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Parameters Descriptions Integration of
Subtopics  Numbers from 10 lakh to 10 crore.
 International and Indian system of numeration
 Place value and face value
 Comparison and ordering of the numbers
 Expanded and standard forms

Learning To understand the concept of

Objectives  the number name in Indian and International number system
 the place value and face value of the given digit in a number.
 forming the greatest and the smallest numbers using the given
 expanded and standard forms
 comparing and ordering the given numbers.

Month April -
Class room flexible
Material Pen, paper, pencil, ruler, colour pencil, Laptops/ desktops/tabs and
required Internet connections.

Previous Children will be asked questions using small numbers , their place
knowledge values , face values, expanded form etc.
Methodology ACTIVITY 1 Flipped
To Draw the Indian and international place value chart and classroom
compare the places .
Before doing this activity in the class, teacher will share this image of
place value chart to the children previous day .
Making of Place value chart
Class will be divided into groups of two. One child will make Indian
system and another child will make international system. Peer Learning
Explanation by teacher:
Teacher will explain the relation between the indian place chart and
international place value chart.
Framing of question
After making chart, each group will frame 2 questions based on the
place value chart i.e. each child will frame one question.
Brainstorming session
After finishing framing of questions, Brainstorming session will start.
Whole class will be divided into two groups and each group will start
asking questions framed by them.
Now teacher will observe that 1) framing of question is correct or not
2) Answers are correct or not.
3) If any explanation is required in between, teacher will explain.
Alternative method: After finishing framing of questions, each child
has one question with him/her. Now play CHAIN GAME.
Roll no 1 will ask question to roll no 2, roll no 2 will give the ans and
ask question to roll no3 and so on. Here we will come to know that any
one has any problem of framing question or giving answer.
Skill set –
Team work,
Question framing,
Art of making tables (observe that width of each column will be
same )
Decision making (They will decide how they will make chart
horizontally or vertically so that whole chart will be fitted properly on
the paper and also looks beautiful)

Activity II:
(I)To form the greatest and the smallest numbers satisfying the given
(ii) Comparing and ordering the given numbers.


Teacher will explain about the tool ,, to the children and its
working. Using this tool, teacher will do one activity of making
smallest and greatest number using digits.
Activity III -- Based on their understanding of Large numbers ,
students will solve problems given in the book.

outcomes Students will be able to
 write the number name in Indian and International number
 write the place value and face value of the given digit in a
 form the greatest and the smallest numbers using the given
 write any number in expanded and standard forms
 compare and write the numbers in ascending or descending
order .
 find how large numbers are used in our daily life.

Assessment of 1) Quizzes will be conducted in the class to see their understanding

learning in Kahoot, Quizizz, Quizlet(AI tool)
2) MCQ based questions in Microsoft form or google form will be
asked for assessment.
Parameters Descriptions Integration of
Subtopics  Addition and subtraction of numbers
 Word problems on addition and subtraction
 Multiplication and division of numbers
(divisor up to 3 digit)
Word problems

Learning To understand the concept of

 Addition and subtraction of numbers
 Multiplication and Division (3, 4, 5 digit x 2, 3, 4 digit
 Division and multiplication facts
 Word problems on all four operations

No of periods 6 periods
Class room Flexible
Material Pen, paper, pencil, ruler, colour pencil, Laptops/ desktops/tabs
required and Internet connections.

Previous Oral speed drills on addition, subtraction, multiplication and

knowledge division

Methodology Before solving the Kakuro in the class, teacher will send the Flipped classroom
images of Kakuro , how to play and one solved kakuro for them
to understand. They also search in google and play online.

Activity 1 : Solving Kakuro puzzle

Childen will solve a new kakuro in the class.

Skill set – problem solving, computing,

Activity II:
Knowing different method of multiplication - Napier bones - multiplication - Napier bones - division

Multiplication using Napier’s bone

Students will make their own Napier’s bone
MATERIALS REQUIRED: card board , sketch pens , scissor
and ruler

Activity III : Working on word problems:

Teacher will share the key words for word problems to the
children They will draw this in a A4 size paper and paste it in
front of their study table and read 5 word problems from their
book and try to find the key words in the word problems and
underline them and according to these key words, they will try to
say which operation they have to use.

Next day teacher will also discuss about the key words and will
have a discussion on word problems in the class .

outcomes Students will be able to write
 the number name in Indian and International number
 write the place value and face value of the given digit in a
 form the greatest and the smallest numbers using the given
 Write any number in expanded and standard forms
 compare and write in ascending or descending order .
 find how large numbers are used in our daily life.

Follow-up Whole class will be divided into 8 groups of 5 each. One group Peer learning,
activities will give 2-3 numbers and one key word to other group and they Question framing,
have to frame word problems using the numbers given and key

Skill set – problem solving, critical thinking.

Assessment of 1) Quizzes will be conducted in the class to see their
learning understanding in Kahoot, Quizizz, Quizlet(AI tool)
2) MCQ based questions in Microsoft form or google form will be
asked for assessment.

Parameters Descriptions Integration of
Subtopics  Plane, point, line, line-segment and ray.
 An angle, parts of angle, naming an angle, measurement,
classification, construction of angles using a protractor.
(Experiencing learning)
 Triangles , types of triangles
 Quadrilaterals-square and rectangle

Learning To understand the concept of

Objectives  Identifying and naming points, line, line segment and ray
 Naming the given angle
 Types of the given angle, triangles and quadrilateral.
 Measuring the given angle using protractor
 Construct the angle of the given measure

No of periods 5 periods
Class room Flexible
Material Pen, paper, pencil, ruler, colour pencil, rounder, Laptops/
required desktops/tabs and Internet connections.

Previous Teacher will ask oral questions on point, ray, line and line segment
Methodology Subtopics: 1) Point, line, ray, line segment
Activity I Flipped
Teacher will share the following video to the children and they also classroom
read the concept from the text book and next day there will be an open
discussion on the topic. Children will ask questions to one another.
They may ask questions like Skill set:
1. How many points are there in a line? 1)peer learning
2. What is the minimum number of points needed for drawing a line?
3. How many lines can pass through a single point? 2) Art of
4. Examples of point, line, line segment in our real life. questioning
5. How to write the name of line ,line segment, ray etc,

Activity II
Students will take objects like matchsticks and mark a point by using
the head of matchsticks. After that students will draw a line, line
segment and ray by using matchsticks

Activity III
For sub topic, angles ,
Using the above video, Teacher will explain about different types of
angles and naming of an angle and construction of angles using a

Activity IV -

( Art, Mathematics)

Simultaneously children will do the activity in the class step by step.

This activity helps them to understand the concept of different types
of angles

Activity V : AutoDraw
Teacher will explain about the AI tool to the children.
Teacher will ask the students to draw any shape of angle and let the
AI algorithm detect and predict the possible drawings similar to it.
Once the correct image comes on the screen, ask the students to (AI integration)
observe the angle in it and describe it to the whole class.

Activity VI: Making a protractor
Students will make a protractor using paper folding Experiential
MATERIALS REQUIRED: paper,ruler, sketch pens , scissor. learning

3) Triangles , types of triangles according to sides and angles

4) Quadrilaterals-square and rectangle
For the above concepts, teacher will take the help of Extramarks
After the explanation and discussion in the class on the topic ,
Children will do the role play of different types of triangles and
Skill set- presentation skill, communication skill,
Activity VII --Based on their understanding of lines, angles and
shapes, students will solve problems given in the book.

Learning The students will:

outcomes ● Understand the line.
● Understand and apply the concept of angles in solving the problems.
● Know the relationship between lines and angles.
● Apply their understanding to draw angles and lines on
● Know and reason out that the machines can predict

1) Ask students to make a chart with different figures showing angles

Follow-up and lines of angle. Ask them to present to small groups. Let them Peer learning
activities assess how accurate they are in their presentations.
Skill set- presentation skill, communication skill, Peer Assessment

2) Quizzes will be conducted in the class to see their understanding

Kahoot, Quizizz, Quizlet(AI tool)
Assessment 1) Quizzes will be conducted in the class to see their understanding in
of learning Kahoot, Quizizz, Quizlet(AI tool)
2) MCQ based questions in Microsoft form or google form will be
asked for assessment.
Parameters Description Integration of
technology/ methods



Concept where  Rounding off whole numbers (nearest 10,100 and

the technology is 1000)
used  Rounding off decimal numbers ( nearest two
decimal places, three decimal places

Learning To understand the concept of

objectives  Rounding off whole numbers (nearest 10,100 and
 Rounding off decimal numbers ( nearest two
decimal places, three decimal places)

No of periods 3 periods, each of 40 minutes

Material Pen, paper, pencil, ruler, colour pencil, Laptops/

required/ desktops/tabs and Internet connections
Instructional aids
Expected previous Number sense
Teacher will explain the concept using the above video.
ACTIVITY1: Whole class is divided into groups of two
children will ask question to each other.
ACTIVITY 2 : By using Mondrian Art, Rounding
worksheet will be given to the children. They will colour
the squares and rectangles according to the instructions
given in the worksheet.
Problem solving activity:
Art integration
Expected learning Students will be able to use rounding of numbers in real
outcome life situation.

Assessment of 1) Quizzes will be conducted in the class to see their

learning outcomes understanding in Kahoot, Quizizz, Quizlet(AI tool)

2) MCQ based questions in Microsoft form or google form

will be asked for assessment.

Parameters Description Integration of

chapter UNIT 6 - HCF AND LCM

Concept  Even & odd numbers

where the  To find multiples and factors of the given numbers.
technology is  Introduction to prime and composite nos.
used  Tests for divisibility of nos.
 Prime factorization
 Common factors & multiples
 H.C.F. ( prime factorization & division method)
 L.C.M. ( prime factorization & division method)

Learning To understand the concept of

objectives  Even & odd numbers
 finding multiples and factors of the given numbers.
 prime and composite nos.
 divisibility rule
 Prime factorization
 Common factors & multiples
 H.C.F. ( prime factorization & division method)
 L.C.M. ( prime factorization & division method)

No of 8 periods
Material Pen, paper, pencil, ruler, colour pencil, Laptops/ desktops/tabs and
required/ Internet connections
l aids
Expected Student should have previous knowledge of multiplication
previous Previous knowledge of multiplication will be checked by dodging
knowledge tables
Pedagogy Activity 1 : Flipped classroom
Teacher will share the above video to the children for flipped
classroom on divisibility rule. They will watch and next day there
will be an open discussion on this topic. After discussion of the topic,
brainstorming session will be there. Children will ask question to one
Activity II
Start the activity with the rajma beans. Call the children one by one
roll number wise and give them rajma beans according to their roll
number. Engaging the
Ask them how many ways they can form different groups. For children with an
example roll no 6 has 6 rajma beans and he/she can make a group of activity using
1, group of 2 , group of 3 and group of 6. So 1, 2, 3 and 6 are the Rajma beans
factors of 6.
Activity III:
(a) AI tool
After this activity the teacher will explain that all the numbers
which divide a given number exactly are called factors of
the given number. Students will develop their understanding
of factors using given AI tool
(How to play the game is given in the glossary below)

(b) Teacher will show the children a \

15x15 grid and they will make a
of 15 x 15 . Teacher will explain
how to do.

Activity IV:
Now as the students are aware about factors of a given numbers they
will be introduced with the concept of prime & composite ,numbers
sieve of
using sieve of Eratosthenes .
Eratosthenes .

Activity V: Students will be explained the method to find Common

Factors & Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 2 or more numbers
using factors.
Step 1) Students will find out factors of given numbers
Step2) They will write the factors which are common factors of all
the given numbers.
Step3) Out of these factors , the factor which is the greatest is HCF

Activity VI --To find the HCF of two number by paper strips.

(Using Division Method)
Materials required: Two strips of different length and of different colour,
a pair of scissor.
Activity VII – For Multiples, Common Multiples and LCM,
Teacher will explain the topics using Extra - marks videos

Activity VIII- To find the LCM of small numbers using 10 x 10 grid.

 STUDENT CENTRED: Students will circle the multiple of
numbers using various colours and find the lcm
 MATERIALS REQUIRED: 10 x 10 grid on a paper and
sketch pens
Art integration
Activity IX – Understanding the concept of LCM by clapping after
a definite interval (using common multiples of number )
Using Simple Music With Clapping Hands
This is a simple activity with clapping hands that can be performed to
introduce the concept of LCM. Make a group of 5. The first student
claps at every even number, the second student claps at every
multiples of 3, 3rd student at every multiples of 4 and 4th student at
every multiples of 5. Fifth child will count like 1,2,3,4,,5,6,7,8,,9…
And rest class observes as to when all the students would clap

Activity X - Based on their understanding of concepts discussed

above, students will solve problems given in the book.

Expected Children will be able to

learning 1) analyse the situation where HCF and LCM will be useful in real life
outcome situation.
2) Students will understand the importance of Artificial Intelligence to
develop their concept of Prime factors.

Assessment 1) Quizzes will be conducted in the class to see their understanding in

of learning Kahoot, Quizizz, Quizlet(AI tool)
2) MCQ based questions in Microsoft form or google form will be
asked for assessment.

GLOSSARY: AI Related Terminology The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is

Mathematics education organization in the world.
AI Activity Description
● Player 1 chooses a number on the game board by clicking on it. The square will be colored blue, as shown for
12. Player 1 receives 12 points for this choice.
● Player 2 then clicks on all the proper factors of Player 1’s number. The proper factors of a number are all the
factors of that number, except the number itself. For example, the proper factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.
Although 12 is also a factor of 12, it is not considered a proper factor. All of the proper factors that Player 2
selects will be colored red. Player 2 will receive 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 16 points for selecting all of the proper
● Players reverse roles. On the next turn, Player 2 colors a new number and gets that many points, and Player 1
colors all the factors of the number that are not already colored and receives the sum of those numbers in points.
● The players take turns choosing numbers and coloring factors.
● If a player chooses a number with no uncolored factors remaining, that player loses a turn and does not get the
points for the number selected.
● The game ends when there are no numbers remaining with uncolored factors.
● The player with the greater total when the game ends is the winner.


Parameters Description Integration of technology/

Name of the UNIT 7 - FRACTIONS

Concept  Fractional part of a collection

where the  Fraction as division
technology is  Types of fractions
used  Converting improper fractions in to mixed fractions &
 Equivalent fractions
 Fractions in their lowest terms
 Ordering of fractions
 Operations of fractional nos.
 Word problems on fractions including addition and
subtraction. the

Learning To understand the concept of

objectives  Fractional part of a collection
 Fraction as division
 Types of fractions
 Converting improper fractions in to mixed fractions &
 Equivalent fractions
 Fractions in their lowest terms
 Ordering of fractions
 Operations of fractional nos.
 Word problems on fractions including addition and
subtraction. the

No of 8 periods
Material Pen, paper, pencil, ruler, colour pencil, Laptops/ desktops/tabs and
required/ Internet connections

Expected Students will be asked, what number comes between 1 and

previous 2? Discuss answers and show using a number line.
Pedagogy ACTIVITY 1 : Flipped classroom
Teacher will share the above videos on introduction and different
types of fractions to the children. They will watch the video and
read the concepts from their textbook and next day there will be an
open discussion on the topic. After discussion of the topic,
brainstorming session will be there. Children will ask question to
one another.

Children will make a
using equal paper strips. They
can take different colour
stripes or white stripes of
same length. In white stripes, Comparing fraction
they can do colouring
afterwards. They can
visualise comparing and
equivalent fraction in a blank
Fraction wall fraction wall.
Equivalent fraction

ACTIVITY3: Children will visualise the concept of four

operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
using Rectangle or area method.
Materials required: Squared paper, sketch pen
Experiential learning

Addition Subtraction

Multiplication – Division – 2/3 ÷ 1/6 =4,

3/5 x ¾ = 9/20 How many 1/6 will cover 2/3

ACTIVITY4: After visualization of the operations, teacher

will explain how to do the operations mathematically. Teacher will
also take the help of the following videos and extra marks
materials. addition subtraction

ACTIVITY5: Based on their understanding of Operations of

fractions students will solve the problems given in the book. They
will also solve the real life problems given in the exercises.

ACTIVITY 6: Fraction Fill-In Game

Materials required: A blank faction wall, colour pencil, a pair of
dice labelled as follows:
Dice One: 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4
Dice Two: */2, */3, */4, */6, */8, */12
Each player rolls the dice and then has to colour in a portion of their
fraction wall that is equivalent to that fraction

If you roll 1/2, you can colour in 1/2, or you can colour in 2/4 or
3/6 or 4/8 or anything else that is the same length as 1/2. You can
even combine fractions of different sizes: If you want to colour in
1/3 and then 1/6, you can! Those fractions combine to 1/2. You
can see several ways to colour in 1/2 in the image at right.

ACTIVITY 7: Roll two dice to get numerator and

denominator, then match the fraction ( To be assigned this
activity as homework)

Fraction game (splash learn)

AI Integration
Using this AI tool, children can understand the concept of fraction,
decimal and percentage.
In the following figure, after the tenth move, we
can find the fraction of the moves when a person won, fraction of
moves when there was a tie and fraction of the moves when
machine won.

AI Tool


Dutch painter and theoretician
who was regarded as one of
the greatest artists of the 20th
Century. He was best known
for his abstract paintings made
from squares and rectangles.
ACTIVITY10 Art Integration

Mondrian fraction

 Examples of Piet Mondrian’s work

 Grid Paper, pencils
 Red, Blue and Yellow Markers

1) Children will take a 10x10 grid.
2) They will fill the grid using the colours.
3) They are free to use any of the four colours to fill the boxes.
4) After completing the figure, children will find the fraction of
different colours used in the figure.

Expected The students will:

learning • Understand and apply the concept of fraction in solving the
outcome problems.
• Understand the concept of proper, improper and mixed fraction.
• Know the relationship between improper and mixed fraction.
Assessment 1) Quizzes will be conducted in the class to see their
of learning understanding in Kahoot, Quizizz, Quizlet(AI tool)
2) MCQ based questions in Microsoft form or google form will be
asked for assessment.

Parameters Description Integration of

Name of the CH 9, 10 AND 11. DECIMALS
chapter CH 15 . MEASUREMENT

Concept where the  Converting decimal to fraction and vice-versa

technology is used  Like and unlike decimal fractions
 Equivalent decimals
 Expanded form
 Ordering of decimal fractions
 Four operation on decimals
 Word problems
 Length, Mass, Capacity

Learning objectives To understand the concept of

 Converting decimal to fraction and vice-versa
 Like and unlike decimal fractions
 Equivalent decimals
 Expanded form
 Ordering of decimal fractions
 Four operation on decimals
 Word problems
 Length, Mass, Capacity

No of periods 6 periods
Material required/ Pen, paper, pencil, ruler, colour pencil, rounder, Laptops/
Instructional aids desktops/tabs and Internet connections

Expected previous Student should have previous knowledge of fraction and

knowledge decimal

Pedagogy ACTIVITY 1: Flipped classroom
Teacher will share the above videos on decimals to the
children. They will watch the video and read the concepts
from their textbook and next day there will be an open
discussion on the topic. After discussion of the topic,
brainstorming session will be there. Children will ask
question to one another.
ACTIVITY 2 : Represent 0.2, 0.50 and 0.90 etc. on the
10 x 1 grid and 10 x 10 grid respectively by pencil shading.
 STUDENT CENTRED: Students will draw the grid
and shade accordingly.
 MATERIALS REQUIRED: Square lined paper and
sketch pens

ACTIVITY 3: Visualization of operations of decimal
numbers on squared paper

Materials required: 10 x 10 grid and colour pencils for


1.8 / .3 = 6
Expected learning Children can able to use the concept of decimal in real life
outcome situation.

Assessment of 1) Quizzes will be conducted in the class to see their

learning outcomes understanding in Kahoot, Quizizz, Quizlet(AI tool)

2) MCQ based questions in Microsoft form or google form

will be asked for assessment.


Parameters Description Integration of technology/


Name of the CH.17. PERIMETER & AREA

Concept where  Perimeter of a polygon
the technology is  Perimeter of rectangle and square
used  Area of a rectangle and a square
 Word problems

Learning To understand the concept of

objectives  Perimeter of a polygon
 Perimeter of rectangle and square
 Area of a rectangle and a square
 Word problems

No of periods 6 - periods

Material Pen, paper, pencil, ruler, colour pencil, rounder,

required/ Laptops/ desktops/tabs and Internet connections
Expected Questioning will be used to check students previous
previous knowledge in the form of Quiz
Pedagogy (Perimeter) Area)

The teacher will make a padlet with question “Find the
area and perimeter of the room in which you are sitting in
this online mode. “Child can ask that there are so many
things in the room, so how they will find the area and
perimeter? They have to think and find the way that how
they will find the area and perimeter of the room instead
of there are so many objects are there in the room such as
Bed, chair, table etc.

This activity will engage the children to find the solution

Now children will first explain that how they will find the
area of the room.
Some will say that there are so many things in the room,
how they find the area and perimeter.

Different methods will come out by different child.

Teacher will give an idea of finding area and perimeter to

the children
The floor is covered with tiles. If we find the length and
breadth of one tile and can count the number of rows and
columns of tiles in the room, then we can find the area of
the room.

Design Making Activity: Students will be

divided into groups of 4 or 5 and they will use Quick Quick Draw
draw tool to draw and identify different 2D geometrical https://quickdraw.wi
shapes. It can be an animal, flower, geometrical design,
etc. Then, they need to calculate the perimeter for the
figure obtained.

Autodraw: In this follow-up activity, students will use Auto Draw
Autodraw tool to create shapes with different area. m

Teacher will explain about to them. And
they will explore and make different figures and find the
area and perimeter of the figure.

Materials: square grid paper
Objective: Spotting all possible squares, finding the
shape with largest perimeter.
Method: Outline a 6x6 square in a grid paper. How
many squares of area 4 sq unit can be found and find
the square with largest perimeter.

Materials: Digital Geoboard
Objective: Children can use this digital geoboard
for making different shapes and can find the
perimeter and area of the figure .

Pose the question
“ Who has the biggest hand in the class ?”
Let the children draw the outline of their hand on
the cm square paper. Then they count the
1) number of complete squares
2) number of more than half squares (consider to be
a complete square)
3) number of half squares (two halves = 1 complete
4) neglecting the squares which are less than half.
After adding all the number of squares , It will give
the area of their hand.
At some point it is good to pause and ask, “ Does
everything have an area?” A discussion about this
can reveal students’ understandimg and
misconception it can lead to questions about 3-D
objects , capacity(volume).
Choose any three
colours of your choice.
Colour the shapes
which are equal in
shape and size, in rhe
same colour
Art Integration

Quiz Activity: Students will be motivated to create their
own quiz which involves identification shapes and
computing its area using kahoot quiz,.

Problem Solving Activity: Students will be using the
formula derived for the area of polygons to find the area
in the real life problems of textbook exercises.

Expected Students will be able to

learning outcome ● To calculate the perimeter and area of given
● To solve real life word problems involving
perimeter and area of the shapes done
Assessment of 1) Quizzes will be conducted in the class to see their
learning understanding in Kahoot, Quizizz, Quizlet(AI tool)
2) MCQ based questions in Microsoft form or
google form will be asked for assessment.


Parameters Description Integration of technology/




Concept where  solids and its nets

the technology  Introduction to volume
is used  Volume of cube and cuboid

Learning To understand the concept of

objectives  solids and its nets
 Volume of cube and cuboid

No of periods 4 periods

Material Pen, paper, pencil, ruler, colour pencil, rounder, AI integrated

required/ Laptops/ desktops/tabs and Internet connections.
aids Sites

Expected 1) Students will be asked to click on the given link of

previous google earth and visit different famous place like pyramid
knowledge of Giza, Leaning tower of Pisa and

2) they will be asked to draw rough sketch of these places

using Students will use Quick draw and create various
doodles mapping with the prompt asked in the tool.
This activity will build the concept of different solid
shapes in the student’s mind.
Students will be asked to draw the top/side& front faces of
these places.
Pedagogy ACTIVITY 1: Experiential learning
(how to make a cube and cuboid)

1 ) How to make a cube and cuboid

 STUDENT CENTRED: Students will make solid
shape individually.
 MATERIALS REQUIRED: paper, pencil, ruler,
glue and scissor
Net of a cube
Formula of Volume of a Cube
The volume of a cube can be found by multiplying the
edge length three times. For instance, if the length of an
edge of a cube is 4, the volume will be 43.
The formula to calculate the volume of a cube is given as,
Volume of a cube = s3, where 's' is the length of the side of
the cube.

(Visualization of volume formula)

The concept to obtain the volume of a cube formula can be
understood using the following steps,

Consider any square-shaped sheet of paper.

 the area covered by this square sheet will be its surface
area i.e. its length multiplied by its breadth. As for
a square, since the length and breadth are equal, the
surface area will be “s2“.
 A cube is made by stacking multiple square sheets
on top of each other so that the height becomes equal
to the length and breadth, i.e., “s” units.
 This gives us the height or thickness of the cube as
 It can thus be concluded that the overall space
covered by the cube, which is the volume, will be the
area of the base multiplied by the height.

ACTIVITY 2 : Children will use their understanding

and solve the sums given in the text book
learning ● Students will understand how 2D shapes can be
outcome converted to 3D shapes
● Students will analyze the real life situations where nets
of solid shapes are used and volume of cube and cuboid
● Students will understand the importance of Artificial
intelligence in developing their concept of 3D shapes and
its nets
Assessment of 1) Quizzes will be conducted in the class to see their
learning understanding in Kahoot, Quizizz, Quizlet(AI tool)
2) MCQ based questions in Microsoft form or google
form will be asked for assessment.


Parameters Description Integration of

Name of the UNIT 12 - PERCENTAGE
chapter/chapters UNIT 20 - MATHS IN REAL LIFE
Concept where UNIT 12 - PERCENTAGE
the technology is  Introduction of percentage
used  Converting % into fractions and vice-versa
 Converting % into decimal and vice-versa


 Finding multiple cost
 Reading and making bills.
 Unitary method
 Speed and units of speed

Learning To understand the concept of

objectives  Percentage
 Converting % into fractions and vice-versa
 Converting % into decimal and vice-versa
 Unitary method
 Speed and its units

No of periods 8 periods

Material Pen, paper, pencil, ruler, colour pencil, Laptops/ desktops/tabs and
required/ Internet connections
Expected Fraction and decimal
Pedagogy Flipped
ACTIVITY 1: Above video will be shared with the children for
Flipped classroom. They will also read the chapter from the book.
They will get ready for the discussion and also frame questions for
asking in the class. Next day there will be an open discussion on the
topic following a brain storming session. Children will ask question
to one another.

Skill set – peer learning , art of questioning


Method: Children will take any 10x10 blank grid. They will fill the
grid with a beautiful pattern or design using any colour of their
choice. After that they will find % of different colours.
% of red = ________
% of blue = _______ etc

ACTIVITY 3: ( Project Based) Maths In Real Life

1) Making A Bill-
Children will note down daily expenses of essential and non-
essential items of their family for 7 days. After that they will make a
bill with an item, quantity, rate, amount and total. This way they can AI
find weekly expenditure of their family. Integration

2) To find Speed – (Using google map) Google Maps

Children will choose any two places of their choice in the map. is a web
After choosing the destination, map will show the distance and time mapping
for reaching there by foot, car, bike or public transport. service
Speed= distance/time, developed by
If they divide both the quantities, they will get the speed of the Google.
different mode of transport. This is an individual activity. It gives real-
time traffic
ACTIVITY 4 : conditions,
and route
planning for
traveling by
foot, car, bike
or public
Using this AI tool, children can understand the concept of fraction,
decimal and percentage.
In the following figure, after the tenth move, we can find the % of
the moves when the man win, % of tie and lastly
% of machines..
According to the figure, winning moves of human, tie, machine are
of 30%,30% and 40%.
Children will enjoy the game.

Expected Children are able to use
learning 1) % in real life
outcome 2) maths in real life

Assessment of 1) Quizzes will be conducted in the class to see their understanding

learning in Kahoot, Quizizz, Quizlet(AI tool)
2) MCQ based questions in Microsoft form or google form will be
asked for assessment.


Parameters Description Integration of

Name of the UNIT 14 - TIME.
chapter UNIT 13 - PATTERNS
Concept where the Time
technology is used  12-Hour and 24- clock time
 Conversion of 12- hour clock and 24-hour clock time
 Addition and Subtraction of time ( hrs min sec)
 Multiplication and Division of time
 Calculation of duration of events
 Number patterns
 Palindromes
 Patterns in a calendar

Learning objectives Understand the concept of

 Time in both 12-hour and 24-hour clocks.
 Conversion between the two types of time
 operations on time
 Calculating the time lapsed
 Identify patterns

No of periods 6 periods

Material required/ Pen, paper, pencil, ruler, colour pencil, , Laptops/

Instructional aids desktops/tabs and Internet connections
Expected previous To check their previous knowledge, teacher will ask some
knowledge oral questions on time.

Pedagogy ACTIVITY 1: Flipped classroom

As children have the idea of time from their previous classes,
teacher will share the following video with the children and
next day there will be a session in which children will ask
questions to one another.

ACTIVITY 2: For operations (addition, subtraction,

multiplication and division) on times, teacher take the help
of extra marks videos for explaining.
ACTIVITY 3 : Next students will apply their
understanding of Time to solve questions given in the Text
 Number patterns
 Palindromes Project based
 Patterns in a calendar learning

Class will be divided into groups of three. For example roll Peer assessment
no 1, 2 and 3 are in one group and there are three topics, so
they will take the topic in that order. They will explore from
internet, make ppt on the topic and present in the class . Each
child has to do this activity.

Skill set: presentation skill

Expected learning Children can able to

outcome  Read the time in both types of clocks.
 Do conversions between the two types of time
 Do operations on time
 Calculate the time lapsed
 Use the concepts in their daily life.

Assessment of 1) Quizzes will be conducted in the class to see their

learning outcomes understanding in Kahoot, Quizizz, Quizlet(AI tool)

2) MCQ based questions in Microsoft form or google form

will be asked for assessment.


Parameters Description Integration of


Concept where the  Reading and representing the data using Tally marks
technology is used  Reading and drawing Pictograph
 Reading and drawing a Bar graph
( Subtopics)  Reading a Pie Chart
 Reading a Line graph
 Roman numbers till 100

Learning objectives Understand the concept of

 Reading and representing the data using Tally marks
 Reading and drawing Pictograph,Bar graph, PieChart
and line graph
 Roman numbers till 100

No of periods 6 periods

Material required/ Textbook, Graph Paper, pencil, ruler, Coloured Pen or

Instructional aids Sketches, Laptops/ desktops and Internet connections.

Expected previous The students are asked to recall the knowledge about
knowledge collection of data, bar graph and pictograph. Some questions
would be asked to them to solve.
Pedagogy ACTIVITY 1:
The students will be asked to collect the Tutorial marks of all
subjects (Maths, English, Hindi, Science and Social science)
of evaluation 3 of previous class and arrange these marks in
a table using tally marks.

ACTIVITY 2: Using the same table , Children will be asked

to draw Pictograph and Bar-graph

Using the above video and extra marks video, teacher will
explain about Pie chart and Line graph.

ACTIVITY 4: Using the same table, children will be asked

to draw pie chart and line graph.

ACTIVITY 5: Next students will apply their understanding

of data to do questions of exercise from the Text book

ACTIVITY 6: ROMAN NUMBERS Flipped classroom

Children will be asked to read different rules of writing
Roman numbers from the textbook. They will try to
understand the rules themselves and the next day there will
be an open discussion on this topic. First children will try to
explain the rules and then teacher will help them in

Expected learning Children can able to

outcome  Read and understand the given data
 Collect and Record the data into meaningful way
 Represent the given data in required form
 Use the concept in their daily life.

Assessment of 1) Quizzes will be conducted in the class to see their AI integration

learning outcomes understanding in Kahoot, Quizizz, Quizlet(AI tool)
2) MCQ based questions in Microsoft form or google form
will be asked for assessment.

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