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Pressure Temperature Flow Trainer

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Pressure/Temperature/Flow (Model : XPO-PCT-PTF)



(CONTROLLER SECTION) controller (PC not in scope of supply but P4/XP/WIN7
u Computer Interface panel (CIP/PCT1) with parallel /USB port needed)
l Connects to PC (P4/XP) parallel port through 25 pin M l Online monitoring / Data acquisition / PID Software
to F cable / 1.5mtr. on Installable (CD) works under XP, WIN7. PC with
l 4 ADC channels I/P: 0 to 2.5V FS with 1no input parallel port / USB needed.
simulation pot. 1 DAC channel O/P 2.5V FS. l Operating modes
l V to I function block: I/P 0 to 2.5V & O/P 0-20 or 4- a)Simulator Mode : Tests data stored in files (*.txt) &
20mA (100W load) switch settable. Draw graph for all P,PI,PD & PID modes.
l I to V function block : I/P 4 to 20mA & O/P 0 - 2.5V
b)Process Monitoring Mode : Draw graphs of analog
l USB converter to interface 25 pin D connector on CIP
data presented at CH 0 & CH 1 of CIP. Cursors for X
panel to USB using PIC18F microcontroller 28 Pin & Y axis for measurement & online graphs saving for
SOIC enclosed in 25 Pin D shell using Type A to mini B reproduction.
cable. c)PID controller Mode
l PID controller with parameter like Integral Time Ti
l Optionally hardware module of square root extractor is
provided so that PLC/Panel mount PID may be (0.01-64000), Sampling Time Ts(0.1-99.9), Derivative
interfaced. Time Td(0-99.9), Proportional Band Pb(1-999),
u Instrumentation Power supply cum Multichannel
Derivative Gain Kd(1-999), Set Value Rn(0-99.9), PID
DPM panel (EMT 8) output Upper Limit Uh(0-99.9), PID output Lower
l ±12V/500 mA, +5V/300mA, Unregulated 17V dc/750
Limit Ul (0-99.9).
mA, line synchronizing signal, 13V / 3 Amp. l Facility to set units for output viz. (%) C , RPM, V,

l Multi channel DPM for digital display of process mm, LPH, kg/cm², msi/cm, Degree. Optionally
parameters. experiments with advance process control scheme viz;
l 20 pin FRC power bus to supply power to neighbouring Ratio, Cascade, feedforward with Aux PID, Ratio
panels. station & FF transfer function calculator, Alarm
u Thyristor Actuator cum signal conditioning panel setting, ON/OFF control, square root extractor for
(TAP) / CE2 x 3Nos. Orifice.
l Thyristor bridge based 0-200V/3A using cosine firing l Function Generator : Sine / Triangular / Square wave

circuit, I/P 0 to 2.5Vdc. generator with frequency 0.01 Hz to 1 Hz, Amplitude

l Supports signal conditioning for RTD, Pressure sensor is 0 to 2.5 V i.e. 0 - 100%.
with Instrumentation Amplifier & flow sensor (water / SALIENT FEATURES
air) with F to V converter to generate 0-2.5Vdc (FS). u Lightweight, yet sturdy, tabletop, Aluminium profile flat panel setup, with SS
l Closed loop control experiments based on temperature, (304/316) piping for and wide angle view of every component in process. No
speed measurement Digital PID controller. hidden parts.
l 2 No. panels may be needed to cover signal conditioning
u Individual control loops as well as Advance control schemes like Ratio,
Cascade, Feed forward, coupled tank made easy for student.
needs of the selected process.
u Connection through polarized FRC connectors, sturdy 4mm Banana sockets &
Patch cords enabling quick setting up of variety of process control experiments.
u P4/XP / win 7 window based PID controller (DDC) software package with P, PI &
PID control, Ratio & cascade control, three operating modes, Online graph
drawing & data acquisition modes (SCADA). PC not in scope of supply
Technical Specifications :

Parameters Pressure/ Temp. / Flow. [Model : XPO-PCT/PTF]

Controlled Medium Air for pressure / Flow, Water for temp. & air (air bubbler) for Cooling

Storage tank material/Capacity 1 No., 10 litre plexiglass tank for water

Process tank capacity/material 1 No. 5 liter, stainless steel tank with temp, pressure sensors attachment.
Pressure relief valve (10 Bar)

Electronic sensor type/O/P/ range • Pressure: piezo-resistive pressure sensor 0 to 30PSI, O/P = 0 to 2.5V
• Temp: PT100, O/P =0 to 2.5V, ambient to 100 C
• Flow Turbine flow sensor 1 No. OP - 0 TO 2.5V, 0-150LPM

Control Valve Pneumatically operated air to close, linear type, ½ " Size Diaphragm operated,
C=0.4 with I to P Converter I/P 4 to 20mA O/P 4 to 20 mA O/P 3 to 15 psi.
TAP panel: SCR controlled full bridge (200Vdc)for 750 for temp.
control I/P 0 to 2.5Vdc.

Rotameter 2 Nos. Acrylic body ½ " size 0 to 50LPM

Generation & Distribution Pump 230VAC 10W submersible water pump with ¼" pvc pipe to fill in process vessel
for temperature control experiment.

Bourdon gauges 2 Nos. 0 to 2 bars, 2Nos 0 to 10 bar 0-100 C gauge thermometer

Manual SS valves 1/4" size = 7 Nos.

Piping material/size Stainless steel , 1/4" for air

Air filter & regulators OR accessaries 3 Nos , 0 to 10 bars size 1/4" Oil catcher
(1/4" size max. pressure = 10 bars)-1No.

Air compressor 0 to 10 bars, 2 HP, 230VAC supply (optional) Tank Capacity : 110 Ltrs.

Mech. Size/wt 1170(W) X 300 (W) X 990(H)mm /39kg.

Advance control Expt. Between 2 water flows.

Ratio Inner loop flow. Outer loop Temp.
Cascade Air flow on temp. loop.
Feed forward

Additional Experiments 1) Study of different control valves (equal %, quick opening)

using S/W based gain scheduler.
2) Study of V to I & I to P converters.
3) 10 segment gain scheduler & split phase control.

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