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BSBCUS501 Task 1

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Task 1
Manage quality customer

Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
◻ I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not
cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
◻ I understand that if I If I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me
according to the process explained to me
◻ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment
◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Unit Title
Unit Code

Student name

Student ID
Student Date

Task Number

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For Trainer and Assessor to complete:

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◻ Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment

Question Marking Sheet - Assessor to complete.

Did the student satisfactorily address each question as

Completed satisfactorily
S NYS Comments
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Task Outcome: Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory ☐

Student Name:

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature:


Table of Content

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Student Declaration................................................................................................................................................2
Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire............................................................................5
Answer all the questions below:........................................................................................................................7
Question 1...................................................................................................................................................................7
Question 2...................................................................................................................................................................7
Question 3...................................................................................................................................................................8
Appendix 1 –Useful Links........................................................................................... 9
Legislations and Regulations...............................................................................................................................9

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Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire

Task summary and instructions

What is this This assessment is a written questionnaire with a mix of objective and
assessment task subjective questions.
The questionnaire is designed to meet the knowledge required to
meet the unit requirements safely and effectively.

The questions focus on the knowledge evidence required for this unit
of competency:

 outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organisation

relevant to customer service
 describe organisational policy and procedures for customer service
including handling customer complaints
 identify service standards and best practice models
 summarise public relations and product promotion
 outline techniques for dealing with customers including customers
with specific needs
 explain techniques for solving complaints including the principles
and techniques involved in the management and organisation of:
o customer behaviour
o customer needs research
o customer relations
o ongoing product and/or service quality
o problem identification and resolution
o quality customer service delivery
o record keeping and management methods
o strategies for monitoring, managing and introducing ways to
improve customer service relationships
o strategies to obtain customer feedback.

What do I need to do  submit your answers to the questions within the set timeframe,
to complete this task  answer all questions as instructed,
satisfactorily?  answer all questions using your own words and reference any
sources appropriately,
 all questions must be answered satisfactorily.

It is advisable to:

 review the questions carefully,

 answer the questions using online research and the learning

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Task summary and instructions

material provided for the unit and by reviewing real or simulated

relevant business documentation (such as policies and
 further research the topics addressed in each question.

Specifications You must submit to GOALS the

 assessment coversheet,
 answers to all questions,
 references.

Resources and • computer with Internet access,

equipment • access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software,
• learning material,
• link to legislation and regulations (Appendix 1).
What will the Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your
assessor be looking ability to answer the questions satisfactorily, follow instructions,
for? conduct online research and review real or simulated business
documentation, such as policies and procedures related to project

Re-submission You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor.

opportunities The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the
requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not
satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide
you with written feedback along with guidance on what you must
undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment
attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the
right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that
you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds
for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior
to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task
or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when
attempting any part of the task.

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Answer all the questions below:

Question 1

Read the terms & conditions & policies of JB HI FI which provides a good overview of
their customer service processes:

Address the following:

Question Answer
A Summarise 3 organisational policy B Hi-Fi Limited and its subsidiaries (“JB Hi-Fi”)
and procedures for customer service. recognise that your personal information is
(30-50 words/each) important to you and that you are concerned
with its collection, use and disclosure.
JB Hi-Fi, like other companies operating in
Australia, is bound by the Australian Privacy
Principles as set out in the Privacy Act 1988
(Cth) which set clear standards regarding these
Appendix A to this policy contains further
information which JB Hi-Fi is required to disclose
under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) to individuals
who apply in-store for credit from a third party
credit provider (such as HSBC or Telstra).
B Describe how a customer can place a If you are concerned that the way JB Hi-Fi
complaint with JB HI FI? (30-50 collects, holds, uses or discloses your personal
words) information may be in breach of the Australian
Privacy Principles, please send written details of
your complaint to The Privacy Officer, JB Hi-Fi
Group Pty Ltd, either by email to or by pre-paid post to pre-
paid post PO BOX 5190 South Melbourne VIC
C Describe the JB HI FI handles We will endeavour to notify you of the results of
complaints related to privacy. (50- our investigation of your complaint within 30
100 words) days of receiving your complaint. However, if
Direct link to privacy policy: your complaint involves complex matters or requires extensive investigation and consultation,
policy/ it may not be possible to respond within this
timeframe. In these circumstances, we will seek
your agreement to a longer period for us to
respond to your complaint.

D List 5 legislation and regulations that The Australian Privacy Principles as set out in the
are relevant to customer service in Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) which set clear standards

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Question Answer
the organisation. regarding these activities.
This policy contains information about:
 when you can deal with JB Hi-Fi
 the purposes for which JB Hi-Fi collects,
holds, uses and discloses personal
 the types of personal information that JB
Hi-Fi collects;
 how JB Hi-Fi collects and holds personal
 how you may access the personal
information that JB Hi-Fi holds about you,
and how you may seek correction of that
personal information.

Question 2
Good customer service is part of a company’s success.

Address the following:

Question Answer
A Identify and list: Service Standards:
o 3 service standards relevant to  We will interact with each other in a
customer service courteous and professional manner.
o 2 best practice models for  We will inform our internal customers of
customer service normal process time, when they can
expect completion and any delays that
may arise in the process.
 We will touch base with our internal
customers daily, either by e-mail or
phone, to update them as to where we
are in the process.

Best Practice Model:

1. We are in the business of 100% customer
2. You can never win an argument with a

B Outline 3 public relations methods. Print or emailed newsletters are a good way to
(30-50 words each) promote your business, communicate with
customers and keep them informed of new
products and services.
Regular newsletters can strengthen your

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Question Answer
personal connections with customers and reflect
your business brand and personality.
'Take home' or mail-out brochures or catalogues
can help keep your customers thinking about
your business and its products and services.
Properly designed brochures and catalogues give
customers confidence in you and your brand,
and help drive customers to your website or
store. Information contained in business
brochures and catalogues can be effectively
Events are opportunities for business people to
gain exposure for their businesses, promote new
products or services and make sure accurate
information reaches targeted customers.
From a sales point of view, events are a chance
to counter customer doubts and build customer
C Outline 3 product promotions Promoting your products while supporting a
methods. (30-50 words each) cause can be an effective promotional strategy.
Giving customers a sense of being a part of
something larger simply by using products they
might use anyway creates a win/win situation.
You get the customers and the socially conscious
image; customers get a product they can use
and the sense of helping a cause.
Giving away functional branded gifts can be a
more effective promotional move than handing
out simple business cards. Put your business
card on a magnet, ink pen or key chain. These
are gifts you can give your customers that they
may use, which keeps your business in plain
sight rather than in the trash or in a drawer with
other business cards the customer may not look

Contacting customers by telephone or through

the mail after a sale is a promotional strategy
that puts customer satisfaction first while leaving
the door open for a promotional opportunity.
Skilled salespeople make survey calls to
customers to gather information that can la
D Outline 2 techniques for dealing with Identify and Anticipate Needs
customers. One technique must Most customer needs are emotional rather than
include techniques to deal with logical. The more you know your customers, the

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Question Answer
customers with specific needs. (30- better you become at anticipating their needs.
50 words each) Communicate regularly so that you’re aware of
problems or upcoming needs.

Suggest Solutions
Have a menu of calming remedies which you and
your employees can use. Whether it’s purely a
refund or return, or if it’s coupons or a free
service. By agreeing in advance the scenarios
where you will provide these remedies, and how
much you’re willing to spend, you will be able to
speak calmer and more confidently when
offering the solution.

Question 3

Outline the following principles and techniques used when solving complaints. (30-50
words each).

Question Answer (30-50 words/answer)

A o Why is it Personality Traits
important to How a customer behaves in your store will be heavily influenced by
identify and their personality.
understand Psychological Responses
customer Psychological responses play a significant role in customer behavior,
behaviours? but they're often difficult to predict. 
o List 3 customer Social Trends
behaviours. Social trends are external influences that the customer chooses to
listen to. These can be peer recommendations, societal norms, or
cultural fads that are affecting the customer's decision.

B How do you conduct Mapping the customer process

customer needs If you know your customer’s process, map it out.
research? For example, before Uber, to get a ride you called a taxi company,
waited to reach a dispatcher, waited for a car to be dispatched,
hoped the driver would find you, and hoped you had enough cash
when you reached your destination.

C How can you While CRM data has a significant role in the internal development of
manage goo marketing materials, sales processes, and products, it can also have
customer relations? a direct impact on the customer experience. This role centers on
technology’s ability to improve internal and external communication.

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Question Answer (30-50 words/answer)
D How can you keep A lot of people will tell you; customer service is all about the team.
ongoing product So it makes lots of success to put your best foot forward by hiring a
and/or service great team from the outset. Yes, you can re-train, you can re-
quality? motivate, you can re-inspire your current customer service
representatives, but nothing beats hiring for the right attitude right
off the bat.
E Outline a process for 1. Identify the issues.
problem 2. Understand everyone's interests.
identification and 3. List the possible solutions (options)
resolution. 4. Evaluate the options.
5. Select an option or options.
6. Document the agreement(s).
7. Agree on contingencies, monitoring, and evaluation.

F How would you Be Friendly

describe quality Customer service starts with a smile. When you are in a face-to-
customer service face situation, a warm greeting should be the first thing your
delivery? customers see and hear when they ask for help. Even when
handling customer service requests via telephone, a smile can come
through in your voice, so make sure you're ready to be friendly.
G Outline one record Be wary of retention and disposal procedures
keeping and Every record will have its own lifespan. It’s necessary to ensure that
management all retention and disposal schedules are correctly applied to each
method. type of record generated in each department. To make this as
simple as possible, draw up a list of all the various records your
business works with and set a clear process for each type.

H What are 2 1. Do not view agent development as a one-off activity.

strategies for Provide continuous coaching that will help improve agent
monitoring, performance and productivity. Coaching is key to consistent
managing and customer service.
introducing ways to 2. Measure your results and keep track of continuous feedback
improve customer and evaluation to monitor and measure progress.
Briefly describe
I Describe 2 strategies Get Feedback on Live Chat Session
to obtain customer Just like e-mail surveys, surveys which are sent after you close a
feedback. ticket in a customer support portal, you can seek feedback after a
live chat session has closed. 
This feedback can include basic questions about whether the chat
experience was helpful. This helps you rate the effectiveness of
your chat-support personnel. 

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Question Answer (30-50 words/answer)
Provide Dedicated Customer Feedback Forms on Your Site
Provide at least a dedicated feedback email — for
example, If there are any complaints,
customers can communicate their grievances through this email.
This remains one of the most effective methods of generating

L Briefly describe how Acknowledge the problem. Let the customer know you hear
to effectively solve what he or she is saying. If you or your company made a mistake,
customer admit it. If you did not make a mistake and it is a
complaints. misunderstanding, simply explain it to the customer: “I can see how
that would be incredibly frustrating for you.” You are not
necessarily agreeing with what the customer is saying, but
respecting how he or she perceives and feels about the situation.

Appendix 1 –Useful Links

Legislations and Regulations

 Privacy Act :

 Anti-Discrimination Acts :

 WHS:

 Contract Law :

 Advertising : (

 Australian Consumer Law and Marketing Communication:

( )

 Warranties and Guaranties :

 Anti-competitive behaviour:

 Advertising codes and regulations:

 Intellectual Property :

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