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Chapter 1

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The future of the educational system is practically determined by the development of

technology. Some educators like teachers and experts are against the trends of

implementing EdTech tools and apps in teaching. Its because technology is a source

of distraction for students. However proper technology integration guides students

towards greater understanding of all concept. Technology can be define as the

application of scientific knowledge for practical purpose, especially in industry that

are advance in computer technology. It also can be define as machinery and devices

developed from scientific knowledge.

The role of information and communication technology (ICT) in our live is very

essential, especially for the children where it involves fun learning. ICT helps to

develop curiosity, observation and experimentation in children. It is very clear that

children are very much engaged and interested in ICT and need to experience its

different tools, apps and services.ICT tools,apps, and services have become accessible

to children, who are using them increasingly often; they serve as effective learning

tools in many of the developmental aspects and one of the first things to attract

children’s attention (Skeele & Stefankiewicz, 2012). When ICT is intergrated with the

curriculum as a vital element in education, these tools can have positive effect by
increasing children’s motivation to learn in a way that improve their development.

(Abdulraheem, 2016),

Teaching strategies based on educational technology can also be describes as

ethical practices that facilitate the students learning and boost their capacity,

productivity, and performance. Technology integration in education inspires positive

changes on teaching methods on an international level. There are some benefits of

technology. First and foremost technology makes teaching easy. Secondly technology

helps to track students progress. Using technology in class can create good

environment in the class and soon will create the effective learning process.

The use of technology in education system is something already normal

nowadays. Particularly in the classroom it helps the teachers to conduct the classroom

teaching effectively and efficiently. In particular students will be able to learn with the

greater efficacy as they can understand and grasp difficult learning concepts which

technology helps to improve their cognitive processes, such as visualization during

learning process. Hence many educational institutions are continually seeking and

trying new technologies to improve the current practice of teaching and learning

process. The above argument, the importance and role of ICT in the educational

process, and the acclerating evolution of ICT have all helped to support the

emergence of a new reality, or what is known as AR technology, which made its first

appearance in 1970. Augmented Reality (AR) has been used in the education area

because it enhances our sensory information with virtual information superimposed

on top of real world information by digital means.

The teachers or we can say the practice of such education field are focusing on

the use of Augmented Reality(AR) technology in the teaching and learning of

students.(Martin-Gutierrez et al.,2012). This technology is an continuation and

expansion of virtual reality (VR) where it is a sophiscated technology that enables

individuals to experience real views as well as virtual views of realistic environment.

AR technology can help students to learn information with the visual perception.

The Argumented Reality were used in helping students to the cognitive

process, this novel technology have many fascinating and attractive features that

appeal to students minds to make them become more motivated and engaged in the

learning process (Hedley, 2003; Yakovleva & Goltsova, 2016). With the use of

multimedia elements, such as sound, graphics, animations, and videos, learning

becomes easier and less intimidating that helps to improve students’ commitment and

willingness to learn (Ozdamli & Uzunboylu, 2015). Its focus stems from the

recognition that the interface of AR applications supports highly interactive three-

dimensional display of virtual objects overlaying a real physical scene, that enabling

students to visualize abstract and complicated concepts (Kaufmann & Schmalstieg,


The other attractive capability of AR technology is that it can support

collaboration learning among students such as to make them become more productive,

innovative, and articulate–traits deemed indispensable in today’s learning realm

(Johnson et al., 2009). In several intuitional many students used to be lack interest

and motivation in learning such as Literacy of Information Technology, which may be

attributed to a number of factors where students don’t want to continue the further

studies . As such, learning applications based on new technologies, such as Mobile

AR technology, can be utilized to mitigate such problems as these applications can

help students to improve their cognitive skills as well as to motivate them to learn

(Yousafzai et al., 2016).

Augmented Reality (AR) is shown to be a promising technology for education

with the transformative power of experimental and observational learning. Hence, it is

important to evaluate it properly, so, educators get comfortable to using it, and more

importantly understand its impact in the learning process. (Silva, Roberto, &

Teirichrieb, 2015).

In conclusion, once an teachers or educators integrates augmented reality in their

lesson, they will be able to seize their students undivided attention. Through an

Augment’s app the stuudents will be able to view the augemented models on their

own device. Its also a fun way to push education and the students will be motivated to

learn more. Last but not least by using AR into learning process students will be more

excited to learn and this allow the students to be able to maintain more information

for longer periods of time. In other words it can help in increasing the student learning



Without doubts, English lesson in Tamil school is one of the hardest and borest

subject that all the students will murmured about. This is because English language is

their third language in after their mother tongue (Tamil) and nation language (Malay).

It becomes very hard for them to master the English language. Communicating in a

second language is often associated with reluctance and hesitance.One of the most

impactful factors which influences this is the presence of what is called “language

anxiety”. Language anxiety is defined as the feeling of tension and apprehension

experienced by learners in the classroom.Overcoming language anxiety is paramount

to developing fluency, both in writing and in speaking. However, not all students are
willing to fully engage in the learning process and overcome this obstacle because it

involves maintaining a positive attitude in spite of occasional frustration and

boredom. Whenever it goes to English class, students feel very weak as they are not

learning and could not understand anyting during English classes. They feel very

boring during the class and often go out during the class. Moreover, after two to three

days of the lesson, students are forgetting and could not recall back what has been

learnt previously. They could not grasp the lesson and easily forgets what has been

taught. This causes the lesson that has been taught is not giving any effectiveness or

any knowledge to the students. They could not retain the knowledge. It makes them

harder to answer the question in examinations. This causes them to get fail in

examination and poor English proficiency.

The use of technology in education, particularly in the classroom, helps the

instructors and teachers to conduct teaching more effectively and efficiently.Teachers

play an important leadership role in determining the ways in which technology is used

to support educational goals and they also have a pedagogical role in motivating

students to higher levels of achievement and they also have the responsibility to help

students be technologically illiterate. In particular, students will be able to learn with

greater efficacy as they can grasp difficult learning concepts or facts as technology

helps improve their cognitive processes, such as visualization, during learning. Hence,

many educational institutions, especially universities, are continually seeking and

experimenting new technologies to improve the current practice of teaching and

learning. Of late, teaching practitioners of such institutions are focusing on the use of

Augmented Reality (AR) technology in the teaching and learning of undergraduates

(Martin-Gutierrez et al., 2012). Seemingly, such focus stems from the recognition that

the interface of AR applications supports highly interactive three-dimensional display

of virtual objects overlaying a real physical scene, thus enabling students to visualize

abstract and complicated concepts (Kaufmann & Schmalstieg, 2003). Research on AR

has also demonstrated its extreme usefulness for increasing students motivation in the

learning process (Liu& Chu,2012). In addition to helping students to ease the

cognitive process, this technology have many fascinating and attractive features that

appeal to students’ inquisitive minds to make them become more motivated and

engaged in the learning process (Hedley, 2003; Yakovleva & Goltsova, 2016). Some

researchers have found AR as a tool to add missing information in real life by adding

virtual objects to real scenes.

Coupled with the use of multimedia elements, such as sound, graphics,

animations, and videos, learning becomes less intimidating that helps improve

students’ commitment and willingness to learn (Ozdamli & Uzunboylu, 2015).

Another attractive capability of AR technology is that it can support collaboration

learning among students such as to make them become more productive, innovative,

and articulate – traits deemed indispensable in today’s learning realm (Johnson et al.,

2009). Many students have been observed to lack interest and motivation in learning

in school such as English lesson, which may be attributed to a number of factors. As

such, learning applications based on new technologies, such as Mobile AR

technology, can be utilized to mitigate such problems as these applications can help

students to improve their cognitive skills as well as to motivate them to learn

(Yousafzai et al., 2016).

Lack of motivation still elicits interest among researchers and

educators.Increasing student motivation toward learning a new language has long

been a goal of teachers due to the role of motivation as a significant factor in

improving academic performance. Previous research shows that motivation depends

on educational level with the age. Different level of age needs different approaches

and motivation in learning. Research has found that learning motivation in kids can be

increased by using multimedia.

Moreover the Ministry of Education (MoE) in this country encourages E-

learning by directing the teachers and school administrations to utilize and apply the

technological facilities in their daily teaching and work. These attempts were

implemented to put in action to align with the new scheme on PAK -21 which has

been launched by MoE as a part of Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2015-

2025. As their first move, the ministry have introduced new technology and facilities

to all government schools infrastructure by equipping classrooms with smartboard,

computers in a way to increase the teaching practices and quality of students learning.

To conclude, conducting lessons by using technology is believed to add more

interaction and fun to the learning process for kids, especially for those who study

English as a foreign language as learners in this regard will need to get more exposed

to new learning styles, and facilities which match their daily lives as a mobile

friendly. Therefore the problem of this study is shaped in the attempt to propose a new

teaching style in teaching English to non-native English speaker learners by using a

new technology in the classroom that is called “Augmented Reality”. By bringing

real-life authenticity and virtual engagement to language class through an AR tool,

respondant are split into two groups: the first one will engage in AR experience while

the another one will not deal with any AR content. The study tends to compare

motivation and knowledge retention among language learners who are exposed to AR

content versus those who are subject to the same content without AR exposure. This

will be approached through answering the following main research question :

“ How effective is Augmented Reality in teaching English on students

knowledge retention and motivation.


The prime task of education ministry is promote and practices learning by

managing and learning through curriculum management and through pedagogy by

helping all the stakeholders to adapt the change. Managing teaching and learning has

become the manipulation of knowledge. Learning is the interaction between the

learner and environment. Creating a dynamic and adaptive learning environment

enables learner to acquire knowledge effectively. Curiculum integrated with

technology is one of the prior pedagogy a teacher should practices in their daily


This research is conducted to investigate the impact of Augmented Reality tool

in education on students learning motivation and knowledge retention. Augmented

Reality (AR) has aroused much attention in the educational area due to several aspects

of the technology that might positively influence students learning process. In recent

years, there has been a major breakthrough in AR technology. It has expanded from

theoritical framework to daily routine application and widespread use. The uses of AR

technologies are not limited to a specific area, and the application of this technology

is useful in many areas of modern living.

AR is characterised by interaction and integrates a part of the virtual world with

the real world, adding a three dimensional form to AR ( Cascales et al., 2013). AR is a

technology where the users simultaneously interact with virtual objects with reality.

This thesis tries to address the problem of efficient usage of Augmented Reality in the

educational process by doing the needed curriculum changing.

The purpose of this quasi-experiment study is to evaluate and investigate the

effectiveness of AR tools to promote motivation and increase language learning. Even

though AR has existed for long time ago, there is a gap of knowledge of emerging AR

in education . Implementation of AR will eventually increase students participation.

They will be more engaged in learning and they can retent the knowledge given

because visualisation can increase more retention. We are more likely to remember

images and videos than text. According to Confucious theory, we see we remember

better. So, when students engaged in usage of Augmented Reality tool, they will

experience the 3D effects and can use their sensory motors such as touch, visual and

etc.Students will be more active and curious to learn. So, there will be active

participation and visualized lesson will retain more than traditional one in our brain.

On the other hand, this study integrates and extends previous research efforts and

investigates the effects of influences of the instructional technology resources on

learning outcomes and on recommendations on curriculum change to achieve specific

student outcomes ( Clarke et al., 2001).


This research must achieve the following objectives :

1. The participation and motivation of AR group is higher than the traditional group.

The AR group students are much more engaged in lesson and the frequency of going

out from class is lesser compared to traditional group.

2. The scores on English test of AR group is higher than the scores of the traditional

3. The AR group students are much more engaged and has higher motivation on

learning and high knowledge retention compared to traditional group.


In the current study, the researchers introduce a new teaching method presenting

information using modern technology and to determine the extent to which the child

interacts with AR software. The researchers aim to increase the motivation of students and

knowledge retention on English lesson by using Augmented Reality tools. To that end, in this

research study, we address the following questions:

1. Are there statistically significant differences between the AR

group and the traditional group in their participation and

motivation on English lesson?

2. Are there statistically significant differences between the AR

group and the traditional group in their test scores on the English


3. Is there a relationship/correlation between the AR students’ with their

motivation and their scores on the English test?


Augmented Reality tool can increase students motivation in learning and

increase knowledge retention effectively.


This research is attempt to investigate the impact of augmented reality in education on

students motivation and knowledge retention. The conceptual framework of this

research is shown in Figure 1. The objective of this study is to increase students

motivation and knowledge retention on English lesson by using Augmented Reality as

teaching tool.

TEACH USING -high knowledge retention

-poor knowledge retention
AUGMENTED REALITY on vocabulary class
on vocabulary class

- AURASMA - students get engaged in

- students felt bored
- ANIMAL 4D class
attending class
- LAYAR - high motivation
- often go out from class

Figure 1.0 Conceptual Framework

This study is conducted to resolve the issue of students poor knowledge retention on

English lesson and their motivation in attending class. As we are aware, English

lesson is one of the borest and hardest subject for all the students for non-native

English speakers. They face difficulties in understanding English vocabulary and

could not conversate with their friends. During English lesson, the class will be dead

silent and students will be very passive. Students could not understand the instruction

and often go out from the class. As they face difficulties and bored, they tend to go

out and play truant.

A teachers goal is to make the students engaged in their class and getting involved

actively. When students are passive, all the teachers efforts and their objective are like
fritted away. So a teacher should makesure the lesson is very much fun and

interesting to attract students attention. Moreover, a teacher should be capable to teach

till a student could remember the lesson. But as we know, there is very hard to keep in

mind just by listening and doing homework on the respective day. This is when VAK

concept applied. An individual need to blend with these visual, auditory and

kinesthetic in order to learn a subject quickly and effectively. To practices VAK,

Augmented Reality is used in this study. Augmented Reality can eventually increase

the understanding of the content as it shows the real view and concept which a student

can eventually look through. Unlike traditional way which students need to imagine

the content themself without guidance. But in Augmented Reality students can

eventually view the content and get real life experience.

Augmented Reality can generates students enthusiasm and get engaged in using the

application. This application can make students to be more interested and involve in

the lesson. This study uses Aurasma, Animal 4D and Layar apps in the whole study

process. There will be two groups where experimental group which consists of 30

year 2 students will learn a thematic unit with these apps and controlled group of 30

year 2 students will learn the same thematic unit with texts from textbooks and

reference book. All respondants will be given pre test before the lesson and the marks

will be recorded. The study will be conducted for two weeks and after one week post

test will be given for both groups. The marks will be analysed to record the result and

shows the knowledge retention between both lessons. In the process, teacher will

monitor students behaviour and record in the daily journal. At the end of the study,

respondants will be given a questionnaire on rating the lesson by emoji. Students

motivation on the lesson can be shown by the daily behaviour sheet and emoji

This study conducted to prove that using Augmented Reality in lesson can eventually

increase students knowledge retention and their motivation to stay focus on the

lesson. The methodology and procedure of the study will be discussed in Chapter 3.




Figure 2.0 : Theoritical Framework

This study is conducted referring several models and theory as the source of this

thesis. The knowledge retention test that is going to study in this project paper is

based on the Knowledge Management Process Modal by Botha et al (2008).

Figure 2.1 : Knowledge Management Process Modal

by Botha et al (2008)
The Knowledge Management Process Model divided into three aspects which

comprises knowledge creation & sensing, knowledge organizing & capture and

knowledge sharing & dissemination. This model emphasizes on human focus and

technology focus. In knowledge creation & sensing,the knowledge that is created

must blend with students sensory and be able to experience. Based on this model,

teach using augmented reality can make students to feel and experience the content by

their naked eyes. A knowledge that is created must be human focused and well

adapted by a human. The knowledge should be sensible and feel by the students.

Knowledge organizing & capture states that a knowledge that is created should be

able to organise well inorder to retent the knowledge obtained. This study is to test

whether how a knowledge been organised by using augmented reality as a teaching

tool. Moreover, a knowledge that has been created must be personalized and driven

by ownself. Augmented Reality teaching eventually will make students to choose

their own learning and driven personally to create the knowledge. Teacher is

responsible in giving the content but students are free to create the knowledge

themselves. Another aspect which comprises this model is sharing and dissemination.

It is technology focused where the knowledge can be share, access and collaborate

with others. The knowledge that is created can be access very easily and collaborate

with others. This study will prove that augmented reality can be easily collaborated

and accessed by everyone. This study will be based on this Knowledge Management

Process Model by Botha et al 2008.

In order to measure and evaluate students motivation, a theoritical framework of

motivation was selected which is Keller’s ARCS motivation model.
Figure 2.2 : Kellers ARCS motivation model

The ARCS model is a descriptive model used for diagnosing problems associated

with learning motivation. According to Keller’s definition, motivation in the

educational area refers to a student’s desire to engage in a learning environment. Four

dimensions in Keller’s ARCS motivation model used to explain the motivation which

is attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction. Keller stated that learner attention

should be gained by gaining interest and simulating curiosity. This study will

determine how teaching using Augmented Reality can gain learners attention and

increase students motivation. The second step was to establish relevance in order to

increase learners motivation. Allowing a choice was one suggested strategy.

Augmented Reality can give choice to students to choose their knowledge and their

learning styles. Confidence is students should understand their likehood for

success.They should feel the success in creating the knowledge. Rewards that they

gain can increase students motivation and make them to be more curious on doing the

same things repeatedly. Satisfaction meant if the outcome of a learner’s effort was

consistent with their expectations and they felt relatively good about those outcomes,

they would remain motivated. This study will test how teaching using augmented
reality can effect students motivation.


This research provides a starting ground for discussing on how the application

of augmented reality in pedagogy can impact students motivation and knowledge

retention. The contributions of the current study can be broadly categorized as

theoritical, practical and methodological.

Prior research has focused on using technologies such as AR and VR in

various domains. Most researches are conducted for higher school students and most

likely on the effect of the Augmented Reality on education. Few research have been

focused on the motivation and very less research proposed on knowledge retention.

This study will focus on the effect of using AR apps such as Aurasma on academic

achievement of year 2 students and the impact on their level of motivation.

The importance of this study lies in its focus on a modern and emerging

trend in the development of the primary curriculum: AR technology. The researchers

employed AR apps in an innovative teaching and learning environment. The results of

the study can help decision makers provide AR software as a new educational

teaching and learning method in schools. In addition, the study provides information

that increases teachers’ awareness of the role of technology in the education of the

child, thus contributing to the adoption of new methods that contribute to improving

the quality of education. We also address those global and local trends that highlight

the need to take advantage of modern ICT tools, apps, and services and to employ

them in educational systems. The results of this study may provide schools with a new

teaching style that helps school teachers to instruct their students using a new and

interesting method.
Finally, the current study represents an important addition to the literature in

the field of AR technology, and this can be used for other researcher on this AR



Despite effective advantages of using AR technology in teaching and learning

there are some obstacles to use this technology especially in schools. Most of the

limitation is the network and technical problems of the tracking the apperance of

digital content. Most of the rual area schools are facing the network problem as it is in

the limited zone of coverage. The AR tool could not be operated without connection

of internet. The speed of internet is limited in rural areas where most of teachers are

worried about. They even could not access to phone network line in order for

incoming or outgoing calls. In this situation, internet connection is very limited and

they could not implement this apps in their teaching. This thesis will propose that this

apps could make it into multimedia in CD-ROM and all the teachers can use without

internet connection.


This thesis is organised in five chapters. The first chapter provides an

introduction to the topic under study, the purpose of the study, the research questions

and the significance to research. Chapter two reviews the recent and relevant literature

on Augmented Reality and the background. Moreover, it will explain about Keller’s

ARCS motivation model and the importance of students knowledge retention. The

third chapter describes the grounded theory methodology used in the study, including

sampling techniques and procedures used to collect and analyse the data. The

findings are presented in chapter four. Chapter four discusses the results and their
implications for future and practice. Chapter five discusses the different conclusions

and clarifies that more studies should be incorporated into the application layer to

improve the integration of Augmented Reality in curriculum.

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