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don’t ask questions in If there is a retirement
Parliament be given tickets age for politicians, what
`3.00 Ÿ Pages 14 to contest polls again? should it be?
Yes No Maybe 70  61% Go to our Twitter handle 75 27% @dna, look for #DNAPoll and vote.
80 12%

24°C - 42°C AQI 177 BSE Sensex 38,132.88 100.53 NSE nifty 11,445.05 38.20 R.N.I. No. : GUJENG/2007/22424

inside  DRDO shoots down a defunct test a demonstration of homegrown India joins US, Russia
Opinion satellite in lower atmosphere tech that can hit targets in space and China in elite club

India lifts off to be a space power

US’ plan to unseat China
as SC member didn’t
find favour with Nehru,
by Minhaz Merchant P6

EC tells SC that changes
in laws on electoral
bonds will impact
transparency of
election funding  P4
PM delivers big-hit power mission
EC orders panel
to probe if poll
news in live address
300 kms in three minutes
n What was Mission Shakti?
code breached
9 Iranians held at sea
The DRDO successfully conducted an anti-satellite
DNA Correspondent missile test on Wednesday, and with it, India Manan Kumar demonstrated its capability to intercept and shoot
down a live satellite in outer space; the test was

with `500-cr heroin New Delhi: In a major break-

through that establishes the
nation as a space power, India
conducted on completely indigenous technology
n What is the objective of the test?
To safeguard India’s space assets; provide credible
New Delhi: Under constant
pressure from the opposition
parties to take a call on pur-
DNA Correspondent successfully test-fired an an- deterrence against threats amid growing ported “gross violation” of the ti-satellite missile on Wednes- model code of conduct (MCC)
day, becoming the fourth n Which satellite was used? by Prime Minister Narendra
Ahmedabad/New Delhi: country in the world to An Indian satellite. Modi, the Election Commis-
Nine Iranian nationals achieve the feat after the US, sion directed a Committee of
were nabbed off the Gujarat Russia and China. terhooks for nearly an hour n Which missile/interceptor was used? Officers late on Wednesday
coast, while 100 kilograms Based on the capability with a prelude that he had DRDO’s Ballistic Missile Defence interceptor, part evening to examine PM Modi’s
of heroin, worth approxi- India had acquired in 2012 some news for the nation. of ongoing defence programme address to the nation on A-SAT
mately Rs 500 crore, were with the launch of Agni-V “A while ago, India became n Which technology was used? missile launch.
seized from them on intercontinental ballistic the fourth country in the India used a particular technology, called Kinetic Deputy election commis-
Wednesday. The operation missile, the Defence Research world to hit a Low Earth orbit Kill, rather than fly-by tests and jamming sioner Dr Sandeep Saxsena,
was jointly conducted by and Development Organisa- (LEO) satellite in space, with of the MCC division, heads
the Gujarat Anti-Terrorist tion launched a missile inter- Indian scientists using an n Does the test create space debris? the committee. After refusing
Squad (ATS), Indian Coast Crew members burnt the boat to ceptor as part of its Mission anti-satellite (A-SAT) missile Test done in lower atmosphere to ensure there was to give details till late night,
Guard (ICG) and the Ma- try and destroy evidence Shakti from the Abdul Kalam to bring down an LEO satel- Debris of no space debris. Any debris generated will decay the Election Commission fi-
rine Task Force. Island launch complex in lite. The mission was com- destroyed satellite and fall back onto earth within weeks nally said through sources
Coast Guard officials said it to stop. Upon being chal- Odisha to shoot down a de- pleted in 3 minutes,” said PM *MEA release that the Committee would
the contraband was loaded lenged and unable to flee, commissioned Indian satel- Modi, after emerging from a give its report in two days.
Satellite A-SAT missile
in Pakistan’s Gwadar port the members of the boat set lite in space. meeting of the cabinet com- india joins club 60 yrs later The EC’s response came
and was destined for Guja- fire to the boat to destroy Prime Minister Naren- mittee on security (CCS). after several opposition par-
In the backdrop of the Cold War and perceived threat
rat. As per senior officials,
one Pakistani national,
evidence. However, officials
somehow managed to appre-
dra Modi announced the
achievement in a televised
He had monitored the top
secret mission closely along
3 mins of strikes from space, both US and the erstwhile USSR
ties slammed PM Modi for
keeping the country on ten-
identified as Hamid Malek, hend the nine smugglers on and livestreamed address, af- with his cabinet colleagues in Length of the mission worked on the Anti-Satellite Weapons programme, but terhooks for an hour and
had sent the consignment. board. In addition, 100 kilo- ter keeping citizens on ten- the CCS.  Turn to P4 it was the former which tested it first in 1959. In 2007, then resorting to his own
BP Rojiya, ACP of the Gu- grams of heroin were also 300 km China first used a ballistic missile to destroy its own
old weather satellite orbiting 861 km above Earth
publicity by taking the credit
jarat ATS, received a tip-off seized from them. Distance of sate-llite from Earth meant for DRDO and other
on March 24 that an illegal All attempts to save the When everyone was left guessing... research and space organisa-
consignment of heroin was boat, however, failed, and mission accomplished tions. Opposition parties
to be sent to India in a boat the boat sank. The appre- New Delhi: It turned out to be an agonising wait for many quizzed, did the Prime Minis-
via the Gujarat coast. ATS hended crew, along with the as they counted the minutes to PM Modi’s address to the India has made India has no intention The interceptor missile ter’s Office (PMO) take per-
officials then contacted ICG consignment, was brought nation to convey an important message. As the speech over an unprecedented of entering into an arms was a 3-stage missile mission from the Commis-
and Marine Task Force. to Porbandar and was hand- television, radio and social media got delayed, speculation achievement today. Our race in outer space. The with two solid rocket sion to go on air as is required
After searching exten- ed over to the Marine Task mounted across the social and political spectrum in UP scientists shot down a live satel- test is not directed against any boosters. Tracking data from when the MCC is in force?
sively for over 24 hours, a Force. As per senior ATS capital Lucknow. “Yeh kya karney jaa rahen hain?” (What’s lite 300 kilometres away in space country... The govt is committed range sensors has confirmed that While EC remained tight-
suspicious boat was finally officials, they have identi- he going to do),” wondered SP chief Akhilesh Yadav, who in low-earth orbit to ensuring national security the mission met all its objectives lipped officially, sources said
located. The ICG started fol- fied the received and he will was chatting with the media at the party HQ.  Reports, P14 it had no inkling of the PM’s
lowing the boat and directed soon be arrested. PM narendra Modi External Affairs Ministry G S Reddy, DRDO Chairman address to the nation. Turn to P4
daily news & analysis I Ahmedabad I Thursday, March 28, 2019
ah edabad I I I

BJP names candidates for 3 seats

in brief
Trial in Ahmed
Patel poll victory
case continues Union minister Haribhai Chaudhary, Vitthal Radadiya and Prabhatsinh Chauhan dropped
The trial in the election DNA Correspondent Panchmahal district. Rathod
petition filed by BJP’s had contested the 2017 assem-
Balvantsinh Rajput bly elections as an independ-
against the Rajya Sabha The Bharatiya Janata Party ent candidate after being de-
poll victory of Congress (BJP) named candidates for nied a ticket by the Congress
leader Ahmed Patel con- three more Lok Sabha seats party. He had joined the BJP
tinued on Wednesday in the state on Wednesday, after winning the seat, and

HC stays Ben’s
with the cross-examina- dropping all three incumbent would be contesting his maid-
tion of election officer MPs, including Union minis- en Lok Sabha election.
DM Patel. The officer ter Haribhai Chaudhary. With the latest list, BJP has
said he had received The BJP nominated minis- so far declared candidates for

appointment to
three complaints related ter of state Parbatbhai Patel 19 out of 26 Lok Sabha seats in
to voting. Due to the as its candidate from Banas- the state. It has repeated 14 of
paucity of time, the kantha, Ramesh Dhaduk the MPs, while dropping five,
cross-examination of from Porbandar, and Ra- including party patriarch LK

education trust
DM Patel could not be tansinh Rathod from Panch- From left, BJP candidates: Ratansinh Rathod, Parbatbhai Patel, Ramesh Dhaduk Advani. Actor and
completed and will con- mahal seat. Haribhai Chaud- Ahmedabad East MP Paresh
tinue on Thursday. hary, Vitthal Radadiya, and tally, Radadiya was pressing Rawal has also already an-
Prabhatsinh Chauhan, who for a ticket for his younger BJP yet to name 7 candidates nounced that he would not be
51-year-old woman represent the three seats in son Lalit, while the party was contesting in the elections.
With the latest list, BJP has so far declared candidates
charred to death the Parliament at present, willing to field elder son and for 19 out of 26 Lok Sabha seats in the state. It has According to party insid- DNA Correspondent Anandiben cannot be appoint-
A complaint of acciden- were axed. BJP insiders said cabinet minister Jayesh Ra- repeated 14 of the MPs, while dropping five ers, the fate of at least 3-4 ed as a trustee as she is not a
tal death was reported that Chaudhary, a four-term dadiya. However, it didn’t more MPs from the remain- member of the trust and
with the Khokhara po- MP and presently minister of work out as Jayesh wasn’t ing six seats hangs in the bal- The Gujarat High Court on therefore, her appointment is
lice station on Tuesday state for coal and mines, was keen on giving up the minis- pality, as its candidate. self, but the party ignored his ance. The seats are Surat, Wednesday stayed an order of beyond the ambit of the mem-
after a 51-year-old wom- dropped because of bribery try, and BJP didn’t want to Panchmahal MP Prabhat- claim. Incidentally, his Mehsana, Junagadh, Patan, the Ahmedabad charity com- orandum of association upon
an died in the LG hospi- allegations against him dur- accommodate a second fami- sinh Chauhan was apparent- daughter-in-law Suman Anand and Chhota Udepur. missioner by which former which the trust is function-
tal during treatment. As ing the unprecedented CBI ly member. The BJP nomi- ly dropped owing to non-per- Chauhan is MLA from Kalol Congress, on the other chief minister Anandiben ing. Popat also submitted that
per police, the deceased versus CBI fight. nated industrialist and formance, and controversies. seat. hand, has declared candi- Patel, who is presently the Anandiben is governor of MP
has been identified as Porbandar MP Vitthal Ra- Patidar leader Ramesh Chauhan was demanding Chauhan’s replacement dates for six seats so far, governor of Madhya Pradesh, and stays there, and charity
Meeta Subhashbhai, a dadiya was dropped because Dhaduk, who was earlier that the ticket be given to a Ratansinh Rathod, is MLA while 20 nominees are yet to was appointed as a perma- commissioner has failed to
resident of Satyanaraya- of his poor health. Inciden- member of Gondal Munici- family member if not him- from Lunawada seat in be named. nent trustee of an education check whether she will be able
na housing in Khokha- trust at Palanpur in Banas- to discharge her duties as a
ra. On March 20 even- kantha district. trustee or not.
ing, Meeta was doing
pooja in the house, dur-
ing which her Saari
4-5 Cong MLAs among Three of 26 MPs from Gujarat The stay was granted by
the single judge bench of Jus-
tice AY Kogje after members
Notably, the trust was set up
in 1996 under the Bombay Pub-
lic Trusts Act for the uplift-

LS ticket contenders had zero queries in Parliament

caught on fire and she of the Vimalaben and Sarab- ment and betterment in the
was later rushed to the hai Shah Education Trust field of education, as well as
hospital for treatment, moved the high court against for carrying out social activi-
where she later died. Re- the charity commissioner’s ties. As per the memorandum
garding the matter, po- DNA Correspondent MLA Somabhai Patel are DNA Correspondent order. The court also issued a of association, there can be a
lice have taken the com- among the contenders for How state’s lawmakers fared notice to the charity commis- minimum seven trustees, with
plaint and further inves- Surendranagar seat. The BJP sioner directing him to clarify 11 being the maximum. The
n MPs from Maharashtra topped in asking
tigation is on. The Congress is likely to name dropped sitting MP Devji Of the 26 MPs from the state, his stand on the matter by trust was functioning smooth-
questions while those from Guj ranked 13th
some more candidates from Gu- Fatepara and announced Dr all from BJP, three never both- May 1. Notably, the charity ly till 2011, but the proposed
Valuables worth jarat after the party’s Central Mahendra Munjpara as its ered to ask any questions dur- n MPs from Delhi topped the list in commissioner through the induction of new trustees by
`76K stolen Election Committee meeting on nominee from Surendrana- ing the last five years in the highest average attendance impugned order on February one of the trustees Mahesh
A complaint of the Wednesday, officials said. gar. Lalit Vasoya, the MLA Parliament. KC Patel from 20 had not just appointed Shah allegedly ended up creat-
break-in was lodged Keen to give a tough fight to from Dhoraji seat, is believed Valsad Vitthal Radadiya from n On an average MPs from Gujarat asked Anandiben as a permanent ing a chaos and turmoil in the
with the Satellite police the BJP, the Congress could to be a strong contender for Porbandar, and Lal Krishna 258 questions trustee but had also requested trust’s functioning.
station on Tuesday by field as many as 4-5 MLAs in the Congress ticket from Por- Advani from Gandhinagar her to propose the names of Following the chaos, the pe-
the victim Pranay Trive- the upcoming election battle. bandar. The BJP announced had no queries from the gov- other trustees. titioners, being members of the
di, a resident of Ellis Party insiders said that Jitu Ramesh Dhaduk as its nomi- ernment during the last five Naranbhai Kachhadia from Ahmedabad West who was Counsel for the petitioners trust, moved an application be-
bridge. He stated in his Chaudhari, MLA from Kapra- nee in place of an ailing Vit- years. Interestingly, Radadiya Amreli. He asked 759 ques- present for 302 days. Mohanb- Digant Popat submitted be- fore the joint charity commis-
complaint that he owns da seat, is likely to be named as thal Radadiya on Wednesday. attended the Parliament only tions in all followed by Rajesh hai Kundariya from Rajkot fore the court that the charity sioner in Mehsana for the ap-
another house in Satel- the candidate from Valsad seat, CJ Chavda, who represents 45 of the 314 days it was in ses- Chudasama of Junagadh who and Darshana Jardosh from commissioner’s order is with- pointment of eight members as
lite area, between March which is believed to be a bell- Gandhinagar North seat in sion while Patel attended for asked 546 questions. The third Surat also clocked 296 and 294 out jurisdiction, devoid of interim trustees, which was
17 and 22 an unidentified wether seat. Una MLA Punja the assembly, is expected to 249 days. spot for the most number of days respectively. any reasoning, and in contra- transferred to the Ahmedabad
person broke into his Vansh, and Somnath MLA Vi- face-off against Amit Shah Popular Bollywood actor questions went to Ramsinh On an average MPs from vention of the Bombay Public charity commissioner. Thereaf-
house and took away mal Chudasama are in the fray from Gandhinagar. From Ba- Paresh Raval who represent- Rathwa from Chhota Udepur Gujarat asked 258 questions Trusts Act. He also submitted ter, the petitioners also made an
valuables worth Rs76,000 for the ticket for Junagadh. The naskantha seat, the Congress ed Ahmedabad East asked 185 who had made 499 queries. against 534 by those from Ma- that such orders cannot be application before the charity
from the house comprise BJP is also yet to announce its is expected to announce questions and was present for As far as attendance was harashtra. Gujarat ranked passed by a quasi-judicial au- commissioner for modifying
of gold-silver orna- candidate from this seat. Dinesh Gadhvi as its candi- 205 of the 314 days. concerned Jayshree Patel of 11th in attendance of its MPS thority under the influence of the memorandum of associa-
ments. Similarly, Chotila MP Rut- date. VK Khant is in the fray In fact, the highest number Mehsana attended 307 days among all other states clock- a political person. The advo- tion in which the latter passed
vik Makwana and Limbdi for Panchmahal LS seat. of queries were made by followed by Kirit Solanki of ing 243 days. cate also contended that the impugned order.

CEO tells parties not to Crossing Sticks

HC refuses relief to former
cause hassles to public Congress MLA Bhaga Barad
DNA Correspondent Yogi Adityanath in Ghatlodia area of Ahmedabad city on DNA Correspondent the by-election, in which the
Monday. The dais for the rally court does not want to inter-
Gandhinagar: The chief was set on a busy road and fere.
electoral officer(CEO) in Gu- people faced great harass- In a major blow to disquali- Notably, Barad was con-
jarat Dr S Murali Krishna ment as all the sides were fied Congress MLA Bhaga victed and sentenced to two-
has issued the guidelines to closed for vehicles and many Barad, the Gujarat High year-and-nine-months in jail
all the district election commercial establishments Court on Wednesday rejected in a Rs 2.83 crore limestone
officers(collectors) and con- were forced to remain shut his plea challenging his dis- theft case on March 1 by a
cerned police authorities to during the whole day. qualification as a lawmaker magisterial court at Sutra-
ensure that no political activ- The CEO said, “We received and the “hasty” decision of pada.
ity during polls should cause the complaints from different the Election Commission Gujarat Assembly speaker
inconvenience to common citizens and asked the BJP (EC) to declare the by-elec- Rajendra Trivedi disquali-
Pravin Indrekar/DNA

public in day to day life. leaders to shift the dais in a cor- tion for Talala on March 10, Former Cong MLA Bhaga Barad fied him on March 5 and the
The issue came to the at- ner but some issues remained despite there being a stay on EC announced the by-elec-
tention of the CEO’s office thereafter too. We are here to his conviction at that point of the theft case subsists as of tions for his constituency on
when people filed a complaint ensure that no inconvenience time. today. Notably, the stay grant- March 10, despite the stay by
against BJP for holding a poll should be caused to the com- Barad, who is desperately ed against his conviction by a Veraval sessions court in
rally of Uttar Pradesh CM mon public due to political ac- trying to save his seat and a Veraval sessions court on Barad’s favour.
tivities. We have also issued running against time, is like- March 7 was later on quashed However, the stay was
fact file guidelines to the DEOs and MP and BJP candidate from A’bad West Dr Kirit Solanki and Congress nominee Raju Parmar during Ger Utsav in city on Wednesday ly to move the Supreme Court and set-aside by a single challenged by the state gov-
police to see that the common against the high court’s ver- judge bench of the high ernment before a single judge
„„The I-T department public is not facing any issue.” dict. court, after the state govern- bench of the high court,
has seized Rs1.03 crore The CEO also said that they Notably, the filing of nom- ment moved against the ses- which quashed the same on
in cash in state so far
„„Rs58.30 lakh
were seized from
would see and pass on neces-
sary instruction to Ahmedabad
collector and police commis-
Mandaviya takes a dig at Priyanka inations for the by-election is
going to start from March 28,
with April 4 being the last
sion court’s order.
The division bench also
clarified that since the con-
the ground that the same was
lacking reasons, and remand-
ed the matter back to the ses-
sioner to see that traffic re- Anand: Union Minis- (Priyanka Gandhi Vadra) Congress general secretary, date. viction subsists, it has not sions court for deciding it
Ahmedabad and mained smooth on March 30 ter of State for Road has a nose like her grand- Bihar minister Vinod Naray- The bypoll will take place examined the other issues afresh.
Rs44.70 lakh from Surat when the BJP chief Amit Shah Transport, Highways mother (Indira Gandhi). an Jha had said, “Votes can’t on April 23 along with voting and arguments canvassed by The sessions court fixed a
„„The EC has is going to file nomination and and Shipping Mansukh If you get power by hav- be won on basis of beautiful for all 26 Lok Sabha seats in the contending parties, date of March 25 for hearing,
also appointed five road show are to be held where Mandaviya on Tuesday ing a nose like your faces. Moreover, she is the the state. namely Barad, state govern- but the concerned judge went
accessibility observers of thousands of people are antici- said sporting features grandmother, then there wife of Robert Vadra who is The division bench of Jus- ment, and election commis- on leave till April 1.
secretary level to ensure pated to flood in on roads. “We similar to former prime would have been a Presi- accused of involvement in tice SR Brahmbhatt and Jus- sion. In the meantime, Barad
the facilities are available will ask the concerned author- minister Indira Gandhi dent in every household land scam and several corrup- tice VB Mayani, which con- It also held that conviction moved the high court before
for voters at polling ities to see that minimum in- will not ensure that Congress in China,” Mandaviya said tion cases. She is very beauti- ducted a marathon hearing automatically leads to dis- the division bench challeng-
booths convenience is caused to the general secretary Priyanka while addressing BJP’s ‘Vijay ful but other than that she of the case, dismissed Barad’s qualification, which results ing his disqualification and
public during the road Gandhi gets to power. Sankalp’ rally here. holds no political achieve- plea on the ground that his in vacation of seat, and announcement of by-elec-
shows,” the CEO added. “It is being said that she Earlier, commenting on the ment.” —ANI conviction and sentence in therefore, the EC declared tions.

Hearing to continue in Hardik’s Growing rift Social leaders fear split among communities due to politics

plea for suspension of sentence

DNA Correspondent assembly that attacked the
Surat: Socially united, politically divided
Chintan Acharya adverse impact over this social and religious organisa- MLA’s office and considering equilibrium. The political tions in the city in coopera-
their deposition, Hardik’s personalities would try to ex- tion with Mool Surti people.
In what could add to the diffi- conviction is strange. It was A sudden split has opened up ploit benefits from this situa- Native of Babra town of
culties of Congress leader also submitted that Vasant, between Mool Surti (native of tion, but people should un- Amreli district in Saurashtra
Hardik Patel, the hearing in the personal assistant of MLA Surat) and Bin-Surti (migrat- derstand. Otherwise, there is and social leader of Patel
the case filed by him for sus- Rishikesh Patel, was allegedly ed) on the issue of Lok Sabha no rift among communities, community in Surat, Kanjib-
pension of a two-year sen- present when the mob at- ticket. Political rivalry has may it be on the social or pro- hai Bhalala says, “I do not see
tence awarded to him by a tacked and everyone is rely- become more aggressive be- fessional front.” any dispute between commu-
Visnagar court for rioting ing on his statement, but he tween the two factions and the People from north India nities here as Surat has ac-
during the Patidar quota stir has not been made a witness social leaders of both commu- started looms here in the late cepted us heartily. It is obvi-
in 2015 is going to continue on in the case. nities have shown deep con- ’60s whereas people from Gu- ous that Surti people are ac-
Thursday. Patel has moved the Court, if the verdict goes Following Syed’s submis- cerns about the issue. jarat’s Saurashtra region quiescent and therefore pro-
High Court for suspension of against him. sion, public prosecutor A native of Surat and psy- started to settle here in the State BJP chief Jitu Vaghani at an election meet in Ahmedabad gress is slow whereas the
the sentence so that he can During the hearing on Mitesh Amin started his argu- chiatrist by profession, Dr early ’70s and they started Patel community from Sau-
contest the Lok Sabha polls. Wednesday, counsel for ment in the case. He submit- Mukul Choksi says, “Surat working as labourers in dia- Mool Surti in this city. Politi- the development of Surat. rashtra is very passionate by
Notably, the filing of nomi- Hardik, IH Syed, submitted to ted that looking into the crim- and Surtis have the nature to mond polishing units here. cal representation has also The community represents nature for growth and there-
nations for the Lok Sabha the court that 26 witnesses inal antecedents of Hardik accept all and therefore all After that, within a span grown proportionately and in over 35% of the city’s popula- fore, they grew at a higher
polls start on Thursday and have been examined by the and over 15 FIRs pending the communities have been of just three decades, growth politics, all portfolios are dis- tion and are front runners in rate and more pace. We have
will continue till April 4, with trial court, which convicted against him, the court should living here peacefully and in the city skyrocketed as tributed amicably. businesses such as diamond, raised many social organisa-
little time left for Hardik to get the Patidar leader. However, not use its jurisdiction and have prospered here. But the compared to earlier years. People from Saurashtra textile, realty and others. tions that work for all com-
a judgment in the case and none of the witnesses have suspend the sentence. recent political development The population of Bin Surti and from the Patel communi- They have large social groups munities without bias.”
then approach the Supreme named Hardik as a part of the  Full report on could have by and large an is almost double that of the ty have a great contribution in and have established many  Full report on
ah edabad I I I
Ahmedabad I Thursday, March 28, 2019 I daily news & analysis

Sabarmati an ‘effluent’ river

in brief
Three held in Axis
Bank robbery case
On Wednesday, a team
from Gandhinagar Local
Crime Branch (LCB) ar-
GPCB test confirms that the waste water discharged into the river is not treated well
rested three accused DNA Corespondent
with arms in relation to
ugly truth
the Axis bank robbery „„The report reveals that
case, which took place It is something that many in the first initial stretch of
on February 16 in the city already knew. But the river is now a dry bed.
Chhartral GIDC area of now a report of the Gujarat
Gandhinagar district. Pollution Control Board „„The report also
Three masked robbers (GPCB) has clearly shown shows that the effluents
looted Rs 44 lakh from a that the quality of water in being dumped into the
bank cashier under gun- Sabarmati is worse than the river by the industries
point and also shot at norms set up for treated efflu- in the city also does
and injured a bank em- ent water and is miles away not meet the treated
ployee. The accused have from the water quality norms effluent norms.
been identified as Vijen- that a river should ideally
„„the data shows that
dra Kumar Bind, Sudha- have.
on the downstream,
kar Bind and Vijaybhan The report of the water
there is no river but what
Bind, a resident of quality of Sabarmati, taken
passes for a river is just
Chhartral and a native from various sites across the
of UP. The police got a river (from the point where it
tip-off from a source that
the three accused were
seen near Chhartral on a
enters Ahmedabad in to 120
km downstream where it ex-
its) also raises serious ques- Experts say that the dissolved oxygen was so less in the river that at certain stretches it was not measurable
Free ‘paper book’ to
witnesses in Gulberg
two-wheeler, with one of tions about the quality of sew-
them holding a pistol. age treatment that the Result of water samples tested on various stretches of Sabarmati on March 2, 2019
Ahmedabad Municipal Cor-
BJP preps cadres poration is carrying out.
PARAMETER Colour TDS NH3-N Chloride Sulphate DO COD BOD

appeal: High Court

to counter Cong It should be noted that the Pt. Co. Scale mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l
Gandhinagar: Gujarat first initial stretch of the river Railway Bridge 30 668 4.31 153 96 4.66 98 28
BJP prepared its cadres is now a dry bed and hence no
to counter Congress on sample was collected from Danilimda-STP 50 732 186 108 337 139
different fronts. A spe- there. The report also shows (60-106 MLD STP) DNA Correspondent high court against the petty
cial workshop was held that the effluents being punishment awarded to some
on Wednesday at the dumped into the river by the
DaniLimda Storm 150 3135 10.13 933 462 1301 536 of the convicts and acquittal
state headquarter of the industries in the city also does
Water Drain The Gujarat High Court on of several accused in the case
party, Shri Kamalam, not meet the treated effluent New Pirana 587 218 Wednesday directed its regis- by the trial court. While the
where party in charge norms thus pointing out to the 182 MLD STP try to provide the paper book state government opposed the
for Gujarat Om Mathur, blatant violation by such units. related to Gulberg massacre plea, the court acceded to the
CM Vijay Rupani and “Sabarmati is a dead river. MEGA 450 9813 30.18 4025 863 1052 210 appeals, which runs into request of the witnesses.
state BJP chief Jitu Va- It has no fresh water and the Narol NTIEM 200 5290 79.91 1600 743 1126 427 26,000 pages, to two witnesses Advocate GM Joshi, who
ghani, guided workers much famed and touted River- in the case free of cost. The appeared on behalf of the high
on various issues on front where everyone gets to Sabarmati River 150 4368 68.04 1665 612 BDL 1009 447 direction came from the divi- court registry informed the
which the opposition see a full river is nothing but Downstream sion bench of Justice JB division bench that the appli-
can be cornered. The a pool of polluted water,” said The municipal commissioner said Pardiwala and Justice AC cants were asked to pay as per
party leaders also gave Rohit Prajapati of Paryavaran Miroli Village 1466 31.97 491 188 BDL 151 33 the civic body is working towards Rao after the witnesses—Sai- the high court rules and the
congratulated PM Nar- Suraksha Samiti. Effluent Discharge 100 5000 50 600 1000 250 30 treating the sewage water before ra Sandhi and Roopa Modi— amount was sought from them
endra Modi for a suc- Prajapati said ideally the Norms mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l letting it enter the river approached the court claim- as the paper book is of 26,000
cessful ‘Mission Shakti’. dissolved oxygen level in a ing that they cannot pay Rs pages. The court, thereafter,
river should at least be more River Norms Nil 500 Nil Nil Nil > = 5 Nil < = 3 said that the civic body is 1.21 lakh fee demanded by the directed the registry to amend
Ex-NID chief named than 5 mg/I. “But the river mg/l mg/l mg/l aware of the situation. “The high court registry for the the rules regarding the same.
Titan Addl director has been so damaged that in The cream patch is the ideal permissible of the various parameters the river should have NGT has also directed us and paper book. The witnesses also ap-
Former director of the most places the dissolved oxy- we are working towards this. The ‘paper book’ contains pealed to the court to allow
National Institute of gen level was so low that it In fact, a 60 MLD STP has al- all the orders of the trial them to amend their appeal by
Design, Pradyumna could not be measured in the Sabarmati is a dead river. It has no fresh water norms set for the rivers, this ready been commissioned court, list of dates, grounds of adding certain grounds and
Vyas, has been appoint- first place. Only in the stretch should actually be zero and and another 25 MLD is also in appeal, annexures, affidavits, seek compensation at par
ed as an additional di- of the river near Railway and the riverfront where everyone gets to see a less than 3 mg/I respectively. the pipeline,” said Nehra. As and various other materials with the amount paid to the
rector of the Titan Com- Bridge was it found to full river is nothing but a pool of polluted water Interestingly, the data to why the situation deterio- related to the case required families of 59 kar sevaks who
pany for five years. Vyas 4.66mg/I which is also below shows that on the down- rated, he said it was because during the hearing. lost their life in the Godhra
stepped down from the the minimum required level,”
Rohit Prajapati of Paryavaran Suraksha Samiti stream, there is no river but the sewage being handled by Notably, both Sandhi and train carnage. However, the
position of director on said Prajapati. what passes for a river is just the STPs was more than the Modi had lost their sons in the same was turned down by the
January 4 after complet- The report also found that those crossed the set limits. and BOD of 337 and 139 mg/I pollutants being dumped by actual capacity of the STP. incident in which 69 people court clarifying that the ap-
ing a tenure of ten in many places where the For example the stretch of the against the set limit of 250 and the industries and STPs. Nehra said the capacity will were killed on February 28, pellants are free to seek com-
years as director. treated sewage was being river near the Danilimda Sew- 30 per mg/I respectively. If Municipal Commissioner soon be increased within six 2002. The duo had already pre- pensation during final hear-
dumped in the river, even age Treatment Plant had COD one were to consider the Vijay Nehra when contacted to eight months. ferred an appeal before the ing of the appeals.

French couple adopts 2 orphan kids happy feat AMC seals post
office, BSNL
DNA Correspondent Gruh. It was revealed during the investigation that the
brothers lost both parents
A French couple’s four-year early in life and didn’t have DNA Correspondent
wait to have children ended any relatives.
on Wednesday after they On August 16, 2018, after
adopted two brothers, Vinay- the legal formalities, the The Ahmedabad Municipal
ak (6) and Vignesh (5) from brothers were registered Corporation cracked the whip
Shishu Gruh of Ahmedabad. with the Central Adoption on tax defaulters on Wednes-
The family flew to France on Resources Authorities day, and has not even spared
Wednesday night. (CARA) for adoption on the properties owned by the cen-
An adoption ceremony condition that both be adopt- tral government. To recover
was held at the Shishu Gruh, ed together. There were sev- tax dues worth over Rs 4 crore,
located in Paldi, where Police eral couples who came for- the tax department sealed off
Commissioner AK Singh and ward to adopt but nothing 10 office buildings belonging
other officials of the orphan- materialised until Jeremy to BSNL and post offices,
age were present. After the Jeremy and Madeline Platin with Vinayak (R) and Vignesh (5) and Madeline agreed to the which are under the office of
formalities of adoption were condition. the President of India. Total
completed, the brothers were riod. When the couple was As per officials, the broth- While the formalities of tax dues of these offices
handed over to Jeremy and planning to adopt a kid, her ers were found by locals the adoption were going on, the stands at Rs 4.82 crore.
Madeline Platin, residents of father suggested that they Sadarnagar police from near couple made arrangements However, after the sealing-
Pont de L’arche in France. consider adopting a child Kubernagar railway crossing for a French-learning course off early in the morning, at
Madeline’s father was a from India. The couple start- on April 30, 2018. The cops, for the brothers to avoid a Students in Ahmedabad celebrate after India shot down a low-orbiting satellite as part of a successful test of a new around 10:30am, the offices
traveller and had stayed in ed making the efforts four who collected the duo, later language barrier between missile technology by the Defence Research and Development Organisation on Wednesday —PTI were reopened by the civic
India for a considerable pe- years ago. handed them over to Shishu them. body. “Within a couple of
minutes, the authorities as-

Rare heart surgery conducted on ‘awake’ patient

sured us that they will make

Mercury reaches the payment of dues by

March 31, 2019. Hence, we
have opened the seal,” said

39.8°C; set to rise

DNA Correspondent An injection is given in the spine, making the gery is done under general senior tax officials. anaesthesia, whereby the pa- On Wednesday, the tax de-
surgery totally pain free. The patient was tient is completely sedated. partment sealed off 1,083 com-
A 45-year-old resident of Man- completely awake during the surgery But, for this patient, I and my mercial units. The depart-

further, says Met grol, Umar Bhima, success-

fully underwent a bypass sur-
gery in the city, without anaes-
thesia. The surgery was con-
Dr Sadanand Patwari, Cardiac surgeon

a private hospital investigated has a stent in his coronary,

cardiac anaesthesia team de-
cided to do bypass surgery un-
der Epidural Analgesia,” said
Dr Sadanand Patwari, a car-
ment has this year so far re-
covered Rs 872.15 crore which
is Rs 66.61 crore more than last
year’s recovery. Last year, the
DNA Correspondent ducted while the patient was his condition and it was re- which was also found blocked. diac surgeon. “This is an injec- tax department collected Rs awake. The patient was dis- vealed in the angiography that Taking up the challenge to tion given in the spine, making 805.54 crore as property tax
charged on the third day after one of his coronary arteries deal with all these conditions, the surgery totally pain free. income. The highest payment
Temperatures have been the surgery, while usually, pa- The patient, Umar Bhima was blocked. To remove the the team of experts operated The patient was completely on Wednesday was made by
travelling northward steadi- tients had to stay at the hospi- blockage, the only left for the on the patient without general awake during the surgery,” the Gujarat University Exhi-
ly and on Wednesday, reached tal for a week or more before Bhima had been suffering patient was to undergo bypass anaesthesia. added the doctor. bition and Convention Centre
39.8 degree Celsius. Accord- being discharged. from chest pain. The doctors at surgery. The patient already “Usually, heart bypass sur- Full report on: which owed dues of Rs 2 crore.
ing to the India Meteorologi-
cal Department (IMD), the
mercury is going to rise fur- customer first entrepreneurs suggest consumer benefit should be focus of innovation
ther and days are going to be

Selling useful product is key to start-ups’ success: Experts

harsher. The temperature on Wednesday
A Met bulletin on Wednes- was two degrees above the normal
day forecast severe heatwave
conditions prevailing at iso- boiling point
lated pockets in Saurashtra
and South Gujarat namely, Across the state, DNA Correspondent of GVFL said that the start-up ment, but in a way that the
Dwarka, Porbandar, Veraval Surendranagar recorded better reach ecosystem in Gujarat said time he devotes for the benefit
and Valsad. Some pockets in the highest maximum that because of the efforts of of startups. However, he feels
the above-mentioned regions temperature at 41.3 For any start-up to be a suc- Experts felt that there is various stakeholders, includ- that scaling up of start-ups in
are likely to experience heat degree Celsius while cessful business model the a growing need for local ing the government, in Guja- Gujarat is still a challenge.
wave conditions. the lowest minimum key is the choice of sector success stories to interact rat over past 2-3 years, the “You may grow to a 250 em-
The Met department has temperature was and the product it is coming with start—ups in order to ecosystem is coming of age. ployee company. But from
further stated that there will recorded at Diu which up with, believes Thyrocare motivate them. Success However, he felt that there is a here, if you want to have 500
be a rise in the maximum and was 16.3 degree Celsius. founder and MD A Velumani. stories are not highlighted growing need for local entre- employees, you may have to
minimum temperatures by He said that most often, not and discussed in the preneurs and industry bodies look at other cities,” said
2-3 degrees on Thursday. day. The maximum tempera- having what customers want manner it should happen to interact with start-ups. He Halari.
The IMD recorded 39.8 de- ture is likely to be around 40 is the biggest bottleneck for focussed on more efforts to Experts felt that there is a
gree Celsius as the maximum degree Celsius and the mini- the growth of start-ups. only innovation will have rel- commercialise the innovation growing need for local success
temperature for Ahmedabad mum temperature is expect- Interacting with media evance. He advised start-ups rather than doing innovations stories to interact with start—
on Wednesday which was two ed to be around 23 degree persons on the sidelines of against starting a business in a silo. ups in order to motivate them.
degrees above the normal. Six Celsius. The weather was ‘Venture Leap’ organised by very early in their career but With the maturing of eco- “Success stories are not high-
IMD stations in Gujarat re- dry across Gujarat on Gujarat Venture Fund Ltd they should get some experi- system, availability of men- lighted and discussed in the
corded maximum tempera- Wednesday. Severe heat wave (GVFL) and The Indus Entre- A Velumani, founder and managing director of Thyrocare ence and nuances of doing a tors is not a problem, said manner it should happen,”
tures above the 40-degree- conditions prevailed at iso- preneurs – Ahmedabad chap- business and then only start Prashant Halari, chairman of Randhar said by giving exam-
Celsius mark on Wednesday. lated pockets in some dis- ter (TiE – Ahmedabad), Ve- have to sell what customers start-ups, he emphasised that their venture to minimise TiE – Ahmedabad said that ple of eInfochips, which made
On Thursday, the city is tricts of Saurashtra and lumani said, “Customers will want to buy,” he said. On the consumers should benefit chances of a failure. mentors should not be looked money not only for investors
expected to have another dry Kutch regions. not buy what you sell but you importance of innovation for from innovation and then Sanjay Randhar, director upon for attracting invest- but also its employees.
daily news & analysis I Ahmedabad I Thursday, March 28, 2019
indi I I I

Electoral bonds violates HOW OUR MPs FARED

16th Lok Sabha passed 240 bills, had 312 sittings, says ADR Report

transparency, EC tells SC
Election panel said political parties are major stakeholders in a
democracy and should be made accountable when it comes to donation

DNA Correspondent
Bills Attendance
New Delhi: The Election

273 240
Commission informed the States Parties
Supreme Court that the in-
troduction of electoral bonds 7highest
Delhi MPs 2 MPs
as a means for political party bills introduced bills passed average attendance from INLD have the highest average
funding will seriously dent (289 of 312 sittings) attendance (264 out of 312 sittings)
transparency in funding, a
fact which the poll panel indi-
cated to the Centre way back
in May 2017.
10 23
bills withdrawn bills pending
2leastNagaland MPs
(88 out of 312 sittings)
2fromMPsNPP have least attendance (85
out of 312 sittings)
The statement by the EC international influence in policies make corporate funding to po-
came after an affidavit filed in litical parties anonymous. It
response to a PIL filed by As- „„Election Commission said that the changes in the referred to Section 13A of the Questions MPs who asked highest
sociation of Democratic Re- FCRA 2010, will allow unchecked foreign funding of Income Tax that states income number of questions

251 221
forms (ADR) which has chal- political parties which could lead to Indian policies being of political parties will not in-
influenced by foreign companies Shivaji A.
lenged the introduction of clude income from voluntary Patil
electoral bonds and various contributions. A correspond-
amendments introduced sub-
sequently that bars the par-
„„The poll panel said that it has also proposed certain
electoral reforms over the years for the purpose of
ing change is also made to
Companies Act where Section
questions asked
by 562 MPs
sittings attended
(out of 312)
bringing about more transparency and fairness in the
ties from disclosing details of 182 allows a free hand to com- Heena Gavi
electoral process in the country
these electoral bonds. A bench
headed by Chief Justice Ran-
panies, except Government
companies and companies ex-
States Parties Supriya Sule
jan Gogoi is expected to hear
the matter on April 2.
such a provision was not ac-
ceptable as it defeats the goal
EC added, “it cannot be ascer-
tained whether the political
isting below three years, to
make any amount of contribu-
50 MPs 18 MPs 1181 Anandrao
from Maharashtra have from Shiv Sena have asked Adsul
Joining the chorus against of transparency that EC party has taken any donation tion to political parties. Dhananjay
asked the highest number the highest number of
the electoral bonds, the EC af- wants to achieve. in violation of provisions un- The EC affidavit said that of questions (On an questions (On an average
fidavit filed on Wednesday
specifically referred to Sec-
It said, “By insertion of
provision to Section 29C of RP
der Section 29B of RP Act
which prohibits political par-
in its letter to Centre, it pro-
posed amendments to plug
average each of them have
asked 534 questions)
each of them have asked
639 questions)
tion 29C of the Representa- Act vide Section 137 of the Fi- ties from taking donations loopholes by which parties
tion of Peoples (RP) Act
which excludes electoral
nance Act, 2017 it is evident
that any donation received by
from Government companies
and foreign sources.”
were not maintaining ac-
counts of donations below Rs 2fromMPsNagaland have 2fromMPsNPP have asked Mohite Patil
bonds from the ambit of dis-
closure to EC. The poll panel
a political party through an
electoral bond has been taken
These bonds are in the de-
nomination of Rs 1000, Rs
20000. But the fresh amend-
ments, EC said, “will have asked the least number of lowest number of
informed that on May 26, 2017, out of the ambit of reporting 10,000, Rs 1 lakh, Rs 10 lakh serious repercussions on the questions. (On an average questions. (On an average Rajeev Satav Shrirang Barne
after spotting this amend-
ment, it informed the Minis-
under the Contribution Re-
port as prescribed under Sec-
and Rs 1 crore.
The EC further pointed out
transparency aspect of po-
litical funding of political
they have asked 12
they have asked only 10
questions) 1115 1110
try of Law and Justice that tion 29C.” In such a situation, to other amendments aimed to parties.”

EC orders panel to probe

if poll code breached
Terrorists kill another Only 17% cancer
From p1 PM Modi’s announcement
civilian in Kashmir patients get right
treatment: Survey
The PM’s address was news as limitless drama and pub-
to the Election Commis- licity mongering to reap
sion, just like to the rest of political benefits at the DNA Correspondent
the nation. Resorting to re-
spond through sources, it
time of election.
“This is a gross violation Pictures of ‘wanted terrorists’ released Cheena Kapoor the International scientific
said the MCC does not apply of the Model Code of Con- Srinagar: Terrorists sent a Jammu: The posters carry- November last year and guidelines.
to announcements related duct. chilling reminder to the secu- ing pictures of seven “want- gun-snatching incident “Cancer is a complex dis-
to matters of national secu- There is no great urgen- rity forces on Wednesday ed terrorists” affiliated from a policeman recently. A recent survey conducted by ease and requires a multi-
rity. cy in conducting and an- when they killed a civilian in with the Hizbul Mujahideen “For any information lead- a global cancer care website disciplinary and evidence-
However, the pressure nouncing the mission now South Kashmir’s Shopian dis- and the Lashker-e-Taiba ing to get hold live or dead has revealed that over 83 per based approach. While this is
kept mounting on the Com- by a government past its trict. have come up in Jammu and - cash reward in lakhs & cent of cancer patients in In- followed in developed coun-
mission to come clean as expiry date. It seems a des- Terrorists later released a Kashmir’s Kishtwar dis- job,” the poster, which was dia are getting wrong treat- tries, in developing nations
opposition parties refused perate oxygen to save the pre-recorded video of Tanveer trict with an announcement put up by police in Kishtwar ment. According to recent like India, patients do not get
to accept it as an urgent is- imminent sinking of the Ahmad Dar in which he is al- for a cash reward and a job at various places, reads. The statistics by the Indian Coun- access to multi-disciplinary
sue of national security. BJP boat. We are lodging a legedly accepting to be work- for anyone providing infor- poster carries pictures of cil of Medical Research care. Taking the second opin-
In a scathing tweet, West complaint with the Election ing with the forces and pleads mation leading to their ar- the “wanted terrorists” -- (ICMR), India is likely to have ion in the form of a multi-
Bengal Chief Minister Commission,” said Baner- mercy. rest or killing. The hilly Mohammad Amin alias “Ja- over 8,80,000 cancer-related disciplinary review by a team
Mamata Banerjee described jee. Police however said terror- Kishtwar district in this hangir”, Riaz Ahmed alias deaths and over 1.73 million of doctors from three speci-
ists shot dead a civilian at province, which was de- “Hazari”, Mudassir Hus- new cancer cases by 2020. The alities – surgical, medical and
Kachdoora area in District clared terrorism-free over a sain, Jamal Din alias “Abu survey, thus, shows that a radiation oncology – can dra-
Shopian. decade ago, was rattled by Bakar”, Talib Hussain, Ju- large number of lives are in matically improve outcomes
“Identified as Tanveer Ah- the killing of a senior BJP naid Akram and Usama Bin danger due to wrong drugs for cancer patients by pre-
mad Dar resident of Bemnip- leader and his brother in Javed alias “Osama”. and lack of complete tests venting mistreatment. Today,
ora, he was killed by terrorists required. less than 10 percent of cancer
and his body has been re- The survey, conducted on patients in India get the sec-
trieved from the spot. Body comes days after two Paki- and that is why he was held 365 patients, revealed that 15 ond opinion. Most do not have
will be handed over to the fam- stani Lashkar-e-Taiba terror- hostage to pressurise family per cent of the patients were access to multi-disciplinary
ily after completion of medi- ists killed a 12-year-old boy to solemnise nikah. getting completely wrong care,” said Dr Amit Jotwani,
co-legal formalities. Police has Atif Ahmad after holding him Dar’s killing is the fifth in treatment, 27 per cent were a senior oncologist.
registered a case and officers hostage during an encounter the series and fourth in South not being given the right While doctors at the Na-
are at the spot and continue to at Hajin in North Kashmir’s Kashmir since election dates chemotherapy drugs, and 41 tional Cancer Institute, coun-
work to establish circum- Bandipora district. Police said were announced. On March per cent did not undergo com- try’s largest Cancer Institute
stances of this terror crime’, family sources had told them 15, militants abducted 40-year- plete tests. This leaves only 17 are on a mission to eradicate
said a police spokesman. that one of the slain ultra Ali old Manzoor Ahmad Lone per cent of patients are on the cancer from the country in
The killing of the civilian wanted to marry Atif ’s sister from his home. right treatment path as per the coming 15 years.

tenders & Notices PM Modi delivers big-hit

news in live address
From p1
Assuring the world that Mission
Shakti was not targeted at anyone, he
said, “I want to tell the world that
this new capability that we have ac-
quired will not be used against any-
one. This is purely for India’s secu-
rity... A-SAT will give a sound, solid
footing to India’s space and defence
The Prime Minister also clarified
that by doing the test, India has not of three weeks, the whole environ-
violated any international agree- ment will be debris-free.”
ment, treaty or national obligation. On why India used a particular
The Ministry of External Affairs technology called Kinetic Kill, when
promptly issued a list of FAQs, there are other ways to demonstrate
which, among the mission minuti- ASAT capabilities, the MEA said,
aem included, “India believes that “We have used the technology that is
outer space is the common heritage appropriate to achieve the objectives
of humankind and it is the responsi- set out in this mission.”
bility of all space-faring nations to The ministry also stated there is a
preserve and promote the benefits need to address gaps in international
flowing from advances made in space space laws to ensure that no one
technology and its applications for threatens peaceful activities and ap-
all.” plication of space technologies for
To a question about why the test socioeconomic development.
was done now, a fortnight before the Pakistan reacted on expected lines
general election, the MEA said that with a terse statement: “Boasting of
it was conducted after India had “ac- such capabilities is reminiscent of
quired the required degree of confi- Don Quixote’s tilting against wind-
dence to ensure its success”. mills.”
Since the test was done in the In a guarded response, China said
lower atmosphere, there isn’t much it “hopes each country will uphold
space debris. Finance Minister Arun peace and tranquility in outer
Jaitley said in a presser, “In a matter space.”
facebook ads Priyanka

`8.38 cr 41,514 7,400

in Amethi

ball t
spent on advertisements on number of political ads as per rise in ads on politics and issues

Facebook by political parties Facebook’s Ad Library Report; of national importance during Congress General Sec-
this year with campaigning for it was 34,048 between February week ended March 23, as com- retary Priyanka Gandhi
general election picking up up to March 16 this year pared to previous week Vadra poses for a selfie

during party’s election
It is being said that she (Priyanka Gandhi Vadra) has a campaign enroute Amethi
on Wednesday. In Am-
nose like her grandmother (Indira Gandhi). If you get ethi, she urged cadre to
power by having a nose like your grandmother, then there reach out to villages and
would have been a President in every household in China expose BJP’s ‘jumlebazi’
(empty rhetoric). —PTI
Mansukh Mandaviya , Union MoS for Road Transport & Shipping

lok sabha election 2019 147 candidates left in fray for 7 Lok Sabha seats in Maharashtra which go to polls in phase-one I I I Ahmedabad I Thursday, March 28, 2019 I daily news & analysis

Though Chhattisgarh is one of the few states where Congress looks confident, Lok Sabha & Assembly polls are two different ball games, opine experts

2018 results loom, but BJP bets on Lotus bloom

Manan Kumar hope that the BJP has to cling cabinet days before the an- government. A case in point is on to in Chhattisgarh. nouncement of the Lok Sabha
poll schedule. The scheme tar-
heavyweight sitting MP of Ra-
jnandgaon, Abhishek Singh son state of Chhattisgarh
Chhattisgarh is one of the very PM is poster boy gets small land holding farmers of Raman Singh, who has been how odds are divided in central indian state
few states where Congress Chhattisgarh was not an excep- by giving them Rs. 6000 per an- replaced by RSS worker, San-
No. of constituencies

looks confident after handing tion to the all-India Modi wave num in three instalments of Rs. tosh Pandey. Similarly, Arun Previous results (Lok Sabha)
over the worst-ever drubbing in 2014 Lok Sabha elections. 2000. Two of these instalments Saw, an absolutely new face but 2004
to the BJP in the recently-con- The wannabe PM Modi over- will be reaching to the targeted trusted RSS worker, has re-
BJP - 10 Cong - 01
cluded assembly elections shadowed everything, includ- beneficiaries before the elec- placed sitting MP Lakhnalal
since it was carved out of Mad- ing popular face of the then tions get over. Sahu who had won 2014 polls by 2009 2014
hya Pradesh in 2000. Chhattisgarh chief minister Besides, the BJP is also bank- over 1.76 lakh votes. In Durg, a
Relatively lesser known Raman Singh, as hoardings ing on a host of other central Congress bastion, BJP has clev- BJP - 10 BJP - 10
Congress leader, Bhupesh across the state had huge benefit schemes like Jan Dhan erly fielded Bhupesh Baghel, Cong - 1 Cong - 1
Baghel led from the front cut-outs of Modi and Yojna, Pradhan Mantri Gra- who had earlier defeated his un-
along with TS Singh- Singh accepting rela- meen Awas Yojna, Atal Pension cle and current CM Bhupesh
deo, Tamradhwaj tively much smaller Yojna, Ujjwala Yojna and Prad- Baghel in assembly polls.
Sahu and Charandas Chhattisgarh space in the posters. han Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna to The Congress has also taken Chhattisgarh
Mahant to defeat Ra- But in 2018 assem- Congress president Rahul Gandhi with Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh wrest make a come back in a similar approach by deciding
man Singh led BJP by scan bly elections in Chhat- Baghel; (below) PM Modi with ex-CM Raman Singh —PTI Chhattisgarh. However, the ef- not to carry the old baggage by Voting % Voting %
a huge margin of 68 - 15 tisgarh, the poster poli- ficacy of these schemes on the fielding candidates who had lost 55.27 69.47
seats. The Congress also im- tics went through a sea boy of the BJP Challenge on ground ground remains a debatable is- 2014 and instead nominate new
proved its vote share apprecia- change. Sensing Prime Minis- who is banking One big reason for BJP’s poor sue. While explaining that most faces on most of the seats. For
Total Polling stations and
bly by securing 43% against ter Narendra Modi’s sliding upon his cha- performance in the state is be- of the schemes that PM Modi this, the Congress has relied on electors in the state
BJP’s 33% -- a whopping 10% popularity in Chhattisgarh on risma, to effec- ing seen as latent anger among takes credit for were launched candidates who are popular and seats
lead. The huge margin of seats
was a big surprise even for the
Congress which was keeping
account of large-scale agrarian
distress, the BJP chose to rely
again on Raman Singh, popu-
tively conveyed to
the electorates
through blitz on social
farmers because of the agrari-
an crisis that the party failed to
read. Crippling impact one the
by the Congress and have mere-
ly been renamed, the Congress
has tried to sway the mood of
already in legislative some posi-
tion -- be it sitting MLA or mu-
nicipal corporator or even a dis-
Previous Assembly Elections
Total electorate

1.54 crore
fingers crossed to just scrape lar as Chaur Baba for the pro- media, electronic and economy due to demonetisa- people, especially 20% poorest trict council member. On tribal
through, especially after unfa- welfare scheme of distrib- print media and tion and a cumbersome imple- sections, in its favour by an- seats, both parties have tried to 2000 Male
vourable opinion polls predict- uting rice at Rs one and with the help of a mentation of GST also added to nouncing NYAY, a new scheme stick to known and popular sons Cong - 48 BJP - 38 77.54 lakh
ed BJP victory for the fourth Rs two per kg to ex- vast army of BJP the woes of small traders and to supplement their income by of the soil tribal leaders.
OTHER - 04
consecutive term. Besides BJP, tremely poor families. and RSS cadres. businesses. Chhattisgarh is giving a dole of Rs. 6000 per Female
smaller parties
the alliance of Mayawati’s BSP
and renegade Congress leader
He had easily thrashed
Congress in 2013 on the
hugely dependent on agricul-
ture where as many as 80 per
month or Rs. 72,000 annually.
Though the efficacy of the Mayawati’s BSP and Ajit Jogi’s
2003 76.46 lakh
Cong - 37 BJP - 50
Ajit Jogi’s Janata Congress basis of this scheme. cent of 2.55 crore people scheme is highly debatable be- Janta Congress Chhattisgarh Voters (18-19 years)
Chhattisgarh (JCC) also had to Thus the party again engaged in agriculture cause of the inherent difficul- (JCC) had jointly acquired 11.3 BSP - 02 NCP - 01
eat a humble pie by winning made him the face and 46 per cent of these ties in implementing it, the per cent votes and 7 seats to- 1.3 lakh
only 2 and 5 seats respectively. of the campaign. having small and mar- Congress poll promise is being gether in 2018 assembly elec- 2008
But most observers of Indi- But the ultra ginal land holdings. looked like a possible game- tions. According to observers, Cong - 38 BJP - 50 three-phase polls
an elections maintain that Lok dismal assembly Close to the Lok Sabha changer. However, its impact is their impact is not going to be
Sabha and assembly elections results that re- polls, the BJP has tried yet to be seen. much in the Lok Sabha elec-
BSP - 02 1 on April 11  1
are two different ball games as duced the BJP to to take extra care tions as Chhattisgarh has a his- 2013 Bastar Naxal affected 8
has been proved time and only 15 seats by of vulnerable thrust on new faces tory and tendency to elect MPs assembly segments
Cong - 39 BJP - 49
again in the electoral history
of India. Example of Delhi is a
polling 10 per
cent lesser votes
section of
voters, espe-
To beat the fatigue factor of
anti-incumbency among voters
only from the two main parties
- Congress and BJP. BSP - 01 IND - 01 2 on April 18  3
clear indicator that people can than Congress cially the and get over the impact of the “The could have made an Rajnandgaon, Mahasamund,
voice their preferences very under Raman farmers and double whammy of demoneti- impact if they had scored better Kanker
differently. Soon after winning
Delhi Lok Sabha seats by 7-0
Singh made it per-
tinent for the
the poor, by
sation and GST, the BJP this
time has decided to completely
vote percentage if not seats in
recent assembly elections. The
3 on April 23  7
Voting Sarguja, Raigarh, Janjgir
margin due to Modi wave fac- party to schemes like overhaul its candidate list in BSP’s vote share, in fact, came % Champa, Korba, Bilaspur,
tor, the BJP had to suffer its change the PM Kisan Chhattisgarh. The emphasis is down a little.
worst-ever drubbing 67-3 at the campaign tac- Yojna that to remove the high profile and They. make some impact on 77.40 Durg, Raipur
hands of Aam Aadmi Party tics. Prime Min- was given rely on popular but new faces in seats where the result goes to a n Phase of polls n No. of seats
(AAP) in 2015. ister Narendra a go- all the 11 seats, including the 10 cliff hanger. But chances of
And this attitude of shifting Modi is now the ahead by sitting MPs, as they do not car- that happening is not much,” BJP 15 JCC 00
preferences of voters is one only poster the Modi ry any baggage of the previous an observer said. 33% 7.6%
Key faces Congress Bsp 02
Bhupesh Baghel: CM Bhu- TS Singhdeo: Minister in Raman Singh: Despite drubbing Ajit Jogi: First chief minister 68
latest 3.9%
pesh Baghel, 57, OBC leader, surprised
all by steering Congress to a stupen-
Chhattisgarh govt, Deo is also known
as modern day Maharaja of Sarguja.
in recent polls, three-time CM Ayur-
vedic doctor by profession Dr Raman
of Chhattisgarh, Ajit Jogi broke
his affiliation with Congress in 43% Assembly

dous victory wresting 68 of 90 seats in A Congress LoP in 4th Vidhan Sabha, Singh is most known BJP leader in June 2016 following his expulsion
recent assembly polls. Congress banks Deo was among key Cong leaders who Chhattisgarh. He was first elected to on charges of anti-party activities
a lot on soft-spoken Baghel this polls. posed a challenge to Raman Singh govt. Madhya Pradesh assembly in 1990. and sabotaging Antagarh bypolls.

Ambedkar from Smaller parties, rebel biggies in Bihar game NGOs prepare charge
Akola & Solapur Vithika Salomi
the electoral fray solo, and
may disturb the electoral
equations in the state.
BSP factor
The BSP will pitch
GA,” a Congress leader said.
NCP had won over 1%
votes in 2014, and may cut
sheet on Central govt
Patna: The National Demo- Foremost among them is candidates on all 40 into GA votes in some seats. Amrita Madhukalya
cratic Alliance (NDA) and the the BSP, which has little sway seats and is likely to cut Then there are splinter
Mahagathbandhan, the two in Bihar except for a few con- into Dalit votes. In 2014, it groups such as Samajwadi Ja-
main political fronts in Bi- stituencies in western bor- had polled over 2% votes, nata Dal Democratic by ex-Sa- New Delhi: A failed bid for a
har, have commenced their ders. The BSP will pitch can- a crucial number for the majwadi Party leader Deven- Common Minimum Pro-
campaign for 2019 general didates on all 40 seats and is Opposition alliance that is dra Yadav or JVP by Anil Ku- gramme notwithstanding, a
Mumbai: Dalit leader Prakash election, but smaller parties likely to cut into Dalit votes. banking on each vote mar, which may turn tables in charge-sheet of the Modi gov-
Ambedkar Wednesday said he as well as some individual In 2014, it had polled over 2% PLAYING SPOILSPORT: Mayawati some of the seats. ernment’s work in key sectors
will contest the upcoming Lok political bigwigs plan to play votes, a crucial number for Jehanabad MP and former is being prepared by a group of
Sabha polls from both Akola and spoilsport in some seats. the Opposition alliance that may also prove to be a trou- be accommodated on Con- RLSP leader Arun Kumar, who over 200 non-governmental
Solapur constituencies as the These parties and leaders, is banking on each vote. blemaker for the Grand Alli- gress tickets from Madhepu- has not been able to get a ticket, and civil society organisations
candidate of his political front who were unable to crack a MP Rajesh Ranjan alias ance (GA) in the Kosi region. ra and Supaul, but the RJD also plans to contest the elec- as well as people’s movement UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi may
the Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi deal with either of the alli- Pappu Yadav’s Jan Adhikar “He and his wife Ranjeet Ran- opposed it. Now he will con- tion solo and may make the groups. An announcement on attend the charge sheet unveiling
(VBA). He said the BVA’s main ance, will throw their hat in Party-Loktantrik (JAP-L) jan, a Congress MP, wanted to test separately and trouble contest triangular. April 6 at Talkatora Stadium
fight is against the BJP-Shiv will be made by these organisa- the TMC were not too keen
Sena alliance. The BVA, a social tions in favour of “liberal, about working with each other.
coalition of Dalits and Muslims,
has been formed by Ambedkar
in alliance with the All India
Majlis- e-Ittehadul Muslimeen
BJP gets third
seat unopposed
‘Will probe DeMo, bring back Plan panel’ democratic ideals”.
Senior political leaders from
the Opposition, including CPM
leader Sitaram Yechury, LJD’s
The organisations will
make a document, the Jan Sa-
rokar -- People’s Agenda 2019
-- which will be doubly a
(AIMIM), led by Hyderabad MP
in Arunachal
DNA Correspondent over several issues. Mamata’s national ambitions. Sharad Yadav, RJD’s Manoj Jha charge-sheet of the Modi gov-
Asaduddin Owaisi. Releasing the party’s man- Banerjee took exception to are likely to attend, as well as ernment in several sectors as
ifesto, she said the 100 days’ appointment of former BSF UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi. well as a charter of demands to
Sumalatha to fight 3 Itanagar: Another BJP can- Kolkata: West Bengal CM work scheme would be in- director general KK Sharma Congress president Rahul Gan- political parties so that they
namesakes in Mandya didate is set to be elected un- and Trinamool chief Mama- creased to 200 and the wages as special police observer for dhi and Priyanka Vadra could make announcements in cer-
Bengaluru: As many as four opposed in Arunachal ta Banerjee has promised to doubled. “We would probe West Bengal and Jharkhand. attend the function. Parties who tain areas in their poll mani-
Sumalathas are contesting from Pradesh, after the nomina- probe demonetisation and decision on demonetisation “How can a retired police these organisations will support festo. Liberal ideas platform
Mandya Lok Sabha constitu- tion of his lone rival from revive the Planning Commis- and bring back the Planning officer look after the deploy- include the RJD, NCP, DMK, Samruddha Bharat Founda-
ency, including the multi-lingual Yachuli assembly constitu- sion if the opposition alli- Commission. The NITI Aay- ment of serving police per- CPI, CPM, and TDP. It remains tion is the organising body; it
film actress, who is standing ency was found invalid dur- ance comes to power after LS og is of no use,” she said. sonnel? During his tenure as unclear whether TMC will at- is the same organisation that
as an independent candidate ing scrutiny, election officials elections. She also launched Manifesto had several na- the DG, he has attended an tend. The last bid for a CMP was created the earlier document.
against Chief Minister HD said on Wednesday. a scathing attack on PM Modi tional issues, hinting at RSS programme,” she said. REVERSE GEAR: Mamata Banerjee thwarted as both the Left and  Full report:
Kumaraswamy’s son Nikhil. As BJP nominee Taba Tedir is
Sumalatha has upset the poll likely to be elected unopposed

BJP connects with intelligentsia, opinion-makers in Bengal

equations in Mandya, much after the nomination papers
to the discomfort of coalition of Toko Yaram of Janata Dal
partners Congress and the United was rejected by the
JD(S), three other Sumalathas election authorities, Addi-
have surfaced, all of whom are tional Chief Electoral Officer Saswat Panigrahi systematically under the the vision for Bengal PM been themed around the sub-
contesting as independents. (CEO) Kanki Darang said. banner of Syama Prasad Modi is articulating,” said ject ‘Modi for Bengal, Bengal
Two BJP candidates -- Tedir Mookerjee Research Founda- Anirban Ganguly, Director of for Modi’. “Bengal needs the
Women get raw deal and Kento Jini -- are already New Delhi: With electioneer- tion (SPMRF), the think tank SPMRF and member of Policy support of PM Modi because
in J&K, only 2 in fray set to be elected unopposed ing heating up for 2019 Lok affiliated to the saffron party. Research Department of the he has a vision for Bengal,”
Jammu: Of the 62 who have from the Aalo East constitu- Sabha polls, the BJP is running “There is a clear trend that BJP, while speaking to DNA. Ganguly explained.
filed nominations for LS elec- ency in West Siang district. a massive outreach programme many of the intellectuals and Ganguly said, “PM Modi is Rajya Sabha MP Swapan
tions in J&K so far, only two are However, they would be of- to connect with the Bengali in- opinion-makers of West Ben- extremely popular in Bengal. Dasgupta told DNA, “Our in-
women. J&K has six parlia- ficially declared winners telligentsia and opinion-mak- gal are gravitating towards His development agenda and tention is to affect the local
mentary constituencies. PDP only after March 28, the last ers of West Bengal. Prime Minister Narendra his governance narrative politics and actually reach
president Mehbooba Mufti, who date of withdrawal of candi- BJP’s Bengal outreach, Modi’s vision. We want to have created an impact out to the Bengali intelligent-
till recently led the state govern- dature. Meanwhile, seven in- which will continue for the have a dialogue with them among the people of West sia.” Dasgupta along with
ment, has announced to contest dependent candidates with- next two months – during the about the vision for Bengal Bengal. His popularity is in- Ganguly are driving the in-
the polls from the Anantnag seat drew their nominations on entire span of the election and the challenges on its way. creasing in the state.” novative campaign.
but is yet to file her nomination. Wednesday, sources said. Swapan Dasgupta MP (inset) speaking at a BJP outreach programme —DNA process – is being carried out We want to place before them The outreach plan has  Full report:
Ahmedabad I Thursday, March 28, 2019
 opini n I I I

daily news & analysis

Nehru, China and the UNSC
The US plan to unseat China as SC member and to put India in her place didn’t find favour with Nehru

Sky is the limit

Did India’s first
Prime Minister,
Jawaharlal Nehru,
make a historic er-
Mission Shakti is about protecting India’s space assets ror by turning
down an offer

he successful testing of the Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Missile, made, first, by the
which involved destroying a low-orbiting satellite by the United States in
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) 1950 and then, in
Minhaz Merchant 1955, by the Soviet
and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), is a mile- Union to become a
stone for the institutions and a significant development in permanent member of the United Na-
terms of strengthening the country’s overall security. India is tions Security Council (UNSC)? Were
the fourth country, after the US, Russia, and China, to have these offers made at all? And if so, were
achieved this feat. Mission Shakti, as the event was called, was they merely feelers, not a serious reflec-
a result of the hard work put in by scientists. It was a complex tion of intent by the two superpowers at
the beginning of the Cold War?
experiment, involving high speed and precision. What has made Two schools of thought have emerged.
Indians truly proud is the fact that it was a wholly indigenous The first holds that the US and the USSR
endeavour. Hence, political parties should refrain from using merely broached the subject of a perma-
the mission’s success for gains in the election season. If any- nent UNSC seat for India. The offer was
thing, our premier institutions such as DRDO and ISRO should a feeler. Nehru’s sister Vijaya Lakshmi
be protected from any sort of political meddling. Mission Shak- Pandit, then India’s representative at
the UN, was firmly against India “usurp-
ti isn’t aimed at invading other countries — India has never ing” China’s claim to a permanent seat.
done that even in the face of extreme provocation. It is to protect Nehru agreed with her assessment.
the country from hostile nations attempting to invade India’s China, he wrote to her, is a great nation
airspace. During the Cold War era, the space race between rivals and deserves permanent membership of
US and Russia had threatened to trigger a worldwide conflict the UNSC.
that could have brought about the end of human civilisation. Both he and his sister, highly influen-
tial in the US and at the UN, felt that
But it also spawned pioneering efforts in unmanned space ex- India must be a neutral party in the Cold
plorations to Moon, Mars and Venus, the launching of satellites War. By accepting the offer of a perma-
and human spaceflight. ISRO, set up in the 1960s, has since been nent seat in the UNSC, however infor-
working in three distinct areas: satellites for communication mal the offer was, the two Nehru sib-
and remote sensing, the space transportation system and ap- lings felt India would need to take sides
plication programmes. DRDO, set up in 1958, has grown from in international crises like the Korean
War. That would compromise India’s The Indian establishment had quickly closed ranks around Nehru’s controversial historic decision —Wikimedia Commons
being a small organisation with 10 laboratories to a top-class position as a founder of the non-aligned
organisation with a network of 50 laboratories, which are en- movement (NAM). as a permanent member in the 1950s. was unequivocal: ‘In your letter, you
gaged in developing defence technologies among other things. The second school of thought holds a The question, however, goes beyond mention that the State Department is
ISRO and DRDO are the finest examples of Make-In-India ini- diametrically opposite point of view. Nehru’s reputation, as it provides rare trying to unseat China as a Permanent
tiatives that have been around for decades. Close on the heels India misread the situation. It dismissed insights into India’s relations with the Member of the Security Council and to
of Mission Shakti’s success, ISRO will launch electronic intel- Washington’s overtures in 1950 when the United States and the People’s Republic put India in her place. So far as we are
US wanted to contain the influence of of China (PRC) at the beginning of the concerned, we are not going to counte-
ligence satellite ‘Emisat’ for DRDO along with 28 third-party the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Cold War. nance it. That would be bad from every
satellites. It will also showcase a new variant of the Polar Satel- which had in 1949 won a civil war “The 1955 offer from the Soviets is point of view. It would be a clear affront
lite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) rocket. But, perhaps, the space in- against Chiang Kai-Shek’s nationalists well-documented, although perhaps not to China and it would mean some kind
stitute’s biggest achievement would be its manned mission to who fled to Taiwan and, as the Republic widely known. The 1955 incident was of a break between us and China.’”
moon around 2022. The human spaceflight programme has been of China (ROC), represented the PRC at publicly discussed in 2002 in print by AG The Indian establishment had quick-
allocated the equivalent of $1.3 billion under a scheduled series the UN from 1949 to 1971. The Soviets in Noorani, a major scholar of modern In- ly closed ranks around Nehru’s contro-
1955 too wanted India as a permanent dian history and politics. However, new versial historic decision. K Shankar
of missions called Gaganyaan. Coming back to Shakti, the abil- member of the UNSC but Nehru again evidence of an even earlier offer — by the Nehru Memorial Museum and Li- Bajpai, former secretary in the MEA
ity to bring down an enemy’s missile will be an effective deter- brushed off the offer as not being a seri- the US in August 1950 — to assist India brary (NMML). The importance of Pan- and ambassador to the US and China,
rent for India’s hostile neighbours. PM Narendra Modi insisted ous one. This, the second school of in assuming a permanent seat at the dit’s papers lies in her relationship with told The Print last week: “It has become
that India’s test was a “defensive move” and that it was neces- thought holds, amounted to compound- UNSC has recently emerged, adding sub- her brother Jawaharlal Nehru. The Pan- a fashion to blame Nehru for everything.
sary to protect the various satellites engaged in “all sorts of ing the earlier historic error of rejecting stantially to what Noorani earlier wrote. dit papers have not been deployed thus To think that India could have taken
purposes, including agriculture, defence, disaster manage- Washington’s offer of a UNSC seat in Nehru’s rejection of the US offer under- far in studies focused on India’s relation- China’s seat is utter nonsense.”
1950 for which India, nearly 70 years lined the consistency of his conviction ship with China. In late August 1950, While the geopolitical imperatives of
ment, communication, entertainment, weather, navigation, later, is paying a heavy price. that the PRC’s legitimate interests must Pandit wrote to her brother from Wash- the 1950s cannot be viewed through a
education, medical uses, and other things”. Both Isro and DDRO Which of the two schools of thought be acknowledged in order to reduce in- ington, DC, where she was then posted contemporary prism, Nehru’s decision
are committed to building a strong India, which would be in- has greater merit? For the answer, turn ternational tensions. Integrating the as India’s ambassador to the United to cede veto-carrying membership of
strumental in maintaining peace in the region. India has never to original sources. In painstaking re- PRC into the international community States: ‘One matter that is being cooked the UNSC to China has led, decades later,
shown any inclination towards space weaponisation and nei- search, Anton Harder, a PhD scholar by conceding its right to the Chinese up in the State Department should be to aggressive Chinese behaviour, includ-
ther does it want to take it up now. But its foundations of peace specialising in Sino-India relations, seat at the Security Council was, in fact, known to you. This is the unseating of ing supporting Pakistan based Jaish-e-
wrote in 2015: “The issue of India’s a central pillar of Nehru’s foreign policy. China as a Permanent Member in the Mohammed founder Masood Azhar at
should rest on strong military capabilities. Shakti is a step to- right to a seat on the UNSC has centred “The documents critical to answering Security Council and of India being put the UNSC. Nehru, were he alive, would
wards muscle-building, not muscle-flexing. on Nehru not seizing several alleged op- these questions are stowed away in the in her place.’ be mortified.
portunities for India to join the UNSC Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit papers held at “Nehru’s response within the week The writer is an author and publisher

Redrawing maps QUOTE HANGER slowburn

China dreams of taking Arunachal out of India John R. Bass Vir Das AI finds two planets from telescope data
he news that China has destroyed thousands of maps depict- @USAmbKabul @thevirdas
cientists have used artificial intelli- didates awaiting confirmation. The two
ing Arunachal Pradesh as part of India is shocking, to say
the least. Beijing claims that north-eastern Indian state of @ImranKhanPTI, important Don’t let ANY political gence (AI) to discover two more hid- planets are both very typical of planets
den planets by using the data collected found in K2, researchers said. “They’re
Arunachal Pradesh is part of South Tibet and objects to Indian to resist temptation to ball-tamper with party tell you that if you’re with them, by the Kepler space telescope. The tech- really close to their host star, they have
leaders’ visits to that state. Such belligerent behaviour is a the #Afghanistan peace process and its you’re with the nation and against nique shows promise for identifying short orbital periods, and they’re hot,”
threat to India’s territorial integrity. India shares the longest internal affairs. #AfgPeace them....against the nation. many additional planets that traditional said Anne Dattilo, who led the study.
border with China, the Line of Actual Control covering 3488 methods could not catch, according to a
news report by PTI. Researchers from
km. New Delhi and Beijing have held 21 rounds of talks to re-
solve the complex border disputes. Meanwhile, the 2017 Doklam Robert Macfarlane The University of Texas at Austin in the
US created an algorithm that sifts
US scientists to collect
stand-off had triggered a new crisis, plunging Sino-Indian ties @RobGMacfarlane through the data taken by Kepler to ferret climate data from Everest
to a new low. The maps were meant for export to a separate Footpaths are the habits Let us not play any out signals that were missed by tradi-

country and Beijing acted in such a manner to send a strong tional planet-hunting methods. The pro- team of American scientists, on Wednes-
message to India about its intentions. China doesn’t believe in
of a landscape. They came into politics (on the achievement). cess, described in The Astronomical day, flew to the Mount Everest region to
the sanctity of the McMahon Line. The line is a frontier be- existence as “rights of way The whole country takes Journal, should help astronomers find study how pollution has impacted the
many more missed planets hiding in Ke- Himalayan mountains and glaciers that are
tween Tibet and Assam in British India, negotiated between because ordinary people used
pride in the pler data. “K2 data is more challenging to melting due to global warming. The team
Tibet and Great Britain at the end of the Shimla Conference in those routes over hundreds and work with because the spacecraft is mov- led by John All of Western Washington Uni-
October 1913–July 1914. The Chinese delegates present at the hundreds of years.” achievement ing around all the time,” said Andrew versity plans to spend the next two months
meeting refused to sign the agreement because it felt Tibet to of our Vanderburg, from UT Austin. This
change came about after a mechanical
in the region and climb the world’s highest
peak in May while they collect samples and
be subordinate to China. A lot of water has flown down the
Brahmaputra since then but the border dispute shows no sign Yuvraj Singh scientists. failure. While mission planners found a study the ice, snow, and vegetation, accord-
workaround, the spacecraft was left with ing to a news report by AP. The team plans
of resolution. The 1962 war in which India suffered a humiliat- @YUVSTRONG12 —Ram Madhav, a wobble that AI had to take into account. to bring the samples and data and study
ing defeat at the hands of the Chinese had only aggravated mu- Birds need you this BJP national The Kepler and K2 missions have already with local universities and government
tual suspicion. Beijing is using Pakistan to needle India. Border general secretary discovered thousands of planets around agencies in Nepal. They will compare the
skirmishes on India’s western and eastern fronts will end up
summer ...temperatures will cross 45 other stars, with an equal number of can- latest data to data from the 2009 visit.
serving Chinese interests. degrees in many cities across India.
send your feedback to

India-Maldives ties revived after a spell of uncertainty

India and Mal- sumes significance. While President a big diplomatic relief for India. during Swaraj’s visit the Export-Import
dives have finally Mohammed Waheed Hassan had can- Maldives has emerged as one of the Bank of India decided to extend $800
reset their rela- celled the contract signed with GMR, an most important neighbours of India in million credit to Maldives to finance de-
tionship with the Indian company in 2012, Yameen geo-strategic and economic terms. It is velopmental projects. They have agreed
visit of External showed interest in strengthening ties situated mid-way between Strait of Ma- on the need to boost private sector in-
Affairs Minister with China. This can be gauged from lacca and Suez, which are the world’s volvement, and the Maldives-India Busi-
Sushma Swaraj to the fact that Yameen endorsed China’s busiest trade routes. At the same time, ness Forum will be held in 2019. Memo-
the country on Maritime Silk Road. The two countries as Kerala and Lakshadweep are in close randum of Understanding regarding In-
March 18. It was also signed the Free Trade Agreement proximity to the Maldivian islands, In- dian Grant Assistance for Implementa-
Sumit Kumar the first time in December 2017. A new law was passed dia is cautious about the possible use tion of High Impact Community Devel-
since the two sides by Maldives, allowing absolute foreign of Maldives’s territory against it. The opment Projects through Local Bodies
held the full-fledged bilateral meeting ownership of land on the conditions two sides have agreed to strengthen co- and memorandum of understanding
in Malé since the new government that interested parties would make a operation to enhance maritime securi- (MOUs) on collaboration in the field of
came to power in Maldives after the minimum investment of $1 billion dol- ty in the Indian Ocean Region through Energy Efficiency and Renewable Ener-
September election. Swaraj and her lar and reclaim 70 per cent land from the coordinated patrolling and aerial sur- gy were signed to strengthen develop-
counterpart Abdulla Shahid took stock sea, which aimed at benefiting China in cember that year, President Ibrahim Pakistan, could use the Maldives as a veillance, exchange of information and mental projects in Maldives.
of the bilateral engagement covering expanding its foothold in the Indian Solih paid a state visit to India, with the strategic choke point for India. The capacity building. Undoubtedly, there is a marked posi-
all areas of common interests and ex- Ocean. Around the same time, in August two sides reiterating their strong com- threat from Pakistan-backed fundamen- But, given the fact that Maldives is a tive shift in the relationship between
pressed their earnest desire to consoli- 2018, Yameen also asked India to with- mitment to further strengthen and rein- talists is no less serious. Wahabi Islam dept-redden country with US$3 billion India and Maldives in the last four
date and expand ties. draw its military helicopters and per- vigorate the traditionally strong and has made rapid inroads into Maldives loans to repay, Malé needs major invest- months and it should be hoped that
In a normal course, the visit of sonnel posted in Maldives. friendly relations between India and the and the growth of terror modules in ment boost by India. Mindful of this re- while the roots of democracy will be
Swaraj could have been treated as a reg- Thus, when a democratically elected Maldives. The visit of Swaraj was the that country has raised concerns in the ality, while PM Modi had announced fi- deepened in Maldives, Malé would not
ular diplomatic affair. But in the light of government led by President Ibrahim latest development in redefining the en- Indian strategic community. It is in this nancial assistance up to US$ 1.4 billion allow any third country to determine
the tension between Malé and New Del- Solih assumed power in September last gagement between the two sides. context that Foreign Minister Abdulla in the form of budgetary support, cur- the fate of its historically cherished
hi when President Abdulla Yameen de- year, it was a great relief for India. PM Of course, given then President Ya- Shahid reaffirming his government’s rency swap and concessional lines of ties with India.
clared a state of emergency in the coun- Narendra Modi attended the swearing- meen’s pro-China policy, it was felt in “India-First Policy and commitment to credit to fulfil the socio-economic devel- Author is Research Fellow, Maulana Abul
try in February 2018, Swaraj’s trip as- in ceremony of President Solih. In De- India that China, with its strategically working together closely with India” is opment programmes of the Maldives, Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata

Vol 12 n Issue No. 142 RNI: GUJENG/2007/22424. Printed and Published by Prashant Saxena on behalf of Diligent Media Corporation ltd. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, Survey No.148 P, Nagdevta Mandir, Changodar, Bavla Highway, Sanand, Ahmedabad (Gujarat) and Published at Diligent Media Corporation
Limited, Venus Atlantis Building, Unit No. 201 to 208, 2nd Floor, 100 Feet Road, Prahladnagar, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380015. Phone: 079 4060 2000. Editor: Deepak Lokhande Responsible for selection of news under PRB Act.
w rld 07 I I I Ahmedabad I Thursday, March 28, 2019 I daily news & analysis

7 Thai parties unite Trump’s ‘emergency’ survives veto

in brief

Washington: The Democrat-

on to the court

forces against junta

ic-controlled House lost a
veto override vote that aimed
„„14 Republicans joined
to halt President Donald
Democrats in voting for
Trump’s national emergency
an override.
plan to fund a border wall, as
Republican support for the „„House Speaker
Michael Avenatti president handed him a new Pelosi said the votes
A junta-aligned party and its main rival had claimed victory following the end of “will provide significant

Avenatti attacks Special Counsel Robert Muel- evidence for courts as

Nike after arrest

the right to govern the country after Sunday’s vote ler’s investigation.
The 248-181 vote on Tues-
they review lawsuits.”
„„A coalition of 16 states
day was short of the two-
New York: Attorney Bangkok: Seven political thirds majority needed to has sued the Trump
Michael Avenatti came parties formed a coalition in overturn Trump’s first veto, administration to block
out swinging on Tues- Thailand on Wednesday, vow- as most Republicans voted Donald Trump at an rally event in El Paso —FILE the declaration.
day against Nike, accus- ing to thwart a military- against the resolution despite
ing the shoemaker — backed proxy in a bid to end the public unpopularity of attempted to block the presi- and many other criminals.” The House and Senate had
without evidence — of years of junta rule following the emergency declaration. dent’s National Emergency The vote came after Sun- voted earlier to disapprove
“rampant” corruption the country’s first election The vote kills Democrats’ Declaration — they failed,” the day’s massive win for the Trump’s plan to use an emer-
mere hours after he was since a 2014 coup. legislative effort to rein in White House said in a state- president when Attorney gency declaration to divert
released from US custo- A junta-aligned party and Trump’s plan to fund a wall ment. “Democrats continue to General William Barr an- military funds to build the
dy on charges he tried to its main rival have both on the border with Mexico, ignore the reality that our po- nounced that Mueller hadn’t wall. It was a rare bipartisan
extort up to $25 million claimed the right to govern the and it demonstrates the pres- rous southern border is a mag- found evidence that the pres- rebuke of the president. Yet
from the company. In a country after Sunday’s vote, ident’s enduring influence net for illegal immigration, ident or his campaign col- those votes didn’t come close
string of posts on Twit- prompting a political standoff. over GOP lawmakers. child smugglers, human traf- luded with Russia to inter- to the margin needed to sur-
ter, Avenatti claimed Questions over irregularities “Congressional Democrats fickers, drug cartels, gangs fere with the 2016 election. vive Trump’s veto. —Bloomberg
Nike has funneled “large are swirling following invali-
sums” of money to elite dated ballots and accusations
student-athletes bound of skewed numbers.
US and China
for top colleges.

Macron reaches
out to Greens
Pheu Thai, affiliated with
self-exiled former premier
Thaksin Shinawatra, joined
Sudarat Keyuraphan, (L), Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, (2L), and leaders
of other parties at a news conference in Bangkok —REUTERS

how the alliance came into existence

Money link between attacker, to resume
Identitarian Movement: Kurz trade talks
forces with six other parties
Paris: French President in a bid to halt military-
Emmanuel Macron’s par- backed factions from leading „„Pheu Thai, affiliated with accusations of skewed
ty will seek to draw the country. “We want to stop self-exiled former premier numbers. Washington: US and Chinese
Greens in the European the regime from hanging Thaksin Shinawatra, joined Vienna: Austrian Chancel- whether there were crimi- officials resume high-level
Parliament into a centrist onto power,” said Pheu Thai’s forces with six other parties. „„The seven-party bloc lor Sebastian Kurz on nally relevant links be- trade talks this week as they
coalition it hopes to build prime ministerial candidate claimed it would take 255 Wednesday said there was tween Sellner and the at- close in on a deal that could
after May’s elections, a Sudarat Keyuraphan. „„Questions arose over out of the 500 lower house a financial link between the tacker. just be the first step in the
candidate on Macron’s “Pro-democracy parties irregularities following seats that are up for grabs, man who killed 50 people in The Austrian Interior long road to economic peace.
ticket said on Wednesday. received the most trust and invalidated ballots and but no official results yet. mass shootings at mosques Ministry declined to com- President Donald Trump’s
“We’ll champion a coali- consensus by the people,” she in Christchurch, New ment. top trade negotiator, Robert
tion deal and clearly we’ll added, conceding that final Zealand, and the far-right Kurz said Austria was Lighthizer, and Treasury Sec-
offer the European results have not yet been re- We want to stop The balance of power is Identitarian Movement in looking into dissolving the retary Steven Mnuchin are
Greens the opportunity leased. Thailand has been stacked in the junta’s favour Austria. Identitarian Movement. due to visit Beijing on Thurs-
to join,” said Pascal Can- ruled by a junta since a 2014 the regime from thanks to a charter it drafted Hansjoerg Bacher, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian “Our position on this is day and Friday, while top Chi-
fin, number two on Ma- putsch led by General Prayut hanging onto creating 250 military-ap- spokesman for prosecutors Kurz —REUTERS very clear, no kind of ex- nese negotiator, Vice Premier
cron’s list of candidates Chan-O-Cha, the prime min- power. Pro-democracy pointed upper house seats. in Graz, said Martin Sell- tremism whatsoever - Liu He, plans travel to the
for the May 26 election. isterial candidate for the That means non-military ner, head of the Identitari- Sellner published a vid- whether it’s radical Islam- U.S. the following week.
Phalang Pracharat Party. parties received the most parties like Pheu Thai need an Movement - which says eo on YouTube in which he ists or right-wing extremist The burst of diplomacy
Ruling CPC sacks But Phalang Pracharat trust and consensus. an avalanche of votes in or- it wants to preserve Eu- said he had received a dona- fanatics - has any place in suggests both sides remain
ex-Interpol chief stunned the pro-democracy der to elect a prime minister. rope’s identity - received tion from the man and our society,” Kurz said. determined to reach an
Beijing: China on camp by winning the popular Sudarat Keyuraphan, The coalition formed 1,500 euros ($1,690) in that police had raid- On Tuesday, Kurz said on agreement that would avoid
Wednesday sacked for- vote on Sunday with 7.6 mil- Pheu Thai’s PM candidate Wednesday does not include early 2018 from a do- ed his house over Twitter any connection be- any escalation of the eight-
mer Interpol chief Meng
Hongwei from all his of-
lion ballots, according to pre-
liminary results. bers are not ironclad.
two other high-profile parties
— Bhumjaithai and the Dem-
nor with the same
name as the man NZ
the possible links
to the Christch-
tween the Christchurch at-
tacker and members of the
month trade war that has
seen them impose duties on
ficial positions and ex- Its main rival Pheu Thai A clearer picture of the ocrat Party — which together charged with mur- urch attacker. Identitarian Movement in $360 billion of each others’
pelled him from the rul- got 400,000 fewer votes, but is lower house could emerge as have around 70 seats so far der following the In it, he said: Austria needed to be fully imports.
ing Communist Party, now aiming to take the ma- early as Friday when more and whose allegiances are Christchurch attack. “I’m not a member clarified. In an interview, Lighthizer
accusing him of corrup- jority of seats in the lower comprehensive figures are still up for grabs. Phalang “We can now con- of a terrorist organisa- Austrian Vice-Chancel- said he wants to get a deal,
tion, serious discipli- house with its newly-formed expected to be released. Pracharat is expected to seek firm that there was finan- tion. I have nothing to do lor Heinz-Christian Stra- but he’s “not necessarily
nary violations and en- coalition. The seven-party But the party still cannot its own allied bloc. cial support and so a link with this man, other than che, of the far-right Free- hopeful” one will happen.
couraging his wife who bloc claimed it would take 255 elect a prime minister with- Sunday’s election had been between the New Zealand that I passively received a dom Party (FPO), said the “We’re working on it,” Light-
is settled abroad to cam- out of the 500 lower house out commanding more than repeatedly delayed and was attacker and the Identitari- donation from him.” FPO had nothing to do hizer said. “If there’s a great
paign against his deten- seats that are up for grabs, half — or 376 — of all 750 seen as a test for it’s tattered an Movement in Austria,” Bacher said an investi- with the Identitarian Move- deal to be gotten, we’ll get it.
tion. but with all official results seats in the combined lower democracy, which has seen at Kurz said. gation was underway about ment. —Reuters If not, we’ll find another
yet to be confirmed the num- and upper houses. least 12 coups since 1932.—AFP plan.” US negotiators have
voiced concern that China is
backtracking on earlier

UK lawmakers prepare to vote Iraq orders ex-guv’s arrest for sunk ferry pledges, while officials in
Beijing have shown resist-
ance to proposals that they

on alternatives to Brexit deal

see as one-sided.
Mosul: Iraq has issued a committed financial viola- lic funds and abusing power. Plans for a meeting be-
warrant for the arrest of the tions, a Mosul court judge The Nineveh investigation tween Trump and Chinese
former governor of Nineveh said. A member of parlia- court sent an official request President Xi Jinping to final-
London: The British parlia-
ment will try to find an alter- ‘Good Friday deal on corruption charges after
at least 90 people were killed
ment has tweeted a copy of
the arrest warrant.
to the semi-autonomous
Kurdistan Regional Govern-
ize an agreement has been
pushed back by at least a
native to Theresa May’s in a ferry accident in the pro- Responding to a formal re- ment to hand over Sultan month to late-April, at earliest.
twice-defeated Brexit deal on
Wednesday as the prime min-
will apply in all vincial capital Mosul, two
court officials said on
quest by Prime Minister Adel
Abdul Mahdi, Iraq’s parlia-
who has fled to the Kurdish
regional capital Erbil, the
“The president is desper-
ate for a deal,” said Clark
ister readied a last ditch ef-
fort to win over rebels in her
Brexit scenarios’ Wednesday.
The warrant also included
ment voted on Sunday to sack
Governor Nawfal Hammadi Governor Nawfal Hammadi
judge said.
Angry protesters took to
Packard, trade-policy coun-
sel at the R Street Institute, a
party, possibly by giving a the arrest of some local offi- al-Sultan after the overloaded al-Sultan the streets in Mosul after the think tank based in Washing-
timetable for quitting. cials after a court investiga- ferry capsized in the Tigris ferry sinking and blamed neg- ton. “I don’t think he wants to
As the United Kingdom’s tion concluded they colluded river last week. negligence, dereliction of ligence by the government. go into 2020, running for re-
three-year Brexit crisis spins Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn in the with the former governor in Abdul Mahdi’s letter to duty, and said there was evi- The boat was loaded to five election, without something
towards its finale, it is still Parliament on Wednesday —AFP misusing their powers and parliament accused Sultan of dence he was misusing pub- times its capacity. —Reuters here.” —Bloomberg
uncertain how, when or even
if it will leave the European alternate plan
Union, though May hopes to
bring her deal back to parlia-
ment for a third time later
„„May hopes to
bring her deal back to
Brussels: The Good Friday
agreement to bring peace to
Northern Ireland will con-
‘head’ing for notre-dame
In shadow of ongoing
war, Ukrainians only
this week. parliament for a third time tinue to apply in all Brexit
With British politics at fe- later this week scenarios, the European Un-
ver pitch, lawmakers on ion’s chief Brexit negotiator
„„Lawmakers will have
Wednesday grabbed control Michel Barnier said on

seek to vote for peace

indicative votes on
to have so-called indicative Wednesday.
Brexit, with 16 options
votes on Brexit, with 16 op- Respecting the Good Fri- A worker of
tions ranging from a much day agreement meant pre- the Socra art
closer alignment with the EU support the deal,” May told venting the return of a hard conservation Zaitseve: There are not many
to leaving without a deal or Andrew Bridgen, a Brexit- border between Ireland and company packs people left in Zaitseve, a vil-
revoking the divorce papers. supporting lawmaker in her Northern Ireland, he told the the head of the lage on the front line that di-
Just two days before the party who has called on her European Parliament in statue of the vides Ukraine, but voters like
United Kingdom had been to resign. Strasbourg. apostle Saint Galina Soboleva want just
originally due to leave the EU She is expected to indicate “In all scenarios, the Good Andre, built one thing from this month’s
on March 29, some of the a date for her departure at a Friday agreement will con- by architect presidential election. “Who-
most influential Brexit-sup- showdown with Conservative tinue to apply. The United Viollet-le- ever promises us peace, to
porting rebels, such as Jacob Party lawmakers at a meet- Kingdom will remain a core Duc, on the rebuild our homes, we will
Rees-Mogg, have reluctantly ing of the 1922 Committee in guarantor of that agreement roof of the vote for them. That’s all we
fallen in behind May’s deal. Westminster. and is expected to uphold it in Notre-Dame need,” the pensioner said.
The price for May could be Before that, lawmakers spirit and in letter,” he said. Cathedral Destruction and damage Posters in Ukraine for President
her job, though it was unclear start a debate on what sort of “The Commission is ready during are widespread after five Petro Poroshenko
if even that would be enough EU divorce the world’s fifth to make additional resources restoration years of conflict over eastern
to get her deal approved. largest economy should go available to Ireland, techni- work on Ukraine between government local activist and aid volun-
“We can guarantee deliv- for. They will vote on a ballot cal and financial to address Wednesday in forces and Russian-backed teer Tetyana Durneva said.
ering on Brexit if this week paper for as many proposals any additional challenges,” Paris. —AFP separatists. Around 13,000 “Fighting is going on all the
he and others in this House as they wish. —Reuters he continued. —Reuters people have been killed, a time - yesterday it was really
quarter of them civilians, ac- thundering.”
cording to the United Nations In 2014, after the Maidan
giant in big apple one-time darling of new york social scene, she bilked friends, banks Human Rights Monitoring street protests ousted Krem-
Mission in Ukraine. lin-friendly president Viktor

Heiress hoax scores woman celebrity treatment, and charges

Troops are stationed in Yanukovich, Russia invaded
trenches outside Zaitseve and and annexed the Crimea pen-
government trucks risk rebel insula. Ukraine says Russia
fire to bring bread, coal, fire- then engineered quasi-sepa-
wood and other goods along a ratist uprisings across a belt
New York: Anna Sorokin On Wednesday, the one- many regardless of the out- longed, passing crisp Benja- dirt road. Employees from of eastern Ukraine that esca-
traveled in celebrity circles time darling of the Big Apple come of the trial because au- mins to Uber drivers and ho- the state-run Oschadbank lated into a full-scale conflict.
and tossed $100 tips — all the social scene is scheduled to thorities say she overstayed tel concierges, but she gave travel by armoured truck to a Russia denies doing so.
more reason to believe she stand trial on grand larceny her visa. Her story, however, varying accounts for the nearby checkpoint, to allow Two so-called “People’s Re-
was the German heiress she and theft of services charges may stick around. Shonda source of her wealth, accord- residents on both sides of the publics” – unrecognized by
said she was. But behind the alleging she swindled $275,000 Rhimes, the force behind ing to people who knew her. conflict to withdraw money. either Kiev or Moscow —
jet-set lifestyle and pricey in a 10-month odyssey that “Grey’s Anatomy” and Scan- At different times, they Some six hundred kilome- have formed in the Donetsk
threads, prosecutors say, was saw her jetting to Omaha and dal,” has announced she is cre- said, she’d claim her father tres (400 miles) away in Kiev, and Luhansk industrial re-
a fraudster who bilked Marrakesh before landing in ating a television series about was a diplomat, an oil baron or President Petro Poroshenko gions of eastern Ukraine,
friends, banks and hotels for a cell at Rikers Island. Sorokin, whose Instagram bio a solar panel muckity-muck. has made standing up to Rus- known as Donbass.
a taste of the high life. “Her overall scheme has says: “soon on Netflix.” In reality, her father told New sia a central thrust of what In Donetsk city, few people
Sorokin, 28, lived in luxury been to claim to be a wealthy Sorokin arrived in the York magazine , he’s a former has become a tough political are likely to vote, because
New York City hotel rooms German heiress with approx- world of champagne wishes trucker who runs a heating- battle for reelection. Those they would have to cross the
she couldn’t afford, promised imately $60 million in funds and caviar dreams in 2016 and-cooling business. Sorokin planning to take part in the front line to register.
a friend an all-expenses paid being held abroad,” prosecu- with a new name (Anna kept up the heiress ruse as she March 31 presidential vote “They all hate us,” said
trip to Morocco and then tor Catherine McCaw said af- Anna Sorokin in New York State Supreme Court —AFP Delvey) and a wardrobe to went looking for a $22 million say the conflict is the single Yulia, declining to give her
stuck her with the $62,000 bill, ter Sorokin’s October 2017 match (Celine sunglasses, loan in November 2016, pros- biggest issue facing the coun- second name. “Why? Because
and peddled bogus bank state- arrest. “She’s born in Russia Spodek, did not respond to a cent and never intended to Gucci sandals and high-end ecutors said. She claimed the try but struggle to identify they lived off our backs,” she
ments in a quest for a $22 mil- and has not a cent to her name telephone message. At a hear- commit a larceny.” buys from Net-a-Porter and loan would be secured by a let- who can best end it. added in a reference to the
lion loan, the Manhattan Dis- as far as we can determine.” ing last month, he said that Sorokin, jailed since her ar- Elyse Walker). She made a ter of credit from UBS in Swit- “We don’t see anything region’s communist-era in-
trict Attorney’s office alleges. Sorokin’s lawyer, Todd Sorokin is “presumed inno- rest, faces deportation to Ger- show of proving she be- zerland. —AP yet, no improvements so far,” dustries. —Reuters


Sensex Nifty FTSE 100 Nikkei 225

38132.88 100.53 q 11445.05 38.20 q 7196.29 18.71 p 21378.73 49.66 q
Gold 10 gram 32080.00 75.00p Silver kg 38010.00 35.00 q Brent Crude $/barrel 67.26 0.66 p

US $ 68.88 0.02 p EURO 77.71 0.20 q British pound 91.08 0.04 q UAE dirham 18.78 0.03 p

news in numbers 8.74 million tonne - Crude steel India produced in February, up 2.3% from a year ago, as per World Steel Association

moneyedit I-T dept asked to take urgent action as tax collections fall
Anjul Tomar The direct tax mop-up has sioners of Income Tax on deadline. Target miss The BE target for the cur- against budget collection
How forex so far touched about 85%
against the revised Budget
Tuesday, asking them to
“take all possible actions
“We are hoping to collect
another Rs 50,000-60,000 „„Tax officials are
rent year was revised at Rs
12 lakh crore in the interim
target of Rs 12 lakh crore
only 85.1% of the target of
swap auction New Delhi: Staring at a
huge shortfall in direct tax
target of Rs 12 lakh crore for
the year.
urgently, especially with re-
spect to recovery of arrear
crore in the current week
till March 31. We are bank-
nudging banks to deposit
Tax Deduction at Source
Experts had raised con-
Rs 10.21 lakh crore has been
collated as on March 23. The
infused `35Kcr collections, the Central
Board of Direct Taxes
The collections indicate a
declining trend with the
and current demand, so as
to achieve the targets for
ing on TDS payments and
some last minute book en-
well before the deadline cerns calling the mop-up
target “quite ambitious”. It
minor head-wise analysis
indicates worsening trend
(CBDT) has written to the growth touching a low of collection”. tries. It, however, looks „„As against budget represented a growth of 20% of negative growth in regu-

eserve Bank of India heads of regional field of- -6.9% last week. Meanwhile, the tax offi- quite difficult to meet even collection target of over the previous year. For lar collections at -6.9%
(RBI) created a buzz in fices of the Income Tax De- Disappointed over the cials are working overtime the original target of Rs Rs 12 lakh crore only 2019-20, however, the target against -5.2% in the last
the banking circles on partment to take all possible subdued tax collections, to improve the collections, 11.50 lakh crore as per the 85.1% of the target has has been set at 15% growth week. This is an alarming
Tuesday by infusing Rs actions urgently to achieve CBDT member Neena Ku- including nudging banks to Budget Estimates (BE),” been collated as on in direct tax collection at Rs situation which needs imme-
34,561 crore into the bank- the target for the current fi- mar wrote a letter to all the deposit Tax Deduction at said a senior official in the March 23 13.80 lakh crore. diate attention,” Kumar said
ing system in exchange for nancial year. Principal Chief Commis- Source (TDS) well before the finance ministry. “It has been seen that as in the letter.
dollars, in the dollar-rupee
swap auction. The central
bank agreed to buy back
dollars from large banks Make airport foray by buying 20% stake in GMR Airports for Rs 3,520 crore; GIC picks 15% stake Eveready promoters
Tatas land into GMR Airports
provided they agree to buy

raise pledge to half

it back at a pre-determined
price agreed by both the
parties. The banks have to
bid in the auction by quot-
ing a forward premium.
RBI bought back dollars
from banks at the average
spot rate of Rs 70 per dol-
DNA Money Correspondent
company executives said.
According to the industry GMR plans
of holdings in firm
Sumit Moitra
to form two
lar at a premium of Rs insiders, Tata Group has en- EVEREADY INDUSTRIES
7.76. The auction was so Mumbai: Salt-to-software tered the airport business as
successful that the central conglomerate Tata Group, India is one of the fastest Share price on BSE in ` 460
bank received $16.31 bil-
lion, nearly three times
the notified amount.
which has significant invest-
ments in two airlines -- Vist-
ara and AirAsia India, has
growing aviation markets
and has huge scope for in-
vestments. As per an esti-
verticals Kolkata: High debt and mut-
ed business growth have
forced the BM Khaitan group

The swap auction helps entered the airport business mate by aviation consultan- Ateeq Shaikh to raise its pledged shares of 340
infuse immediate liquidi- by acquiring 20% stake in cy firm CAPA up to $45 bil- flagship outfit Eveready In-
ty in the market instead of GMR Infrastructure’s air- lion of investment will be dustries to half of its holdings. 280
resorting to Open Market port vertical. required for airport expan- Mumbai: GMR Infrastruc- From 14.63% of total
Operations (OMOs), when GMR Infrastructure Ltd sion and construction in In- ture will soon take a deci- shares pledged a year back, 195.60 220
RBI buys government (GIL), which operates sever- dia by 2030, to keep pace with sion on demerging its com- the extent of promoters’

bonds from banks to re- al airports in the country the projected growth in air- pany into two dedicated shares pledged has touched 160
lease money into the bank- and internationally, includ- port traffic. verticals – airports and 21.97%, or half of the pro- Jan 1, 18 Mar 27, 19
ing system. The timing of
the auction will help take
ing the ones in Delhi and
Hyderabad, on Wednesday,
Devesh Agarwal, a Ben-
galuru-based aviation expert running the
Over ` power. Its other business
interests such as SEZ, min-
moters’ holdings of 43.68%
following additional pledg-
care of the huge credit de- announced a proposed in- said that except for airlines runway The deal values GMR Airports at ing and highways could be ing by Williamson Magor & low on
mand in the fourth quar- vestment of Rs 8,000 crore by all other businesses in avia- divested in next few Co, a promoter entity, as per charge
ter and also the cash ex- Tata Group, an affiliate of tion are profitable due to New capital of Rs 8,000 crore will consist of months post the demerger the disclosures made.
penses that the elections
will entail. It will also en-
GIC, Singapore’s sovereign
wealth fund and SSG
near-monopoly like situa-
tions either by govern-
`1,000cr `7,000cr Towards picking
of the two key segments.
With the proposed
After making an addition-
al share pledging of little over 21.97%
hance the forex reserves Capital Management ment or private sector. move, the company hopes 2% as disclosed on Wednes-
Shares are now pledged versus
of the country besides (SSG). The binding “So big corporate Equity infusion into up GMR Airports’ shares from GMR Infra of a turnaround in its day, the total pledge by pro-
14.63% a year ago
providing financial sup- term-sheet signed with groups like Tatas or GMR Airports and its subsidiaries by the consortium balance-sheet, if its plan moters has crossed 50% of the
port for various sectors of the investors spells out Adanis definitely see gets the Board approval. stake held by the BM Khaitan
the economy. The auction Rs 1,000 crore as equity value in airport busi- “Once it gets approved, group, which also controls leverage to below 1.75x by
will also ease the liquidity
crunch in the market pre-
infusion in GMR Airports
Ltd (GAL), while the remain-
ness,” he said.
The Adani group, which 54% The group flagship
GMR Infra and
subsidiaries will
62% Promoters will
increase their
stake to by buying
GMR Infrastructure will
demerge its holding into a
other entities like tea planta-
tion company McLeod Russel
end-FY19 (from 2.6x in first
half of FY19) will necessitate
vailing since the IL&FS ing Rs 7,000 crore is for the boasts of business interests company consisting of and engineering company a reduction in debt by Rs
crisis. The hedging cost purchase of GAL’s equity ranging from ports, real es- hold around in the back a portion of SEZ, mining, highways and McNally Bharat. 1,500 million-1,600 million by
for the importers is also shares from GIL and its sub- tate, power, and defence, has airport arm post the stake of the power businesses to anoth- High debt levels and cash March 2019, which can only
likely to fall with the auc- sidiaries. been focusing on the airport the deal consortium er GMR Infrastructure to crunch across the group have be achieved by the sale of
tion improving the domes- Tatas will own around business. Recently, Adani En- be called GMR Infrastruc- forced the promoters to ag- both assets or full repayment
tic rupee liquidity. 20% of GMR by investing Rs terprises is believed to have 21.25 9:15 am ture Ltd 2 (GIL 2),” said gressively look at selling of Inter Corporate Deposits,”
3,520 crore, GIC will pump in shown interest in buying Sushil Kumar Modi, group some of its core assets like tea the rating agency had said in
Rs 2,640 crore for a 15% stake 23.5% stakes of Bidvest and GMR Infra Intra-day share price on BSE in ` chief financial officer (stra- gardens along with non-core its last update in December.
Prev close 19.45

and SSG will chip in with Rs ACSA, two private equity Mar 27, 19 tegic finance), GMR Group. assets like idle land holdings. The high net leverage was
19.40 15:30 pm
1,760 crore for 10% in the partners of GVK Airport Ltd, Going forward, the The group, however, has partly because of the raising
ST smart company. in Mumbai airport. To keep company has plans to list some major milestones to of debt of about Rs 100 crore
The deal values GMR Air- Adani at bay, GVK, which has GMR Infrastructure Lim- achieve like selling a signifi- that was extended to group
ports at over Rs 17,700 crore the first right of refusal, in- q0.05 pts q0.26 % chg ited on the exchanges after cant stake in Eveready and companies, Icra had said.
Cyrus Mistry’s and post-deal, GIL and sub- stead acquired both its equity receiving the Board clear- reach debt settlement for Mc- While Eveready’s third

suit dismissed sidiaries will hold around partners’ stakes. ance and other regulatory Nally Bharat. quarter revenues were be-

The Bombay High Court

54% in the airport arm while
an employee welfare trust
Reliance Infrastructure
too had tried operating a few `20,000cr ` 6,500cr `2,000cr approvals.
As per the plan, its air-
Rating firm India Ratings
has already raised a red flag
low estimates of some ana-
lysts, the management has a
quashed a prosecution will hold about 2%. GIL small airports earlier during Consolidated debt of Is on GMR Infra’s Is GMR Airports’s ports business will be and has set deadlines. positive view on the core
order issued by a magis- plans to take its stake to 62% this decade though without GMR Group, of which: books housed under GMR Infra- “Ind-Ra estimates that a business of battery and
trate court last year over the next five years, the much success. structure. reduction in the company’s lighting.
against the past manag-
ing trustee of Tata

NCLT gives Jyoti Structures to Sanghi Bank credit grows 14.4%, ‘Currency as
Trusts R Venkatara-
manan in a defamation
case filed by the
Shapoorji Pallonji
group. In October 2018, deposits 10%: RBI data percentage of
the magistrate’s court
at Ballard Pier had is-
sued the process of
Mumbai: National Compa-
ny Law Tribunal (NCLT) on
Wednesday approved the
vised plan, he will pay Rs 147
crore to workmen, Rs 11
crore statutory dues will be
53.77 crore claim on the com-
pany, is peeved by the fact
that the amended plan does
Mumbai: Bank credit grew GDP declines’
14.46% to Rs 95.53 lakh crore,
grew 7.6% in January as
against a growth of 9.4% in
summoning Venkatara- amended resolution plan for paid immediately and the not distinguish between the while deposits growth the year-ago month. New Delhi: Currency in cir-
manan after the Jyoti Structures by Sharad rest Rs 115 crore will be paid first charge-holder and the touched double-digits at Loans to the services sec- culation as a percentage of
Shapoorji Pallonji Sanghi of Netmagic that has to operational creditors over second charge-holder. 10.03% to Rs 122.26 lakh crore tor expanded at a healthy gross domestic product
group filed a criminal now offered to pay Rs 3,965 a period of seven years, the Last week the NCLAT had in the fortnight to March 15, 23.9%, much higher than (GDP) has declined by over 1
defamation case against crore in 12 years to the lend- tribunal was informed. set aside a Mumbai bench’s shows Reserve Bank of India 13.2% registered in January percentage point to 10.48% in
him. In the complaint, ers and other creditors. Sanghi on Monday sub- July 31, 2018 order to liqui- (RBI) data. 2018, while personal loans the two years after demoneti-
the Shapoorji Pallonji The decision follows an mitted a revised bid follow- date Jyoti Structures, and In the year-ago fortnight, lost the momentum with a sation, a finance ministry
group, which owns order by the appellate tribu- ing an order by National sent the matter back to the advances were at Rs 83.46 lakh 16.9% growth in January as official said.
18.6% in the Tata group, nal last week. Surprisingly, India in June 2017. Company Law Appellate Tri- Mumbai bench to reconsider crore and deposits at Rs 111.11 against a 20% spike in de- The government had de-
had alleged that Venkat- on Tuesday, the Mumbai Under the amended bid, bunal (NCLAT) last week. the resolution plan submit- lakh crore. In the previous mand a year ago. monetised currency notes of
aramanan had made bench of the NCLT had ad- the sole bidder Sanghi, who However, DBS Bank, ted by Sanghi. fortnight ending March 1, de- Industrial credit jumped 500 and 1000 denominations
some comments in a journed the case to April 26 is the managing director and which is the first charge- The Mumbai bench had posits grew 9.81% to Rs 122.30 six-fold to 5.2% in January on November 8, 2016, to
press note which were for a final view. chief executive of data cen- holder in the case, had Tues- on July 31,2018 rejected lakh crore and credit rose from 1.1% in the year-ago pe- check black money.
false and defamatory to Jyoti Structures, which tre company Netmagic, told day opposed the NCLT move Sanghi’s bid and ordered the 14.55% to Rs 95.29 lakh crore. riod. Credit growth to infra- “In terms of GDP, notes in
the group. owes Rs 7,010.55 crore and NCLT that he will pay Rs to accept Sanghi’s amended liquidation of the company. Non-food credit rose 13.1% structure, chemicals and circulation declined from
unpaid interest to the lend- 3,965 crore in 12 years against resolution plan and had de- On March 26 and 27, 2018, in January 2019 compared to chemical products, engineer- 11.55% as on November 8,
Govt exempted ers, is among the first 12 the original bid of 15 years to cided to challenge the same Sanghi’s resolution plan a 9.5% growth in the same ing, food processing and pe- 2016, to 10.48% as on Novem-
from PNB offer large accounts referred to the lenders. in the Supreme Court. was voted by 62.66% of month last year. Credit to ag- troleum, coal and nuclear ber 8, 2018, reflecting that it
The Securities and Ex- NCLTs by Reserve Bank of Further, under the re- DBS Bank, which has a Rs lenders. —PTI riculture and allied sectors fuels accelerated. —PTI has actually contributed in
change Board of India reducing the currency in cir-
(Sebi) exempted the gov- culation,” the official said.
ernment from making This reflects a decline of 1
an open offer for the Incoming BSNL expects Rs 2,900 crore from stuck government projects and Rs 3,500 crore soft loan percentage point or 100 basis
shareholders of Punjab points.

Salary delay scare puts BSNL revival on fast-track

National Bank (PNB) Post the note ban, Rs 15.31
but directed reduction lakh crore worth of demon-
in non-public share- etised notes were deposited
holding in the lender in banks within a stipulated
post capital infusion. In time. This was 99.3% of the
February, PNB filed an Mansi Taneja reached a point where meet- for insolvency. this, it would need approval Rs 15.41 lakh crore worth of
application on behalf of ings are being held every day, On Speed-dial “The delay in salaries for of Digital Communications Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes in
the central government including Saturdays and February (paid in mid- Commission (DCC), earlier circulation on November 8,
„„Meetings are being
seeking exemption from New Delhi: The woes of ail- Sundays, according to offi- March) for its 1.76 lakh em- Telecom Commission, the 2016.
held every day
open offer requirement ing state-run telecom BSNL cials from DoT and BSNL. ployees has come like a boon. highest telecom policy-mak- One of the objectives of
under takeover regula- may ease by June. The delay in salaries, „„Preparations for a The focus is back on revival ing body of the DoT. demonetisation was to re-
tions. After capital infu- Various factors are at play which happened for the first Cabinet note for approval plan for BSNL which was ly- Telecom department sec- duce cash-economy and en-
sion in lieu of preferen- to bring back the public sec- time at BSNL, could be a of VRS have started ing low since long. And im- retary Aruna Sundararajan courage digital modes of
tial allotment of over tor undertaking (PSU) to a blessing in disguise for the pending elections has along with senior officials payment.
80.2 crore shares, the sustainable level. Hectic dis- telecom firm. „„Other delayed proposals brought it under the lime- are meeting BSNL manage- The notes in circulation
government’s stake in cussions are underway be- BSNL is expecting a pay- may see the light of the day light,” the official said. ment every day to resolve the had recorded an average
the bank would rise tween senior officials of De- ment of about Rs 2,900 crore The preparations for a issues at the earliest. growth rate of 14.51% year
by 5.19% to 75.41%. partment of Telecommunica- from stuck government pro- Cabinet note for approval of The VRS proposal of on year from October 2014 to
As per Sebi norms, enti- tions (DoT) and BSNL since jects in April and May, along er will enable BSNL to tide Apart from this, around voluntary retirement scheme around Rs 6,500 crore, criti- October 2016.
ties are required to the salary scare incident ear- with revenue accruals from through the storm for the Rs 700 crore needs to be re- (VRS) have already started, cal to long-term survival of As on November 4, 2016,
make an open offer in lier this month when the PSU enterprise business at next three-four months, a covered from Reliance Com- though an approval can only BSNL, has been pending notes in circulation were Rs
case their shareholding delayed the payment of dues around Rs 500 crore and a senior BSNL official told munications, which has come after the new govern- since 2011. BSNL’s employee 17.74 lakh crore, which in-
goes beyond a certain for February to its employees. soft loan of around Rs 3,500 DNA Money on the condi- knocked the doors of Nation- ment takes over after the base of 1.76 lakh is a huge creased to Rs 21.22 lakh crore
threshold. The level of talks has crore. All of these put togeth- tion of anonymity. al Company Law Tribunal General Elections. Prior to liability. as on March 22, 2019. —PTI
c mpanies I I I
Ahmedabad I Thursday, March 28, 2019 I daily news & analysis

OYO Hotels
acquires Chinese Investors lap up DLF QIP issue NTPC to raise
$450mn cr via
MTN issue
Street rival Qianyu Issue was subscribed over two times enabling the company to raise Rs 3,200 crore New Delhi: State-run power
giant NTPC on Wednesday
As part of its bid to grab a larger share of the

` 2.5K cr `7.2K cr `193

New Delhi: Realty major In August 2017, the pro- said it launched on Tuesday
Chinese hospitality market, budget hotels chain OYO DLF’s QIP issue has been moters had sold the entire a medium-term notes (MTN
Hotels has reportedly acquired Chinese rival Qianyu. subscribed over two times, 40% stake in rental arm DLF or bond) issue to raise $450
According to a report, OYO’s first acquisition in enabling the company to Cyber City Developers Ltd million (approx Rs 3,105
China was completed last week. It said the raise around Rs 3,200 crore. (DCCDL) for Rs 11,900 crore crore), which is a part of its
acquisition would help OYO accelerate its expansion strong Further fund infusion from promoters Total debt of the company as on QIP’s floor price
On Monday, DLF, the appetite and infused bulk of this $6 billion (approx Rs 41,400
in the country and gain local talent and expertise. country’s largest real estate against the issue of warrants December 31, 2018 per equity share amount in the company to crore) MTN programme.
OYO has been betting big on the China market and firm in market value, had cut net debt. The MTNs are also known
announced its plans to invest $600 million in the launched its qualified insti- and further infusion of Rs This deal included the as bonds in the overseas mar-
country in September 2018. Last month, it reportedly DLF
tutional placement (QIP) of- Share price on BSE in ` 2,500 crore from promoters sale of 33.34% stake in DC- kets. The issue would close
raised $100 million from China’s ride-hailing giant fering up to 17.3 crore shares 285 against the issue of war- CDL to Singapore’s sover- on April 3. The funds raised
Didi Chuxing, according to DealStreetAsia. to investors. rants would help the com- eign wealth fund GIC for Rs through this issue will be
256.70 255
According to market pany significantly reduce 8,900 crore and buyback of used for capital expenditure
sources, the DLF’s QIP offer the debt that stood at around remaining shares worth Rs by the company.
Samara buys 65% Unitus bets on has been over-subscribed by 225 Rs 7,200 crore as on Decem- 3,000 crore by DCCDL. “NTPC Ltd has launched
in Nature’s Essence New Street Tech two times at a price of 190.50 195 ber 31, 2018. The deal concluded in De- and priced an issue of 3.75%
around Rs 183-184 apiece. DLF promoters K P Singh cember 2017. As a result, of $450,000,000 notes due 2024
Samara Capital has New Street Technologies Major institutional inves- and family have already in- DLF stake in DCCDL in- on March 26, 2019,” NTPC
acquired Nature’s Pvt Ltd, which builds and tors who have participated 165 fused Rs 9,000 crore in the creased to 66.66% stake from said in a statement.
Essence Pvt Ltd, a maker operates blockchain- in QIP offer are Oppenhe- company and would pump in 60%, while GIC has a bal- According to the state-
and seller of cosmetics enabled platforms for imer, UBS, HSBC, Marshall 135 Rs 2,250 crore more. ance of 33.34% stake in the ment, the notes carry a cou-
and hair care products, institutional clients, has & Wace, Myriad, Key Square, Jan 1, 18 Mar 27, 19 The company made a joint venture firm. pon (rate) of 3.75% per an-
for Rs 200 crore. The PE raised Rs 13.8 crore in a Goldman Sachs, Indus, East- preferential allotment of In the third quarter of the num payable semi-annually.
firm has picked up a 65% seed funding round led by bridge, Tata Mutual Fund DLF launched its QIP on through an institutional compulsorily convertible de- current financial year, DLF The notes are expected to be
stake in Nature’s Essence impact investment firm and HDFC Mutual Fund, Monday at a floor price of Rs placement programme. bentures (CCDs) and war- had reported a 92% slump in settled by April 3, 2019.
at an enterprise Unitus Ventures. New they added. 193.01 per equity share but The DLF’s QIP comes rants to the promoters its consolidated net profit The notes will mature on
valuation of around Rs Street said it would use The QIP issue will close said it might offer a discount close in the heels of the suc- against the infusion of compared to the year-ago pe- April 3, 2024, and all princi-
300 crore. The company the fresh capital to expand on Friday with the allotment of up to 5% on the floor cessful launch of India’s funds. riod. It’s profit stood at Rs pal and interest payments
plans to use the capital its business to other of shares to institutional in- price. first Real Estate Investment As infusion of the fund by 335.15 crore on December 31, will be made in US Dollars.
raised through the deal geographies. It claims to vestors. This is the third major Trust (Reit), launched by promoters will lead to an in- 2018 as compared to Rs The notes represent direct,
for marketing, deliver credit on behalf of With an aim to become a fundraising from DLF. In Blackstone and Embassy crease in their sharehold- 4,091.27 in December 2017. unconditional and unse-
distribution, and a its clients to thousands of debt-free company, DLF had 2007, DLF raised about Rs Group, to raise Rs 4,750 ings beyond permissible Shares of the real estate cured obligations of NTPC
consolidation of its their customers via quick last year announced plans to 9,200 crore through an ini- crore. limit of 75%, the company company ended 3.10% lower and will rank pari passu
group entities, according integration with existing issue shares through QIP to tial public offering (IPO). In DLF’s group chief finan- planned QIP to maintain of the National Stock ex- among themselves and all
to DealStreetAsia. systems, as per VCCircle. raise funds and pre-pay 2013, the company had cial officer Ashok Tyagi re- minimum public sharehold- change to close at Rs 190.45 other unsecured obligations
loans. raised nearly Rs 1,900 crore cently said the QIP proceeds ing of 25% in a listed entity. apiece on Wednesday. —PTI of NTPC, it said. —PTI

In brief Now, invest in

ELSS through
Vedanta discovers oil in KG
Share price on BSE in `
PhonePe app
DNA Money Correspondent
block, apprises regulator
655 New Delhi: Mining baron block in the 8th round of
Anil Agarwal-led Vedanta New Exploration Licensing
564.85 Mumbai: Mobile payment Ltd on Wednesday an- Policy (NELP).
535 app, PhonePe, is offering tax- nounced an oil discovery in It had committed to drill

Jan 1, 18 Mar 27, 19

475 Tractor sales set for double-digit saving solution for its custom-
ers. Using the app, customers
its Krishna Godavari basin
block in the Bay of Bengal.
six exploratory wells on the
block. These were expanda-
growth on central, state govt policies can invest in equity linked The block previously had ble to 10.
Axis Bank may Higher availability of financing, better on-year farm profitability for major kharif crops, scarcity
savings schemes (ELSS) with-
in a few minutes. Hemant
a gas discovery in the very
first well drilled.
The KG basin is a proven
basin where there have been
raise funds of farm labour will support tractor demand at a pan-India level in fiscal 2020, said a Crisil report Gala, head payments, bank-
ing and financial services at
In a statement, Vedanta
said, “it has notified the Di-
many hydrocarbon discov-
Private sector Axis
Bank said it will
consider raising funds
10-12% - Jump in
domestic tractor sales seen
1-3% - Proper
implementation of
34% - Increase in sales
witnessed by Uttar Pradesh
PhonePE said, “We want to
focus on simplicity, ease of ac-
rectorate General of Hydro-
carbons and Ministry of Explorations
The company acquired
around 1,000 square kilome-
cess and education of the cus- Petroleum and Natural Gas Galore tre of 3D seismic data based
in Indian as well as this fiscal state and central tomer. We not only enable a of an oil discovery in the on which it drilled two wells.
foreign currency by government schemes

6-8% 100%
customer to invest in ELSS second exploratory well H2, KG-OSN-2009/3 offshore
issuing debt can add to sales funds in a seamless and con- located in the block KG- block in the Bay of Bengal
- Growth in tractor

instruments at its two- venient manner, we also edu- OSN-2009/3, Krishna-Goda- was originally spread over
day board meeting sales expected in 2019-20 Participating interest in the block
- Push to the cate them about tax-saving vari Basin, East Coast of in an area of about 1,988 sq
is held by Vedanta
beginning April 25. The funds and why one may not India”. km which was later reduced
industry came after loan
board will also approve need to invest the entire limit The mining company to 1,298 sq km due to exclu-

- Growth in sales waivers by Uttar Pradesh - Surge in tractor
the audited financial could be aided by normal and Maharashtra of Rs 1.5 lakh. One may have holds 100% participating in- sion of area within firing
results for the January- sales in Maharashtra provident fund deductions or terest in the block. range.
monsoon governments
March quarter and the home loan repayments.’’ “Multiple reservoir zones Exploratory wells Vedanta had It is located in the shal-
full fiscal 2018-19 which were encountered in the committed to drill on the block. low waters of the Indian
ends on March 31, Axis These were expandable to 10

Tata Power arms get MERC nod for PPA

well H2 within the Mesozoic Ocean along the East coast
Bank said. sequence between the of India, approximately 1.5
depths of 3,310 metre to said. km from the Indian coast-
KoPT plans 4,026 metre with hydrocar- The first exploration well line.
Balagarh terminal bon indications during drill- A3-2 drilled in the block was Earlier this month, the
Kolkata Port Trust is New Delhi: Tata Power said chase agreement (PPA) with ness for Tata consumers in tive power meeting the needs ing and downhole logging,” a gas discovery. government announced that
planning to set up a the Maharashtra Electricity its generation arm for 700 mw Mumbai, the Commission, of their consumers,” Tata it said. “Evaluations are ongoing it had selected 14 companies
barge terminal at Regulatory Commission to be supplied from its Trom- in its order on Tuesday, ap- Power CEO and managing The zone from 3,403 metre based on the results of the for awarding 23 oil and gas
Balagarh in West (MERC) has approved 700 mw bay thermal and hydro proved the arrangement, director Praveer Sinha said to 3,431 metre was tested first well A3-2 and the sec- blocks under the second
Bengal’s Hooghly power purchase agreement plants for a period of five it said. in the statement. through conventional well ond well H2 to finalise the round of bidding for rights
district, a top KoPT between the company’s distri- years from April 1, 2019, “Tata Power has been The process of power tie- testing (drill stem test) and forward programme,” it to develop discovered small
official said Wednesday. bution and generation busi- to March 31, 2024, a com- serving the city of up was undertaken by the flowed oil to the surface. added. fields (DSF).
The cost of the project ness arms for the next five pany statement said. Mumbai for over a cen- distribution business for its “Further appraisal will Cairn India, the company Vedanta, along with
would be Rs 300 crore years. MERC has allowed the After the due diligence for tury and continues to be consumers for a period of be required to establish the Vedanta bought and merged ONGC and Indian Oil (IOC),
and the work would distribution business of Tata ensuring the reliability of committed to supplying the five years starting April 1, size and commerciality of with itself, had in June 2010 was among the 14 winning
start by the end of Power to have a power pur- supply and cost competitive- most reliable and competi- 2019. —PTI the oil discovery,” Vedanta won the KG-OSN-2009/3 firms. —PTI
September when the

To await Essar Steel CoC

port would go for
bidding, he said.
NCL meets FY19 Larsen makes heaviest hydrocracker N A Soonawala
steps down as
production target
Coal India Ltd
meet outcome: NCLAT New Delhi: Infrastructure
giant Larsen & Toubro meeting deadline
coastal manufacturing facil-
ity located at Hazira in Guja- trustee of
subsidiary Northern
New Delhi: The lenders of Essar Steel would come by (L&T) on Wednesday said it rat, the company said.
Coalfields Ltd (NCL) has
achieved the 100-million-
Essar Steel on Wednesday
informed the National Com-
Friday, following which it
adjourned the matter to
has dispatched the country’s
heaviest hydrocracker,
„„L&T at present is also
manufacturing several
hydrocracker reactors,
S Raja, executive director,
HPCL, said, “We are proud to
Tata Trusts
tonne production
pany Law Appellate Tribu- April 9 for the next hearing. weighing 1,858 tonne, ahead have been associated with
milestone, which also weighing more than
nal (NCLAT) that meeting of “We have to see the out- of schedule to HPCL for its L&T and would like to con- Mumbai: Tata Trusts on
happens to be the target 2,000 tonne
the Committee of Creditors come of the Committee of Visakh refinery. gratulate them for establish- Wednesday said group vet-
for the current fiscal
of the debt-ridden firm is Creditors (CoC) meeting,” L&T at present is also „„The reactor ing a benchmark in manu- eran NA Soonawala has
2018-19, a company
going on over the distri- said a two-member manufacturing several hy- weighing 1,858 tonne is facturing India’s heaviest stepped down from the trus-
official said. NCL is also
bution of Rs 42,000 NCLAT bench headed drocracker reactors, weigh- manufactured for HPCL hydrocracker reactor, weigh- teeship of the Sir Dorabji
expected to meet its
crore coming from the by chairman Justice S J ing more than 2,000 tonne, ing 1,858 tonne. YS Trivedi, Tata Trusts and the Sir Ra-
dispatch targets for the
resolution plan of global Mukhopadhaya. which on completion will set senior vice-president and tan Tata Trusts due to health
steel major ArcelorMittal. The NCLAT had on the international bench- Toubro (L&T), has completed Corporation Ltd’s (HPCL) head of L&T Heavy Engi- and advancing age.
Enfield launches The appellate tribunal March 20 asked the resolu- mark, the company said in a and flagged off India’s heavi- Visakh Refinery Modernisa- neering, said, “This is a Tata Trusts, one of the
Bullet Trials was informed that a decision tion professional of Essar statement. est hydrocracker reactor tion Project. benchmark achievement and country’s largest and oldest
by CoC on whether Stan- Steel to call for a fresh meet- “Achieving another mile- ahead of schedule,” it said. The reactor will sail di- we are proud to have been charitable organisations, is
Niche bike maker Royal Chart, an unsecured finan- ing of its CoC to reconsider stone project in the engineer- The reactor weighing rectly to Visakhapatnam chosen by HPCL to deliver a string of non-profits and
Enfield said it has cial creditor, should get a distribution of Rs 42,000 ing world, the heavy engi- 1,858 tonne is manufactured from Larsen & Toubro’s fully India’s heaviest hydrocrack- owns 66% in the diversified
launched all new Bullet higher payout for its dues to crore fund. —PTI neering business of Larsen & for Hindustan Petroleum integrated state-of-the-art er reactor.” —PTI conglomerate Tata Sons and
Trials Works Replica is fighting a litigation with
range in India. The the tax department for alleg-
Bullet Trials 500 is
priced at Rs 2.07 lakh, touching milestone Adani Ports and SEZ aims to double its cargo handling to 400 million tonne by 2025 edly over-paying its past
chief executive R Venkatra-
while Bullet Trials 350 manan.

Adani first port to handle 200 million tonne cargo

is tagged at Rs 1.62 lakh The 83-year-old Soonawa-
(ex-showroom). The la, who has served at various
Bullet Trials 500 is positions in the Tata group
powered by 498cc including as the vice-chair-
engine, while the Bullet New Delhi: Adani Port and ciency and enhanced asset western hinterland, modern “The focus for the imme- man of Tata Sons and as a
Trials 350 is powered by Special Economic Zone utilisation. Robust capacity port infrastructure and diate future is to reduce the close confidante of the group
a 348cc powertrain. (APSEZ) on Wednesday addition at our leading ports equipment, zero waiting time turnaround time, drive up patriarch Ratan Tata, has
claimed that it has become the such as Dhamra and Mundra for ships, faster turn-around volumes without adding re- “expressed his desire to re-
Moody’s rates first Indian port operator to as well as deepening pres- time and competitive rates sources and increase in- tire from these trusts due to
PFC, REC stable handle cargo movement of 200 ence closer the hinterland contributed to this phenom- transit visibility utilisation his health and advanced age,”
Rating agency Moody’s million tonne (mt) in 2018-19. with new facilities such as enal growth of Adani Ports. by eliminating unproduc- an official statement said.
confirmed Baa3 ratings APSEZ, part of Gautam Ennore and Kattupalli “This achievement also tive trips among other ben- Ratan Tata expressed his
and retained stable Adani-led Adani Group had played a critical role in this reinstates the massive con- efits. The sweetest part of “personal thanks to Soon-
outlook of Power recorded 100 mt cargo in journey,” said Karan Adani, tribution of the ports sectors the deal is for our customers awala for his colleagueship
Finance Corporation 2013-14. CEO, APSEZ. to India’s economic transfor- who get real-time status of over the years and wished
(PFC) and REC Ltd on On March 21, leading pri- He added that focus on mation,” said Karan Adani operations from the comfort him good health in the years
expectation the deal vate port operator APSEZ, adding value as an integrat- adding that collectively the of their locations,” added ahead”, the statement added.
between the two recorded cargo movement of ed logistics player and coast- company has generated over Adani. “The trustees acknowl-
companies will conclude more than 200 mt, APSEZ al shipping of coal further ira, Dhamra, Dahej and the Port remains the crown jew- 100,000 jobs, educated over APSEZ, a part of globally- edge the significant contri-
soon. Last week, PFC said in a statement. bolstered the process. newest one at Kattupalli. el, but the feat of handling 25,000 students and touched diversified Adani Group, is bution Soonawala has made
had said it will acquire “Our projections were to The company said it devel- Terminals were developed 200 mt cargo has not been over 200,000 lives. the largest port developer and as a trustee and to the group
the entire 52.63% shares reach this milestone by 2020 oped Mundra Port first but within major ports of the achieved by one port alone. Going forward, APSEZ operator in India. APSEZ’s 10 over the years and respect
of the government in but we could achieve it ahead later on there were additions country at Ennore, Kandla, The company said proxim- aims to double its cargo han- ports and terminals repre- his desire to step down from
REC for Rs 14,500 crore of schedule courtesy the to the portfolio. Non-major Goa and Vizag from 2005 to ity and rail/road connectivi- dling to 400 mt by 2025, the sent 24% of the country’s to- the trusts,” the statement
by the month-end. tech-driven operational effi- ports were developed at Haz- 2018, it said adding Mundra ty to the vast and rich north- company said. tal port capacity. —PTI read. —PTI

GOLF Former champions Anirban La- Football Bayern Munich defender

hiri (in pic) and SSP Chawrasia along with Mats Hummels (in pic) says he does not bear a
Shubhankar Sharma go into the 55th Indian grudge over Germany coach Joachim Loew’s deci-
Open starting in Gurgaon on Thursday as sion to axe him and teammates Thomas Mueller
the leading home contenders and Jerome Boateng
CRICKET KSCA and RCB will be inviting 60 jawans of Indian Army for each of the seven IPL games in Bengaluru 10

Russell does it again as KKR outplay KXIP

I doubted my own
character: Rahul
KL Rahul said he doubt-
ed his own character as
he reflected on the
Big-hitting Caribbean benefits from Punjab’s mistake to smash 17-ball 48 and steer Knights to 28-run win; Uthappa, Rana hit fifties
storm triggered by his
and Hardik Pandya’s ORANGE CAP
sexist comments on a Nitish Rana (KKR)
TV show. “ was hard
as I am not used to peo-
ple disliking me. For the 131 runs
first one week or 10
days, I couldn’t help but
doubt myself, doubt my
own character. The
Match No. 6 Rishabh Pant (DC) 
Robin Uthappa (KKR) 
hardest thing was to Kolkata: Andre Russell’s
know whether actually second consecutive blistering PURPLE CAP
you are a bad person, knock made all the difference Imran Tahir (CSK)
when so much has been as Kolkata Knight Riders
written about you,” Ra-
hul told ‘India Today’. It
was a time when Rahul
beat Kings XI Punjab by 28
runs in their IPL match here
on Wednesday.
4 wickets
briefly cut himself off Russell, who hit a sensa- KKR top-scorer Robin Uthappa in action against KXIP on Wednesday —BCCI
Dwayne Bravo (CSK) 4
socially as he was tional 19-ball 49 against
“scared to face” uncom- Sunrisers Hyderabad in The much-anticipated SIXOMETER Andre Russell (CSK) 4
fortable questions from KKR’s previous match, contest between two big-

0 7 9
outsiders. bludgeoned his way to a 17- hitting Jamaicans from the
ball 48 to propel the home rival teams, however, ended SCOREBOARD
‘Dhawan has to side to a massive 218/4 after in a damp squib with Rus- Kolkata Knight Riders
step up in PP’ being sent into bat. He later sell winning hands down vs Kings XI Punjab
Shikhar Dhawan has to took two wickets for 21 runs against his much senior Match No. 6, Venue: Eden Gardens, Kolkata
up the ante in the Power to help KKR restrict KXIP to compatriot Chris Gayle. Toss: KXIP, bowl first
Play overs as it will not 190 for 4 and emerge as the The ‘Universe Boss’ Gay- HOW THEY STAND
be possible for Rishabh undisputed star of the le was out in the fifth over of Kolkata Knight Riders R B 4/6 SR
Pant to be the swash- match. the KXIP run chase with a TEAM M W L T P NRR
C Lynn c Miller b Shami 10 10 2/0 100.00
buckler everyday, feels When on three, Russell small contribution of 20 off KKR 2 2 0 0 4 0.834
S Narine c Rahul b Viljoen 24 9 1/3 266.66
Delhi Capitals coach was yorked by Mohammed 13 deliveries. The Punjab CSK 2 2 0 0 4 0.495 R Uthappa (not out) 67 50 6/2 134.00
Ricky Ponting. Asked if Shami off the last delivery side were in deep trouble
he would have liked Dha- of the 17th over but to the early on as Lokesh Rahul (1) DC 2 1 1 0 2 0.782 N Rana c Agarwal b Varun 63 34 2/7 185.29
wan to accelerate, Pont- horror of KXIP, the umpire was also out cheaply before KXIP 2 1 1 0 2 -0.350 A Russell c Agarwal b Tye 48 17 3/5 282.35
ing replied, “Ideally, yes signalled a no-ball as the Gayle in the second over. SRH 1 0 1 0 0 -0.255 D Karthik (not out) 1 1 0/0 100.00
you’d like that. But it ob- visiting team was found to It was left to Mayank Extras (LB1, W3, NB1) 5
viously wasn’t an easy have one fielder short of the Agarwal and David Miller RCB 1 0 1 0 0 -0.519
Total (for 4 wkts, 20 overs) 218 (10.9 runs per over)
wicket either for anyone mandatory four inside the to bring back KXIP into the RR 1 0 1 0 0 -0.700 Fall of wickets: 1-34 (Lynn, 2.4 ov), 2-36 (Narine, 3.3 ov),
to go in and strike, espe- 30-yard circle. game. The duo did well, MI 1 0 1 0 0 -1.850 3-146 (Rana, 14.3 ov), 4-213 (Russell, 19.4 ov)
cially at the end of the The 30-year-old Russell raising 50 runs in 4.9 overs Bowling: Md Shami 4-0-44-1 (NB1), C Varun 3-0-35-1, G
Power Play.” Dhawan’s made full use of the re- and stealing 19 runs from with the umpires after KXIP Viljoen 4-0-36-1 (W2), A Tye 4-0-37-1, R Ashwin 4-0-47-0,
strike-rate has been less prieve as he hammered five the 12th over bowled by were awarded five runs M Singh 1-0-18-0
than 115, which is con- sixes and three fours from Sunil Narine. from an overthrow.
sidered poor in T20 for- the next 11 balls he faced to But soon they found the Earlier, playing his first Kings XI Punjab (Tgt: 219) R B 4/6 SR
mat as his scores of 43 send the Eden Gardens target to be too stiff and by match after the ‘Mankad-
off 36 balls (MI) and 51 crowd berserk. He was dis- KL Rahul c Yadav b Ferguson 1 5 0/0 20.00
the end of the 15th over, the ing’ controversy, Kings XI
off 47 balls (CSK) would missed in the final over. asking had risen to 17.2 skipper Ravichandran Ash- C Gayle c Krishna b Russell 20 13 2/2 153.84
indicate. KKR made 56 runs in 19 runs an over. Agarwal was win found the going tough M Agarwal b Chawla 58 34 6/1 170.58
balls after the no-ball inci- out in the 16th over for 53 after he opted to bowl with S Khan c Karthik b Russell 13 13 2/0 100.00
Yardley loses fight dent to score their highest off 34 deliveries while Mill- Sunil Narine unleashing D Miller (not out) 59 40 5/3 147.50
with cancer IPL total at Eden Gardens. er stayed unbeaten for a 40- the fury early on with a M Singh (not out) 33 15 4/1 220.00
Bruce Yardley, who The KKR innings was ball 59 not out with the help nine-ball 24. Extras (LB1, W5) 6
played Tests for Austral- lashed with 17 sixes. of five fours and three sixes Rana, who struck his
Total (for 4 wkts, 20 overs) 190 (9.5 runs per over)
ia and coached Sri Lan- Russell, though, was not as KXIP fell short by 28 runs consecutive half century,
ka’s national team, has the top-scorer for KKR. Rob- in the end. Fall of wickets: 1-11 (Rahul, 1.4 ov), 2-37 (Gayle, 4.2 ov),
took Ashwin to task, hitting
died after a long strug- in Uthappa took that hon- There was also some dra- 3-60 (Khan, 7.3 ov), 4-134 (Agarwal, 15.2 ov)
the India off-spinner for two
gle with cancer. He was our, remaining not out on 67 ma in store in the sixth over sixes and continued his as- Bowling: MP Krishna 4-0-42-0 (W1), L Ferguson 4-0-42-1
71. Yardley died off 50 balls while Nitish when the game was halted sault on Mandeep Singh in (W2), A Russell 3-0-21-2, K Yadav 4-0-32-0 (W2), S Narine
Wednesday in a hospital Rana was the one who set for a while with KKR skip- the next over with succes- 2-0-26-0, P Chawla 3-0-26-1
in Western Australia. the Eden Gardens on fire per Dinesh Karthik and sive sixes. Such was Rana’s Result: KKR win by 28 runs
He played 33 Tests, KKR’s Prasidh Krishna (front) avoids clashing with Sunil Narine as he manages to hold on to the catch to dismiss before Russell came out Robin Uthappa engaging in fury that his next 41 runs
starting in 1978 during KXIP’s Chris Gayle in the IPL at Eden Gardens in Kolkata on Wednesday —PTI with a 34-ball 63. an animated discussion came off just 13 balls. —PTI Man of the match: Andre Russell
the split in Australian
cricket amid the World
Series era, after con-
verting from a medium-
pacer to off-spin bowl- Hot contest in offing as Kohli faces Bumrah Ishant, Rabada antics
fire up gritty Watson
ing. Aided by his unusu-
Match No. 7

al grip of the ball, Yard-

ley took 126 Test wick-
ets, a long-time record
for Australian off-spin- Bengaluru: With Jasprit Match No. 7, M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bengaluru
ners. He also scored 978 Bumrah “ready and roaring” Live On Star Sports 1, 2, 1 Hindi
runs, including four after an injury scare, Mum-
half centuries. One of bai Indians would fancy their IN SEARCH OF SEASON’S FIRST WIN
those, off 29 balls chances against an erratic RCB: The batting firepower MI: The team is boosted
against the West Indies Royal Challengers Bangalore the RCB has needs to Team by the news of Jasprit
in 1978, was the Austral- when the two star-studded come good collectively if News Bumrah doing fine in his
ian record for 38 years teams square off in the IPL they are to keep MI at bay. drills after his shoulder
as the fastest Test 50. here on Thursday. RCB will hope to put first injury sustained in first match.
The big sub-plot of the points on the board Another major boost is the ar-
contest would be the world’s in their first home rival of Lasith Malinga
on the tube best ODI batsman – Virat game this season on Wednesday
Kohli – taking guard against
(All Live) the world’s best ODI bowler AB de Villiers Key Mitchell
BASKETBALL – Bumrah – in a format noto- contest McClenaghan
Sony Ten 1 rious for its unpredictability.
Bumrah’s shoulder injury ‘Mr 360’ from South Africa has played many a memorable knock
05:30 & 08:00 NBA at what he calls his ‘second home’. How he tackles the wily New
was a cause of concern for DC’s Ishant Sharma (C) argues with CSK’s Shane Watson during the IPL
TENNIS the Rohit Sharma-led Mum- (L-R) MI’s director of cricket operations Zaheer Khan and pacer Jasprit Zealand left-arm pacer will make for an interesting contest game in New Delhi on Tuesday —AFP
Sony ESPN bai but India’s premier pacer Bumrah with RCB captain Virat Kohli during practice in Bengaluru
seems to have recovered in Head to head: Played: 23, RCB: 9, MI: 14 Chander Shekhar Luthra It is no secret that Watson
06:30 & 00:30 (Fri) Miami
time to be back in the fold. Yuvraj Singh will also be gets fired up under such in-
Both teams will be eager to in focus after the 37-year-old
We’ve spoken Pitch Report: Usually a Weather Report: Tempera- stance. He clearly got into the
BADMINTON register their first win of this started the season on a classy about how to try batting friendly ture will be in the late New Delhi: The Indian Pre- zone he needed and punished
Star Sports 2, 3 year’s IPL and the onus will note hitting a sublime half- and get AB out. with ball nicely 20s, not making it mier League has had its the hosts’ bowling attack in
14:00 India Open be on Kohli and Sharma. Both century against Delhi Capi-
Hopefully that comes off coming on to bat easy for the players share of controversies over even more intense manner.
of them failed with the bat in tals. While Mitchell McClena- the years. As the ‘Mankad- A few overs later, it was the
Punter Point: Watchability quotient

CRICKET their respective opening ghan will be eager to face the or otherwise we hope ing’ debate is still going on, turn of Proteas speedster
RCB 10/11, (1-3: Forget it; 4-7: If there is
Star Sports 1, 2, 1 Hindi matches. Mumbai will also be challenge of bowling to Koh- that he makes mistakes. MI 10/11 nothing else to watch; 8 and this year’s IPL saw another Rabada to get involved in an-
20:00 IPL, RCB vs MI boosted by the availability of li, AB De Villers and Shimron above: try not to miss it) issue during the Delhi Capi- other animated conversation
Sri Lankan Lasith Malinga. Hetmyer. —PTI Quinton de Kock, MI ’keeper tals-Chennai Super Kings with Watson. Rabada seemed
here on Tuesday. to have accused Watson of

Don’t think cricket is my next sport, says Phelps

The issue involved CSK running on the danger area as
opening batsman Shane Wat- he was standing right in the
son of Australia and Delhi centre. Rabada sarcastically
Capitals pacers Kagiso Raba- even clapped at this to break
da of South Africa and In- Watson’s concentration.
New Delhi: Learning to hold 33-year-old was quoted as say- be better prepared to play see him today. dia’s own Ishant Sharma. Both of them again clashed
the bat was fun and so was ing in a media release. cricket when I visit India “Michael Phelps is a name It all started with Sharma as the game progressed but it
watching balls flying for six- Speaking on meeting the next,” he said. that is synonymous with breaking into wild celebra- was umpire Marais Erasmus,
es but American swimming cricketers and watching DC Pant shared some lighter Olympics, and there are two tions after getting an early who stepped in to take Raba-
great Michael Phelps says match against CSK on Tues- moments with Phelps. Asked Olympians who have become wicket of Ambati Rayudu. da away. It is another thing
despite the enjoyable brush day night, the American leg- how he would convince household names, and it is Watson responded with a that Watson had the last
with cricket on his maiden end said, “I don’t think crick- Phelps to play cricket, Pant Phelps and Usain Bolt so I’m good laugh about Sharma’s laugh as he produced a man-
India trip, he doesn’t quite et is my next sport but I loved said, “I would just tell him really buzzing,” he said. animated celebration, which of-the-match performance
foresee himself taking to the seeing the match with the that he is most welcome to Ishant said meeting Phelps obviously didn’t go down well during his 38-minute stay at
sport. Delhi Capitals yesterday.” stay at my place for as long as was inspiring. with the veteran Delhi pacer. the crease, hitting 44 off 26
One of the greatest Olym- Phelps, who ended his ca- he wants, where I can teach “It was a great opportuni- Having seen Watson balls to steer the visitors eas-
pians of all time, Phelps had reer with a record-breaking him how to play the sport.” ty for all of us to have met laughing it off loudly, Shar- ily past DC.
a fun cricket session with IPL 28 Olympic medals — 23 of To which Phelps replied, him. You know he’s a world ma went straight to the Aus- The two were seen sharing
team Delhi Capitals here on them gold, interacted with DC “That sounds good to me, and champion and we shared a sie all-rounder and prompted a “joke”, and as it appeared
Wednesday. captain Shreyas Iyer, Rishabh it means that I am coach-able few moments with him as a few words at him that re- hugged on the field. It was
“It was nice to see how ex- Pant, SA all-rounder Chris which makes me happy.” well. He has been a huge mo- sulted in even more laughter. also learnt that DC chief
cited the crowd was, and to see Morris and Ishant Sharma. Morris spoke about how it tivation to athletes around It was Delhi skipper Shreyas coach Ricky Ponting also bro-
how the players shift when “Today has been about get- felt to meet the legendary the world over the years, and Iyer who quickly realised the kered peace between the two
there is a change of ends, or a ting a couple of tips from the swimmer. “It is quite an hon- it was the same for all of us at tension around and pulled at the end of the game. Wat-
Swim legend Michael Phelps of USA (R) gets batting tips from DC’s Rishabh dismissal. I loved watching boys, starting with how to our for us to interact with the Delhi Capitals today,” he Ishant out of mid-pitch con- son, Rabada and Ponting
Pant in New Delhi on Wednesday —PTI the sixes yesterday,” the hold a bat. So I’m sure I will him and I am very excited to said. —PTI frontation. were seen having a chat.
sP rt I I I
Ahmedabad I Thursday, March 28, 2019 I daily news & analysis

Sindhu opens with stellar show

hot on heels

Spain, Italy
register wins
Italy and Spain both
made easy work of low-
Subhankar, Prannoy stage upsets as Srikanth labours to win; Sameer, Mookerjee advance
ranked opposition on
Tuesday as the two for- India open Key results
mer European champions
try to build some momen- DNA Correspondent 2-PV Sindhu (IND) bt
tum after a disappointing Mugdha Agrey (IND) 21-8,
year. Spain comfortably 21-13, 3-Kidambi Srikanth
beat Malta 2-0, while Italy New Delhi: While PV Sind- (IND) bt Wong Wing Ki
did even better with a 6-0 hu had an easy opener, Kid- Vincent (HKG) 21-16,
thrashing of 10-man ambi Srikanth and HS Pran- 18-21, 21-19, HS Prannoy
Liechtenstein as both noy were made to work hard (IND) bt 8-Kantaphon
teams maintained a per- to win their first round Wangcharoen (THA) 14-21, (File) India’s Manu Bhaker (left) and Saurabh Chaudhary clinched the
fect record after two matches at the India Open 21-18, 21-14, 5-Sameer 10m air pistol mixed team gold in Taoyuan, Taipei. on Wednesday —PTI
matches in qualifying for here on Wednesday. Verma (IND) bt Rasmus

the 2020 European Cham- Sameer Verma, Sai Pra- Gemke (DEN) 21-18, 21-
pionship. Also on Tues- neeth and Riya Mookerjee 12, Riya Mookerjee (IND)
day, Denmark fought back joined them in Round 2 on a bt Phittayaporn Chaiwan
from 3-0 down against day which saw 7 singles shut- (THA) 21-17, 21-15,

clinch gold, shoot

Switzerland while Nor- tlers and 6 doubles pairs 4-Ratchanok Intanon (THA)
way was held 2-2 by Swe- keeping the Tricolour flying bt Sai Uttejitha Rao Chukka
den. high for India. (IND) 21-9, 21-6, 3-He
Bingjiao (CHN) bt Prashi

down world record

2017 champion Sindhu
Chapecoense made a blazing start to her Joshi (IND) 21-12, 21-15,
crash survivor dies title challenge with a com- 6-Attri/Reddy (IND) bt
Journalist Rafael Henzel, manding 21-8, 21-13 win over Ravi/Saroha (IND) 21-14,
one of just six survivors World No. 71 Mugdha Agrey. 21-7, Subhankar Dey (IND) New Delhi: Teenage Indi- Batsarashkina and Artem
of the 77 people on board The second seed did not have bt Tommy Sugiarto (INA) an shooting stars Manu Chernousov at the Europe-
the plane that crashed to exert herself much, build- 14-21 22-20 21-11 Bhaker and Saurabh an Championships five
carrying the Brazilian ing a 13-7 lead in the first Ace shuttler PV Sindhu plays a return against compatriot Mugdha Agrey in New Delhi on Wednesday —AFP Chaudhary smashed the days ago. The Indians then
football team game. With Sindhu’s power- qualification world record went on to win the five-
Chapecoense in 2016, has ful smashes doing the talk- After losing the lead in the way back after his recent bat- upset. Subhankar Dey, ranked before clinching the 10m air team final with a score of
died of heart attack ing, the Rio Olympic silver second game, I thought I tles with gastro-esophageal 44th, caused a huge upset by pistol mixed team gold in 484.8. Hwang Seongeun and
while he was playing medallist managed to wrap it should not make a single mis- reflux disease. knocking out the fourth seed the 12th Asian Airgun Kim Mose of Korea won the
foootball, his employers up in just 23 minutes. take,” said Srikanth. World No. 15 Sameer Ver- and World No. 9 Tommy Sug- Championship in Taoyuan, silver with a score of 481.1
Radio Oeste Capital an- In complete contrast to “This is the 6th or 7th time ma overcame an early resist- iarto 14-21 22-20 21-11. Taipei on Wednesday. while Wu Chia Ying and
nounced on Thursday. Sindhu’s match, 2015 winner I was playing Wong after the ance from the 29th ranked In doubles, sixth seeds Their feat came exactly Kou Kuan-Ting claimed the
Henze, 45, had been on Srikanth had to claw his way Asian Games. It is tough to Rasmus Gemke before re- Manu Attri and Sumeeth a month after they won the bronze for the host country
the plane to Medellin in back from a 12-17 deficit in the play the same opponent many cording a 21-18, 21-12 win. Reddy blew away younger International Shooting with a score of 413.3.
November 2016 as a radio third game against his 2018 times, but I am happy,” he Swiss Open runner-up Sai countrymen Ravi and Lak- Sport Federation (ISSF) A second Indian team
journalist when the air- Asian Games conqueror, added. Praneeth stormed back from shay Saroha 21-14, 21-7. Pra- World Cup stage gold in the comprising of Anuradha
craft ran out of fuel, with Wong Wing Ki Vincent. Egged HS Prannoy announced a game down to edge Kartikey naav Jerry Chopra and Shi- same event in Delhi. and Abhishek Verma also
Kidambi Srikanth in action on
19 members of the on by the crowd, the World his return to form with a Gulshan Kumar 22-24, 21-13, vam Sharma, who qualified The 17-year-old Manu reached the finals and fin-
Wednesday —PTI
Chapecoense team losing No. 7 displayed his tremen- gritty 14-21, 21-18, 21-14 come- 21-8 in 59 minutes. World No. for the main draw, made and 16-year-old Saurabh ished fourth with a score
their lives.a dous fighting spirit under back win over World No. 17 92 Riya Mookerjee, a quarter- short work of Senthil Vel Go- shot a combined score of of 372.1, the National Rifle
pressure to notch up a 21-16, Kantaphon Wangcharoen. finalist at the Swiss Open, vindarasu and Vembarasan tosh and Venkata Ramya Tu- 784 in the qualification association of India
18-21, 21-19 win in 56 minutes. The 68-minute marathon was recorded a 21-17, 21-15 win Venkatachalam 21-13, 21-13. lasi Bailupudi-Shivani San- round, breaking the record (NRAI) said in a statement
“It’s my first time here and a proof that the former na- over the 86th ranked Phit- In women’s doubles, the pairs tosh Singh made it through set by Russians Vitalina here. —PTI
I think there is a lot of drift. tional champion is on his tayaporn Chaiwan in a mini of Pooja Dandu-Sanjana San- Round 2.

Bautista Agut shows India beat Canada 7-3, to meet Korea in final
exit sign to Djokovic Sultan azlan
shah cup
to be played on Friday.
India play Poland (zero
point) in their final league
which was converted by
Varun Kumar, scoring his
third goal of the tournament.
Miami (USA): Novak Djoko- the second set. I gave him a match on Friday while Korea India built on the momen-
vic has had a rough couple of little room to step in and he Ipoh (Malaysia): Striker take on Japan (3 points from 4 tum in the second quarter and
weeks on the court. did. A little hope that he can Mandeep Singh scored a bril- matches) on the same day. made several circle entries.
3 The top-seeded Djokovic
was upset by Roberto Bau-
come back, and he made a
great comeback.
liant hat-trick as India out-
played Canada 7-3 to book a
Malaysia are third in the
league table with six points
Sumit Kumar Jr once again
created an opportunity when
tista Agut 1-6, 7-5, 6-3 in the “But fault is on me, for summit clash berth against with one match left to play. he sent a fine pass to Mandeep
fourth round of the Miami sure. I had way too many op- Korea in the Sultan Azlan India and Korea had played who simply had to deflect the
Open Tuesday. He also made portunities that I wasted.” Shah Cup hockey tournament out a 1-1 draw in the league ball into the goal, taking In-
an early exit from Indian Djokovic lost to Philipp here on Wednesday. stage on March 24. dia’s lead to 2-0.
Wells earlier in the month. Kohlschreiber of Germany in Korea beat hosts Malaysia India showed progress Continuing to use full-press
Djokovic was look- the third round at Indian 2-1 in another match of the match-by-match in the tourna- to their advantage, India held
ing to win the 850th Wells. Djokovic, the president day to set up a summit clash ment with improved structure their sway. Midfielder Kothajit
match of his ca- of the ATP Player Council, against India on Saturday. and discipline as they took on Singh dispossessed a Canadi-
reer against has been a central The 24-year-old Mandeep an unpredictable Canadian an player to make a brilliant
Bautista Agut, figure in recent fired in three quick field goals After beating Canada 7-3, India has 10 points from four matches and they side. India had beaten Canada assist to Mandeep from the
but that ATP off-court (20th, 27th and 29th minutes), will play Poland on Friday in the final league game —PTI 5-1 in the group stage at the 25m mark. Mandeep made no
achievement news. all of them coming in the sec- 2018 World Cup in Bhubane- mistake in sending it past
will have to “Way too ond quarter, after Varun Ku- Pearson in the 35th minute. James Wallace (57th). swar. Canada goalkeeper Antoni
take place at an- many things off mar had given India the lead Amit Rohidas (39th), Vivek India and Korea, the two India made an attacking Kindler.
other tournament. the court,” Djok- in the 12th minute of the high- Prasad (55th) and Nilakanta unbeaten sides in the tourna- start that put the opponents Mandeep then combined
Send in your answers to “This kind of match ovic said. “I scoring match. Sharma (58th) struck later to ment, now have 10 points each on the back-foot early in the with Sumit before scoring his Names I should not have lost,” guess that af- At the half time, India were take the game beyond the from four matches, with iden- match. A quick circle entry third goal of the day and com-
of the first 10 winners will be Djokovic said. “I lost fected me a lit- 4-0 up in the match before reach of the Canadians who tical three wins and a draw. by Sumit Kumar Jr resulted plete his hat-trick in the 29th
published tomorrow the momentum, I tle bit on the Canada reduced the margin scored two late goals through They both booked a berth in to India winning a penalty minute as India were 4-0 at
lost the rhythm in court.”—AP through a strike from Mark Fin Boothroyd (50th) and the final with a game in hand corner in the 12th minute half-time. —PTI

Semenya camp lashes out at IAAF president Solskjaer reaping rewards of

London: Caster Semenya ac-
cused IAAF president Sebas-
tian Coe of opening “old
wounds” in an Australian
Mourinho’s work: Van Gaal petitions. Semenya read
Coe’s interview with the
Daily Telegraph over the
weekend, her lawyers said.
Court of Arbitration for
Sport in a case that could
change women’s sports.
Now 28, Semenya has gone
newspaper interview, where “Ms. Semenya remembers to CAS to challenge rules the London: Ole Gunnar Solsk-
he said the two-time Olympic her story breaking out of IAAF wants to introduce to jaer’s success at Manchester
800-meter champion and oth- Australia ten years ago on the lower the high levels of natu- United is partly due to the
er female athletes with high eve of her competing in the ral testosterone in some fe- work of his predecessor Jose
levels of naturally occurring 2009 World Championships,” male athletes through medi- Mourinho, according to for-
testosterone were a threat to Semenya’s lawyers said in cation or surgery before they mer Old Trafford chief Louis
“the sanctity of fair competi- their statement. “After win- can compete in top-class rac- Van Gaal.
tion.” ning the 800 meter final the es from distances ranging Solskjaer has made a re-
In a statement released on next day Ms. Semenya stood from 400 meters to the mile. markable impact since arriv-
Wednesday in response, Se- in the middle of the stadium A five-day hearing was ing as United’s interim boss
menya’s lawyers said Coe’s knowing that everyone held last month and a deci- in December following Mour-
comments and the Daily Tel- watching the event was judg- sion is expected in late April. inho’s sacking.
egraph’s “distorted” report- ing her. She was 18 years old. In the interview with the The Norwegian has won 10
ing — the newspaper referred “The nature of the intru- Daily Telegraph, Coe was times in 13 Premier League
to the South Africa runner as sive medical examinations quoted as saying the pro- games to put United back in
“muscle-packed” and “un- that Ms. Semenya was sub- posed rules were designed the hunt for a top four finish, Manchester United’s Norwegian head coach Ole Gunnar Solskjaer —AFP
beatable” — reminded her of jected to following the event “to protect the sanctity of while leading them to the
how she was scrutinised and South Africa’s Caster Semenya had to undergo gender tests as ordered were discussed publicly, in- fair competition and fair Champions League quarter- Man United to face Spurs
judged at her first world by IAAF after she won 800m gold during World Championship in 2009 —AP cluding by the IAAF. The play.” finals after a stunning victory Manchester United will play Premier League top-four rivals
championships in 2009, when scars Ms. Semenya has devel- “The reason we have gen- over Paris Saint Germain. Tottenham in a pre-season glamour friendly in Shanghai,
she was 18. lar build. Some Australian Semenya underwent fur- oped over the past decade run der classifications is because Van Gaal, who spent two the Old Trafford club said on Wednesday. At least six major
Back then, Semenya won media were criticised for in- ther medical examinations deep.” if you didn’t then no woman seasons at United before be- English clubs will visit China this summer, with Manchester
the 800 title a day after it was accurate and unsavory re- after the event and was side- The statement from Se- would ever win another title ing replaced by Mourinho in City, Newcastle, West Ham and Wolves taking part in the
revealed she underwent gen- porting at the time, when lined from running for nearly menya’s camp came as she or another medal or break an- 2016, insists the Portuguese Premier League Asia Trophy on July 17 in Nanjing and
der tests ordered by the IAAF, they speculated on the then- a year. The IAAF later ac- and track’s governing body other record in our sport,” Coe coach’s tactics have laid the July 20 in Shanghai. United will face Mauricio Pochettino’s
partly because of her muscu- teenager’s physical anatomy. cepted her in women’s com- wait for a verdict from the was quoted as saying. —AP foundations for Solskjaer to Spurs on July 25 in Shanghai, by which time the future of
build on. interim manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer will be resolved.

Jesus brace hands Brazil 3-1 win against Czech

The 67-year-old Dutchman They will also play Inter Milan in Singapore on July 20 after
also suggested United played two previously announced matches in Australia, against
more exciting football in his Perth Glory on July 13 and English rivals Leeds, also in
time at the helm than they do Perth, on July 17. United also announced they would play
Prague: Substitute Gabriel Suchy inside the box and fir- now. Van Gaal’s claims seem AC Milan on August 3 in Cardiff.
Jesus scored twice in the clos-
ing minutes to help Brazil
Quagliarella ing home.
“I’m super happy with Ga-
at odds with the more enter-
taining football played by
come from behind to beat the makes history briel Jesus, I’m glad I gave him United since Solskjaer start- it was when I was manager. mind he will replace me and
Czech Republic 3-1 in a friend- Parma (Italy): Fabio Quagli- a chance in the second half,” ed a reign that looks set to “But they can also win the he keeps his mouth shut for
ly in Prague on Tuesday. arella attributed his new-found said Brazil coach Tite, prais- bring him the manager’s job Champions League because six months,” Van Gaal said.
The Manchester City serenity after years of a stalker ing the 72nd-minute substi- on a permanent basis. they play a defensive system “Every Friday I had to go
striker first slammed home a nightmare to his stunning tute for his offensive drive. “The way Manchester and it is very difficult to beat into press conferences and be
cross from David Neres who form as the 36-year-old on The Selecao dominated the United are playing now is not them, which, whether you asked what I thought about
had sprinted down the left Tuesday became the oldest opening minutes, but the the way Ferguson played,” like it or not, is the result of the rumours. What does that
flank following a superb pass player to score for Italy. The Czechs soon levelled the game. Van Gaal told the BBC on Mourinho’s work.” Van Gaal do to the authority of the
from Danilo on 83 minutes. player from Castellammare di Czech striker Patrick Tuesday. was sacked at the end of his coach? “To win the FA Cup
And then in the 90th min- Stabia near Naples converted Schick had the first shot on “It is defensive, counter- second season immediately when, for six months, the me-
ute, Jesus scored on a re- two penalties in a crushing goal of the game, forcing a attacking football. If you like after winning the FA Cup. dia has a noose round my
bound of his own shot after a 6-0 Euro 2020 qualifying win diving save from Alisson at it, you like it. If you think it The former Barcelona boss neck, is my biggest achieve-
series of clinical passes in- by the Azzurri over Liechten- his right post with a low left- is more exciting than my bor- remains unhappy that Ed ment.
side the Czech box. stein in Parma. footed free kick deflected by ing attacking, OK. But it is Woodward, United’s execu- “I spoke to Woodward the
The Czechs took the lead in the wall. The Czechs kept try- not my truth. tive vice-chairman, made day after that game. His ar-
the 37th minute when mid- ing their luck from long range, “Solskjaer has just lost contact with Mourinho while gument was that I was only
fielder David Pavelka found son. Roberto Firmino equal- but Vladimir Darida fired past twice and he has to manage Van Gaal was still at the club. going to be there for one
himself in possession behind ised four minutes after half- the post and Filip Novak saw that. It is very important that “What I don’t like is Ed more year and Mourinho
Brazil’s Gabriel Jesus scores their third goal in their friendly match against a leaky Brazil defence and time, picking up a pass aimed his attempt stopped by Manchester United qualifies Woodward contacting my would be there for three, four
the Czech Republic in Prague on Turesday —Reuters slammed the ball in past Ali- at Czech sweeper Marek Alisson. —Agencies for the Champions League. As successor, knowing in his or five.” —AFP


Kareena Kapoor Khan and Kiara Advani will star together in Raj Mehta’s Good News.
Kiara replaces Insiders say that the’ve hit it off really well and love spending time with each other during
breaks. But now, the younger heroine has replaced Bebo as the ambassador of a beverage
Kareena brand. “Kareena had been the face of the campaign for quite some time, but the corporate
wanted a change and got Kiara on board. There’s nothing more to it,” adds the source.

Get ready for SALMAN: NO FILM

Kalank’s title track WITH DEEPIKA The actor-producer-singer acknowledges DP is a big star, but says he
doesn’t have any movie lined up with her in the immediate future
Meena Iyer

henever Salman Khan
announces a new film,
most of Bollywood’s
A-list heroines queue
up, hoping to bag the female
lead against mainstream Katrina Kaif has Bharat and
cinema’s biggest star. the third film of the Tiger
However, it seems that one series with Salman
name always goes missing from
the list, that of Deepika
Padukone. Recently, we met
Salman and quizzed him when
we would see him sharing
Aditya Roy Kapur and screen space with the leggy
Sonakshi Sinha lass. The actor smiled and
replied, “Actually, even I’m
wondering when will I work
with Deepika?”
Sensing just a wee-bit of Alia Bhatt will work with
humour in his tone, we him in Inshallah
asked him why didn’t he
have an answer to our
query. To which he
replied, “No one has come
forward to cast me with
her.” Then, he smiled and
added, “Deepika is a big
star, so it has to be worth
her while to do a film
with me. Right now, Jacqueline Fernandez
there is nothing.” List- returns with him in Kick 2
ing his slate of forth-
coming projects, the Da-
bangg Khan said, “In
Bharat, Katrina Kaif is my
Sanjay Dutt and heroine. She will also be my
Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan Madhuri Dixit leading lady in the third part
of the Tiger series. In
Dabangg 3, there’s Sonakshi
The title track of Kalank releases tomorrow. The montage song, which revolves around Sinha. In Sajid Nadiadwala’s
Kick 2, I’m paired with
Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan, also features the rest of the star cast comprising Aditya Roy Jacqueline Fernandez. So, if Salman Khan Sonakshi Sinha will be
Deepika Padukone a part of Dabangg 3
Kapur, Sonakshi Sinha, Sanjay Dutt and Madhuri Dixit. A glimpse of this soulful Pritam something comes up with
Deepika, then perhaps...”
composition rendered by Arijit Singh was visible in the film’s teaser, which was launched
earlier this month.

Ranbir gets cheeky in an ad film

Kalank, presented by Fox Star Studios, is produced by Dharma Productions and
Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment. The Abhishek Varman directorial opens in cinemas
on April 17.

fter being the brand
ambassador for a
leading soft drink
brand for some time,

Ranbir Kapoor is now the

screen face of a rival label. A new
ad featuring the actor went
Ajay Devgn, who will complete the shooting of on air recently. The televi-
Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior by June, has moved the sion commercial sees the
Kapoor scion reuniting
release date of the movie to January 10, 2020. This with his Sanju co-star,
Paresh Rawal. It features
will give the team more time to work on the VFX. the former as an easygoing
Turn to P13 tenant and the latter as a
hawk-eyed landlord and is
about the quirky bond that

Akshay on a hat-trick
they share. The TVC has
been liked by the Gen-Y
Ranbir Kapoor in the TV commercial with Paresh Rawal star’s fans and has
received a rating of 8/10.

‘My kids have to audition even

Kesari inches towards the `100-crore mark
Dabboo Ratnani

Hiren Kotwani day despite theatres in many

parts of India functioning

for my home productions’

kshay Kumar’s dream partially on account of Dhuli
run at the box office Vandan.
continues. The actor’s Netting approximately
earlier films Gold and `78 crore over the extended
2.0, both of which released last weekend (first four days),
year, are already in the coveted
`100-crore club. And his recent
Kesari added another `15 crore
to its collections on Monday
Aamir Khan on how he will not allow his love for his children to come
release Kesari is on the brink
of joining them. The ambi-
and Tuesday. It has continued
its victory march at the ticket
in the way of any professional decisions
tious movie based on the 1897 windows and is expected to Meena Iyer When asked if he would

Battle of Saragarhi, in which cross the `100-crore mark to- launch Junaid, the 54-year-old
21 Sikh soldiers took on nearly day. The movie has also set a amir Khan has always said, “If there is a subject
10,000 Afghans, was welcomed few benchmarks for 2019. been clear about one suitable for him and if he cracks
with open arms by the audi- Trade analyst Taran Adarsh thing. He has maintained the audition, then I will consider
ence as well as the Pad Man says, “Of all the releases so far that he will not be blinded him. However, Junaid has not
actor’s die-hard fans. this year, Kesari has registered by his love for his children — approached me for anything like
The period drama, which is the highest day-one numbers. Junaid, Ira and Azad — while this.’’ He added that his daugh-
produced by Hiroo Yash Johar, It also crossed the `50-crore judging their professional merit. ter, Ira, too, hasn’t discussed
Aruna Bhatia, Karan Johar, mark on day three and crossed When asked whether he would with him about her plans of
Apoorva Mehta, Sunir `75 crore the next day. It has influence his kids about joining entering the movie world.
Kheterpal and presented by also seen the highest opening their choice of vocation, the When asked if his son Azad,
Zee Studios, hit the screens on weekend (India business).” The Bollywood actor-filmmaker would qualify for the role of
March 21 and took a mammoth Akshay-starrer is expected to replied he would never do that. his younger self in his next
start at the box office. It have a steady footfall during its Most people are aware that production, Lal Singh Chaddha,
collected `20 crore on the first second weekend, too. Aamir’s elder son, Junaid, has directed by Advait Chandan,
assisted Rajkumar Hirani on a Aamir smiled and said, “Yaar, I
couple of his movies. The haven’t thought of any of this.
Box-office numbers 25-year-old, who is interested in Frankly, if my casting director
theatre and has shown an suggests it and if Azad passes
inclination towards the arts, the audition, it could happen.
Kesari hasn’t spoken to his father yet My kids have to audition even for
`93.50 cr for a ‘Bollywood break’. my home productions.”
(Till Tuesday, March 26)

2.0 (2018)
`185.89 cr
(Hindi version)

Gold (2018)
`102.10 cr
(India Nett BO figures from
The actor in a reliable trade sources) Akshay Kumar Aamir Khan
still from Kesari Junaid Khan Ira Khan Azad Rao Khan

Disclaimer: Note to reader: Some of the content/coverage that appear in our special ‘feature’ page/s may be paid for by the concerned brands. Such page/s will be appropriately declared as ‘features pages’ (e.g. reader engagement feature, etc.)
Etc daily news & analysis
Ahmedabad I Thursday, March 28, 2019
Why Ajay pushed Salman and Katrina’s car-nama
Tanhaji to L
ooks like
Khan and
Katrina Kaif

January 2020?
continue to share
something in
common. Before
you wonder what
we’re insinuat-
ing, let us tell you
that the Tiger

Zinda Hai jodi,
ost Total Dhamaal, months time, the film in- which is reunit-
Ajay Devgn is volves extensive VFX. ing again for
completely focused on Given that this is Ajay’s director Ali Ab-
his ambitious period passion project and his bas Zafar’s
drama, Tanhaji: The company NY VFXwala is Bharat, have
Unsung Warrior. The actor- creating all the effects, he recently got them-
filmmaker is presently knows that if anything is selves identical
filming the biopic on the rushed, the audience will be luxury SUVs. Yes,
Maratha warrior who led quick to point out any not only of the
Shivaji Maharaj’s army to compromises made. So, he’d same make and
victory in the 1670 battle rather have a perfect prod- model but also of
against the Mughals to re- uct with technical finesse at the same colour.
capture the Kondana Fort par with inter-national VFX While the
and sacrificed his life in the extravaganzas. When Ajay Zero actress opted
bargain. The Om Raut was mulling over deferring for her favourite
directorial is scheduled to the film, he and his associ- digits, ‘8’ and ‘2’
wrap up filming by this June ates also considered the for her new SUV’s
and it was slated to Republic Day weekend. But registration num-
release on November 22 this since January 26 is a Sun- ber, the Dabangg
year, but the actor-filmmak- day, they felt that if they star picked his
er has pushed it to January released the period action birth date ‘27’ for
10, 2020. drama on January 24, it his new ride. We
According to our source, wouldn’t help add any like that. So what
“Even though the shooting numbers. So after much if it’s ‘two’ much
of Tanhaji is scheduled to consideration, they decided of a coincidence!
Ajay Devgn be completed in three on January 10.” Salman Khan Katrina Kaif

pick your brain crossword hidato Baby Blues

Down 18 Gambling
1 Reference line cubes (4)
(4) 19 Got older (4)
2 Breathing 20 Male sheep
sound (4) (3)
3 Bistro (4) 23 Revises copy
5 Seeped or (5)
oozed out (6) 24 Oneness (5)
6 PC alternative 25 Meagre (6)
(3) 26 Assign to a
7 Broken frag- deputy (6)
ments (6) 28 Be unwell (3)
9 A thing of 29 Growl (4)
beauty is __ 30 Swiss river
forever (3) (4) The Pajama Dairies
11 Divert (5) 31 Labourer of
12 Type of mar- yore (4)
bles - “Ingle” 33 Turf (3)
anagram ?
15 Apportion (4)
16 Dwelling (4)

Across 15 Technique (6) 32 Notorious Russian monk

1 Light breezes (4) 17 Pointed out (9) among puritans (8)
21 A can (3) 34 Expresses in words (4) The goal of Hidato is to fill the grid
4 Falls in trade (6) with consecutive numbers that
8 __ Mahal: Agra’s famous 22 Intestine (3) 35 Put down (3)
connect horizontally, vertically, or
mausoleum (3) 23 Australian bird (3) 36 Entailed or necessitated (6)
diagonally from first to the last
10 Insular land (4) 26 Contingent (9) 37 Soccer great (4)
number in the grid. The first and last
27 ___ the fat: Chatted (6)
13 Italian bread (8)
28 Shake (7)
numbers of a puzzle and some other Tina’s Grove
14 Poet Percy Bysshe ___ (7) numbers are already filled in.

spellathon How good is your vocabulary? Spell out sudoku

as many words of four or more letters
as you can from the letters in today’s To solve a Sudoku
diagram. In making a word, each letter puzzle, every digit
must be used only once and each word must appear once
must contain the letter in the centre. in: Each of the
There should be at least one nine-letter vertical columns;
word! Plurals, foreign words, and Each of the
proper nouns do not qualify. horizontal rows;
Rate yourself Each of the boxes.
02 Average; 03 Good; 04 Wow!



axed, axle, DIXIELAND, index


Marjorie Orr
Your year ahead will be focussed on ambitions and practical matters, with less time for distractions than usual. You will have grand plans and
IF IT’S YOUR enthusiastic schemes in mind, but duty and responsibility will come before adventure. Your personal finances will be erratic and unpredictable, so
BIRTHDAY TODAY you’ll need to save when there is a surplus. But determined effort will bring results. Success will come by the New Year to boost your morale.


Mar 21 - Apr 20 Apr 21 - May 20 May 21 - June 21 June 22 - July 23 July 24 - August 23 Aug 24 - Sep 23
You want to be out in the You’ll be discussing future Take the time and trouble You have strong opinions You will keep digging in your You will be keen to see justice
community being noticed. It possibilities so you need mates to speak in as precise and which may well be right, but heels until certain people come done and fairness. What you
is important to you that other around as sounding boards for effective a way as possible. don’t sound arrogant. If you clean about a financial matter. say is coming across as
people appreciate what you your inspirations. Your livelier Your ambitions will be helped assume you are the only one Then you can start negotiating, tolerant, well-balanced and
are doing, but that means you have to go friends adore you because you are up on by your communication skills, though you with the right to speak, you won’t go down looking for compromises and fairer deals all impartial, but you won’t budge on what you
out of your way to please them. You are the latest advances and not harping on may come across as not emotional too well. Aim instead for togetherness, for round. Your emotional life may be affecting truly believe. You will want to nurture loved
the one who is centre of the group at about how things used to be. You’ve got enough. Don’t become possessive about keeping things harmonious, and you’ll find your body slightly more today than usual. If ones and friends out there in the social
work making things work for everyone, a great urge to get away from tedious property or hang on to past memories. by the end of the day that you’re glad you you are feeling jittery emotionally, you have scene. Try not to mother them and smother
so that’s important to focus on. Being chores, boring people and fly a bit higher. You don’t want to be throwing did, because relationships will have to watch that your body doesn’t sag. Make them, because they may not all take to it
sympathetic will be part of your aim, but You want to broaden your horizons. Travel possessions, but not clinging on too improved a lot. Just ignore any tiny sure that you are putting attention into eating very kindly. Just keep singing, dancing,
don’t be too susceptible because it really would suit you best but there are other tightly is important. If you open up and worries you have about close partners, well, relaxing, exercising, doing all of those laughing and you will still reach the same
isn’t going to be helpful. ways to keep your interest engaged. stop controlling, then more will come. since it may just be in your imagination. helpful kind of things. result of boosting everyone’s morale.


Write to Sept 24 - October 22 Oct 23 - November 22 Nov 23 - Dec 22 Dec 23 - Jan 20 Jan 21 - Feb 19 Feb20 - March 20
Marjorie You’ll be seeing the flaws and You may not be practical or With Mercury tucked out of More short distance travelling You will be getting very More restless than usual today
Orr inadequacies in practical good with detail but you are sight in one of your emotional than usual seems to be taking edgy about carelessness in and with a low boredom
situations. You loathe muddle, being entertaining and rather houses, you may find your up your time at the moment. workmates. Don’t get too threshold, you will keep on the
with your
chaos or sloppiness and won’t mischievous. What you lack in feelings cloud your judgement. You may not manage to do nit-picky and keep putting them move constantly, visiting as
queries at be shy about saying so. Try to step back discipline, you will certainly make up for in You could be acting impulsively with straight. Learning to put down limits and many friends as possible. You will be good
much in depth but you certainly won’t be
afterhrs@ and retreat into peace and quiet. You need fun. Although mates may not pick up whims sending you off in directions that bored. You need to be loved and cuddled, avoid soaking in other people’s worries is at activities which require a sharp eye and
dnaindia. a chance to consider how you have got every word you say, but they understand are not always wise. What you really want so look for reassuring companions who will vital to your well-being. The Moon is now the ability to put ideas across clearly. If you
net into one or two emotional muddles your heart’s in the right place. You seem to are luxuries and presents. You’ll be very give you a little more help and support than moving through a secretive placing. Maybe get gloomy later, then just know it may be
www. recently. You will begin to see that you be giving of yourself in a way that others attached to the good things of life. This can usual and be a strong anchor for you. Try to you sense that companions are preoccupied. something that is going to pass by so
star4cast. acted without thinking things through can really tune into at an emotional level, make you possessive, so look more laid avoid overeating, because you will want to They seem to be all tied up in what they are quickly it’s not worth paying much attention
com clearly enough. This way, you can prevent which is positive. Just try to pause for back than you actually feel. It’s important pamper yourself and avoid overreacting to doing, so you want to just disappear into to. Nothing ever stands still for long with the
yourself ending up in this place in future. breath once in a while. to be clear about what you’re doing. certain situations your own space to think things through. Moon around.
He (Gandhi) has said whatever he
felt like (about her government). second
I won’t like to make any comment
on it. He is just a kid. What will
I say about it?
—Mamata Banerjee, West Bengal CM
14 I I I Ahmedabad I Thursday, March 28, 2019 I daily news & analysis

‘Significant, but not quantum shift in policy’

snapshot Month after 1st
‘We continue delivery, woman
to rely a lot on with 2 wombs
bureaucracy’ Defence experts hail ASAT test, say India had developed tech to protect space assets in 2012, but govt hesitant gives birth again
Sumit Kumar Singh
For 54 mins, nation waited on Dhaka: A couple in Bangla-
desh was in for a surprise
when the wife delivered a set

tenterhooks for PM’s ‘message’

New Delhi: The Indian secu- of twins, 26 days after giving
rity experts hailed the suc- birth to a boy, something
cessful launch of the anti- considered as very rare in
satellite missile on Wednes- medical history, it was re-
day, but claimed that it is by DNA Correspondent Jokes on Twitter splat- ported on Tuesday.
no means a “quantum shift in tered handle after handle, Arifa Sultana Iti was
Raghuram Rajan, former security policy”. and WhatsApp groups were rushed to Ad-din hospital in
RBI governor Following the successful New Delhi: Reminiscent of flooded with jokes. Some us- the southwestern city of
test, DRDO Chairman G events that unfolded on a win- ers wanted to know if they Jessore on March 22 to hos-
The question is, how Satheesh Reddy, who oversaw tery evening over two years should head to a bunker or an pital after she fell ill and
1 far have we come
on that (minimum
the top-secret operation, said
that the government accorded
ago (demonetisation), reports
of an impending announce-
ATM. “Another #Demoneti-
sation? Did they catch
delivered a girl and a boy
through caesarean section.
government and maximum clearance to the project ment by Prime Minister Nar- Masood Azhar or Dawood? Iti had on February 25
governance)? I think we around two years ago with an PM Modi during his address to the nation on Wednesday —PTI endra Modi stopped citizens Are we taking over Pakistan? given premature birth to a
continue to rely too much on aim to deter threats to the across the country in their A Mumbai local streams the PM’s OMG I am #anxious now,” baby boy,
the bureaucracy to do many country’s space assets. tracks in fearful anticipation, address —HEMANT PADALKAR/DNA Twitter user Gaurish website reported.
things. “The test was a reflection
of India’s growing capability
ISRO hails move to ‘protect space assets’ some even hunting for ATMs.
At 11.23 am on Wednesday, Speculations varied from
Salunke wondered.
Former Kashmir CM Omar
Sheila Poddar, the chief
of the hospital’s gynaecolo-
The scope of the
2 government is some-
thing we will have to
to develop critical technology
and it will act as a good deter-
New Delhi: Lauding the
successful test of the anti-
Today’s test is related to our
defence technology, using
the prime minister tweeted,
“I would be addressing the na-
a declaration of Emergency
to bringing back Dawood
Abdullah also chipped in with
a tweet: “He’s declaring the
gy department who attend-
ed the woman, said she dis-
rence,” he said. satellite (ASAT) missile ca- space as a platform. The tion at around 11:45 am-12 Ibrahim to the announce- results of the Lok Sabha elec- covered in an ultrasonogra-
examine sooner, rather than However, it was in 2012 that pability on Wednesday, for- country is dependent on noon with an important mes- ment of killing Masood tions. #JustSaying.” phy test that Iti has two
later, because today it does the Defence Research and De- mer Indian Space Research satellites for communica- sage. Do watch the address on Azhar. Some others further Sanity returned only uteruses.
too much too inefficiently. velopment Organisation Organisation (ISRO) chair- tion, broadcasting, security television, radio or social me- speculated that the PM could when Modi appeared on mul- The first baby was born
(DRDO) initially announced man, G Madhavan Nair needs. So protecting these dia.” The message sent Twit- make an announcement of a tiple screens at 12.17 pm and from one womb. The two ba-
There is a lot of angst
3 in the West on how the
rules in the e-com-
that India had developed capa-
bilities to launch anti-satellite
said, “This is a defence sys-
tem for our space assets.
space assets becomes an im-
portant element.” —DNA
ter users into a tizzy and
when the appointed hour
massive terror plot being
foiled or it could be election-
declared that India had cata-
pulted into an exclusive club
bies born here are from the
other womb, she said.
weapons, but the then UPA passed, the nation sat on edge. related. of space superpowers. Poddar said that the
merce sector were changed.
government had not given its mother and the babies are
This is the kind of uncertainty
that keeps away FDI from
coming into the country.
nod to conduct tests. That
changed under the NDA gov-
Former DRDO chief VK
on that I had said that we have
the capability,” Saraswat said,
adding, “When the proposal
was put up by Dr Reddy and
Oppn congratulates scientists, slyly slams PM doing well. “It’s a rare inci-
dent. I have seen such a case
for the first time. I had not
even heard about such inci-
The country has
4 to pitch itself as a
haven for investments
Saraswat said that he had
written to the UPA govern-
NSA Ajit Doval to PM Modi,
he had the courage to give it a
DNA Correspondent
Modi’s motives, Congress
president Rahul Gandhi
a “limitless drama and said,
“Today’s announcement is
dent before,” she was quoted
as saying by the website.
because of the anxieties sur- ment in 2012, informing them go-ahead.” tweeted, “Well done DRDO, yet another limitless drama The woman, who hails
rounding China. We need to that the DRDO had the capa- Air defence expert Air Vice New Delhi: Soon after Prime extremely proud of your and publicity mongering by from Shyamlagachhi village
stick to the rules and change bility to carry out the crucial Marshall (retired) Manmohan Minister Narendra Modi an- work. I would also like to Modi desperately trying to in Sharsha in Jessore,
them transparently. We need test. “A-SAT Missile test was Bahadur said, “There is a dif- nounced the successful test wish the PM a very happy reap political benefits at the gave birth to the first baby at
to convince people that we not allowed earlier. The clear- ference between space weap- on Wednesday, the Opposi- World Theatre Day.” time of election. This is a Khulna Medical College
would respect their ability to ance was given to the DRDO onisation and space militari- tion attacked him, question- To that, BJP president Amit gross violation of Model Hospital. —PTI
do business here. by this (Modi) government. sation. Space has been milita- ing the timing of the “drama- Shah strongly retorted in a Code of Conduct.”

As the state expands

Such kind of courage was not rised for years, but not weap- tised” announcement and for tweet, “Thus speaks the inher- BSP chief Mayawati also It’s a rare incident.
5 its realm whether
through regulatory or
present in the previous gov-
ernment,” Saraswat said.
onised.” However, he signifi-
cantly pointed that India has
taking away DRDO’s credit
from its achievement.
itor of the dynasty that thinks
— All the nation’s a stage! For
accused PM Modi of playing
politics over India’s anti-sat-
I have seen such
a case for the first
He claims that perhaps it had space militarisation capa- Defending PM Modi’s ad- them: Sacrifices of soldiers - ellite missile capability.
discretionary powers, it es- was the “fear psychosis” in bilities for a long time, but dress, Finance Minister New Delhi, the Finance Min- drama, Success of scientists - SP chief Akhilesh Yadav time. I had not even
sentially gains more powers the UPA administration that was never tested. Bahadur Arun Jaitley rebutted the Op- ister said, “It reminds (me) of drama. Masquerading as lead- tweeted, “Today @naren-
without a proper checks and prevented the clearance for then stressed: “Any country position’s criticism as “cleri- the saying ‘when the finger ers, all that ‘The Dynasty’ has dramodi got himself an hour
heard about such
balances. This has led to a the test. “Every experiment in that chooses to use satellite cal objections” and alleging points to the moon, the idiot done is to plunder, weaken and of free TV & divert nation’s incident before.
dependent and pliant private science and technology has technology against India, in- that the opposition is “not at always points to the finger’... ruin the nation.” attention away from issues on
sector which has no choice all bothered” about the na- The lower they go, the strong-
Sheila Poddar,
two parts — one part is simu- cluding in espionage, will Meanwhile, West Bengal ground #Unemployment #Ru-
but to applaud every decision lation, which was done and know that we can protect our tional security. er we will emerge.” CM and TMC chief labelled ralCrisis & #WomensSecurity chief of A hospital’s
of the government. —PTI carried out in 2012 and based assets. This is significant.” Taking to reporters in Earlier, questioning PM the announcement as part of — by pointing at the sky.” gynaecology department

ED recoups 1,008 cr by selling Mallya’s UB shares ‘Stop distance

learning for
DNA Correspondent 9,000-crore in outstanding and only nominally under lished a notice on March 11 for debt that Mallya owes to a con- lost and found the pledge of Yes Bank. a sale of these shares, UBHL
sortium of banks, led by State The ED said that during So, to secure these shares moved an application in a Spe-
New Delhi: Even as fugitive Bank of India. probe in the Kingfisher from alienation and to compel cial Court (PMLA), Mumbai to New Delhi: The University
liquor baron Vijay Mallya has Explaining details of the Airlines’ case, they found Mallya to return, the ED stat- seek a stay. Grants Commission (UGC)
questioned the bailout of Jet recovery of shares, the ED substantial assets in the ed that they took a “proactive The court, however, per- has prohibited imparting dis-
Airways, but not Kingfisher said that during the probe in form of 74,04,932 shares step” and appealed the court mitted for the sale to go ahead tance degree programmes in
Airways, Indian banks on the Kingfisher Airlines’ case, that belonged to UBL and to freeze these shares. on March 26, thereby realising agriculture.
Wednesday recovered Rs they found substantial as- were pledged into Yes Subsequently, Yes Bank re- a sum of Rs 1,0008 crore. The decision was taken by
1,008 crore after selling sets in the form of 74,04,932 Bank’s custody. They were ceived a notice from the Debt On Tuesday, Mallya had the higher education regula-
shares belonging to Unit- shares that belonged to frozen and sold later. Recovery Tribunal in Bengal- posted a series of tweets lash- tor at its last meeting on the
ed Breweries Limited. UBL and were pledged uru, on behalf of the consor- ing out at the state-owned ground that a degree pro-
The shares were into Yes Bank’s custody. tium of banks on July 7 last banks for “double standards” gramme in agriculture is A saffron farmer working on his field
seized by investigation “Further probe re- the bank had already been year, by which the Yes Bank under the NDA government technical in nature as it re-
agencies and then dis-
posed of to re-
cover some of
vealed that the
majority of
the sum
repaid,” said ED in a state-
ment, adding that these
pledged shares were more or
was directed to transfer the
shares to the tribunal’s recov-
ery officer.
for their intervention to bail
out Jet Airways while the same
lenders caused his Kingfisher
quires practicals or labora-
tory courses.
“The Union agriculture
Kashmir’s kesar takes
hit due to drought, rain
the Rs owed to less free from encumbrances After the tribunal pub- Airlines to “fail ruthlessly”. ministry had referred the
matter to the commission, re-
questing it to consider prohib-
great theatrics
SC bars lawyer for
iting universities from offer-
ing Open and Distance Learn- Ishfaq-ul-Hassan lakh per kg and its mogra va-
ing (ODL) degree programmes riety sells between Rs 1-1.60
in agriculture,” a senior com- lakh per kilo.

a year in ‘contempt’ mission official said.

As per UGC Open and Dis-
tance Learning Regulations,
2017, professional pro-
Srinagar: Once hailed as the
world’s costliest spice, Kash-
mir’s delight, saffron, was
majorly hit last year.
In Jammu and Kashmir,
around 3,715 hectare of land
is under the cultivation of
saffron, with Pampore in the
DNA Correspondent ism in designating persons as People grammes such as medicine, A drought-like situation, Pulwama district leading the senior advocates. holding giant engineering, architecture, leading to lack of irrigation charge (3,200 hectares under
Then, during arguments, puppets from nursing, dental, pharmacy during flowering season and saffron cultivation).
New Delhi: A lawyer of the he took the name of noted Mozambique and physiotherapy, are not untimely rains has hit the “This year the production
Bombay Bar Association was jurist Fali S Nariman several perform on permitted to be offered in dis- saffron hard, with farmers was not even five percent. We
punished by the Supreme times despite being warned Wednesday tance mode. suffering over Rs 100 crore have suffered huge losses
Court for contempt by bar- by Justice Nariman, who is during a press “To protect the interest of financial loss last year. this year. There are two ma-
ring him from practicing in the son of the senior Nari- conference the students already enrolled Official figures reveal that jor reasons for the fall in pro-
the top court for a year and man, against doing so. at the Hotel to the agriculture degree pro- the saffron production duction: One there was a
sentencing him to three The Court on March 12 de Ville in gramme, the Indian Council dropped to 1.74 kg per hectare drought-like situation, sec-
months im- held Nedump- Paris to of Agriculture Research in 2018-19 as against the 4.5 kg ond, there was heavy rainfall
prisonment. ara guilty of announce the (ICAR) has been requested per hectare some years ago. in March which ruined the
However, the contempt as it next year’s for hand-holding of such “Lack of irrigation during crop. In nutshell, it was a
sentence will saw this con- season of higher education institu- flowering time was the main natural calamity that has ru-
remain sus- duct amount- the Chatelet tions. However, no new enrol- reason for drop in the yield,” ined saffron,” said GM Pamp-
pended till he ing to “brow- theatre in ments will be permitted from said Altaf Aijaz Andrabi, Di- ori, president J&K Saffron
abides by his beating ” of Paris. —AFP the 2019 academic session,” rector Agriculture Kashmir. Growers and Dealers Asso-
under taking judges. To the the official said. —PTI Saffron sells at over Rs 1 ciation.
not to brow- bench’s sur-
beat any judge prise, they
of the Su- found that Ne- alexa, siri’s pops trio made it possible for machines to learn like humans, now called ‘ai’
preme Court dumpara has
or Bombay If this was so, had a history

3 pioneers of artificial intelligence win tech’s ‘Nobel Prize’

High Court. of facing the
The order then you should ire of courts
by a bench of have raised in several
Justices RF similar grievances matters.
Nariman and O n San Francisco: Computers ly known as “artificial intel- mocked by their peers, Hin-
Vineet Saran against other sitting SC We d n e s d ay, have become so smart during ligence,” or AI.
turing award ton said. No more. He now
was passed judges whose fathers are the court fixed the past 20 years that people Their insights and persis- „„Bengio, Hinton and works at Google as a vice
against law- senior lawyers practicing the matter to don’t think twice about chat- tence were rewarded on LeCun have worked president and senior fellow
yer Mathews hear Nedump- ting with digital assistants Wednesday with the Turing separately on technology while LeCun is chief AI scien-
J Nedumpara, in the apex court. ara on the sen- like Alexa and Siri or seeing Award, an honour that has called neural networks. tist at Facebook. Bengio re-
who also Justice RF Nariman tence to be their friends automatically become known as technology mains immersed in academia
heads an as- awarded. tagged in Facebook pictures. industry’s version of the No- „„It comes with a as a University of Montreal
sociation of Although But making those quan- bel Prize. It comes with a $1 $1 million prize that’s professor in addition to serv-
lawyers titled National Law- he offered an unconditional tum leaps from science fic- million prize funded by Goog- funded by Google. ing as scientific director at
yers Campaign for Judicial apology, the court failed to ac- tion to reality required hard le, a company where AI has Yoshua Bengio, Geoffrey Hinton and Yann LeCun —AP the Artificial Intelligence In-
Transparency and Reforms. cept his argument that the work from computer scien- become part of its DNA. stitute in Quebec.
Nedumpara had come to point of taking senior Nari- tists like Yoshua Bengio, “Artificial intelligence is chinery, the group behind the known as neural networks. neural networks also are a “For a long time, people
court and questioned the man’s name was issue-based. Geoffrey Hinton and Yann now one of the fastest-grow- Turing Award. These are the electronic en- critical component of robotic thought what we were doing
practice of senior lawyers The bench asked him, if LeCun. The trio tapped into ing areas in all of science and Although they have known gines that power tasks such systems that are automating was nonsense,” Hinton said,
getting designated. It was his this was so, then he should their own brainpower to one of the most talked-about each other for more than 30 as facial and speech recogni- a wide range of other human adding, “They thought we
view that this process was have raised similar griev- make it possible for machines topics in society,” said Cherri years, Bengio, Hinton and Le- tion, areas where computers activity, including driving. were misguided doing was a
not merit-based, but selective ances against other sitting SC to learn like humans, a Pancake, president of the As- Cun have mostly worked have made enormous strides Their belief in the power surprising thing for appar-
as judges exercise favourit- judges. breakthrough now common- sociation for Computing Ma- separately on technology over the past decade. Such of neural networks was once ently intelligent people.” —AP

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