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nama-srestham manum api saci-putram atra svarupam

rupam tasyagrajam uru-purim mathurim gostavatim

radha-kundam giri-varam aho radhika-madhavasam
prapto yasya prathita-krpaya sri gurum tam nato 'smi

"I bow down to the beautiful lotus feet of my spiritual master, by whose causeless
mercy I have obtained the supreme holy name, the divine mantra, the service of the
son of Sacé-mätä, the association of Sréla Svarüpa Dämodara, Rüpa Gosvämé, and
his older brother Sanätana Gosvämé, the supreme abode of Mathurä, the blissful
abode of Våndävana, the divine Rädhä-kuëòa and Govardhana Hill, and the desire
within my heart for the loving service of Sré Rädhikä and Mädhava in Våndävana."
RDG, Mukta Carita

vairägya-yug-bhakti-rasaà prayatnair
apäyayan mäm anabhépsum andham
kåpämbudhir yaù para-duùkha-duùkhé
sanätanas taà prabhum äçrayämi

vairägya-with renunciation; yug-endowed; bhakti-of devotional service; rasam-

the nectar; prayatnaiù-with great effort; apäyayan-mad to drink; mäm-me;
anabhépsum-unwilling; andham-blind; kåpä-of mercy; ambudhiù-an ocean; yaù-
who; para-of others; duùkha-by the unhappiness; duùkhé-unhappy; sanätanaù-
Sanätana Gosvämé; tam-of him; prabhum-the master; äçrayämi-I take shelter.

I was unwilling to drink the nectar of devotional service possessed of renunciation,

but Sanätana Gosvämé, out of his causeless mercy made me drink, even though I
was otherwise unable to do so. Therefore he is an ocean of mercy. He is very much
compassionate to fallen souls like me, and thus it is my duty to offer my respectful
obeisances unto his lotus feet.*

sthäpitaà yena bhütale
so’yaà rüpaù kadä mahyaà
dadäti sva-padäntikam

“‘When will Sri Rupa Goswami, who has fulfilled the wishes of Lord Chaitanya on
this earth, give me shelter under his lotus feet?’ (Prema-bhakti-candrikä)

ädadänas tåëaà däntair

idaà yäce punaù punaù
rajo 'haà syäà bhave bhave

adadänaù-taking; trnam-a blade of grass; dantaiù-in my teeth; idam-this; yace-I

beg; punaù punaù-againg and again; Šçrémat-rüpa-of Çréla Rupa Gosvami; pada-
ambhoja-of the lotus feet; räjaù-covered by the dust; aham-I; syam-may be; bhave
bhave-birth after birth.

Clasping a straw between my teeth, I repeatedly beg to attain the dust of the lotus
feet of Srimad Rupa Goswami birth after birth.

sri-rupa-manjari-pada, sei mora sampada,
sei mor bhajana-pujana
sei mora prana-dhana, sei mora abharana,
sei mor jibanera jibana

sri-rupa-manjari--of Sri Rupa-manjari; pada--the lotus feet; sei--they; mory--my; sampada--

wealth; sei--they; mora--my; bhajana--devotional service; puja--and worship; swi--they; mora-
-my; prana--life-breath; dhana--treasure; sei--they; mora--my; abharana--ornament; sei--they;
mora--my; jibera--of the life jibana--the life.

Sri Rupamanjari's lotus feet are my only treasure. They are my dovotional service and my
worship. they are my life's breath. They are the ornament I wear. They are the sustainer of
my life.

sei mora rasa-nidhi, sei mora banca-siddhi

sei mor bedera dharama
sei brata, sei tapa sei mora mantra-japa,
sei mor dharama-karama

sei--they; mora--my; rasa--of nectar; nidhi--ocean; sei--they; mora--my; bancha--of desires;

siddhi--the fulfillment; sei--they; mora--my; bedera--of the Vedas; dharama--the prescribed
duties; sei--they; brata--vows; sei--they; tapa--austerity; sei--they; mora--my; mantra--of
mantras; japa--chanting; sei--they; mora--my; dharama--of religion; karama--acts.

For me they are an ocean of nectar. They are the fulfillment of my desires. For me they
are the spiritual path outlined in the Vedas. They are my religious vows. They are my
austerities. They are my chanting of mantras. They are my pious activities.

anukula habe bidhi, se-pade hoibe siddhi,

nirakhibo e dui nayane
se rupa-madhuri-rasi, prana-kubalaya sasi,
prafulita habe nisi-dine

anukula--favorable; habe--will be; bidhi--destiny; se--these; pade--by the feet; haibe--will

be; siddhi--perfection; nirakhiba--I will see; e dui--the Divine Couple; nayane--with my own
eyes; se--this; rupa--of the form; madhuri--of sweetness; rasi--abundance; prana--life-breath;
kubalaya--for the lotus flower; sasi--the moon; praphullita--blossomed; habe--will be; nisi--
night; dine--and day.

Those feet will make destiny become kind to me. Those feet will grant me perfection.
Those feet will enable me to directly see the Divine Couple with my own eyes. Those feet are
a great reservoir of beauty and sweetness. Those feet are like a moon which causes the lotus
flower of my life-breath to blossom. Those lotus feet bloom within my heart through the entire
day and night.

tuwa adarsana-ahi garale jaralo dehi,

ciro-dina tapita jibana
ha ha rupa koro doya deho more pada-chaya
narottama loilo sarana
tuya--of you; adarsana--by not seeing; ahi--of the snake; garale--by the poison; jarala--
wasted; dehi--soul; cira-dina--for many days; tapita--burning; jibana-life; ha--O; ha--P rupa--
Rupa-manjari; kara--please grant; daya--mercy; deha--please give; more--to me; pada--of your
lotus feet; chaya--the shade; narottama dasa--Narottama dasa; laila--takes; sarana--shelter.

The venom of the snake of separation from You has caused this spirit soul to wither and
decay. for many days my life-breath has burned in the fire of separation from you. O Rupa-
manjari, please be merciful to me. Please give me the shade of your lotus feet. Narottama
dasa takes shelter of you.


saìkarñaëaù käraëa-toya-çäyé
garbhoda-çäyé ca payobdhi-çäyé
çeñaç ca yasyäàça-kaläù sa nityä-
nandäkhya-rämaù çaraëaà mamästu

saìkarñaëaù—Mahä-Saìkarñaëa in the spiritual sky; käraëa-toya-çäyé—Käraëodakaçäyé Viñëu,

who lies in the Causal Ocean; garbha-uda-çäyé—Garbhodakaçäyé Viñëu, who lies in the
Garbhodaka Ocean of the universe; ca—and; payaù-abdhi-çäyé—Kñérodakaçäyé Viñëu, who
lies in the ocean of milk; çeñaù—Çeña Näga, the couch of Viñëu; ca—and; yasya—whose; aàça
—plenary portions; kaläù—and parts of the plenary portions; saù—He; nityänanda-äkhya—
known as Lord Nityänanda; rämaù—Lord Balaräma; çaraëam—shelter; mama—my; astu—let
there be.

May Çré Nityänanda Räma be the object of my constant remembrance. Saìkarñaëa, Çeña
Näga and the Viñëus who lie on the Käraëa Ocean, Garbha Ocean and ocean of milk are His
plenary portions and the portions of His plenary portions.

nityänanda namas tubhyam premänanda-pradäyine

kalau kalmasa-nsayaya jähnavä-pataye namah

I offer pranama unto the Lord Nityänanda Prabhu who bestows the bliss of divine love,
who eliminates the filth of the age of Kali, and who is the master of Jahnava Devi.

nitai-pada-kamala, koti-candra-susitala
je chayay jagata juray
heno nitai bine bhai radha-krsna paite nai,
drrha kori' dharo nitair pay

nitai--of Lord Nityananda; pada-kamala--lotus feet; koti--millions; candra--of moons; su-

sitala--pleasantly cool; je--which; chayaya--shade; jagate--the world; juraya--relief; hena--like
this; nitai--Lord Nityananda; bine--without; bhai--O brother; radha-krsna--Sri Sri Radha and
Krsna; paite--attain; nai--not; drrha--firm; kari--making; dhara--hold; nitaira--of Lord
Nityananda; paya--attaining.

Lord Nityananda's lotus feet are a shelter where one will get the soothing moonlight not
only of one, but of millions of moons. The shade of Lord Nityananda's lotus feet give relief
from the sufferings of material existance. If one does not take shelter of the lotus feet of Lord
Nityananda, then it will be very difficult for him to approach Radha and Krsna. Therefore, with
firm conviction, one should take shelter of Lord Nityananda's lotus feet.

se sambandha nahi jar brtha janma gelo ta'r
sei pasu boro duracar
nitai na bolilo mukhe majilo somsara-sukhe
bidya-kule ki koribe tar

se--this; sambhandha--relationship; nahi--not; ja'ra--attaining; brtha--useless; janma--birth;

gela--went; ta'ra--his; sei--he; pasu--animal; bada duracara--very misbehaved; nitai--Lord Nitai;
na--not; balila--says; mukhe--with his mouth; majila--becomes immersed; samsara--of material
existance; sukhe--in happiness; bidya--knowledge; kule--by noble birth; ki--what?; karibe--will
he do; tara--his.

Anyone who has not contacted a relationship with Lord Nityananda is understood to have
spoiled his human birth. Such a person is just like a misbehaved animal. Such persons never
say the name of Lord Nityananda. Such persons simply become absorbed in so-called
material enjoyment. What benefit will such persons obtain by their so-called academic
education or birth in a high family or great nation?

ahankare matta hoiya nitai-pada pasariya

asatyere satya kori mani
nitaiyer koruna habe braje radha-krsna pabe
dharo nitai-carana du'khani

ahankare--by false ego; matta--maddened; haiya--having become; nitai--of Lord

Nityananda; pada--the lotus feet; pasariya--forgetting; asatyere--in the unreal; satya--real; kori
mani--considering; nitaiera--of Lord Nityananda; karuna--mercy; habe--will be; braje--in Vraja;
radha-krsna--Sri Sri Radha-Krsna; pabe--will attain; dhara--hold; nitai--of Lord Nityananda;
carana--lotus feet; du'khani--two.

These persons have become maddened by a false concept of bodily life, and thus they
have forgotten their eternal relationship with Nityananda, and instead accept the illusory
material energy as factual. If you actually want to approach the association of Radha-Krsna,
you must achieve the mercy of Lord Nityananda first. When he is merciful toward you, then
you will be able to approach Radha-Krsna. For this reason one should firmly catch the lotus
feet of Lord Nityananda.

nitaiyer carana satya tahara sebaka nitya,

nitai-pada sada koro asa
narottama boro dukhi nitai more koro sukhi
rakho ranga caranera pasa

nitaiera--of Lord Nityananda; carana--the lotus feet; satya--are real; tahara--of them;
sebaka--the servant; nitya--is eternal; nitai--of Lord Nityananda; pada--the lotus feet; sada--
always; kara--do; asa--hope; narottama--Narottama dasa; bada--very; duhkhi--unhappy; nitai--
O Lord Nityananda; more--me; kara--please make; sukhi--happy rakha--please give me
protection; ranga caranera--of the reddish soles of Your lotus feet; pasa--in a corner.

The lotus feet of Lord Nityananda are not illusion; they are a fact, and therefore one who
engages in the transcendental loving service of Nityananda is also transcendental. For this
reason one should always try to catch the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. O Lord Nityananda,
this Narottama dasa is very unhappy, and therefore I am praying that You please make me
happy. Please keep me in a corner of Your reddish lotus feet.


rädhä kåñëa-praëaya-vikåtir hlädiné çaktir asmäd

ekätmänäv api bhuvi purä deha-bhedaà gatau tau
caitanyäkhyaà prakaöam adhunä tad-dvayaà caikyam äptaà
rädhä-bhäva-dyuti-suvalitaà naumi kåñëa-svarüpam

"Although Rädhä and Kåñëa are one (ekätma) in identiy (svarüpa), They perpetually exist
in two forms because of the eternality of the principal of exchanging amorous pastimes (viläsa
tattva). This is brought about by the hlädiné çakti which exhibits itself in the form of the
transformation of Their love. At this time these two Personalities have manifested as one
Person in the form of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu. I offer my respectful obeisances unto Him
who has assumed the form of Lord Gaura, but who is the very same Lord Kåñëa, covered with
the sentiment (bhävä) and bodily splendour (känti) of Çrématé Rädhikä."
—Çré Svarüpa Dämodara Gosvämé Kaòacäyäà

anarpita-caréà cirät karuëayävatérëaù kalau

samarpayitum unnatojjvala-rasäà sva-bhakti-çriyam
hariù puraöa-sundara-dyuti-kadamba-sandépitaù
sadä hådaya-kandare sphuratu vaù çacé-nandanaù

"May Çré Çacénandana Gaurahari, resplendent with the radiance of molten gold (having
adopted the splendour of the limbs of Çrématé Rädhikä), ever manifest Himself within your
hearts. He has descended in the age of Kali out of His causeless mercy to bestow upon the
world that which had not been given for a long time, the most confidential wealth of His
bhakti, the highest and most radiant madhura rasa (unnata ujjvala prema rasa)."
—Çré Rüpa Gosvämi; Vidagdha Mädhava Näöaka

namaù çré-kåñëacandraya
nirupädhi-kåpä kåte
yaù çré-caitanya-rüpo 'bhüt
tanvan prema-rasaà kalau

namaù-I offer my respectful obeisances; çré-kåñëacandraya-to Çré Kåñëacandra;

nirüpadhi-without limit; kåpä-mercy; kåte-granting; gaù-who; çré-caitanya-of Çré Caitanya
Mahaprabhu; rüpaù-in the form; abhüt-became; tanvan-spreading; prema-of pure love for Lord
Kåñëa; rasam-the nectar; kalau-in the age of Kali.

Obeisances to boundlessly merciful Lord Çré Kåñëacandra who, appearing as Çré Caitanya,
distributed the nectar of pure love of God in the age of Kali.

caitanya-candra mama håt-kumudaˆ vikäsya

hrdyam vidhehi nija-cintana-bhrnga-rangaih
kiñcäparädha-timiraˆ nibidam vidhuya
pädämrtam sadaya päyaya durgatam mäm (3)
(Sri Stavävali, Raghunätha däsa Gosvämi)
O Caitanya-candra, I implore You to please make the lotus flower of my heart bloom
so that it will first attract and then enclose the bumblebee of remembrance of You.
O merciful Lord, my second request is that after destroying the dense darkness of my
offences, please make this miserable person drink the nectar of Your feet

110 Now that Lord Gaura has descended to this world, the waves of the holy names of Lord
Krsna are suddenly flooding this planet, and the hearts of the sinful conditioned souls, which
were as hard as thunderbolts, have now become as soft as butter. Let me take shelter of that
Lord Gaura.
111 Now that Lord Caitanya, His heart filled with mercy, has descended to this world, those
living entities who had formerly never practised yoga, meditated, chanted mantras, performed
austerities, followed various Vedic restrictions, studied the Vedas, performed spiritual
activities, or refrained from sins, have become able to easily plunder the crest jewel of all
goals of life.
112 Now that wonderfully powerful Lord Caitanya has descended to this world, the
materialists, who had fallen into the raging river of fruitive deeds, have been rescued and are
situated on the firm ground, even the great boulders have melted, and even those whose
hearts were fixed in non-devotional yoga are dancing in the ecstasy of love of Krsna.


ha devi kaku-bhara-gadgadayadya vaca

yace nipatya bhuvi danòavad udbhaöartiù
asya prasadam abudhasya janasya kåtva
gandharvike nija-gane gananaà vidhehi
ha - O; devi - queen; kaku-bhara - with many words choked with emotion; gadgadayadya -
stammering; vaca - with words; yace - I beg; nipatya - falling down; bhuvi - on the ground;
daëòavat - like a stick; udbhaöartiù - distressed; asya - of him; prasadam - kindness;
abudhasya - foolish; janasya - person; kåtva - doing; gandharvike - O Rädhä; nija - own; gaëe
- associates; gaëanam - of the counting; vidhehi - please do.
Falling down like a stick on the ground, distressed, and stammering with words choked with
emotion, I beg You: O Queen Gandharvika, please be kind to this foolish person and count him
one of Your associates.

Çri Prärthanä-paddhatiù


çuddha - pure; gaìgeya - gold; gauraìgém - fair limbs; kuraìgé - doe; laìgima - beautiful;
ékñaëam - eyes; jita - defeated; koöi - millions; indu - of moons; bimba - bimba fruit; asyam -
mouth; ambuda - a monsoon cloud; ambara - garments; samvåtam - wearing.
O queen whose fair limbs are more splendid than pure gold, O queen whose eyes are as
charming as the does' eyes, O queen whose face defeats millions of moons, O queen dressed
in garments as dark as monsoon clouds, . . .


navéna - young; ballavé - of gopés; vånda - hosts; dhammilla - of decorated, braided hair;
uttaàsa - crowning gar;and; mallikam - jasmine flowers; divya - splendid; ratna - jewels; ady -
beginning; alaìkara - ornaments; sevyamana - being served; tanu - body; çriyam - beauty.
. . . O queen who is the crowning garland of mallika flowers on the decorated braided hair of
the young gopés, O queen whose beauty is served by many splendid transcendental jewels
and other ornaments, . . .

añöabhir abhiveñöitam

vidagdha - of intelligent and clever gopés; manòala - of the circle; gurum - the guru; guna -
of virtues; gaurava - significant; maëòitam - decorated; ati - very; preñöha - dear;
vayasyabhiù - by friends; añöabhiù - eight; abhiveñöitam - surrounded.

. . . O teacher of the intelligent and expert gopés, O queen elaborately decorated with a host
of transcendental virtues, O queen accompanied by Your eight very dear friends, . . .


caïcala - restless; apaìga - of sidelong glances; bhaìgena - by the waves; vyakulé-

kåta - agitated; keçavam - Keçava; goñöhendra - of the king of Vraja; suta - the son; jévatu -
the life; ramya - handsome; bimba - bimba fruit; adhara - lips; amåtam - nectar.

. . . O queen who arouses Lord Keçava with the waves of Your restless sidelong glances, O
queen whose nectar bimba fruit lips have become the food of the prince of Vraja, . . .

tvam asau yacate natva

viluöhan yamuna-taöe
kakubhir vyakula-svanto
jano våndavaneçvari

tvam - to You; asau - he; yacate - begs; natva - bowing down; viluöhan - rolling about;
taöe - on the shore of the Yamunä; kakubhiù - with choked words; vyakula - agitated; svantaù
- at heart; janaù - a person; våndavaneçvari - O queen of Våndävana.

. . . O queen of Våndävana, bowing down and rolling about on the Yamunä's shore, this
person, with an agitated heart and a choked voice, appeals to You.

kåtagaske 'py ayogye 'pi

jano 'smin kumatav api
lavam apy upapadaya

kåta - performed; agaske - offenses; apy - although; ayogye - unsuitable; api - although;
janaù - person; asmin - in this; kumatav - wicked; api - although; dasya - service; dana - of the
gift; pradanasya - of the giver; lavam - a small portion; apy - even; upapadaya - please grant.

Even though he has committed offenses, even though he is unqualified, and even though his
intelligence is crooked, please give this person a small particle of Your devotional service.

yuktas tvaya jano naiva

duùkhito 'yam upekñitum
navanétasi yat sada

yuktaù - engaged; tvaya - by You; janaù - a person; na - not; eva - indeed; duùkhitaù -
unhappy; ayam - he; upekñitum - to ignore; kåpa - of mercy; dyota - splendor; dravac -
melting; citta - heart; navanéta - fresh butter; asi - You are; yat - which; sada - always.

Because the fresh butter of Your heart is always melting in the splendor of Your
transcendental mercy, it is not proper for You to neglect this anguished person.

bhajämi rädhäm aravinda-neträm

smarämi rädhäm madhura-smitäsyäm
vadämi rädhäm karunä-bharärdräm
tato mamänyästi gatir na käpi (2)
(Viçäkhänandadäbhidha-stotram 131, Raghunätha däsa Gosvämi)
I worship Rädhä who has lotus eyes, I remember Rädhä who has a sweet smile, and
I speak of Rädhä who is melted with compassion. There is nothing else for me. She
is my life and soul.


namo nalina-neträya
çäline vana-mäline

namaù—obeisances; nalina—lotus flowers; neträya—eyes; veëu—flute; vädya—music;

vinodine—pastimes; rädhä—of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; adhara—of the lips; sudhä—nectar; päna
—drinking; çäline—engaged; vana-mäline—wearing a garland of forest flowers.

To Çré Kåñëa, whose eyes are beautiful as lotus flowers, who delights in playing the flute, who
drinks the nectar Rädhä’s lips, and who is garlanded with forest flowers, I offer respectful
—author unknown

kåsnaya väsudeväya haraye paramätmane

pranata-kleça-näçäya govindäya namo namah
(sb 10.73.16)
Time and again I offer pranama unto Lord Krsna, who is the son of Vasudeva, and the
remover of His devotees’ material attachments.

phullendévara-käntim indu-vadanaà barhävataàsa-priyaà

çrévatçaìkam udära-kaustubha-dharaà pétämbaraà sundaram
gopénäà nayanotpalärcita-tanuà go-gopa-saìghävåtaà
govindaà kala-veëu-vädana-paraà divyäìga-bhüñaà bhaje

phulla—blossoming; indivara—of a blue lotus flower; käntim—the splendor; indu—moon;

vadanam—whose face; barha—peacock feather; avataàsa—crown; priyam—fond; çrévatsa—of
Çrévatsa; aìkam—with mark; udara—large; kaustubha—Kaustubha gem; dharam—wearing;
pita—yellow; ambaram—with garments; sundaram—handsome; gopénam—of the gopés;
nayana—of the eyes; utpala—with the lotus flowers; arcita—worshiped; tanum—whose
transcendental form; go—of surabhi cows; gopa—and gopas; saìgha—with the hosts; avåtam
—accompanied; govindam—Kåñëa; kala—sweet; veëu—of the flute; vadana—of music; param
—fond; divya—glittering; aìga—of the body; bhusam—with ornaments; bhaje—I worship.

I worship Lord Govinda, whose complexion is the color of a blooming blue lotus flower, whose
face is like the moon, who is fond of wearing a peacock feather crown, who bears the mark of
Çrévatsa, who wears a great Kaustubha gem, who is dressed in yellow garments, whose
handsome form is worshiped with offerings of the lotus flowers that are the gopés’ glances,
who is accompanied by a host of surabhi cows and gopas, who is fond of sweetly playing the
flute, and whose transcendental body is decorated with glittering ornaments.

adhare vinihitaà vaàsaà

campaka-kusumena kalpitottaàsam
vinatam dadhänaà aàsaà
vämaà satataà namämi jita-kaàsam

adhare—on His lips; vinihitam—placed; vaàsam—the flute; campaka-kusumena—with

campaka flowers; kalpita—fashioned; uttaàsam—a garland; vinatam—bending; dadhänam—
wearing; aàsam—shoulders; vämam—graceful; satatam—eternally; namämi—I offer my
respectful obeisances; jita—who defeated; kaàsam—Kaàsa.

A garland of campaka flowers resting on His gracefully sloping shoulders, Kåñëa places the
flute to His lips. I eternally offer my respectful obeisances to Kåñëa, who was victorious over
—Çré Puruñottamadeva


Oh Radha, please attract my mind, and free me from this material world.
Oh Krsna, please attract my mind.
Oh Radha, attract my heart by showing your sweetness.
Oh Krsna, purify my mind by giving knowledge of how to perform worship of You through Your
pure devotee.
Oh Krsna, give me steadiness to appreciate Your name, qualities and pastimes.
Oh Krsna, may I develop a taste for serving You.
Oh Radha, please make me qualified for your service.
Oh Radha, please instruct me on how I can serve you.
Oh Radha, let me hear of your intimate pastimes with your beloved.
Oh Rama (Krsna), let me hear of Your intimate pastimes with your beloved.
Oh Radha, reveal to me your pastimes with your beloved.
Oh Rama, reveal to me Your pastimes with Your beloved.
Oh Rama, engage me in remembering Your name, form, qualities and pastimes.
Oh Rama, please make me qualified for your service.
Oh Radha, be pleased with me.
Oh Radha, be pleased with me.

näma cintämaëiù kåñëaç

pürnaù çuddho nitya-mukto
’bhinnatvän näma-näminoù

nämaù—the holy name; cintämaëiù—transcendentally blissful giver of all spiritual

benedictions; kåñëaù—not different from Kåñëa; caitanya-rasa-vigrahaù—the form of all
transcendental mellows; pürëaù—complete; çuddhaù—pure, witout material contamination;

nitya—eternal; muktaù—liberated; abhinna-tvät—due to not being different; näma—of the
holy name; näminoù—and of the person who has the name.

The holy name of Kåñëa is transcendentally blissful. It bestows all spiritual benedictions, for it
is Kåñëa Himself, the reservoir of all pleasure. Kåñëa’s name is complete, and it is the form of
all transcendental mellows. It is not a material name under any condition, and it is no less
powerful than Kåñëa Himself. Since Kåñëa’s name is not contaminated by the material
qualities, there is no question of its being involved with mäyä. Kåñëa’s name is always
liberated and spiritual; it is never conditioned by the laws of material nature. This is because
the name of Kåñëa and Kåñëa Himself are identical.* —Çré Vyäsa

madhura-madhuram etan maìgalaà maìgalänäà

sakala-nigama-vallé-sat-phalaà cit-svarüpam
sakåd api parigétaà çraddhayä helayä vä
bhågu-vara nara-mätraà tärayet kåñëa-näma

madhura—of sweet things; madhuram—the sweetest; etat—this; maìgalam—most auspicious;

maìgalänäm—of auspicious things; sakala—of all; nigama—the Vedic literatures; vallé—of the
vine; sat-phalam—the best fruit; cit—spiritual; svarüpam—in nature; sakåt—once; api—even;
parigétam—chanted; çraddhayä—with faith; helayä—with contempt; vä—or; bhågu-vara—O
best of the Bhågus; nara-mätram—a person; tärayet—delivers; kåñëa—of Lord Kåñëa; näma—
the name.

Kåñëa’s name is the sweetest of sweet things, the most auspicious of auspicious things, the
transcendental fruit of the vine of all Vedic literature. O best of the Bhågus, chanted even
once, either with faith or contempt, it delivers the chanter.
—Çré Vyäsa

Çré Nämäñtaka

ayi mukta-kulair upäsyamänaà
paritas tväà hari-näma saàçrayämi

nikhila-of all; çruti-the Vedas; mauli-crown; ratna-jewels; mälä-necklace; dyuti-effulgence;

néräjita-worshiped; pädafeet; paìkaja-lotus; anta-tips of the toes; ayi -O!; mukta-kulair -by the
liberated souls; upäsyamänaà-adored; paritas -completely; tväà -You; hari-of Hari; näma
-name; saàçrayämi-I take shelter.

O Hari-näma! The tips of the toes of Your lotus feet are constantly being worshiped by the
glowing radiance emanating from the string of gems known as the Upaniñads, the crown
jewels of all the Vedas. You are eternally adored by liberated souls, such as Närada and
Çukadeva. O Hari-näma! I take complete shelter of You.*

jaya nämadheya muni-vånda-geya he

jana-raïjanäya param akñaräkåte
tvam anädaräd api manäg udéritaà
nikhilogra-täpa-paöaléà vilumpasi

jaya -all glories; nämadheya -O holy name; muni-of sages; vånda-by the multitudes; geya
-chanted; he-O!; jana-of the people; raïjanäya -for the happiness; param -supreme; akñara-of
syllables; äkåte-the form; tvam -You; anädaräd -without respect; api -even; manäg -once;
udéritaà-spoken; nikhila-all; ugra-terrible; täpa-tortures; paöaléà -abundance; vilumpasi-you
take away.

O Hari-näma, O name sung by the sages, O transcendental syllables that bring bliss to the
people, even if You are spoken only once, and even if You are spoken disrespectfully, You at
once remove the many harsh sufferings of everyone.

yad-äbhäso 'py udyan kavalita-bhava-dhvänta-vibhavo

dåçaà tattvändhänäm api diçati bhakti-praëayiném
janas tasyodättaà jagati bhagavan-näma-taraëe
kåté te nirvaktuà ka iha mahimänaà prabhavati

yad-äbhäso -the dim light of which; apy -even; udyan -rising; kavalita-swallowed up; bhava-
of repeated birth and death; dhvänta-darkness; vibhavo-power; dåçaà -of the eyes; tattva-to
the truth; andhänäm -blind; api -even; diçati -indicates; bhakti-devotional service;
praëayiném-causing; janas -people; tasya-of Him; udättaà -exalted; jagati -in the world;
bhagavan-of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; näma-of the name; taraëe-in the
deliverance; kåté -pious person; te -of You; nirvaktuà -tp describe; ka -who?iha-here;
mahimänaà -glory; prabhavati-is able.

O sun of the Holy Name, even the dim light of Your early dawn gives the sight of pure
devotion to they who are blind to the truth. What learned person in this world is able to
describe Your transcendental glory?

vinäçam äyäti vinä na bhogaiù
apaiti näma sphuraëena tat te
prärabdha-karmeti virauti vedaù

yad-brahma-Brahman; säkñät-direct; kåti-activity; niñöhayä-faith; api-also; vinäçam -to

destruction; äyäti -goes; vinä -without; na -not; bhogaiù-enjoyment; apaiti -attains; näma -of
the name; sphuraëena -by the appearancew; tat -that; te-of You; prärabdha-begun; karma-
karma; iti -thus; virauti -declares; vedaù-the veda(t11)

The Vedas declare that although meditation on impersonal Brahman cannot bring freedom
from past karma, O Holy Name, Your appearance at once makes all karma disappear.

aghadamana-yaçodänandanau nandasüno
praëatakaruëa-kåñëäv ity aneka-svarüpe
tvayi mama ratir uccair vardhatäà nämadheya

aghadamana-crusher of Agha; yaçodänandanau -son of Yaçodä; nandasüno-son of Nanda

Mahäräja; kamalanayana-lotus0eyed; gopécandra-moon of the gopésvåndävanendräù-moon
of Våndävana; praëatakaruëa-merciful to teh worshipper; kåñëäv -Kåñëa; ity -thus; aneka-
many; svarüpe-forms; tvayi -in You; mama -of me; ratir -love; uccair -greatly; vardhatäà -may
increase; nämadheya-the holy names.

O Holy Name, I pray that my love for You in Your many forms, such as Aghadamana
(Crusher of Aghäsura), Yaçodänandana (Son of Yaçodä), Nandasünu (Son of Nanda),
Kamalanayana (Lotus-eyed), Gopécandra (Moon of the gopés), Våndävanendra (King of
Våndävana), Praëatakaruëa (Merciful to the surrendered souls), and Kåñëa, may greatly

väcyaà väcakam ity udeti bhavato näma svarüpa-dvayaà

pürvasmät param eva hanta karuëaà taträpi jänémahe
yas tasmin vihitäparädha-nivahaù präëé samantäd bhaved
äsyenedam upäsya so 'pi hi sadänandämbudhau majjati

väcyaà -the object described; väcakam -the words; ity -thus; udeti -rises; bhavato -of you;
näma -of the name; svarüpa-the form; dvayaà-both; pürvasmät -as before; param -great; eva
-indeed; hanta -indeed; karuëaà -compassion; tatra-there; api -even; jänémahe-we know; yas
-one who; tasmin -ion that; vihitäparädha-committed an offense; nivahaù -multitude; präëé
-living entity; samantäd -completely; bhaved-may be; äsyena-with the mouth; idam -this;
upäsya -worshiping; so -He; api -even; hi indeed; sadänandämbudhau -in the ocean of bliss;

O Holy Name, You are manifest in two forms: 1. the Supreme Person described by the Holy
Name, and 2. the sound vibration of the Holy Name. We know that the second form is more
merciful than the first. Even a person who commits many offenses to the first form, may
become always plunged into an ocean of bliss by serving the second with his voice.

näma gokula-mahotsaväya te
kåñëa pürëa-vapuñe namo namaù

südita-destroyed; äçrita-sheltered; jana-of the people; ärti-sufferings; räçaye-abundance;

ramya-charming; cid-spirit; ghana-intense; sukha-happiness; svarüpiëe-own form; näma
-name; gokula-in Gokula; mahotsaväya -for a great festival; te-of You; kåñëa -of Lord Kåñëa;
pürëa-the perfect and full; vapuñe -transcendental form; namo -obeisances; namaù-

O name that destroys the many sufferings of they who take shelter of You, O name that is
the form of delightful and intense spiritual bliss, O name that is a festival of happiness for
Gokula, O perfect and complete Holy Name of Lord Kåñëa, I bow down and offer my respects
to You. I bow down and offer my respects to You.

tvaà kåñëa-näma kämaà
sphura me rasane rasena sadä

närada-of Närada; véëä-of the lute; ujjévana-the life; sudhä-of nectar; ürmi-waves-
niryäsaessence; mädhuré-sweetness; püra-flood; tvaà -You; kåñëa-of Kåñëa; näma -O näme;
kämaà-if You wish; sphura -please appear; me -of me; rasane -of the tongue; rasena -with
nectar; sadä-always.

O life of Närada's véëä, O flood of the waves of sweet nectar, O Holy Name of Lord Kåñëa,
please sweetly appear on my tongue.

Holy dhamas

Çré Govardhana-väsa-prärthanä-daçaka

nija-pati-bhuja-daëòac-chatra-bhävaà prapadya
atula-påthula-çaila-çreëi-bhüpa priyaà me
nija-nikaöa-niväsaà dehi govardhana tvam

nija-own; pati-of the Lord; bhuja-arm; daëòac-handle; chatra-of an umbrella; bhävam-the

state; prapadya-attaining; pratihata-checked; mada-arrogant; dhåñöa-bold; uddaëòa-with
raised wepons; devendra-the king of the demigods; garva-pride; atula-incomparable; påthula-
great; çaila-mountain; çreëi-series; bhüpa-king; priyam-dear; me-to me; nija-own; nikaöa-near;
niväsam-residence; dehi-please give; govardhana-O Govardhana; tvam-you.

O Govardhana, O king of all incomparable great mountains, O hill that became an umbrella
with the arm of your own Lord as the handle and then destroyed the pride of the deva king
madly attacking with raised weapons, please grant the residence near you that is so dear to

pramada-madana-léläù kandare kandare te

racayati nava-yünor dvandvam asminn amandam
iti kila kalanärthaà lagnakas tad-dvayor me
nija-nikaöa-niväsaà dehi govardhana tvam

pramada-passionate; madana-amorous; léläù-pastimes; kandare kandare-in every cave; te-

of you; racayati-performs; nava-yünor dvandvam-the youthful divine couple; asminn-in this;
amandam-great; iti-thus; kila-indeed; kalana-of seeing; artham-for the purpose; lagnakaù-
guarantee; tad-that; dvayoù-of the two; me-of me.

O Govardhana, please grant to me the residence near you that will guarantee the sight of
the youthful divine couple as they enjoy passionate amorous pastimes in your caves.

ruha-jhara-dara-sänu-droëi-saìgheñu raìgaiù
saha bala-sakhibhiù saìkhelayan sva-priyaà me

nija-nikaöa-niväsaà dehi govardhana tvam

anupama-incomparable; maëi-jeweled; vedé-courtyards; ratna-jeweled; siàhäsana-lion-
thrones; ürvéruha-trees; jhara-waterfalls and swiftly-flowing mountain brooks; dara
caves; sänu-peaks; droëi
valleys; saìgheñu-in the multitudes; raìgaiù-with happiness; saha-with; bala-Lord Balaräma;
sakhibhiù-with friends; saìkhelayan-playing; sva-own; priyam-dear; me-to me.

O Govardhana, O hill where Lord Kåñëa happily plays with Balaräma and His friends in the
incomparable jeweled courtyards, jeweled lion-thrones, trees, waterfalls, mountain-brooks,
caves, peaks, and valleys, please grant the residence near you that is so dear to me.

rasa-nidhi-nava-yünoù säkñiëéà däna-keler

dyuti-parimala-viddhaà çyäma-vedià prakañya
rasika-vara-kulänäà modam äsphälayan me
nija-nikaöa-niväsaà dehi govardhana tvam

rasa-of nectar; nidhi-oceans; nava-yünoù-of the youthful divine couple; säkñiëém-the witness;
däna-keleù-of the däna-keli pastime; dyuti-splendor; parimala-fragrance; viddham-filled;
çyäma-dark; vedim-courtyard; prakañya-manifesting; rasika-vara-kulänäm-of the best of those
expert at relishing transcendental pastimes; modam-happiness; äsphälayan-causing; me-of

O Govardhana, O hill that provides the dark courtyard that witnesses the däna-keli pastime
of the nectar-treasure youthful divine couple, O hill that brings great bliss to the best of they
who relish transcendental nectar, please grant to me residence near you.

hari-dayitam apürvaà rädhikä-kuëòam ätma-

priya-sakham iha kaëöhe narmaëäliìgya guptaù
nava-yuva-yuga-kheläs tatra paçyan raho me
nija-nikaöa-niväsaà dehi govardhana tvam

hari-to Lord Kåñëa; dayitam-dear; apürvam-unprecedented; rädhikä-kuëòam-Rädhä-kuëòa;

ätma-own; priya-sakham-dear friend; iha-here; kaëöhe-on the neck; narmaëä-playfully;
äliìgya-embracing; guptaù-hidden; nava-yuva-yuga-of the youthful divine couple; kheläù-
pastimes; tatra-there; paçyan-seeing; rahaù-in a solitary place; me-of me.

O Govardhana, O hill that, hiding as you playfully embrace the neck of your dear friend,
Lord Hari's dear, unprecedented Rädhä-kuëòa, secretly gazes at the pastimes of the youthful
divine couple, please grant to me residence near you.

sthala-jala-tala-çañpair bhüruha-chäyayä ca
pratipadam anukälaà hanta samvardhayan gäù
tri-jagati nija-gotraà särthakaà khyäpayan me
nija-nikaöa-niväsaà dehi govardhana tvam

sthala-land; jala-water; tala-surface; çañpaiù-with grasses; bhüruha-of trees; chäyayä-with

the shade; ca-and; pratipadam-at every step; anukälam-at the right time; hanta-indeed;
samvardhayan-nourishing; gäù-the cows; tri-jagati-in the three worlds; nija-own; gotram-
name; särthakam-meaningful; khyäpayan-proclaiming; me-of me.

O Govardhana, O hill that by nourishing the cows with its water, grass, and the shade of its
trees declares to the three worlds the appropriateness of its own name, please grant to me
residence near you.
Note: Govardhana means "that which nourishes (vardhana) the cows (go)."

surapati-kåta-dérgha-drohato goñöha-rakñäà
tava nava-gåha-rüpasyäntare kurvataiva
agha-baka-ripuëoccair datta-mäna drutaà me
nija-nikaöa-niväsaà dehi govardhana tvam

surapati-of the king of the demigods; kåta-done; dérgha-long; drohataù-from the enmity;
goñöha-of Vraja; rakñäm-protection; tava-of you; nava-new; gåha-house; rüpasya-in the form;
antare-within; kurvatä-doing; eva-indeed; agha-baka-ripuëä-by Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of
Bakäsura; uccaiù-greatly; datta-given; mäna-honor; drutam-quickly; me-of me.

O Govardhana, O hill that the enemy of Agha and Baka honored by transforming into a new
house to give Vraja protection from the sustained fury of the sura king, please grant to me
residence near you.

måtam idam uditaà çré-rädhikä-vaktra-candrät
vraja-nava-tilakatve klpta-vedaiù sphuöaà me
nija-nikaöa-niväsaà dehi govardhana tvam

giri-of hills; nåpa-the king; hari-of Lord Kåñëa; däsa-of servants; çreëi-of the multitudes;
varya-the best; iti-thus; näma-name; amåtam-nectar; idam-this; uditam-spoken; çré-rädhikä-of
Çré Rädhä; vaktra-of the mouth; candrät-from the moon; vraja-of Vraja; nava-new; tilakatve-
as the tilaka marking; klpta-conceived; vedaiù-by the Vedas; sphuöam-manifested; me-of me.

O Govardhana, O king of mountains, O hill whose nectar name "the best of Lord Hari's
servants" flows from the moon of Çré Rädhä's mouth, O hill that the Vedas declare to be the
tilaka marking of Vraja, please grant to me residence near you.

agaëita-karuëatvän maà uré-kåtya täntaà
nija-nikaöa-niväsaà dehi govardhana tvam

nija-own; jana-people; yuta-endowed; rädhä-kåñëa-of Çré Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa; maitré-

friendship; rasa-nectar; äkta-anointed; vraja-of Vraja; nara-of the people; paçu-animals; pakñi-
and birds; vräta-to the hosts; saukhya-of happiness; eka-sole; dätaù-giver; agaëita-
immeasurable; karuëatvän-because of mercy; mam-me; uré-kåtya-accepting; täntam-

O Govardhana, O philanthropist that gives transcendental happiness to Vraja's people,

animals, and birds, all anointe with the nectar of friendship for Çré Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa
surrounded by Their friends, out of Your immeasurable mercy, please accept unhappy me and
please grant me residence near you.

nirupadhi-karuëena çré-çacénandanena
tvayi kapaöi-çaöho 'pi tvat-priyenärpito 'smi
iti khalu mama yogyäyogyatäà mäm agåhëan
nija-nikaöa-niväsaà dehi govardhana tvam

nirupadhi-boundless; karuëena-with mercy; çré-çacénandanena-by the son of Çacé; tvayi-in

you; kapaöi-a cheater;; çaöhaù-a rascal; api-although; tvat-priyena-by your beloved; arpitaù-
given; asmi-I am; iti-thus; khalu-certainly; mama-my; yogya-suitability; ayogyatäm-or
unsuitability; mäm-me; agåhëan-not considering.

Although I am a cheater and a criminal, unlimitedly merciful Lord Çacénandana, who is very
dear to you, has given me to you. O Govardhana, please do not consider whether I am
acceptable or not, but simply grant me residence near you.

rasada-daçakam asya çréla-govardhanasya

kñitidhara-kula-bhartur yaù prayatnäd adhéte
sa sapadi sukhade 'smin väsam äsädya säkñäc
chubada-yugala-sevä-ratnam äpnoti türëam

rasada-nectarean; daçakam-ten verses; asya-of this; çréla-govardhanasya-Çréla

Govardhana; kñitidhara-of mountains; kula-of the multitudes; bhartuù-the king; yaù-one who;
prayatnäd-with care; adhéte-reads; sa-he; sapadi-at once; sukhade-blissful; asmin-in this;
väsam-residence; äsädya-attaining; säkñäc-directly; chubada-auspicious; yugala-of the divine
couple; sevä-of the service; ratnam-the jewel; äpnoti-attains; türëam-quickly.

One who carefully reads these ten nectar verses describing Çréla Govardhana, the king of
mountains, will very soon reside near that blissful hill and quickly attain the precious jewel of
the service to the handsome divine couple.
Çré Rädhä-kuëòäñöaka

våñabha-danuja-näçän narma-dharmokti-raìgair
nikhila-nija-sakhébhir yat sva-hastena pürëam
prakaöitam api våndäraëya-räjïä pramodais
tad ati-surabhi rädhä-kuëòam eväçrayo me

våñabha-bull; danuja-demon; näçän-from the destruction; narma-joking; dharma-of

religion; ukti-words; raìgaiù-with happiness; nikhila-all; nija-own; sakhébhiù-with friends; yat-
which; sva-hastena-by His own hand; pürëam-filled; prakaöitam-manifested; api-also;
våndäraëya-of Våndävana; räjïa-by the king; pramodaiù-with happiness; tad-that; ati-surabhi-
very fragrant; rädhä-kuëòam-Rädhä-kuëòa; eva-indeed; äçrayaù-the shelter; me-of me.

May very fragrant Rädhä-kuëòa, which, prodded by the gopés' many joking words after
Våñabhäsura's death, the king of Våndävana forest happily built and filled with His own hand,
be my shelter.

vraja-bhuvi mura-çatroù preyasénäà nikämair

asulabham api türëaà prema-kalpa-drumaà tam
janayati hådi bhümau snätur uccair priyaà yat
tad ati-surabhi rädhä-kuëòam eväçrayo me

vraja-bhuvi-in the land of Vraja; mura-çatroù-of Lord Kåñëa; preyasénäm-of the beloveds;
nikämaiù-by the desires; asulabham-rare; api-even; türëam-quickly; prema-of pure love;
kalpa-drumam-the desire tree; tam-that; janayati-creates; hådi-in the heart; bhümau-in the
land; snätuù-of a bather; uccaiù-greatly; priyam-dear; yat-which.

May very dear and fragrant Rädhä-kuëòa, which, for one who bathes in it immediately
creates in the land of the heart a desire tree of pure love rare even among the gopé beloveds
of Lord Kåñëa in Vraja, be my shelter.

agha-ripur api yatnäd atra devyäù prasäda-

prasara-kåta-katäkña-präpti-kämaù prakämam
anusarati yad ucaaiù snäna-sevänubandhais
tad ati-surabhi rädhä-kuëòam eväçrayo me

agha-ripuù-of Lord Kåñëa; api-even; yatnäd-with great care; atra-here; devyäù-of His
queen; prasäda-of mercy; prasara-manifestation; kåta-done; katäkña-sidelong glance; präpti-
attainment; kämaù-desire; prakämam-voluntarily; anusarati-follows; yad-which; ucaaiù-
greatly; snäna-bathing; sevä-service; anubandhaiù-in relation.

May very dear and fragrant Rädhä-kuëòa, where, yearning to attain the merciful sidelong
glance of His queen, Lord Kåñëa diligently follows Her bathing attendants, be my shelter.

vraja-bhuvana-sudhäàçoù prema-bhümir nikämaà

paricitam api nämnä yac ca tenaiva tasyäs
tad ati-surabhi rädhä-kuëòam eväçrayo me

vraja-of Vraja; bhuvana-of the land; sudhäàçoù-of the nectar moon; prema-of pure love;
bhümiù-the land; nikämam-exceedingly; vraja-in Vraja; madhura-sweet; kiçoré-of girls; mauli-
the crown; ratna-jewel; priyä-beloved; iva-as if; paricitam-known; api-also; nämnä-by name;
yac-which; ca-and; tena-by this; eva-indeed; tasyäù-of Her.
May very fragrant Rädhä-kuëòa, which is named after a girl who is a realm of love for He who
is the moon of Vraja, a girl who is like the most precious jewel in the crown of the sweet girls
of Vraja, be my shelter.

api jana iha kaçcid yasya sevä-prasädaiù

praëaya-sura-latä syät tasya goñöhendra-sünoù
sapadi kila mad-éçä-däsya-puñpa-praçasyä
tad ati-surabhi rädhä-kuëòam eväçrayo me

api-even; jana-a person; iha-here; kaçcid-one; yasya-of which; sevä-of service; prasädaiù-
by the mercy; praëaya-of pure love; sura-latä-the celestial vine; syät-may be; tasya-of that;
goñöhendra-sünoù-of the prince of Vraja; sapadi-at once; kila-certainly; mad-of my; éçä-
queen; däsya-of the service; puñpa-flower; praçasyä-celebrated.

The mercy obtained by serving Rädhä-kuëòa makes the celestial vine of pure love for the
prince of Vraja, which is famous for bearing the flowers of service to my queen, sprout. May
that very fragrant Rädhä-kuëòa be my shelter.

taöa-madhura-nikuïjaù klpta-nämäna uccair

nija-parijana-vargaiù samvibhajyäçritas taiù
madhukara-ruta-ramyä yasya räjanti kämyäs
tad ati-surabhi rädhä-kuëòam eväçrayo me

taöa-on the shore; madhura-charming; nikuïjaù-groves; klpta-fashioned; nämäna-names;

uccaiù-greatly; nija-own; parijana-associates; vargaiù-with teh groups; samvibhajya-having
divided; äçritaù-sheltered; taiù-by them; madhukara-of bumblebees; ruta-with the sounds;
ramyä-charming; yasya-of which; räjanti-are splendidly manifested; kämyäù-delightful.

May very fragrant Rädhä-kuëòa, on the shores of which are many splendid and charming
forest groves filled with the sweet sounds of bumblebees and each named after one of Çré
Rädhä's friends, be my shelter.

taöa-bhuvi vara-vedyäà yasya narmäti-hådyäà

madhura-madhura-värtäà goñöha-candrasya bhaìgyä
praöhayati mitha éçä präëa-sakhyälibhiù sä
tad ati-surabhi rädhä-kuëòam eväçrayo me

taöa-of the shore; bhuvi-on the ground; vara-excellent; vedyäm-in the courtyard; yasya-of
which; narma-by joking words; ati-very; hådyäm-charming; madhura-madhura-very sweet;
värtäm-words; goñöha-candrasya-of the moon of Vraja; bhaìgyä-with crookedness; praöhayati-
manifests; mitha-mutually; éçä-the queen; präëa-sakhyälibhiù-with Her dear friends; sä-She.

May very fragrant Rädhä-kuëòa, on the shore of which, in a pleasant courtyard Queen Rädhä
and Her friends sweetly joke with Lord Kåñëa, the moon of Vraja, be my shelter.

anudinam ati-raìgaiù prema-mattäli-saìghair

vara-sarasija-gandhair häri-väri-prapürëe
viharata iha yasmin dam-paté tau pramattau
tad ati-surabhi rädhä-kuëòam eväçrayo me

anudinam-every day; ati-raìgaiù-with great happiness; prema-with love; matta-intoxicated;

äli- of friends; saìghaiù-with multitudes; vara-excellent; sarasija-lotus; gandhaiù-fragrance;
häri-charming; väri-waters; prapürëe-filled; viharata-enjoy pastimes; iha-here; yasmin-in
which; dam-paté-the divine couple; tau-they; pramattau-intoxicated.
May very fragrant Rädhä-kuëòa, where the passionate divine couple daily plays with Their
passionate friends in the charming lotus-scented water, be my shelter.

avikalam ati devyäç cäru kuëòäñöakaà yaù

paripaöhati tadéyolläsi-däsyärpitätmä
aciram iha çarére darçayaty eva tasmai
madhu-ripur ati-modaiù çliñyamäëäà priyäà täm

avikalam-faultless; ati-great; devyäç-of Queen Rädhä; cäru-beautiful; kuëòa-of the lake;

añöakam-eight verses; yaù-one who; paripaöhati-reads; tadéya-of Her; ulläsi-splendid; däsya-
service; arpita-offered; ätmä-self; aciram-at once; iha-here; çarére-in this body; darçayati-
reveals; eva-indeed; tasmai-to him; madhu-ripuù-Lord Kåñëa; ati-modaiù-with great
happiness; çliñyamäëäm-being embraced; priyäm-beloved; täm-Her.

To one who is completely dedicated to Queen Rädhä's service and who happily reads these
eight beautiful verses describing Her lake, even in this present body Lord Kåñëa shows His
beloved as he happily embraces Her.

Çré Nämäñtaka

ayi mukta-kulair upäsyamänaà
paritas tväà hari-näma saàçrayämi

nikhila-of all; çruti-the Vedas; mauli-crown; ratna-jewels; mälä-necklace; dyuti-effulgence;

néräjita-worshiped; pädafeet; paìkaja-lotus; anta-tips of the toes; ayi -O!; mukta-kulair -by the
liberated souls; upäsyamänaà-adored; paritas -completely; tväà -You; hari-of Hari; näma
-name; saàçrayämi-I take shelter.

O Hari-näma! The tips of the toes of Your lotus feet are constantly being worshiped by the
glowing radiance emanating from the string of gems known as the Upaniñads, the crown
jewels of all the Vedas. You are eternally adored by liberated souls, such as Närada and
Çukadeva. O Hari-näma! I take complete shelter of You.*

jaya nämadheya muni-vånda-geya he

jana-raïjanäya param akñaräkåte
tvam anädaräd api manäg udéritaà
nikhilogra-täpa-paöaléà vilumpasi

jaya -all glories; nämadheya -O holy name; muni-of sages; vånda-by the multitudes; geya
-chanted; he-O!; jana-of the people; raïjanäya -for the happiness; param -supreme; akñara-of
syllables; äkåte-the form; tvam -You; anädaräd -without respect; api -even; manäg -once;
udéritaà-spoken; nikhila-all; ugra-terrible; täpa-tortures; paöaléà -abundance; vilumpasi-you
take away.

O Hari-näma, O name sung by the sages, O transcendental syllables that bring bliss to the
people, even if You are spoken only once, and even if You are spoken disrespectfully, You at
once remove the many harsh sufferings of everyone.

yad-äbhäso 'py udyan kavalita-bhava-dhvänta-vibhavo

dåçaà tattvändhänäm api diçati bhakti-praëayiném
janas tasyodättaà jagati bhagavan-näma-taraëe
kåté te nirvaktuà ka iha mahimänaà prabhavati

yad-äbhäso -the dim light of which; apy -even; udyan -rising; kavalita-swallowed up; bhava-
of repeated birth and death; dhvänta-darkness; vibhavo-power; dåçaà -of the eyes; tattva-to
the truth; andhänäm -blind; api -even; diçati -indicates; bhakti-devotional service;
praëayiném-causing; janas -people; tasya-of Him; udättaà -exalted; jagati -in the world;
bhagavan-of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; näma-of the name; taraëe-in the
deliverance; kåté -pious person; te -of You; nirvaktuà -tp describe; ka -who?iha-here;
mahimänaà -glory; prabhavati-is able.

O sun of the Holy Name, even the dim light of Your early dawn gives the sight of pure
devotion to they who are blind to the truth. What learned person in this world is able to
describe Your transcendental glory?

vinäçam äyäti vinä na bhogaiù
apaiti näma sphuraëena tat te
prärabdha-karmeti virauti vedaù

yad-brahma-Brahman; säkñät-direct; kåti-activity; niñöhayä-faith; api-also; vinäçam -to

destruction; äyäti -goes; vinä -without; na -not; bhogaiù-enjoyment; apaiti -attains; näma -of
the name; sphuraëena -by the appearancew; tat -that; te-of You; prärabdha-begun; karma-
karma; iti -thus; virauti -declares; vedaù-the veda(t11)

The Vedas declare that although meditation on impersonal Brahman cannot bring freedom
from past karma, O Holy Name, Your appearance at once makes all karma disappear.

aghadamana-yaçodänandanau nandasüno
praëatakaruëa-kåñëäv ity aneka-svarüpe
tvayi mama ratir uccair vardhatäà nämadheya

aghadamana-crusher of Agha; yaçodänandanau -son of Yaçodä; nandasüno-son of Nanda

Mahäräja; kamalanayana-lotus0eyed; gopécandra-moon of the gopésvåndävanendräù-moon
of Våndävana; praëatakaruëa-merciful to teh worshipper; kåñëäv -Kåñëa; ity -thus; aneka-
many; svarüpe-forms; tvayi -in You; mama -of me; ratir -love; uccair -greatly; vardhatäà -may
increase; nämadheya-the holy names.

O Holy Name, I pray that my love for You in Your many forms, such as Aghadamana (Crusher
of Aghäsura), Yaçodänandana (Son of Yaçodä), Nandasünu (Son of Nanda), Kamalanayana
(Lotus-eyed), Gopécandra (Moon of the gopés), Våndävanendra (King of Våndävana),
Praëatakaruëa (Merciful to the surrendered souls), and Kåñëa, may greatly increase.

väcyaà väcakam ity udeti bhavato näma svarüpa-dvayaà

pürvasmät param eva hanta karuëaà taträpi jänémahe
yas tasmin vihitäparädha-nivahaù präëé samantäd bhaved
äsyenedam upäsya so 'pi hi sadänandämbudhau majjati

väcyaà -the object described; väcakam -the words; ity -thus; udeti -rises; bhavato -of you;
näma -of the name; svarüpa-the form; dvayaà-both; pürvasmät -as before; param -great; eva
-indeed; hanta -indeed; karuëaà -compassion; tatra-there; api -even; jänémahe-we know; yas
-one who; tasmin -ion that; vihitäparädha-committed an offense; nivahaù -multitude; präëé
-living entity; samantäd -completely; bhaved-may be; äsyena-with the mouth; idam -this;
upäsya -worshiping; so -He; api -even; hi indeed; sadänandämbudhau -in the ocean of bliss;

O Holy Name, You are manifest in two forms: 1. the Supreme Person described by the Holy
Name, and 2. the sound vibration of the Holy Name. We know that the second form is more
merciful than the first. Even a person who commits many offenses to the first form, may
become always plunged into an ocean of bliss by serving the second with his voice.

näma gokula-mahotsaväya te
kåñëa pürëa-vapuñe namo namaù

südita-destroyed; äçrita-sheltered; jana-of the people; ärti-sufferings; räçaye-abundance;

ramya-charming; cid-spirit; ghana-intense; sukha-happiness; svarüpiëe-own form; näma
-name; gokula-in Gokula; mahotsaväya -for a great festival; te-of You; kåñëa -of Lord Kåñëa;
pürëa-the perfect and full; vapuñe -transcendental form; namo -obeisances; namaù-

O name that destroys the many sufferings of they who take shelter of You, O name that is the
form of delightful and intense spiritual bliss, O name that is a festival of happiness for Gokula,
O perfect and complete Holy Name of Lord Kåñëa, I bow down and offer my respects to You. I
bow down and offer my respects to You.

tvaà kåñëa-näma kämaà
sphura me rasane rasena sadä

närada-of Närada; véëä-of the lute; ujjévana-the life; sudhä-of nectar; ürmi-waves-
niryäsaessence; mädhuré-sweetness; püra-flood; tvaà -You; kåñëa-of Kåñëa; näma -O näme;
kämaà-if You wish; sphura -please appear; me -of me; rasane -of the tongue; rasena -with
nectar; sadä-always.

O life of Närada's véëä, O flood of the waves of sweet nectar, O Holy Name of Lord Kåñëa,
please sweetly appear on my tongue.

saàsärämbhasi sambhåta-bhrama-bhare gambhéra-täpa-traya-

gräheëäbhigåhétam ugra-gatinä kroçantam antar-bhayät
dépreëädya sudarçanena vibudha-klänti-cchidäkäriëä
cintä-santatati-ruddham uddhara hare mac-citta-dantéçvaram

saàsära—of repeated birth and death; ambhasi—in the waters; sambhåta—held; bhrama—of
illusions; bhare—in the bewilderment; gambhéra—deep; täpa—of miseries; traya—threefold;
gräheëa—by the crocodile; abhigåhétam—grasped; ugra-gatinä—ferocious; kroçantam—
crying; antaù—within; bhayät—out of fear; dépreëa—glowing; adya—now; sudarçanena—with
the Sudarçana cakra; vibudha—of the demigods; klänti—the sufferings; chidäkäriëä—cutting;
cintä—of anxieties; santatati—by a host; ruddham—overwhelmed; uddhara—please rescue;
hare—O Kåñëa; mat—of me; citta—of the mind; dantéçvaram—the elephant.

The elephant of my mind is drowning in the waters of material illusion. Strongly held by the
ferocious crocodile of the threefold miseries, it anxiously cries with fear in its heart. O Lord

Hari, please rescue it with Your glowing Sudarçana cakra, which cuts the sufferings of the
demigods to pieces.
—Çré Rüpa Gosvämé

vivåta-vividha-bädhe bhränti-vegäd agädhe

balavati bhava-püre majjato me vidüre
açaraëa-gaëa-bandho hä kåpä-kaumudéndo
sakåd akåta-vilambaà dehi hastävalambam

vivåta—manifested; vividha—various; bädhe—sufferings; bhränti—of the whirpool; vegät—by

the force; agädhe—fathomless; balavati—powerful; bhava—of repeated birth and death; püre
—in the ocean; majjataù—drowning; me—me; vidüre—far; açarëa-gaëa—of those who have no
shelter; bandho—O friend; hä—O; kåpä—of mercy; kaumudé—moonlight; indo—O moon; sakåt
—this one; akåta—without; vilambam—delay; dehi-—please give; hasta—of Your hand;
avalambam—the extension.

I am drowning in the painful, fathomless whirlpool of repeated birth and death. O Lord, O
friend of the shelterless, O effulgent moon of mercy, please, this one time, quickly extend Your
hand to save me.
—Çré Rüpa Gosvämé

parama-käruëiko na bhavat-paraù
parama-çocyatamo na ca mat-paraù
iti vicintya hare mayi pämare
yad ucitaà yadu-nätha tad äcara

parama—supremely; käruëikaù—merciful; na—not; bhavat—than You; paraù—more; parama—

supremely; çocyatamaù—lamentable; na—not; ca—and; mat—than me; paraù—more; iti—
thus; vicintya—considering; hare—O Kåñëa; mayi—to me; pämare—fallen and lowly; yat—
what; ucitam—is proper; yadu—of the Yadus; nätha—O Lord; tat—that; äcara—please do.

O Lord, no one is more merciful than You, and no one is more pathetic than I. I am very lowly
and fallen. O Lord Yadunätha, please reflect on my case and do to me whatever is appropriate.
—author unknown

hari hari kabe mora haibe su-dina

bhajiba sri-radha-krsna haina premadhina

hari--O Lord Hari; hari--O Lord Hari; kabe--when?; mora--of me; haibe--will be; su-dina--
auspicious day; bhajiba--I will worship; sri-radha-krsna--Sri Sri Radha and Krsna; haina--I will
be; prema--by love; adhina--controlled.

When will I directly worship Sri Sri Radha and Krsna? When will I be overwhelmed with love
for the Divine Couple? O Lord Hari, when will that aupsicious day be mine?

sujantre misana gaba su-madhura tana

anande karibe dunhara rupa-guna-gana

su-jantre--with a nice instrument; misana--accompanying; gaba--I will sing; su--very;

madhura--sweet; tana--melody; anande--with bliss; kariba--I will do; dinhara--of the Divine
Couple; rupa--of the beautiful forms; guna--of the transcendental qualities; gana--song.

When, accompanying myself on a musical instrument, will I happily sing sweet songs
describing the beautiful forms and qualities of the Divine Couple

radhika govinda bali' kandiba uccaih-sware

bhijibe sakala anga nayanera nire

radhika--O Radhika; givinda--O Govinda; bali'--saying; kandiba--I will cry; uccaih-sware--

loudly; bhijibe--will become wet; sakala--all; anga--the limbs; nayanera--of the eyes; nire--with
the tears.

When will I loudly call out "O Radhika, O Govinda", the tears from my eyes wetting my
entire body.

ei-bara karuna kara rupa sanatana

raghunatha dasa mora sri-jiva -jivana

ei-bara--this time; karuna--mercy; kara--please give; rupa--O Srila Rupa Gosvami;

sanatana--O Srila Sanatana Gosvami raghunatha dasa--O Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami;
mora--my; sri-jiva--O Srila Jiva Gosvami; jivana--life and soul.

O Srila Rupa Gosvami, O Srila Gosvami, O Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, O Srila Jiva
Gosvami, my life and soul, please be merciful to me this one time.

ei--bara karuna kara lalita-bisakha

sakhya-bhabe sridama-subala-adi sakha

ei-bara--this time; karuna--mercy; kara--please give; lalita--O Lalita; bisakha--O Lalita;

sakhya-bhabe--in friendship; sridama-by Sridama; subala--Subala; adi--headed; sakha--O

O Lalita, O Visakha, O Sridama, O Subala and other friends of Lord Krsna, please be
merciful to me this one time.

sabe mili' kara daya puraak mora asa

prarthana karaye sada narottama dasa

sabe--all; mili'--meetingt; kara--please give; daya--mercy; puraka--filling; mora--my; asa--

hope; prarthana this prayer; karaye--does; sada--constantly; narottama dasa--Narottama dasa.

All of You please be merciful to me and fulfill my desire. This is the constant prayer of
Narottama dasa.

hari hari ara ki emana dasa haba

ei bhaba samsara tyaji' parama anande maji'
ara kabe brajabhume jaba

hari--O Lord Hari; hari--O Lord Hari; ara--also; ki--will; emana--like this; dasa--condition of life;
haba--be; ei-this; bhava--condition of life; haba--be; ei--this; bhava--condition; samsara--the
material circle of family life; tyaji--abandoning; parama--transcendental; anande--in bliss;
maji'--drowning; ara--and; kabe--when?; brajabhume--in Vrajabhumi; jaba--I will go.

When will I renounce the circle of material family life, and, drowning in transcendental
bliss, go to Vrajabhumi? O Lord Hari, Lord Hari, when will this be?
sukhamaya brndaba kaba habe darsana
se dhuli lagibe kabe gaya
preme gadagada haina radha-krsna-nama laina
kandiya bedaba ubharaya

sukhamaya--full of happiness; brndabana--Vrndavana; kabe--when?; habe--will be;

darasana--sight; see this; dhuli--dust; labibe will be smeared; kabe--when?; gaya--singing;
preme--in ecstatic love; gadagada--a choked voice; haina--will be; radha-krsna--of Sri Sri
Radha and Krsna; nama--the holy names; laina--talking; kaniya--crying; bedaba--I will walk;

When will I see the blissful land of Vrndavana? When will I smear the dust of Vrndavana
over my body? When will I walk about Vrndavana, loudly singing the names of Radha and
Krsna, and crying, my voice choked with ecstatic love.

nibhrta nikunja jana astange pranama haina

dakiba ha radha-natha bali
kabe jamunara tire parasa kariba nire
kabe piba kara-pute tuli'

nibhrta--solitary; nikunja--grove; jana--going; astanga--pranama--full obeisances; haina--

doing; dakiba--I will call; ha--O; radha--of Srimati Radharani; natha--O master; bali--I say;
kabe--when?; jamunara--of the Yamuna; tire--on the bank; parasa--touch; kariba--I will do;
nire--in the water; kabe--when: piba--I will drink; kara--of my hands; pute--in the hollow; tuli'

When, in a solitary grove in Vrndavana, will I offer my full obeisances to the Divine Couple?
When will I call out: "O Krsna, O master of Srimati Radharani"? When, standing on the shore of
the Yamuna, will I drink some of its water in my cupped hands?

ara kabe emana haba sri-rasa-mandale jaba

kabe gadagadi diba taya
bamsibata-chaya pana parama ananda hana
padiya rahiba tara chaya

ara--and; kabe--when?; emana--like this; haba--will be; sri-rasa--of the rasa-dance;

mandale--the arena; jaba--I will go; kabe--when?; gadagadi--rolling about; diba--I will give;
taya--that; bamsibata--of Vamsivata; chaya--the shadow; pana--will obtain; parama--
transcendental; ananda--bliss; hana--will be; padiya--falling down; rahiba--I will stay; tara--of
that; chaya--shadow.

When will this be? When will I go to the arena of the rasa-dance, and roll about in the dust,
overwhelmed with ecstasy? When will I visit Vamsivata, and fall down to the ground,
overwhelmed by transcendental bliss?

kabe gobardhana giri dekhiba nayane bhari'

kabe habe radha-kunde basa
bhramite bhramite kabe ei deha patana habe
kahe dina narottama dasa

kabe--when?; gobardhana giri--Govardhana Hill; dekhiba--I will see; nayane--my eyes;

bhari--filling; kabe--when?; habe--will be; radha-kunde--at Radha-kunda; basa--the residence;
bhramite bhramite--constant wandering; kabe--when; ei--this; deha--body; patana--falling;
habe--will be; kahe--says; dina--poor; narottama dasa--Narottama dasa;
When will I see Govardhana Hill, my eyes filling with tears? When will I reside at Radha-
kunda? When, as a result of constantly wandering Vrndavana, will this body fall down? Poor-
hearted Narottama dasa speaks in this way.

gopénäth, mama nivedana çuno
viñayé durjana, sadä käma-rata,
kichu nähi mora guëa
gopénäth–O Lord of the gopés!; mama nivedana–my request; çuno–please hear; viñayé–I am a
sense-gratifier; durjana–and a wicked materialist; sadä–always; käma-rata–addicted to worldly
desires; kichu nähi–not in the least; mora–my; guëa–good qualities.
O Gopénätha, Lord of the gopés, please hear my request. I am a wicked materialist, always
addicted to worldly desires, and no good qualities do I possess.
gopénäth, ämära bharasä tumi
tomära caraëe, loinu çaraëa,
tomära kiìkora ämi
gopénäth; ämära–my; bharasä–only hope; tumi–You are; tomära caraëe–at Your lotus feet;
loinu çaraëa–I have taken shelter; tomära–Your; kiìkora–servant; ämi–I.
O Gopénätha, You are my only hope, and therefore I have taken shelter at Your lotus feet. I
am now Your eternal servant.
gopénäth, kemone çodhibe more
nä jäni bhakati, karme jaòa-mati,
porechi soàsära-ghore
gopénäth; kemone–how?; çodhibe–will be purified; more–me; nä jäni–I do not know; bhakati–
devotion; karme–in fruitive work; jaòa-mati–my materialistic mind; poòechi–I have fallen;
soàsära-ghore–into this dark and perilous worldly existence.
O Gopénätha, how will You purify me? I do not know what devotion is, and my materialistic
mind is absorbed in fruitive work. I have fallen into this dark and perilous worldly existence.
gopénäth, sakali tomära mäyä
nähi mama bala, jïäna sunirmala,
swädéna nahe e käyä
gopinäth; sakali–everything here; tomära–is Your; mäyä–illusory energy; nähi mama–I have
none; bala–strength; jïäna–or knowledge; sunirmala–pure and transcendental; svädhéna nähe–
is not independent from the control of material nature; e käya–this body of mine.
O Gopénätha, everything here is Your illusory energy. I have no strength or transcendental
knowledge, and this body of mine is not independent and free from the control of material

gopénäth, niyata caraëe sthäna

mäge e pämara, kändiyä kändiyä,
korohe karuëä däna
gopinäth; niyata–eternal; caraëe–at Your feet; sthäna–a place; mäge–begs; e pämara–this
sinner; kändiyä kändiyä–who is weeping and weeping; korohe–oh please give; karuëä däna–
the gift of Your mercy.
O Gopénätha, this sinner, who is weeping and weeping, begs for an eternal place at Your
divine feet. Please give him Your mercy.
gopénäth, tumi to' sakali päro
durjane tärite, tomära çakati,
ke äche päpéra äro
gopinäth; tumi–You; to'–certainly; sakali päro–are able to do anything; durjane–all sinners;
tarite–to deliver; tomära–Your; çakati–power; ke äche–who is there?; päpéra äro–more of a
sinner than myself.

O Gopénätha, You are able to do anything, and therefore You have the power to deliver all
sinners. Who is there that is more of a sinner than myself?
gopénäth, tumi kåpä-päräbära
jévera käraëe, äsiyä prapaïce,
lélä koile subistära
gopinäth; tumi–You are; kåpä-päräbära–the ocean of mercy; jévera käraëe–for the sake of the
fallen souls; äsiyä–having come; prapaïce–into this phenomenal world; lélä–Your divine
pastimes; koile suvistära–You expand.
O Gopénätha, You are the ocean of mercy. Having come into this phenomenal world, You
expand Your divine pastimes for the sake of the fallen souls.
gopénäth, ämi ki doñe doñé
asura sakala, päilo caraëa,
vinoda thäkilo bosi'
gopinäth; ämi–I; ki doñe doñé–am contaminated with how many sins?; asura sakala–all the
demons; päilo caraëa–have attained Your lotus feet; vinoda–but this Bhaktivinoda; thäkilo
bosi–has remained in worldly existence.
O Gopénätha, I am so sinful that although all the demons attained Your lotus feet,
Bhaktivinoda has remained in worldly existence.

Part Two
gopinäth, ghucäo saàsära jwälä
avidyä-jätanä, äro nähi sahe,
gopinäth; ghucäo–please remove; saàsära jvälä–the torment of worldly existence; avidyä-
jätanä–the pain of ignorance; äro nähi sahe–I can no longer tolerate; janama-maraëa–of births
and deaths; mälä–the repeated succession.
O Gopénätha, please remove the torment of worldly existence. I can no longer tolerate the
pain of ignorance and the repeated succession of births and deaths.
gopénäth, ämi to' kämera däsa
viñaya-bäsanä, jägiche hådoye,
phädiche karama phäsa
gopinäth; ämi–I; to'–am certainly; kämera däsa–a servant of lust; viñaya-väsanä–worldly
desires; jägiche hådoye–are awakening in my heart; phäìdiche–is tightening; karama-phäìsa–
the noose of fruitive work.
O Gopénätha, indeed I am a servant of lust. Worldly desires are awakening in my heart, and
thus the noose of fruitive work is beginning to tighten.
gopinäth, kabe vä jägibo ämi
käma-rüpa ari, düre teyägibo,
hådoye sphuribe tumi
gopinäth; kabe vä–and when?; jägibo ämi–I will wake up; käma-rüpa ari–this enemy of lust;
düre teyägibo–I will abandon afar; hådoye–in my heart; sphuribe tumi–You will manifest.
O Gopénätha, when will I wake up and abandon afar this enemy of lust, and when will You
manifest Yourself in my heart?
gopénäth, ämi to' tomära jana
tomäre chäriyä, saàsära bhajinu,
bhuliyä äpana-dhana
gopinäth; ämi–I; to'–am certainly; tomära jana–Your devotee; tomäre chäòiyä–having
abandoned You; saàsära bhajinu–I have worshiped this mundane world; bhuliyä äpana-dhana–
thus having forgotten my real treasure.
O Gopénätha, I am Your devotee, but having abandoned You and thus having forgotten my
real treasure, I have worshiped this mundane world.
gopinäth, tumi to' sakali jäno
äpanära jane, daëòiyä ekhano,
çré-caraëe aeho sthäno

gopinäth; tumi–You; to'–certainly; sakali jäno–know everything; äpanära jane–Your own
servant; daëòiyä–having punished; ekhano–now; çré-caraëe–at Your divine lotus feet; deho
sthäna–please give him a place.
O Gopénätha, You know everything. Now, having punished Your servant, please give him a
place at Your lotus feet.
gopénäth, ei ki vicära taba
bimukha dekhiyä, chäro nija-jane,
na koro' karuëä-laba
gopinäth; ei ki–is this; vicära tava–Your judgment; vimukha dekhiyä–seeing me averse to You;
chäòo–You abandon; nija-jane–Your own servant; na koro'–and not bestow; karuëä-lava–even a
particle of mercy.
O Gopénätha, is this Your judgment, that seeing me averse to You, You abandon Your servant
and don't bestow even a particle of mercy upon him?
gopénäth, ämi to mürakha ati
kise bhälo hoya, kabhu nä bujhinu,
täi heno mama gati
gopinäth; ämi–I; to'–am certainly; mürakha ati–very foolish; kise bhälo hoya–what is good for
me; kabhu nä bujhinu–I have never known; täi heno–therefore such; mama gati–is my
O Gopénätha, I am certainly very foolish, and I have never known what is good for me.
Therefore such is my condition.
gopénäth, tumi to' paëòita-bara
müòhera maìgala, tumi anveñibe,
e däse nä bhävo' para
gopinäth; tumi–You; to'–are certainly; paëòita-bara–the wisest person; müòhera maìgala–
auspiciousness for this fool; tumi anveñibe–if You will look for a way; e däse–this servant; nä
bhävo'–please do not consider; para–an outsider.
O Gopénätha, You are indeed the wisest person. Please look for a way to bring about
auspiciousness for this fool, and please do not consider this servant as an outsider.

Part Three
gopénäth, ämära upäya näi
tumi kåpä kori', ämäre loile,
saàsäre uddhära päi
gopinäth; ämära upäya näi–I have no means of success; tumi kåpä kori'–having bestowed Your
mercy upon me; ämäre loile–if You take me; saàsäre–from this world; uddhära päi–then I will
obtain deliverance.
O Gopénätha, I have no means of success, but if You take me, having bestowed Your mercy
upon me, then I will obtain deliverance from this world.
gopénäth, porechi mäyära phere
dhana, dära, suta, ghireche ämäre,
kämete rekheche jere
gopinäth; poòechi–I have fallen; mäyära phere–into the perils of material illusion; dhana–
wealth; dära–wife; suta–and sons; ghireche ämäre–have surrounded me; kämete–absorbed in
lust; rekheche jere–is wasting me away.
O Gopénätha, I have fallen into the perils of material illusion. Wealth, wife, and sons have
surrounded me, and lust has wasted me away.
gopénäth, mana je pägala mora
nä mäne çäsana, sadä acetana,
viñaye ro 'yeche ghora
gopinäth; mana–the mind; je–which; pägala–is crazy; mora–my; nä mäne–it does not care;
çäsana–for any authority; sadä acetana–always senseless; viñaye–in worldly affairs; ro'yeche–
has remained; ghora–the dark pit.
O Gopénätha, my mind is crazy and does not care for any authority. It is always senseless and
has remained in the dark pit of worldly affairs.
gopinäth, hära je menechi ämi
aneka jatana, hoilo bifala,
ekhano bharasä tumi
gopinäth; hära–defeat; je–which; menechi ämi–I have accepted; aneka jatana–all of my various
endeavors; hoilo biphala–were totally useless; ekhano–now; bharasä tumi–You are the only
O Gopénätha, I have accepted my defeat. All of my various endeavors were useless. Now You
are the only hope.
gopénäth, kemone hoibe gati
prabala indriya, boçé-bhüta mana,
nä chäre viñaya-rati
gopinäth; kemone–how?; hoibe gati–shall I make any advancement; prabala indriya–the
powerful senses; boçé-bhüta–has come under the control; mana–my mind; nä chäòe–and does
not abandon; viñaya-rati–its attachment to materialism.
O Gopénätha, how shall I make any advancement when my mind has come under the control
of the powerful senses and does not abandon its attachment to materialism?
gopénäth, hådoye bosiyä mora
manake çamiyä, laho nija päne,
ghucibe vipada ghora
gopinäth; hådoye–in the core of my heart; bosiyä–after sitting down; mora manake–my mind;
çamiyä–subduing; laho–please take me; nija päne–to Yourself; ghucibe–will be relieved; vipada
ghora–the horrible dangers of this world.
O Gopénätha, after sitting down in the core of my heart and subduing my mind, please take
me to You. In this way the horrible dangers of this world will disappear.
gopénäth, anätha dekhiyä more
tumi håñékeça, håñéka damiyä,
täro 'he saàsåti-ghore
gopinäth; anätha dekhiyä more–seeing me so helpless; tumi håñékeça–You are Håñékeça, the
Lord of the senses; håñéka damiyä–controlling these senses of mine; täro'he–oh please
deliver!; saàsåti-ghore–from this dark and perilous worldly existence.
O Gopénätha, You are Håñékeça, the Lord of the senses. Seeing me so helpless, please control
these senses of mine and deliver me from this dark and perilous worldly existence.
gopénäth, galäya legeche phäsa
kåpä-asi dhori', bandhana chediyä,
vinode koroho däsa
gopinäth; galäya–around my neck; legeche–is fixed; phäìsa–the noose of materialism; kåpä-
asi–the sword of Your mercy; dhori'–taking up; bandhana chediyä–and cutting this bondage;
vinode–this Bhaktivinoda; koroho däsa–make him Your humble servant.
O Gopénätha, the noose of materialism has become fixed around my neck. Taking up the
sword of Your mercy and cutting this bondage, make this Bhaktivinoda Your humble servant.

jayati nija-padäbja-prema-dänävatérëo
vividha-madhurimäbdhiù ko 'pi kaiçora-gandhiù
gata-parama-daçäntaà yasya caitanya-rüpäd
anubhava-padam äptaà prema gopéñu nityam

jayati-all glories; nija-own; pada-feet; äbja-lotus; prema-pure love; dana-gift; avatérëaù-

descended; vividha-various; madhiurima-sweetnesses; abdhiù-ocean; kah api-someone;
kaisora-of youth; gandhiù-with the fragrance; gata-attained; parama-the supreme; dasa-state;
antam-final; yasya-of whom; caitanya-of Çré Caitanya Mahaprabhu; rüpat-from the form;
anubhava-of direct perception; padam-the state; äptam-attained; prema-pure love; gopésu-
among the gopés; nityam-eternal.

Glory to He who is a great ocean of many sweetnesses, who is scented with the fragrance of
youth, and who, in the form of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu, descended (to this world) to give
pure love for His own lotus feet and to personally taste the perfect eternal love felt by the

çré-rädhikä-prabhåtayo nitaräà jayanti

gopyo nitanta-bhagavat-priyatä-prasiddhaù
yäsäà harau parama-sauhåda-mädhuréëäà
nirvaktuà éñad api jätu na ko 'pi çaktaù

çré-radhika-Çrémati Radharäni; prabhåtayaù-beginning with; nitaram-completely; jayanti-

glories; gopyaù-to the gopés; nitanta-great; bhagavat-to the Supreme Personality of Godhead;
priyataù-dearness; prasiddhaù-celebrated; yasam-of whom; harau-for Lord Hari; parama-
transcendental; sauhåda-of friendship; madhurénäm-of the sweetness; nirvaktum-to describe;
isat-a little; api-even; jätu-at any time; na-not; kah api-anyone; çaktaù-is able.

Glory to the gopés headed by Çrématé Rädhäräëé, who are famous as the beloveds of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the sweetness of whose intimate friendship with Lord
Hari no one will ever have the slightest power to describe.

sva-dayita-nija-bhävaà yo vibhavya sva-bhävät

su-madhuram avatérëo bhakta-rüpeëa lobhät
jayati kanaka-dhämä kåñëa-caitanya-nämä
harir iha yati-veñaù çré-çacé-sünur eñaù

sva-own; dayita-of His beloved devotees; nija-for Himself; bhavam-ecstatic love; yaù-who;
vibhavya-perceiving; sva-own; bhavat-from love; su-great; madhuram-sweetness; avatérëaù-
descended; bhakta-of a devotee; rüpena-in the form; lobhat-out of eager desire; jayati-all
glories; kanaka-of gold; dhama-with a great splendor; kåñëa-caitanya-Çré Kåñëa Caitanya;
nama-bearing the name; hariù-Lord Hari; iha-here; yati-of a sannyasi; vesaù-in the garb; çré-
saci-of Çrémati Saci; devi sunuù-the son; esaù-He.

Glory to Lord Hari who, seeing the very sweet love His dear devotees bear for Him, eagerly
descended (to this world) in the form of a devotee, who is now splendid as gold, who is
dressed as a sannyäsé, who is the son of Çrématé Sacé-devé, and who bears the name Çré
Kåñëa Caitanya.

jayati mathurä-devé çreñöhä puréñu manoramä

parama-dayitä kaàsäräter jani-sthiti-raïjitä
durita-haraëän mukter bhakter api pratipädanäj
jagati mahitä tat-tat-kréòä-kathäs tu vidürataù

jayati-all glories; mathura-devi-to Mathura-devi; çreñöha-the best; purisu-among cities;

manorama-beautiful and delightful; parama-most; dayita-dear; kaàsa-arateù-of Lord Kåñëa,
the enemy of Kaàsa; jäni-of the birth; sthita-with the place; raïjita-beautified; durita-sins;
haraëat-removing; mukte-of liberation; bhakteù-of devotional service; api-also; pratipadanat-
because of the establishment; jagati-in the world; mahita-glorified; tat-tat-various; krida-of
transcendental pastimes; kathaù-the narrations; tu-indeed; vidürataù-a little distant.

Glory to Goddess Mathurä, the best and most beautiful of cities, most dear to Lord Kåñëa,
beautified with His birth-pastime, the place where His pastimes are narrated eternally, the
place that, because it removes all sins and grants liberation and devotional service, is
eternally glorified in this world.

jayati jayati våndäraëyam etan muräreù
priyatamam ati-sädhu-svänta-vaikuëöha-väsät
ramayati sa sadä gäù pälayan yatra gopéù
svarita-madhura-veëur vardhayan prema räse

jayati-all glories; jayati-all glories; vrndaraëyam-to Vrndavana; etat-this; mura-areù-of Lord

Kåñëa, the enemy of the Mura demon; priyatamam-the most dear; ati-very; sädhu-pure; sva-
anta-within; vaikuëöha-in Vaikuëöhaloka; vasat-than the residence; ramayati-delights; saù-He;
sadä-eternally; gaù-the surabhi cows; palayan-protecting; yatra-where; gopéù-the gopés;
svarita-sounded; madhura-the sweet; venuù-flute; vardhayan-increasing; prema-the pure love;
rase-during the rasa dance.

Glory, glory to Våndävana forest, the place dearer to Lord Kåñëa than the transcendental
realm of Vaikuëöha, the place where Lord Kåñëa eternally protects the surabhi cows, and
where, sweetly playing the flute, He arouses the pure love of the gopés in the arena of the
räsa dance.

jayati taraëi-putré dharma-räja-svasä yä

kalayati mathuräyäù säkhyam atyeti gaìgäm
murahara-dayitä tat-päda-padma-prasütaà
vahati ca makarandaà néra-püra-cchalena

jayati-all glories; taräni-of the sun-god; putri-to the daughter; dharma-räja-of Yamaräja;
svasa-the sister who; kalayati-sees; mathuraya-of Mathura; sakhyam-friendship; atyeti-attains;
gaìgam-the Ganges; murahara-to Lord Kåñëa, the killer of Mura; dayita-very dear; tat-of Him;
pada-feet; padma-from the lotus; prasutam-born; vahati-carries; ca-also; makarandam-nectar;
nira-of water; pura-of a stream; chalena-on the pretext.

Glory to the Yamunä River, which is the daughter of the sun-god, the sister of Yamaräja,
the friend of Mathurä, superior to the Ganges, and very dear to Lord Kåñëa, and which flows
with what seems to be water but is actually the nectar of the lotus flower of Lord Kåñëa's feet.

govardhano jayati çaila-kulädhiräjo

yo gopikäbhirudito hari-däsa-väryaù
kåñëena çakra-makha-bhaìga-kåtärcito yaù
saptäham asya kara-padma-tale 'py avatsét

govardhanaù-to Govardhana Hill; jayati-all glories; saila-of mountains; kula-of the

community; adhiräjaù-the king; yaù-which; gopéka-by the gopés; abhiruditaù-proclaimed; hari-
of Lord Hari; dasa-of all the servants; varyaù-the best; kåñëena-by Lord Kåñëa; sakra-of Indra;
makha-the sacrifice; bhaìga-breaking; kåta-done; arcitaù-worshipped; yaù-which; säpta-seven;
aham-for days; asya-of Him; kara-hand; padma-lotus; tale-on the surface; api-also; avatsit-

Glory to Govardhana Hill, the king of mountains, the hill the gopés declared was the best
servant of Lord Hari, the hill personally worshiped by Lord Kåñëa when He stopped the indra-
yajïa, the hill that for seven days rested on Lord Kåñëa's lotus hand.

jayati jayati kåñëa-prema-bhaktir yad-aìghrià

nikhila-nigama-tattvaà güòham äjïäya muktiù
bhajati çaraëa-kamkä vaiñëavais tyajyamänä
japa-yajana-tapasya-nyäsa-niñöhäà vihäya

jayati-all glories; jayati-all glories; kåñëa-for Lord Kåñëa; prema-pure love; bhaktiù-
devotional service; yat-of which; aìghrim-the feet; nikhila-all; nigama-of Vedic literatures;
tattva-the truth; güòham-hidden; ajïäya-understanding; muktiù-liberation; bhajati-worships;
saraëa-to take shelter; kama-desiring; vaiñëavaiù-by the devotees; tyajyamäna-rejected; japa-
mantra-chanting; yajana-Vedic sacrifices; tapasya-austerity; nyasa-niñöham-faith; vihaya-

Glory, glory to devotional service in pure love for Kåñëa. Rejected by the devotees, finally
understanding the confidential secret of all Vedic knowledge, and abandoning all trust in
mantra-chanting, Vedic sacrifices, and severe austerity, liberation now worships the feet of
devotional service. Liberation now yearns to take shelter of the feet of devotion.

jayati jayati nämänanda-rüpaà murärer

katham api sakåd ättaà muktidaà präëinäà yat
paramam amåtam ekaà jévanaà bhüñaëaà me

jayati-all glories; jayati-all glories; näma-holy name; änanda-bliss; rüpam-form; murärer-of

Lord Krsna; viramita-stopped; nija-own; dharma-conventional religious duties; dhyäna-
meditation; püjä-worship; ädi-beginning with; yatnam-endeavor; katham api-somehow; sakåd-
once; ättam-spoken; mukti-liberation; dam-giving; präëinäm-to the living entities; yat-which;
paramam-supreme; amåtam-nectar; ekam-only; jévanam-life; bhüñaëam-treasure; me-my.

All glories, all glories, to the all-blissful holy name of Çré Kåñëa, which causes the devotee to
give up all conventional religious duties, meditation, and worship. When somehow or other
uttered even once by a living entity, the holy name awards him liberation. The holy name of
Kåñëa is the highest nectar. It is my very life and my only treasure.

(ämi) jamunä-puline, kadamba-känane,

ki herinu sakhé! äja
(ämär) çyäma baàçé-dhari, maëi-maïcopari,
lélä kore' rasa-räja
ämi—I; jamunä-puline—on the bank of the Yamunä river; kadamba-känane—in a kadamba—
tree grove; ki herinu—what have I seen today?; sakhé—O dear girlfriend!; äja—today; ämär—
my; çyäma—dark boy; baàçé-dhari—holder of the flute; maëi-maïca-upari—upon a throne of
jewels; lélä kore'—performs His pastimes; rasa-räja—the King of all transcendental mellows.
1) O Sakhé! My dear girlfriend! What have I seen today? In a kadamba-tree grove on the bank
of the Yamunä river, a beautiful blackish boy holding a long flute named vaàçé is seated upon
a throne of jewels, performing His pastimes as the King of all transcendental mellows!
kåñëa-keli sudhä-prasravana
(tära) añöa-dalopari, çré-rädhä çré-hari,
añöa-sakhé parijana
kåñëa-keli—Kåñëa's amorous pastimes; sudhä-prasravana—waterfall of nectar; tära—their;
añöa-dala-upari—upon the eight petals; çré-rädhä çré-hari—Çré Rädhä and Çré Hari; añöa-
sakhé—eight chief gopés; parijana—associates.

2) Kåñëa is performing His amorous pastimes, which are just like a waterfall of nectar. Çré
Rädhä and Çré Hari are surrounded by Their dearmost attendants, the eight chief gopés, who
are situated upon the eight petals of the jewelled altar.
(tära) sugéta nartane, saba sakhé-gaëe,
tuñiche jugala-dhane
(takhan) kåñëa-lélä heri', prakåti-sundaré,
bistäriche çobhä vane
tära—their; su-géta—nice songs; nartane—by dancing; saba—all; sakhé-gaëe—their
girlfriends; tuñiche—give satisfaction; jugala-dhane—to the treasured couple; takhan—then;
kåñëa-lélä—Kåñëa's amorous pastimes; heri'—beholding; prakåti-sundaré—beautiful female
energies; bistäriche—expanding; çobhä—splendor; vane—throughout the forest.
3) By singing sweet songs and dancing nicely, all the gopés satisfy the treasured Divine
Couple. Thus His beautiful female energies behold Kåñëa's amorous pastimes expanding
throughout the splendrous forest.

(ämi) ghare nä jäibo, vane praveçibo,
o lélä-raser tare
(ämi) tyaji' kula-läja, bhaja braja-räja,
vinoda minati kore'
ämi—I; ghare—to home; nä jäibo—I will not go; vane—in the forest; praveçibo—I will enter; o—
that; lélä-raser tare—on account of the pastime-mellows; ämi—I; tyaji'—giving up; kula-läja—
shyness due to fear of family members; bhaja—just worship; braja-räja—the Lord of Vraja;
vinoda—of Bhaktivinoda; minati kore'—makes the humble submission.
4) For the sake of tasting the mellows of such pastimes, I will not go to my home, but will
instead enter the forest. O readers! Just worship the Lord of Vraja, renouncing all hesitation
due to fear of family members. This is the humble submission of Bhaktivinoda.

rädhä-kåñëa präëa mora jugala-kiçora

jévane maraëe gati äro nähi mora
rädhä-kåñëa–Çré Rädha and Kåñëa; präëa mora–are my life and soul; yugala-kiçora–the
youthful couple; jévane maraëe–in life or in death; gati–refuge; ära nähi–no other; mora–my.
The divine couple, Çré Çré Rädhä and Kåñëa, are my life and soul. In life or death I have no
other refuge but Them.
Text Two
kälindéra küle keli-kadambera vana
ratana-bedéra upara bosäbo du'jana
kälindéra küle–on the bank of the Yamunä; keli-kadambera vana–in a forest of kadamba trees;
ratana-vedéra upara–upon a throne made of brilliant jewels; bosäbo–I will seat; du'jana–the
divine couple.
In a forest of small kadamba trees on the bank of the Yamunä, I will seat the divine couple on
a throne made of brilliant jewels.
Text Three
çyäma-gauré-aìge dibo (cüwä) candanera gandha
cämara òhuläbo kabe heri mukha-candra
çyäma-gauré-aìge–on Their dark and fair forms; dibo–I will anoint; cüyä–condensed perfume;
candanera gandha–scented sandalwood paste; cämara–with a cämara whisk; dhuläbo–I will
fan Them; kabe heri–when will I behold?; mukha-candra–Their moonlike faces.
I will anoint Their dark and fair forms with sandalwood paste scented with cüyä, and I will fan
Them with a cämara whisk. Oh, when will I behold Their moonlike faces?
Text Four
gäthiyä mälatér mälä dibo dohära gale
adhare tuliyä dibo karpüra-tämbüle
gäthiyä–after stringing together; mälatér mälä–garlands of jasmine flowers; dibo–I will place
them; dohära gale–around both Their necks; adhare–to Their lotus mouths; tuliyä–lifting; dibo–I
will offer; karpüra-tämbüle–betel nuts scented with camphor.
After stringing together garlands of mälaté flowers I will place them around Their necks, and I
will offer tämbüla scented with camphor to Their lotus mouths.
Text Five
lalitä viçäkhä-ädi jata sakhé-bånda
äjïäya koribo sebä caraëäravinda
lalitä viçäkhä-ädi–headed by Lalitä and Viçäkhä; yata sakhé-vånda–of all the sakhés; äjïäya–on
the orders; koribo sevä–I will serve; caraëäravinda–the lotus feet of Rädhä and Kåñëa.
With the permission of all the sakhés, headed by Lalitä and Viçäkhä, I will serve the lotus feet
of Rädhä and Kåñëa.
Text Six
çré-kåñëa-caitanya-prabhur däser anudäsa
sevä abhiläña kore narottama-däsa
çré-kåñëa-caitanya-prabhur–of Çré Kåñëa Caitanya Prabhu; däser anudäsa–the servant of the
servant; sevä–this service to the divine couple; abhiläña kore–longs for; narottama-däsa–this
Narottama däsa.
Narottama däsa, the servant of the servant of Çré Kåñëa Caitanya Prabhu, longs for this
service to the divine couple.

çré-kåñëa-caitanya prabhu doyä koro more

tomä binä ke doyälu jagat-saàsäre
çré-kåñëa-caitanya prabhu–O my Lord Çré Kåñëa Caitanya!; doyä koro–please show mercy;
more–to me; tomä vinä–other than You; ke doyälu–who is merciful?; jagat-saàsäre–in this
material world.
My dear Lord Caitanya, please be merciful to me, because who can be more merciful than
Your Lordship within these three worlds?
Text Two
patita-pävana-hetu tava avatära
mo sama patita prabhu nä päibe ära

patita-pävana-hetu–for the purpose of delivering the fallen souls; tava avatära–Your
incarnation; mo-sama–like me; patita–fallen; prabhu–O Lord!; nä päibe ära–another cannot be
Your incarnation is just to reclaim the conditioned, fallen souls, but I assure You that You will
not find a greater fallen soul than me. Therefore, my claim is first.
Text Three
hä hä prabhu nityänanda, premänanda sukhé
kåpäbalokana koro ämi boro duùkhé
hä hä–alas! alas!; prabhu nityänanda–O Lord Nityänanda!; premänanda–in the bliss of divine
love; sukhé–You are delighted; kåpäbalokana–glance of mercy; koro–please cast; ämi boòo
duùkhé–I am very sad.
My dear Lord Nityänanda, You are always joyful in spiritual bliss. Since You always appear very
happy, I have come to You because I am most unhappy. If You kindly put Your glance over me,
then I may also become happy.
Text Four
doyä koro sétä-pati adwaita gosäi
tava kåpä-bale päi caitanya-nitäi
doyä koro–please show mercy; sétä-pati–O husband of Sétä Öhäkuräëé!; advaita gosäi–O
Advaita äcärya!; tava kåpä-bale–by the power of your mercy; päi–I can attain; caitanya-nitäi–
Lord Caitanya and Nityänanda.
My dear Advaita Prabhu, husband of Sétä, You are so kind. Please be merciful to me. If You are
kind to me, naturally Lord Caitanya and Nityänanda will also be kind to me.
Text Five
hä hä swarüp, sanätana, rüpa, raghunätha
bhaööa-juga, çré-jéva hä prabhu lokanätha
hä hä–alas! alas!; swarüp–O Svarüpa Dämodara Gosvämé!; sanätana–O Sanätana Gosvämé!;
rüpa–O Rüpa Gosvämé!; raghunätha–O Raghunätha däsa Gosvämé!; bhaööa-juga–O two
Bhaööas!; çré-jéva–O Çré Jéva Gosvämé!; hä–alas!; prabhu lokanätha–O my spiritual master,
Lokanätha Gosvämé!
O Svarüpa Dämodara, personal secretary of Lord Caitanya, O six Gosvämés; Çré Rupa
Gosvämé, Çré Sanätana Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha Bhaööa Gosvämé, Çré Gopäla Bhaööa
Gosvämé, Sré Jéva Gosvämé, and Çré Raghunätha däsa Gosvämé! O Lokanätha Gosvämé, my
beloved spiritual master! Narottama däsa also prays for your mercy.
Text Six
doyä koro çré-äcärya prabhu çréniväsa
rämacandra-saìga mäge narottama-däsa
doyä koro–please show mercy; çré-äcärya prabhu çréniväsa–O Çréniväsa äcärya!;
rämacandra-saìga–the association of Rämacandra Kaviräja; mäge–begs; narottama-däsa–this
Narottama däsa.
O Çréniväsa Äcärya, successor to the six Gosvämés! Please be merciful to me. Narottama
däsa always desires the company of Rämacandra Cakravarté.

ei-bäro karuëä koro vaiñëava gosäi

patita-pävana tomä bine keho näi

ei-bäro–now; karuëä koro–please be merciful; vaiñëava gosäi–O Vaiñëava Gosvämé; patita-
pävana–who can purify the fallen souls; tomä bine–except for you; keho näi–there is no one.
O Vaiñëava Gosvämé, please be merciful to me now. There is no one except you who can
purify the fallen souls.
Text Two
jähära nikaöe gele päpa düre jäy
emona doyäla prabhu kebä kothä päy
jähära nikaöe–by whose mere audience; gele–approaching; päpa–all sins; dure jäy–go far
away; emona doyäla prabhu–such a merciful personality; kebä kothä päy–where can anyone
Where does anyone find such a merciful personality by whose mere audience all sins go far
Text Three
gaìgära paraça hoile paçcate pävan
darçane pavitra koro-ei tomära guë
gaìgära paraça hoile–touching the waters of the sacred Ganges; paçcäte pävan–one becomes
purified later; darçane–just by the sight of you; pavitra koro–you immediately purify; ei–this;
tomära guë–is your quality.
After bathing in the waters of the sacred Ganges many times, one becomes purified, but just
by the sight of you, the fallen souls are purified. This is your great power.
Text Four
hari-sthäne aparädhe täre hari-näm
tomä sthäne aparädhe nähi pariträë
hari-sthäne–to Lord Hari; aparädhe–committing an offense; täre hari-näm–the holy name
delivers them; tomä sthäne aparädhe–but if one commits an offense to you; nähi pariträn–
there is no means of deliverance.
The holy name delivers one who has committed an offense to Lord Hari, but if one commits an
offense to you, there is no means of deliverance.
Text Five
tomära hådoye sadä govinda-viçräm
govinda kohena-mora vaiñëava paräë
tomära hådoye–in your heart; sadä–always; govinda-viçräm–the resting place of Lord Govinda;
govinda kohena–Lord Govinda says; mora vaiñëava paräë–“The Vaiñëavas are My heart.”
Your heart is always the resting place of Lord Govinda, and Lord Govinda says, "The Vaiñëavas
are in My heart."
Text Six
prati-janme kori äçä caraëera dhüli
narottame koro doyä äpanära boli'
prati-janme–in every birth I may take; kori äçä–I desire; caraëera dhüli–the dust of your holy
feet; narottame–to Narottama däsa; koro doyä–please be kind; äpanära boli'–and consider to
be your own property.
I desire the dust of your holy feet in every birth I may take. Please consider Narottama yours,
and be kind upon him.

kåñëotkértana-gäna-nartana-parau premämåtämbho-nidhé
dhérädhéra-jana-priyau priya-karau nirmatsarau püjitau
çré-caitanya-kåpä-bharau bhuvi bhuvo bhärävahantärakau
vande rüpa-sanätanau raghu-yugau çré-jéva-gopälakau
kåñëa–of Kåñëa; utkértana–loud chanting; gäna–singing; nartana–dancing; parau–they who
are absorbed; prema-amåta–the nectar of love of God; ambhaù-nidhé–like oceans; dhéra-
adhéra-jana–to the gentle and the ruffians; priyau–they who are dear; priya-karau–they who
are all-pleasing; nirmatsarau–they who are non-envious; püjitau–they who are all-worshipable;
çré-caitanya–of Çré Caitanya; kåpä-bharau–they who are bearing the mercy; bhuvi–in the
world; bhuvaù–of the world; bhära–the burden; avahantärakau–they who dispel; vande–I offer
my respectful obeisances; rüpa–to Çré Rüpa Gosvämé; sanätanau–and to Çré Sanätana
Gosvämé; raghu-yugau–to the two Raghus : Çré Raghunätha Bhaööa Gosvämé and Çré
Raghunätha däsa Gosvämé; çré-jéva–to Çré Jéva Gosvämé; gopälakau–and to Çré Gopäla
Bhaööa Gosvämé.
I offer my respectful obeisances unto the six Gosvämés, namely Çré Rüpa Gosvämé, Çré
Sanätana Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha Bhaööa Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha däsa Gosvämé, Çré
Jéva Gosvämé, and Çré Gopäla Bhaööa Gosvämé, who are always engaged in chanting the
holy name of Kåñëa and dancing. They are just like the ocean of love of God, and they are
popular both with the gentle and with the ruffians, because they are not envious of anyone.
Whatever they do, they are all-pleasing to everyone, and they are fully blessed by Lord
Caitanya. Thus they are engaged in missionary activities meant to deliver all the conditioned
souls in the material universe.
Text Two
nänä-çästra-vicäraëaika-nipuëau sad-dharma-saàsthäpakau
lokänäà hita-käriëau tri-bhuvane mänyau çaraëyäkarau
rädhä-kåñëa-padäravinda-bhajanänandena mattälikau
vande rüpa-sanätanau raghu-yugau çré-jéva-gopälakau
nänä-çästra–various scriptures; vicäraëa–in scrutinizingly studying; eka-nipuëau–they who are
uniquely expert; sat-dharma–eternal religious principles; saàsthäpakau–they who are the
establishers; lokänäm–of all human beings; hita-kärinau–they who are the performers of
beneficial activities; tri-bhuvane–throughout the three worlds; manyau–they who are worthy of
honor; çaraëyäkarau–they who are worth taking shelter of; rädhä-kåñëa–of Rädhä and Kåñëa;
pada-aravinda–at the lotus feet; bhajana-änandena–in the bliss of worship; matta-älikau–they
who are intoxicated with the mood of the gopés...
I offer my respectful obeisances unto the six Gosvämés, namely Çré Rüpa Gosvämé, Çré
Sanätana Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha Bhaööa Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha däsa Gosvämé, Çré
Jéva Gosvämé, and Çré Gopäla Bhaööa Gosvämé, who are very expert in scrutinizingly
studying all the revealed scriptures with the aim of establishing eternal religious principles for
the benefit of all human beings. Thus they are honored all over the three worlds and they are
worth taking shelter of because they are absorbed in the mood of the gopés and are engaged
in the transcendental loving service of Rädhä and Kåñëa.
Text Three
çré-gauräìga-guëänuvarëana-vidhau çraddhä-samåddhy-anvitau
päpottäpa-nikåntanau tanu-bhåtäà govinda-gänämåtaiù
änandämbudhi-vardhanaika-nipuëau kaivalya-nistärakau
vande rüpa-sanätanau raghu-yugau çré-jéva-gopälakau
çré-gauräìga–of Lord Caitanya; guëa–the qualities; anuvarëana–in narrating; vidhau–in the
process; çraddhä–of faith; samåddhi–with an abundance; anvitau–they who are endowed;
päpa-uttäpa–the distress of sinful reactions; nikåntanau–they who remove; tanu-bhåtäm–of
those souls who are embodied; govinda–about Lord Govinda; gäna-amåtaiù–by the nectarean
songs; änanda-ambudhi–the ocean of transcendental bliss; vardhana–increasing; eka-nipuëau–
they who are totally expert; kaivalya-nistärakau–they who are the saviors from impersonal
I offer my respectful obeisances unto the six Gosvämés, namely Çré Rüpa Gosvämé, Çré
Sanätana Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha Bhaööa Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha däsa Gosvämé, Çré
Jéva Gosvämé, and Çré Gopäla Bhaööa Gosvämé, who are very much enriched in
understanding of Lord Caitanya and who are thus expert in narrating His transcendental
qualities. They can purify all conditioned souls from the reactions of their sinful activities by
pouring upon them transcendental songs about Govinda. As such, they are very expert in
increasing the limits of the ocean of transcendental bliss, and they are the saviors of the living
entities from the devouring mouth of liberation.
Text Four
tyaktvä türëam açeña-maëòala-pati-çreëéà sadä tuccha-vat
bhütvä déna-gaëeçakau karuëayä kaupéna-kanthäçritau
gopé-bhäva-rasämåtäbdhi-laharé-kallola-magnau muhur
vande rüpa-sanätanau raghu-yugau çré-jéva-gopälakau
tyaktvä–having given up; türëam–quickly (after being summoned by Lord Caitanya); açeña–all;
maëòala-pati-çreëém–the aristocracy of upper-class society; sadä–always; tuccha-vat–as
insignificant; bhütvä–having become; déna-gaëa–of the poor people; éçakau–they who are the
protectors; karuëayä–out of mercy; kaupéna–loincloths; kanthä–and tattered quilts; äçritau–
they who have accepted; gopé-bhäva–the mood of the gopés; rasa-amåta-abdhi–the ocean of
nectar-mellows; laharé-kallola–in the ripples and waves; magnau–they who are absorbed;
muhuù–always and repeatedly...
I offer my respectful obeisances unto the six Gosvämés, namely Çré Rüpa Gosvämé, Çré
Sanätana Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha Bhaööa Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha däsa Gosvämé, Çré
Jéva Gosvämé, and Çré Gopäla Bhaööa Gosvämé, who kicked off all association of aristocracy
as insignificant. In order to deliver the poor conditioned souls, they accepted loincloths,
treating themselves as mendicants, but they are always merged in the ecstatic ocean of the
gopés' love for Kåñëa and bathe always and repeatedly in the waves of that ocean.
Text Five
küjat-kokila-haàsa-särasa-gaëäkérëe mayüräkule
rädhä-kåñëam ahar-niçaà prabhajatau jévärthadau yau mudä
vande rüpa-sanätanau raghu-yugau çré-jéva-gopälakau
küjat–cooing; kokila–of cuckoos; haàsa–of swans; särasa–and of cranes; gaëa–flocks; äkérëe–
crowded; mayüra–with peacocks; äkule–in the constantly agitated motion; nänä-ratna–with
various jewels; nibaddha-müla–bound around their bases; viöapa–the trees; çré-yukta–
endowed with splendor; våndävane–in the forest of Våndävana; rädhä-kåñëam–of Rädhä and
Kåñëa; ahaù-niçam–day and night; prabhajatau–they who are engaged in enthusiastic
worship; jéva–upon the living entities; arthadau–they who bestow the ultimate goal of life;
yau–they who; mudä–with great delight...
I offer my respectful obeisances unto the six Gosvämés, namely Çré Rüpa Gosvämé, Çré
Sanätana Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha Bhaööa Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha däsa Gosvämé, Çré
Jéva Gosvämé, and Çré Gopäla Bhaööa Gosvämé, who were always engaged in worshiping
Rädhä-Kåñëa in the transcendental land of Våndävana where there are beautiful trees full of
fruits and flowers which have under their roots all valuable jewels. The Gosvämés are perfectly
competent to bestow upon the living entities the greatest boon of the goal of life.
Text Six
saìkhyä-pürvaka-näma-gäna-natibhiù kälävasäné-kåtau
nidrähära-vihärakädi-vijitau cätyanta-dénau ca yau
rädhä-kåñëa-guëa-småter madhurimänandena sammohitau
vande rüpa-sanätanau raghu-yugau çré-jéva-gopälakau
saìkhyä-pürvaka–in a scheduled measurement; näma-gäna–singing the holy name; naöibhiù–
and by bowing down; käla-avasäné-kåtau–they who passed their time in doing such; nidra-
ähära–sleeping and eating; vihäraka-ädi–recreation and so forth; vijitau–they who have
conquered; ca–and; atyanta-dénau–they who are extremely meek and humble; ca–and; yau–
they who; rädhä-kåñëa–of Rädhä and Kåñëa; guëa-småteù–in remembrance of the qualities;
madhurimä–of the sweetness; änandena–by the bliss; sammohitau–they who are fully
I offer my respectful obeisances unto the six Gosvämés, namely Çré Rüpa Gosvämé, Çré
Sanätana Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha Bhaööa Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha däsa Gosvämé, Çré
Jéva Gosvämé, and Çré Gopäla Bhaööa Gosvämé, who were engaged in chanting the holy
names of the Lord and bowing down in a scheduled measurement. In this way they utilized
their valuable lives and in executing these devotional activities they conquered over eating
and sleeping and were always meek and humble enchanted by remembering the
transcendental qualities of the Lord.
Text Seven
rädhä-kuëòa-taöe kalinda-tanayä-tére ca vaàçévaöe
premonmäda-vaçäd açeña-daçayä grastau pramattau sadä
gäyantau ca kadä harer guëa-varaà bhäväbhibhütau mudä
vande rüpa-sanätanau raghu-yugau çré-jéva-gopälakau
rädhä-kuëòa–of the lake Rädhä-kuëòa; taöe–on the bank; kalinda-tanayä–of the daughter of
Mt. Kalinda (the Yamunä river); tére–on the bank; ca–also; vaàçé-vaöe–at the banyan tree
called Vaàçé-vaöa; prema-unmäda–the madness of love of God; vaçät–by the force; açeña-
daçayä–by limitless ecstatic symptoms; grastau–they who are seized; pramattau–they who are
madmen; sadä–always; gäyantau–they who sing; ca–and; kadä–sometimes; hareù–of Lord
Hari; guëa-varam–the excellent qualities; bhäva–in ecstasy; abhibhütau–they who are
overwhelmed; mudä–with great delight...
I offer my respectful obeisances unto the six Gosvämés, namely Çré Rüpa Gosvämé, Çré
Sanätana Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha Bhaööa Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha däsa Gosvämé, Çré
Jéva Gosvämé, and Çré Gopäla Bhaööa Gosvämé, who were sometimes on the bank of the
Rädhä-kunda lake or the shores of the Yamuna and sometimes at Vaàçévaöa. There they
appeared just like madmen in the full ecstasy of love for Kåñëa, exhibiting different
transcendental symptoms in their bodies, and they were merged in the ecstasy of Kåñëa
Text Eight
he rädhe vraja-devike ca lalite he nanda-süno kutaù
çré-govardhana-kalpa-pädapa-tale kälindé-vane kutaù
ghoñantäv iti sarvato vraja-pure khedair mahä-vihvalau
vande rüpa-sanätanau raghu-yugau çré-jéva-gopälakau
he rädhe–O Rädhä!; vraja-devike–O Queen of Vraja!; ca–and; lalite–O Lalitä Sakhé!; he nanda-
süno–O son of Nanda Mahäräja!; kutaù–where are you?; çré-govardhana–on beautiful
Govardhana Hill; kalpa-pädapa-tale–at the base of the desire-trees; kälindé-vanye–in the forest
on the bank of the Yamunä river; kutaù–where are you?; ghoñantau–they who are shouting;
iti–thus; sarvataù–everywhere; vraja-pure–in the realm of Vraja; khedaiù–by distress; mahä-
vihvalau–they who are greatly agitated...

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the six Gosvämés, namely Çré Rüpa Gosvämé, Çré
Sanätana Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha Bhaööa Gosvämé, Çré Raghunätha däsa Gosvämé, Çré
Jéva Gosvämé, and Çré Gopäla Bhaööa Gosvämé, who were chanting very loudly everywhere
in Våndävana, shouting, "Queen of Våndävana, Rädhäräëé! O Lalita! O son of Nanda
Mahäräja! Where are you all now? Are you just on the hill of Govardhana, or are you under the
trees on the bank of the Yamunä? Where are you?" These were their moods in executing
Kåñëa consciousness.

vibhävaré çeña, äloka-praveça,

nidrä chäri' uöho jéva
bolo hari hari, mukunda muräri,
räma kåñëa hayagréva
vibhävaré–the night; çeña–has come to an end; äloka-praveça–the light of dawn is entering;
nidrä chäòi'–giving up your sleep; utho–arise; jéva–O soul!; bolo hari hari–chant the holy
names of Lord Hari; mukunda–the giver of liberation; muräri–the enemy of the Mura demon;
räma–the supreme enjoyer; kåñëa–the all-attractive one; hayagréva–the horse-headed
The night has come to an end and the light of dawn is entering. O jéva soul, arise and give up
your sleep. Chant the holy names of Lord Hari, who is the giver of liberation; the enemy of the
Mura demon; the supreme enjoyer; the all-attractive one; and the horse-headed incarnation,
Text Two
nåsiàha vämana, çré-madhusüdana,
brajendra-nandana çyäma
pütanä-ghätana, kaiöabha-çätana,
jaya däçarathi-räma
nåsiàha–the half-man, half-lion; vämana–the dwarf brähmaëa; çré-madhusüdana–the killer of
the Madhu demon; brajendra-nandana–the beloved son of the King of Vraja; çyäma–who is
blackish in complexion; pütanä-ghätana–the slayer of the Pütanä witch; kaiöabha-çätana–the
destoyer of the demon Kaiöabha; jaya–all glories!; däçarathi-räma–Lord Räma, the son of King
Lord Hari [Kåñëa] incarnated as the half-man, half-lion, Nåsiàha. He appeared as a dwarf-
brähmaëa named Upendra and is the killer of the Madhu demon. He is the beloved son of the
King of Vraja, Nanda Mahäräja, and is blackish in complexion. He is the slayer of the Pütanä
witch and the destroyer of the demon Kaiöabha. All glories to Lord Hari, who appeared as Lord
Räma, the son of King Daçaratha.
Text Three
yaçodä duläla, govinda-gopäla,
våndävana purandara
gopé-priya-jana, rädhikä-ramaëa,
bhuvana -sundara-bara
yaçodä duläla–the darling of mother Yaçodä; govinda–the giver of pleasure to the cows;
gopäla–the protector of the cows; våndävana purandara–the monarch of the Våndävana
forest; gopé-priya jana–the beloved of the gopés; rädhikä-ramaëa–the lover of Rädhikä;
bhuvana-sundara-bara–the most beautiful personality in all the worlds.
He is the darling of mother Yaçodä; the giver of pleasure to the cows, land, and spiritual
senses; and the protector of the cows. He is the Lord of the Våndävana forest; the gopés'
beloved; the lover of Rädhikä; and the most beautiful personality in all the worlds.
Text Four
räväëäntakara, mäkhana-taskara,
brajera räkhäla, gopa-vånda-päla,
citta-häré baàçé-dhäré
räväëäntakara–who brought about the end of the demon Rävaëa; makhana-taskara–who stole
the older gopés' butter; gopéjana-vastra-häré–who stole the younger gopés' clothes; brajera
räkhala–a cowherd boy of Vraja; gopa-vånda-päla–the protector of the cowherd boys; citta-
häré–who steals the hearts of all; baàçé-dhäré–who always holds a flute.
As Rämacandra He brought about the end of the demoniac King Rävaëa; as Kåñëa He stole
the older gopés' butter; He stole the younger gopés' clothes while they were bathing in the
Yamunä. He is a cowherd boy of Vraja and the protector of the cowherd boys. He steals the
hearts of all and always holds a flute.
Text Five
yogéndra-bandana, çré-nanda-nandana,
navéna nérada, rüpa manohara,
yogéndra-vandana–worshiped by the best of yogés; çré-nanda-nandana–the delightful son of
Nanda; braja-jana-bhaya-häré–who removes all the fears of the inhabitants of Vraja; navéna
nérada–who is the color of a fresh rain cloud; rüpa manohara–whose form is enchanting;
mohana-baàçé-bihäré–who looks very charming wandering about playing His flute.
Lord Kåñëa is worshiped by the best of yogis and is the son of Nanda. He removes all the fears
of the inhabitants of Vraja. He is the color of a fresh rain cloud, and His form is enchanting.
When He wanders about, playing His flute, He looks very charming.
Text Six
yaçodä-nandana, kaàsa-nisüdana,
kadamba-känana, räsa-paräyaëa,
yaçodä-nandana–the delightful son of Yaçodä; kaàsa-nisüdana–the killer of King Kaàsa; nikuïja-
räsa-viläsé–who sports the räsa dance amongst the garden groves; kadamba-känana räsa-
paräyaëa–who is fond of engaging in the räsa dance underneath the kadamba trees; våndä-
vipina-niväsé–who resides in the forest of Våndä Devé.
He is the son of Yaçodä and the killer of King Kaàsa, and He sports in the räsa dance among
the groves of Vraja. Kåñëa engages in this räsa dance underneath the kadamba trees, and He
resides in the forest of Våndävana.
Text Seven
änanda-vardhana, prema-niketana,
phula-çara-jojaka käma
gopäìganä-gaëa, citta-vinodana,
änanda-vardhana–who increases the ecstasy of His devotees; prema-niketana–the reservoir of
all love; phula-çara–flowered arrows; yojaka–who uses; käma–the transcendental Cupid;
gopäìgana-gaëa citta-vinodana–the pleasure of the cowherd girls' hearts; samasta-guëa-gaëa-
dhäma–the abode of all wonderful qualities.
He increases the ecstasy of His devotees. He is the reservoir of all love and is the
transcendental Cupid who uses His flowered arrows to increase the loving desires of the
gopés. He is the pleasure of the gopés' hearts and the abode of all wonderful qualities.

Text Eight
jämuna-jévana, keli-paräyaëa,
näma-sudhä-rasa, gäo kåñëa-jaça
räkho vacana mana mora
yämuna-jévana–the life of the River Yamunä; keli-paräyaëa–who is always absorbed in
amorous pastimes; mänasa-candra-cakora–who is the moon of the gopés' minds, which are
like cakora birds (that subsist only upon moonlight); näma-sudhä-rasa–the nectarean mellows
of these holy names; gäo–please sing; kåñëa yaça–the glories of Çré Kåñëa; räkho vacana–
please obey this advice; mana mora–O my dear mind!
Lord Kåñëa is the life of the River Yamunä. He is always absorbed in amorous pastimes, and
He is the moon of the gopés' minds, which are like the cakora birds that subsist only upon
moonlight. O mind, obey these words of mine and sing the glories of Çré Kåñëa in the form of
these holy names, which are full of nectarean mellows.

Sb 10.82.47
ähuç ca te nalina-näbha padäravindaà
yogeçvarair hådi vicintyam agädha-bodhaiù saàsära-küpa-patitottaraëävalambaà
gehaà juñäm api manasy udiyät sadä naù

ähuù—the gopés said; ca—and; te—Your; nalina-nabha—O Lord, whose navel is just like a
lotus flower; pada-aravindam—lotus feet; yoga-éçvaraiù—by the great mystic yogés; hådi—
within the heart; vicintyam—to be meditated upon; agädha-bodhaiù—who were highly learned
philosophers; saàsära-küpa—the dark well of material existence; patita—of those fallen;
uttaraëa—of deliverers; avalambam—the only shelter; geham—family affairs; juñäm—of those
engaged; api—though; manasi—in the minds; udiyät—let be awakened; sadä—always; naù—
The gopés spoke thus: Dear Lord, whose navel is just like a lotus flower, Your lotus feet are the
only shelter for those who have fallen into the deep well of material existence. Your feet are
worshiped and meditated upon by great mystic yogés and highly learned philosophers. We
wish that these lotus feet may also be awakened within our hearts, although we are only
ordinary persons engaged in household affairs.

Sb 10.31.1
gopya ücuù
jayati te 'dhikaà janmanä vrajaù
çrayata indirä çaçvad atra hi
dayita dåçyatäà dikñu tävakäs
tvayi dhåtäsavas tväà vicinvate
gopyaù ücuù—the gopés said; jayati—is glorious; te—Your; adhikam—exceedingly; janmanä—
by the birth; vrajaù—the land of Vraja; çrayate—is residing; indirä—Lakñmé, the goddess of
fortune; çaçvat—perpetually; atra—here; hi—indeed; dayita—O beloved; dåçyatäm—may
(You) be seen; dikñu—in all directions; tävakäù—Your (devotees); tvayi—for Your sake; dhåta
—sustained; asavaù—their life airs; tväm—for You; vicinvate—they are searching.
The gopés said: O beloved, Your birth in the land of Vraja has made it exceedingly glorious,
and thus Indirä, the goddess of fortune, always resides here. It is only for Your sake that we,

Your devoted servants, maintain our lives. We have been searching everywhere for You, so
please show Yourself to us.

çarad-udäçaye sädhu-jäta-sat-
sarasijodara-çré-muñä dåçä
surata-nätha te 'çulka-däsikä
vara-da nighnato neha kià vadhaù
çarat—of the autumn season; uda-äçaye—in the reservoir of water; sädhu—excellently; jäta—
grown; sat—fine; sarasi-ja—of the lotus flowers; udara—in the middle; çré—the beauty; muñä
—which excels; dåçä—with Your glance; surata-nätha—O Lord of love; te—Your; açulka—
acquired without payment; däsikäù—maidservants; vara-da—O giver of benedictions;
nighnataù—for You who are killing; na—not; iha—in this world; kim—why; vadhaù—murder.
O Lord of love, in beauty Your glance excels the whorl of the finest, most perfectly formed
lotus within the autumn pond. O bestower of benedictions, You are killing the maidservants
who have given themselves to You freely, without any price. Isn't this murder?
In the autumn season, the whorl of the lotus has a special beauty, but that unique loveliness is
surpassed by the beauty of Kåñëa's glance.
SB 10.31.3
viña-jaläpyayäd vyäla-räkñasäd
varña-märutäd vaidyutänalät
våña-mayätmajäd viçvato bhayäd
åñabha te vayaà rakñitä muhuù
viña—poisonous; jala—by the water (of the Yamunä, contaminated by Käliya); apyayät—from
destruction; vyäla—fearsome; räkñasät—from the demon (Agha); varña—from rain (sent by
Indra); märutät—and the wind-storm (created by Tåëävarta); vaidyuta-analät—from the
thunderbolt (of Indra); våña—from the bull, Ariñöäsura; maya-ätmajät—from the son of Maya
(Vyomäsura); viçvataù—from all; bhayät—fear; åñabha—O greatest of personalities; te—by
You; vayam—we; rakñitäù—have been protected; muhuù—repeatedly.
O greatest of personalities, You have repeatedly saved us from all kinds of danger—from
poisoned water, from the terrible man-eater Agha, from the great rains, from the wind demon,
from the fiery thunderbolt of Indra, from the bull demon and from the son of Maya Dänava.
Here the gopés imply, "O Kåñëa, You saved us from so many terrible dangers, so now that we
are dying of separation from You, won't You save us again?" Çréla Viçvanätha Cakravarté
Öhäkura explains that the gopés mention Ariñöa and Vyoma because, although Kåñëa had not
yet killed these demons, the fact that He would kill them in the future was well known, having
been predicted by the sages Garga and Bhäguri at the time of the Lord's birth.
SB 10.31.4
na khalu gopékä-nandano bhavän
akhila-dehinäm antarätma-dåk
vikhanasärthito viçva-guptaye
sakha udeyivän sätvatäà kule
na—not; khalu—indeed; gopikä—of the gopé, Yaçodä; nandanaù—the son; bhavän—Your good
self; akhila—of all; dehinäm—embodied living entities; antaù-ätma—of the inner
consciousness; dåk—the seer; vikhanasä—by Lord Brahmä; arthitaù—prayed for; viçva—of the
universe; guptaye—for the protection; sakhe—O friend; udeyivän—You arose; sätvatäm—of
the Sätvatas; kule—in the dynasty.
You are not actually the son of the gopé Yaçodä, O friend, but rather the indwelling witness in
the hearts of all embodied souls. Because Lord Brahmä prayed for You to come and protect
the universe, You have now appeared in the Sätvata dynasty.
The gopés here imply, "Since You have descended to protect the entire universe, how can You
neglect Your own devotees?"

SB 10.31.5
viracitäbhayaà våñëi-dhürya te
caraëam éyuñäà saàsåter bhayät
kara-saroruhaà känta käma-daà
çirasi dhehi naù çré-kara-graham
viracita—created; abhayam—fearlessness; våñëi—of the Våñëi dynasty; dhürya—O best; te—
Your; caraëam—feet; éyuñäm—of those who approach; saàsåteù—of material existence;
bhayät—out of fear; kara—Your hand; saraù-ruham—like a lotus flower; känta—O lover; käma
—desires; dam—fulfilling; çirasi—on the heads; dhehi—please place; naù—of us; çré—of the
goddess of fortune, Lakñmédevé; kara—the hand; graham—taking.
O best of the Våñëis, Your lotuslike hand, which holds the hand of the goddess of fortune,
grants fearlessness to those who approach Your feet out of fear of material existence. O lover,
please place that wish-fulfilling lotus hand on our heads.
SB 10.31.6
vraja-janärti-han véra yoñitäà
bhaja sakhe bhavat-kiìkaréù sma no
jalaruhänanaà cäru darçaya
vraja-jana—of the people of Vraja; ärti—of the suffering; han—O destroyer; véra—O hero;
yoñitäm—of women; nija—Your own; jana—of the people; smaya—the pride; dhvaàsana—
destroying; smita—whose smile; bhaja—please accept; sakhe—O friend; bhavat—Your;
kiìkaréù—maidservants; sma—indeed; naù—us; jala-ruha—lotus; änanam—Your face; cäru—
beautiful; darçaya—please show.
O You who destroy the suffering of Vraja's people, O hero of all women, Your smile shatters
the false pride of Your devotees. Please, dear friend, accept us as Your maidservants and show
us Your beautiful lotus face.
SB 10.31.7
praëata-dehinäà päpa-karñaëaà
tåëa-caränugaà çré-niketanam
phaëi-phaëärpitaà te padämbujaà
kåëu kuceñu naù kåndhi håc-chayam
praëata—who are surrendered to You; dehinäm—of the embodied living beings; päpa—the
sins; karñaëam—which remove; tåëa—grass; cara—who graze (the cows); anugam—following;
çré—of the goddess of fortune; niketanam—the abode; phaëi—of the serpent (Käliya); phaëä—
on the hoods; arpitam—placed; te—Your; pada-ambujam—lotus feet; kåëu—please put;
kuceñu—on the breasts; naù—our; kåndhi—cut away; håt-çayam—the lust in our hearts.
Your lotus feet destroy the past sins of all embodied souls who surrender to them. Those feet
follow after the cows in the pastures and are the eternal abode of the goddess of fortune.
Since You once put those feet on the hoods of the great serpent Käliya, please place them
upon our breasts and tear away the lust in our hearts.
In their appeal, the gopés point out that Lord Kåñëa's lotus feet destroy the sins of all
surrendered conditioned souls. The Lord is so merciful that He even goes out to herd the cows
in the pasturing ground, and thus His lotus feet follow them about in the grass. He has offered
His lotus feet to the goddess of fortune and has placed them upon the hoods of the serpent
Käliya. Therefore, considering all this, the Lord should place His lotus feet on the gopés'
breasts and satisfy their desire. That is the logic the gopés employ here.
SB 10.31.8
madhurayä girä valgu-väkyayä
budha-manojïayä puñkarekñaëa
vidhi-karér imä véra muhyatér
adhara-sédhunäpyäyayasva naù
madhurayä—sweet; girä—by Your voice; valgu—charming; väkyayä—by Your words; budha—
to the intelligent; mano-jïayä—attractive; puñkara—lotus; ékñaëa—You whose eyes; vidhi-
karéù—maidservants; imäù—these; véra—O hero; muhyatéù—becoming bewildered; adhara—
of Your lips; sédhunä—with the nectar; äpyäyayasva—please restore to life; naù—us.
O lotus-eyed one, Your sweet voice and charming words, which attract the minds of the
intelligent, are bewildering us more and more. Our dear hero, please revive Your maidservants
with the nectar of Your lips.
SB 10.31.9
tava kathämåtaà tapta-jévanaà
kavibhir éòitaà kalmañäpaham
çravaëa-maìgalaà çrémad ätataà
bhuvi gåëanti ye bhüri-dä janäù
tava—Your; kathä-amåtam—the nectar of words; tapta-jévanam—life for those aggrieved in
the material world; kavibhiù—by great thinkers; éòitam—described; kalmaña-apaham—that
which drives away sinful reactions; çravaëa-maìgalam—giving spiritual benefit when heard;
çåémat—filled with spiritual power; ätatam—broadcast all over the world; bhuvi—in the
material world; gåëanti—chant and spread; ye—those who; bhüri-däù—most beneficent; janäù
The nectar of Your words and the descriptions of Your activities are the life and soul of those
suffering in this material world. These narrations, transmitted by learned sages, eradicate
one's sinful reactions and bestow good fortune upon whoever hears them. These narrations
are broadcast all over the world and are filled with spiritual power. Certainly those who spread
the message of Godhead are most munificent.
SB 10.31.10
prahasitaà priya-prema-vékñaëaà
viharaëaà ca te dhyäna-maìgalam
rahasi saàvido yä hådi spåçaù
kuhaka no manaù kñobhayanti hi
prahasitam—the smiling; priya—affectionate; prema—with love; vékñaëam—glances;
viharaëam—intimate pastimes; ca—and; te—Your; dhyäna—by meditation; maìgalam—
auspicious; rahasi—in solitary places; saàvidaù—conversations; yäù—which; hådi—the heart;
spåçaù—touching; kuhaka—O cheater; naù—our; manaù—minds; kñobhayanti—agitate; hi—
Your smiles, Your sweet, loving glances, the intimate pastimes and confidential talks we
enjoyed with You—all these are auspicious to meditate upon, and they touch our hearts. But at
the same time, O deceiver, they very much agitate our minds.

prahasitaà priya-prema-vékñaëaà
viharaëaà ca te dhyäna-maìgalam
rahasi saàvido yä hådi spåçaù
kuhaka no manaù kñobhayanti hi
prahasitam—the smiling; priya—affectionate; prema—with love; vékñaëam—glances;
viharaëam—intimate pastimes; ca—and; te—Your; dhyäna—by meditation; maìgalam—
auspicious; rahasi—in solitary places; saàvidaù—conversations; yäù—which; hådi—the heart;
spåçaù—touching; kuhaka—O cheater; naù—our; manaù—minds; kñobhayanti—agitate; hi—
Your smiles, Your sweet, loving glances, the intimate pastimes and confidential talks we
enjoyed with You—all these are auspicious to meditate upon, and they touch our hearts. But at
the same time, O deceiver, they very much agitate our minds.
SB 10.31.11
calasi yad vrajäc cärayan paçün
nalina-sundaraà nätha te padam
çila-tåëäìkuraiù sédatéti naù
kalilatäà manaù känta gacchati
calasi—You go; yat—when; vrajät—from the cowherd village; cärayan—herding; paçün—the
animals; nalina—than a lotus flower; sundaram—more beautiful; nätha—O master; te—Your;
padam—feet; çila—by sharp edges of grain; tåëa—grass; aìkuraiù—and sprouting plants;
sédati—are experiencing pain; iti—thus thinking; naù—us; kalilatäm—discomfort; manaù—our
minds; känta—O lover; gacchati—feel.
Dear master, dear lover, when You leave the cowherd village to herd the cows, our minds are
disturbed with the thought that Your feet, more beautiful than a lotus, will be pricked by the
spiked husks of grain and the rough grass and plants.
SB 10.31.12
dina-parikñaye néla-kuntalair
vanaruhänanaà bibhrad ävåtam
ghana-rajasvalaà darçayan muhur
manasi naù smaraà véra yacchasi
dina—of the day; parikñaye—at the finish; néla—dark blue; kuntalaiù—with locks of hair; vana-
ruha—lotus; änanam—face; bibhrat—exhibiting; ävåtam—covered; ghana—thick; rajaù-valam
—smeared with dust; darçayan—showing; muhuù—repeatedly; manasi—in the minds; naù—
our; smaram—Cupid; véra—O hero; yacchasi—You are placing.

At the end of the day You repeatedly show us Your lotus face, covered with dark blue locks of
hair and thickly powdered with dust. Thus, O hero, You arouse lusty desires in our minds.

Kabe Ha’be Bolo

(from Çaraëägati)
kabe ha’be bolo se-dina ämär
(ämär) aparädha ghuci’, çuddha näme ruci,
kåpä-bale ha’be hådoye saïcär
1) When, oh when will that day be mine? When my offenses ceasing, taste for the name
increasing, when in my heart will your mercy shine, when, oh when will that day be mine?
tåëädhika héna, kabe nije mäni’,
sahiñëutä-guëa hådoyete äni’
sakale mänada, äpani amäné,
ho’ye äswädibo näma-rasa-sär
2) Lower than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree. When will my mind attain this
quality? Respectful to all, not expecting their honour, then shall I taste the name’s nectar
sublime. When, oh when will that day be mine?
dhana jana ära, kobitä-sundaré,
bolibo nä cähi deho-sukha-karé
janme-janme däo, ohe gaurahari!
ahaituké bhakti caraëe tomär
3) Great wealth or followers, feminine beauty, I won’t care for them or the comforts of my
body. Birth after birth give me, Oh Lord Caitanya, causeless devotion to Your feet divine,
when, oh when will that day be mine?
(kabe) korite çré-kåñëa-näma uccäraëa,
pulakita deho gadgada bacana
baibarëya-bepathu ha’be saìghaöana,
nirantara netre ba’be açru-dhär
4) When will I utter Kåñëa, Kåñëa, Kåñëa, with words choked up and shivering body? When will
I be trembling all over, lose bodily color, tears pouring from my eyes, when, oh when will that
day be mine?
kabe navadwépe, suradhuné-taöe,
gaura-nityänanda boli’ niñkapaöe
näciyä gäiyä, beräibo chuöe,
bätulera präya chäriyä bicär
5) When in Navadvipa along the Ganges bank, shouting ‘Gaura-Nityänanda’ as a surrendered
soul, dancing, chanting, running everywhere, when will I become half mad of mind? When, oh
when will that day be mine?
kabe nityänanda, more kori ’doyä,
chäräibe mora viñayera mäyä
diyä more nija-caraëera chäyä,
nämera häöete dibe adhikär
6) When will Lord Nityänanda show mercy upon me, when will I reject the world of mäyä?
Bestow unto me the shade of Your lotus feet, let the right to preach the name be mine. When,
oh when will that day be mine?
kinibo, luöibo, hari-näma-rasa,
näma-rase mäti’ hoibo bibaça
rasera rasika-caraëa paraça,
koriyä mojibo rase anibär
7) I will beg, borrow, or steal the nectar of the name. By the name’s effect I will feel paralyzed.
Oh! Enjoyer of the nectar of the name, When will I touch your lotus feet till the end of time?
When, oh when will that day be mine?
kabe jébe doyä, hoibe udoya,
nija-sukha bhuli’ sudéna-hådoya
bhakativinoda, koriyä binoya,
çré-äjïä-öahala koribe pracär
8) When kindness to all beings will be appearing, with free heart forget myself comforting,
Bhaktivinoda in all humility prays, "Now I will set out to preach Your order sublime." When, oh
when will that day be mine?
SVA 2: Bhoga-ärati


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