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Mini-Lesson Plan Grade Level: Standard

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Mini-Lesson Plan

Grade Level


● 25.G.4- Find the area and perimeter of
figures by finding the area and
perimeter of the parts that compose the Use the following figure for the questions below:
2-D figures.

Part B
What is the area of the figure shown above?
Show your work.
Connection: In previous grades you learned about the Materials
areas of basic shapes and polygons. ● XY Pegboards
Teaching Point/Purpose: In today’s lesson you will learn ● Area of Irregular Figures Hands On Task
how to find the perimeter and area of composite figures.. ● Skills Practice: Area of Composite Figures
● Homework Practice: Area of Composite
● Problem Solving: Area of Composite
Mastery Reteach:
Warm Up:
Today you will learn about the area of composite shapes. A composite shape is a combination of simple shapes. So
in today’s lesson we are going to find the area of these composite shapes. To do so we are going to use a peg board
to help us break the problems down.

Mini-Lesson Plan
Grade Level

After students create the shape, ask students to estimate the area by counting the pegs. Then ask the students the
following question once they have made an estimate:

What shapes do we have?

2 triangles and a rectangle.

So how could we use this information to help us solve the area for the composite shape?
Student: What about if we combine the areas of each shape?Could that work? We could find the area of the two
triangles and a rectangle and add them up.

That’s right we could do that, but let’s review the area formulas.
Put these on the board
A= LxW (rectangles and Squares)
A= (b*h) / 2 (Triangles)

Once students have calculated the area of the composite shape hand them the formative assessment.
Mini-Lesson Plan
Grade Level

Independent Practice:
Mini-Lesson Plan
Grade Level

Formative Assessment:

Show your work below for the following question:

IICE CREAM Leeor was asked to repaint the sign for his mother’s ice cream shop, so he needs to figure out how much
paint he will need. Find the area of the ice cream cone on the sign. Round to the nearest tenth.

After you solve:

When you solved the question, what was the hardest part of solving this question?

How did you show persistence when you solved this problem? Use the vocabulary on the anchor chart to
write your response
Mini-Lesson Plan
Grade Level


Language Arts Strategy Math Strategy

Making Connections Concrete with Manipulatives
Making Predictions Semi-Concrete- visual representation (drawing models
Visualizing to represent work with manipulative)
Questioning Semi-Abstract – Using visual models and/or numerals
Determining Importance Abstract – Using algorithms
Monitoring and Clarifying (place value, student generated etc.) or standard
Inferring algorithms
Synthesizing Strategies of Mathematical Practices
Make sense of problems and
persevere in solving them.
Reason abstractly and
Construct viable arguments
and critique the reasoning of others.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools
Attend to precision
Teaching: Look for and make use of
The teacher will think aloud during…
1. Demonstration
2. Guided Practice Look for and express regularity
3. Explanation with Examples in repeated reasoning.
4. Inquiry

Active Engagement: The teacher will notice what students do with new learning as they….
Students could
1. Continue the work on the next part of the demonstration text
2. Transfer what they have learned to do to another class text
3. Transfer what they have learned to their own writing/reading
4. Act as researchers, naming what you have done in the demonstration
5. Find and mark a place in their own writing where they could do the work of the demonstration

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