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Assessment Task 1 WHS

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The key takeaways are the importance of a safe work environment and the consequences of not complying with health and safety requirements. Employers are responsible for providing training to employees about health and safety.

Common workplace injuries for office workers include repetitive strain injuries from typing, slipping or tripping hazards, and overexertion injuries from lifting or carrying tasks.

The purpose of WHS/OHS legislation is to protect the health, safety and welfare of workers and others through imposing duties on persons conducting businesses or undertakings. It includes Acts and Codes of Practice to provide guidance.

Assessment Task 1: WHS presentation research

Yellow highlights indicate that RTO should contextualize this to the state of
As per the unit application advice, the terms ‘occupational health and safety ‘
(OHS) and ‘work health and safety’ (WHS) are equipment and generally either ca
n be used in the workplace. Depending on the state in which you are located. You
will either use the term WHS or OHS. All states exce[t for WA and Victoria have ad
opted the model WHS legislation. Thus if you are an RTO located in Victoria or
WA the term OHS should be selected. For all other RTOs the term WHS should be
Task summary
In the role of Administration Officer of Aus Accountancy, you are required to
research Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation and review the organisation’s
WHS/OHS policy and procedure to prepare a presentation for new staff members
about WHS.
You presentation must be developed as a power point presentation that includes
visuals sush as images and/or chart. The duration of the presentation will be 15
What you will need
 Computer and Microsoft Office
 Access to the internet for research
 Aus Accountancy health and safety policy and procedure
 WHS information sources and data including
o WorkCover NSW
o Safe Work Australia
o Safe Work Australia statistics
When and where do I need to do this?
This assessment task will be completed in the classroom as part of the simulated
work environment.
Write in the data as advised by your assessor:
What do I have to submit?
 Completed power point presentation, including visuals such as images
and charts.
Assessors note the power point presentation should be submitted at least two
days prior to the presentation. This will ensure that those syudents who are role-
playing new staff members will not be able to plagiarise and use information fro
m the presenting student.
Complete the following activities:
1. Review the sources of information indicated above to identify WHS/OHS
legislation and any other relevant documentation such as Codes of
Practice relevant to Aus Accountancy.
2. Review the Aus Accountancy health and safety policy and procedure.
3. Develop a presentation using the information sources and a review of the
health and safety policy and procedure as follows:
Assessors use the notes below to assist in marking the student’s power
point which should reflect this information.
a. Explin the importance of a safe work environment and examples of
at least three consequences of not complying with health and safety
Information included in the power point should broadly address:
Creating a safe work environment is critical to the success of your
business, and is one of the best ways to retain staff and maximise producti
vity. Though it may cost to implement safe practices and install safety
equipment, the effect of not taking action can be severs.
Consequences of not complying could include:
o Someone may dies, get injured or become ill
o The business may be fined
o The employer could be jailed
b. Provide at least three examples of common workplace injuries and
accidents relevant to office workers.
Information included in the power point should broadly address:
Repetitive motion injuries for example, typing, can muscles and tendons
causing back pain, vision problems and carpal tunnel syndrome
Slipping/Tripping – This is the major cause of workplace injuries and
pertains to falls on wet and slippery floors or tips over something lying on
the floor. Attention to what is going on around them is required of
employees and employers will have safety guidelines to ensure spills are
promptly cleaned are no debris is present which can be dangerous.
Overexertion Injuries – This injuries related to pulling, lifting, pushing,
holding, carrying, and throwing activities at work. Overexertion has
consistently been the number one workplace injury according and is also
the most expensive.
c. Explain the purpose of WHS/OHS legislation, including a brief
description of the purpose of WHS/OHS Acts, WHS/OHS Codes of
Information included in the power point should broadly address:
A WHS/OHS Act provides enforceable rules on health and safety duties
and rights at work.
Some workplace hazards can cause so much injury or disease that specific
regulations or codes of practice are needed to control them. These
regulations and codes explain the duties of particular groups of people in
controlling these risks. There is a difference between regulations and
o Regulations are legally enforceable
o Codes of Practice provide advice on hoe to meet regulatory
requirement. Codes are not legally enforceable, but they can be
used in courts as evidence that legal requirements have or have not
been met.
d. Provide a brief explanation of the national harmonization of work
health and safety legislation and the name of the WHS/OHS Acts for
the States that have not adopted this legislation.
Information included in the power point should broadly address:
WHS legislation has been harmonized with the aim being is to have
balanced and nationally consistent
WHS legislation across the country. This will help employers understand
their legal obligations better and ensure worker’s rights are protected.
Victoria and WA have not adopted this legislation.
The name of the Act in Victoria is the Occupational Health and Safety Act
The name of the Act in WA is the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1984
e. Outline key role and responsibilities of employers and employees
under the WHS/OHS legislation. This must also include the
requirement to consult with employees and training requirements.
Information included in the power point should broadly address:
Duty holders under WHS legislation can be found at:
Duty holder under OHS legislation can be found at:
The student should identify key roles of employers and employees as
indicated on page 7 a and 7 b of the folling guide:
Consultation requirements:
A person conducting a business or undertaking must consult, so far as is
reasonably practicable, with workers who carry out work for the business
or undertaking and who are (or are likely to be) directly affected by a heal
th and safety matter.
Training requirements:
It is the responsibility of employers to provide information, training and
instruction to workers so that they know how to work safety and without
risk to their health.
A health and Safety Representative (HSR) is entitled to attend an initial
course of training of five days and have a one day’s refresher training each
year, with the first refresher training commencing 1 year after the initial tr
f. Identify two Codes of Practice that are relevant to the accountancy
business and briefly discuss rheir intent.
Information included in the power point should broadly address:
Students may identify and discuss any of the key compliance codes
relevant to office workers at the following sites:
Relevant codes could be for example, first aid, hazardous manual tasks,
workplace amenities and work environment, communicating OHS across
g. Explain the purpose of the Aus Accountancy Health and Safety
Policy and Procedure, as well as item of key importance including:
o how Aus Accountancy consults with staff on health and safety
o the name and role of the Health and Safety Representative
o the role of the Health and safety Committee and names of
those on the committee.
o The process that is used for identifying hazards and risks.
o Bullying and harassment policy
Information included in the power point should summaries the
required information from the health and safety policy and procedure.
h. Provide web site references/publications for at least three sources
of information to which employees can refer if they wish to learn
more about work health and safety. These should be easy to
understand sources of information.
Open answer, the student could identify any source as long as they can be
easily understood by employees.

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