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Field Universal Measuring Computer: Data Sheet

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Data Sheet FieldIT

10/185.22 EN
Universal Measuring Computer
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G,
FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S

■ Data logger and billing date recording functions

■ Electrically isolated inputs and outputs

■ Up to 8 active mA outputs

■ Up to 8 mA inputs with transmitter supply

■ Up to 16 mV/mA inputs without power supply

■ Pulse and frequency inputs

■ M-Bus, MODBUS and infrared communication

■ Calibratable measurement, for flow/energy

accounting and billing

■ For liquids, steam, gas and compressed air

■ Volume flow, mass flow or energy counter

■ High-precision differential temperature

measurement (for chemical processes,
brine measurement, temperature monitoring)

■ Mathematical combination and conversion of

all I/O signals and calculating results to M-BUS,
MODBUS, PROFIBUS (through converters)

■ Universal device for field or control room

■ PTB certificate (calibratable), Multifunctional

international approvals Precise
Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Application The temperatures Tw and Tc are measured with the Pt 100 resis
tance thermometer.
The FCU is a universal measurement computer designed for
industrial process signal monitoring and logging. FCU combines Calibrated measurement for accounting puposes
modern communication technology with sound knowhow All devices in the circuit must be approved by the PTB to meet
gained through years of field metrology experience. A highreso the requirements of calibrated measurement.
lution multiline graphic display indicates all physical and electri Caloric energy computer
cal process variables, and device data, logged data and key FCU200W (SensyCal® W)
dates. Flowmeter
• FCU200W – Caloric energy computer for water and brine Magnetic, ultrasonic, vortex & swirlmeter, Woltmann
• FCU400S – Computer for superheated and saturated steam hydrometric vane, orifice
– (flow, heat) Temperature sensor
• FCU400G – Computer for gas flow, gas translater Pt 100, pair
• FCU200T – Current ↔ pulse converter Prior to starting the measurement, the setup can be tested and
• FCU400P – Signal combination, e.g. highpercision approved by the Verification Office in charge, if desired. For a
∆T measurement, summation, etc. rated power of 10 MW and higher the measurement is not sub
• FCU400IR – Contactless temperature monitoring ject to legal control.

Description FCU200-W (SensyCal® W) – Heat

Heat quantity
temperature Tw
Caloric energy computer Mass/volume
The FCU200W is designed for determining industrial heat bal
ances. It is used for recording heat, cold or flow rates of liquid
media, e.g. in the field of remote heating systems or for calibrated Flow transmitter FCU200-W
accounting for hot water systems. The FCU200W is a state of
the art device meeting the requirements of modern microtech RS 485 ⇒ MODBUS
Cold (optional)
nology and complying with the relevant current standards (DIN
temperature Tc
EN 14341...6 as of April 1997 and OIML75). The FCU200W mA outputs
can be used with all marketable flow meters, e.g. ultrasound
meters, swirlmeters, MID vortex flowmeters, orifices, etc., trans
mitting a pulse (also NAMUR), frequency or mA signal. Precise Data logger and billing date recording
temperature measurement is ensured by connecting 4wire Pt Two billing dates for storing all counter readings
100 temperature transmitters to the caloric energy computer. Configurable date and time
Due to its modern microprocessor technology and the integral Data logger
data logger, it provides for reliable, traceable recording of oper Storage, e.g. of 20 operating variables over 128 time periods:
ating data. All counters
Power instantaneous value,
Operating principle Flow min. and max. value over a
The heat quantity is calculated from the flow and the temperature Temperature, warm configured time, average value
of the warm (Tw) and cold water (Tc) at a given pressure, using Temperature, cold
the following formula: Differential temperature
q m = q v × ρ ( T, p )
Counter, storage
P = qm × [hw(Tw,p)  hc(Tc,p)] Energy counter stops in case of
t No flow at all
V = ∫ q v dt Pt 100 temperature sensor brack or shortcircuit in the warm
0 or cold circuit
E = V × ρ ( T, p ) × [ h w ( T w, p ) – h c ( T c, p ) ] Temperature of warm flow is less than that in cold flow
E Heat quantity Storage of counter readings in case of power failure.
V Volume
P Power Pulse output
qV Volume flow FCU200W has 2 pulse outputs
qm Mass flow Device configuration
ρ Current operating density FCU200W can be configured by using the FCOM200 commu
hw Enthalpy in warm water flow nication program. The configuration can be made in factory or on
hc Enthalpy in cold water flow site through the customer. For factory configuration please fill in
Tw Temperature warm water the questionnaire attached to this data sheet. When ordering the
Tc Temperature cold water standard configuration, a default file is downloaded into the
p Pressure device.

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Description FCU400-S (SensyCal® S) –

computer for steam Heat: steam/saturated steam; return: condensate
FCU400S is steam computer that can be used to determine
thermal output of boiler systems and branch lines by calculating Flow
mass flow and thermal balance and for fiscal metering purposes.
It is designed for superheated or saturated steam with or without
condensate return, as flow computer and/or caloric energy com
puter. p1 Flow transmitter Steam temperature T1
FCU400S is used together with all marketable flow meters, e.g. ∆p1/∆p2/qV/qm
vortex & swirlmeters, wedge flow meters, variable area, DP, etc.
transmitting a pulse, frequency or mA signal.
Return Condensate temperature T2
Split range application, flow rate correction, and expansion rate
correction are possible with orifice flowmeters.
The following process signals can be connected in the standard
• Flow transmitter in steam
• Pressure transmitter in steam
• Temperature sensor (Pt 100 or transmitter) in steam p1 Steam temperature T1
• Flow transmitter in condensate
• Temperature sensor (Pt 100 or transmitter) in condensate Flow transmitter
The standard program range includes 5 counters and can be ∆p1/∆p2/qV/qm
Return Condensate temperature T2
used in the following applications.

Flow rate/caloric energy calculation for steam

Open systems

p1 Flow transmitter Temperature T1
p1 Flow transmitter Steam temperature T1
Flow transmitter
Flow rate/caloric energy calculation for saturated steam qV/qm
Return Condensate temperature T2
Saturated steam

p1 Flow transmitter The density and enthalpy of steam and water are calculated in
accordance with the latest industrial standard IAPWSIF 97.
Precise temperature measurement is ensured by connecting
Saturated steam 4wire Pt 100 temperature transmitters to the caloric energy
computer. Due to its modern microprocessor technology and the
integral data logger, it provides for reliable, traceable recording of
operating data.
Flow transmitter Temperature T1

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Operating principle Counters, storage

The mass flow is calculated from the volumetric flow rate and Energy counter stands still at:
the density. For ∆P measurement the rated density is used as No flow at all
a reference for correcting the mass flow. The heat quantity is Storage of counter readings in case of power failure
calculated from the mass flow and from the enthalpy (internal
energy of steam or water). Pulse outputs
The density and enthalpy of steam or water are a function of FCU400S has 2 pulse outputs
pressure and temperature, and the density and enthalpy of sat-
urated steam are a function of pressure or temperature. Device configuration
q m = q v × ρ ( T d, p d )
FCU400S can be configured by using the FCOM200 communi
cation program. The configuration can be made in factory or on
P = qm × hd(Td,pd) site through the customer. For factory configuration please fill in
the questionnaire attached to this data sheet. When ordering the
E= ∫ P dt standard configuration, a default file is downloaded into the

With steam in flow and condensate in return

PSteam = qm × hd(Td,pd) PCondensate= qm × hc(Tc,pc=Const)
PBalance = PSteam– PCondensate

E Heat quantity
P Power
qV Volume flow
qm Mass flow
ρ Current operating density
hd Enthalpy of steam
hc Enthalpy of condensate
Td Steam temperature
Tc Condensate temperature
p Pressure

Calibrate measurement for accounting

In some countries, steam measurement is not subject to legal
control. Upon special request all devices required for measure
ment and accounting are available as calibratable units. In this
case a special calibration through the German Verification Office
is ordered.

Data logger and billing date recording

Two billing dates for storing up to 5 counters
Configurable date and time
Data logger
Storage of up to 27 operating variables over 128 time peri-
5 counters E1 Steam energy
M1 Steam mass
∆E Energy balance (steam-condensate)
E2 Energy condensate
M2 Mass condensate

Instantaneous values of all operating variables

Determination of min. and max. values (over a configured
time and average value for 4 process variables (configurab-

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Description FCU400-G (SensyCal® G) – Qn Standard volume flow

Gas flow computer, gas translator Qv Operating volume flow
ρ Operating density
FCU400G is a gas flow computer and translator for industrial ρn Standarcd density
gas flow calculation and gas accounting measurement. T Temperature
The measurement computer FC U400G is used with all market p Pressure
able flow meters, e.g. orifices, swirl meters, vortex flow meters, Z Compressibility factor
ultrasound meters, etc.,transmitting a pulse, frequency or mA C Flow coefficient
signal. The split range procedure as well as compressibility fac ε Expansion rate
tor, flow coefficient and expansion rate correction are possible pn Standard pressure (1,01325 bar)
with the standard program for orifice measurement. Tn Standard temperature (273,15 K)
The following process signals can be connected in the standard Zn Flow coefficient at standard temperature and pressure
program: ,A Orifice design value
• Flow transmitter
• Pressure transmitter Data logger and billing date recording
• Temperature sensor (Pt 100 or transmitter) Two billing dates for storing the counter readings
Configurable date and time
Measurement computer Data logger
Storage up to 19 operating variables over 200 periods:
1 counter
Instantaneous values of all operating variables
Determination of min. and max. values (over a configured ti
Flow transmitter Temperature sensor
me) and average values for 4 process variables (configurable)
(Pt 100 or transmitter)
Pressure transmitter
Counters, storage
Counter stands still at:
No flow at all
Storage of counter readings in case of power failure

Pulse output
FCU400G has 2 pulse outputs
The physical state correction or flow translation is corrected in
accordance with EN ISO 51671 bzw. VDI/VDO 2040. Device configuration
FCU400G can be configured by using the FCOM200 communi
Operating principle cation program. The configuration can be made in factory or on
The standard volume flow is calculated from the volume flow, the site through the customer. For factory configuration please fill in
operating density, and the standard density. The operating den the questionnaire attached to this data sheet. When ordering the
sity can be calculated from the operating pressure and tempera standard configuration, a default file is downloaded into the
ture and from the standard density in the normal state. For DP device.
measurement the standard volume flow is corrected by using the
ratio of the operating density to the design density as a reference.
Q n = Q v × ------

p T n- ------ Z
ρ = ρ n × ------- × ------ × n-
pn T Z

For ∆P measurement
C ε
Q n = Q n,measured × ( ρ ⁄ ρ ,A ) × ---------- × --------
C ,A ε ,A

ρ = f ( p, T , Z )

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Description FCU200-T (SensyCal® T) – Description FCU400-P (SensyCal® P) –

Current < > pulse converter Signal combination, e.g. high-precision
FCU200T is a twochannel
∆T measurement, summation, etc.
energy, mass flow and volume counter, Highprecision differential temperature measurement is the basis
currentpulse converter for heat balances used for further process optimization.
pulse/frequencycurrent converter The FCU400P system consists of a Sensycal computer and two
highquality, highprecision paired PT 100 sensors.
Operating principle With this system a deviation of less than 100 mK is ensured, even
The device is designed to convert either direct current to a pro in the lower part of the measuring range (∆T = 1...5 K). If required,
portional pulse frequency or a proportional pulse frequency to a the system can be calibrated and certified in our inhouse DKD
direct current. calibration lab.
The following process signals can be connected in the standard
• 2 active mA signals or
2 active pulse/frequency signals T1 4...20 mA
• 2 pulse outputs temperature T1
• MBUS interface T2 4...20 mA
Optional cards are available for mA output, power supply, and
∆T 4...20 mA
RS 485/RS 232. Resistance
thermometer (optional)
The following applications can be realized in the standard pro Ex d / Ex I Error
. M-Bus
temperature T2
Pulse RS 485 ⇒ MODBUS
mA (optional)
FCU200-T Inputs
2 x Pt 100, 4wire
Analog outputs and RS 485/RS 232 card for
MODBUS protocol
Pulse Further applications (e.g. summation) and technical details for
mA FCU400P on request.
Error Data logger and billing date recording
Two billing dates for storing the counter readings
M-Bus Configurable date and time
Data logger
RS 485 ⇒ MODBUS 1 or 2 counters
Storage the operating variables over 200 periods:
(mA output card: optional) Instantaneous values
Determination of min. and max. values (over a configured ti
me) and average values

Device configuration Storage

FCU200T can be configured by using the FCOM200 communi Storage of counter readings in case of power failure
cation program. The configuration can be made in factory or on
site through the customer. For factory configuration please fill in Pulse outputs
the questionnaire attached to this data sheet. When ordering the FCU400P has 2 pulse outputs
standard configuration, a default file is downloaded into the

Pulse output
FCU200T has 2 pulse outputs

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Description FCU400-IR (SensyCal® IR) – User benefits

Contactless temperature monitoring • Lower cost
– Eliminate need for manually survey contact points
FCU400IR iis a complete system for contactless temperature – No measuring system maintenance
monitoring of contact points and power switches in MV switch
gear. The contact resistance at the contact points between the • Higher plant reliability
conductor rails and power switches may increase due to loose – Prevention of incidents due to rapid online recognition of hot
screws or corrosion. As a result, power will be converted to heat spots and disconnection of the switchgear from power
(power dissipation), and the system may be damaged. – No contact between measuring system and live parts

The system consists of the following basic components

– Infrared pyrometers for hotspot monitoring in the conduc
tor rail compartment
– Optional Pt 100 resistance thermometers for ambient
temperature measurement in the conductor rail compart
– Measurement computer for signal processing, evaluation
and indication in the secondary compartment

Technical data
max. 12 pyrometers
max. 2 x Pt 100 resistancs thermometers, range 0 … 200 °C
directly or via transmitter as a standard 4 … 20 mA signal (active)
3 digital outputs, prealarm, Alarm and device error
1 analog output
4 … 20 mA signal for highest pyrometer temperature
Optical resolution Sensor
Cable length between sensor and computer
Standard: 10 m
Response time of the entire system
Product features < 1 second
• Continuous temperature monitoring of live parts
Reproducibility of temperature measurement
• Monitoring of up to 12 hot spots in a switchgear with only one
± 1 % of measured value (at least ± 1 °C)
• Freely configurable values for warning and emergency limits Protection class
• Analog output for max. temperature value IP40
(alternatively: MODBUS/MBUS) Supply voltage
• No PVC cables used 24 V DC ± 5%
• All parts completely shielded against EMI/RFI
Max. power
• Possible connection of a Pt 100 temperature sensor for
10 VA
measuring the ambient temperature
• MBus and optical interfaces (IRDA, ZVEI) for Max. ambient temperature
data output and configuration Caloric energy computer: 55 °C
• All relevant parameters locally indicated on a multiline Pyrometer: 70 °C
graphic display For technical details about FCU400IR on request.
• Indication of all measuring points and maximum temperature
values with tag numbers
• Data logger function with realtime clock for all temperature
and limit values
• Error is recorded with current date and time when configured
limit value is exceeded,
• Compact design allows easy retrofitting

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Technical data Interfaces

FCU – Operating principle and system design Communication using the M-Bus protocol
to EN 14343, IEC 8705) and MODBUS protocol
The caloric energy computer consists of a basic unit with 4 slots for ex
tension modules. Optical interface on the front panel
The basic unit includes: Operating mode configurable
• Power supply unit – Optohead (ZVEI) standard IEC EN 61107300...2400 (9600) Baud
• Graphic display with background light
• Electronics Interface on the terminal strip
• 2 analog 4wire temperature inputs (Pt 100) with constant – 2wire MBus interface300...38400 Baud
current source – RS 232/RS 485300...38400 Baud
• 2 digital inputs, electrically isolated, for pulse or frequency, which can Configuration of device via configuration software (MBUS).
Reading of data (operating variables, data logger, etc.) via the MBus or
also be used as digital inputs for control purposes
• 3 digital outputs (electrically isolated) for pulse output and error signal
• MBus interface
Extension modules
• Optical interface on the front panel which can be operated in 101
accordance with the IRDA or the ZVEI standard, as required 2 current inputs EX1, EX2
• 0/4...20 mA, RE = 50 Ω; 16bit resolution ≈ 0,3 µA
• The four slots are designed for plugging in the optional extension mo max. permissible input current ± 40 mA
dules. The following module combinations are possible: Electrical isolation
• Current input module with transmitter supply
+ 2 × transmitter power supplies Us1, Us2
• Current output module with alarm signalling units
Each 16 V, 25 mA, shortcircuitproof
• Digital input and output module in accordance with NAMUR
Electrical isolation
(usable as frequency or pulse input module, acc. to the specs. )
• RS 485/RS 232 module for MODBUS communication 107
• Power supply card for 2wire transmitter supply 4 voltage inputs EX1, EX2, EX3, EX4
0...2000 mV, RE > 1MΩ; 16bit resolution
max. permissible input voltage + 5 V
2 × temperature iputs 4 current inputs EX1, EX2, EX3, EX4
2 x Pt 100 IEC 0/4...20 mA, RE = 50 Ω; 16bit resolution ≈ 0,3 µA
max. permissible input current ± 40 mA
Measuring range
200...850 °C; 20bit resolution ≅ 0,0012 K 102
2 analog outputs AX1, AX2
2 digital inputs EB1, EB2 Signal range 0/4...20 mA
Electrical isolated, 24 V, passive (optocoupler), Load max. 500 Ω
configurable acc. to DIN 19240 as Open permitted, shortcircuitproof
Pulse 0,001 s1...3000 s1
Frequency 0,001 Hz...10 kHz + 2 alarm signalling outputs, ABX1, ABX6
Logical signal input Hi / Low Open collector, passive
Electrically isolated via optocoupler
Output External power supply VDE 2188 Category 2
Max. load 24 V (+25 %), < 100 mA
Max. separation voltage 500 V (peakpeak)
3digital outputs AB1, AB2 and Err
Open collector, passive 103
4 digiotal inputs/outputs, Ausgänge or 2 frequency/pulse inputs
Electrical isolation through optocoupler + 2 digital inputs/outputs
External power supply VDE 2188 Category 2 Open collector, passive or NAMUR input
Max. load 24 V (± 25 %), < 100 mA Electrically isolated via optocoupler
Max. separation voltage 500 V (peakpeak) External power supply VDE 2188 Category 2
Ri in conducting state < 20 Ω Max. load 24 V (+25 %), < 100 mA
AB1: Pulse output Max. separation voltage 500 V (peakpeak)
AB2: Pulse output Ri in conducting state < 20 Ω
Err: Error output
RS 485/RS 232 card
For MODBUS communication
+ 2 × transmitter power supplies Us1, Us2
Each 20 V, 25 mA, shortcircuitproof
Electrical isolation

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Performance characteristics Mechanical construction

Temperature inputs Design/dimensions
Measuring error DIN rail mounting and wall mounting
Temperature Dimensions 144 mm x 72 mm x 183 mm
0.3 % of upper range value Weight ca. 0.7 kg
Errors limits for ∆T: Material polycarbonate
3...20 K < 1.0 % of measured value Panel mounting
20...250 K < 0.5 % of measured value Dimensions 144 mm x 72 mm x 117 mm
Weight ca. 0.5 kg
Current inputs Material polycarbonate
Panel cutout 138 mm x 68 mm
Influence of ambient temperature
< 0.01 %/K 19“ cartridge
Dimensions 144 mm x 128 mm x 171 mm
Calibration error
Weight 1.4 kg
< 0.2 % of final value 19“ subrack 28TE, 3HE
Max. linearity error
< 0.005 % FSR
Accuracy class of calculation unit Human interface
EN 14341/OIML 75 Class 2
Grafic display
Operating conditions 120 x 32 pixel, multiline, background light
Environmental conditions
Ambient temperature Data logger and billing date recording
5...55 °C Two billing dates for storage of all counter readings
Storage temperature Configurable date and time
 25...+ 70 °C
Data logger
Climate class
Storage of operatig variables over 128 periods or 200 periods
Ambient temperature class C to EN 14341 The number of variables and periods may vary, depending on the ap
Relative humidity plication
Tested in accordance with EN 14344, IEC 62230
Error messages and error output
permitted Recognition of internal errors through regularselfdiagnostic.
Protection class
IP 65
Critical device errors, e.g. memory failure
Shock resistance in operation (at 20 °C) to IEC 68-2-6 or 68-2-27 Process errors with date and time
Vibration 2g/10...150 Hz Last 10 power failures, last 10 counter stoppages
Shock 30g/11 ms/ 3 Shocks
Storage up to 10 process errors
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Plain display with time stamp
EMI/RFI shielding to EN 500822 (EN 610042, 3, 4, 5,6)
Additionally to EN 14344 (Class C) Error output
RFI supression to EN 500812 (EN 55011 Class A) open collector, passive (see output) display

Test type Standard Level Influence

Surge to AC supply Power
com EN 6100045 2 kV none
diff. 1 kV none Power supply
Burst to supply lines EN 6100044 2 kV < 0.2 % 230 V AC, 115 V AC, 24 V AC/DC
Burst to signal lines EN 6100044 1 kV < 0.2 % Power consumption
Electrostatic discharge 24 V 1...10 VA depending on extension
contacts EN 6100042 6 kV < 0.2 % 115 V 2...10 VA depending on extension
Radiated emissions (801000 MHz) EN 6100043 10 V/m < 0.2 % 230 V 3...10 VA depending on extension
Conducted immunity EN 6100046 10 V erfüllt
DC voltage
(150 kHz  80 MHz)
24 V ± 20 %
Mains failure / variation EN 610004411
RFI suppression Limit class met AC voltage
Noise voltage 24 V, 110 V, 230 V 15...+10 %, 48...62 Hz
on supply line EN 55022 A
Intensity of noise field EN 55022 B

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Certificates and approvals The link between the PC/laptop and the measurement computer can be
established in two different ways .
The measurement computer has the following certificates:
VDE certificate (electrical safety)
PTB certificate for systems subject to legal control PC / Laptop Measurement computer
to EN 1434, Supplement 22 (FCU200W  SensyCal® W) Optical read head (opto-head), RS 232
CSANRTLC certificate
COM (9 pins)
GOST certificate

Configuration software
MBUS repeater
The standard PC configuration software FCOM200 for flow measure COM (9 pins)

ment computers used for configuring the standard applications can be MBUS (2 cables) MBUS connection
RS 232 Terminals 24 and 25
installed and run on all usual commercial PCs.

The PC configuration software FCOM200 for special applications is de

Useful hint for communication:
signed for configuring customerspecific applications. It can be installed
The following PC and device settings must fully match to enable proper
and run on all usual commercial PCs.
Bus address, baudrate, interface.
Communication software
Interface: for optohead optohead/automatically
The Data Management Tool FCOM500 is used for for the MBus repeater MBus repeater
• configuring the device,
• reading current process data in online mode, Infrared printer
• reading device and data logger data, Measurement computer data can be printed on the portable infrared
• setting date, time, baud rate, addresses, counter count, etc., printer type „HP82240B Infrared Printer“ that connects to the infrared in
terface. The printer can be ordered under catalog number 7962882 (see
The software can be installed and run on all usual commercial PCs. price list 70/18.2 EN).

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Dimensional drawing (dimensions in mm)

Panel mounting


1 )




max. 10


Panel cutout

Wall mounting
(on 35 mm top hat rail)




Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Dimensional drawings (dimensions in mm)

19“ cartridge 28 TE (142,24)


3 HE (133,35)

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Connecting diagrams

Signal terminal assignment, basic device

60 70 80 90

61 71 81 91
62 72 82 92
63 73 83 93

Slot 3

Slot 4
Slot 2
Slot 1

64 74 84 94

65 75 85 95
66 76 86 96
67 77 87 97

1 5 6 2 3 7 8 4 10 11 50 51 16 17 18 19 52 53 24 25 26 27 28

+ - + - + - + - + -
+ -
Pulse output

Pulse output


Power supply
T1 T2 connection


Temperature Temperature

Signal connections main card Signal terminal assignment 19“ cartridge

1 IT1+ Power current feed for T1

c a
2 IT1 Power current feedback for T1
5 1 1
3 IT2+ Power current feed for T2 In 1
6 2 2
Wenn Karte 101 (mA-Eingang) vorhanden, bitte 62-63 und 66-67 brücken.

4 IT2 Power current feedback for T2

7 3 3
5 T 1+ Temperature sensor for T1 In 2
8 4 4
6 T 1 Temperature sensor for T1
If the 101 card (mA-input) is present, please bridge 62-63 and 66-67.

+ -
10 EB 1 11 5
7 T 2+ Temperature sensor for T2 + -
50 EB 2 51 6
8 T 2 Temperature sensor for T2
Wenn Messumformer angeschlossen, bitte 6-2 und 8-4 brücken.

+ -
16 AB 1 17 7
10 EB1+ Pulse/frequency input + -
11 EB1 Pulse/frequency input, reference potential 18 +AB 2 - 19 8

16 AB1+ Pulse output 52 ERR 53 9

If a transmitetr is connected, please bridge 6-2 and 8-4.

17 AB1 Pulse output, reference potential 24 M-BUS 25

18 AB2+ Pulse output 60 61 11
62 Option 1 63 12
19 AB2 Pulse output, reference potential
24 MBUS MBus interface 64 65 13
25 MBUS MBus interface 66 67 14
27 L Conductor 70 71 15
72 2 73 16
28 N Zero conductor

50 EB2+ Pulse/frequency input 74 75 17

51 EB2 Pulse/frequency input, reference potential 76 77 18
52 ERR+ Error output 80 81 19
82 3 83 20
53 ERR Error output, reference potential

84 85 21
86 87 22
90 91 23
92 Option 4 93 24
94 95 25
96 97 26
27 (24) 28
27 (115V) (N) 28 30
27 (230V) (PE) 26 32

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Terminal assigment of FCU200-W

Signal terminal assignment, basic device

1 5 6 2 3 7 8 4 1 5 6 2 3 7 8 4 10 11 50 51 16 17 18 19 52 53 24 25 26 27 28

+ - + - + - + - + - + - + -
Tw Tc EB1 EB2 AB1 AB2 ERR M-Bus L N
+ -

Pulse output

Pulse output
Second pulse transmitter
Flow transmitter
Temperature Temperature
warm cold Power supply

Tw Tc connection


Temperature transmitter Temperature Temperature

DTF signal
with active ma-output warm cold

mA input module mA output module

(Flow transmitter, differential pressure transmitter)
0/4...20 mA

US1+ 60 Qv, ∆p US1+ 60 70

I = 0/4...20 mA
EX1+ 61 I EX1+ 61 Qv, ∆p 71
0/4...20 mA max. 100 mA
EX1- 62 EX1- 62 I 72
B B ABX1 +24 V DC
US1- 63 US1- 63 73
0/4...20 mA

US2+ 64 ∆p 2 US2+ 64 74
AX2 I = 0/4...20 mA
EX2+ 65 I EX2+ 65 ∆p2 75
0/4...20 mA max. 100 mA
EX2- 66 EX2- 66 I 76
ABX2 +24 V DC
US2- 67 US2- 67 77

2-wire transmitter 4-wire transmitter

Power supply 16 V, 23 mA External power supply

Supply of pulse/frequency input modules via (optional) power supply card

tr 1
+ +

X1 11 10
- +




X 7, 8 or 9 depending on slot
X7 (see rating plate)
B external jumper
Transmitter with pulse/frequence output GND optional grounding on potential equalization rail

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Terminal assignment of FCU400-S, FCU400-G

Signal terminal assignment, basic device FCU400-S

1 5 6 2 3 7 8 4 1 5 6 2 3 7 8 4 10 11 50 51 16 17 18 19 52 53 24 25 26 27 28

+ - + - + - + - + - + - + -
T1 T2 EB1 EB2 AB1 AB2 ERR M-Bus L N
+ -

Pulse output 1

Pulse output 2
Steam Condensate q1 q2

temperature temperature Power supply

T1 T2 connection

Temperature transmitter Steam Condensate
with active mA-output temperature temperature

mA input module mA output module

(Pressure and flow transmitter)
0/4...20 mA

US1+ 60 q1 ∆p1 US1+ 60 80

I = 0/4...20 mA
EX1+ 61 I EX1+ 61 q1 ∆p1 81
0/4...20 mA max. 100 mA
EX1- 62 EX1- 62 I 82
B B ABX1 +24 V DC
US1- 63 US1- 63 83
0/4...20 mA

US2+ 64 p US2+ 64 84
AX2 I = 0/4...20 mA
EX2+ 65 I EX2+ 65 p 85
0/4...20 mA max. 100 mA
EX2- 66 EX2- 66 I 86
B B ABX2 +24 V DC
US2- 67 US2- 67 87
Gnd Gnd

2-wire transmitter 4-wire transmitter

mA input module (∆p2, condensate flow)

0/4...20 mA

US1+ 70 ∆p2 US1+ 70

EX1+ 71 I EX1+ 71 ∆p2

0/4...20 mA
EX1- 72 EX1- 72 I
B Gnd B
US1- 73 US1- 73
0/4...20 mA

US2+ 74 q2 US2+ 74

EX2+ 75 I EX2+ 75 q2
0/4...20 mA
EX2- 76 EX2- 76 I
US2- 77 US2- 77
Gnd Gnd
B external jumper
2-wire transmitter 4-wire transmitter GND optional grounding on potential equalization rail

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Terminal assignment of FCU400-G, FCU200-T

Signal terminal assignment, basic device FCU400-G

1 5 6 2 3 7 8 4 1 5 6 2 3 7 8 4 10 11 50 51 16 17 18 19 52 53 24 25 26 27 28

+ - + - + - + - + - + -
+ -

Pulse output 1

Pulse output 2
Gas q1
temperature Power supply

T connection

Temperature transmitter Gas

with active mA-output temperature

Signal terminal assignment, basic device FCU200-T mA output module

1 5 6 2 3 7 8 4 10 11 50 51 16 17 18 19 52 53 24 25 26 28
27 I = 0/4...20 mA
+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - 81
max. 100 mA
E1 E2 EB1 EB2 AB1 AB2 ERR M-bus
+ - 82
Pulse output 1

Pulse output 2

Active mA transmitter Active pulse/ ABX1

frequency transmitter Power supply
+24 V DC
connection 83

AX2 I = 0/4...20 mA
max. 100 mA
ABX2 +24 V DC
B external jumper

Power supply of the 2-wire transmitters FCU200-W, FCU400-S, FCU400-G, FCU200-T, FCU400-P

Power supply of the 2-wire transmitters Terminal assignment of the RS 485/RS 232 interface
through power supply card (optional) Connection via the RS 485/RS 232 card (optional)
tr 1
X0 GND RS 232 SubD 5
+ + +
X0 X0 X1 TxD RS 232 SubD 2
X1 EXX X1 X2 RxD RS 232 SubD 3
- + X3 +B RS 485 (termination)
X2 X2 tr
X4 RS 485 +TxD/RxD SubD 3
X3 - tr 2 X3 +
X5 RS 485  TxD/RxD SubD 8
+ +
X4 X4 + X6 B RS 485 (termination)
X5 X5 - + X7 GND RS 485 SubD 5
- +
X6 X6
X = 7, 8 or 9, depending on the slot position
X7 - X7

Power supply card Power supply card

Power supply for 2-wire transmitter (20 V) Power supply for 2-wire transmitter (40 V)

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Questionnaire FCU200-W

Technical contact person Person responsible

Tel./Fax Tel./Fax

Tag name (2 x 20 characters) Language

Flow transmitter inputs

Pulse Frequency mA

Pulse value F min [Hz] F max [Hz] 0...20 mA 4...20 mA

qv-max qv-min qv-max qv-min qv-max

Absolute pressure [bar] (operating pressure) ∆p-min ∆p-max

Flow sensor placed in Warm flow For ∆p measurem.: ∆p transm. Linear

Cold flow Root extracting

For differential pressure measurement (orifice, nozzle, venturi, pitot tube flow meter) please add calculation.

Temperature inputs Pt 100 direct Transmitter 0…20 mA 4...20 mA

Tw min Tw max Tc min Tc max

Pulse output 1 Pulse output 2

Pulse value Pulse value

Puls width [ms] Puls width [ms]

Outputs Outputs (select signal)

(Specify physical measuring ranges with units.)
0...20 mA 4...20 mA (for all outputs)

A1 A2 A3 A4
Physical value, start value

Physical value, final value

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Questionnaire FCU400-S

Technical contact person Person responsible

Tel./Fax Tel./Fax

Tag name (2 x 20 characters) Language

Flow transmitter inputs for steam flow

Pulse Frequency mA

Pulse value F min [Hz] F max [Hz] 0...20 mA 4...20 mA

qv-max qv-min qv-max qv-min qv-max

For ∆p measur.: ∆p transm. Linear Root extracting ∆p-min ∆p-max

For differential pressure measurement (orifice, nozzle, venturi, pitot tube flow meter) please add calculation.

Flow transmitter inputs for condensate flow

Pulse Frequency mA

Pulse F min [Hz] F max [Hz] 0...20 mA 4...20 mA

qv-max qv-max qv-min qv-max

Absolute pressure (bar) (Operating pressure in the condensate)

Pressure transmitter Steam temperature Condensate temperature

0...20 mA 4...20 mA 0...20 mA 4...20 mA 0...20 mA 4...20 mA

Over/Abs. Pt 100 direct Pt 100 direct

bar/MPA °C °C

Pulse output 1 Pulse output 2 Counter

Counter Counter 3 Energy (steam condensate)

Pulse value Pulse value 1 Energy steam

Pulse width (ms) Pulse width (ms) 2 Mass steam

4 Energy condensate

5 Mass condensate

Outputs (standard: 2 outputs) Outputs (select signal )

(Specify physical measuring ranges with units.)
0...20 mA 4...20 mA (for all outputs)

A1 A2 A3 A4
Physical value, start value

Physical value, final value

Zero point suppression for flow m3/h kg/h t/h

(applicable for calculating the flow, power, mass, volume, energy)

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Questionnaire FCU400-G

Technical contact person Person responsible

Tel./Fax Tel./Fax

Tag name (2 x 20 characters) Language

Flow transmitter inputs

Pulse Frequency mA

Pulse value F min [Hz] F max [Hz] 0...20 mA 4...20 mA

qv-max qv-min qv-max qv-min qv-max

∆p-min ∆ p-max

For ∆p measur.: ∆p transm. Linear Root extracting

For differential pressure measurement (orifice, nozzle, venturi, pitot tube flow meter) please add calculation.

Pressure transmitter Gas temperature

0...20 mA 4...20 mA 0...20 mA 4...20 mA

Over/Abs. Pt 100 direct

bar/MPA °C

Pulse output 1 Counter

Counter 1 Nm3

Pulse value

Pulse width (ms)

Outputs (optional) Outputs (select signal )

(Specify physical measuring ranges with units.)
0...20 mA 4...20 mA (for all outputs)

A1 A2 A3 A4
Physical value, start value

Physical value, final value

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Questionnaire FCU200-T

Technical contact person Person responsible

Tel./Fax Tel./Fax

Tag name (2 x 20 characters) Language


Channel 1

Pulse 1 Frequency 1 mA, 1

Pulse value F min [Hz] F max [Hz] 0...20 mA 4...20 mA

Max. value Min. value Max. value Min. value Max. value

Channel 2

Pulse 2 Frequency 2 mA, 2

Pulse value F min [Hz] F max [Hz] 0...20 mA 4...20 mA

Max. value Min. value Max. value Min. value Max. value

Pulse output 1 Pulse output 2

Pulse value Pulse value

Pulse width (ms) Pulse width (ms)

Outputs (optional) Outputs (select signal )

(Specify physical measuring ranges with units.)
0...20 mA 4...20 mA (for all outputs)

A1 A2 A3 A4
Physical value, start value

Physical value, final value

An extension board (Code No. 106 with 2 x 20 V supply)

is available for power supply of the inputs (pulse, frequency or mA).

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Ordering information
Catalog No. Code EUR Deliv. time
FCU – universal measurement computer1) V18022- 685,00
FCU200-W (SensyCal® W), caloric energy computer2) 1 -
Standard, water, cooling water, brine, oil 1 0 - 3 wks.
Open systems, water (special applications) 1 1 - on request
Others 1 9 - on request
FCU400-S (SensyCal® S), steam/saturated steam2) 2 -
Standard, thermal output/flow correction 2 5 305,00 3 wks.
Standard, flow correction 2 A 200,00 3 wks.
Others (special applications) 2 9 - on request
FCU400-G (SensyCal® G), Gas2) 3 -
Standard, flow correction (Q v , p, T) 3 C 200,00 3 wks.
Standard, flow correction ( ∆p, p, T) 3 D 305,00 3 wks.
Standard, flow correction (Q, p, T, ρ n, Hu) 3 E 305,00 3 wks.
Others (special applications) 3 9 - on request
FCU400-P (SensyCal® P), process applications3) 4 -
Summation and subtraction (max. 6 inputs) 4 6 258,00 3 wks.
High-precision differential temperature measurement 4 B 258,00 3 wks.
Others 4 9 - on request
FCU200-T (SensyCal® T), counting/accounting4) 5 - 3 wks.
Current-pulse converter 5 7 -
Pulse-current converter 5 8 -
Others 5 9 - on request
FCU400-IR (SensyCal® IR), temperature monitoring 6 -
Infrared temperature monitoring (IR temperature sensor available on request) 6 0 - on request
Power supply
230 V AC 1 -
115 V AC 2 -
24 V AC/DC 3 -
Without calibration 0 -
With certificate from Verification Office for SFCU200-W (SensyCal® W) 1 139,00 + 2 wks.
Special certificate for FCU400-S, FCU400-G (SensyCal® S, SensyCal® G) 2 366,00 + 2 wks.
Calibration for high-precision differential temperature measurement 4 366,00 + 2 wks.
Others (special applications) 9 -
Without configuration 0
With customer specific configuration 1
Housing for panel mounting and wall mounting, 144 mm x 72 mm 0
19" cartridge, 28TE, 3HE with blade connector configuration C 1
(Optional) extension modules ordered together with the device (max. 4)
2 x mA inputs and 2 x transmitter supplies (2 x 16 V, 25 mA) 101 216,00
2 x mA outputs and 2 x alarm contacts 102 216,00
4 x digital inputs and outputs (special application) or 2 x frequency/pulse inputs
+ 2 x input/output contacts incl. NAMUR input (special application) 103 185,00
RS 485/RS232 card for MODBUS communication 105 216,00
2 x transmitter supplies (2 x 20 V, 25 mA) 106 103,00
4 x mV inputs (special application) 107 216,00
4 x mA inputs (summation, special application) 108 216,00
The standard model includes: 2 inputs for connecting Pt 100 (directly) or temperature transmitter with active mA output
1 passive pulse/frequency input
Select code 101 for mA inputs and code 102 for mA outputs.
Select code 106 for supply of passive pulse/frequency input or temperature transmitter
2 inputs are available for mA signals. Select code 108 for more inputs.
Select code 106 for power supply.
2 inputs are available for active mA or pulse/frequency signals, select code 106 for supply of the signals.

Universal Measuring Computer 10/185.22 EN
FCU200T, FCU200W, FCU400G, FCU400IR, FCU400P, FCU400S (SensyCal®)

Catalog No. EUR Deliv. time
FCOM200, PC configuration program for FCU200-W, FCU400-S, FCU400-G, FCU200-T 7962875 295,00 1 wk.
FCOM200, PC configuration program for special applications 7962893 407,00 1 wk.
FCOM500, Data Management Tool for FCU, output via M-Bus 7962892 530,00 2 wks.
Optohead for connection to a PC via RS 232 interface 7962876 260,00 2 wks.
M-Bus micro-master with laptop adapter cable via
RS 232 interface, for 10 terminal units (MR 003) 7962877 260,00 2 wks.
M-Bus level transformer with RS 232 C interface for
3 terminal units, housing for Z rails or wall mounting PW3 7962878 157,00 2 wks.
20 terminal units, housing for Z rails or wall mounting PW20 7962879 337,00 2 wks.
60 terminal units, housing for Z rails or wall mounting PW60 7962880 431,00 2 wks.
250 terminal units, housing for Z rails or wall mounting PW250 7962891 1056,00 2 wks.
Handheld printer for infrared communication 7962882 263,00 2 wks.
RS 232 cable (SUB-D 1:1 9-pole socket/plug) 3 m for M-BUS level transformer 7963895 2 wks.
Extension modules, for separate order, independent of the device
2 x mA inputs and 2 x transmitter supplies (2 x 16 V, 25 mA) 7962870 216,00 1 wk.
2 x mA outputs and 2 x alarm contacts 7962871 216,00 1 wk.
4 x digital inputs and outputs (special application) or 2 x frequency/pulse inputs
+ 2 x input/output contacts incl. NAMUR input (special application) 7962872 185,00 1 wk.
RS 485/RS 232 card for MODBUS communication 7962874 216,00 1 wk.
2 x transmitter supplies (2 x 20 V, 25 mA) 7962869 103,00 1 wk.
4 x mV inputs (special application) 7962881 216,00 1 wk.
4 x mA inputs (special application) 7962868 216,00 1 wk.

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product names in the form XXXXXXIT are registered improvement and the right is reserved to modify the
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© ABB 2003
10/185.22 EN Rev. B

ABB Ltd ABB Inc. ABB Inc. ABB Automation Products GmbH
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