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Anjali Yoga Chakra Cleanse Meditation Script

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Anjali Yoga Chakra Cleanse Meditation Script

Once you have completed the Anjali Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course you are wel-
come to use this meditation in your classes, you can read directly from this script so
that you don’t have to try and remember the full meditation.

This meditation is designed to open, align and balance your Chakras and to help you to
manifest heath and wellbeing in both body and mind.

A Chakra is a ball of light that is spinning, it is a point in the body that energy flows through,
each point of energy corresponds with a physical area of the body as well as metaphysical
areas of your energetic bodies.

When Chakras are opened and aligned and energy is flowing freely we experience good
health, when they are blocked when can experience negative health in our bodies, our
minds and in our life situations.

Let’s begin our Chakra cleanse meditation.

Take a nice inhale through the nose, deep, slow inhale, gently pause and then a long slow
exhalation through the nose.

Let’s do two more of these, deep inhale, fill the lungs, a gentle pause, long, slow exhalation.

One more, deep, slow inhalation through the nose, a gentle pause, long slow exhale.

We will now work our way up the Chakras beginning with the root Chakra.

Visualize a red ball of light at the base of your spine slowly spinning, mentally send energy
and white light into this Chakra. This Chakra represents the foundations of our lives, our
basic needs, our survival, this Chakra governs our physical assistance, our bodies and our
physical health. As you mentally send light energy to this Chakra repeat the mantra silently
in your mind, I am safe, I am safe. Feel the power and strength of this energy center. Re-
lease the visualization of the root Chakra and we will move to our second Chakra.

The second Chakra is called the Sacral Chakra, it is located below the belly button, the col-
or of this Chakra is orange, take a deep breath in and as you breathe out visualize a ball of
orange light slowly spinning below your belly button, visualize a healing white light entering
this energy center. The Chakra is associated with our sexuality, desire, please and creativ-
ity, as you mentally send light energy to the Sacral Chakra repeat the mantra, I am life, I am
life, breathing deeply and sending light energy into the spinning orange ball located below
the belly button, I am life. Release the visualization of the Second Chakra now and we will
move onto the third Chakra.

The third Chakra is called the Solar Plexus and it is located in the upper abdomen above
the belly button, the color of this Chakra is yellow, take a deep breath in and as you breathe
out, visualize a ball of yellow light spinning in your upper abdomen, fill this ball with a heal-
ing white light, let the white light mix in with the warm, shinning, yellow light. The Solar
Plexus Chakra is associated with courage, self esteem confidence and will power, as you
mentally send energy to your Solar Plexus Chakra repeat the mantra, I am worthy, I am
powerful, I am worthy, I am powerful, let this yellow light be cleansed with the healing white
light, I am worthy, I am powerful. Releasing the visualization of the Solar Plexus, moving now
to our fourth Chakra.

The Heart Chakra, the Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest, directly in the
middle of the three upper and three lower Chakras, the color of the Heart Chakra is green,
take a deep breath in and as you breathe out, visualize a ball of beautiful green light slowly
spinning in the center of your chest, as you breathe, mentally send a white healing light into
the Chakra, let this white light combine with the green. The Heart Chakra is associated with
unconditional Love, joy and compassion, as you breathe, visualize light energy entering the
spinning green Chakra and repeat the mantra, I am Love, I am Love, see if you can feel this
feeling of unconditional Love radiating through your body, I am Love, I am Love. Releasing
the visualization of your Heart Chakra, moving to our fifth Chakra now.

The fifth Chakra is the throat Chakra, it is located in the throat and is blue in color, visualize
a blue ball slowly spinning in the location of your throat, take a deep breath in and as you
breathe out, mentally send a white spinning light into this ball, the throat Chakra is associ-
ated with communication and self expression, a healthy throat Chakra allows you to con-
fidently speak your mind and express yourself in creative ways such as singing, dancing,
through music or art. As you breathe deeply and visualize light energy entering your throat
Chakra, repeat the mantra, I am sound, I am sound, feel confidence in your ability to ex-
press yourself and to speak your truth, I am sound, I am sound. Release the visualization of
the fifth Chakra and we will move to our sixth Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra.

The Third Eye Chakra is indigo blue in color and is located in between the eyebrows, visual-
ize a ball of indigo blue, slowly spinning between your eyebrows, take a deep breath in and
as you breathe out begin to send a healing white light into the indigo blue, spinning ball of
energy, allow this white light to cleanse, heal and open your Third Eye Chakra. This Chakra
is association with intuition, imagination and psychic perception. As you breathe deeply,
sending a white, healing light into your Third Eye Chakra, repeat the mantra, I am light, I am
light, silently in your mind, I am light. Releasing the Third Eye visualization and moving to
our Seventh Chakra, the Crown Chakra.

This Chakra is located at the top of the head, or more specifically just above the top of
the head, it is violet in color, begin the visualize a violet ball of spinning light above your
head, take a deep breath in and as you breathe out, mentally send a healing, white light
into your Crown Chakra, let this white light mix with the violet color of the Crown Chakra.
This Chakra is associated with awareness, wisdom and connection to the divine, as you
breathe deeply, sending white light into your Crown Chakra, silently repeat the man-
tra, I am, I am. Release the visualization of the Crown Chakra and slowly open your eyes

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