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Rockwell Automation Medium Voltage Drives Unit: Helmke - Crusher

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Medium Voltage Drives Business

Rockwell Automation
Medium Voltage Drives Unit

Helmke – Crusher
RA Order No. 7012776

Load Sharing PAC Interface Description

Prepared By:

Rockwell Automation Canada Control Systems

Medium Voltage Drives Group
135 Dundas St.
Cambridge, Ont. N1R 5X1

7012276 1 Revision 2
Medium Voltage Drives Business


REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................................................................ 3 

SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................. 4 

SYSTEM HARDWARE ......................................................................................................................... 4 

PowerFlex 7000 Drives......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 
Programmable Automation Controller (PAC) ...................................................................................................................................... 4 

CRUSHER CONTROL.......................................................................................................................... 5 
Drive Load (Torque) Sharing Control .................................................................................................................................................. 5 
Drive Modes of Operation .................................................................................................................................................................... 6 
Reduced Capacity ................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 
MSR (Motor Safety Relay) ................................................................................................................................................................... 7 
Stop Command ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 
ControlLogix Summary of User-Adjustable Tags .............................................................................................................................. 10 

PAC HARDWIRED I/O ....................................................................................................................... 11 

Analog Inputs (Slot 3) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 
Digital Inputs (Slot 4) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 
Digital Outputs (Slot 5) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13 

NETWORK OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 14 

Networks ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 
ControlNet Network............................................................................................................................................................................ 14 
Ethernet IP Network ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14 

PAC PROGRAM SIGNAL EXCHANGE ............................................................................................. 15 

Scheduled (Producer-Consumer) Messaging ...................................................................................................................................... 15 
Produced/Consumed Data Structure & Settings ................................................................................................................................. 15 
Unscheduled (MSG Instruction) Messaging ....................................................................................................................................... 16 
Command Signals to the Drive PAC .................................................................................................................................................. 17 
Status Signals from the Drive PAC ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 
System Heartbeat Signal ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19 

ENGINEERING REFERENCE ............................................................................................................ 20 

Drive PAC Input/Output Image .......................................................................................................................................................... 20 
20-COMM-C Parameters .................................................................................................................................................................... 21 
ControlNet Network Properties .......................................................................................................................................................... 21 
Drive External Fault Parameter Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 22 
Drive Parameter Settings..................................................................................................................................................................... 23 

7012276 2 Revision 2
Medium Voltage Drives Business


Rev. No. Date Rev. By Remarks

0 27/04/2012 LR Initial release
1 06/06/2012 Rob Wigle
2 08/06/2012 Rob Wigle

7012276 3 Revision 2
Medium Voltage Drives Business


This document is intended to define the interface for the PAC program included
with the VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) used for Crusher drive/motor load sharing
control. Included is:

 A brief overview of the PAC & drive hardware involved

 A signal (interface) list between the drive PAC and the system control
 A brief overview of drive loadsharing operation


The basic hardware components of the system are:

1. PowerFlex 7000 drives

2. Programmable Automation Controller (PAC)

PowerFlex 7000 Drives

A PowerFlex 7000 Medium Voltage (MV) drive is connected to each individual

motor, and to the PAC through a 20-COMM-C DPI ControlNet adapter. Refer to RA
drawing 7012776-001-12E for further details.
Both motors are mechanically coupled to the same driven load.

Programmable Automation Controller (PAC)

The Programmable Automation Controller processor used for drive control in this
project is a 1756-L61 from the ControlLogix family. The basic functions of the PAC are
to handle drive loadsharing functions and the interface between the Drive PAC and the
System Control.
The ControlLogix rack contains connects the drives through a 1756-CNB
ControlNet bridge module, to the System control through a 1756-ENBT Ethernet IP
module, and to local operator devices via hardwired I/O modules.

7012276 4 Revision 2
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Drive Load (Torque) Sharing Control

The Crusher motors are mechanically coupled to the same load, and are
required to share the load (torque) evenly under normal machine operating conditions.
To handle this, VFD #1 has its Torque Control Mode (parameter 90) set to 1
which selects the speed regulator output, and VFD #2 Torque Control Mode is set to
mode 3, which selects the smallest value between the ‘Torque Command External’ and
its own speed regulator output. The ‘Torque Command External’ value which is sent to
VFD #2, is set equal to VFD #1 speed regulator output value.
VFD #2 is commanded to run at a speed slightly faster than VFD #1, which
places VFD #2 speed regulator into saturation and forces VFD #2 to use the positive
torque limit being sent via the ‘Torque Command External’ parameter.
If the torque limit being sent to the drive is too high, causing a speed greater than
the drive speed reference, then the speed regulator output value will be lower than the
torque limit being sent and be the value the drive uses, thereby preventing an
overspeed condition.

4160V 50Hz

Crusher Motor 1

PF 7000 PF 7000
Master Slave
Crusher Motor 2

7012276 5 Revision 2
Medium Voltage Drives Business

Drive Modes of Operation

Normal/Test Operation

There is a ‘Normal – Test’ selector switch mounted on the door of Drive 1.

When Normal is selected, the drives will start/stop as a group and will
share the load torque equally.
Test operation is for maintenance/commissioning purposes. When
selected, the drives operate as independent speed regulators, and can only be
operated one at a time. The controls for starting and stopping each individual
drive are located on the rear of the low voltage section door of each Drive and
are labeled ‘Test Start’ and ‘Test Stop’.
The Drive Control System will not allow the mode to change between
Normal and Test unless all drives are stopped.

Local/Remote Operation

There is a ‘Local – Remote’ selector switch located on the door of Drive 1.

The position of this selector switch is only relevant when Normal operation has
been selected.
When Local is selected the Drive System is controlled by the Local Start,
Local Stop, and Local Jog pushbuttons on the door of Drive 1. The speed
reference is set using the Speed potentiometer, also located on the door of Drive
1. The speed for Jogging is set as a factor of full speed using the ControlLogix
tag, z_JOG_SPD_FCT. This tag is initially set to 0.15 (15 percent)
When Remote is selected the Drive System is controlled by the
commands received via hardwired Start and Stop signals. The speed reference
for Remote operation will be a 4-20mA signal from the client’s control system.
Switching from Local to Remote or vice versa, while the Crusher is
running will change the speed reference source but will not stop the Crusher.

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Medium Voltage Drives Business

Reduced Capacity

There is no provision in the Drive System to operate with only one motor. There
are no Drive Output Contactors to electrically isolate a Drive from a motor and therefore
both Drives must be operating in order to run the crusher.

MSR (Motor Safety Relay)

An MSR relay is supplied for the Drive System. When the MSR is tripped it
removes Medium Voltage power from all drives by opening the Drive input contactors.
This results in the motors coasting.
Each Drive has an Emergency Stop pushbutton wired in series in the MSR trip
string. Also, terminal blocks are provided for the client to wire into the trip string of the
MSR relay.

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Medium Voltage Drives Business

Stop Command

The Crusher Stop Command must be set high (closed contact from the client’s
control system) to enable the Drive System and allow a Start to occur. If the stop
command is low (0), it will stop the crusher using the ‘Normal Stop’ deceleration ramp.

‘Normal Stop’ Deceleration Ramp

At the end of the Ramp, when the actual speed is equal to or less than the value in
ControlLogix tag z_VFD_SHUTOFF_FREQ , the Drives stop controlling the motors.

Normal Ramp Stop uses Deceleration Profile1 in the Drive. Some of the settings which
affect Deceleration Profile1 are in ControlLogix tags, and others are in Drive parameters
as shown in the following table.

7012276 8 Revision 2
Medium Voltage Drives Business

Parameter Description As Shipped

S-curve deceleration profile1 time.
(used for ‘Normal Ramp’ stop) This value sets
the time that it would take to ramp from full
Drive Parameter 479 speed to zero speed using a linear ramp. The 60 seconds
actual ramp time will be increased by the
percentage specified in parameter 475 (S-
curve percent).
This value sets the amount of S-curve applied
to Deceleration Profile1 in percent. The value
specified in this tag will cause the overall ramp
time (specified in Drive Parameter 479) to be
extended by x percent. Half of the specified
ControlLogix tag ‘S-curve percent’ is added at the beginning of
z_S_CURVE_DECEL_RAMP the deceleration ramp, and half at the end of 10%
1 the ramp.
For example, if Drive parameter 479 is set to
60 seconds and this tag is set to 10% then the
total ramp time will be 66 seconds (60 seconds
of linear and 3 seconds of S-curve at both the
beginning and end of the ramp)
Drive shut-off frequency used during ‘Normal’
ControlLogix tag ramp to stop (Hz x 10). When the actual motor
(20 represents
z_VFD_SHUTOFF_FREQ speed drops below this value during a Normal
Stop, the Drive stops controlling the motor.

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ControlLogix Summary of User-Adjustable Tags

The following list of tags are from the ControlLogix program. The as-shipped
values are shown; these may change during commissioning.

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The Drive PAC contains the following modules:

Slot Device Description

00 1756-L61 ControlLogix processor
01 1756-ENBT Ethernet I/P bridge
02 1756-CNB ControlNet bridge
03 1756-IF16 Analog Input Module
04 1756-IA16I Digital Input Module
05 1756-OW16I Digital Output Module
06 Spare

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Medium Voltage Drives Business

Analog Inputs (Slot 3)

Slot 3 Input devices have the following functions:

Input Point Device Name & Type Function

Used to control the drive speed reference when Local operation is selected.
0 Local speed reference potentiometer (0-10Vdc = min speed (parameter 293) to max speed (parameter 290))
Used to control the drive speed reference when Remote operation is selected.
1 Remote speed reference (4-20mA = min speed (parameter 293) to max speed (parameter 290))
2 Spare Input
3 Spare Input
4 Spare Input
5 Spare Input

Digital Inputs (Slot 4)

Slot 4 Input devices have the following functions:

Input Point Device Name & Type Function

Used to stop the drive(s). This signal is used only when test
operation is selected, but is capable of stopping the drives under
0 VFD Local Stop Pushbutton
all conditions.
This pushbutton is monitored in both modes of operation.
1 VFD Local Start Pushbutton Used to start the selected drive when test operation is selected.
Selects Local control to start/stop the drives. When in Local, the
2 start/stop pushbuttons and the potentiometer, mounted on the
VFD Local – Remote Selector Switch drive door, control the drives.
Selects Remote control to start/stop the drives. When in remote,
3 the remote start/stop inputs/signals and the remote speed
reference controls the drive.
4 Spare input
5 Spare input
Command from the process control system used to start the drives
6 Process Start Command
when normal operation is selected.
Command from the process control system used to stop the drives
7 Process Stop Command
(0 - Stop).
8 E-Stop Relay Auxiliary Used to monitor the status of the E-Stop (safety) relay.
Selects Normal operation for the drives/motors. When in Normal,
both motors start and stop as a group.
Selects Test operation. When in Test, only one motor may be
VFD Normal - Test Selector Switch
operated at a time using the pushbuttons labeled ‘Test Start’ and
10 ‘Test Stop’ mounted inside the low voltage panel of each Drive.
This is for service & commissioning (qualified personnel) use
11 VFD 1 Test Mode Start Pushbutton
12 VFD 1 Test Mode Stop Pushbutton Used to start/stop the drives in test mode. This is for service &
13 VFD 2 Test Mode Start Pushbutton commissioning (qualified personnel) use only.
14 VFD 2 Test Mode Stop Pushbutton
Used to jog the drives when Normal and Local operation have
15 Local Jog Pushbutton
been selected

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Medium Voltage Drives Business

Digital Outputs (Slot 5)

Slot 5 Output devices have the following functions:

Output Point Device Name & Type Function

0 System Ready Pilot Light Indicates the system is ready to run.
1 System Running Pilot Light Indicates the system is running.
2 System Warning Pilot Light Indicates a system warning is present.
3 System Fault Pilot Light Indicates a system fault is present.
4 System Ready Output Relay Indicates the system is ready to run.
5 System Running Output Relay Indicates the system is running.
6 System Warning Output Relay Indicates a system warning is present.
7 System Fault Output Relay Indicates a system fault is present.
8 VFD 1 Drive Input Contactor (DIC) enable Enables the VFD 1 input contactor to close.
9 VFD 2 Drive Input Contactor (DIC) enable Enables the VFD 2 input contactor to close.
10 Spare output
11 Spare output
12 Spare output
13 Spare output
14 Spare output
15 Spare output

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Medium Voltage Drives Business



There are two networks used in this system; ControlNet and Ethernet IP.

ControlNet Network

The ControlNet network is used to facilitate loadsharing between drives. Network

node numbers are as follows:

Node Device Description

01 1756-CNB ControlLogix rack
02 20-COMM-C PowerFlex 7000 drive 1, DPI adapter
03 20-COMM-C PowerFlex 7000 drive 2, DPI adapter

Ethernet IP Network

Communication between the Crusher PAC and the Process Control is

accomplished using an Ethernet (1756-ENBT) module located in the ControlLogix
chassis. The Ethernet module IP address is set to as follows:

Device Location/Description Factory Test IP Address

1756-ENBT Ethernet/IP module located in Drive
1756-ENBT Customer’s Process Controller

Subnet mask is set to

7012276 14 Revision 2
Medium Voltage Drives Business


Program signal exchange can be handled using either scheduled (producer-

consumer) or unscheduled (MSG instruction) messaging.

Scheduled (Producer-Consumer) Messaging

Communication between the VFD PAC and the Crusher System Control can be
accomplished using a produced and consumed message via the Ethernet IP module in
each PAC. Communication information for each PAC (required for the ControlLogix
Programs) is as follows (note that highlighted values are required from end user):

PAC MV VFD PAC Pump System Control PAC

Processor Type 1756-L61 1756-L61
Processor Slot No. 0 0
Processor Name Helmke_7012776 SYS_PAC
Ethernet Module Slot No. 1 1
Ethernet Module IP Address
Ethernet Module Subnet Mask
Produced Tag Name(s) MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC
Consumed Tag Name(s) MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC

Produced/Consumed Data Structure & Settings

Depending on the message content and purpose, the update time and content
sizes may be different. If produced/consumed messaging is used, then the messages
should be set as follows:

Message Tag Name Size Purpose of Message
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC 20ms DINT[40] Drive System Status Information

7012276 15 Revision 2
Medium Voltage Drives Business

The VFD PAC produced messages tag is in a DINT array data type as detailed

VFD PAC Produced Message(s) Data Type

Unscheduled (MSG Instruction) Messaging

Communication between the Crusher PAC and the Client’s System PAC can also
be done using message (MSG) instructions in the Client’s System PAC. The message
instructions need to be a CIP Data Table Read message targeting the same tag name
mentioned in the producer-consumer messaging description.

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Medium Voltage Drives Business

Command Signals to the Drive PAC

The Drive PAC is not configured to receive any commands from the client’s
controller via the Ethernet/IP connection. Control of the Drive System is performed via
hardwired signals.

Status Signals from the Drive PAC

Status signals that the Drive PAC makes available for the Client’s Control
System are as follows:

ControlLogix Tag Tag Description Function/Scaling

Drive System Status word
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].00 Drive System Run Permissive 1= ready
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].01 Drive System Running 1= running
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].02 Drive System Fault 1= fault
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].03 Drive System Warning 1= warning
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].04 Drive System Accelerating 1= accelerating
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].05 Drive System Decelerating 1= decelerating
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].06 Drive System At Speed 1= at speed
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].07 Any Drive in Test 1= Test Mode
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].08 MSR status (Motor Safety Relay) 1= Energized
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].09 Drive System Jogging 1 = jogging
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].10 spare
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].11 spare
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].12 Drive System Stop Commanded 1 = Stop Commanded
1 = Critical Drive Parameter mismatch
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].13 Critical Drive Parameter Mismatch
between any of the Drives.
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].14 spare
Toggles ½ second on, followed by ½
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].15 Heartbeat second off, continuously.
(see ‘SYSTEM HEARTBEAT’ section in
this document)


7012276 17 Revision 2
Medium Voltage Drives Business

ControlLogix Tag Tag Description Function/Scaling

MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[01] Drive 1 Status Word

MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[01].00 Drive 1 Ready 1= ready
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[01].01 Drive 1 Running 1= running
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[01].02 Drive 1 Faulted 1= faulted
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[01].03 Drive 1 Warning 1= warning
1= communication okay (Drive System
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[01].04 Drive 1 ControlNet Communication
PAC to individual Drive)
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[01].05 Drive 1 Test Mode Selected 1= ‘Test‘ mode selected

MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[02] Drive 2 Status Word Same structure as Drive 1 status word

MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[03] spare
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[04] spare

MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[05] Drive 1 Speed Feedback RPM

MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[06] Drive 1 Motor Current Amps
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[07] Drive 1 Motor Voltage Volts
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[08] Drive 1 Motor Torque Percent of Motor Rated Torque
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[09] Drive 1 Motor Power Kilowatts

MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[10] Drive 2 Speed Feedback RPM

MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[11] Drive 2 Motor Current Amps
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[12] Drive 2 Motor Voltage Volts
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[13] Drive 2 Motor Torque Percent of Motor Rated Torque
MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[14] Drive 2 Motor Power Kilowatts

MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[15]-[39] Spare

7012276 18 Revision 2
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System Heartbeat Signal

The Drive System PAC produces a heartbeat signal (MSG_FROM_VFD_PAC[00].15)

and makes this signal available over the Ethernet/IP network. The customer may
monitor this signal to verify that the Drive System PAC is in Run mode and is
communicating on the Ethernet network.

7012276 19 Revision 2
Medium Voltage Drives Business


Drive PAC Input/Output Image

All 20-COMM-C adapters will have the logic command/status word and all
datalinks enabled for drive communication purposes. The datalinks on each drive are
set with the following parameters.

Parameter Input Description

Standard Logic Status
Standard Speed Feedback (Hz x 10)
529 Datalink A1 Drive Operating Mode (Parameter 4)
530 Datalink A2 Torque Reference (Parameter 291)
531 Datalink B1 Contactor Status (Parameter 506)
532 Datalink B2 Inverter Control Flags1 (Parameter 265)
533 Datalink C1 Speed Reference (Parameter 278)
534 Datalink C2
535 Datalink D1 Reserved (do not use)
536 Datalink D2 Datalink In D1 (P535)

Parameter Output Description

Standard Logic Command
Standard Speed Command (0-32767)
537 Datalink A1 Torque Control Mode (Parameter 90)
538 Datalink A2 Torque Command External (Parameter 91)
539 Datalink B1 Drive Coast Speed (Parameter 60)
540 Datalink B2 External Faults PLC (Parameter 650)
541 Datalink C1 S-Curve Percent (parameter 475)
542 Datalink C2
543 Datalink D1
544 Datalink D2 Datalink In D1 (P535)

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Medium Voltage Drives Business

20-COMM-C Parameters

Unless the adapter parameters are mentioned below, they are set to their default
values. All 20-COMM-C adapters require the settings listed below.

Parameter No. Parameter Name Value

3 ControlNet Node Address Cfg Set to Node 2 (VFD 1) or Node 3 (VFD 2)
13 DPI I/O Cfg Set to 31 (decimal), 01F (hex)
25 M-S Input Set to 31 (decimal), 01F (hex)
26 M-S Output Set to 31 (decimal), 01F (hex)

ControlNet Network Properties

Following are the ControlNet network properties.

Network Property Value

S Max 3
U Max 4
N.U.T 5 ms

7012276 21 Revision 2
Medium Voltage Drives Business

Drive External Fault Parameter Settings

The External fault parameters in the each drive are listed below. These require
the following settings in conjunction with the PAC program. The PLC is also taking an
appropriate action for each of the ‘Warning’ conditions in the following table.

Drive Parameter External Fault Text

Parameter Name Value
Number No. (12 characters max)
SAT Mode
All 200 External Fault 1 Class Class 3 (warning)
(stand alone test mode active)
All 201 External Fault 2 Class
MSR Relay
All 202 External Fault 3 Class Class 3 (warning)
(Motor Safety Relay)
All 203 External Fault 4 Class
All 204 External Fault 5 Class
Class 1 Fault VFD Reverse
All 205 External Fault 6 Class (immediate shut (any VFD was detected as going
down) reverse)
Param Match
(critical parameters do not match
in all VFD’s)
All 206 External Fault 7 Class Class 3 (warning) Note: If parameters do not match
then the ControlLogix program
will stop the Drive System using
‘Normal Ramp Stop’.

All 651 External Fault Select FFFF (Hex)

Drive Parameter Parameter Name Initial Value

Number Number

All 440 Input Protection 1 Class Class 1 Fault

All 441 TXReacOvrTmpClss Class 1 Fault
All 442 DcLnkOvrTmpClass Class 1 Fault
All 443 Motor Prot Class Class 1 Fault
All 444 Input Protection 2 class Class 1 Fault
All 445 Auxiliary Protection Class Class 1 Fault

Bit 4 set to 1
All 175 DPI Loss Mask
(Adapter 5 loss will cause a fault)

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Medium Voltage Drives Business

Drive Parameter Settings

Following is a partial list of Drive parameters required to be set for System

operation. These Drive parameters will be set before shipment from the factory, and
additional parameters will be set during normal commissioning procedures.

Drive Parameter Parameter Name Initial Value

Number Number (as shipped from factory)
Note that the value of this Drive
All 475 S-curve percent parameter is changed by the
ControlLogix program

60 seconds
S-curve deceleration profile1 time.
(used for ‘Normal Ramp’ stop) This
value sets the time that it would take
All 479 S-curve deceleration 1 time to ramp from full speed to zero speed
using a linear ramp. The actual ramp
time will be increased by the
percentage specified in parameter
475 (S-curve percent).
60 seconds
S-curve acceleration profile1 time.
(used for ‘Normal’ mode acceleration)
This value sets the time that it would
All 481 S-curve acceleration 1 time take to ramp from zero speed to full
speed using a linear ramp. The
actual ramp time will be increased by
the percentage specified in parameter
475 (S-curve percent).

All 45 Reference command DPI minimum 0 Hz

All 46 Reference command DPI maximum 60 Hz

All 41 Reference command Pot minimum 0 Hz

All 42 Reference command Pot maximum 60 Hz

Note that the value of this Drive

All 293 Speed command minimum parameter is changed dynamically by
the ControlLogix program.
All 290 Speed command maximum 60 Hz

7012276 23 Revision 2
Medium Voltage Drives Business

The following list of drive parameters are compared by the ControlLogix program
to ensure that they have been set the same in all drives. This is to ensure that the
speed reference ramps are the same in all drives, which is critical for any drive which
could take over as the Master Speed Regulator. Also the settings for Encoder feedback
must be the same for all drives in the system. Parameter 475 (S-Curve percent) is
controlled by the ControlLogix program and is always set the same in all drives.
If the parameters are not matched then a ‘Normal Ramp Stop’ is triggered, and a
Drive warning is also triggered as annunciation of the cause Stop.

Parameter Number Parameter Name

479 S-curve deceleration 1 time

480 S-curve deceleration 2 time
481 S-curve acceleration 1 time
482 S-curve acceleration 2 time

45 Reference command DPI minimum

46 Reference command DPI maximum
293 Speed command minimum
290 Speed command maximum

78 Motor Flux time

89 Speed Feedback Mode

7012276 24 Revision 2

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