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Chakra Healing Book

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The key takeaways are that the human body has 7 energy centers called chakras that influence physical, emotional and spiritual health when balanced. The chakras are located along the spine and each governs a different aspect of life.

The 7 chakras are energy centers located along the spine. They are the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakra. Each chakra governs a different aspect of life like survival, creativity, personal power, love, communication, intuition and spirituality.

When a chakra is balanced, the right amount of energy is flowing through it. A balanced chakra leads to harmony in the areas of life it governs, like feeling secure financially for a balanced root chakra.



The entire universe is made of energy, and "Each of the seven chakras
your body is no exception.
are governed by spiritual
Long before modern technology and science,
ancient cultures knew that all living things
laws, principles of
carried a life force with them. They called the consciousness that we can
centres of energy that move inside of us, the 7 use to cultivate greater
chakras. So what are the seven chakras? harmony, happiness, and
wellbeing in our lives and in
Chakra is an old Sanskrit word that literally
translates to a wheel.
the world."
You can use this information to connect
This is because the life force, or prana, that
physical, emotional and spiritual
moves inside of you is spinning and rotating.
imbalances with the chakras that
This spinning energy has 7 centres in your
empower them. Of course, with those
body, starting at the base of your spine and
discoveries, you can begin to balance
moving all the way up to the top of your head.
your chakras and live a healthy and
In a healthy, balanced person, the 7 chakras
harmonious life.
provide exactly the right amount of energy to
every part of your body, mind and spirit.
This course booklet will help
supplement the video content and can
However, if one of your chakras is too open
be used as a handout if you are looking
and spinning too quickly, or if it is too closed
to teach or work with clients. We will
and moving slowly your health can suffer. 
go over the seven chakras in detail and
By learning about the 7 chakras, you can
truly understand what can influence
become more in tune with the natural energy
and help them heal.
cycles of your body.



The official name of this chakra, Muladhara, "And remember, no matter

comes from the words Mula, which means root
and Dhara, which means support.
where you go, there you are"

So, this chakra’s role is to connect all of your

Energise your 1st chakra
energy with the Earth, which is called grounding.
If you find yourself disconnected from
When you think of your Root Chakra, think of material existence, your 1st chakra may
your day to day survival here on earth. This need to be revved up.
energy centre’s role is to give you everything you
need to survive. For us in this modern age, that You can do this with reconnecting to
typically translates to financial and emotional the earth by being out in nature.
security. Gardening, swimming or even playing in
the leaves can energise your root
The Colour is Red chakra. You can also get yourself a t-
shirt featuring Muladhara to strengthen
Location: This chakra is located at the very base
your Root Chakra.
of your spine, near your tailbone. It goes up to
just below your belly button.

What balanced feels like: When your 1st chakra

is balanced, you will feel a sense of
accomplishment and peace when you think
about things like money, safety and shelter.



The 2nd chakra is the sacral chakra or Movement is a medicine for

svadhishana which translates to “the place of the creating change in a person's
self.” This chakra is all about your identity as a
physical, emotional, and
human and what you do with it.
mental states
This chakra brings you creative energy to enjoy
How to energise your 2nd chakra
Energising your 2nd chakra is fun. In
Your sacral chakra is the home of the creative
simple terms – enjoy life! Create a piece
life force energy that helps you enjoy your life
of art. Eat a healthy and enjoyable snack.
here on Earth.
Make love to your partner.
It’s the energy that motivates you to enjoy the
Take time for yourself and enjoy the
fruits of your labour including indulging in
pleasurable activities like sex. incredible gifts the Earth has to offer
Sacral Chakra

Colour: Orange

Location: The sacral chakra is located right below

the belly button and extends to its centre.

What balanced feels like: When your 2nd chakra

is balanced, you will relish in the pleasurable
things life has to offer, without overdoing them.

Sex, good food and creative activities will be

inspiring and enjoyable, and you will get a
sense of wellness and abundance from them.



The 3rd chakra is the Solar Plexus or Manipura It is not the mountain we
which translates to “lustrous gem.” This chakra is conquer but ourselves
where your self-confidence, identity and personal
power are born. Many call this chakra the warrior chakra,
as the feeling you get from it is
Have you ever been in a situation that you just comparable to a wise warrior going into
knew wasn’t right for you? battle.

Perhaps you’ve been in a situation that you knew He has the confidence to win and the
was going to work out. Where did you feel those wisdom to know the personal truth he is
cues in your body? Most people say they feel fighting for.
those types of cues in their “gut.”
How to energise your 3rd chakra
In reality, this is the seat of your personal power, To energise your Solar Plexus, think of
your solar plexus, and you can physically feel that the things that you know you’re good at.
confidence and wisdom in its location. Everyone has talents and abilities.

Solar Plexus Chakra Make a list of yours. Feel how the

confidence in those talents makes your
Colour: Yellow stomach tingle and vibrate. Empower
that feeling by creating your own
Location: The solar plexus starts in the centre of personal affirmations.
the belly button and extends up to the
breastbone or where your two sets of ribs
connect in the centre of your chest.

What balanced feels like: When your 3rd chakra is

balanced, you will feel a sense of wisdom,
decisiveness and personal power.



The 4th chakra is the Heart or Anahata chakra, If you want others to be
which translates to “unhurt.” This chakra is happy, practice compassion. 
where your love, compassion and kindness are
If you want to be happy,
practice compassion.
It’s not hard to understand this chakra.

We all associate our hearts with love, and that’s How to energise your 4th chakra
exactly what the 4th chakra is all about. This Energising your heart chakra may take a
includes love for others and love for yourself, lot of work.
which is why this chakra is also associated with
health and healing. Many of us have worked hard to build up
our walls and defences, and it isn’t always
Heart Chakra easy to knock them down. It first begins
by loving yourself.
Colour: Green
Show appreciation for yourself, and
Location: The heart chakra’s centre is located give yourself the love that you want
right over your heart and it radiates down to others to give to you. Then, spread that
your breastbone and up to your throat. compassion to those around you.

What balanced feels like: When your 4th chakra is

balanced, you are able to equally feel love for
yourself and others. Even when tough things
happen, you can still see the compassion and
kindness in others.



The 5th chakra is the Throat chakra or To speak and to speak well
Vishuddha which translates to “very pure.”
are two things.  A fool may
This chakra gives a voice to your personal truths. talk, but a wise man speaks.
What balanced feels like: When your
Where does your voice come from? throat chakra is balanced, you will be able
to clearly speak with love, kindness and
What provides the energy for you to speak? truth.

On a physical level, of course, the answer is the You will know exactly which words are
throat, but on an energetic level, this energy
appropriate for each situation.
actually comes from your 5th chakra. This chakra
Speaking with a balanced throat chakra
lets you speak your truth with clarity.
will enlighten and inspire those around
Resting right above the heart, the throat chakra you.
is connected to the compassion and love you
have for yourself and others. How to energize your 5th chakra
Speak your truth!
Throat Chakra
Even if no one is around to hear you,
Colour: Blue practice expressing your emotions and
truths when you’re alone.
Location: The throat chakra’s centre is right in
between your collar bone, and it radiates down to
It’s very common to think that we
the centre of your heart and up to the centre of
should only speak when someone else is
your eyes.
around to hear it, but if you’re trying to
energize your third chakra, it doesn’t
matter if it's received by any other ear
than your own.


It's not what you look at that

The 6th Chakra – The Third Eye – Ajna
The 6th chakra is the Third Eye Chakra Ajna matters, it's what you see.
which translates to “beyond wisdom.” This What balanced feels like: A balanced third
chakra opens up your mind to information eye is a beautiful thing, and it’s really
beyond the material world and the 5 senses. what you are trying to achieve when you
start on a path to spiritual development.
Extrasensory perception, intuition or psychic
energy, all comes from the third eye. When your third eye chakra is balanced,
you will equally feel in tune with both
There is actually a small pinecone-shaped gland the physical world and the material
in your brain that takes in light. This gland, the world. You will receive psychic
pineal gland, is responsible for helping you feel information as frequently as you
awake in the daytime and sleepy at night. receive information from your 5
physical senses, but it will not
Long before brain imaging, ancient cultures knew overwhelm you.
this Third Eye existed, and they also realized that
it receives information from sources outside of
How to energise your 6th chakra
the five senses.
Energising your third eye will take
some practice. You’ll need to devote
Third Eye Chakra
some time to quiet, solitary meditation.
Colour: Indigo At first, get used to the feeling of
focusing on signals outside of your
Location: The third eye’s centre is in between physical body.
your eyebrows. It radiates down to your mouth
and up to the top of your head. Listen to your spirit and recognise how
that feels. As you practice this, you’ll
find it easier and easier to connect with
the energy from your Third Eye.



Not all those who wander

are lost

The 7th Chakra – Crown – Sahasrara What balanced feels like: Achieving a
The 7th chakra is the Crown or Sahaswara, which balanced crown chakra is the goal of
translates to “thousand petaled.” This chakra is every spiritual warrior, and it’s not easy to
pure consciousness energy. do. You can think of it as the Buddhist
concept of achieving nirvana.
The Crown chakra is one of those energies that’s
hard to explain. Once you achieve it, you’re not really
human anymore – you’ve conquered
You can think of it like magnetism. suffering and death.

When you hold a piece of metal to a magnet, you Of course, it is the journey of
can feel the energy and tension, but you can’t see attempting to achieve this balance that
it. Consciousness energy is everywhere and in brings us happiness, good health and
everything. It connects us to the entire universe. wisdom. Trying to balance your 7th
chakra will align and balance your other
Our own personal consciousness is located in the
7th chakra, but it’s really more like the seed of
universal energy than something personal or
individual. How to energise your 7th chakra
Instead of attempting to open up and
Crown Chakra activate your crown chakra, focus on
balancing the other 6 chakras.
Colour: Violet – White
Meditate and connect with spirit and
Location: The crown chakra’s centre is at the top balance those activities with living and
of your head. It radiates down to between your enjoying your human experience.
eyes and then extends infinitely upward and
outward, connecting you to the energy of the
rest of the universe.



Chakra Round-Up

This comprehensive guide will allow you to have a I have a number of spiritual courses so
much greater understanding of the effects your please have a look at them, or you can
chakras have on your life, but also the affects visit my website
your life can have on your chakras. or Julian
Jenkins Medium on Facebook.
The need to keep a balanced lifestyle is at the
forefront of any healthy life. I would love to help in any way I can. God
Bless you and thank you for taking my
Taking these handouts and using the course course.
video and meditations there is a real opportunity
to make the changes you need to keep a lighter Regards
and brighter approach to your life and those
people around you. Julian
We talk about the need not only just to balance
the energy around your chakras but also look at
ways how you can eat right, exercise right. Use
the correct oils and crystals to help aid the
rhythmic health and vibration of your chakras.

When you couple this with the intuitive spiritual

meditation and the guidance from spirit you can
truly hone in on your own body's wants and

Plus you can use this course and the handout to

help work with clients in the healing modality and
also teaching chakra healing course.


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