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AAPPL Tasks: Mode/Level Novice

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Interpersonal Presentational Interpretive Interpretive Reading

Mode/Level Listening/Speaking Writing Listening
Novice Talk about and respond Write to share Listen to someone Read short texts on
to questions on familiar information about speak on familiar familiar topics and
topics familiar topics topics and understand the gist
understand the gist and basic
Intermediate Talk about, describe, Write to Listen to someone Read texts on a
discuss, and ask communicate speak on a variety variety of topics
questions about a information and of topics related to related to self,
variety of familiar express one’s self, others, and others, and everyday
topics related to self, thoughts about everyday life and life; understand the
others and everyday familiar topics understand the main ideas and
life in response to related to self, main ideas and supporting details
questions being asked others, and supporting details
everyday life

Advanced Talk at length about Write extensively Listen to extended Read extended
and express oneself and express oneself spoken passages on passages on a
on familiar topics and on familiar and a variety of topics variety of topic
new concrete social, concrete social, relevant to real- relevant to real-
academic and general academic and world contexts of world contexts of
interest topics general interest general interest general interest and
topics and answer answer questions
questions based on based on what is
what is heard read

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