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3 Surveying - 1 Notes

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Department of Civil Engineering

(2 marks and 16 marks question and answers)



Define Surveying. What are the fundamental principals of surveying?

Surveying is an art of determining the relative positions of various points on,

above or below the surface of the earth by means of direct or indirect
measurement of distance, direction and elevation.
The principals of surveying are:
(i) Working from whole to part.
(ii) To locate a new station by at least two measurements
(angular, linear) from fixed reference points.


What is the object or purpose of surveying?

The primary object of surveying is to prepare a plan or map to show the

relative position of the objects on the surface of the earth. It is also used to determine the
areas, volumes and other related quantities.


Name the different ways of classification of surveys.

a. Primary classification

Plane surveying
Geodetic surveying

b. Secondary classification


Based on instruments used

Based on methods
Based on object
Based on nature of the field

Differentiate between plane and geodetic surveying.


Plane surveying

Geodetic surveying

The curvature of the earth is


The curvature of the earth is taken.


A line joining any two points is

considered straight.

A line joining any two points is

considered as curved line.


The triangle formed by any three

points is considered as plane

The triangle formed by any three

points is considered as spherical


It is done on a area less than 250


It is done on a area greater than 250



Classify surveying based on the equipments.

1. Chain surveying
2. Compass surveying
3. Plane table surveying
4. Theodolite surveying
5. Tachometric surveying
6. Photogram metric surveying
7. Aerial surveying


Explain the constructions of a diagonal scale.

For a given short length (PQ=PR), draw a right angle triangle. Its base (PR)
and height (PQ) are equal. A short length is divided into a number of parts by using the
principle of similar triangles in which like sides are proportional.
1-1 represents 1/10 PQ
9-9 represents 9/10 PQ

7. Define chain surveying. What is the fundamental principle of chain

Chain surveying is the type of surveying in which only linear
measurements are made in the field.
The main principle of chain surveying or chain triangulation is to provide a
framework consist of number of well-conditioned triangles or nearly equilateral triangles.
It is used to find the area of the field.


What is well-conditioned triangle? What are its specific advantages?

A triangle is said to be well-conditioned or well proportioned when it contains

no angle smaller than 300 and no angle greater then 1200.
The main principle of chain surveying is chain triangulation. It consists of
frame work of triangles. To plot the network of triangles accurately, the triangles must be

nearly equal to equilateral or well-conditioned. The distortion due to errors in

measurement and plotting should be minimum.


What are the operations involved in chain survey?

a. (i) Ranging :The process of locating intermediate points on a straight
line between two end points in a straight line.
b. (ii) Chaining :The process of measuring the distance with a chain or tape.
c. (iii) Offsetting :
The process of measuring the lateral distance of the
object from the survey line to the left or right according to their positions.

10. What are the instruments required for a chain survey?

Chain or tape, Arrows, Pegs, Ranging rods, Offset rods, Laths or whites,
Plumb bob, Cross staff and Mallet.

11. Write the different types of Chain.

(i) Metric chain
(ii) Non-Metric chain


Gunter's chain or Surveyor's chain

Engineer's chain
Revenue chain
Steel band.

12. Differentiate between Gunter's chain and Engineer's Chain



Gunter's chain or Surveyor's chain

It is 66 feet long and divided in to 100
links. 1 link = 0.66 feet
Measurements are in miles and furlongs .

Engineer's Chain
It is 66 feet long and
divided in to 100 links.
1 link = 1 feet.
Measurements are in feet
and decimals.

13. Define : (a) Main stations.

Main station is a prominent point on the chain line and can be
either at the beginning of the chain line or at the end or along the boundary.
(b) Subsidiary stations :
The stations located on the main survey lines are known as
Subsidiary stations.
(c) Tie stations :
These are also subsidiary stations taken on the main survey lines to
locate the details of the object.
14. Draw a neat sketch to show : Base line, Check line, Tie line, offset.


Base line.

2. Check line, 3. Tie line.

4. offset.

15. Distinguish between a check line and a tie line.

16. What are the instruments used for setting out right angles to a chain
line ?

Cross staff.
Open cross staff
French cross staff
Adjustable cross staff

(ii) Optical square.

(iii) Prism square
(iv) Site square.

17. What are offsets ? Classify them.

An offset is the lateral distance of an object or ground feature measured from a
survey line. The two types of offsets are.


Perpendicular offset : The angle of offset from a point on a chain line is


Oblique offset : When the angle of offset is other than 900.


Perpendicular offset

Oblique offset

18. What is the use of a line Ranger ?

The line Ranger is a small reflecting instrument used for fixing
intermediate points on the chain lines. Without going to either end, we can fix
the intermediate points.

19. What are the stages of fieldwork in chain surveying ? Or What are the
steps involved in chain survey ?
1. Reconnaissance : It is the preliminary inspection of the area to be surveyed.
2. Marking and fixing Survey lines.
3. Running Survey lines.
4. Taking Offsets.

20. Sketch the conventional signs to represent the following : Wall with gate,
Railway single line, pond, wire fencing.
Wall with gate
Railway single line
Wire fencing

Conventional signs
21. What are the different tape corrections ?

Correction for absolute length or standardization.

Correction for temperature.
Correction for pull or tension.
Correction for sag. (-ve)
Correction for slope. (-ve)

22. What are the errors in chaining ?

(i) Compensating Errors : Which are liable to occur in either direction and
tend to compensate.
(ii) Cumulative Errors : Which occur in the same direction and tend to add or
subtract. It may be positive (measured lengths more than the actual length)
or negative (measured lengths less than the actual length)

23. What are the different sources of errors in chain surveying ?


Instrumental errors : incorrect length of the chain (Cumulative Errors).


Personal error : Bad ranging (Cumulative Errors).

Careless holding (Compensating Errors).
Non-horizontality (Cumulative Errors).
Sag in chain (Cumulative Errors).
Miscounting and misreading and booking.

(iii) Natural Errors : Variation in temperature. (Cumulative Errors).

24. Enumerate the instruments used for measurement of lengths of survey


Chain or tape.


Define :Compass surveying. What are the objects of compass surveying ?

Compass surveying is the type of surveying in which the direction of the

survey lines are measured with a compass and the length of the survey lines are measured
with a tape or chain in the field.


Write the means of the instruments used in chain surveying.




Instruments for the direct measurement of directions :

1. Surveyor's compass.
2. Prismatic compass.
Instruments for the measurement of angles :
1. Sextant.
2. Theodolite

Define : (a).

True meridian, magnetic and bearing.

True meridian :
The line or plane passing through the geographical North Pole, South Pole and any
point on the surface of the earth, is known as true meridian or geographical meridian.
True meridian at a point is constant.
True bearing :
The angle between the true meridian and a survey line is known as true bearing or
Azimuth of the line.
(b) Magnetic meridian and Bearing.
Magnetic meridian :
Magnetic meridian at a point is the direction indicated by freely suspended, properly
balanced and unaffected magnetic needle at that point.
Magnetic Bearing :
The angle between the magnetic meridian and a survey line is known as magnetic
bearing or bearing of the line. It changes with time.

4.What do you understand by Whole circle bearing and quardantal bearing of a

line ?
Magnetic Bearings are designated by Whole circle bearing system and
quadrantal bearing system.
In whole circle bearing system (WCB), the bearing of the line is measured with
magnetic north in clockwise direction. It varies from 00 to 3600.
In Quadrantal bearing system (O.B or R.B) the bearing of the line is measured
eastward or westward from north or south, whichever is nearer. The directions can be
either clockwise or anticlockwise. It varies from 00 to 900.

5. Convert the whole circle bearing into reduced bearing: 50o, 176o, 210o,
232o, 150o, 760,
310o, 2420.

6. Differentiate between Prismatic compass and Surveyors compass with

reference to
reading and tripod

(i) The reading is taken with a
help of prism provided at the eye
(ii) Sighting and reading taking
can be done simultaneously from
one position of the observer


Tripod may or may not be


rveyors compass

(i) The reading is taken by

directly seeing through
the top of glass.
(ii) Sighting and reading
cannot be done
from one position of the
The instrument cannot be
used without a tripod.

7. The fore bearing of a line PQ is N 280 W. What is its back bearing?

In quadrantal bearing (RB) system, the FB and BB are numerically equal but the
quadrants are just opposite.
The FB of a line PQ is N 280 W,
Then its BB is S 280 E.

8. Define : Fore and Back bearing

The bearing of a line is measured in the direction of the progress of the survey is
called the fore bearing of the (FB) line.
The bearing of a line is measured in the direction opposite to the survey is called
the back bearing of the (BB) line.

BB=FB + 1800

(FB greater than 1800, use sign)

(FB smaller than 1800, use + sign)

9. The fore bearing of line AB is 15502525". Identify the back bearing of the
line AB in quadrantal system.

The fore bearing of line AB = 15502520".


The back bearing of line AB, BB

= FB+1800
= 335025'20"(WCB)
=N240 34' 40" W

10. Define and distinguish between magnetic dip and magnetic declination.

Magnetic dip:
Due to the magnetic influence of the earth, the needle does not remain in the
balanced position. This inclination of the needle with the horizontal is known as the dip
of the magnetic needle. To balance the dip of the needle, a rider (brass of silver coil) is
provided along with it.

Magnetic declination:
The magnetic meridian of a place is variable one due to some local attractive
forces. Therefore, the true meridian and the magnetic meridian at the place do not
coincide. The horizontal angle between the magnetic meridian and the true meridian is
known as magnetic declination.

11. The magnetic bearing of a line is 480 24. Calculate the true bearing if the
magnetic declinations are 5038 East and 5038 west.
True bearing = Magnetic bearing + Eastern magnetic declination
= 48024 + 538
True bearing = Magnetic bearing Western magnetic declination
= 48024-5038
= 42046.
12. The magnetic bearing of a line is S 28030E. Calculate the true bearing if the
magnetic declination are 5038 East and 5038 West.
Convert the reduced bearing into Whole circle bearing
Magnetic bearing
= S 28030E. (RB)
True bearing = Magnetic bearing + Eastern magnetic declination

=159000. (WCB)
=S(1800-159000)E (RB)
True bearing = Magnetic bearing Western magnetic declination
=151030 7030
=144000 (WCB)
=S(1800-144000)E (RB)

13. What is local attraction? What are the sources of local attractions?
Local attractions is a term used to denote any influence, such as magnetic
substances, which prevents the needle from pointing to the magnetic north in a given
The source of local attractions are: magnetite in the ground, wire carrying electric
current, steel structures, rails, underground iron pipes, chain etc.

14. Distinguish between closed traverse and open traverse.


Closed traverse

Open traverse


When the lines from a circuit, which

ends at the starting point, it is known

If the circuit ends elsewhere, it is

known as open traverse.


It is suitable for locating the

boundaries of lakes, woods etc.

It is suitable for surveying a long

narrow strip of land required for
road canal etc.


Sum of interior angles =(2n-4)90
Sum of exterior angles = (2n+4)90
Where, n =number of sides of the

No direct check on angular


15. What is plane table surveying? When is it preferred? Write its principle.
Plane tabling is the graphical method of surveying is which the field observations
and plotting proceed simultaneously.

It is mainly suitable for filling the interior details between the control station and
also in magnetic areas.
The main principle of plane table surveying is that the lines joining the points on
the plane table are made to lie parallel to the corresponding lines joining the points on the
ground while working at each station.

16. Name four methods of plane surveying.


Resection after orientation by compass.
Resection after orientation by back sighting
Researching after orientation by three point problem.
Mechanical method (Tracing paper method)
Graphical method (Bessels method)
Lehmans method (Trial and error method)
(iv) Resection after orientation by two point problem.

17. When a three point problem resorted to in plane table surveying?

It is the method of orientation when the table occupies a position not yet located
on the drawing sheet.
This method is employed when during surveying the surveyor feels that some
important details can be plotted easily by choosing any stations.
18. State the First and second Lehmans rule.
First rule: The distance of the point p (position of the plane table on the drawing sheet)
to be fixed from each rays As (paper a, to ground A), Bb (paper b to ground B) and Cc
(paper c, to ground C) is proportional to the respective distant of the stations A, B and C
from the ground station P.
Second rule: While looking towards the stations the point p to be fixed, will be either to
the left or to the right of each of the rays.

19. What are the Advantages of plane table surveying?

1. It is useful in magnetic areas.
2. It is cheaper than the theodolite surveying.
3. It is most suitable for small scale maps.
4. The surveyor can compare plotted work with the actual features.

20. Name some of the errors in plane tabling.


Instrumental error
Errors of plotting.
Errors due to manipulation and sighting.


Non horizontality of the board.

Defective sighting.
Defective orientation.
Movement of board between sight.


1. Define Levelling. What are the uses of leveling?
Levelling is a branch of surveying, the object of which is; (i) To find the
elevations of given points with respect to a given or assumed datum, and (ii) To establish
points at a given elevation or at different elevations with respect to a given or assumed

2. Define benchmark and reduced level.

Benchmark is a relatively permanent point of reference whose elevation with
respect to some assumed datum is known.

Reduced level of Elevation:

The vertical distance of a point above or below the datum is known as the
elevation or R.L. of the point. R.L. of a point may be positive or negative according as
the point is above or below datum.

3. What are the different kinds of bench marks?

A BM is the reference point of known elevation. It may classified into following
(i) G.T.S. Bench Mark : The great trigonometrical survey (G.T.S) bench marks
are established by the survey of India throughout the country. The levels of this bench
marks are established very accurately at a large interval with respect to the mean sea level
at Bombay port.
(ii) Permanent Bench Mark : These are established by different Government
departments like PWD, Railways, Irrigation etc., The RL of these points are determined
with reference to the G.T.S. Bench Marks. Points on rocks, culvert, gate pillars, etc.
(iii) Temporary bench Mark: These are established temporarily whenever
required. These are generally chosen to the days work and the start the next days. Points
on roofs, walls, basements etc.
(iv) Arbitrary Bench mark : When the RL of some fixed points are assumend,
they are termed arbitrary benchmark.


4.What do you mean by datum surface?

It is any surface, to which ele4vations are taken as a reference for the
determination of elevations of various points. In India the datum adopted for the great
trigonometrical survey (G.T.S) is the mean sea level at Bombay port.

5. What is mean by line of collimation and height of collimation?

Line of collimation (Line of sight) : It is an imaginary line passing through the
intersection of the cross hairs at the diaphragm and the optical centre of the object glass
and its continuation.
Height of collimation (HOC): The elevation of the Line of collimation (Line of sight) is
known as Height of collimation. HOC = RL of BM + BS.

6. Write the different types of levels.


Dumpy level
Tilting level
Quick setting level.
Reversible level.
Automatic level.
Lazer level.

7. List the essential parts of a Level

Telescope, Eyepiece, Objective
Focusing screws. Longitudinal bubble
Foot screws, Upper parallel plate (Tribrach), Foot plate (Trivet).
Diaphragm adjusting screws, Bubble adjusting screws, Tripod.


What are the different types leveling staffs?

1. Target Staff
2. Self reading Staff.
a. Solid Staff
b. Folding Staff
c. Telescopic Staff.

9. Define and distinguish between Back sight and Fore sight in the process
of fly Levelling.


Back sights (BS)

This is the first staff reading taken

in any setup of the instrument. It is
always taken on a point of known
elevation (BM)
It is used to determine the height
of the instrument.
HI = known RL+BS

Fore sight (FS)

This is the last staff reading
taken in any setup of the
instrument, after that instrument is shifted.

It is used to determine the

Elevation (RL) of the staff

10. Explain the theory of direct leveling.
It is the branch of leveling in which the vertical distances with respect to a
horizontal line may be used to determine the relative difference in elevation between
two adjacent points. Steps involved:
HI=known RL (BM)+BS


Distinguish between differential leveling and reciprocal leveling

Differential leveling



Difference in elevation between

two or more points is determined
by without any regard to the
differential leveling.

Difference in elevation between two

points is accurately determined by
two sets of reciprocal observation


It is used when:
(i) two points are a large
distance apart.
(ii) The difference in elevation
between two points is large
(iii) Some obstacles intervenes
between the points.

It is used when:
(i) The instrument cannot be set
Between the two points due to an
obstruction such as a valley, river,

12. Reduced level of Bench Mark

Reading on staff held at A
Reading on staff held at station point B - 1.650m
Find : (a) Height of collimation.
(b) Reduced level of station point B.
(c) Rise/fall of B with respect to A

Height of collimation = RL of BM A +BS

= 50.000+2.435
= 52.435m


Reduced level of station point B.

= 52.435-1.650
= 50.785m
Rise / fail of B with respect to A
= 2.435-1.65 (Lower staff reading being higher)
= 0.785m,
= with compare to A, the station point B being
0.785m higher.




Compare height of collimation method and rise and fall method

Sl.N .

Height of collimation method

Rise and fall method


It is more rapid, less tedious and

simpler as it involves few calculation

It is more laborious and tedious,

involving several calculations.


There is no check on the RL of the

intermediate points

There is a check of the RL of the

intermediate points.


Errors in intermediate RLs cannot be


Errors in intermediate RLs can be



There are two arithemetic checks on

the accuracy of RL calculation
BS FS = Last RL First RL.

There are three arithemetic checks

on the accuracy of RL calculation.
BS FS = Rise Fall = Last
RL First RL.


It is suitable in the case of L.S. and

C.S., Contour etc.

It is suitable in fly leveling where I

intermediate sights are less.

14. Write the formula for curvature correction, refraction correction and
combined correction.
Curvature correction Cc=0.07849d2 (negative)m
Refraction correction = Cr = 0.01121 d2 (positive)m
Combined correction C = Cc Cr = 0.06728 d2 (negative)m.
Note : d is to be substituted in Km, while the corrections will be in m.


List out the various sources of errors in leveling.

Three principal sources:


Instrumental error
Error due to imperfect adjustment
Error due to sluggish bubble.
Error due to movement of objective slide.
Error due to defective joint.
Error due to incorrect length of staff.
Natural error
Earths curvature
Atmospheric refraction
Variations in temperature
Settlement of tripod
Wind vibrations.
Personal errors
Mistakes in manipulation.
Mistake in staff handling.
Mistake in reading the staff
Errors in sighting.


List out the leveling problems.

1. Levelling on Steep Stop.
2. Levelling on Summits and Hollos.
3. Taking Level of an Overhead Point.
4. Levelling Ponds and Lakes too Wide to be Sighted across.
5. Levelling across River.
6. Levelling on Past High Wall.


Define sensitivity of a bubble. State any two factors affecting the same.

The sensitiveness of a bubble is defined the angular value of one division of the
bubble tube. It means the capability of showing small angular movements of the tube
vertically. It can be increased by:
1. Increasing the internal radius of the tube.
2. Increasing the diameter of the tube.
3. Increasing the length of the tube.
4. Decreasing the roughness of the walls.
5. Decreasing the viscosity of the liquid.

18. What is a spire test?

It is used to make the horizontal axis perpendicular to the vertical axis. This test is
also known as the test for the adjustments of the standards. It is done by means of the
adjustments of the vertical hair. It is one of the permanent adjustment of the level and

19.Define Contour, contour interval and horizontal equivalent.

Contour : A contour is an imaginary line on the ground joining the points of equal
Contour interval : It is the vertical distance between any two consecutive contours. It
depends upon the nature of the ground, the scale of the map and the purpose of the
Horizontal equivalent : It is the horizontal distance between any two consecutive
contours. It varies according to the steepness of the ground.


What are the different Characteristics of contour?

1.Contour lines are closed curves. They may either within the map itself or
outside the map depending upon the topography.

21.Sketch the contours for a (a) hillock (b) lake (c) A ridge line (d) A valley


What are the uses of contours?

1. Volume of earthwork for any work can be estimate.
2. The capacity of the reservoir or the area of the catchments can be calculated.
3. Very useful in military operations to decide the position of the guns, the line of

4.Longitudinal and cross section can be drawn along any direction to know the
nature of the ground.

23.Write the different formulae to calculate the area of the irregular plate.
1. By computations based directly on the field measurements:

By dividing the area into number of triangles.


By offsets to base line.

a. Mid ordinate rule = O.d
b. Average ordinate Rule= nd O
c. Trapezoidal rule = (Oo+On + O1+O2+O3+..On-1)d
d. Simpsons rule =[(Oo+On)+4(O1+O3+On-1)
2(O2+O4+On-2)] d/3
Oo=Ordinate at one end.
On = Ordinate at other end.
O1+O2+O3 + On-1= Ordinate at end of each division.
D=Length of the base.


By latitudes and Departures:

a. By double meridian distance (D.M.D. method)
b. By double parallel distance (D.P.D. method)
c. By co-ordinates.

24. How do you calculate the capacity of the reservoir from the contour map?
From the contour map, the capacity of the reservior is calculated by the following
1. Trapezoidal rule = (Ao+An + A1+A2+A3+ .. An-1)d.
2. Primsoidal rule = [(ao+An) + 4 (A1+A3+.An-1) +
2(A2+A4+ ..An-2)] d/3
Ao, A1, A2, A3, An = Areas enclosed by successive contours.
d=contour interval.

1.Define: Theodolite surveying. What are the uses of a theodolite?
Theodilite surveying is a branch of surveying, in which the theodolite is accurate
instrument used for the measurement of horizontal angles, vertical angels. It can also be
used for various purpose such as laying off horizontal angles, locating points on a line,
proloning survey lines, establishing grades, determining differences in elevation, etc.

2. Why a type of theodolite is called a transit theodolite?

A transit theodolite is one is which the line of sight can be reversed by revolving
the telescope through 180 in the vertical plane.

3. List the essential parts of a theodolite.

The telescope, the vertical circle, The index frame (T-frame),
The leveling head, The scale plate (Lower), The Vernier plate (Upper).
The tripod, Plumb bob, The compass, Focusing screws,
The upper and lower clamp and its tangential screws,
Vertical clamp screw, Foot screws etc.,

4. Differentiate between the Vernier theodolite and Micrometer theodolite.

In Vernier theodolite the verniers are fitted to read the angles up to 20"

In Micrometer theodolite micrometers are fitted to read the angels.

5. List the essential qualities of a theodolite telescope.

The essential parts of the telescope:
Objective (ii) Eye-piece, (iii) Diaphragm, (iv) Body and focusing device.
The essential qualities of a theodolite telescope:
The real image must be formed in front of the eye-piece.
The plane of the image must coincide with that of the cross-hairs.


What are the temporary adjustments of the theodolite?

1.Setting up.
2.Levelling up.
3.Elimination of parallax.
Focusing the eye piece.
Focusing the Objective.


List out the permanent adjustments of Theodolite.

Adjustment of plate level (Plate level test)
Adjustment of line of sight (Cross-hair test)
Adjustment of horizontal axis (Spire test)
4. Adjustment of vertical index frame and altitude bubble. (Vertical are test)

8. List out the fundamental lines of Theodolite.


The vertical axis

The horizontal axis or trunnion axis.
The line of collimation or line of sight.
Axis of plate level.
Axis of altitude level.

9. What is an anallatic lens? What is the use of an anallatic lens?

It is a special convex lens fitted between the object glass and eye piece, at a fixed
distance from the object glass, inside the telescope of a tachemeter.
The use of an alallatic lens is to reduce the additive constant to zero. Tachemetric
D = Ks+C. Where,
D=horizontal distance between the staff and the instrument station.
S=Staff intercept.
K=Multiplying constant.
C=Additive constant.

10. Name the two methods of measuring horizontal angles using a theolite.
When each method is advantageously used?
The two methods :


Repetition method
Reiteration method (Direct method)

The method of repetition is preferred for the measurement of a single angle.

The method of reiteration is preferred in triangulation, where a number of angles
may be required at one point by the instrument.
The method of repetition appears to be better, it is more time consuming and even
many repetitions may yield ordinary results.


State what errors are eliminated by repetition method.

1. Errors due to imperfect eccentricity of verniers and centers are eliminated by

reading both verniers and taking the mean of the reading.
2. Errors due to imperfect adjustment of the instrument are eliminated by taking
face left and right observations.
3. Errors due inaccurate graduation on the main scale are eliminated as the
reading are readings are spread over different parts of the circle.
4. Errors due to inaccurate bisection of the signal are eliminated, as they tend to
balance each other. All the errors are also minimized as the number of repetitions divides
the sum.

12. What are the methods used to plot the traverse?

By parallel Meridians Through Each Station.
By Included Angles.
By paper protractor.
By rectangular co-ordinates.
5. Plotting by tangents chords.

13. Define closing error.

If a closed traverse is plotted according to the field measurements, the end point
of the traverse will not coincide exactly with the starting point, due to the errors in the
filed observation. Such as error is known as closing error.
Closing error e _

(L)2 + (D)2

L = sum of latitudes
D = sum of departures.
The direction of closing error.
Tan = D / L


14. Define : Balancing. What are the methods used to balancing the traverse?
The term balancing is generally applied to the operation of applying corrections to
latitudes and departures. So that L = sum of latitudes = 0;D = sum of departures=0.
This applied only for closed traverse.
Methods used to balanceing (adjusting) the traverse:
1. Bowditchs rule
2. Transit rule
3. Graphical method
4. Axis method

15.Explain the Bowditchs rule in balancing the traverse.

The Bowditchs rule (compass rule) is used to balance a traverse where the linear
and angular measurements are the equal precision. In this method the error in linear
measurements are proportional to 1 and the error in angular measurements are inversely
proportional to 1, where 1 is the length of the line.
Correction to latitude (or departure) of any side
=Total error in latitude (or departure) x Length of that side
Perimeter of traverse
CL = L (I/ I )
CD = D (I/I)



= Total error in Latitude

= Total error in Departure
= Length of the side
=Perimeter of traverse

16. What is Gales table? What is its use?

Traverse computations are usually done a tabular form. One such form is known
as Gales Table.
It is used to balance the traverse and also used to find the area of the closed
Define: Omitted measurement
Sometimes it is not possible to take all the measurements due to obstacles.
Missing quantities are known as omitted measurements. They can be calculated from the
known latitudes and departure.


17. What is closed traverse? What are the two checks applicable in this case?
When the lines from a circuit, which ends at the starting point, it is known as
closed traverse.
Sum of interior angles =(2n-4) 90
Sum of exterior angles = (2n+4)90
Where, n=number of side of the traverse.

18. Define : Trigonometrical leveling of Heights and Distances.

Trigonometrical leveling is an indirect method of leveling. The relative elevations
of various points are determined from the observed vertical angles and horizontal
distances by the use of trigonometrical relations. The vertical angles are measured with a
theodolite and the horizontal distances are measured with a tape or chain. This method is
also known as Heights and Distances.

19. What are the methods used to find the elevations of the points in the case of
inaccessible points?
1. Single plane method
2. Double plane method


1. Why curves are necessary in the alignment of a highway/ railway? List the
various types of curves.
During the survey of the alignment of a road, railway, canals, etc. the direction of
the line may change due to some unavoidable situations. When two straights of highway
or rail way are at some angle to each other, a curve is introduced between them to avoid
an abrubt change in direction and to make the vehicle move safely, smoothly and
Types of curves.
1. Horizontal curve provided in the horizontal plane.
a. Simple curve
b. Compound curve
c. Reverse curve
d. Transition curve.
2.Vertical curve provided where two straight lines of different gradient interest
in the vertical plane.
a. Summit curve
b. Sag curve

2. What are the three classes of circular curves?

a. Simple curve- consists of single are connecting two straights.
b. Compound curve consists of two arcs of different radii bending in same
direction. Centres being on the same side if the

Reverse curve consists of two arcs of different radii or equal bending in

opposite direction. Centres being on opposite side of the curve.

3. Define degree of curve according to highway practice.

The degree of a curve can be defined based on either an arc or a chord. According
to the definition, the degree of a curve is the central angle subtended by an are of 30 or
20m length. In highways this are definition is utilized.
According to the chord definition, the degree of a curve is the central angle
subtended by an are of 30 or 20 m length. In railways this chord definition is utilized.

4. State the relationship between the radius of a curve and the degree of the
If the chord length is 30m, R=1719/D
If the chord length is 20m, R=1146/D
Where, R = Radius of a curve
D = Degree of the curve

5. What are the elements of a simple Circular curve?

1. Back tangent 2. Forward tangent 3. Point of curve (P.C)-T1

4. Point of tangency (P.T)-T2. Point of intersection (P.I)B
6. Intersection angle (I). 7. Deflection angle or Central angel
8. Tangent length (T1B) t 9. External distance or Apex distant (BD)-e.
12. Mid ordinate (DE) Oo.

6. Define : Setting out of curves (Curve ranging). What are the methods used
for setting curves?
Setting out of curves means the location of various points along the curve and
joining the same to obtain the actual curves.

The methods used for setting curves:

1. Linear methods
Offsets from long chord.
Radial offsets from tangents.
Perpendicular offsets from tangents
Successive bisection of ares.
Offsets from the chord produced.
2. Angular methods
Rankines method of deflection angle (One theodolite method)
Two-thedolite method.
Tacheometric method.

7. What is Sight distance in highways? Which factors affect if?
Sight distance may be defined as the minimum distance two vehicle moving along
a curve, when the driver of one vehicle can just see the other vehicles ahead on the road.
The factors affecting the sight distance are
Height of the line of the sight of the driver
Grade or longitudinal slope of the curve
Speed of the vehicle
Co efficient of friction
Efficiency of the break.

8. What is meant by stopping sight distance?

It is the minimum distance necessary for the safe movement of traffic within
which the driver of a vehicle moving at design speed. After reaching to the presence of a
hazard ahead, can bring it to a stop before reaching a hazard. It depends upon

Grade or longitudinal slope of the curve.

Speed of the vehicle
Co efficient of friction
Efficiency of the break

9. Define transition curve:

A curve of varying radius known as transition curve or spiral or easement curve.
A transition curve is a non circular are introduced on either sides of a circular curve or
between the two branches of compound or a reverse curve. It is not provided in highways
but is provided in railways.

10. What are the functions of a transition curve?


The radius of the curvature increases or decreases gradually.

It is provided for the gradual change in super elevation.
It always a gradual transition of curvature from the tangent to the circular
curve of from the circular curve to the tangent.
It climinates the danger of derailment, overturning or side slipping of
vehicles and discomfort to passengers.

11. What are the types of transition curve?


Cubic spiral or clothoid or Euler spiral provided in Railways.

Bernoullis Lemniscate provided in Highways.
Cubic parabola or Foudes curve provided in Railways.

12. What are the aims when undertaking setting out operation?


The structure to be constructed must be set out correctly in all three

both relatively and absolutely, so that it is correct size, in
the correct plan position and a correct level.
The setting out process, once begun, must proceed quickly, without
causing any delay in construction program.


16 Mark Questions
1. Describe the different kinds of chains used for linear measurements.
2. Explain the two common systems of bearings.
3. What are the sources of errors in compass survey?
4. Explain the different operations involved in working with plane table.
5. Explain the radiation and intersection methods of plane tabling.
6. What are the characteristics of contours?
7. Explain the temporary adjustments for a dumpy level.
8. Explain the special methods of spirit leveling
9. Briefly explain the different methods of adjusting a traverse
10. With a neat sketch show the different parts of a simple circular curve
11. What is meant by 3-4-5 rule? How this is applied to a single roomed building?
12. Explain the two basic principles of surveying.
13. Explain with neat sketches the various methods to chain across the river.
14. State the merits and demerits of plane table surveying.
15. With neat sketches explain in detail about Lehmans rules.
16. Describe the process of repletion and reiteration in horizontal angle measurement.
17. Explain with neat sketches the different types of horizontal curves.
18. What is a vertical curve and why it is provided? Also, show with neat sketches
different types of vertical curves.
19. Describe the different types of corrections applied in linear measurement using a
20. Explain with neat sketches any two instruments for setting out right angles to a chain
21. What is a planimeter? Explain how the volume of a reservoir could be determined
through contour surveying.
22. Explain any two linear methods of setting out circular curves.
23. Tabulate the differences between a prismatic compass and a surveyors compass.
24. Write a detailed note on Gales Traverse Table
25. With a neat sketch explain the various parts of a prismatic compass. Explain how the
graduations are marked and why.
26. Explain the different steps in chain surveying.
27. What are the different methods of locating contour?
28. Explain the procedure for setting out of a tunnel.
29. What is two-point problem? Explain how it is solved.
30. Discuss in brief the surveys carried out at various stages of a new highway project
and the purpose of each one of them.
31. What are the different instruments used in chain surveying? Explain the use of each
with neat sketches.
32. Draw a neat sketch of a modern tilting level and mark it salient parts.


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