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P.A.Aziz College of Engineering and Technology: Green Hills, Karakulam, Trivandrum

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Green Hills, Karakulam,Trivandrum

Name of Experiment Page

1. Chain surveying-Study of Instruments
2. Chain Surveying
3. Compass Survey- Study of Instruments
4. Compass Surveying
5. Levelling-Study of Instruments
6. Leveling 1
7. Leveling 2
8. Leveling 3
9. Leveling 4
10. Leveling 5
11. Plane table surveying- Study of
12. Plane table 1
13. Plane table 2
14. Plane table 3
16. Plane table 5
17. Plane table 6
Date: Experiment No:1 Date: Experiment No:2

Chain Surveying-Study of Instruments Chain Surveying

Aim: Aim:
To study the various instruments used for doing chain
survey To plot the positions of the given points(on the ground)
using chain surveying and to find the area of the traverse
(what is chain surveying?, instruments used in chain
surveying (with figures), method of chaining, folding and Instruments:
unfolding (brief description only))
Chain, Tape, Ranging rod, Arrows, Offset Rod, Peg and
Result: Cross Staff
The various instruments used for chain surveying were
studied in detail. Procedure:

I. The base line is selected by observing the positions of

the given points, such that it is the longest line that can
be obtained from the traverse
II. The chain is extended along the base line.
III. The length of the base line is measured and noted as
IV. To take offset towards the next point C , the cross staff
is fixed in such a position that the ranging rods held at
A,B and C can be viewed. At this point an arrow is
fixed and the point is taken as P.
V. The distance PC and AP are measured.( PC ┴ AB)
VI. Similarly the points Q and R are obtained on the chain
line AB, where the perpendicular offsets were taken. Date: Experiment No:3
VII. The chainages to these points are noted and the points
A,C,B,D and E are joined to give the plan of the given Compass Surveying-Study of Instruments
traverse. Aim:
VIII. The area of the traverse is calculated. To study the various types of compasses that are used in
Compass Surveying and to study the method of Compass
Observations and Calculations: traversing.
Sl.No: Item Area (what is compass surveying?, traversing(closed and
1 (eg: triangle APC) (eg:A 1=1/2 x b x h=… open),designation of bearings, fore and back bearings,
prismatic compass, observation of bearings)
Observation of bearings:
To observe the bearings of a line AB,
i. Centre the compass over the station A and level it.
ii. Having turned up the vertical prism and the sighting
vane, raise or lower the prism until the graduations on
(along with the plotted plan of the traverse and the field book the ring are clearly visible when looked through the
entry) prism.
iii. Turn the compass box until the ranging rod at the
station B is bisected by the hair when looked through
the slit above the prism.
iv. When the needle comes to rest, look through the prism
and note the reading at which the hair line produced
appears to cut the image of the graduated ring which
Result: gives the required bearing of the line AB.
1. The given points were plotted in a map Result:
2. The area of the given traverse is …………..m2 The various instruments used for compass surveying
were studied in detail.
Date: Experiment No:4

Compass Surveying Observations and Calculations (readings to be entered as

1. To plot the points by compass surveying Line Fore bearing Back bearing
2. Find the third side of the traverse from one AB
included angle and two sides BC
3. Find the area of the traverse CA

Instrument used: Check:

Prismatic compass, tripod, chain, ranging rod, peg etc.
Sum of the included angles-1800 = 0
Procedure: Result:

1. The compass is fixed at the station A, leveled and The included angle ∕ BAC = ………
centered. ∕ ABC = ………
2. The fore bearing of AB and back bearing of AC are ∕ ACB = ……...
taken. The area of the traverse ABC = ………m2
3. The compass is shifted to station B, leveled and
4. The back bearing of AB and fore bearing of BC are
5. Similarly the instrument is shifted to station point C,
centered and leveled and then the sights are taken
towards A and B.
6. The distance AB is measured and noted.
7. Using cosine rule, the area of the traverse is calculated.
again as a whole slides into the bottom box of 1.5 m long. Each
length is held in position by a brass spring catch 20 equal
Date: Experiment No:5 divisions of 5mm width. The dm numeral 10 of each m length
is omitted and letter m is marked to indicate the end of m
Levelling-Study of Instruments length. It should be ensured that the three parts are fully
Aim: extended in length when using the full length i.e., 4m.
To study the instruments used for leveling
Important Terms Used in leveling:
1. Back sight: It is a staff reading taken on a point of
Leveling may be defined as the art of determine the height known elevation as on a bench mark of a change point.
and elevation of points or objects on the earth surface. It deals It is the first staff reading after the level is set up and
with measurements in a vertical plane. To determine the leveled.
elevations of points, two instruments are required, a level and a 2. Fore sight: It is a staff reading taken on a point whose
leveling staff. The level furnishes a horizontal line of sight, and RL is to be determined. It is the last staff reading taken
the leveling staff is used to determine a vertical distances of the before the shifting of the level.
points below the horizontal line of sight. 3. Intermediate sight: It is any reading other then FS and
1. The Level: The level consists essentially of(a) levelling BS taken on a point of unknown RL from the same set
head (b) The limb (c) Telescope and (d) The level or bubble up of level. All reading taken b/w BS and FS are called
tube. IS. In one setting of level there is only FS and BS but
Dumpy level is a simple, compact and stable type of there may be any number of IS.
level. The telescope is rigidly fixed to its support and therefore 4. Height of instrument: It is the elevation of RL of the
can neither be rotated about its longitudinal axis no can it be line of collimation when the instrument is correctly
removed from its supports. leveled.
2. Leveling Staff: There are various types of graduated staff 5. Reduced level: RL of any point is the height or depth of
like folding type (4m leveling staff), inverted position leveling that point above or below any datum. It is also known
staff, sop with telescopic staff, Target staff etc as elevation of the point.
Telescopic staff: It is one of the commonly used 6. Level surface: This is a surface parallel to the mean
leveling staff. It is usually arranged in three telescopic lengths spheroid surface of the earth. Every point on the level
and is 4m long when fully extended. The solid top length of surface is equidistance from the center of earth.
1.25 m slides down into central box of 1.25 m long which
7. Line of collimation: It is an imaginary line joining the round only the lower part with left hand. Screw the
intersection of cross-hair at diaphragm to the optical instrument firmly.
center of object glass and its continuation. It also called b. Leg Adjustment: Place the instrument in a desired
line of sight Line of sight is horizontal when the bubble position at a covenant height for sighting with the
is in center. tripod legs spread well apart and tribach sprang as
8. Bench Mark: It is a fixed reference point of known nearly level as can be judged by the eye. Bring all
elevation. The RL of a BM above a certain assumed the foot screws in the centre of their run. Fix any
datum is determined and recorded together with its two legs firmly in to the ground by pressing them
sketch for further reference. with the hand and move the 3rd leg to the right or
9. Axis of telescope: It is line joining the optical center of left until the main bubble is approximately in the
object glass to the center of eye piece. centre. Then move it in or out until the bubble of the
10. Axis of Level tube: It is an imaginary line tangential to cross level is approximately in the centre. Finally,
the longitudinal curve of the tube at its middle point. It the leg should be fixed in such a position that both
is also known as bubble line. bubbles are in the centre.
11. Station: A station is a point whose elevation is to be c. Leveling up: Place the telescope parallel to a pair of
determined or a point which is to be established at a foot screws and bring the bubble to the centre of its
given elevation .It is a point where the staff is held and run by turning these screws equally either both
not the point where the level is set up. inwards or both outwards. Turn the telescope
through 900 so that it lies over the third foot screw,
Temporary Adjustment of a level and centre the bubble by turning this screw. Bring
the telescope back to its original position without
Temporary adjustments are those which have to be reversing the eyepiece and object glass ends. Again
performed at each each set up of the level. It consists of: bring the bubble to the centre of its run, and repeat
1 Setting up the level. these operations until the bubble remains in the
2. Focusing the eyepiece and object glass to eliminate parallax. centre of its run in both positions. If the instrument
is in adjustment the bubble will remain central for
(1) Setting up the level all directions of telescopic.
a. Fixing the instrument on stand: Release the clamp (2). Focusing the eye piecea and object glass
screw of the instrument, hold the instrument in the To focus the eyepiece, remove the lid from the object
in the right hand and fix it on the tripod by turning glass and hold a sheet of white paper in front of it. Move the
eyepiece in and out until the cross hairs are distinctly seen.
Now, direct the telescope towards the staff and looking through and the 1st change pt are then obtained by subtracting the staff
the eyepiece, bring the image of the staff b/w the 2 vertical readings taken on these points (IS and FS) from HI.When the
hairs of the diaphragm by lighting trapping the telescope. instrument is shifted to the second station, a new plane of
Adjust the objective by turning the jousting screw until parallax collimation is set up. The levels of the two plane of collimation
is dominated. are corrected by means of BS and FS taken on change point.
The elevation of this plane is obtained by obtained by adding
Steps in Leveling: the new BS taken on the CP from second position of level to
the RL of first CP. The RLs of successive points and the
When the level in adjustment is set up and correctly second CP are found by subtracting their staff readings from
leveled, the line of collimation will be horizontal, and when the the elevation of this plane of collimation.
telescope is rotated about its vertical axis, it will revolve in a
horizontal plane of collimation and that is all staff readings Arithmetic Check :
taken with the telescope will be the vertical measurements ∑BS-∑FS= Last RL-First RL
made downwards from this plane. There are 2 steps in leveling.
The 1st step is to find the elevation of RL of the plane of Representation of Field Book
collimation (HI) of the level by taking a BS on the bench mark. Purpose:
The 2nd step is to find the elevation of RL of any other point by Locality:
taking on the staff held at that point. Date:
Height of instrument (HI) = RL of plane of collimation Station Remarks
RL of a point = HI – IS or HI - FS

Height of instrument method:

It consists of finding the elevation of plane of

collimation (HI) for every set up of the instrument, and then
obtaining the RL of points with reference to the respective Rise and Fall Method:
plane of collimation.
To begin with the elevation of the plane of It consists in determining the difference of the
collimation for the 1st set up of the level is determined by level between consecutive points by comparing each point after
adding the BS to the RL of BM. The RL of intermediate points the first with that immediately preceeding it.The difference
between their staff readings indicatea a rise or fall according as
the staff readings at the point is smaller or larger than that at
the preceding point. The reduced level of each point is then
found by adding the rise to, or subtracting the fall from the Date: Experiment No:6
reduced level of the preceding point.
Arithmetic check: Leveling 1 -Simple leveling I
∑BS - ∑FS = ∑rise - ∑fall =last RL- first RL

Station Remarks Aim:

BS IS FS Rise Fall RL
No:/Name To find out the RL of given points using HI method

Instrument Used:
Dumpy Level, Leveling Staff and Ranging rod.


I. The level is placed at a suitable height at a point such

that the stations whose RL are to be determined can be
well sighted from the position of level.
Result: II. The temporary adjustments are made.
The various instruments and methods of leveling were III. The leveling staff is placed at the bench mark, the back
studied in detail sight reading is taken. The HI is calculated by
IV. The staff is shifted to the point whose RL is to be
V. The fore sight(or intermediate) readings are taken and
are subtracted from HI to get reduced level.
RL = HI- (FS/IS)
Observations and Calculations: Date: Experiment No:7

Leveling 2 -Simple leveling II ( with inverted readings)


BS IS FS HI RL Remarks
To find out the RL of given points using HI method

Instrument Used:
Dumpy Level, Leveling Staff and Ranging rod.


Arithmetic Check: i. The level is placed at a suitable height at a point such

that the stations whose RL are to be determined can
∑BS-∑FS= Last RL-First RL be well sighted from the position of level.
ii. The temporary adjustments are made.
iii. The leveling staff is placed at the bench mark, the
Result: back sight reading is taken. The HI is calculated by
The RL of BM is = ……………. iv. The staff is shifted to the point whose RL is to be
The RL of ….(name of the point) = ……….m determined. (The staff is kept inverted to find
elevation of points such as underside of a slab).
v. The fore sight(or intermediate) readings are taken and
are subtracted from HI to get reduced level.
Observations and Calculations: Date: Experiment No:8

Leveling 3 -Compound leveling (HI method)


BS IS FS HI RL Remarks
To find out the RL of given points using HI method

Instrument Used:
Dumpy Level, Leveling Staff and Ranging rod.


Arithmetic Check: I. The level is placed at a suitable height at a point such

that the stations whose RL are to be determined can be
∑BS-∑FS= Last RL-First RL well sighted from the position of level.
II. The temporary adjustments are are made.
III. The leveling staff is placed at the bench mark, the back
Result: sight reading is taken. The HI is calculated by
The RL of BM is = ……………. IV. The staff is shifted to the next point whose RL is to be
The RL of ….(name of the point) = ……….m determined.
V. The fore sight(or intermediate) readings are taken
accordingly and are subtracted from HI to get reduced
Observations and Calculations: Date: Experiment No:9

Leveling 4 -Compound leveling II (Rise and Fall method)


BS IS FS HI RL Remarks
To find out the RL of given points using Rise and Fall

Instrument Used:
Dumpy Level, Leveling Staff and Ranging rod.

Arithmetic Check:
1. The level is placed at a suitable height at a point such
∑BS-∑FS= Last RL-First RL that the stations whose RL are to be determined can be
well sighted from the position of level.
2. The temporary adjustments are are made.
Result: 3. The leveling staff is placed at the bench mark, the back
sight reading is taken.
The RL of BM is = ……………. 4. The staff is shifted to the point whose RL is to be
The RL of ….(name of the point) = ……….m determined. The reading is noted as FS or IS as the case
may be. The difference is found as rise (or fall).
5. The reduced level of the point is obtained by adding the
rise to ( or subtracting the fall from) the RL of the
preceding point.
Observations and Calculations: Date: Experiment No:10

Leveling 5 - Profile leveling


BS IS FS Rise Fall RL Remarks Aim:

To find out the RL of given points, spaced 4m apart
using HI method and to find the slope of the ground using HI

Instrument Used:
Dumpy Level, Leveling Staff and Ranging rod.

Arithmetic Check:
i. The level is placed at a suitable height at a point such
∑BS-∑FS=∑ rise - ∑ fall = Last RL-First RL that the stations whose RL are to be determined can
be well sighted from the position of level.
ii. The temporary adjustments are made.
Result: iii. The leveling staff is placed at the bench mark, the
back sight reading is taken. The HI is calculated by
The RL of BM is = ……………. HI= RL(BM) + BS
The RL of ….(name of the point) = ……….m iv. The staff is shifted to the next point whose RL is to be
v. The fore sight(or intermediate) readings are taken
accordingly and are subtracted from HI to get reduced
Date: Experiment No:11
Observations and Calculations:
Plane Table Surveying -Study of Instruments

BS IS FS HI RL Remarks To study the various instruments used for doing the
Plane table surveying.
(What is plane table surveying?,instruments used
:alidade, plumbing fork,plumb bob, trough compass, spirit
level, etc., setting up, orienting the plane table, methods used in
plane tabling(list only))

Arithmetic Check:
The various instruments used for plane tabling were
∑BS-∑FS= Last RL-First RL studied in detail


Gradient = (last RL- first RL)/(no.of spacing x spacing)

(Represent as a fraction)

The RL of BM is = …………….
The RL of ….(name of the point) = ……….m
Slope of the ground = …………
Area of triangle ATB=-------- m2
Area of triangle BTC=-------- m2
Date: Experiment No:12 Area of triangle CTD=-------- m2
Area of triangle DTE=-------- m2
Plane Table surveying I -Radiation method Area of triangle DTA=-------- m2
Area of triangle DTA=-------- m2
Aim : Total area of the traverse ABCDE =---------- m2
To plot the area between the given points ABCDE by
radiation method of plane tabling. (The map to be attached in a drawing sheet)

Instrument Used:
Plane table with Tripod, spirit level, plumbing
fork, Alidade, Trough compass, drawing paper.


1. The table is set at a centre point T, leveled it and the

point is transferred on to the sheet by means of
plumbing fork ,thus getting point t representing T. The
table is clamped.
2. The alidade is kept touching t and A is sighted. The ray
is drawn along the fiducial edge of the alidade,
similarly points B, C, D, E etc are sighted and the
corresponding rays were drawn.
3. Distances TA, TB, TC, TD etc are measured in the field
and their distances are plotted to some scale along the
corresponding rays ,thus getting a,b,c,d,e etc. These
points joined. Thus the map of the required traverse is
Area of the field ABCDE = ………………. m2
(The map to be attached in a drawing sheet)
Date: Experiment No:13 Date: Experiment No:14

Plane Table surveying II -Intersection method Plane Table surveying III – Traversing

To plot the area of the field ABCDE. Aim:
To plot the area of the field.
Instruments used: Material Required:
Plane table with Tripod, spirit level, plumbing Plane table with Tripod, spirit level, plumbing
fork, Alidade, Trough compass, drawing paper. fork, Alidade, Trough compass, drawing paper.
Procedure :
Procedure : 1. Set the table at A. Use plumbing fork for transferring A on
i. The table is set at A, leveled, centered The table is to the sheet. Draw the direction of magnetic meridian with the
then clamped. help of compass.
ii. With the help of the trough compass ,the north 2. With the alidade pivoted about ‘a’ sight it to B and draw the
direction is marked on the sheet. ray .Measure AB and scale off ‘ab’ to some scale. Similarly
iii. Pivoting the alidade about ‘a’ ,B is sighted. Measure draw a ray towards E measure AE and plot ‘e’.
AB and plot it along the ray to get ‘b’ .The base line 3. Shift the table to B and set it. Orient the table accurately by
‘ab’ thus drawn. back sighting A. Clamp the Table.
iv. Pivoting the alidade about a ,the details C ,D ,E ,etc 4. pivoting the alidade about ‘b’ sight to C. Now measure BC
are sighted and corresponding rays are drawn. and plot it on the drawn ray to the same scale. Similarly the
v. The table is shifted to B and set. The table is oriented table can be set at other stations(like D and E) and the traverse
roughly by compass and finally by back sighting A. is completed.
vi. Pivoting the alidade ‘b’, the details C,D,E, etc are
sighted and correspond rays are drawn along the edge Result:
of the alidade to intersect with the previously drawn Area of the field ABCDE = ………………. m2
rays through ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’ etc .The positions of the (The map to be attached in a drawing sheet)
points are thus mapped by way of intersection.
Date: Experiment No:15
6. With the alidade against a, A is sighted and a ray is drawn
Plane Table surveying IV – Two Point Problem through a intersecting the line d1c1 in c1.With the alidade
toughing c1 , B is sighted and a ray is drawn through c1.This
ray will pass through b provided the initial orientation of the
Aim: table at D was correct. But since the orientation at D was
To fix the instrument station in the field. approximate, the ray c1 B will not pass through b. The point of
Material Required: intersection of c1B and d1b is marked as b1.The point thus
Plane table with Tripod, spirit level, plumbing represents B. Hence ad1c1b1represents ADCB .But since ab is
fork, Alidade, Trough compass, drawing paper. the true representation of AB, the error in the initial orientation
is equal to the angle b1ab between the lines ab and ab1.
1. A suitable auxiliary point D is selected and the plane table is 7.To eliminate the error, the table must be rotated through this
fixed such that ab is parallel to AB. angle. To do this, the alidade is placed along ab1, and a
ranging rod is fixed at P at a great distance from the table in the
2. The table is leveled and oriented. line ab1 produced.

3. With the alidade touching a ,A is sighted and a ray is drawn. 8. The alidade is placed along ab and the table is turned until
Similarly with the alidade against b ,B is sighted and drawn a the ranging rod at P is bisected. The table is clamped. The line
ray through b .Intersecting the ray drawn through aA and bB, a ab is now parallel to AB and the orientation of the table is
point d1 is obtained which approximately represents the station correct.
D, as the orientation is approximate.
4. With the alidade centered on d1, sight c and draw a ray d1c1. 9. To find the true position of C, center the alidade on a and
The point c1 is marked by estimating the distance DC. sight A. Draw a ray through a .Similarly with the alidade
5. The table is removed and set up at C and leveled it. The touching b, sight B, and draw a ray through b. The intersection
table is oriented by sighting towards D. The table is then of these two rays gives the true position (c) on the plan of the
clamped. station occupied.
6. The alidade is pivoted about B, B is sighted and a ray is
drawn to intersect cc’ in p.
7. Similarly, the alidade is pivoted about a, A is sighted, the
Date: Experiment No:16 ray passes through p if the work is correct.
8. The point p is transferred to ground as point P.
Plane Table surveying V – Three Point Problem 1 (Bessel’s
Method) Result:
The station point P is obtained.
To fix the instrument station P on the field with respect to
the given points ABC on ground.

Instruments used:
Plane table with Tripod, spirit level, plumbing
fork, Alidade, Trough compass, drawing paper.


1. Having set up and leveled the table at P, the alidade is

placed along the line ba and the board turned until A is
sighted, a being towards A.
2. The table is then clamped with the alidade centered on b, C
is sighted, and the ray xy is drawn along the edge of the
3. With the alidade placed along ab ,the board is turned until
the line sight bisects B, and then clamped .
4. With alidade touching a, C is sighted and ray is drawn ,
intersecting the ray xy (previously drawn) in c’.cc’ is
5. With the alidade along cc’, the table is turned until C is
bisected, and then clamped. The table is now oriented.
3. With the alidade placed along ab ,the board is turned
until the line sight bisects B, and then clamped .
Date: 4. With alidade touching a, C is sighted and ray is drawn ,
Experiment No:17 intersecting the ray xy (previously drawn) in c’.cc’ is
Plane Table surveying VI – Three Point Problem 2 (Bessel’s 5. With the alidade along cc’, the table is turned until C is
Method) bisected, and then clamped. The table is now oriented.
6. The alidade is pivoted about B, B is sighted and a ray is
Aim: drawn to intersect cc’ in p.
(i)To fix the instrument station P on the field with respect 7. Similarly, the alidade is pivoted about a, A is sighted,
to the given points A,B and C on ground the ray passes through p if the work is correct.
(ii) To locate the position of a new point D when the base 8. The point p is transferred to ground as point P.
length is not given and to find the distance CD. The points A,C 9. The line AC is extended. Keeping the alidade at p ,D is
and D are collinear. sighted and the ray is drawn. This will give the point d.
(iii) To locate the position of a new point E when the base The distance cd is measured and noted.
length is not given and to find the distance CE. The points A,C 10. Another station point Q is selected nearer to P. Through
and E are not collinear. p sight the point Q and the ray is drawn.
11. Keeping the alidade at p sight to the point E and draw
Instruments used: the ray.
Plane table with Tripod, spirit level, plumbing 12. The instrument is shifted to Q and orientation is done
fork, Alidade, Trough compass, drawing paper. by back sighting P. Having set up and leveled the table
at Q, the entire process is repeated to get the station
Procedure point q.
13. Keeping the alidade centered at q, the point E is sighted
1. Having set up and leveled the table at P, the alidade is and the ray is drawn which will meet the previously
placed along the line ba and the board turned until A is drawn ray from p to E at a point. The point is marked as
sighted, a being towards A. e. The distance ce is measured and noted.
2. The table is then clamped with the alidade centered on Result:
b, C is sighted, and the ray xy is drawn along the edge (i)The station point P is obtained.
of the alidade. (ii) The point D is plotted on plan.
The distance CD = …… m
(iii) The point E is plotted on plan.
The distance CE = ……..m.

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