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Survey I Practicals

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Experimen Title Page no.


1. Measurement of length by pacing.

2. Measurement of Building.
3. Off-set Surveying.
4. Compass Survey.
5. Study of non-digital theodolite.
6. Measurement of horizontal angles by
repetition and reiteration method
with non-digital theodolite.
7. Traversing.
8. Study of Tilting level.
9. To determine leveling scheme with
tilting level.
10. Plane tabling.
EXPERIMENT NO. 1. Measurement of length by pacing.


The main purpose of this experiment is to find the length with a human
pace. It is useful when rough estimates are needed and no instruments are present at


Measuring Tape,

Ranging rods


First mark a straight line of a standard length on a flat firm ground. Walk on the line
with normal foot steps and count the number of paces .Record three observation of
number of paces. Calculate the number of average paces by adding them and dividing by
three. Then calculate the standard pace by dividing the average pace with the total
length of tape.

Standard Pace = Total length of tape / Average Pacing


Line Standard Number of Paces Average Standard Length

Length pacing Pace b/w
(ft) (ft) Stations
1 2 3

Diagram of the closed traverse .


1. Surface should be smooth and even.

2. Surveyor must walk in straight line.

3. Measuring tape must be kept straight and horizontal.

4. Ranging should be performed for measurements grater than tape length.

EXPERIMENT NO. 2. Measurement of Building


The main purpose of this experiment is to measure the boundary of the



Measuring Tape


The steel tape is taken and two parties are made. One party stands at
the point from where measurement is started and the other party goes to the point up
till which measurement is required. The observation is made and the distance observed
is recorded, in this way whole of the building is measured and each length is recorded in
the copy. Then some scale is chosen to represent these measurements on the field book
and it is drawn on the field book like a plan.

(Picture of the plan)

1. Measuring tape should be at the same level on both sides.

2. Measuring tape should be tightly used.

3. I f tape is used in the air then there should be minimum sag.

EXPERIMENT NO. 3 Off-set Surveying.


The main purpose of this experiment is get familiar with the method of
off-set surveying which is a simple technique to show the information about the area.


Following apparatus are used in the practical,

i) Chain
ii) Tape
iii) Ranging Rods


Offset surveying is the simplest method of surveying in

the field. Following terms are mostly used in this practical; there definitions are as

CHAINING: It is a method of surveying, in which lengths of the sides of traverse are

calculated with the help of chain.

OFFSET: It is the lateral measurement taken from an object to the chain.

CHAINAGE: Distance measured along the chain line up to the point from where we take

It includes following steps,

a) First of all select the Station from where we have to start our survey.
b) After selecting the station say A, also select the next station say B, fix the ranging
rod on both stations, so that both the stations are in line when seen from naked
c) Now lay down the chain from station A to station B.
d) Now take offsets at various points with the help of chain and measure distance
from the object to the chain, also measure the change of each offset.
e) Repeat this procedure for whole traverse.
f) Record all these observations in the field book.


1. Make sure that the tape is properly stretched and is free from any bending.

2. Check that the off-set distance recorded is the smallest (perpendicular) distance.

3. Check the chain line which should be straight.

4. The readings recorded should be of the same units .i.e either feet or meter.

EXPERIMENT NO.4 Compass Surveying.


The main purpose of this experiment is to know the other method of

surveying which is compass surveying. It is different from off-set surveying.


i) Prismatic compass
ii) Tripod stand on which Prismatic compass can be placed
iii) Metallic Chain
iv) Metallic Tape
v) Ranging Rods
vi) Plumb bob


The principle of compass surveying is traversing, which

involves a series of connected lines. The magnetic bearing of the lines are measured by
prismatic compass and the distances are measured with chain. Such survey does not
involve the formation of a network of triangles. Compass surveying is not recommended
for the areas where local attraction is suspected due to the presence of magnetic
substances like steel structures, iron, electric cables conveying current, e.t.c. For more
details refer to the book.


The compass is fixed over the tripod stand and is centered over the station where
the bearing is to be found. This is done with the plumb bob. Then the compass is
properly levelled with the help of the bubble given on the compass. Adjust the prism to
view the readings correctly. Then the compass is turned until the rod at the next station
is bisected. When the needle comes to rest look through the prism and note the
reading .It will give the required bearing. Record this reading and accordingly repeat the
same procedure for the whole traverse. Stations without local attraction are founded and
other readings are corrected in accordance with these readings.


Line Observed Observed Correction Corrected Corrected Remarks

Fore Back Fore Back
Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing

1. Properly center and level the compass.

2. Observe the reading correctly on the compass.

3. Carry the compass carefully.

4. Observe the readings twice or thrice to make sure that they are free from any human

EXPERIMENT NO. 7. Traversing.


The main purpose of this experiment is to find the reduced level of

different points using the tilting level.


Tilting level,

Tripod stand,

Measuring tape,

Hand level


The purpose of the hand level is to check that whether

the staff is truly vertical. The art of determining the relative heights of different points
on or below the surface of the earth is known as levelling. The vertical distance of a
point above or below the datum is known as the reduced level of that point. For further
details refer to the book.

First of all staff is placed on the bench mark and hand level is used to
check its verticality. Then level is set up at any arbitrary point at some distance from the
staff say 100 ft. It is properly levelled. Then the staff reading is taken and recorded as
backsight in the book. The distance between the staff and the level is measured using the
tape. After wards the staff is shifted to the other point whose reduce level has to be
determined. This observation is called the foresight and any reading observed in
between the backsight and foresight is called the intermediate sight. In this manner the
level and staff are moved up till the required point, of which reduce level is to be


Station Backsight Intersigh Foresight Height of Reduce Remarks

t instrument level


1. Make sure that the staff is held vertical.

2. Check the level of the tilting level and make sure that it is not disturbed while
observing the reading.
3. Make sure that the readings observed are free form any parallax error.

4. The distance measured using the tape is accurate.

5. Check that the entries of B.S, I. S, F.S are correctly executed in the field book.

EXPERIMENT NO. 7. Traversing.


The main purpose of this experiment is to find the reduced level of

different points using the tilting level.


Tilting level,

Tripod stand,

Measuring tape,

Hand level

The purpose of the hand level is to check that whether

the staff is truly vertical. The art of determining the relative heights of different points
on or below the surface of the earth is known as levelling. The vertical distance of a
point above or below the datum is known as the reduced level of that point. For further
details refer to the book.


First of all staff is placed on the bench mark and hand level is used to
check its verticality. Then level is set up at any arbitrary point at some distance from the
staff say 100 ft. It is properly levelled. Then the staff reading is taken and recorded as
backsight in the book. The distance between the staff and the level is measured using the
tape. After wards the staff is shifted to the other point whose reduce level has to be
determined. This observation is called the foresight and any reading observed in
between the backsight and foresight is called the intermediate sight. In this manner the
level and staff are moved up till the required point, of which reduce level is to be


Station Backsight Intersigh Foresight Height of Reduce Remarks

t instrument level

1. Make sure that the staff is held vertical.

2. Check the level of the tilting level and make sure that it is not disturbed while
observing the reading.

3. Make sure that the readings observed are free form any parallax error.

4. The distance measured using the tape is accurate.

5. Check that the entries of B.S, I. S, F.S are correctly executed in the field book.

EXPERIMENT NO. 10. Plane Tabling.


The main purpose of this experiment is to know the purpose of plane table
and to be familiar with different methods of plane tabling.

i) The Plane Table
ii) The Alidade
iii) The Spirit Level
iv) The Compass
v) U-Fork or Plumbing Fork with Plumb Bob

There are four methods of plane table surveying, but the method we adopted in the field
is “Traversing Method”.


The Principle of Plane tabling is parallelism, meaning

that the rays drawn from stations to objects on the paper are parallel to the lines from
the stations to the objects on the ground.

Plane tabling is a graphical method of surveying, hence, the field work and plotting are
done simultaneously and such survey does not involve use of field book.


Following steps are included in procedure,

a) Suppose A, B, C and D are the traverse stations.

b) The table is setup at station A.A suitable point a is selected on the sheet in such a
way that the whole area may be plotted in the sheet. The table is centered, leveled
and clamped. The North line is marked on the right hand top corner of the sheet.
c) With the alidade touching point a the ranging rod at B is bisected and a ray is
drawn. The distance AB is measured and plotted on a suitable scale.
d) The table is shifted and centered over B. It is then leveled, oriented by back
sighting and clamped.
e) With the alidade touching the point b, the ranging rod at C is bisected and a ray is
drawn. The distance BC is measured and plotted on suitable scale.
f) The table is shifted and setup at C and the same procedure is repeated.
g) In this manner all the stations of the traverse are connected.
h) At the end, the finishing point may not coincide with the starting point and there
may be some closing error. The error is adjusted graphically by Bowditch’s rule.

1. Make sure that the table is properly levelled.

2. Mark the position of the station correctly and accurately with the alidade.

3. Fix the sheet properly on the table.

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