today we salute
the shape of a honeycomb using a simple yet novel method.
the brave martyrs who
The study was funded under Fast Track Research Grant for
have sacrificed their lives
Young Scientists given by Science and Engineering Research for our beloved Nation.
Board (SERB), This year, even though
the INSPIRE we are locked in our houses, let's remember to unlock our
Faculty Award togetherness, love and gratitude.
Research Grant Wishing you all a heart-warming and Happy
by Department Independence Day.
of Science and
and seed
funding from IIT

This material of the future could find a range of potential

applications – from next-generation batteries to ultraviolet
absorbing films.

Happy Birthday India! Celebrating our independence,

celebrating our freedom!

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Touch the sky with glory’: speed limits of up to 1.8 Mach. The aircraft proved Dr. Rumane Abdul Razzak
EX. Chairman, IEI Kuwait Chapter
How Rafale will be a Game Changer? its unmatched capabilities in air combat missions
Freedom is one of the most expensive
in Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, Iraq and Syria in the last commodities. No amount of money will be
The Rafale jets, known globally as one the enough to buy freedom. It is the result of the
few years. India is the fourth country to have the sacrifices and struggles of many brave.
most potent strategic platforms with unmatched
strategic platform after France, Egypt and Qatar. Let us reverence them today and always by
capability in carrying out a variety of roles. Rafale, fighting and defending the welfare of this
built by the French company Dassault Aviation, Ambala, Hasimara Rafale bases strategically country.

is the first operational European combat aircraft selected. Rafale will need only around 8 minutes As we remember our national heroes today,
let’s renew our pledge to always uphold our
to use an RBE2 Array electronic scanning radar, to reach Lahore from Ambala at top speed and national unity so that we can live together in
peace and harmony.
which can detect 40 targets at the same time in a 3 minutes from Hasimara Air Force Station in West
Happy Independence Day!
range of over 100 Kms. Bengal to China border.

Rafale can carry payloads of more than 9t on AM39, Penguin 3 and Harpoon anti-ship missiles.
14 hardpoints and can fly at speeds of 1.8 mach For a strategic mission the Rafale can deliver
(2,222.6km per hour) and it has a range of 3,700 the MBDA (formerly Aerospatiale) ASMP stand-off
km . This is more than the Sukhoi 30 MKi, which can nuclear missile.
carry loads of up to 8,000kg
It has Spectra, an integrated defence aid
The range of weapons includes: Mica, Magic, system which can jam or counter-jam enemy
Sidewinder, ASRAAM and AMRAAM air-to-air radar signals. Helmet mounted sights & targeting
missiles; Apache, AS30L, ALARM, HARM, Maverick system to give the pilots lightning quick ability to
and PGM100 air-to-ground missiles and Exocet / shoot off weapons.

Rafale jet, to become part of the IAF’s ‘Golden Rafale's M88-2 twin-shaft bypass turbofan engine
Arrow’ squadron, is the first Modern fighter aircraft principally suitable for low-altitude penetration and
to be inducted into the Air Force in 23 years high-altitude interception missions. The aircraft is
after the Russian Sukhoi-30 fighters. According to equipped for buddy-buddy refuelling with a flight
Dassault Aviation, the aircraft has a whopping refuelling hose reel and drogue pack.
30,000 flight hours in operations.
In terms of its capability, Rafale can indeed
Rafale can able to carry out “Omni Role be a game-changer for India. Add to that the
missions” like air superiority and air defence, close operating mantra: if they dare, scare!
air support, in-depth strikes, reconnaissance, anti-
ship strikes and nuclear deterrence at varied ***
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S.M. Arif Maricar career, the class IV Student is set to be the star attraction
on junior national equestrian championship.He is young, like
really young. He is from everyone’s favorite city, Chandigarh
SOME INDIAN ACHIEVERS but excels exemplarily in a sport where only few can excel;
Melita Tessy (16Yrs), Author of the Ten-year-old Jaiveer Makkar brought laurels to the city by
Book “BATTLE OF THE SPHERES” winning a rich haul of medals in the Delhi Horse Show, at
At the mere age of the Army Polo and Race Course (APRC), organised by the
fifteen, when people of her age were Equestrian Federation of India (EFI).
Indian Community Support Group (ICSG) was busy understanding metaphors and Tejas- a jack of all trades concerning Football
formed by the Embassy of India to help distressed characterization in a book, this young
members of the Indian community with food kits during woman wrote a book itself. Melita’s The Young Boy Who Is Creating
the COVID 19 pandemic. ICSG is working with Indian fantasy novel Battle of the Spheres is all India’s Best Under-19 Football Team With
about protecting the environment. It’s Underprivileged children. Tejasmission is
associations to reach out to the community.
about protecting the environment and making it livable for to prepare India’s best under-19 football
all creatures. team of underprivileged children. Tejas
went ahead and laid the foundation of it,
MelitaTessy is a Chennai born and brought up girl, who alone. In a first for India, Tejas is the one
started writing at the age of thirteen for her debut novel and name responsible for forming India’s first and only Football
by fifteen, she gifted the universe her thoughts, spirit, and NGO, Sparky Football Team, that comprises of youngsters
soul in the form of her debut novel, “Battle of the Spheres.” It who will hopefully represent the Under-19 for India in future.
is a book that is full of adventure and gives out a message to
be stronger. Melita is one of our creative, geeky and young Today, Sparky Football’s young team of 16 has played
achievers in India. over 15 matches so far against several champions and
experts. The youngest football player in his team is five years
Shubham Banerjee (13 Yrs) - A teenager in Silicon old who plays with national level players. “Football is not just
Valley a game, it is an art, and there is much more to it than just
In Silicon Valley, it’s never too early kicking the ball,” he says. He works relentlessly hard with 16
to become an entrepreneur. Just ask talented kids from weaker sections of the society who could
13-year-old Shubham Banerjee. The be made champions in the future. Salute to you boy!
California eighth-grader has launched a Malhar Kalambe, UN Award Winner for Garbage
company to develop low-cost machines Clean
to print Braille, the tactile writing system for
the visually impaired. We don’t really hesitate to throw the
waste on the floor but we blame the
Shubham built a Braille printer that works with Lego government for no reason. But The 21-year-
robotics kit. This was his science school project. What started old Malhar, a resident of Dadar, is the
out as an innocently inquisitive question to his parents about founder of ‘Beach Please,’ a campaign
how the blind read, turned into an unbelievable invention. started to clear trash from Dadar beach
The Braille printer developed by this 13 year old weighs just a in Mumbai through weekly cleanup drives.
few pounds and costs $350. What an idea boy!
MalharKalambe was recognised by United Nations with
Jaiveer Makkar (10yr) - a pint sized Jockey an award for cleaning the Dadar Beach and for making
sensation it a better place. It has been 87 weeks since the cleanup
For 10-yr-old Jaiveer, sky is the limit. drive began and so far, close to 1000 tonnes of waste like
Most of them say age is just a number. plastic, stale food and religious offerings have been cleared
And it could not be truer for 9-year-old from the beach. Malhar and the volunteers spend two hours
JaiveerMakkar who has shown envious every Saturday and Sunday to clean the Dadar beach and
horse- riding talent for someone his age. Mithiriver.
Having already won over 40 Medals
across various equestrian events in his ***
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Indian Frontliners Kuwait helping

Amnesty and Corona
Lockdown sufferings
- an all-time big humanitarian service
Amnesty had been declared for one month from April
1st to 30th for undocumented foreigners in the country. As
per the amnesty announced by the state of Kuwait, Indian
nationals who are staying here without any valid documents
can leave the country without any fine or paying for the air

the travel needs. This was a great help for many of these Frontliners team Mr. Durai, Ramesh, Alavudeen & NCM took
Indians as they cannot read/write and also understand the care of the tireless-dedicated volunteers by providing them
requirements. food, snacks, drinks etc.

Within this period, 6000 Indians without Passport or Civil Amnesty Indians were repatriated by Kuwait Airways and
ID have been shifted to the repatriation centers. Apart from Jazeera flights to India free of cost. In the beginning there was
this, there are also more than 6000 Indians who applied for a delay because of the readiness of India to accept these
emergency documents from the Indian embassy. many people in the Corona atmosphere and quarantine
It is NOT a small number. As many as 13,000 Indians who
have been granted amnesty by Kuwait were returned to India. Soon after the amnesty works, Corona fear has reached
Majority Indians had been sheltered in repatriation centers and many jobs were stopped and partial curfew was
and they were provided with free food. All the expenses implemented. This made lot of Indians losing their jobs and
were being taken care of by the Kuwait Government. salaries. It came to a stage that people cannot pay their
house rents or eat food properly.
In addition to help the Indians to fly back home, Indian

Indian Embassy authorized 282 volunteers from various

Indian Forums- including Indian Frontliners. Due to the
corona virus problem and curfew as people could not come
out, these volunteers with risk visited door to door all around
Kuwait to collect the documents of the need, submitted to
embassy and finished the job successfully.

Indian nationals desiring to benefit from the Amnesty

were requested to approach the centers at Farwaniya and
in Abasiya for final process.

Volunteers guided and helped the Indians to fill the

required papers along with the Indian Embassy to formalize
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Delhi Batcha M.A. Rangarajan

Prop; Alsafi Restaurant Country Manager, NCC, Kuwait

Let us salute this great Nation on this The change you want to see in the
country is going to begin with you. This year,
auspicious day! At the stroke of midnight,
let’s pledge to keep the country clean and
when the world slept, India woke up to people safe. it’s all of our responsibility to
life and freedom and today, our Nation leave this planet in better shape for the
has discovered itself again! Let all brothers future generations.
and sisters of India pour their zeal on the Let’s make a strong decision, to value
celebration of Independence Day! our nation and never forget the sacrifices
Many of our community workers didn’t have any savings from those who gave us freedom.
at hand and it was almost impossible to find food and Happy Independence Day!
money. IFL decided to help the needy Indians in Fahaheel, Happy Independence Day!
Mangaf, Abu-Halifa, Salmiya, Hawali and other far areas.
IFL Vice President Mr. P.Senthilkumar immediately formed a
boxes all over Kuwait.
team to gear up this volunteer service.
IFL not only helped our community in Kuwait but also in
The COVID 19 pandemic has affected all sections of the
India! It is note worth that IFL is the first one from Kuwait to
community and the need of the hour is to come together
send Rs 1,00,000 to PM relief fund.
collectively to identify and address sections which require
immediate help to alleviate their suffering. Our funds have been widely utilized for the poor people
through many NGOs in India like Palam, Exnora, World
With the available and mobilised funds from IFL, it started
Women Chennai Trust, Annai Trust, Ninalam trust, Head India
buying groceries and distributing the needed provisions for
Kangaroo etc. to supply, food, groceries and safety kits.
a month by maintaining social distancing and to complete
within the allowable time before the curfew. IFL have Also with another initiative from IFL members we mobilized
collected the needy personnel list in April as many as 1200 from Kuwait, Canada and Qatar almost INR 4,00,000
Indians. to 20 blind families in India for their living of 8 months till
As the requirements increase for many, under the
guidance of the Embassy of India Kuwait when the committee ICSG appreciates the good work and efforts of IFL for
ICSG formed to respond to the basic and essential needs extending our help to the weaker sections. It was our pleasure
of the Indian Community, IFL joined with them. After ICSG to have ICSG on board to work for the collective welfare of
started making online registration, IFL spot out thousands of our community.
needy people for the food kit to be supplied and made the
registration. There were lot of thankful messages from many of the
people who received food kits help from IFL or ICSG. It was
In addition to the ICSG food kits, IFL did its best to supply tough to distribute during the curfew and Ramadan hours.
with the needed provisions for all of one thousand plus We thank Indian Embassy and ICSG for the needed help to
people at least one time. Tamil Karpor Kuzhumam, Malabar protect our fellow Indians.
Gold and few like-minded people also joined with IFL to
spare provisions to the needy people. We pray and hope to come out from this Virus soon, so
that people can resume their work and make their own
In addition to this, IFL supported the families of some of living.
the diseased and victims due to corona. Also IFL joined with
Mughal Mahal’s “Help the needy” project to distribute Food ***
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Shares the happiness of

Independence Day
with our community.
IFL Editorial Team

Madhulika Mohta Jisha Subin V. Nisha N. Arifa

V. Subbu K. Mathi Durairaj Hari Lakhsmanan

Ramesh J. Vijai T. Gurusamy C. Lakhmanan

Alaudeen Shibu Rajesh J. Ananth

with them
N.C. Mohandoss

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