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1. Name of Course General English – Level 0 [Starter]

2. Course Code

3. Academic staff

4. Synopsis/Rationale

5. Dates of Course

6. Duration & Delivery

7. Total student hours Face-to face 50

Courseware 0
Self-Study 50
Assessment 4
Total 104
8. Prerequisite Nil

9. Mode of delivery Face to face

10. Language of English

11. Methodology Blended training with Neo+ English software

12. Assessment Regular formative assessments are to be administered during class time as well as for homework. Formative
assessments can be in writing, oral questioning, quiz, and role play.There will be two written summative
assessments – one at the mid-point of the course and one at the end of the course. Each shall be weighted
40% and 60% of the total marks, respectively.
13. Learning Materials  Neo+ online courseware
 Neo+ Workbook
 Neo+ teacher guide
 Neo+ lesson plan and PPT
 Other curriculum: Speak out/Unlock/Solutions

14. Fee ……………. per student

15. Course objectives At the end of the course, students will be able to:
Speaking interaction & production objectives
 Introduce oneself confidently, including providing one's name, age, and nationality.
 Engage in basic, scripted conversations on topics like greetings, personal information, and simple
 Ask and answer simple questions about routine activities, family, and daily life.
Listening objectives
 Understand and respond to basic greetings and common expressions used in everyday interactions.
 Begin to identify and comprehend simple questions and statements in spoken language, even if spoken
Reading objectives
 Read and comprehend simple signs, labels, and very short sentences commonly found in everyday life.
 Identify and understand basic words and phrases in context, such as numbers, colors, and common
Writing objectives
 Write basic sentences and phrases about personal information and daily routines.
 Fill out simple forms with personal details like name, age, and nationality.
 Compose short messages or notes in writing, such as greetings and simple requests.

16. Course Content Week Topic Main Learning Points Learning Objectives
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

1-2 Unit 1:  Demonstratives (this, that) This Reading:

Four is a book. These are four  Recognize and name the letters and
people pencils. numbers in written form.
 Pronouns: he, she, it, I, you,  Understand the names of common
they everyday objects.
 Singular/Plural: book(s), Listening:
pencil(s),  Listen and understand personal
 W/H questions: Where is she information, introductions, and
from? What are their names? descriptions of countries and cities.
 Present tense: come from, is Speaking:
from  Engage in simple dialogues to introduce
 Subject-verb agreement: I am, oneself and ask others for their names.
she/he/it/is, they are.  Pronouncing letters and numbers clearly
 W/H questions: What’s your and fluently.
name? Where are you from? Writing:
 Yes-No questions: Is Ana from  Create simple written descriptions of
Mexico? everyday objects using appropriate

3-4 Unit 2: Reading:

Men and  Demonstratives: these, here.  Recognize and comprehend short and
Women  Commands: open the door; familiar commands or instructions in
close the book written form.
 Subject-verb agreement: This  Recognize and grasp the use of
person is a man. These two possessive pronouns in context while
people are men. reading.
 Be, do, Contractions, Negations: Listening:
They’re, He’s, She’s, isn’t, I’m,  Understand and follow spoken
Who’s, that’s, where’s commands or instructions given in
 Possessive Pronouns: her, his, everyday situations.
their.  Comprehend oral presentations
 Everyday Actions: Stand up. Sit containing extended personal
down. Open your book. information, including age, spelling of
 Gender: This person is a man. names, jobs, salaries, and marital status.
She’s a woman. Speaking:
 Time: 1:00 – 12:00; It is one  Give and follow simple spoken
o’clock. commands or instructions in everyday
 Incorporate possessive pronouns during
 Refer to the current time and express it
 Write sentences using basic
demonstrative words to describe objects.
 Include possessive pronouns in written
sentences to express ownership.
5-6 Unit 3:  Adjectives: green, red, open, Reading:
Countries closed, short, long  Recognize and understand basic
and Cities  Location: The country on the adjectives when encountered in simple
right is India. texts.
 Singular/Plural: city/cities,  Identify singular and plural forms of
country/countries nouns and in written material.
 W/H questions: What country is Listening:
this? Where are you from?  Comprehend and follow directions and
 Yes-No questions: Is this descriptions related to location.
Canada?  Hear and identify singular and plural
noun forms in spoken sentences.
 Use adjectives to describe everyday
objects or locations.
 Ask and answer W/H questions and yes-
no questions in spoken interactions.
 Write sentences using basic
demonstrative words to describe objects.
 Form sentences with correct singular and
plural noun forms in written content.
7-8 Unit 4:  It is + time: It is eleven twenty. Reading:
Names  Commands: write your name,  Identify and understand basic time
and Ages read a book, ask a question, etc. expressions in simple texts.
 Possessives: her first name; the Listening:
boy’s name…  Comprehend and follow command
 Subject-verb agreement: My sentences.
mother comes from…;  Comprehend sentences using "can" and
 Present tense: is, are, can. "can't" to describe abilities.
 Can/Can’t: can speak Spanish Speaking:
 Use time expressions to tell the time or
schedule events in spoken language.
 Give and follow commands when
engaging in conversations.
 Describe one's abilities and those of
others using "can" and "can't".
 Write sentences with proper subject-verb
agreement, particularly in the context of
 Use present tense verbs effectively in
written communication.

9-10 Unit 5:  Position Preposition: The book Reading:

Tom’s is on the table.  Recognize and understand simple
family  Possessives: Tom’s family; his position prepositions in written texts.
father’s name; her name…  Identify and comprehend possessive
 Can/Can’t: can speak Spanish, constructions.
can’t play the violin.  Identify ordinal numbers and fractions in
 Singular/Plural: sister(s), written texts.
languages Listening:
 W/H questions: Who can’t sing  Understand sentences describing
very well? What time is it? someone's ability or suggestion.
 Contractions, Negation: can’t;  Follow directions and location information
isn’t. given in spoken instructions.
 Present tense: speak, play the Speaking:
violin, sing.  Talk about family relationships, abilities,
 Yes-No questions: Is Helen from and suggestions.
Canada?  Give and follow spoken directions.
 Subject-verb agreement: She  Describe positions and locations using
can…; he can…. prepositions.
 Describe family relationships and
individuals' abilities in writing.
 Provide written directions clearly and

11-12 Unit 6:  W/H questions: What is the fifth Reading:

Four Cities month of the year? What  Recognize and comprehend the names
country…. of the months in written form.
 Present progressive: He is  Comprehend and recognize descriptions
walking up some stairs. of everyday actions.
 Letters: Alphabet X –Z  Identify names of cities and countries in
 Calendar: Months reading materials.
 Everyday actions: walk down; sit Listening:
on  Hear and identify letters from the
 Abilities: I can speak Spanish alphabet X - Z in spoken language.
very well  Recognize descriptions of everyday
 Cities and Countries actions.
 Use the present progressive tense to
describe ongoing actions.
 Correctly pronounce the names of cities
and countries.
 Write down the names of the months
correctly in written form.
 Compose sentences using the present
progressive tense.

13-14 Unit 7:  Numbers: Large Numbers Reading:

Anna and  Body Parts: She has a small  Read and understand large numbers,
her family nose. This woman has weak basic body parts, and sentences about
legs. physical characteristics.
 Emotions: Sad, happy, angry, Listening:
tired, etc.  Listen and understand large numbers.
 Occupation: His mother is an  Listen and understand sentences related
artist. to asking and giving the time.
 Asking & Giving Time: Do you Speaking:
know what time it is?  Name and describe basic body parts.
 Body Actions: We hear with our  Describe physical characteristics.
ears. We see with our eyes.  Ask and answer time-related questions.
 Write and express large numbers in
written form.
 Write about physical characteristics.

Unit 8:  Numbers: Decimals Reading:

Helen’s  Transportation: Take this bus,  Recognize and understand decimal
job and ride a bicycle, get on/off a bus numbers.
Family  Occupation: She teaches  Understand sentences with suggestions.
science. Listening:
 Belongings: Is this your book?  Listen and comprehend decimal
 Suggestion: Let’s look inside. numbers.
 Present progressive: He’s riding  Listen to and understand suggestions.
a bicycle.  Understand descriptions of different
 Present tense: comes, teaches, occupation.
lives, live. Speaking:
 W/H questions: Whose book is  Describe different occupations.
it? Where is she?  Ask and answer questions about
personal belongings.
 Describe ongoing actions using the
present progressive tense.
 Write decimal numbers.
 Write sentences in the present
progressive tense.
 Express actions in the present tense in
15-16 Unit 9.  Numbers: Money Reading:
Ana and  Food: orange, milk, fish, a bowl  Recognize and understand basic
Tony of soup monetary figures (e.g., $5).
 Personal Information (Age,  Comprehend simple personal information
countries, cities, occupation, such as age, countries, cities,
languages) occupation, and languages.
 Grammar: What/Where/Who…? Listening:
 Grasp basic personal information (age,
countries, cities, occupation, languages)
when it's spoken.
 Listen for and understand questions
beginning with "What," "Where," and
 Communicate amounts of money clearly
and concisely.
 Share personal information about age,
countries, cities, occupation, and
languages when asked.
 Ask and answer questions beginning with
"What," "Where," and "Who."
 Write simple money amounts (e.g., $5)
 Compose sentences to provide personal
information regarding age, countries,
cities, occupation, and languages.

17-18 Unit 10.  Adverbs of frequency: They Reading:

Likes and usually have lunch together.  Comprehend prices and monetary
Abilities  Object pronouns: him, her, information in written materials.
them.  Understand descriptions of actions
 Numbers: prices related to food and consumption.
 Food and Actions: He’s buying Listening:
some milk.  Comprehend numbers associated with
 Likes & Abilities: She likes prices.
music. Her parents don’t like  Grasp food-related actions in speech.
music.  Listen for expressions of likes and
 Use adverbs of frequency when
discussing daily routines or habits.
 Express prices and negotiate financial
 Communicate personal preferences and
abilities related to activities or hobbies.
 Use adverbs of frequency appropriately
when composing sentences.
 Describe one's own preferences and

19-20 Unit 11:  There is (existential): There are Reading:

Address houses on both sides of the  Identify comparisons and mathematical
and park. symbols in written materials.
Location  Comparative and superlative: A  Understand schedules and timetables in
is greater than b. A is less than written form.
b plus c. Listening:
 Location & Address: across the  Understand comparisons using "greater
street from their house; her than," "less than," and "equal to".
address is 15 Maple Street.  Recognize location and address
 Schedule: Bus number 38 information when mentioned in
comes at 7:05. conversations.
 Numbers: Math: + - x / > < =: 50  Comprehend schedule-related details
is larger than 40. 20 is the like bus timings and arrival times,
second smallest number. numerical expressions, and
mathematical symbols in spoken
 Compare items or quantities using
comparative and superlative.
 Provide location and address information
when describing places.
 Talk about schedules and specific times
of events or transportation.
 Describe locations and addresses in
written descriptions.
 Create schedules or timelines for various
events or activities in writing.
21-22 Unit 12:  Adjectives: Jim has black hair Reading:
Describing and brown eyes. He’s thin but  Identify adjectives used to describe
People very strong. physical appearance in written texts.
 Prepositions: in, at, to, from,  Recognize the usage of prepositions in
with, of written materials.
 Past tense: It rained yesterday. Listening:
Last night he watched a movie  Recognize and understand adjectives
on TV. used to describe physical appearance,
 Reason and logical connection: expressions related to likes and dislikes.
He’s thin but very strong. She’s  Identify reasons and logical connections
smiling because she’s happy. in spoken sentences.
 Weather and clothing: Sunny, Speaking:
rainy, cloudy, umbrella, coat,  Describe physical appearance using
sunglasses adjectives.
 Likes & Abilities: Do you like  Express past events and actions using
music? I hate milk. the appropriate past tense.
 Time of Day: morning,  Provide reasons and logical
afternoon, evening, night explanations.
 Incorporate prepositions correctly in
written sentences.
 Write sentences and narratives in the
past tense.
 Express reasons and logical connections
in writing.

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