B. Which Projected and Non-Projected Aids Are Suitable For Teaching Science Elementary Level Justify With Examples?
B. Which Projected and Non-Projected Aids Are Suitable For Teaching Science Elementary Level Justify With Examples?
B. Which Projected and Non-Projected Aids Are Suitable For Teaching Science Elementary Level Justify With Examples?
These are some of the key steps on which the instructional design
technology is based:
Teaching has become a science, there are many aspects and areas which
has to be considered to make it more effective e.g. age and ability of the
children, methodology of teaching, resource material used etc. similarly to
run a good school thorough planning has to be done, one has to devise a
sound school policy, a balanced curriculum, an effective way of teaching and
a good evaluation method.
According to (Tishna, 1997) every activity takes place through proper method
and technique, therefore a teacher should also teach his lesson through
proper method. Teacher should adopt the method of teaching which is
according to the mental age and psychology of the students and the students
take interest in it. The A.V aids motivate the students and arouse interest of
students in the teaching learning
process. Therefore A.V aids should be used effectively.
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4. Lying
It is common for children to lie. It is also common for parents to worry when
they catch the kids lying. You may feel betrayed, hurt and even wonder if
you can trust the child again. But here is what you should do to prevent your
kid from lying.
Do not take it personally. Think about it from your child’s perspective to
understand what compelled him to lie.
Kids may lie when they are scared that the truth might have negative
consequences. Appreciate tne positives rather than punishing negative
behavior to prevent your child’s need for lying.
Teach them to be honest. Start by being a role model.
Have consequences for lying. No arguments or discussions about it. Your
kid lies, he gets to deal with the consequences.
5. Bullying
Bullying is a serious problem and could result in emotional and physical
abuse of the victim. Children tend to bully others to feel powerful. Also,
bullying resolves their social problems easily. When dealing with feelings
becomes difficult, kids tend to take on bullying to fix things. If you find that
your child has been bullying others, you should act immediately.
Start teaching your kids from an early age that bullying is wrong. More
importantly, explain to them what or who a bully is and give them examples
of what bullies do.
6. Manipulation
Manipulation is tricky and a very exhausting behavior to handle. Children
tend to act out, lie, or cry to get what they want. If you give in to the bad
bRhavior in children, your child feels justified. For example, if your child
'L throws a tantrum in public for a candy bar and you buy her one, she has just
manipulated you.
In simple words, when your child manipulates you, she has power over you.
As an adult, you can always brea k the pattern and stop falling for your
child’s manipulative behavior.
Encourage them by asking what they like doing in the school. Help them with
their homework, and make it more interesting.
Behavioral problems are not always simple enough to deal. You would have
to seek a professional’s help in complicated cases.
Ensure children reach out for help. In some cases, behavior issues occur
because the child does not know how he or she can receive help or does not,
for some reason, feel that help is available. Reassure children that they can
reach out for the help they need. If they feel comfortable coming to you
when they’re lost, upset or overyvhel med, they’re not as likely to have an
Prevention is always the best step, but of course it’s not always possible to
stop every occurrence of poor behavior.
greatly in curbing the growth of possible negative feelings such as loath and
’m- revenge from your students, thus making your teaching process much more
@ so well late/y. In fact, your behavior has been very impressive. Why did you
<L decide to get involved in such a bad habit today?“ By doing so, you will have •••
at hand head-on.
After you’re done reprimanding, you can wind up on a note such as, “/ am
sure that this mistake will not happen again due to the great student you
have been until this moment. fly faith in you is great. “You can use any
D- other technique that you think will work out great for you, but ensure that
@ you practice the element of acknowledging the child s positive behaviors.
Be aware of the many punishment mistakes that are made too often. Take a
)“ look at the punishment tips in that post as well.
The teaching profession is excellent in a vast array of ways with the highlight
of it all being the power you are given to shape the lives of the students
entrusted to you. However, it is important to note that it is not always a
'L wal k in the park due to the various challenges that you are bound to face
especially when dealing with children.As much as these problems could be
•m‹ overwhelming, you should know that there is always a way to solve them.
Q.3 a. Differentiate between management, control and discipline.
Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques
that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on
task, and academically productive during a class. When classroom-
management strategies are executed effectively, teachers minimize the
behaviors that impede learning for both individual students and groups of
students, while maximizing the behaviors that facilitate or enhance
learning. Generally speaking, effective teachers tend to display strong
classroom-management skills, while the hallmark of the inexperienced or
less effective teacher is a disorderly classroom filled with students who are
not working or paying attention.
Discipline is defined as the practice of teaching others to obey rules or w
norms by using punishment to correct unwanted behaviors. In a classroom,
a teacher uses discipline to ensure routine is maintained, school rules are
enforced, and the students are in a safe learning environment. While the
word discipline seems negative, the goal of using discipline is to teach
students boundaries and limits to help students achieve personal and
academic life goals.
Without discipline, learning cannot be accomplished. If students constantly
disrupt the teacher, the others in class are affected. If a student does not
follow the rules and does not complete class work or homework, that
student is missing out on valuable learning opportunities. The goal of
discipline is to ensure each student receives the most from their education.
Let's take a look at some strate ies teachers can use in the classroom.
Classroo Con I giv e h e Ibid better manage internet
‹y access in eir lassroo ! CIassroom_ControI improves productivity by
helping teach schedule the duration and format of their lessons.
Classr oom management is crucial in classr ooms because it supports the
proper execution of curriculum development, developing best teaching
practices, and putting them into action. Classroom management can be
explained as the actions and directions that teachers use to create a
successful learning environment; indeed, having a positive impact on
students achieving given learning requirements and goals.
Teachers do not focus on learning classroom management, because higher
education programs do not put an emphasis on the teacher attaining
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Occupying Students
Classroom management is also a matter of keeping students occupied,
either in a lesson, discussion or activity. When children have something to
focus on, they are less likely to create their own stimuli by "zoning out" or
misbehaving. So, particularly for younger years, it is strongly recommended
that teachers over plan their lessons in order to always give the children
something to do.
Discipline is a matter of dishing out consequences when students go off task,
whether the lesson is well-planned or not. In general, the more thoroughly
occupied students are, the less discipline they will need.
Tona setting
A final example of a difference between classroom management and
discipline is the general tone you set. You set a tone in classroom
management by your confidence, the way you present @
yourself and how well you relate to students. If you do these well, your •=
classroom will be well-managed because it will be clear to students who is in
control. -
Discipline also requires tone-setting. Once you’ve made the rules clear, you
need to follow through the minute someone violates them. This is basically
setting an example. It's often not enough to simply have rules; rather, you
need to let students know you're serious. This concept and that mentioned
above are examples of setting a tone in which the teacher is in control and
é creating a positive learning environment.
Good parent-teacher relationships
A good relationship with your child’s teacher and school is a great starting
point for handling any problems that come up at school.
about the parents. During the conversation, your parents may come up with
’m- ideas that can benefit you as a teacher.
Research shows that parental involvement can free teachers to focus more
on the task of teaching children. Also, by having more contact with parents,
teachers learn more about students' needs and home environment, which is
information they can apply toward better meeting those needs. Parents who
are involved tend to have a more positive view of teachers, which results in
improved teacher morale.
Good two-way communication
Good two-may communication between families and schools is necessary for @
your students' success. Not surprisingly, research shows that the more
parents and teachers share relevant information with each other about a
student, the better equipped both will be to help that student achieve -
academically. @
Opportunities for two-way communication include: -
Parent conferences w
Parent-teacher organizations or school community councils
Weekly or monthly folders of student work sent home for parent review and
comment -
Phone calls
E-mail or school website
Unlike standardized tests, teacher developed tests have not been tested on
sample populations of students and do not allow you to compare your
students to a standard. Instead, these tests (also called criterion-reference
tests), help test a student s understanding of a particular (and often limited)
body of knowledge.
Federal and Provincial Governments are introducing projects with the aid of
foreign countries and Public-private partnership to increase the net
enrolment at primary level. Government also, collaborating with
nongovernment organizations (NGOs) to provide education in the far flung
areas of the country. One of the reasons of not sending children to schools
or drop out in the mid way is the children labor. To meet the expenditures,
parents send their children to workplaces. These children are unable to join
the formal institutions. To attract such children to schools is a challenge for
the government. The result of the formal institutional structure is that
millions of children have been deprived of elementary education because
institutional facilities did not exist but primary education clashed with their
jobs (National Education Policy, 1998-2010).
Shami and Hussain (2005) conducted a study entitled “Basic Education in
Pa kistan” and found the following reasons of low enrollment in primary
schools in Pakistan: majority of boys and girls could not be enrolled in the
schools because of Expensive education, Non-availability of schools,
Remote schools, No facility for further education, Providing help at home,
Teachers‘ harsh behavior and Less conveyan ce to remote sch ools. The
reasons for leaving school during the academic year were expensive
education, Lack of parents’ interest, large family size, Remote schools,
Security problems, Non- availability of good teachers, harsh behavior of
teachers and corporal punishment.
Government of Pa kistan is providing all the facilities to ensure the
universalization of primary education, it is needed that awareness about
.) education may be created among the parents so that they may send their
children to schools. Public schools may play their role in decreasing the
dropout rate. Curriculum may design in such a way that it may be helpful for
the students out of schools. In addition, teachers may be appointed in the
far flung areas so that people send their children. Local Community may be
involved after providing special training about importance of education. It is
also considered that public institutions are not catering quality education,
this notion may be abolished.
Among the factors keeping girls out of school, Human Rights Watch found,
are tne government’s under-investment in schools, lack of schools,
prohibitive school fees and related costs, corporal punishment, and a failure
to enforce compulsory education. Human Rights Watch also found poor
quality within government and low-cost private schools, a lack of
government regulation of private schools, and corruption.
In addition to these factors within the education system, girls are also
blocked from attending school by external factors including child labor,
gender discrimination, child marriage, sexual harassment, insecurity, and
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