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Lesson 1: Introduction To Quantitative Research

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Characteristics of Quantitative

Lesson 1 Research

Introduction to Structured
Research Instrument
Quantitative The data used are
Research gathered using structured
research instrument
( questionnaires : Census
What is Quantitative Research Questionnaire )

It is a systematic empirical
Sample Size
investigation of occurrences that
This kind of research is
is observable using ;
conducted on significant sample
size which represents the
-Mathematical or Computational
population to assure
the reliability of results
Appropriate sampling
The objective of this kind of
methods are used as well to
research is to employ theories,
fortify the objective.
models and hypothesis to test
The results are based on
the phenomena.
larger sample sizes that are
representative of the population
Quantitative research is
numerical in nature. Meaning
and results are expressed using Replicable
numerals that show the The study could be
specificity of something. repeated that gives a high
reliability of results.
It also directs you to focus
on things through statistical Clearly Defines Questions
( means through the collection The researcher has a
and interpretation of numerical clearly defined research question
data gathered ). It can be to which objective answers are
gathered through examining
facts and information about a Numerical
person, things, place, or events.
Data are in the form of
numbers and statistics that
arranged in tables, charts and
figures or in other textual forms. rest of the demographic being
Which makes it easy to studied.
understand and proves the
validity of the research. Results duplication is possible

Objective Qualitative research only focuses

on the actual data. The work
The main objective of this validates itself because the
research is to seek accurate results always point towards the
measurement and analysis of same data even though
target concepts. randomized conditions exist.

Generalization of Results Quantitative research can focus on

facts or a series of information
The results can be
generalized to take appropriate Quantitative approaches are
actions for improvement used by the researchers to focus
on a specific fact that they want
to study in a given population.
Strengths of Quantitative Quantitative approach does not
Research requires direct observation

Quantitative Research allows you to Study can be done without the

reach a higher sample size need of someone. This advantage
creates a better response rate
Which leads to an easier way to because people have more time
reach an accurate generalized and less pressure to complete the
conclusion. The additional data work.
gives you greater credibility
because it has more depth to

You can collect more information

quickly Weakness of Quantitative
Experiments, surveys and
interviews provide immediate 1. This method does not
answers that become useful from consider the meaning
a data centered approach. behind social
Quantitative Research uses phenomenon.
2. Quantitative research
randomized samples in collecting
studies can be very
information expensive.
This excluding bias from 3. There is no access to
appearing in most situations specific feedback in
provides an advantage in the fact quantitative
that the data can then get the
4. Some efforts at
randomization will not
create usable information. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH
5. Quantitative research Is a quantitative research design
requires a large sample that deals with the object or
subject of a research in an exact
Kinds of Qualitative Research
Design 2 groups involved in
experimental research design
Research Design
Experimental Group- the one in
Considered as the which treatment is applied
framework of research
Control Group- does not receive
It is termed as the “GLUE” that any treatment
holds each of the elements of
research as one. a. Pre-Experimental
Research Design
It is the plan of the
proposed research work. It is the A group or various groups are
overall strategy that is being kept under observation after
integrated in the different implementing factors of cause
components of the study in a and effect.
coherent and logical way. The purpose of this is to
The function of research understand whether further
design is to assure that evidence investigations are necessary for
obtained enables the researchers particular groups.
to effectively address the problem b. True Experimental on
as unambiguously as possible. Research Design
2 Kinds of Qualitative Research This type relies on statistical
Design analysis to prove or disprove a
EXPERIMENTAL hypothesis, making it the most
accurate type of research.
This type can establish a cause-
True experimental effect relationship with-in a
group. In a true experiment,
Quasi- Experimental there are factors that need to be

Descriptive - There is a control group

which won’t be subject to
Correlational changes and an
experimental group which
will experience the
Epidemiological changed variables.
- A variable that could be 1. Univarient Descriptive Design
manipulated by the
researcher It is used to describe the
- Random Distribution frequency of occurrence of
It does not necessarily focus on a
c. Quasi-Experimental single variable; there maybe one
Research Design or more variables involved in the
Quasi- indicates similarity
2.Exploratory Design
In this research, independent
variables are manipulated but It is used to identify, explore and
participants of the group are not describe the existing
randomly assigned. phenomenon and its related
factors. It is not simply a
It is used in field settings where description or the frequency of
random assignment is either phenomenon but its in depth
irrelevant or not required. exploration of its related factors
NON- EXPERIMENTAL to improve further understanding
RESEARCH DESIGN of a phenomenon.

Is one of the broad 3.Comparative Design

categories of research design in This involves comparing and
which the researcher observes contrasting two or more samples
the phenomena as they occur of study subjects on one or more
naturally and no external variables.
variables are introduced.
It is used to compare two distinct
It is a research design in groups in terms of knowledge,
which variables are not perceptions,attitude and physical
deliberately manipulated nor is or psychological symptoms.
the setting controlled.
a. Descriptive Research
Design b. Correlational Design
The purpose of this is to The researcher examines
observe, describe and the relations between two
document aspects of a or more variables in a
situation as it naturally natural setting without
occurs and sometimes to manipulation of the
serve as a starting point control.
for hypothesis generation
or theory development. In short it is a study
conducted to determine
Type of Descriptive Research the relationship of two or
Design more variables without
any intervention
Type of Correlational Research 1. Cohort Studies
A longitudinal approach is
1.Prospective Research Design used to investigate the
occurrence of a disease in
A design that lets the existing presumed causes.
researcher connect the present to
the future. It starts with the 2. Case-control Studies
cause and arrives with presumed
effects. The cause of the disease is
investigated after the
2.Retrospective Research Design occurence of the disease.
A design where the
researcher studies the current
situation by seeking facts and
figures from the past.
c.Development Research Design
This research examines the
phenomenon with reference to
time. It is generally used as an
aide research design with other
Type of Developmental Research
1. Cross-Sectional Design
The researcher collects
data at a particular point
of time
2. Longitudinal Design
Design to collect data over
an extended period ( long
term study ). Its value is in
its ability to demonstrate
change over a period of
Epidemiological Research Design
A study done to investigate the
distribution and causes of the
disease in a population.
Type of Epidemiological Research

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