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BSBCUS501 Task 1

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Task 1
Manage quality customer

Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
◻ I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not
cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
◻ I understand that if I If I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me
according to the process explained to me
◻ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment
◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Unit Title
Unit Code

Student name

Student ID
Student Date

Task Number

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For Trainer and Assessor to complete:

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◻ Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment

Question Marking Sheet - Assessor to complete.

Did the student satisfactorily address each question as

Completed satisfactorily
S NYS Comments
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Task Outcome: Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory ☐

Student Name:

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature:


Table of Content

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Student Declaration................................................................................................................................................2
Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire............................................................................5
Answer all the questions below:........................................................................................................................7
Question 1...................................................................................................................................................................7
Question 2...................................................................................................................................................................7
Question 3...................................................................................................................................................................8
Appendix 1 –Useful Links........................................................................................... 9
Legislations and Regulations...............................................................................................................................9

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Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire

Task summary and instructions

What is this This assessment is a written questionnaire with a mix of objective and
assessment task subjective questions.
The questionnaire is designed to meet the knowledge required to
meet the unit requirements safely and effectively.

The questions focus on the knowledge evidence required for this unit
of competency:

 outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organisation

relevant to customer service
 describe organisational policy and procedures for customer service
including handling customer complaints
 identify service standards and best practice models
 summarise public relations and product promotion
 outline techniques for dealing with customers including customers
with specific needs
 explain techniques for solving complaints including the principles
and techniques involved in the management and organisation of:
o customer behaviour
o customer needs research
o customer relations
o ongoing product and/or service quality
o problem identification and resolution
o quality customer service delivery
o record keeping and management methods
o strategies for monitoring, managing and introducing ways to
improve customer service relationships
o strategies to obtain customer feedback.

What do I need to do  submit your answers to the questions within the set timeframe,
to complete this task  answer all questions as instructed,
satisfactorily?  answer all questions using your own words and reference any
sources appropriately,
 all questions must be answered satisfactorily.

It is advisable to:

 review the questions carefully,

 answer the questions using online research and the learning

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Task summary and instructions

material provided for the unit and by reviewing real or simulated

relevant business documentation (such as policies and
 further research the topics addressed in each question.

Specifications You must submit to GOALS the

 assessment coversheet,
 answers to all questions,
 references.

Resources and • computer with Internet access,

equipment • access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software,
• learning material,
• link to legislation and regulations (Appendix 1).
What will the Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your
assessor be looking ability to answer the questions satisfactorily, follow instructions,
for? conduct online research and review real or simulated business
documentation, such as policies and procedures related to project

Re-submission You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor.

opportunities The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the
requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not
satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide
you with written feedback along with guidance on what you must
undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment
attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the
right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that
you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds
for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior
to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task
or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when
attempting any part of the task.

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Answer all the questions below:

Question 1

Read the terms & conditions & policies of JB HI FI which provides a good overview of
their customer service processes:

Address the following:

Question Answer
A Summarise 3 organisational policy The Australian Consumer Law (“ACL”) protects
and procedures for customer service. consumers by giving them certain guaranteed
(30-50 words/each) rights when they buy goods and services.
Services must be carried out with care and skill
Consumer Guarantees have no set time limit but
generally last for an amount of time that is
reasonable to expect given factors including the
cost and quality of the product or any
representations made.
B Describe how a customer can place a A receipt is required in order to obtain a refund
complaint with JB HI FI? (30-50 as you need to prove the item was purchased at
words) JB Hi-Fi. If you don’t have a copy of your receipt,
you can obtain a copy by either contacting the
store of purchase or logging into your online
account depending on where you made
C Describe the JB HI FI handles notify you of the results of our investigation of
complaints related to privacy. (50- your complaint.
100 words) If the conclusion of our investigation is that our
Direct link to privacy policy: collection, holding, use or disclosure of your personal information was in breach of the
policy/ Australian Privacy Principles, we will take steps
to remedy the breach as soon as reasonably
D List 5 legislation and regulations that  Technology Driving Cyber-Security
are relevant to customer service in Adoption
the organisation.  Pattern recognition (identifying phishing
emails based on content)
 Anomaly detection (spotting unusual
activity, data or processes)
 Natural language processing (converting
unstructured text such as a webpage into
structured intelligence)
 Predictive analytics.

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Question 2
Good customer service is part of a company’s success.

Address the following:

Question Answer
A Identify and list: Service Standards:
o 3 service standards relevant to  We will touch base with our customers to
customer service update them as to where we are in the
o 2 best practice models for process.
customer service  We will respond to website
questions/requests within 24 hours
during normal business hours.
 We will respond to applicants
(employee/volunteer) within 24 hours of
normal process time to let them know
when they can expect completion and
any delays that may arise in the process.

Best Practice Model:

-Make it easy for the customer to give us their
business and their money. If they don't want to
do business the way we usually do, then try to
do business their way.
-Don't assume that you have the solution when
a customer’s problem comes up: be sure to get
input from the customer as well. 
B Outline 3 public relations methods. Media strategies focus on circulating messages
(30-50 words each) through media channels to manage how your
business is portrayed by the media. Your media
tools might include releasing media statements
and fact sheets, offering on-site media tours to
encourage journalists to report positive
messages about your business
Advertorials are advertisements in the form of
news stories or reviews in newspapers.
Advertorials allow you to associate your
advertising with the credibility of the newspaper.

Social media lets you bypass the media and go

straight to your customers. Using social
networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter
allows you to follow and be followed by
journalists, drive web traffic, manage issues by

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Question Answer
responding quickly to criticisms or negative
perceptions, and increase exposure for your
C Outline 3 product promotions Product giveaways and allowing potential
methods. (30-50 words each) customers to sample a product are methods
used often by companies to introduce new food
and household products. Many of these
companies sponsor in-store promotions, giving
away product samples to entice the buying
public into trying new products.

Point-of-sale and end-cap marketing are ways of

selling product and promoting items in stores.
The idea behind this promotional strategy is
convenience and impulse. The end cap, which
sits at the end of aisles in grocery stores,
features products a store wants to promote or
move quickly. This product is positioned so it is
easily accessible to the customer.

The customer referral incentive program is a way

to encourage current customers to refer new
customers to your store. Free products, big
discounts and cash rewards are some of the
incentives you can use. This is a promotional
strategy that leverages your customer base as a
sales force.

D Outline 2 techniques for dealing with Take Them Seriously

customers. One technique must Make customers feel important and appreciated.
include techniques to deal with No matter how ridiculous a question may sound
customers with specific needs. (30- to you; it’s important to the customer. If they
50 words each) feel like they’re being laughed at, or spoken
down to, they will not purchase anything.
Customers can be very sensitive and will know
whether or not you really care about them.
Stay Calm
Difficult as it is sometimes, it is important to stay
calm. Your calming approach will help your
customer stay calm too. They will feel like you’re
in control of the situation and that you can help
solve their problem.

Question 3

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Outline the following principles and techniques used when solving complaints. (30-50
words each).

Question Answer (30-50 words/answer)

A o Why is it Customer Value
important to Another key business need is the ability to predict a customer's
identify and overall value. 
understand Content Optimization
customer The data obtained from your customer behavior analysis should
behaviours? help with optimizing your marketing campaigns.
o List 3 customer Customer Retention
behaviours. While it's important to attract loyal customers, it's just as important
to retain them.

B How do you conduct Interviewing stakeholders

customer needs Why not begin with the data you don’t have to pay for: the
research? collective knowledge stakeholders have. Start with sales and
support teams. They know the product and the customer. They
often have a list of feature requests, bug reports, and
enhancements — straight from the customer’s mouth.

C How can you By inputting this information into a CRM, businesses have the
manage goo potential to capture more information about how well a product
customer relations? solves a problem for a certain type of client. For example, the most
satisfied customers may not be those who are most receptive to
marketing materials. If the goal is to build consumer loyalty,
materials may need to change to help build long-term relationships

D How can you keep In this digital age of been there, done that, the unexpected arrival
ongoing product of a handwritten note can work wonders for revitalizing worn out
and/or service old business relationships. And the beautiful part is, this can work
quality? just as well with employees and suppliers as it can with customers.

E Outline a process for 1. Define the Problem

problem 2. Brainstorm Ideas
identification and 3. Decide on a Solution
resolution. 4. Implement the Solution
5. Review the Results

F How would you Know Your Product or Service

describe quality To provide good customer service, you need to know what you're
customer service selling, inside and out. Make sure you and your customer-facing
delivery? staff know how your products or services work. Be aware of the
most common questions customers ask and know how to articulate
the answers that will leave them satisfied.

G Outline one record Record, track and monitor

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Question Answer (30-50 words/answer)
keeping and Records move around all the time: in and out of storage and
management between colleagues and departments. Without a comprehensive
method. cataloguing and monitoring system in place, it’s easy for files to fall
between the cracks and disappear.

H What are 2  Listen to your customers by monitoring interactions. Ask

strategies for questions such as: are these interactions related to the
monitoring, company’s goals and objectives, or are they related to
managing and specific areas of concern such as customer attrition? This is
introducing ways to where analytics comes into play for the contact centre.
improve customer Speech analytics identifies calls that are relevant for
service evaluation and text analytics identifies email and chat
relationships? interactions that should be monitored.
Briefly describe  Capture all of your customer feedback channels. Apply the
them. same quality standard that is used for calls to text-based
interactions like email and chat.

I Describe 2 strategies  Measure Your Customer Service Performance

to obtain customer Send out an email survey when a complaint ticket is closed.
feedback. The aim of this survey is to determine whether the
resolution is in accordance with the customer’s expectations.

 Call Your Customers Regularly

Calling customers is a highly personalized way to seek
customer feedback. This method is proactive, and generates
the best responses.

L Briefly describe how Get the facts. After listening, take the initiative in the
to effectively solve conversation. Now that the customer has calmed down and feels
customer you have heard his or her side, begin asking questions. Be careful
complaints. not to speak scripted replies, but use this as an opportunity to start
a genuine conversation, building a trusting relationship with your
customer. To help you understand the situation, get as many
details as possible.

Appendix 1 –Useful Links

Legislations and Regulations

 Privacy Act :

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 Anti-Discrimination Acts :

 WHS:

 Contract Law :

 Advertising : (

 Australian Consumer Law and Marketing Communication:

( )

 Warranties and Guaranties :

 Anti-competitive behaviour:

 Advertising codes and regulations:

 Intellectual Property :

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