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Applied Acoustics 74 (2013) 224231

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Perception of soundscapes: An interdisciplinary approach

William J. Davies a,, Mags D. Adams a, Neil S. Bruce a, Rebecca Cain b, Angus Carlyle c, Peter Cusack c,
Deborah A. Hall d,e, Ken I. Hume f, Amy Irwin d, Paul Jennings b, Melissa Marselle a, Christopher J. Plack g,
John Poxon b
Acoustics Research Centre, Newton Building, University of Salford, Salford M5 4WT, UK
WMG, University Of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
London College of Communication, Elephant & Castle, London SE1 6SB, UK
MRC Institute of Hearing Research, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
Division of Psychology, Nottingham Trent University, Burton Street, Nottingham NG1 4BU, UK
Division of Health Science, Faculty of Science & Engineering, Manchester Metropolitan University, Chester Street, Manchester M1 5GD, UK
Human Communication and Deafness Division, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper takes an overall view of ndings from the Positive Soundscape Project, a large inter-disciplinary
Available online 6 July 2012 soundscapes study. Qualitative eldwork (soundwalks and focus groups) have found that soundscape per-
ception is inuenced by cognitive effects such as the meaning of a soundscape and its components, and how
Keywords: information is conveyed by a soundscape, for example on the behaviour of people within the soundscape.
Soundscape Three signicant clusters were found in the language people use to describe soundscapes: sound sources,
Soundwalk sound descriptors and soundscape descriptors. Results from listening tests and soundwalks have been inte-
grated to show that the two principal dimensions of soundscape emotional response seem to be calmness
and vibrancy. Further, vibrancy seems to have two aspects: organisation of sounds and changes over time.
The possible application of the results to soundscape assessment and design are briey discussed.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction enviroscape (other environmental factors) and psychscape (lis-

tener variables). Zhang and Kangs model [2] is similar but perhaps
The concept of the soundscape is a broad one, accommodating more detailed. It has four top-level elements: source, space, people
the complete sound environment in a location and the human and environment. Each element has several variables attached, both
response to it. For acousticians, one key attraction of the sound- physical/quantitative and perceptual/qualitative. Schulte-Fortkamp
scape concept is that it seems to be a better t than noise level and Fiebig [3] attempted to model the process of a person perceiving
to the many factors inuencing human experience in the outdoor and responding to a soundscape. They described ve elements or
environment. The disadvantage of this is that it is difcult to char- processes which can all occur in parallel: the acoustics of the
acterise these many factors and to explain how they interact with sound(scape), the initial perception, a negotiation process internal
each other and how they affect human experience and behaviour. to the listener, psychological reactions and behavioural response.
Good progress has however been made in important areas such as There is more than one possible model partly because there are still
theoretical models of soundscape perception, understanding cog- few data characterising the many variables involved and how they
nitive categories of sounds and soundscapes and in establishing interact.
the important subjective dimensions of some aspects of sound- One important variable in soundscape perception is simply how
scape perception. These areas are briey discussed below. people think about different sounds. A fundamental aspect of this
A small number of theoretical models exist to aid understanding is the way a listener categorises sounds. A range of approaches
of soundscape perception. These generally break down the problem have been used to establish classications and categorisations of
into a number of elements considered important and are a way of both sounds and soundscapes. For example, Mafolo et al. [4]
starting to think about a perception problem with a large number asked listeners to sort urban soundscapes (based on loudness or
of potential factors. The model proposed by Job et al. [1] is based pleasantness) and found two generic categorisation types; event
on the top-level components of soundscape (all sounds), sequences, where individual sounds can be distinguished within
the soundscape and amorphous sequences, whereby sounds are
not easily distinguishable. Other research, for example Kuwano
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +44 (0)161 295 5986.
et al. [5], has shown that a soundscape is often perceived as a
E-mail address: (W.J. Davies).

0003-682X/$ - see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W.J. Davies et al. / Applied Acoustics 74 (2013) 224231 225

collection of the individual sounds of which it is comprised; sound- eld, on the other hand. Even if this can be done, there still remains
scape assessment is therefore inuenced by the assessment of a signicant gap in connecting scientic studies of the soundscape
those sound types. This implies that soundscape assessment relies to the adventurous explorations of sound artists. Before acousti-
upon the identication of the sounds, the prominence of the cians became interested in soundscapes, sound artists were at
sounds, and potentially the ratio of certain sound types to other work recording, composing and intervening in soundscapes. Less
sound types within the soundscape. Perhaps the most common constrained than science, sound art can often provoke listeners
category set that emerges from this type of research is one where to become more aware of their soundscape [11], or provide in-
listeners have classied sounds into the types natural, human sights into what is signicant to listeners [12], or suggest ways
and mechanical [6]. Another important nding from this area of of intervening in a soundscape to improve it (or at least change
work, however, is that the category set used by listeners is contin- it) [13]. To date there have been relatively few collaborations be-
gent it depends on several variables, especially location and tween soundscape art and soundscape science, though the work
soundscape. of Hiramatsu [14] is a notable exception.
Besides asking how listeners break sounds and soundscapes It is notable that the denition of the term soundscape is itself
down into categories, one can also ask how many psychological not yet standardised; for the purposes of this project, we used the
dimensions the listener response has. The successful precursor working denition the totality of all sounds within a location with
here is in auditorium acoustics, where the sound of a concert hall an emphasis on the relationship between individuals or societys
has been shown to have four subjective dimensions: loudness, perception of, understanding of and interaction with the sonic
reverberance, clarity and spaciousness [7]. Decomposing sound- environment. This is based on the denition by the World Sound-
scape perception in a similar way is more difcult because there scape Project [15]. The efforts of ISO WG54 to arrive at a standard-
are many more variables (what sort of soundscape? What aspect ised denition are acknowledged [16].
of perception?) and because some of the important cognitive Different disciplines have tended to focus on subsets of the
processes (e.g. categorisation) are less amenable to dimensional soundscape problem and, though there is a wide agreement that a
analysis. Kang [8] used 18 semantic differential scales with 223 holistic perspective is desirable, most soundscape projects are
subjects in two urban squares. He extracted four principal factors. grounded in a single discipline. The Positive Soundscape Project
All the factors have signicant relationships with many of the 18 (PSP) set out from the start to be interdisciplinary that is, to synthe-
scales, so attempting to summarise the factors in one word leads sise a shared perspective on soundscapes from a range of disciplines.
to some generalisation. Nevertheless, Kangs perceptual factors This paper has two aims: to report the qualitative experiments of
can be described as: relaxation, communication, spatiality and PSP in detail, and to show how these qualitative results integrate
dynamics. Guilln and Lpez Barrio [9] conducted a similar inves- with quantitative PSP experiments reported in other papers, to form
tigation using the same method and found three dimensions which a broad inter-disciplinary view of soundscapes.
explained 66% of the variance in sound quality judgements. They
named the dimensions, emotional evaluation and strength (42%), 2. Overview of the whole project
activity (14%), and clarity (10%). Axelsson et al. have also used a
principal component analysis (PCA) to characterise the response The disciplines involved in PSP were acoustics, manufacturing,
of 100 listeners to 50 soundscapes on 116 semantic scales [10]. sound art, social science, psychoacoustics, physiology, and neuro-
They produced a three-dimensional space with factors pleasant- science. The project objectives that are relevant to the work
ness, eventfulness and familiarity explaining 50%, 18% and 6% of discussed in this paper were:
the variance respectively.
These studies raise many interesting questions on how to relate  To determine what individuals/groups perceive to be compo-
the perceptual dimensions with qualitative categorisation work on nent parts of a soundscape.
the one hand, and how to translate quite broad dimension names  To determine how individuals value these components.
into quantitative measurements and hence to the acoustic sound  To classify types of soundscape.

Table 1
The parts of the Positive Soundscape Project.

Part Method Main output Refs. Inputs Outputs to

a Soundwalks and interviews Qualitative: semi-structured Cognitive soundscape components This paper c, h b, c, f, g, h, i,
interviews j, k, l
b Focus groups Qualitative Cognitive soundscape features This paper a, h f, h, i, j, k, l
c Listening tests Quantitative: semantic differential Perceptual dimensions: calmness [18, this issue] and [19, a, h d, e, i, j, k
scales and vibrancy this issue]
d Neuroscience Quantitative: fMRI scans Validation of perceptual dimensions; [20] c i, j, k
brain images
e Physiological Quantitative: heart rate, galvanic skin Relationship of basic physiology to [21, this issue] c i, j
response perception
f Speech intelligibility Quantitative: signal processing and Draft modication to speech [22] a, b, i, j
listening tests intelligibility index
g Soundscape simulator Artistic and quantitative Simulation device/method and [23,24] a, j b, i, j, l
h Favourite sound Artistic: eld survey and recording Favourite sounds database and CD [25] a a, b, c, i, j
i Exploration of positive Artistic: multiple original Art exhibition [26] All f, g
soundscapes commissions
j Conceptual framework Qualitative: deskwork Sound-scape perception model [27], this issue] All All
k Soundscape planning and Qualitative: deskwork Methods for planning and [28,29] a, b, c, d i, j
assessment assessment
l Soundscape expectation Qualitative: interviews and observed Model of expectation, context and [30] a, g i, j
simulator use competence
226 W.J. Davies et al. / Applied Acoustics 74 (2013) 224231

 To bring together artistic, social, psychological and physical is shown in Fig. 1. The soundwalk method used differed from the
science and manufacturing approaches. traditional method originally used by Schafer [31]. Schafers meth-
od is often still used today and typically involves a group of people
Following an initial pilot test [17] the project team decided to being led around an area or along a route. Silence is maintained for
use multiple methods to intensively study a small number of the duration which may be as long as an hour and impressions
places. The main methods used were chosen because they each of the entire soundscape discussed only at the end. As well as over-
seemed capable of capturing key elements of listener experience all impression, we were also interested in how perceptions of the
from the viewpoint of the different disciplines involved. The parts soundscape changed as participants moved from one place to an-
of the project, their methods and the main results are outlined in other. We were concerned that acoustic memory would not allow
Table 1. The project work can be roughly grouped into three types: a detailed exploration of this after a complete soundwalk, so we
quantitative, qualitative and artistic. This paper concentrates on devised a method which linked a series of key soundscapes [32].
the main qualitative work: the soundwalks, interviews and focus Participants (usually just one participant with the researcher)
groups. Table 1 shows that there were many links between the dif- walked in silence between the key locations. The Manchester route
ferent parts of the project, but the heart of it was that soundwalks travelled from a pedestrianised shopping street (Market Street),
were conducted in Manchester and London and recordings of the through an indoor shopping mall (Arndale Centre), to a pedestrian-
soundscapes encountered were made and used throughout the ised square (St Anns Square), along a main road with high trafc
project. More information on the other project parts can be found levels and shops, to a small park shielded from trafc (St. Johns
in the references in Table 1. Gardens). In each key space, a short interview took place based on
the questions shown in Table 2. Binaural recordings were made of
3. Method the soundscapes along the soundwalk route for laboratory listening
tests [18,19, this issue]. Ambisonic and close-miked mono record-
Early on, the team chose to focus on external urban soundscapes, ings were also made of the soundscapes for the soundscape sequen-
partly because these represented potential for variety, conict and cer [23,24].
the need for design. The eld work centred on two soundwalk As well as the soundwalks, four focus groups were conducted. A
routes, one in Manchester and one in London. The Manchester route focus group is simply a discussion on a specic issue facilitated by

Fig. 1. Route of the Manchester soundwalk.

W.J. Davies et al. / Applied Acoustics 74 (2013) 224231 227

Table 2
Core prompt script for the soundwalk interviews. These are the prompt questions used in the soundwalks. They were adapted slightly for the different participants (e.g. lay people
vs. designers) and also extemporised as the immediate answers warranted.

Initial pre-soundwalk In general what do you expect to hear in an urban environment?

As an individual do you like or dislike these?
At each specic location stop What can you hear at the moment?
What do you like most? Like least? Why?
Does anything dominate?
What do you think is in the background?
Does this location sound as you would expect it to?
How does this location make you feel?
What aspects of the surroundings of this location do you think have an impact on the soundscape?
Which of these aspects make the soundscape better/worse?
How do you value this space?
Who would you think uses this space?
Final post-soundwalk Think back to the ve locations we stopped in (list them)
Would you say we have experienced a number of different soundscapes today or just one urban soundscape?
If more than one, how would you classify the different types of soundscape we have experienced? How would you describe them?
Has being on this soundwalk changed your perception or understanding of urban soundscapes in any way?
Thinking of the different soundscapes youve experienced today which ones work well? Why?
What Manchester urban space do you prefer? Why?

a researcher. Naturalistic discussion allows ideas to emerge and be Four factors emerged as important in evaluating a soundscape
tested by the group, so that the researcher can potentially capture as positive or negative: behaviour, attention, information and indi-
detailed and relatively unbiased opinions. This method is well sui- vidual differences. In most cases, there was no strong difference
ted to explore how people consider and understand sound in the between the four different focus groups. Each factor is briey dis-
urban environment and the meanings that they attribute to it. cussed below; the order does not imply a rank order. The rst fac-
Although the pioneering work of Dubois et al. [33] has shed some tor relates to human behaviour and activity. Participants evaluated
light on how soundscapes generate meaning and how this inu- a soundscape according to whether they perceived they had any
ences behaviour, it seems fair to say that it is still largely unclear control over their soundscape environment and whether the sound
how people process and create meaning from different types of generated in the soundscape met their expectations of norms
sound in different situations, contexts and times and how they (including both norms of social behaviour and place norms).
evaluate whether sounds are wanted or unwanted. Added to this Soundscapes that are compatible for ones own purposes and sup-
is how they evaluate the complex sum of sounds in any urban port ones own behaviours are also evaluated as positive. Attention
space the soundscape and what they value and appreciate. is the second factor in soundscape evaluation. Participants tended
Thus, the main problems that the focus groups addressed are to categorise sounds into foreground and background. According to
how people understand soundscapes, how they might distinguish participants, soundscapes could be evaluated as negative if fore-
a positive soundscape from a negative one, and what other issues ground sounds required more attention allocation, by being loud,
have an impact on peoples evaluation of soundscapes. Of course, unpredictable or persistent. On the other hand, sounds that blend
it is likely that the answers are different depending on who is together were harmonious or positive. The third factor in sound-
answering, so the four focus groups used different participants: scape evaluation related to information processing. A soundscape
 Adults aged 1825, providing information to the listener was considered positive. If a
 Adults aged 60 or older, soundscape stimulates us to explore and comprehend the environ-
 Hard of hearing adults with moderate to severe hearing loss ment, this too is evaluated as positive. However, the information
who use assistive listening devices (e.g. hearing aids or cochlear must be correct or expected: participants said the sound and its
implants) and source should be congruent and spoke of schizophonic sound-
 Experts (professionals from urban design and development or scape experiences as negative. The fourth and nal factor that
acoustics). emerged is that of individual difference between listeners. Partici-
pants spoke of individual preference in soundscapes and discussed
An example of the prompt questions used in the focus groups is how associations from memory can inuence soundscape evalua-
given in Table 3. tion. Emotionally charged associations were thought to be particu-
larly inuential. The group of older participants also said that a
4. Outcomes memory of a past soundscape could be signicant in evaluating a
current one.
4.1. The listener in the soundscape The second key area analysed was how the soundscape affects
behaviour and psychological response. Here, three factors were sig-
Audio recordings of the focus groups were transcribed and the nicant: psychological reactance, awareness of ones own sound-
text of these transcripts was analysed qualitatively, using making and mood. Psychological reactance is a term denoting
grounded theory [34]. This analysis is an inductive and iterative how a perceived loss of control over the soundscape results in an
approach that involved the investigators subjectively applying individuals attempt to regain control. Here participants discussion
codes to sections of the text on repeated readings to progressively covered two strategies, behavioural and cognitive control. Behav-
build up a picture of the main themes and ideas in the discussion. ioural control occurs when we engage in a behavioural response
Three key questions for the analysis were: to avoid an unwanted sound(scape) or try to modify an unwanted
sound. There were some differences between older and younger
 How is a soundscape evaluated as positive or negative? participants. Younger participants discussed leaving an unwanted
 How does a soundscape affect behaviour and psychological soundscape or wearing headphones. However, the older focus
response? group discussed learned helplessness; after repeated attempts to
 What is a positive soundscape? control unwanted sounds but to no avail, they have ceased trying
228 W.J. Davies et al. / Applied Acoustics 74 (2013) 224231

Table 3
Core prompt script for the focus groups. These are the prompt questions used in the focus groups. They were adapted slightly for the different groups and also extemporised as the
immediate discussion warranted.

Introductory Id like you to talk about your experiences when you are outdoors in an urban setting
Can you tell me about the kind of things do you do; where you do them; and in what way the time of day, week, year has an impact?
Transition When you think about sound in the urban environment what do you rst think about?
What do you like about the sound of city centres?
Summary: weve been talking about. . . could we now move onto soundscapes
Key What do you understand by the term soundscape?
If I said that a soundscape could be described as the sum of sounds in a space what do you think makes a positive soundscape and what makes a
negative soundscape?
Say more about why you think these make the soundscape positive or negative
How would you decide if sounds were wanted or unwanted in a soundscape?
In what ways, if any, do you think the soundscape inuences peoples behaviour?
What factors do you think inuence your perception of the soundscape?
Id like you to think about soundscapes more broadly now in a variety of settings, both rural and urban, and to talk about what you would value as a
positive soundscape in those settings
How do you think soundscapes might change in the future?
If you had the opportunity to create a positive soundscape what would it be?
Ending Short overview: Have we missed anything?

to change the situation. Cognitive control means a reappraisal of a concerned more with cognition than perception or acoustics. A ma-
sound(scape), including tolerance of an unwanted sound. The youn- jor inuence on behaviour seems to be the extent to which people
ger focus group discussed simply being aware of the limitations of feel a sense of control over their exposure to a soundscape. It seems
our control over the soundscape and accepting the situation. This more likely that soundscape designers will produce a positive
might be termed secondary control reappraisal of the soundscape soundscape if people can control their exposure to it. The way in
and becoming satised with it. Control strategies are related to which a soundscape inuences mood and emotional states such
habituation, in that we will not try to control soundscapes that as happiness is seen to affect both our behaviour in a place and
we have become adapted to. Participants thought that habituation our rating of the soundscape as positive. The constituent sounds
to commonly heard sounds explained some differences in response of a soundscape are also important factors in whether it is catego-
between different individuals. The most common examples cited rised as positive. As other researchers have found [33,36,37] the
were road and air transport. two categories of natural sounds and human sounds are important
The second factor emerging from discussion of behaviour and positive indicators. Indeed, our own data are consistent with this
response was that of self-awareness of ones own sound genera- claim since mechanical sounds tended to rank low on pleasantness
tion. The ways in which we generate sound (walking, talking, [19]. One could hypothesise that this is again because of meaning:
etc.), the extent to which we are aware of it and how we feel about natural sounds have associations with tranquility [38] and relaxa-
it are all inuenced by the soundscape. Participants spoke of how tion, while human sounds convey a sense of social connection.
this relates to perceived social and place norms of the appropriate The apparent dominance of higher-level cognitive factors such
behaviour and acceptable sound level of a place, and also how it re- as the meaning of a soundscape and the emotion it inspires clearly
lates to an individuals own personal beliefs about social norms. (It presents a considerable challenge for the acoustic designer. It is
is perhaps interesting that the younger and older focus groups both unlikely that meaning can be correlated with simple acoustic or
thought this important.) The nal key factor in the discussions on psychoacoustic metrics, for example. However, by comparison
behaviour was mood. Participants agreed that there is a transac- with the design of the visual environment, we see that it may be
tional relationship between the soundscape and ones emotional sensible to allocate some important aspects of soundscape design
state. Indeed, when the soundscape seems in harmony with our to the aesthetic realm, where an architect or designer makes artis-
feelings then we regard it as positive. tic choices. This would include the meaning of the soundscape, the
The third and last key question for analysis concerned what extent to which it ts the intention or meaning of the place. A good
makes a positive soundscape. Here the focus groups identied three example of this is Sheaf Square in Shefeld, where the water fea-
major constituents. Firstly, they thought that a positive soundscape ture makes audible reference to the adjacent train station by imi-
would include natural sounds. Secondly, they identied that the tating the rhythms of a train running on rails [6]. However, it is
hubbub from human voices and human presence creates vibrancy, equally important to explore other aspects of user experience re-
which was perceived as positive. Finally, participants said that po- ported above. Characterising the cognitive and emotional response
sitive soundscapes engender positive emotional states, such as hap- is addressed in Section 4.3 below. Before that, we examine the per-
piness (from happy human sounds or natural sounds such as a ception of the structure of soundscapes in more detail.
stream, for example) and relaxation (from natural sources, human
speech, or even the comfort provided by background trafc). 4.2. Components of a soundscape
It is striking that the four factors in evaluating a soundscape as
positive or negative have little relationship to acoustic variables. The focus groups provide information on quite broad questions
Some of the percepts discussed under the factor attention loud, about how people think of the concept of a positive soundscape
persistent may well correlate to objective acoustic metrics, and and how soundscapes affect behavioural response. In contrast,
the recent work in modelling attention in soundscapes [35] is the soundwalk interviews allowed us to look at how participants
given added weight by the present ndings. But the four factors thought about their direct experience of some specic urban
seem to consist largely of higher-level cognitive processes, partic- soundscapes. The transcripts of the soundwalk interviews were
ularly related to meanings of various kinds. There is the meaning of analysed in a similar way to those of the focus groups. What
other peoples behaviour, the meaning of information and expecta- emerged was a map of the language people use when talking about
tion, and the meanings drawn from memory or emotional associa- sounds and soundscapes. It was found that the terms used could be
tion. The discussions focusing on behaviour and response are also grouped into three concepts: sound sources, sound descriptors and
W.J. Davies et al. / Applied Acoustics 74 (2013) 224231 229

soundscape descriptors. Sound sources are terms referring to phys- complete characterisation of soundscape perception, just as the fo-
ical entities these might be complex multiple objects (e.g. trafc) cus group themes are not. But they do seem to indicate that the
or components (e.g. brakes). Sound descriptors are descriptions of way sounds combine to make up a soundscape is important and
sounds these might be nouns (rattle), adjectives (whirring) or that this interplay between sounds and soundscape might be char-
phrases (delicate sounds). Soundscape descriptors deal with the acterised on two axes which describe how sounds are organised
totality of what is heard. The relationship between these is concep- and how they change over time. These ndings seem to reinforce
tualised in Fig. 2. the widespread artistic conceptualisation of the environmental
Soundscape descriptors clustered under four categories which soundscape as being a sort of musical composition [31].
we have named cacophony, hubbub, constant and temporal. In However only the outer ring in Fig. 2 is concerned with these
the category cacophony are terms used such as cacophony, sym- soundscape axes. The number of terms in the diagram reects
phony of racket, jumble of sound, kind of mud, morass and mish- the fact that participants used more terms for sound sources and
mash of sound. The category refers to a soundscape that is sound descriptors. The focus on physical sound sources and events
perceived as a negative mix of sounds and is associated with a neg- is strong. Participants seem to want to identify sound sources and
ative listening experience. The category hubbub includes terms like where they cannot, then quite evocative description (a uttering
hubbub, symphony of sound, sound soup and tapestry of sound. It noise) can be used to better specify the sound. During the process
refers to a soundscape that is perceived as a positive mix of sounds of analysis, there was some evidence of a difculty, a lack, in the
and is associated with a positive listening experience. In the cate- language that participants used to describe sound and especially
gory constant, listeners are referring to the constant sound of the soundscapes. This lack of language may relate to a lack of an aes-
soundscape, a monotonous, unchanging soundscape or a sound- thetic of sound and perhaps reects the dominance of the visual
scape where something (one particular sound) masks everything in the design and conceptualisation of the environment. Just as
else. This category often refers to a soundscape perceived to be a in the focus groups, however, cognitive effects are strongly repre-
negative listening experience but there are instances where it is sented as participants identify sounds with sources or events to
used to describe a positive experience. In the category temporal, lis- give them meaning. The relationship between the meaning of the
teners are referring to dynamic changes in the soundscape and de- sounds and the meaning of the soundscapes is not yet completely
scribe sounds as ticking over, coming in waves, like the sea or clear. Fig. 2 suggests that a part of the relationship is the auditive
stopping and starting. In general, they describe changes on the or- gure-ground phenomenon [39]: identiable sound sources are
der of seconds to minutes; a change that can be heard within one in the (attention) foreground and soundscape descriptors are the
listening experience. background. There is clearly material for further research here to
The four soundscape categories seem to be related on two axes. clarify the relationships between source and soundscape, fore-
The categories can be used as semantic labels at opposite ends of ground and background, and perceived space and auditory atten-
each axis. Thus, the cacophony hubbub axis relates to the num- tion. In contrast to this emerging complexity, some researchers
bers of different sounds making up the soundscape and the levels have sometimes used the lack of clarity on the relationship be-
of dissonance or discord perceived by the listener within the tween sources and soundscapes to suggest that the concept of a
mix. It incorporates an element of pleasantness or approval of soundscape is invalid. Sometimes it is argued that a soundscape
the soundscape by the listener. The constant temporal axis re- is no more than a collection of individual sounds or that a sound-
lates to the amount and frequency of change within the sound- scape is just the aural perception of physical events (happening in
scape, the rhythm and level of monotony of the soundscape. It some specic place) [40]. It is clear that both ideas play a signi-
contains little element of pleasantness or judgement by the lis- cant part in the (perceived) soundscape one could think of the list
tener about their preference. In themselves, these axes are not a of sounds and the list of events in a place as being two different

Fig. 2. The main soundscape components revealed in the analysis of the soundwalk interviews.
230 W.J. Davies et al. / Applied Acoustics 74 (2013) 224231

projections of the soundscape. Both lists can be derived from the design new ones. One route is to try to develop signal processing
soundscape but neither (nor both together) is a complete charac- metrics: the acoustic environment is at least partly responsible
terisation of a soundscape. for the soundscape perception so perhaps one can analyse the re-
corded soundscape in some way to predict the perceived response.
4.3. Dimensions of a soundscape However, results thus far are not encouraging: ratings of pleasant-
ness and vibrancy for the PSP soundscape samples were not pre-
The soundwalk interviews allowed a focus on how people talk dicted well by any of the usual psychoacoustic variables, such as
about sounds and soundscapes and provided a view of the cogni- loudness, roughness, uctuation strength and sharpness, or vari-
tive components of a (perceived) soundscape. This qualitative re- ables based on averaged spectral shape [19, this issue]. Alterna-
search provides tentative evidence that a soundscape is thought tively, existing soundscapes can be evaluated using a
about on two axes: constant-temporal and cacophony-hubbub. questionnaire in the eld with rating scales for the main perceptual
The laboratory listening tests in PSP also found two dimensions, dimensions supplemented by questions trying to elicit dominant
though they are not identical to the qualitative axes. Laboratory sources or cognitive components [29]. The failure of physical met-
experiments by Cain et al. [18, this issue] presented soundscapes rics which process the soundscape as a whole is not too surprising
at their recorded level and asked participants to focus on how (in hindsight, at least!) when we remember that the focus groups
the soundscape made them feel and then evaluate their experience and soundwalk interviews found signicant roles for high-level
on ve semantic differential scales. These experiments found that cognition such as the meaning and source identication and cate-
almost 80% of the variance could be explained by two principal gorisation. In the future, it may be possible to predict some aspects
components. For short, these components are called calmness of soundscape perception with signal metrics, but these may have
and vibrancy. The calmness component is a combination of the to be supplemented with source and soundscape-type identica-
semantic differential scales of calmness, comfort and intrusiveness. tion algorithms.
The vibrancy component is the semantic differential scale of vi- Several of the experiments within PSP used simulated
brancy. These would seem to agree reasonably well with Kangs soundscapes, with a particular emphasis on nding a way for people
rst two components, relaxation and dynamics [8] and also with to engage with and manipulate a realistic soundscape. This work
the dimensions of pleasantness and eventfulness found by Axels- indicated that it is possible to achieve a kind of ecological validity:
son et al. [10]. participants make the same qualitative response to the simulator
Another set of laboratory listening experiments was conducted as they do to the real soundscape [23]. The typical experience was
as part of PSP by Hall et al. [19, this issue]. Using the larger set of of an ambisonic reproduction of an ambient soundscape track with
recordings, principal component analysis produced broadly similar several specic and variable sources overlaid. People tended to iden-
results, with two components explaining 71% of the total variance tify and categorise sounds and sources and to rate sources and
in the subjective responses. This time, pleasantness was included soundscapes for pleasantness in the same way as they do for real
on a rating scale and it was found to load heavily onto the principal soundscapes. They also report feeling very engaged by the task of
component calmness, along with the scales of calmness, comfort manipulating a simulated soundscape. Our current simulations are
and intrusiveness. crude compared to, say, the state of the art in concert hall auralisa-
How do the qualitative axes relate to these principal compo- tion. Nevertheless, it seems reasonable to anticipate that we will
nents? First, it should be noted that they describe subtly different eventually develop simulations realistic enough to be used reliably
aspects of the listener experience. In the laboratory, subjects rated for built environment design. A key challenge in the future will be
how the soundscape made them feel. On the soundwalk, partici- to build a simulator that produces the desired cognitive responses
pants were describing the soundscape, not their feelings. These as well as simply the expected low-level perceptions.
are the two essential features of the usual denition of the sound-
scape: the sound environment in a place (our qualitative axes) and
the listener response to it (our quantitative principal components). 5. Conclusions
Given that distinction, there does seem a strong relation. The qual-
itative axes, cacophony-hubbub and constant-temporal may de- The Positive Soundscape Project has synthesised the methods
scribe the two ways in which a soundscape can produce an and results from several different disciplines to provide a coherent
emotional response of vibrancy in the listener. The rst compo- characterisation of listener response to an urban soundscape. High-
nent, calmness is perhaps more purely an emotional response level cognitive effects have been shown to be at least as signicant
and is strongly related to overall pleasantness. Thus it is suggested as low-level percepts or physical acoustic attributes. People seem
here that the perception of the soundscape can be characterised by to extract meaning from the soundscape in terms of human activ-
calmness and vibrancy, and vibrancy splits into two components, ity and behaviour, and in information conveyed by the soundscape.
cacophony-hubbub and constant-temporal. This suggests a strong Individual differences can of course be signicant in producing
role for the sound artist or designer in helping to compose the ele- meaning. People are aware of their attention being driven to some
ments of the soundscape: the artistic task would be to design extent by the structure of the soundscape. This structure can be
(compose) a suitable level of vibrancy by attempting to manipulate conceived of as three main components: sound sources, sound
the mixture of sound sources and how they change over time. The descriptors and soundscape descriptors. The soundscape concept
parallel with musical composition is clear and we are reminded allows us to see that the distinction between sound and noise is
that many sound artists compose pieces of recorded soundscape essentially an emotional one. Results from listening tests and
music as well as intervening in the soundscape of the built soundwalks have been integrated to show that the two principal
environment. dimensions of this emotional response seem to be calmness and vi-
brancy. Further, vibrancy seems to have two aspects: organisation
4.4. Applications to soundscape design of sounds (cacophony-hubbub) and changes over time (constant-
temporal). Physiological experiments have demonstrated that the
Having identied both perceptual dimensions and cognitive body and brain respond to emotional content as well as simply
components of urban soundscapes, it is natural to ask how this noise level. The value of this interdisciplinary work is shown in
information could be applied to assess existing soundscapes or the way that the ndings of listening tests, qualitative eldwork,
W.J. Davies et al. / Applied Acoustics 74 (2013) 224231 231

artistic practice and physiological experiments largely agree, [18] Cain R, Jennings P, Poxon J. The development and application of the emotional
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soundscapes. Appl Acoust 2013;74(2):24854.
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physiological validity of perceptual dimensions. Psychophysiology
The Positive Soundscape Project was wholly funded by the UK 2011;48:25868.
[21] Hume K, Ahtamad M. Physiological responses to and subjective estimates of
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, under Grant soundscape elements. Appl Acoust 2013;74(2):27581.
Number EP/E011624/1. [22] Davies WJ, Mahnken PZ, Gamble P, Plack C. Measuring and mapping
soundscape speech intelligibility. In: Euronoise 2009, Edinburgh, UK; 2009.
[23] Bruce NS, Davies WJ, Adams MD. Development of a soundscape simulator tool.
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