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Edward Andrey Penagos Marin - BSBLDR502 Assessment V2.1017

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BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective

workplace relationships

Student ID Student Name

First Name: Edward Andrey

Last Name: Penagos Marin

Student’s declaration:
By submitting this assessment, you are acknowledging and agreeing to the following conditions:
Please check each item in the box, if you agree.

✔ I have read and understood the details of the assessment.

I have been informed of the conditions of the assessment and the appeals process and
✔ understand I may appeal if I believe the assessment is not equitable, fair or just.

✔ I agree to participate in this assessment, and I am ready to be assessed.

I declare that the attached is my own work or in collaboration with other members of a group
✔ as required.
I have acknowledged all sources where appropriate in accordance with ILSC’s Academic
✔ Integrity Policy, and I believe other group members have done the same.

Submitting your assessment: Complete all assessment tasks, save, and upload in Moodle for grading. Please
view the videos on submitting work through Moodle in the FAQ section of your VET Orientation course. Check
Moodle grades and feedback on your submission. You will receive an email notification when your assessment
has been graded.

Assessor’s acknowledgement:
Please verify each of the following principles of assessment by placing a tick in each box. Refer to the
assessor's handbook for further information if required.

Authentic: The assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s
✔ own work.

Valid: The assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as
✔ described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment requirements.
Current: The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current
✔ competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent
Sufficient: The assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment
✔ evidence enable a judgement to be made of a learner’s competency.

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How to work through your assessment

Your assessment is designed to assess your performance of competency for the unit BSBLDR502
Lead and manage effective workplace relationships, Release 1. Your assessor will help you fully
understand assessment requirements for this unit.
The features of this assessment are detailed in the following table.

Features of the
assessment Explanation

Assessment This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead and
information and manage effective workplace relationships. It applies to individuals in
scope leadership or management who have a prominent role in establishing
and managing processes and procedures to support workplace
relationships, taking into account the organisation’s values, goals and
cultural diversity.
At this level work will normally be carried out within complex and
diverse methods and procedures, which require the exercise of
considerable discretion and judgment, using a range of problem-solving
and decision-making strategies.
The key outcomes are:
§ Manage ideas and information
§ Establish systems to develop trust and confidence
§ Manage the development and maintenance of networks and
§ Manage difficulties to achieve positive outcomes

Assessment To demonstrate competency, you must successfully complete all

overview assessment tasks.
Task 1: Online Moodle Quizzes
Task 2: Questioning
Task 3: Project: Leading and managing effective workplace
relationships at BizOps Enterprises
Task 4: Observation

Complete the ü Task 1: Online Moodle Quizzes

following tasks You will be completing online Moodle quizzes for each topic to
demonstrate your knowledge of the unit requirements. These are self-
ü Task 2: Questioning
You will be demonstrating a sound knowledge of the unit requirements
in your responses to short and long answer questions.

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ü Task 3: Project: Leading and managing effective workplace

relationships at BizOps Enterprises
You will be demonstrating the required skills and knowledge by
completing a scenario-based project.
ü Task 4: Observation
Your performance will be documented while being observed by your
assessor in a simulated off-the-job situation that reflects the workplace.

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TASK 1- Please complete the following online quizzes

on Moodle:
§ Topic 1 Online Quiz
§ Topic 2 Online Quiz
§ Topic 3 Online Quiz

TASK 2: Questioning
Purpose You will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit
requirements in your responses.

Instructions to the All questions must be answered satisfactorily for Task 2 to be

candidate completed satisfactorily.
There is no restriction on the length of the question responses.
You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or
other personnel, but may refer to reference material as needed.

Resources required You may use the learning resource and relevant WHS documents
to research information when answering questions.

Assessment Assessment will be conducted in a safe environment where

conditions evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of
typical activities experienced in the management and leadership
field of work and include access to:
ž relevant workplace documentation and resources
ž interaction with others.

Reasonable If you are unable to respond to the questions in written form, an

adjustment interview may be used as an alternative approach if negotiated
with your assessor.

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Please provide answers to the following questions:

1. Describe how you could source, analyse and share information with your team about work

- Understanding information objectives.
- Applying appropiate research methods.
- Identifying information source
- Analysing information validity including the source.
- Assembling the information appropiately
- Chosing a communication method characteristic of the purpose

2. List two consultation methods you could use to receive information and feedback from your

- Scheduling regular staff metting to provide for reporting and updating.
- Holding team meetings on safety,technical or operational issues.
- puttiing into place incident or hazard reporting procedures.
- Consulting with external parties such as industry, union, WHS.
- Conducting staff forums on major topics.
- Posting workplace on intranet nortices.
- issuing administration manuals or operational guidelines.
- Personally interacting with team memebers.
- Communicating by telephone

3. List two ways you could give feedback to your team about the consultation process outcomes

- 360 Degree feedback
- Performance reviews
- Recognition and rewards

4. Describe how you could ensure that issues raised are resolved promptly or referred to
relevant personnel

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- Know who to ask for help from specialist or external to the organitation.
- The potential impact of likely scenarios occuuring within each of these areas.
- Anticipate and plan for likely situations that could cause problems, resignations, leave, sick.

5. Describe how you could ensure that your organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical values
are adhered to

Avoid creating division in the organitation by catering to differences in all comunication
Work to eliminate hostile enviroments or avenues for any from of harassment
Encourege and promote diversity in the workplace.
Adhere to relevant legislative requirements, such as WHS

6. Through your professional conduct, list two ways you could gain the trust and confidence of
your work colleagues and external contacts.

- Treat people with integrity and respect.
- Aim for amnd display high professional standards and personal principles.
- Follow through an endeavour to its conclusion.
- Value feedback and be humble.
- Encourege integrity in others.
- Be flexible and responsive
- Build self-worth in others
- Show courtesy
-Be awere of prejudice and harassment

7. How could you adjust your own interpersonal communication style to meet your
organisation's cultural diversity and ethical environment?

- Acommodate language differences in the workplace.
- Ensure that people whit disabilities have information presented to them in appropraite manner.
- Always use non-discriminatory language
- Emphasise cultural factors when recruting

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8. Describe how you could support your work colleagues in adjusting their own interpersonal
communication styles.

Managers should be aware of the different personality types within a team to understand group
dynamics and break down relationship barriers. The learner should have mader reference to leading
by example, coaching or mentoring team members to support them in adjusting their own
interpersonal communication.

9. List two ways you could use networks to build workplace relationships.

- Take advantages of online networking opportunities. Such as social media and linkedln, where you
can join to Professional or trade associations.
- Develop partnerships with other stakeholders therefore find special interest groups with the same
hobbies or skills.
- Attend conferences, trade fairs, seminars or business funtions.
- target individuals with the pontential to become a good customer or help with a particular project.

10. Describe how you could make the most of your networking opportunities to ensure that
workplace relationships are developed and maintained.

- Keeping in regular contact with existing networks.
- Being clear about networking goals when joining social groups.
- Starting a network with a circle of friends and friends of friends, joining social groups and doing
network at professional events.
- Also in order to mantein the relationships built in a social encounter is important to do a follow up
with emails or contact by social media, appreciating the conection and do what was promissed
during the meeting.

11. Describe the process you follow to identify and resolve difficulties in workplace
relationships, including an action plan.

- Recognise the symtoms of the problems.
- Identify the problem.
- Analise the problem.
- Define the options for resolution
- Take action

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12. Describe how you could manage workplace conflict constructively, in accordance with your
organisation’s policies and procedures.

- Following organisational policies and procedures.
- Dealing with conflict sensitively and quickly.
- Being objective and aiming to understand everyone's point of view.
- Thinking positively emphasising with others.
- Using a deferral techniques.
- Discussing misunderstanding.
- Acknowledging the perpectives with all parties involved.
- Being aware of certain behavious.

13. List two ways you could support work colleagues to manage difficulties in the workplace.

- Conducting staff inductions.
- Providing ongoing education and initiating training programs.
- Leading by example
- Supplying reading material and other resources.
- Encouraging safe work practices.
- Counselling team members through coaching or mentoring.
- Supporting the team through staff meeting, feedback, training or other organitation support

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TASK 3 – Project: Leading and managing effective

workplace relationships at BizOps Enterprises
Purpose You will demonstrate your skills and knowledge by completing a
scenario-based project.

Task overview You receive an email from Sarah Voss, Customer Service Manager.
and context Subject: Customer service assistant complaint
Gina Harris, Human Resources Manager, has advised me that one of our
customer service assistants has made a complaint to the human
resources department. Trevor claims to be experiencing age
discrimination from his work colleagues. Trevor says that for two years
he has been subjected to offensive comments regarding his age. He
claims, for example, that he was called ‘old’ and ‘expired’ and was
subjected to a betting game about his possible age of retirement.
Trevor also claims that the persistent comments have caused him much
distress and isolation within his team.
As Trevor is one of your team members, directly reporting to you, I
need you to follow-up and produce a response that clearly identifies the
key issue; recommends ways to resolve any conflict; and promotes the
organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical environment within your
team. Trevor’s employee profile is provided below.
Please access the relevant BizOps policies and conflict resolution
procedures to assist you in dealing with this issue.
Sarah Voss
Customer Service Manager

Employee Trevor is employed as a customer service assistant at BizOps. He is 66

profile: Trevor years old and is unsure as to what age he will retire. He has worked at
BizOps for more than 10 years and participates in mandatory workplace
training every 12 months.
Trevor’s role is to receive and respond to incoming telephone calls and
emails from BizOps customers.

Instructions Please read the ‘Project tasks & instructions’ section that follows. This
explains everything the company would like you to do.
To complete the project, you will be using the following BizOps
documents. See instructions in “Resources required” section below on
how to access these:
ž Equal opportunities policy
ž Conflict resolution procedures

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You must complete the project unassisted by the assessor or other

personnel, but may refer to reference material as needed.

Resources The following BizOps Enterprise policies and procedures are required
required for this project to be completed:
Access these documents from Moodle Assessment tab for this unit.
o Equal opportunities policy.pdf
o Conflict resolution procedures.pdf

Assessment Assessment will be conducted in a safe environment where evidence

conditions gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities
experienced in the management and leadership field of work and
include access to:
§ relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes
§ relevant workplace documentation and resources
§ interaction with others.

Reasonable If you are unable to undertake the project assessment as designed,

adjustment please speak to your assessor.

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Project tasks & instructions:

In this project, you will be responding to each of the following tasks. You will give information
for tasks 1 to 4 using the fields provided. Develop a single word-processed document for tasks 5
& 6 with page numbers, headings for each task point and your name and student ID in the
header section of your document. In task 7, you will develop a slide presentation as part of a
group. Submit your document and presentation slides online with your assessment.

1. Summarise in dot-points the key issues relating to the situation and describe how they relate
to/impact Trevor’s work responsibilities.

- Age discrimination.
- Causing distress and isolation.
- Potencial lack of training.
- Lack of policies and prodecures.

2. Plan and list the steps you will take to manage Trevor’s complaint promptly and describe how
these comply with the BizOps policies and procedures.

- An employee and/or employee representative meets with the employee's direct line manager or
supervisor (hereafter referred to as the 'manager') to raise the issue(s) and discuss possible
- The manager will listen attentively and attemp to work with the employee and/or the employee's
representative to come up with mutually agrreable outcome.
- If the issue(s) cannot be resolved and/or it is inapporpiate for the manager to deal with the
problem, it is to be referred to a more senior manager.
- the senior manager will listen attentively and attempt resolve the issue with the employee and/or
the employee's representative to come up with a mutually agreeable outcome. if a resolution is not
forthcoming ,themn the matter is to be referred to top-level management.
- Top-level managment will attempt to resolve the issue with the employee and/or the employee's
representative to come up with a mutually agreeable outcome. if a resolution is not forthcoming,
then the matter will be taken to an external independent body for resolution.
- The independent body may be an organitation such as the fair work commmision, who will
providea mediator or concilliator to assist with resolving the issue(s).

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3. Describe how you would ensure that consultation processes would provide opportunities for
Trevor (and any other relevant BizOps staff) to contribute to the issue an appropriate manner.

- To have consultation sessions with members of staff.
- To hold training programas on all discrimination for all staff.
- Ensure the policies ans procedures are updated regarding discriination and distribute them to all

4. Describe how you will provide feedback to Trevor and other staff on the consultation process

- Advice Trevor through 1:1 conversation that all staff have agreed to take part in discrimination
training. If Trevor does not feel safe he needs to report it to his manager and it will be actioned

For all staff roll out individual performance appraisals and set KPI's if is necessary.

5. Develop an issue management process to ensure that the issues raised be resolved promptly
and/or referred to relevant personnel. Compile the information into a word-processed
document using the following as a guide:
§ Symptoms – early warning signs of the issue
§ Facts – identify the problem by gathering the facts, determining who is involved, talking
to relevant people and establishing causes
§ Analysis – evaluate the extent of the issue, determine the potential implications,
consider the interests of all those affected and ensure adherence to the BizOps anti-
discrimination equal opportunity policy, conflict resolution procedures and legislative
§ Options for resolution – define and evaluate options for resolution in consultation with
relevant personnel and determine the best course of action

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§ Action plan – develop a plan of action, implementing the solutions within BizOps’s
organisational processes, and follow-up to ensure implementation
§ Monitor outcomes – describe the process to monitor action plan outcomes, including
ongoing support, counselling or guidance to assist co-workers in resolving their work

6. Prepare a report that describes how you display professional leadership behaviour through
your own conduct. Include:
§ ways you could or do gain and maintain the trust and confidence of colleagues and
external contacts
§ methods you use or could use to adjust your own interpersonal communication style to
meet the BizOps organisation's cultural diversity and ethical environment
§ techniques you use or could use to guide and support team members in their own
personal adjustment process.

7. Group task
You will be participating in a group (3 or 4 participants) to create and deliver a presentation
on age discrimination, promoting the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical environment
to BizOps team members. You will be using presentation software to create at least 10 to 15
slides covering the following topics:
ž Understanding the law
ž BizOps Equal opportunities policy
ž Managing conflict constructively within the team
ž Building effective workplace relationships

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TASK 4: Observation
Purpose Your performance will be documented while being observed by your

Observation You will be delivering a 15 to 20-minute presentation using slides

instructions from task 7 of the project as part of your group. Your presentation
will take place in a simulated work environment and class members
will act as members of your work team at BizOps enterprises.
Your assessor will assess your required skills and knowledge while
observing your performance during your group work and
presentation according to the observation checklist below.

Resources required The following materials and recourses are required for this
observation to be undertaken:
o Equal opportunities policy.pdf
o computer and electronic presentation software
o display monitor
o access to the internet

Assessment Assessment will be conducted in a safe environment where evidence

conditions gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities
experienced in the management and leadership field of work and
include access to:
§ relevant workplace documentation and resources
§ interaction with others.

Reasonable If you are unable to undertake the observation assessment as

adjustment designed, please speak to your assessor.

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Observation Checklist

You will be assessed according the following criteria:

Conducting planning to develop and maintain effective workplace relationships

Implementing strategies to communicate information about work responsibilities

Building trust and positive working relationships to support others

Using networks to build workplace relationships

Facilitating feedback to employees

Demonstrating professional conduct to maintain the trust and confidence of others by:

ž adjusting interpersonal communication styles to meet organisational and individual needs, and
support others

ž managing conflict constructively

ž guiding, counselling and supporting co-workers

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