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This paper is The Effectivity of using technology as the visual aids for the grade 9

students of R. Concepcion Montessori School that enhances the capability of the students in

understanding lesson easier.

Visual aids are important in education system especially in the district of Calaca.

Visual aids are those devices which are used in the classroom to encourage students

learning process and make it easier and interesting. It is quite strange to imagine the

world we live in to exist without technology. With mobile and other wireless devices like

the projectors, our District will be getting an increasing level in education across other

school around to the Region of Batangas. Today we can see how technology dependent

education is. EdTech has played quite a role in ensuring that students are well prepared

for the future and that teachers have the right tools for all age group.

Since it is an Introduction a large part of the topic presented will be classical.

Education is necessary for everybody. Education is very vital, deprived of education no

one can lead a good life teaching and learning are the important element in education

Sane (2013). The teacher use different approaches and substantial to teach their students

and their active learning, with the passage of time. Altered methods and techniques are

entered in the field of education and teacher use different kind of aids to make effective

learning. Kinder S. James (2013) describe visual aids are any devices which can be used

to make learning experience more real, more accurate and more active. Visual aids are

tools that help to make an issue or lesson clearer or easier to understand and know
(pictures, models, chart, maps, videos, slides, real objects etc.) There are many visual aids

available these days. We may classify these aids as follow, visual aids. For example:

models, actual objects, charts, maps, videos, slides, flannel board, flash card, bulletin

board, and chalkboard.

Background of the Study

The most important thing in using technology as the visual aid for the student of

R. Concepcion in terms of understanding the lesson easier, is they need to think positive.

Positive impact of technology to the teachers and students are can play a very important

role in education, especially to those students and teachers at Calaca, Batangas. Computer

technology has become easier for teachers to transfer knowledge and for students to

obtain authentic learning it. Talking in positive sense, the impact of technology on

education has been extraordinary. Using internet and computers as the eye of your

assignment, research, poem, reports and etc. they can surely help your brain to improve

what things are inside of it.

Theoretical Framework

(Issoff and Scanlon 2009) Said that the influence of the related theories on the

artificial intelligence in education and the interaction s between human being and

computers. They believe that educational technology specialists, while engaging in the

design of educational software and participating in the curricular development, should

understand student’s complex learning situations from multifaceted perspectives and take

schools specific environment and student cultural background into consideration.

Different theories affect various disciplines at different times and place of teaching
practice looking at the various theories; they divided educational technology related

theories into two categories. One class is used to provide the guidance for the design of

artificial intelligence system and interactions between human beings and computers and

the development of effective instructional materials; another focuses on the educational

to help people understand different situated instructional cultures and the effects of

educational technology on student’s learning outcomes. The former enriches the content

updating along with the development and utilization of educational technology and

related experimental research, the latter is relative stable impact our innovative

instruction and curriculum data analysis and instruction/learning assessment the authors

of this paper found that research on educational technology related theories are more

focused on the application of educational technology in education.

Some scholars pointed out in the early 1980 are that educational technology did

not only refer to electronic devices, computers, it also becomes a branch of behavioral

science. Education technology specialist therefore cannot see a computer as an electronic

device, but should link educational technology has developed a new thinking of

instruction and learning, and set new goals for education. Research has shown that, since

1990’s artificial intelligence system in education has been developing to help people

understand how to apply educational artificial intelligence. Effectively in instruction and

learning from its original application of how to simulate theory-guided classroom

instruction and learning and leaning activities (ISSOFF AND SCANLON 2009).

Conceptual Framework
Technology is everywhere entwined in almost every part of our culture. It affects

how we live, work, play, and most importantly learn. With mobile and other wireless

devices like Internet of things becoming an increasing requirement across every industry

today, it only makes sense that our schools are also effectively deploying mobile

technology in the classroom. However, for many schools, implementing the latest

technology is a difficult strategy to navigate. There are two main reasons for this Schools

are on the fence about the use of certain mobile devices; thinking they're more a burden

than a strategic learning tool. Schools want to deploy mobile devices but their Wifi

networks are not capable of properly supporting the technology In both cases it's lose -

lose situation for everyone involved, especially the students. To help your school

confidently make the decision to embrace mobile technology in the classroom, we've put

together a list of 10 reasons why it will benefit your students. Then, we've outlined how

your school can make sure it's ready to actually support those new/added devices.

Lesson aids

Performance Students
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The SAMR Model is a framework created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura that

categorizes four different degrees of classroom technology integration. The letters

"SAMR" stand for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. The

SAMR model was created to share a common language across disciplines as teachers

strive to help students visualize complex concepts.

A lesson or class is a structured period of time where learning is intended to

occur. It involves one or more students being taught by a teacher or instructor. A lesson

may be either one section of a textbook or, more frequently, a short period of time during

which learners are taught about a particular subject or taught how to perform a particular


Visual aids for learning can also expand beyond the realm of just classroom

posters and presentations. As an educator, you probably understand the importance of

diversifying your teaching materials. After all, it has been understood for a while now

that many people learn differently. In particular, visuals aids for learning can have a huge

impact on how students retain information. While words can be abstract and hard to
retain, visuals tend to be more concrete and easier to recall. Plus, when information is

presented visually, it’s a lot more engaging

In education, student engagement refers to the degree of attention, curiosity,

interest, optimism, and passion that students show when they are learning or being taught,

which extends to the level of motivation they have to learn and progress in their


Academic performance is measured by the final grade earned in the course. In

this study, it refers to level of performance in written works and exams. How students

deal with their studies and how they cope with or accomplish different tasks given to

them by their teachers, within this work measured from the standpoint

of academic grades.

Statement of the Problem

As it is known those visual aids are one of the important teaching facilities and

they are essential during teaching. They facilitate and make calm to study, teach and

extant a theme easily. Visual aids may provide the chance to learn visually and are more

effective and easier for human beings. During teaching with models and visual aids,

student’s effort to identify it, or recognize its function and try to have its interpretation to

understand it’s use. They compare it with them. Per concepts adapting the new sensation

and pursuing to recognize about it. Hence, it is virtuous to stimulate the students or keep

theme active for eliciting in teaching and learning process.

This study aimed to know the effectively of using technology as the visual aids

for the grade 9 students of R. Conception Montessori School that enhances the capability

of the students in understanding the lesson easier. Specifically, it attempts to answer the

following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of?

1.1 Sex

1.2 Attainment in the class

2. What are the effects of using the technology as the visual aids for the students?

3. What are the tools used in teaching the lessons using the technology as the visual aids?

4. What are the advantages of using the technology as the visual aids for the student?

5. What are the disadvantages of using the technology as the visual aids for the students?

Significance of the Study

Student – It help the students to have a knowledge on the lesson of their teachers and they

more get entertain because teachers are using technology.

Parents – The parents will able to demonstrate the significance of the use of the


Teacher- this research will serve as an eye opener to them to realize of how effective

using technology as then visual aids.

Future Research – The future research also can gain significance in this study. It may

serve this as their guidance to gather information and it may serve them as a building

block to have a bigger study.

Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is the effectively of using technology as the visual aids for

the grade 9 students of R. Concepcion Montessori School that enhances the capability of

the students in understanding the lesson easier. Which is being settled by the students in

different way thus, this study seeks to have accurate reasons why and what are the

reasons why there are students who are in the lane of being slow to cope up.

The limitation of this study is only for the grade 9 students of R. Concepcion

Montessori School (there are students in grade 9) with a number of 40 students.

Definition of Terms

Effectivity - power to be effective; the quality of being able to bring about an

effect. Effectiveness, effectuality, effectualness.

Technology - the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of

technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing

upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
Visual Aids - an item of illustrative matter, such as a film, slide, or model,

designed to supplement written or spoken information so that it can be understood more


Enhances - intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.

Capability - the power or ability to do something.

Understanding - the ability to understand something; comprehension.

Lesson - an amount of teaching given at one time; a period of learning or


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