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Renaissance Documentary

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Name : Ahsan Afaque Ansari

Registration number : 10942

Course facilitator : Uzma Noor

Assignment :Documentary on

Iqra University ( Airport campus)

The word Renaissance means to be is used to describe an enormously
important movement of cultural rebirth that began in Italy in the early 1300s
gradually spread northward to other European countries and finally ended
around 1650 Renaissance was inspired by the great accomplishments of the
civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome.They reviewed of what these civilizations
were like and how their great achievements came to be forgotten.They produced
marvelous works of art and architecture and made lasting contributions to
mathematics ,science, government and literature.Moreover, if we talk about Dark age
so the dark ages was when barbarians took control all across Europe.during the Dark
Ages the Magnificent greco-roman culture declined and was almost forgotten.
brick and tile that came before them.Barbarians lacked many artistic skills possessed
by the Romans as well. The Christian religion that the barbarians had acquired from
Roman Catholic priests took hold across most of Europe. The church ran a few
schools and monks managed to transcribe some of the crumbling books that had
survived from the days of ancient Greece and Rome so that the valuable knowledge
they contained would not be lost to mankind forever.
The High Middle Ages was the time when most of Europe's finest cathedrals and
castles were built it was also a time when the Roman Catholic Church exerted
tremendous power over both kings and common folk alike. It was here in northern
Italy that the first noticeable changes in the medieval way of doing things started to
occur right around the dawn of the 14th century. this was the beginning of the
Renaissance but during the Renaissance ,people began to pay more attention to
earthly life and the study of humanity or humanism.Renaissance humanists traveled to
distant monasteries in search of ancient books.If we talk about Italian city and states
so Venice had grown exceedingly wealthy and powerful due to its trade links with
Asia.another important city-state was Florence it was an important financial center
that became a center for Renaissance literature and art as well. the Italian city-states
were ruled by upper-class families. Florence for example came to be ruled by the
Medici family ,.in Europe the Medici and other powerful families like them used
some of their enormous wealth to encourage and support ,scholars ,
writers, ,scientists and artists .Renaissance artists also discovered how to use
perspective to create the illusion of distance. Renaissance artists preferred to glorify
the human body as the ancient Greeks and Romans had done. Subsequently,We also
saw many developments in science.During Renaissance, people focused on
experimentation,exploration and innovation ,so that by the time the Renaissance
ended around 1650 ,a number of important and long-lasting changes had occurred .a
new method for printing books . a movement of religious reform had resulted in the
creation of the first Protestant faiths and even the old medieval appearance of towns
and cities had changed due to the incorporation of new Renaissance styles in

If we see their Architecture so Renaissance architects loved light and so the buildings
they design usually have lots of large windows. Renaissance houses were almost
always adorned with statues of ancient gods and goddesses .churches were built in the
Gothic style, a style that employed heavy ornamentation with elaborate carvings of
demons ,angels and saints but during the Renaissance church architects tried to give
their buildings a brighter warmer appearance as they did so beautifully here in the
great Cathedral in Florence Italy .most Renaissance churches were much brighter and
warmer feeling on the inside too.Similarly, Inexpensive books and moveable type
printing press were also invented the rapid growth of learning that occurred during the
Renaissance was made possible by the availability of large numbers of inexpensive
book .Johannes Gutenberg developed a technique for making movable type special
metal letters used for printing that could be rearranged as desired in order to create
words and sentences.

Reforms were also occured during Renaissance.In 1517 , Martin Luther posted his
thoughts called the 95 theses to the door of a church in the town of Wittenberg
Germany for all to read .in this document Luther particularly questioned the Church's
practice of selling indulgences.Luther also made known his belief that Pope's and
church councils could and often did make mistakes in religious matters .Luther asked
for reforms from them .many people believe that Luther had been correct and they
began to follow his teachings ,soon the first Protestant denominations of Christianity
such as Lutheranism and Calvinism began to form .focused on biblical teachings and
on the development of a more personal relationship with God .World was also
explored during renaissance.In 1419, an unprecedented program of world exploration
had begun far to the south in Portugal. the Portuguese wanted to obtain African gold
salt and ivory and find a sea route to Asia so they could control the rich trade in spices
silks jewels and other goods so after so many difficulties Portuguese explorer named
vasco da gama reached India.Another Explorer named Christopher Columbus
discovered an entire new world the continents of North and South America that were
unknown to Europeans at that time and ended up spreading Renaissance culture
religious ideas and inventions around the world

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