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Acoustic Indices For Biodiversity Assessment and Landscape Investigation

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Vol. 100 (2014) 772 – 781

DOI 10.3813/AAA.918757

Acoustic Indices for Biodiversity Assessment

and Landscape Investigation

Jérôme Sueur1) , Almo Farina2) , Amandine Gasc1,3) , Nadia Pieretti2) , Sandrine Pavoine3,4)
Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Département Systématique et Évolution, UMR 7205-CNRS ISYEB,
45 rue Buffon, Paris, France.
Department of Basic Sciences and Foundations, Urbino University, Urbino, Italy
Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Département Ecologie et Gestion de la Biodiversité, UMR 7204
CNRS-UPMC CESCO, 55-61 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France
Mathematical Ecology Research Group, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road,
Oxford, OX1 3PS, UK

Bioacoustics is historically a discipline that essentially focuses on individual behaviour in relation to population
and species evolutionary levels but rarely in connection with higher levels of ecological complexity like com-
munity, landscape or ecosystem. However, some recent bioacoustic researches have operated a change of scale
by developing acoustic indices which aim is to characterize animal acoustic communities and soundscapes. We
here review these indices for the first time. The indices can be divided into two classes: the α or within-group
indices and the β or between-group indices. Up to 21 α acoustic indices were proposed in less than six years.
These indices estimate the amplitude, evenness, richness, heterogeneity of an acoustic community or soundscape.
Seven β diversity indices were suggested to compare amplitude envelopes or, more often, frequency spectral pro-
files. Both α and β indices reported congruent and expected results but they may still suffer some bias due, for
instance, to anthropic background noise or variations in the distances between vocalising animals and the sensors.
Research is still needed to improve the reliability of these new mathematical tools for biodiversity assessment and
monitoring. We recommend the contemporary use of some of these indices to obtain complementary informa-
tion. Eventually, we foresee that this new field of research which tries to build bridges between animal behaviour
and ecology should meet an important success in the next years for the assessment and monitoring of marine,
freshwater and terrestrial biodiversity from individual-based level to landscape dimension.
PACS no. 43.80.+p

1. Introduction This concept is extremely constructive as it builds a

simple linear chain of events that are clearly identified
Bioacoustics is usually defined as the scientific discipline and delimited (emission, propagation, reception). This ex-
that studies the emission, propagation and reception of plains why numerous bioacoustic studies refer, directly
sound produced by animal species. Bioacoustic studies or indirectly, to the emitter-receiver paradigm. However,
dealing with humans are rather rare as research on hu- this scheme could also be viewed as a rather narrow con-
man voice, audition or music is mostly related to medi- cept as it suggests that communication simply works as
cal sciences and musicology respectively. This definition a closed system between two individuals that share an
has its origins in the paradigm of Shannon and Weaver encoding-decoding process. Studies on sound choruses
[1] who describes communication as an emitter-receiver clearly revealed that communication is structured in a net-
duo sharing information encoded in a signal. In terms of work rather than in a one-to-one communication relation
acoustics, an individual (the emitter) produces a mechan- (for a review see [2, 3]). The emitter and the receiver
ical vibration that embeds information (the signal) which rarely form an isolated pair but rather they combine into
propagates through a medium (air, water, vegetation, soil) a piece of a communication web spun by several emit-
and is received by another individual (the receiver). The ters and receivers like it happens in frog choruses (e.g.
reception of the signal may change the behaviour or the [4]). The study of networks and choruses increased signif-
physiology of the receiver. The information is encoded by icantly during the last years and the recent development of
the emitter and decoded by the receiver through a code. microphone arrays opens the possibility to track individual
acoustic activity and, therefore, to better estimate the inter-
Received 9 January 2014,
individual interactions within a network of singing animals
accepted 9 May 2014. [5]. Even if cases of eavesdropping between species have

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Sueur et al.: Biodiversity assessment ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA
Vol. 100 (2014)

been reported [6] and inter-specific interactions have been

explored (e.g. [7]), the encoding- decoding information
system used by a dyad or a network of individuals is con-
sidered most often to be specific to each species [8]. This
restriction to individuals from the same species is probably
most often correct but inherently implies that animal com-
munication is a locked system that prevents inter-specific
interactions. Therefore, bioacoustics often focus on a sin-
gle or a few species suggesting that bioacoustics is mainly
a species-centered discipline.
Historically, ecology is the science that examines the in-
teractions of organisms with their environment, including
both biotic and abiotic factors. Although ecology covers
by essence all organization scales, from genes to ecosys-
tems, bioacoustics investigate mostly infra-specific and
specific levels. Bioacoustic research led to fine art tools
to monitor the acoustic activity of species, population and
even of individuals in both marine and terrestrial habi-
tats [9, 10]. However, bioacoustics showed little interest in
higher levels like community, ecosystem and landscape.
This scale mismatch between bioacoustics and ecology
may explain why these two disciplines rarely met: bioa-
coustics is considered as part of animal behaviour disci-
pline not of ecology.
However, a change of scale in bioacoustics was recently
achieved by trying to zoom out on sounds produced by en-
tire communities or on considering the total acoustic el- Figure 1. Field recording of acoustic communities or sound-
ements of a landscape, known better as the soundscape scapes. An autonomous digital recorder (SM2, Wildlife acous-
[11, 12, 13]. In ecology, a community can be defined as an tics) is settled in the Nouragues tropical forest in French Guiana
assemblage or collection of interacting species found in a with one microphone at a human breast heights and one micro-
particular prescribed area or habitat [14, 15]. An acoustic phone ready to placed in the canopy at a height of 20 meters. See
[40] for details.
community is then an assemblage of vocal animals acous-
tically active at a given site and a particular time. These
species may compete or cooperate for a limited acoustic
space [7, 16, 17, 18, 19].
A landscape may be defined as a geographical area
characterized by spatial characters (patterns) that influ-
ence composition and distribution of individual species,
populations and communities [20], a cultural entity [21]
or a species-specific cognitive dimension [22]. Despite
the different epistemic perspective used to define a land-
scape, all sounds present in a landscape produce a sound-
scape defined by Pijanowski et al. [12, 13] as “the collec-
tion of biological, geophysical and anthropogenic sounds
that emanate from a landscape and which vary over space
and time”. The soundscape is therefore divided into three
main components: the biophony (biologically produced Figure 2. Sample of a community or soundscape recording. Spec-
sounds), the geophony (geophysically produced sounds) trogram of a recording achieved at the Nouragues reserves in
and the anthrophony (human produced sounds) [12, 13]. French Guiana on the 12nd of December 2010 at 6:30 am (point
04◦ 05 18.99 N, 52◦ 40 27.68 W). The recording include one
The change of scale in bioacoustics is supported by the mammal species (howler money, M) and several bird (B) and
recent development of digital autonomous audio recorders insect (I) species with lines indicating approximate respective
that can collect in an unattended way the acoustic activ- frequency bands. Spectrogram specifications: 512 samples non-
ity emanating from terrestrial, marine and aquatic envi- overlapping Hamming window with a 52 dB dynamic range. See
ronments [23, 24] (Figures 1 and 2). These devices can [40] for details.
be deployed in large numbers to cover important areas
and long periods of time. This technology for the first This, in turn, permits to address ecological and conserva-
time allows sampling automatically the acoustical activity tion questions at an ecological level. The massive audio
of animal communities and the sounds from landscapes. dataset collected need to be managed and analysed with

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efficient acoustic tools. In particular, research in ecology within- and between-group acoustic diversity. Several α
has a tradition of several indices that describe with a sin- acoustic indices have been developed to try to assess
gle value the ecological complexity from community to the richness or complexity of an acoustic community or
landscape scale (e.g. [25]). The requirement for acoustic soundscape and some β acoustic indices have been pro-
tools leads to the concomitant development of acoustic- posed to evaluate a level of acoustic disparity between
based ecological indices that could be used for biodiver- acoustic communities. We will review these two families
sity assessment, investigations on community dynamics of indices successively.
and landscape patterns. We aim with this paper to review
and comment some of these recent indices to better under- 3. Within-group indices: α acoustic diver-
stand the relationship between environmental proxies and sity
the acoustic complexity of vocal animals. All indices have
been developed in terrestrial communities and landscapes Acoustic indices estimating within-group diversity can be
so far. We will therefore focus our review on terrestrial divided into three categories: (1) indices using the ampli-
environments even if several indices can be used without tude, or intensity i.e. sound energy, (2) indices that esti-
major conceptual and technical issues to marine and fresh- mate a level of complexity in terms of time, frequency
water environments [26]. and/or amplitude, and (3) indices that take into account the
three components (biophony, geophony, and anthrophony)
2. Biodiversity indices of a soundscape (Table I).

An index of biodiversity is a mathematical function de- 3.1. Intensity indices

signed to evaluate some aspects of biodiversity. In biodi- A simple measure of an acoustic community or a sound-
versity assessment, numerous indices have been developed scape consists in measuring sound intensity. Almost all
to describe several diversity facets of animal and plant measurements are sound level parameters L expressed
communities. These indices aim to quantifying, among in deciBel with different frequency weighting and time
others, richness, evenness, regularity, divergence or rarity averaging leading to a plethora of indices (e.g. LC,peak ,
in species abundances, traits, or phylogeny [27, 28, 29]. LA,eq , Lday , Levening ) [35]. These measurements are tradi-
A usual distinction in biodiversity assessment is made be- tionally used for noise level assessment in urban sound-
tween the within- and between-group diversity, a group be- scape (e.g. [36]) and occasionally in an ecological or con-
ing a sample unit as a site, a habitat or a time event. The servation context [37, 38, 39]. However, accurate sound
within-group diversity was named the α diversity and the level measures require the use of numerous and expen-
between-group the β diversity [30]. Both α and β diver- sive sound level meters and miss important information
sities are computed from the list of entities belonging to regarding the frequency and temporal patterns of sounds.
a sample unit. Main α diversity indices are related to the These measures should be then accompanied with other in-
number of entities (richness) and the relative abundance dices working on the time and frequency dimensions. Two
of each entity (evenness) in a specific collection. Main β recent papers used amplitude measurements to estimate
diversity indices try to estimate similarity or dissimilarity natural soundscape intensity [40, 41]. In French Guiana,
between the lists of entities recorded at each site. In most the ambient acoustic amplitude of the audio files gener-
cases, these entities are species, but other entities can be ated by 24 recorders was estimated by computing the root-
used including genes, evolutionary units, and functional mean-square (RMS) of the absolute value of the raw sig-
traits (e.g. related to behaviour, morphology or ecology) to nals [40]. This information was successfully used to draw
assess genetic, phylogenetic or functional diversity [28]. amplitude-based maps of the forest area sampled but was
Indices developed for biodiversity assessment were very completed with metrics based on the frequency content of
recently adapted for the estimation of sound diversity em- the soundscape. Soundscape power was also measured in
anating from natural environments. The entity to be as- a recent study in a deciduous and coniferous North Amer-
sessed is therefore an acoustic community or a sound- ican forest [41]. However this was not a standing alone
scape. Before, several indices were used to describe the metric as sound power was also measured for 11 frequency
perception and categorization of urban [31] and rural intervals taking therefore into account the frequency di-
soundscapes [32, 33] according to a human perspective. mension of sound (see section Soundscape indices). Even-
These urban soundscape indices mainly rely on human tually, a set of six metrics related to amplitude was tested
perception scales [34] and their results are therefore diffi- to estimate avian richness of an Australian site [42] .
cult to compare due to potential differences in perception.
However, recent efforts have been done to produce objec- 3.2. Complexity indices
tive acoustic parameters that are not observer biased [35]. The concept of “complexity indices” is based on the as-
In this context, the idea of applying biodiversity indices to sumption that the acoustic output of a community or a
the analyses of acoustic recordings rose by trying in most landscape will increase in complexity with the number of
cases to collect objective data. singing individuals and species. An index that captures the
Animal sound emission can be sampled within a group heterogeneity of sound should then give a proxy of ani-
– a community, a landscape – or in different groups at mal acoustic activity. The first index developed in a con-
the same time. It becomes then necessary to assess both text community and landscape was an index that assesses

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Table I. Summary of α and β acoustic diversity indices.

Full name Abbreviation Principle Reference

α indices
Relative avian abundance – Area under spectrum in relation with [43]
an amplitude threshold [43]
Temporal Entropy Ht Envelope complexity [44]
Spectral Entropy Hf Spectrum complexity [44]
Acoustic Entropy Index H Envelope and spectrum complexity [44]
Ratio of biophony to anthrophony ρ Ratio of biophony to anthrophony [54]
Acoustic Complexity Index ACI Spectrogram complexity [50]
Biophony – Biophony level [45]
Biophony peak bioPeak Biophony level [56]
Acoustic Entropy Index AEI (= H) Envelope and spectrum complexity [45]
Shannon’s Index H Spectrum complexity [46]
Acoustic Richness AR Envelope complexity and intensity [48]
Median of amplitude envelope M Median of amplitude envelope [48]
Normalised Difference Soundscape Index NDSI Ratio of anthrophony to biophony [55]
Acoustic Diversity Index ADI (= H ) Spectrum complexity [47]
Sound pressure level parameters L Ratio of sound pressure relative to [35]
a reference value [35]
Number of peaks NP Spectrum complexity [19]
Mid-band activity – Fration of spectrum above [42]
an amplitude threshold [42]
Entropy of spectral maxima Hm Spectrum composition [42]
Entropy of spectral variance Hv Spectrum complexity [42]
Spectral diversity – Number of clusters [42]
Spectral persistence – Duration of repeated clusters [42]

β indices
Spectral Dissimilarity Df Spectrum dissimilarity [44]
Temporal Dissimilarity Dt Envelope dissimilarity [44]
Acoustic Dissimilarity Index D Envelope and spectrum dissimilarity [44]
Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance KS Spectrum dissimilarity [60]
Kullback-Leibler distance KL Spectrum dissimilarity [60]
Vectorial correlation coefficient RV Spectrum similarity [60]
Cumulative Dissimilarity Dcf Spectrum similarity [61]

the relative abundance and composition of bird commu- trum scaled by its integral with species being replaced
nities [43]. This index computes the area under the fre- by frequency bins. Similarly, the temporal entropy, Ht ,
quency spectrum above a specific dB threshold and within was computed on the amplitude envelope obtained with
a specific frequency range. This metric, which is a function the Hilbert transform of the signal, scaled by its integral
of both sound level and the number of frequency bands as well. These two indices were multiplied to obtain an
used by the bird community, facilitated the monitoring acoustic entropy named H ranging between 0 and 1, with
of species across Hawaiian bird submontane ecosystems low values indicating pure tones and high values sound
[43]. with numerous and even frequency bands. This index re-
One year later, one of the most used indices in biodi- turned expected results on recordings made in a Tanzanian
versity assessment, the Shannon Shannon evenness index, forest where animal acoustic activity was high and back-
was applied on sound emitted by animal communities by ground noise due to wind, rain and human activity very
computing two acoustic sub-indices Hf , and Ht [44] . The low leading to a high signal-to-noise ratio [44]. A slight
Shannon index derives from the computation of entropy. modification of the spectral entropy index Hf was later
For a set of S species, this index is calculated with the introduced by reducing the frequency resolution of the av-
equation erage spectra to 1 kHz or by applying Shannon diversity
   (=Shannon evenness/ln number of frequency bins) (index
H= − pi ln pi / ln S, (1) H and AEI [45]; index H [46]; index ADI [47]). It later
appears that entropy, in particular its spectral component
where pi is the proportion of individuals found in the ith
Hf , could give counter-intuitive results when applied to
recordings where background noise dominates over ani-
The spectral entropy, Hf , was therefore obtained by ap-
mal sound production as it often occurs in temperate habi-
plying Shannon evenness to the average frequency spec-

ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA Sueur et al.: Biodiversity assessment
Vol. 100 (2014)

they were used as a set of descriptors. A random forest al-

gorithm with all these metrics yielded to a classification of
six habitat types with a very low error rate (< 1%). The
most significant descriptors in the classification were the
centroid, the spectral flatness and the entropy suggesting
that they can participate to habitat specific ambient sound
patterns and could be used to characterise and discriminate
Another index of sound complexity, named NP, was
built by simply counting the number of major frequency
peaks obtained on a mean spectrum [19]. This index re-
sults from the assumption that spectral complexity of a
sound can be assessed by the number of frequency bands
occupied. It is indeed expected that a sound produced by
n + k species should contain more frequency peaks than a
sound due to n species only. The NP index is also supposed
Figure 3. α acoustic diversity of a Mediterranean landscape. In-
terpolation map representing the acoustic dynamics arising from
to be insensitive to noise that does not perfectly match with
the processing of one recording session via the computation of the sound of interest as residual frequency peaks due to
Acoustic Complexity Index (ACI) [50]. Twenty H4 recorders background sound can be easily discarded. However, some
(Zoom Corporation, Japan; sample rate 44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) bias may also appear as a single species producing a noise-
were placed in an ecotonal area of a beech wood in the Tuscan- like sound, like some cicadas do, may return a higher NP
Emilian Apennine National Park, Fivizzano, Italy (central point index than several species producing pure tone sound. This
44◦ 16 00.07 N, 10◦ 12 49.40 E, 1060 meters a.s.l.) for two bias may also affect other indices.
hours at dawn in Spring 2011. Five new indices were very recently designed: (i) mid-
band activity or the fraction of spectrogram cells in the
mid-band (482–3500 Hz) where the spectral amplitude ex-
tats where diversity is lower than in tropical forests. This
ceeds a specific threshold, (ii) entropy of spectral maxima
motivated the design of another index, named Acoustic
Hm which is an entropy-like index focusing on the 4282-
Richness (AR) that combined temporal entropy and am-
8820 Hz frequency band, (iii) entropy of spectral variance
plitude but not spectral entropy [48]. This index AR re-
Hv that is based on the same principle of the spectral in-
ported values in agreement with bird species richness es-
dex Hf but computes the variance instead of the average
timated aurally in a French temperate woodland [48]. The
of each frequency bin, (iv) spectral diversity that estimates
H index also proved to work coherently when applied to
the number of distinct spectral clusters, and (v) spectral
marine according as soon as the raw data were filter out to
persistence which is related to spectral diversity by esti-
remove noise due to seismic airgun activity [26].
mating the average duration of clusters that persist along
At the same time, the Gini index [49] was applied to
time [42].
a binned frequency spectrum above a specified amplitude
threshold leading to the Acoustic Evenness Index (AEI)
3.3. Soundscape indices
[46]. The same year (2011), an acoustic complexity in-
dex, ACI, was developed to produce a direct quantification Another family of indices, derived directly from the con-
of soundscape complexity by computing the variability of cept of soundscape ecology, which divides a soundscape
the intensities registered in audio recordings, despite the into biophony, geophony and anthrophony. The main idea
presence of constant human-generated-noise [50, 51]. The is to estimate the relative contribution of biophony com-
ACI works on the matrix returned by a short-term Fourier pared to geophony and anthrophony. To separate the
transform (STFT) applied to the complete recording or to sources of these three components is not an easy task.
a series of successive windows. The computation mainly Therefore a simplified approach was used that splits the
consists in summing up the absolute difference between spectral profile of the soundscape into two main regions:
two adjacent values of intensity, Ik − Ik+1 , where k is the (1) the frequency band between 0.2 and 2 kHz would
kth position in the intensity values recorded along a single mainly consist of mechanical signals (anthrophony), and
frequency bin of the STFT. The ACI was successfully ap- (2) the frequency band between 2 and 8 kHz would be pri-
plied in different Mediterranean soundscapes mainly com- marily occupied by animal sound production (biophony).
posed with bird and cicada sound [50, 51, 52] (Figure 3). The sound due to wind or rain would cover the entire
Recently, eight metrics were used to search for an spectrum with more energy in the lower frequencies [54].
acoustic signature of different habitats in Northern Greece These limits, that were first defined empirically, were con-
[53]. These metrics were all based on the frequency spec- trolled later with recordings taken along an urban-rural
trum, including the spectral centroid, standard deviation, gradient [45]. Nonetheless these limits might be slightly
kurtosis, skewness, zero-crossing rate, entropy, spectral artificial as it is known that animals may produce sound
flatness, and Spearman correlation to pink (1/f ) noise. below 2 kHz and above 8 kHz. In particular, these limits
None of these parameters were considered as an index but will likely be different in tropical habitats where animal

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Vol. 100 (2014)

acoustic diversity is not typically limited within the 2–

8 kHz frequency band. A level of energy per soundscape
component, i.e. per frequency band, can be assessed on
the frequency spectrum, which has been discretized to a
1 kHz resolution. It is then possible to quantify a relative
level of energy of anthrophony (a) and biophony (b) and
to compute their ratio (b/a) leading to the first soundscape
index that essentially estimates the relative level of bio-
phony. This ratio was first symbolised with the Greek let-
ter ρ [54]. A variation of the ρ index, termed Normalised
Difference Soundscape Index (NDSI), was introduced by
computing the ratio (b−a)/(b+a) [55]. NDSI index ranges
between −1 and 1, with low and high values indicating the
prevalence of the anthrophonic and biophonic sound, re-
spectively. The index NDSI was used in a soundscape li-
brary to qualify online samples [55] and to examine and
map changes in soundscape composition in a North Amer-
ican lacustrine forest habitat [41]. The anthrophony and
biophony energy level can also be treated independently
without computing a ratio as it was done when investigat-
ing the spatial and temporal patterns of soundscape char-
acteristics in an urban-rural landscape gradient (value bio-
phony [45]; value bioPeak [56]).

4. Between-group indices: β acoustic diver-

A β acoustic diversity should help in determining how
much two or more acoustic communities or soundscapes
are acoustically different, or in assessing the changes be-
tween two dates of a focused community or landscape.
The measure of sound divergence is not straightforward Figure 4. β acoustic diversity at a regional scale in New Caledo-
as sound can vary independently along three dimensions, nia. (a): The sound of three acoustic communities were sampled
i.e. time, frequency and amplitude, and homology along in three sites with three recording points at each site: Aoupinié
(A), Koghis (K) and Mandjélia (M). (b): Results of Redundancy
each of these three dimensions might not be clear. In addi-
Analysis applied to the principal coordinates analysis of acoustic
tion, in the particular case of outdoor recordings, the dis- distances among all recordings, with a factor “Site” as an ex-
tance between the sources (the calling animals) and the planatory variable, revealing a clear acoustic difference between
sensor (the audio recorders) can induce amplitude varia- the three acoustic communities. The length of the arrows repre-
tions among recordings that should not be interpreted as sents residuals: each arrow connects the position of a recording
relevant differences. predicted by the site in which it was done (where the arrow starts)
The comparison of one-dimension contours (envelope, to its real position based on raw data (real acoustic composition
spectrum) is not trivial as revealed in other disciplines than where the arrow ends). Modified from [60].
acoustics [57, 58, 59]. There is therefore no universal met-
ric that properly estimate sound similarity or difference.
Current acoustic indices in use for ecology might there-
fore not be optimal but they returned expected results so tends towards 0 for similar sound and towards 1 for dis-
far (Table I). tinct sound. This index was applied when comparing two
A first attempt to compare the acoustic output of ani- Tanzanian forest communities [44] and analysing temper-
mal communities was made comparing Hilbert amplitude ate woodland bird communities [48]. However, it also ap-
envelopes and average frequency spectra [44]. The dissim- pears that the index Dt requires a perfect temporal ho-
ilarity index, named D, is the multiplication of two-sub in- mology between the amplitude envelopes to be compared.
dices, Dt and Df . Dt is obtained by computing the Hilbert This strict homology may not be met even with synchro-
amplitude envelope of each sound, scaling each envelope nised recordings. The sub-index Dt was therefore not used
by its integral, and computing the difference for each time in other analyses and only the sub-index Df was kept. The
sample. Similarly, Df , is obtained by computing the av- Df index revealed clear temporal and geographical varia-
erage of the STFT of each sound, scaling each average tion of distant New Caledonian sites [19] (Figure 4) and
spectra by its integral, and computing the difference for also highlighted time and spatial patterns within a patch of
each frequency bin. D is the multiplication of Dt and Df , a tropical rainforest in French Guiana [40].

ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA Sueur et al.: Biodiversity assessment
Vol. 100 (2014)

Four other distance metrics were used to compare the sity indices used so far were mainly based on the Shannon
average spectrum of bird songs: (1) the Kolmogorov- evenness index but other classical indices, like the expo-
Smirnov distance that is the maximum distance between nential of the entropy or the Hill index [64, 65] could in-
two cumulated frequency spectra, (2) the symmetric Kull- spire quickly new α acoustic indices. However, it is highly
back-Leibler distance that computes the relative entropy probable that a single index will never cover all biodiver-
between two probability frequency spectra, (3) the simi- sity facets and be reliable in all contexts. Combinations of
larity RV vectorial correlation coefficient that measures the indices could lead to more efficient results as already ex-
correlation between two matrices [60], (4) the cumulative plored by [42]. We therefore recommend the use of several
frequency dissimiliarity Dcf [61]. The index Dcf works complementary α indices.
as Df but takes cumulative frequency spectra as inputs.
This index has the advantage to be sensitive not only to Compared to the important number of α indices, few β
the spectral overlap between two spectra but also to the indices have been conceived so far (Table I). Bioacous-
mean distance between the different frequency peaks of tics shows a great interest in sound comparison to identify
the two spectra. All indices, including Df , were proved automatically species or individuals [66, 67, 68, 69, 70].
to be highly correlated generating similar results. Df and However, the comparative methods used in these contexts
Dcf could be preferred due to their simplicity in terms of are adapted to closely related sounds, as vocalisations pro-
computation. duced by a single individual, but are in most cases irrele-
vant to compare sounds emerging from communities and
landscapes where strict time and frequency homologies
5. Comments and prospectus are difficult to define. The β acoustic indices in current
use are all based on simple distances between time en-
To find a single index that summarizes all biodiversity velopes or spectral profiles. These indices are very simple
facets is undoubtedly utopian. There will not be any sin- and might need a refinement. In particular, they may not be
gle value that will reliably estimate all levels of local or optimal as they are all based on a pointwise comparison.
regional diversity. The motivation to find such a unique This is particularly the case of the Df index that operates a
parameter derives probably from the request of managers, subtraction of homologous frequency bins. These indices,
politicians and policy makers who need a single and like Df , can return unexpected important differences for
easy to understand value to take conservation decisions two frequency spectra with similar shapes but only slightly
[62, 63]. The same phenomenon seems to happen with shifted in frequency. Other metrics that compare vectors of
acoustic indices: there is a current search for a single index proportions (here frequency spectra) can be envisaged to
that would give the most reliable and complete informa- replace the index Df used so far. Such metrics could be for
tion on the acoustic and diversity states of a population, a example the Orlóci chord distance [71] and the Morisita-
community or a landscape. This explains why, after a few Horn metric [72, 73]. Eventually, another method to com-
years only, several indices have been proposed in the same pare community or landscape acoustics could be to use
time but have been used very rarely together [45] (Table I). the symbolic aggregate approximation (SAX, [74]) [55].
The α acoustic indices achieved an important success SAX consists in converting a numerical series into a char-
probably because they aspire to give a single value, a kind acter string by transforming the data into a discrete string
of signature, to an acoustic community or a soundscape. of letters. The size of the string can be chosen as well as
These indices returned congruent results revealing, for in- the length of the alphabet. This results in a dimensional-
stance, changes in bird species richness in accordance with ity reduction and lower bounding. SAX is currently in use
aural identification [48] or complex patterns of the sound- for data mining, in particular for online search of similar
scape across different temporal scales [51]. However it is soundscapes (see but it could be
important to note that they may be affected by several fac- used to address ecological questions where spectral dis-
tors like transitory or permanent background noise, varia- similarities have to be computed.
tion in the distance of the animals to the sensor, the relative
intensity and calling repetition of the calling animals, time All the developments in relation to acoustic indices for
and/or frequency overlap between sounds arising from dif- biodiversity assessment and landscape ecology can be con-
ferent sources. These variations should be evaluated soon sidered as a new turn in bioacoustics with a change of
in different contexts, such as different habitats (vegetation scale from species to community and landscape. A ma-
structure and composition) and different sampling efforts. jor issue in ecology is to collect data over large areas and
In addition, a clear correlation between the α indices and long time periods with a high and regular repetition rate
the level of community diversity or soundscape complex- [75]. By investigating acoustic communities and sound-
ity has not been established yet. There is therefore still scapes, bioacoustics provides an efficient way to sample
a need for a confrontation between classical direct field- large ecological units. If the scaling up towards commu-
based data like individual and/or species aural counting by nities and landscapes sounds a promising avenue for bioa-
volunteer observers and acoustic inferences. The research coustics and ecology, this process should not discredit the
of α indices is currently in development: the improvement historical species-specific approach that provides accurate
of former indices and the emergence of new indices are information on populations and species dynamics. Forth-
expected in the next years. As an example, acoustic diver- coming efforts should consider all units of the ecological

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