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Drama Unit Plan

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Drama Unit Plan  

Movement Unit 
Drama 10 
Three weeks 

Daphne Yoner 
University of Lethbridge 
ED 3700

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

Rationale 3

Unit Objective 4

Identify Desired Results 5

Assessment Evidence 8

Lesson Activities 14

Two Lesson Plans 25

Materials 34

Bibliography 44


The reason for this movement unit is for students to explore different aspects of their development in a kind and safe
environment. The goals for drama at the senior high level in the Teacher Resource Manual is three fold. Firstly drama helps students
acquire knowledge about themselves and to understand others around them too. This is exhibited in the movement curriculum,you
have to know your own feelings when trying to mimic emotions and understand the limitations of your own body at this stage of
development as well as other students' limitations. The second goal is communication with others, this is also greatly reflected in the
curriculum. It is important to understand how to communicate with partners for group projects, in the Teaching Resource Manual it
states that at this stage in development students are developing cognitive skills such as forming your own ideas/perceptions,
reasoning with others, and making thoughtful decisions. All of these skills are further developed in a drama environment, especially
movement because in some cases you may not be able to use words to communicate and the students have to communicate using
other means that are just as influential. The last goal is to show appreciation for drama, which is covered in all units. Since drama is a
safe environment students can explore their physical expression in a non-judgemental space. Students may need this type of
environment to explore their locomotor skills or the ability to be still (which are some of the outcomes), which some students
struggle with in high school. This type of performance helps in other elements of their lives as well, such as recognizing when to use
breathing techniques. Learning these types of breathing techniques can help students overcome or deal with anxiety. There is a
large population of students that have test anxiety/ related types of anxiety and learning the proper breathing techniques can be
very useful to students. Another learner outcome that is useful to students is learning proper alignment, if students learn this skill
then their posture will be much better outside of the drama classroom. Students are confined to a desk for most of their day and
proper posture would go a long way in helping students with issues such as back problems. Movement can be extremely beneficial
to students in this age group and I believe that it gives them new perspectives and experiences that will be instrumental in their
To summarize, students produce their best work in safe and comfortable environments and this is why a movement unit is so
important for students to study. Students have to have a safe outlet to try new things regarding physical activity because students
are still developing physically at this stage in their education. Students also need to explore new cognitive skills that will help them in
the future. This unit also allows for students to gain interpersonal skills that will help them flourish in school as well as aid them in
their career.

Unit Objective

This movement unit is for students to connect and understand their bodies to build their communication skills in the world.
The main build of this unit is to start with understanding our bodies (how we move, why we move, different elements of movement)
and this then scaffolds the ideas of non-verbal communication. The first part of this unit greatly deals with learner objective 10.
Demonstrate focus, concentration, and energy in all movement and gesture. This is an important outcome because it encompasses
all the vigor that students need in order to show movement techniques such as basic locomotor movements or moving isolated body
parts. The second part of the unit focuses on non-verbal communication and its importance. The outcomes that cover this part are
primarily outcome 22. Translate words, images, and emotions into movement, and outcome 23. Demonstrate non-verbally the who,
what, where, why and when of a story. Movement is a unit that has many skills however many of them can be covered thoroughly in
several different lessons. For the first part of the unit involving outcome 10, the primary lessons that cover this learner objective is
lesson 3 (Basic Anatomy), 4 (Exploring the Body), 7 (The Art of Being Silent), and 10 (Choreographed Dance Routine). As for the
second part of the unit involving outcome 22 and 23, the primary lessons that cover this learner objective are 7 (The Art of Being
Silent), 8 (Silent Fairytales) and 9 (Creating a Story). I believe that all these lessons flow nicely together and build upon each other so
that the objective of building the students communication skills is successful.

Identify Desired Results

Learning Outcomes
What relevant goals will this unit address?
(include all relevant GLO(s) & SLO(s))

1. Display the ability to be still. 2. Demonstrate understanding of basic anatomy. 3. Recognize the necessity for physical warm ups. 4. Perform a
physical warm up. 5. Demonstrate effective breathing techniques. 6. Recognize when to use specific breathing techniques. 7. Display proper
body alignment. 8. Extend flexibility. 9. Display increased ability to balance. 10. Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all movement
and gesture. 11. Demonstrate the ability to move isolated body parts. Drama 10–20–30 (Senior High) /9 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
(Revised 1989) 12. Demonstrate knowledge of elements of space. 13. Use levels (high, medium and low). 14. Create physically shapes in space.
15. Use basic locomotor movements (e.g., walking, running, crawling) to explore space. 16. Create and repeat patterns of movement. 17.
Demonstrate freezing of movement in space. 18. Appreciate that physical expression can enhance language. 19. Demonstrate qualities of
energy. 20. Create appropriate personal physical warmup routines. 21. Demonstrate the ability to extend a movement. 22. Translate words,
images and emotions into movement. 23. Demonstrate non-verbally the who, what, where, why and when of a story. 24. Demonstrate
understanding of mood, and communicate mood.

Big Drama Ideas

- Using movement to express meaning.

- Understanding why warmups are important.

Essential Question(s)
What provocative question(s) will foster inquiry into the content?​ (​ open-ended questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linked to the content
of the enduring understanding)

- Why are warmups important?

- How can we use movement to convey meaning?

Knowledge: Skills
What knowledge will student acquire as a result of this unit? What skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? List the skills and/or
This content knowledge may come from the indicators, or might behaviours that students will be able to exhibit as a result of their work in
also address pre-requisite knowledge that students will need for this unit. These will come from the indicators.
this unit.

Students will know... Students will be able to…

- Basic Anatomy. - Be still.
- The reasons for physical warm up. - Perform physical warm ups.
- When to use those breathing techniques. - Demonstrate effective breathing techniques.
- Knowledge of elements of space. - Display proper body alignment.
- Appreciation that physical expression can enhance - Extend flexibility.
language. - Display an increased ability to balance.
- What mood is and how to communicate mood. - Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all movement and
- Demonstrate the ability to move isolated body parts.
- Use levels (high, medium and low).
- Create physically shapes in space.
- Use basic locomotor movements (e.g., walking, running, crawling) to
explore space.
- Create and repeat patterns of movement.
- Demonstrate freezing of movement in space.
- Demonstrate qualities of energy.
- Create appropriate personal physical warmup routines.
- Demonstrate the ability to extend a movement.

- Translate words, images and emotions into movement.

- Demonstrate non-verbally the who, what, where, why and when of
a story.

Assessment Evidence

Peer Review/ Self
Learner assessment/ Solo Design
Class Silhouette Video Group/Pairs Choreographed
Title Objectives Teacher Movement Physical
Discussion Labelling Recording Work Dance Project
Checklist assessment (5 w’s) Project Warm up
Learning x2
Outcomes (Formative Formative
Summative Summative Summative Formative Summative Summative Summative
/Summativ Summative
Mode Discussion Checklist Performing Perform Group work Perform Perform Perform
0% 40% 7% 7% 14% (7% ​x2​) 0% 12.5% 12.5% 7%

1.Display the ability

to be still.

understanding of
basic anatomy.

3.Recognize the
necessity for physical

4.Perform a physical
warm up.

effective breathing

Peer Review/ Self

Learner assessment/ Solo Design
Class Silhouette Video Group/Pairs Choreographed
Title Objectives Teacher Movement Physical
Discussion Labelling Recording Work Dance Project
Checklist assessment (5 w’s) Project Warm up
6.Recognize when to
use specific

7.Display proper
body alignment.

8.Extend flexibility.

9.Display increased
ability to balance.

focus, concentration
and energy in all
movement and
11.Demonstrate the
ability to move
isolated body parts.

knowledge of
elements of space.

13.Use levels (high,

medium and low).

Peer Review/ Self

Learner assessment/ Solo Design
Class Silhouette Video Group/Pairs Choreographed
Title Objectives Teacher Movement Physical
Discussion Labelling Recording Work Dance Project
Checklist assessment (5 w’s) Project Warm up

14.Create physically
shapes in space.

15.Use basic
movements (e.g.,
walking, running,
crawling) to explore
16.Create and repeat
patterns of

freezing of
movement in space.
18.Appreciate that
physical expression
can enhance

qualities of energy.

appropriate personal
physical warmup
21.Demonstrate the
ability to extend a

Peer Review/ Self

Learner assessment/ Solo Design
Class Silhouette Video Group/Pairs Choreographed
Title Objectives Teacher Movement Physical
Discussion Labelling Recording Work Dance Project
Checklist assessment (5 w’s) Project Warm up
22.Translate words,
images and emotions
into movement.
non-verbally the
who, what, where,
why and when of a
understanding of
mood, and
communicate mood.

Movement Unit
Assessment Tool Overview
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Assessment Tool Brief Description FOR Learning AS Learning OF Learning
- Class discussions will be to get the students to explore the why of the
lesson, I want them to try and figure out what learner objectives we will be
Class Discussions - We will also have discussions on topics that are harder to grasp such as *
body alignment, mood, breathing techniques, etc.
- There will also be discussions to end the class, as a review or a way to wrap
up what we have covered in the class.
- I will have this check list with me in the classes that covers all the learner
Learner Objective objectives for drama 10. As students meet these objectives I will be able to
Checklist check it off and make notes about each student and what activity they were
- Each pair of students will have a large sheet of paper, they will make a
silhouette of one of their bodies. Then they will have to label the silhouette
with the proper basic anatomy names I have provided. They will label in 2
Silhouette Labelling *
colors; one for the front and one for the back side of a person. I will be
taking a picture of this sheet for the students file, and give them a mark
according to their work present on the silhouette.
- Students will be making a tableau series consisting of 5 scenes. These 5
scenes will overall tell a story that involves non-verbal communication,
mood, space, and levels primarily. The students get to create the series
Video Recording *
based on what they want to create. When they perform the tableau series I
will record it and put it in the students file. I will have a rubric to evaluate
whether all the elements were met for this project.
- For the fairytale stories and creating your own stories lesson. When the
Peer Review/ Self
students perform their stories for the class the audience (their peers) and
myself will do an evaluation. On the evaluation it will ask for what their *
Teacher assessment
peers think the 5 w’s are for the story as well as the mood that they believe
(5 w’s) ​x2
is being presented. At the end, the students will reveal what the 5 w’s were

for their story and the mood. Their peers and teacher will then grade the
performance from 1-5 (1 being that the 5w’s and mood were not clear and
5 being that it was very clear). Then the performers will self assess with the
same grading system.

- Group work that is done in warm ups and in activities will be observed but
Group/Pairs Work not graded. Officially all the learner objectives being covered in *
groups/pairs will be put on the Learner Objectives checklist.

- There will be a rubric for this project to make sure that the learner
Solo Movement
objectives have been met. I will grade the student using that rubric while *
they perform their projects for me. I will make notes where applicable.

- The students will perform their dance for me either in class or in the parent
presentation later on in the evening. This assessment will be a checklist to *
Dance Project
make sure all the elements were met for this project.

Design Physical - Students will also perform their physical warm up for me in class, they will
Warm up be assessed with a checklist. I will make notes where applicable.

# Lesson
Lesson Activities
1. Display the ability to be still.
4. Perform a physical warm up.
10. Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all movement and gesture.
11. Demonstrate the ability to move isolated body parts.
15. Use basic locomotor movements (e.g., walking, running, crawling) to explore space.
17. Demonstrate freezing of movement in space.
19. Demonstrate qualities of energy.
- Warmup: Milling around the room. Students will mill with a variety of paces, as well as having to freeze in place and
move (somewhat rhythmically) to music that is played. Then we will have a discussion about the movement unit that
we are starting. (~10 minutes)
- Activity #1: I will be showing students a clip from the movie Hairspray. The students will be asked to take mental notes
1 to
about the types of movement that they see. After the clip we will then discuss these types of movements and how they
relate to the learner objectives that we will be focusing on in this unit. (~10 minutes)
- Activity #2: We will play “Who started it?”. In this game movement gestures are passed around the circle and the
person that is “it” has to try to solve who started the movement first. (~10 minutes)
- Activity #3: Tableaus. Everyone will be moving around the room to start and then I will give them a prompt. The
students will have to freeze and make a tableau of that particular prompt. (~10 minutes)

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Class Discussion, Learner Objectives Checklist, Experience with Movement.


Resources​: Video Clip from Hairspray, Prompts for Tableaus, LO Checklist, Music/Speaker.

1. Display the ability to be still.
4. Perform a physical warm up.
5. Demonstrate effective breathing techniques.
6. Recognize when to use specific breathing techniques.
7. Display proper body alignment.
9. Display increased ability to balance.
10. Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all movement and gesture.
15. Use basic locomotor movements (e.g., walking, running, crawling) to explore space.

17. Demonstrate freezing of movement in space.

2 Breathing 19. Demonstrate qualities of energy.
Through Overview​:
Movement - Warmup: We will do a spinal roll, one vertebrae at a time. We will focus on the breathing behind the movement. (~5
- Activity #1: Mill around the room. We will do the same exercise from the previous day however this time the students
will focus on how they breathe while doing all the movements. We will then discuss afterwards how everyone was
breathing through each exercise. (~10 minutes)
- Discussion: We will then discuss what proper alignment of our bodies would look like. We will also cover how it is easier
to breathe in some alignments then in others; and why that is. (~10 minutes)
- Activity #2: Statue Museum. We will play this game where students mill around the room and then I will call out a
person/type of person and the students have to freeze in a position they believe to be applicable. The students will
focus on how they breathe in each position as well as their body alignment. Then after we will discuss how different
positions felt regarding breathing and alignment. (~15 minutes)

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Class discussions, Learner Objective Checklist, Experience with Movement.


Resources​: Music/Speaker, Prompts for Statues, LO Checklist.

2. Demonstrate understanding of basic anatomy.
4. Perform a physical warm up.
10. Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all movement and gesture.
11. Demonstrate the ability to move isolated body parts.
16. Create and repeat patterns of movement.
- Warmup: Numbered bodies. The students will mill around the room and I will yell out a body part and how many of
3 them the students must get. This will be played twice, with elimination. (~7 minutes)
- Activity #1: Silhouettes. The students will be in pairs and given a large sheet of paper, on that sheet they must make a
silhouette of their body. Then they must go around the room collecting labels and write them on their silhouettes. I will
be wearing the labels on my body so that they have a reference. (~15 minutes)
- Activity #2: Isolated movement routine. The students must make an isolated movement for each body part labeled on
their silhouette. Once they have those they will make a routine that combines all of those movements. Then they will
present them to the class afterwards. (~20 minutes)

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​:Class Discussion, Creation, Experience with Movement, Learner Objectives Checklist.


Resources​: Large Sheets of Paper, Markers, Labels, Teacher Labels, LO Checklist.

1. Display the ability to be still.
2. Demonstrate understanding of basic anatomy.
4. Perform a physical warm up.
8. Extend flexibility.
10. Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all movement and gesture.
11. Demonstrate the ability to move isolated body parts.
15. Use basic locomotor movements (e.g., walking, running, crawling) to explore space.
21. Demonstrate the ability to extend a movement.
- Warmup: Yoga exercises. I will go through various poses that will stretch out the body and ground the students. Also a
good way to wind down your class. (~10 minutes)
- Activity #1: Exploring space. Students will be in pairs, in those pairs one person will be blindfolded and the other will
Exploring have to direct their partner to the other side of the room using specific basic anatomy vocabulary. There will be
the Body obstacles that the students will have to be directed around. (~10 minutes)
- Activity #2: Puppet Master. Students are again in paris, one person is the puppet master and the other is the puppet.
The puppet master has to use gestures to get their partner into a kneeling position or standing position. The students
can use the basic anatomy vocabulary as well to aid in their partners movement. (~10 minutes)
- Activity #3: I will tell the students to lay on their backs. I will have a script to read from telling them what body part to
sink into the ground. Using specific basic anatomy words so that the students can become familiar with the vocabulary.
This is more of a relaxation exercise. (~10 minutes)

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​:Class Discussion, Learner Objective Checklist, Experience with Movement.


Resources​: Yoga Mats (if the school has any), Obstacles for Activity 1, Blindfolds, Script for Activity 3, LO Checklist.

3. Recognize the necessity for physical warmups.
4. Perform a physical warm up.
5. Demonstrate effective breathing techniques.
6. Recognize when to use specific breathing techniques.

5 Physical 8. Extend flexibility.

Warm ups 10. Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all movement and gesture.
20. Create appropriate personal physical warmup routines.
- Warmup: For our warm up I will create my own personal warm up that includes breathing exercises, stretching and
yoga poses. (~5 minutes)
- Activity #1: Students must come up with their own personal warm up. They may draw on from past classes to come up
with the warm up. They may look back on breathing exercises, stretching, yoga exercises, and elements from our
milling exercises. Students will plan a small warm up between one and two minutes. (~15 minutes)
- Activity #2: Then I will split the class up into two groups and each person in that group will teach their personal warm
up to their group. (~20 minutes)
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Class Discussion, Movement Exercises, Creation, Teaching Others, Learner
Objectives Checklist.


Resources​: N/A

1. Display the ability to be still.
4. Perform a physical warm up.
7. Display proper body alignment.
9. Display increased ability to balance.
12. Demonstrate knowledge of elements of space.
13. Use levels (high, medium and low).
17. Demonstrate freezing of movement in space.
18. Appreciate that physical expression can enhance language.
The Art of
6 22. Translate words, images and emotions into movement.
Being Still
24. Demonstrate understanding of mood, and communicate mood.
- Warmup: Grandma’s footsteps. This is a game where one student is the grandma/grandpa and the other classmates
have to try to use quiet steps to creep up on them. If the grandma/grandpa turns around then all the other students
have to freeze. If the grandma/grandpa thinks someone moved then they become the grandma/grandpa. (~10
- Discussion: We will have a discussion about what mood is and how to portray it on stage. I might give them a couple of
examples to pull from. I will tell them that they will want to try to think about mood in their acting as well as to
implement it.(~5 minutes)

- Activity #1: I will have a list of different words, images and emotions. The students will then be milling around the
room and when I say the new word they will freeze where they are and make a tableau with their bodies to embody
that word that has been said. (~10 minutes)
- Activity #2: Then the students will have to create a series of tableaus (five) to tell a story. The tableaus must convey
the story being presented as well as the mood. Then at the end of class they will present the series of tableaus to the
class and the tableaus will be recorded for the students file. (~20 minutes)
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Class Discussion, Experience of Movement, Learner Objectives Checklist.


Resources​: List of Words/Images/Emotions for Prompts, Examples of Different Types of Mood in Productions, LO Checklist.

4. Perform a physical warm up.
8. Extend flexibility.
10. Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all movement and gesture.
11. Demonstrate the ability to move isolated body parts.
18. Appreciate that physical expression can enhance language.
22. Translate words, images and emotions into movement.
- Warmup: Students will mill around the room, they will first start by having no eye contact with anyone, then they will
be allowed to have eye contact but everytime an emotion is called they must portray that emotion to their
neighbors.(~10 minutes)
- Activity #1: What are you doing? This is a miming activity that does have some words. Going around the circle the first
The Art of person in the middle must mime an action, the group will ask what are you doing? Then the person in the middle will
Being Silent respond with another action they are clearly not doing. Then the next person comes to the middle and does that action.
(~15 minutes)
- Activity #2: Charades. Students will be split into two different groups so that they will be able to be the person that is it
more often. There will be charade cards that the students will pick from and they will have to act out to their group.
Both groups are in competition to guess the most amount of correct answers. (~20 minutes)
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Class Discussion, Experience with Movement, Learner Objectives Checklist.


Resources​: Emotion Prompts, Charades Cards, LO Checklist.

4. Perform a physical warm up.

10. Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all movement and gesture.
12. Demonstrate knowledge of elements of space.
8 Silent 15. Use basic locomotor movements (e.g., walking, running, crawling) to explore space.
Fairytales 18. Appreciate that physical expression can enhance language.
22. Translate words, images and emotions into movement.
23. Demonstrate non-verbally the who, what, where, why and when of a story.
24. Demonstrate understanding of mood, and communicate mood.
- Warmup: Fairytale character heads up. Each student will be given a fairy tale card that they can not look at and must
stick to their head. Students will walk around the room communicating silently with other people. They will give them
movement clues that will help the person figure out who they are. Once they know who they are they must find the
group of people that belong to the same story as them. (~10 minutes)
- Activity #1: In groups of six, students will be given a short story of a common fairy tale. The students must act out with
no words what their fairytale is. They will have five minutes to present this fairytale. They will have this time to prepare
their fairytale. (~10 minutes)
- Activity #2: The students will then act out their fairy tales in five minutes. The audience members will be filling out a
5W’s sheet that they will have to guess each of the 5W’s and write them down. They will also have to guess the mood
of the skit. Afterwards the audience members will be told the 5W’s and the mood, then based on the information they
have they will grade them from 1-5. (~25 minutes)

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Class discussion, Experience with Movement, Learner Objectives Checklist, Creation.


Resources​: Fairytale Headbands, Fairytale Stories, Assessment Papers, LO Checklist.

4. Perform a physical warm up.
10. Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all movement and gesture.
12. Demonstrate knowledge of elements of space.
18. Appreciate that physical expression can enhance language.
22. Translate words, images and emotions into movement.
23. Demonstrate non-verbally the who, what, where, why and when of a story.
24. Demonstrate understanding of mood, and communicate mood.
- Warmup: Tableaus. I will be reading from a script that describes a story. All the students will be milling around the
room listening to the story until I say freeze. Then at whatever part I am in the story they will have to freeze in a
tableau that embodies that part of the story somehow. (~5 minutes)

9 Creating a - Discussion: We will discuss mood once again, we will also discuss elements of a good story and what needs to be in a
Story; Part 1 story to make it good. (~10 minutes)
- Activity #1: In this activity students will be in groups of six again and they will have to create their own story that has
elements of mood, the 5 W’s and elements of a story. Their entire story has to be silent, the audience members will
have to try to guess each character, when it is, where it is etc. They will not be allowed to use a fairytale, but they may
look on the internet for quick short stories if they do not want to create their own. They may create a movement script
if they desire but it is not necessary. They must however provide on a piece of paper the mood, and the 5 W’s of the
play. They will have this class time to prepare their story/performance. Each performance will be about five minutes
again. (~30 minutes)
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Class Discussion, Learner Objectives Checklist, Experience with Movement,


Resources​: Laptops, Story for Tableau, Notes of the Elements of a Good Story, LO Checklist.

4. Perform a physical warm up.
10. Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all movement and gesture.
12. Demonstrate knowledge of elements of space.
18. Appreciate that physical expression can enhance language.
21. Demonstrate the ability to extend a movement.
22. Translate words, images and emotions into movement.
23. Demonstrate non-verbally the who, what, where, why and when of a story.
24. Demonstrate understanding of mood, and communicate mood.
Creating a - Warmup: Milling. Students will mill around the room and I will say different types of characters that they will have to try
Story; Part 2 and embody while they move around the room. (~5 minutes)
- Activity #1: Finishing Touches. Students will have this time to finish putting together their performances from the
previous class. (~15 minutes)
- Activity #2: Performances. Students will then in their groups perform their stories. The audience members will have the
5 W’s + mood sheet to complete and then at the end of the performance the group will explain their 5 W’s and mood.
Based on the information collected each audience member will provide a grade from 1-5. Then the group will
self-assess and the teacher will also provide a grade. (~25 minutes)

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Class Discussion, Learner Objectives Checklist, Performance, Experience with
Movement, Creation/Research, Self/Peer Assessment.


Resources​: Laptops, 5 W’s Sheets/Grade Scale, Self-Assessment Sheets, LO Checklist, Character Types for Tableaus.
1. Display the ability to be still.
4. Perform a physical warm up.
10. Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all movement and gesture.
12. Demonstrate knowledge of elements of space.
13. Use levels (high, medium and low).
14. Create physically shapes in space.
17. Demonstrate freezing of movement in space.
18. Appreciate that physical expression can enhance language.
19. Demonstrate qualities of energy.
21. Demonstrate the ability to extend a movement.
- Warmup: Freeze, Turn, Jump, Twizzle. This warm up incorporates the idea of space, the students must walk around
and when one of the four of these actions are called they must do that action. (~5 minutes)
11 - Activity #1: Chanting Machine. I will say a name of a real machine, and in their groups of 4-5 the students will have to
The Element
work together to create that machine with their bodies. (~15 minutes)
of Space
- Activity #2: Instruments in Space. For this activity I will have the students watch a clip from Pitch Perfect. In one of the
performances the boys use their bodies to mimic instruments that would be played. After watching this clip the students
will get into groups of 4-5 and they will pick a song that they would like to work with. Once they have picked then they
will come up with instruments for all group members to be and practice being those instruments. They will only practice
1 minute of their song. The students will not have to perform this but they should have fun with it. (~25 minutes)

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Class Discussion, Video Clip, Experience with Movement, Learner Objectives


Resources​: Prompts for Different Machines, Video Player/Screen, Video Clip, Speaker, LO Checklist.

7. Display proper alignment.
8. Extend flexibility.
10. Demonstrate focus, concentration, and energy in all movement and gesture.
16. Create and repeat patterns of movement.
18. Appreciate that physical expression can enhance language.

19. Demonstrate qualities of energy.

Review Learner Objectives:
12 Choreograp 11. Demonstrate the ability to move isolated body parts.
hed Dance 12. Demonstrate knowledge of elements of space (all 3).
Routine; 13. Use levels (high, medium, low).
Part 1 14. Create physically shapes in space.
15. Use basic locomotor movements (eg. walking, running, crawling) to explore space.
17. Demonstrate freezing of movement in space.
21. Demonstrate the ability to extend a movement.
- Warmup: Just Dance. Before the video we will do a couple of stretches. Then I will pick a Just Dance song for the
students to dance to. This will warm up their bodies. (~5 minutes)
- Activity #1:Together Dance Segment. As a class we will compile a 30 second dance routine that is a combination of
different movements. This segment will have to incorporate learner objective 2
​ 1. Demonstrate the ability to extend a
movement. ​After coming up with this segment we will practice and decide what song to dance too. (~20 minutes)
- Activity #2: Group Dance Segments. Now the students will be split up into groups of 5. In their group they must come
up with a dance segment that is 30 seconds long and incorporates the learner objective they were given. (~20 minutes)
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Class Discussion, Learner Objectives Checklist, Experience with Movement, Creation.


Resources​: Computer/Projector (screen to show video on), Speaker to Play Music on, LO Checklist.

7. Display proper alignment.
8. Extend flexibility.
10. Demonstrate focus, concentration, and energy in all movement and gesture.
16. Create and repeat patterns of movement.
18. Appreciate that physical expression can enhance language.
19. Demonstrate qualities of energy.
13 Review Learner Objectives:
hed Dance
11. Demonstrate the ability to move isolated body parts.
12. Demonstrate knowledge of elements of space (all 3).
Part 2
13. Use levels (high, medium, low).
14. Create physically shapes in space.
15. Use basic locomotor movements (eg. walking, running, crawling) to explore space.
17. Demonstrate freezing of movement in space.
21. Demonstrate the ability to extend a movement.

- Warmup: We will stretch and then pick a new song to dance to from Just Dance. (~5 minutes)
- Activity #1: Students will be given this time to finish creating their dance segment. (~10 minutes)
- Activity #2: Each group will present their dance segment, and we will slowly start to add each segment. We will take it
slow to make sure no movements are lost. Once All the segments are added then we will practice our choreographed
dance. This entire activity can be done with or without the music; however once all segments are added then the music
must go with it. (~30 minutes)
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​:Class Discussion, Learner Objectives Checklist, Creation, Experience with Movement.


Resources​: Computer/Projector (screen to show video on), Speaker to Play Music on, LO Checklist.

1. Display the ability to be still.
4. Perform a physical warm up.
8. Extend flexibility.
9. Display increased ability to balance.
10. Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all movement and gesture.
13. Use levels (high, medium and low).
15. Use basic locomotor movements (e.g., walking, running, crawling) to explore space.
16. Create and repeat patterns of movement.
17. Demonstrate freezing of movement in space.
18. Appreciate that physical expression can enhance language.
19. Demonstrate qualities of energy.
14 22. Translate words, images and emotions into movement.
Project; Part
23. Demonstrate non-verbally the who, what, where, why and when of a story.
24. Demonstrate understanding of mood, and communicate mood.
- Warmup: Yoga and Stretching. (~10 minutes)
- Activity #1: This activity is a review of what we have learned in this movement unit. The learner objectives that the
students must somehow include in this solo movement project is 1, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19 and 24. This movement
project can be a story that the students are trying to tell through movement (no words for this project). There must be
a flow to the piece. Each performance will be 3 minutes long. Students will have this class period to prepare their
presentations, and ask questions when need be. (~35 minutes)
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Class Discussion, Learner Objectives Checklist, Experience with Movement, Creation.


Resources​: LO Checklist, Yoga and Stretches Planned, Assignment Sheet.

1. Display the ability to be still.
4. Perform a physical warm up.
8. Extend flexibility.
9. Display increased ability to balance.
10. Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all movement and gesture.
12. Demonstrate knowledge of elements of space.
13. Use levels (high, medium and low).
15. Use basic locomotor movements (e.g., walking, running, crawling) to explore space.
16. Create and repeat patterns of movement.
Solo 17. Demonstrate freezing of movement in space.
Movement 18. Appreciate that physical expression can enhance language.
Project; Part 19. Demonstrate qualities of energy.
2 22. Translate words, images and emotions into movement.
23. Demonstrate non-verbally the who, what, where, why and when of a story.
24. Demonstrate understanding of mood, and communicate mood.
- Warmup: Milling around the room. I will ask the students to occupy different kinds of space and positions. (~5 minutes)
- Activity #1: Presentations. Students will present their solo movement projects to the entire class. (~40 minutes)
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies​: Class Discussion, Learner Objectives Checklist, Performance.


Resources​: List of Different Spaces to Occupy and Positions, LO Checklist, Rubrics.


Two Lesson Plans

Our Anatomy
Teacher Name Daphne Yoner Date June 7, 2020
Subject Area Drama Grade 10
Topic Movement Time ~45 minutes

What is our basic anatomy?

Inquiry Question:

Students will:
2. Demonstrate understanding of basic anatomy.
Learning Objectives 4. Perform a physical warm up.
What do you want your 10. Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all
students to learn? 11. Demonstrate the ability to move isolated body parts.
16. Create and repeat patterns of movements.

Assessment -Class discussion (formative)

How will you know your -Silhouette​ labelling sheet (summative)
students have learned? -Learner Objectives checklist (formative/summative)

Materials - Large sheets of paper, diagrams to look at to label their own papers,
What resources will you need? labels for around the room, labels for the teacher, and markers.

Lesson Description Time

- Numbered Bodies:​ This activity will start with the students milling
around the room at a casual pace. The teacher will yell out a
specific body part as well as how many of them need to touch.
For example, “three elbows”. The students (without running in
the space) will have to then find partners/groups to touch that
body part too in order to stay in the game. The first couple rounds
will be practice where no student will be eliminated. Then after
practice, if the student does not find a partner to match with then
they will sit out until there are two people left in the game. We
Introduction ~7
will play this game twice so that the students can get moving, and
/Warmup minutes
have a chance to play twice.
- Class Discussion: ​I will then get all the students to sit in a circle
with me and we will discuss the why of the lesson. I will ask the
students what they believe could be the topic for our lesson
today. I will take a few suggestions and if they have not answered
it yet then I will tell them that we will be learning basic human
anatomy. Agenda: We will start out by drawing out our own
human anatomy in pairs and then we will be creating a
movement routine with those body parts.

- Our Anatomy: ​Students will be assigned a partner to work with.

Students will be given one large sheet of paper and 3 different
colors of markers. In those partners one of them will draw and
the other will lay flat on the large sheet of paper. The first partner
will outline the body of the second partner so there is distinctly
one head, neck, body, 2 legs and 2 arms. Once they have an
outline the students will have to look around the room for labels
of body parts. They will then have to return to their silhouette
and write that label onto their sheet. They will have two different ~15
Activity #1
colors; one that labels the front of the human body and the minutes
second to label the back of the body. The teacher will be wearing
all the labels on their person so the students will have to observe
the teachers labels to determine where the labels would go and
whether they were on the front or back side of a person. Once
the students believe they have all the labels and they are in the
correct spots then the teacher will give them the ok (or tell them
what part they are misplacing or label(s) they are missing) to
move onto the next activity.
- Movement Routine: ​With their partners they will then use their
third marker to come up with movements for each part of the
body that have been labelled. These will be isolated body part
movements. Then with their movements the partners will come
up with a movement routine that has to use at least all the
movements once. They may have music on in the background to
make it a dance routine but the isolated movements must be ~20
Activity #2
isolated. Their routine can last between 30 seconds and 1 minute. minutes
At the front of the room each group will put up their silhouette so
that everyone can see it and they will perform their routine.

- Note: ​Students will put their names on their papers, and the
teacher will go around taking pictures of their work as a
summative assessment.

- Class Discussion:​ I will then ask the class what we have learned
today. Which will be basic anatomy, and creating and repeating a
Closure movement routine. Then to exit the class they must point to one
part of their body and name that part; preferably a part they did
not initially know the name of before class.


Choreographed Dance Routine; Part 1

Teacher Name Daphne Yoner Date June 7, 2020
Subject Area Drama Grade 10
Topic Movement Time ~45 minutes

Is there one right way to make a choreographed dance?

Inquiry Question:

Students will:
7. Display proper alignment.
8. Extend flexibility.
10. Demonstrate focus, concentration, and energy in all movement and
16. Create and repeat patterns of movement.
18. Appreciate that physical expression can enhance language.
Learning Objectives 19. Demonstrate qualities of energy.
What do you want your Review Learner Objectives:
students to learn? 11. Demonstrate the ability to move isolated body parts.
12. Demonstrate knowledge of elements of space (all 3).
13. Use levels (high, medium, low).
14. Create physically shapes in space.
15. Use basic locomotor movements (eg. walking, running, crawling) to
explore space.
17. Demonstrate freezing of movement in space.
21. Demonstrate the ability to extend a movement.

- Class discussion (formative)

Assessment - Choreographed dance project (summative); grade comes from this
How will you know your
students have learned? lesson and the subsequent lesson.
- Learner Objectives checklist (formative/summative)

Materials - Computer/projector (screen to show video on), speaker to play music

What resources will you need? on.

Lesson Description Time

- Just Dance: ​ Before we start the video we will do a couple of
stretches to get our bodies ready to dance. Then as a warm up I
will find a suitable just dance video on youtube to play for my
students. If possible I will pick one that is popular or one that I
really enjoy myself. The students will copy the video to the best
of their ability.
- Class Discussion: A ​ s a class we will then discuss the why of this
Introduction ~5
lesson. I will ask a couple of students what they believe we will be
/ Warmup minutes
learning. Most likely the students will say dance but I will tell
them it's more of choreographed dance. We will be primarily
focusing on creating and repeating patterns of movement, and
demonstrating focus, concentration, and energy in all movement
and gesture. Agenda: As a class we will come up with one
compilation of movements that will act as our first segment in our
choreographed dance. Then the second activity/part will be in

your own groups you will come up with a new segment for our
choreographed dance.
- Together Dance Segment: I​ will first start out by explaining to the
students what we are trying to accomplish. We want to create a
choreographed dance with different segments of movement
routines. This first segment we will create together, but the one
thing that the students have to incorporate is the learner
objective for that segment. For the together dance segment we
will have to focus on learner objective ​21. Demonstrate the ability
to extend a movement. ​The students have to incorporate that
learner objective into this segment at least once. We can have a
~ 20
Activity #1 brief discussion about what that would look like or entail but
ultimately for this activity the students come up with movements
for the routine and figure a way to incorporate that learner
objective. Each segment will be about 30 seconds long. After the
first (together) segment is made then as a class we will volunteer
songs that will be doing the choreography for (that part can be
secondary since the segments can stand alone, but for the
students segments they may want a song to listen to when
creating their segment). We will then practice the segment one
more time, with the music, before going to the next activity.

- Group Dance Segments:​ The rest of the class the students will be
working on their own dance segments. The class will be split up
into groups of 5, so a total of 6 different groups (assuming that
this is a class of 30 students). Each group will be responsible for
creating their own 30 second dance segment that incorporates
their learner objective. One of these learner objectives will be
given to each group:
- 11. Demonstrate the ability to move isolated body parts.
- 12. Demonstrate knowledge of elements of space (all 3).
- 13. Use levels (high, medium, low). ~20
Activity #2
- 14. Create physically shapes in space. minutes
- 15. Use basic locomotor movements (eg. walking, running,
crawling) to explore space.
- 17. Demonstrate freezing of movement in space.
If there is adequate space in the school the students will be able
to split up and get some privacy to create their segment (eg. one
group in this hallway, another in the gym, two groups in the
drama room, etc). They will have the remaining time to create
their own segment, while the teacher circulates through the
groups and helps the students when they need it.
- Class Discussion:​ At the very end of class I will have all the
students return to the drama room and I will explain what the
next drama day looks like.
Next class: We will be teaching each other our 30 second dance
Closure segments. Then we will be putting all 7 segments together to
create our choreographed dance routine. We will practice until
the end of class, then after school hours we will ask the students'
parents to bring them back to perform it for them with



❖ List of materials is outlined in each lesson activity.

❖ Lesson 1 video clip: ​
❖ Lesson 11 video clip: h​ ttps://
❖ Assessments/Assignments:

Learner Objectives Checklist

Student Student Student

Learner Objectives Notes:

1.Display the ability to be still.

2.Demonstrate understanding of basic
3.Recognize the necessity for physical

4.Perform a physical warm up.

5.Demonstrate effective breathing

6.Recognize when to use specific
breathing techniques.
7.Display proper body alignment.

8.Extend flexibility.

9.Display increased ability to balance.

10.Demonstrate focus, concentration
and energy in all movement and

11.Demonstrate the ability to move

isolated body parts.
12.Demonstrate knowledge of elements
of space.

13.Use levels (high, medium and low).

14.Create physically shapes in space.

15.Use basic locomotor movements

(e.g., walking, running, crawling) to
explore space.

16.Create and repeat patterns of


17.Demonstrate freezing of movement in


18.Appreciate that physical expression

can enhance language.

19.Demonstrate qualities of energy.

20.Create appropriate personal physical

warmup routines.
21.Demonstrate the ability to extend a
22.Translate words, images and
emotions into movement.

23.Demonstrate non-verbally the who,

what, where, why and when of a story.

24.Demonstrate understanding of mood,

and communicate mood.

Silhouette Labelling (Checklist)

Learner Objective 1 2 3 4
Not Yet Approaching Approaching Standards Meets Standards Thoroughly Meets Standards

2.Demonstrate Student does not Student has one third of the Student has two thirds of the Student has all the labels in
understanding of basic demonstrate an labels in the correct places labels in the correct places the correct places; they have
anatomy. understanding of basic on the silhouette on the silhouette a basic understanding of
anatomy anatomy.

11.Demonstrate the ability Student has no movement Student has one third of the Student has two thirds of the Student has all the
to move isolated body labels and dos not movement labels and movement labels and movement labels and
parts. demonstrate isolated demonstrates a couple demonstrates some of the demonstrates a routine of
movements isolated movements isolated movements isolated movements

16.Create and repeat Student has no routine of Student has a couple of Student has some Student has a movement
patterns of movement. movements movements for their routine movements for their routine routine that they have

Video Recording

Learner Objective Does Not Yet Meets

Meet Learner Learner
Objective Objective
1.Display the ability to be still. /17.Demonstrate freezing of movement in

7.Display proper body alignment.

9.Display increased ability to balance.

12.Demonstrate knowledge of elements of space.

13.Use levels (high, medium and low).

18.Appreciate that physical expression can enhance language.

22.Translate words, images and emotions into movement.

24.Demonstrate understanding of mood, and communicate mood.


Peer Review (non-verbal explanation of story)


- Character #1:
- Character #2:
- Character #3:
- Character #4:
- Character #5:
- Character #6:






Peer Review:
This part is for after the presentation. The performers will tell us the 5 W’s and the mood of the story they performed. Then
you must use that information and the information you have gathered to grade your peers. You will grade them on a scale from 1-5.

1 2 3 4 5
Group did not perform ; Group needs more Group somewhat Group adequately Group explained the 5
Incomplete practice explaining 5 explained the 5 W’s and explained the 5 W’s and W’s and mood with no
W’s and mood; more mood; three or four mood; one or two words Excellently
than four differences differences differences

Self/Teacher Assessment (non-verbal explanation of story)

1 2 3 4 5
Group did not perform ; Group needs more Group somewhat Group adequately Group explained the 5
Incomplete practice explaining 5 explained the 5 W’s and explained the 5 W’s and W’s and mood with no
W’s and mood; more mood; three or four mood; one or two words Excellently
than four differences differences differences

Solo Movement Project

For this project you must create a solo movement presentation. Your performance will be roughly about 3 minutes long, this project
will be a substitute for a final exam in our movement unit. For this project you must have a clear beginning, middle and end to your
performance. This performance could reflect some type of story but this entire performance will be non-verbal. The pieces that you
must include in your performance are:
1. Display the ability to be still.
8. Extend flexibility.
9. Display increased ability to balance.
10. Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all movement and gesture.
13. Use levels (high, medium and low).
15. Use basic locomotor movements (e.g., walking, running, crawling) to explore space.
17. Demonstrate freezing of movement in space.
18. Appreciate that physical expression can enhance language.
19. Demonstrate qualities of energy.
22. Translate words, images and emotions into movement.
23. Demonstrate non-verbally the who, what, where, why and when of a story.
24. Demonstrate understanding of mood, and communicate mood.

1 2 3 4
Not Yet Thoroughly
Learner Objectives Approaching Meets
Approaching Standards Standards Meets
Standards Standards

1.Display the ability to be still. ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜

8.Extend flexibility. ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜
9.Display increased ability to
⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜
10.Demonstrate focus,
concentration and energy in ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜
all movement and gesture.

13.Use levels (high, medium

⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜
and low).

15.Use basic locomotor

movements (e.g., walking,
⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜
running, crawling) to explore

17.Demonstrate freezing of
⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜
movement in space.
18.Appreciate that physical
expression can enhance ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜
19.Demonstrate qualities of
⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜

22.Translate words, images

⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜
and emotions into movement.

23.Demonstrate non-verbally
the who, what, where, why ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜
and when of a story.
understanding of mood, and ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜
communicate mood.

Choreographed Dance Project

Does Not
Yet Meet
Learner Objectives Learner
7.Display proper body alignment.

8.Extend flexibility.

10.Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all

movement and gesture.

11.Demonstrate the ability to move isolated body parts.

12.Demonstrate knowledge of elements of space.

13.Use levels (high, medium and low).

14.Create physically shapes in space.

15.Use basic locomotor movements (e.g., walking, running,

crawling) to explore space.

16.Create and repeat patterns of movement.

17.Demonstrate freezing of movement in space.

18.Appreciate that physical expression can enhance language.

19.Demonstrate qualities of energy.

21.Demonstrate the ability to extend a movement.


Design Physical Warm-up

Does Not
Yet Meet
Learner Objectives Learner
3.Recognize the necessity for physical warmups.

4.Perform a physical warm up.

5.Demonstrate effective breathing techniques.

6.Recognize when to use specific breathing techniques.

8.Extend flexibility.

10.Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all

movement and gesture.

20.Create appropriate personal physical warmup routines.




Professional Guides:
- Drama, Senior High School: Teacher Resource Manual (​​)
- Program of Studies, Drama 10-20-30
- Example Unit Plans for ED 3700

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