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Field Mount Flow Computer: Technology Solutions

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Technology Solutions

Tek- FCA 8000A

Field Mount Flow Computer

Flow | Level | Temperature | Pressure | Valves | Analyzers | Accessories | TekValSys
Tek-FCA 8000A
Field Mount Flow Computer
Tek-Trol is a technology-driven company providing for markets covering Power, Food & Beverages, Water,
consistent advanced measurement, automation, and Wastewater, Oil & Gas, Paper & Pulp, Mining & Steel,
control solutions. Pharmaceuticals and Petrochemical.
Tek-Trol offers process measurements including Tek-Trol is proud to be recognized for our industry
control products and solutions for Flow, Temperature, knowledge, innovative solutions, reliable products,
Pressure, Level Applications. We offer our clients a and global presence.
comprehensive dimension of products and solutions

Tek-FCA 8000A field mount flow computer is used in and meets the requirements of specialized industries.
custody and non-custody applications for liquid and The flow computer supports extensive alarming
gas service applications and is designed to enhance capability to enhance operational efficiency and
the performance of differential pressure flow meters. improve the audit trail. Alarms are pre-allocated to
With the help of advanced diagnostics it offers a real- meter runs for standard values such as pressure,
time monitoring system and helps reduce uncertainty temperature, differential pressure or frequency as
in measurement making the process measurement well as meter run flow rates.
reliable and robust. The Tek-FCA 8000A offered with the specialized
The Tek-FCA 8000A is a cost-effective low-power DP Health Check comprehensive verification system
field mount flow computer that measures and for Differential Pressure (DP) meters expands the
monitors liquid and gas flow for a differential or capability of the DP meter by offering a full diagnostic
linear meter run delivering a convenient approach suite allowing for condition-based maintenance
to remote oil and gas sites including custody or non- operations. The diagnostic results are shown to the
custody measurements. Tek-FCA 8000A is the most operator in a very simple and easily understood
powerful flow computer that represents operation, format and is equal to any flow meters diagnostic
performance, and modularity advancements with system.
a wide range of options, configurations that meet The Tek-FCA 8000A is available with optional
specific application requirements. multivariable transmitters providing high accuracy
Using a single hardware platform, with reduced differential pressure and static pressure measurement
spare part requirements, training and calibration or configured to connect with standard DP differential
costs it allows for a lower overall cost of ownership pressure transmitters for steam flow measurements.

Continuous Diagnostics

Real time Monitoring

Liquid & Gas Service

Custody and Non-Custody applications

Field Mount for Hazardous locations

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Features / Specifications

8000A ∆Pppl ∆Pt ∆Pr

Design Mass Flow Equations
Flexible design with power and communication Real gas, Ideal gas, AGA 8, API 2540
options to meet fieldinstrument needs.
Measurement Options
Compliances Steam Quality Measurement: Reliable steam
Provide Custody transfer and fiscal measurement quality (steam dryness) as well as mass flow
requirements. measurement.
Data Logging Density of Gas Mixture: Calculate the density of
Real time measurement and Enhanced changing gas mixtures.
Data Logging capabilities. Energy Monitoring: Energy consumption for
Steam, Water, and Heat Transfer applications.
Advanced Diagnostic
Continuously monitor and verify the flow meter Low Power
health and reduce output uncertainty using Cost Effective, Low Power field mount flow
Advanced diagnostic software. computer.

Operator Friendly HART Protocol Communications – Standard

Easy to use with multiple differential pressure like Modbus, BACnet, Power over Ethernet (PoE)
Orifice, Venturi, Flow Nozzle, Wedge, Cone. communications available.

Field Configuration Approvals

Simple and easily interface with the device using Pending
push buttons.
Flow Units Specifications
Volumetric or Mass flow measurement of Liquid, Ambient Temperature
Gases and Steam. Operating : -40 to 140°F (-40 to 60°C)
Calculations Storage: -40 to 185°F (-40 to 85°C)
AGA-3, ISO5167, V Cone Working Humidity
0 to 100% RH | 3
Electrical Connection Stability
½” and ¾” NPT conduit connections ProcessTemperature: ±0.25°C/month max;
Static and Differential Pressure: ±0.05%
Power Requirements
URL/Year Typical Working Temperature Ambient
DCH option: 12-36 VDC, 300mA, 9W
Operating: -40 to 140°F (-40 to 60°C)
max DCHPOE : 12-28 VDC or Power over Ethernet,
Ambient Storage: -40 to 185°F (-40 to 85°C)
5 Watts maximum
Operating Temperature with Display: -30 to +60°C
Output Signal
2 Line X 16 Character LCD Alphanumeric
4 to 20 mA with HART®
Digital Display, Six Push buttons For Full Field
Configuration, Mounted In 90° Intervals For Better Electrical Connection
Viewing ½” and ¾”NPT conduit connections
Input Signals HART Loop Resistance
4-20mA (Flow, Pressure), Pulse, Frequency RTD 250 to 550 Ohm
(Ohm), BACnet
Process Connection
Output Signals ¼” NPT on flanges or manifold mount
Analog: 4-20mA(Volumetric flow, mass flow,
Media Temperature
density, pressure, temperature)
Silicon oil filling: -40 °F to 248 °F (-40 °Cto 120 °C)
Alarm: Solid state relay, 40 VDC
Fluorocarbon oil filling: -49 °F to 320 °F (-45 °C to
Totalizer Pulse: 50 millisecond pulse, 40 VDC
160 °C)
Volumetric or Loop Powered Mass: One analog,
one totalizer pulse, HART Communication
HART, Modbus
Type: 32 bit 250 MHz, Flash: 8 MB, RAM: 64 MB Power
DDR2 Operating Voltage Range:4.0 to 30.0 VDC
MULTI-VARIABLE VERSION HART protocol 16.5-55 VDC, communication load
resistance 250 Ω Load resistance 0-2119 Ω for
working condition, 250- 600 Ω for HART<1000 Ω
DP linear mode: ±0.075% F.S., optional Enhanced
Accuracy of ±0.065%, ±0.04%; Static Pressure: Power
±0.075% F.S., optional Enhanced Accuracy of 500 mW at 24 VDC, 20.8 mA
±0.065, ±0.04%; Temperature effect on Differential
Pressure: ±0.03% of F.S.
Diaphragm Materials
SS316 or Hastelloy C
Measuring Range
Differential Pressure/ Static Pressure: 150”- 400” in
H2O up to 2000 PSI

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The Tek-FCA 8000A offered with the specialized DP DP Health Check creates seven diagnostic checks,
Health Check comprehensive verification system i.e. one DP integrity check, three separate inter-
for Differential Pressure (DP) meters expands the comparable flowrate predictions, and three DP ratios
capability of the DP meter by offering a full diagnostic comparable with the baselines. The HMI (human
suite allowing for condition-based maintenance machine interface) is designed for simplicity: the
operations. The diagnostic results are shown to the seven diagnostics are plotted as four points on a
operator in a very simple and easily understood graph with a 1x1 box. All points inside the box shows
format and is equal to any flow meters diagnostic the meter is functioning normally (see Fig 2).
system. Any points outside the box shows a potential
DP Health Check is a comprehensive verification metering issue. Figs. 3 and 4 show response to
system for Differential Pressure (DP) meters. Utilizing varying saturated steam quality and single-phase
a third pressure port downstream of the DP meter DP reading error respectively. Pattern recognition
and reading three DPs, DP Health Check analyses technology allows the source of the problem to be
not just the traditional single DP reading, but the directly identified.
entire pressure field. The additional information
expands the capability of the DP meter, offering a
full diagnostic suite. DP Health Check creates a smart
DP meter allowing for condition-based maintenance

Fig 1.
DP Health Check™ ready Cone DP Meter and Fig 1. 1
Associated Pressure Field

-1, 1 1, 1 Decreasing
steam quality
DPt vs. DPppl
DPt vs. DPr
DPppl vs DPr
DP sum

-1, -1 1, -1

Fig 2. Fig 3. Fig 4.

Display for Correctly Operating Meter Display for Varying Quality Saturated Display for Drifting DP Transmitter
Steam Flow | 5
Customer Service and Support

Tek-Trol LLC reserves the right to change the designs and/or materials of its products without notice. The contents of this publication are the property

of Tek-Trol and cannot be reproduced by any other party without written permission. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2019 Tek-Trol LLC
Tek-Trol LLC
Tek-Trol is a fully owned subsidiary of Tek-Trol LLC. We offer our customers a comprehensive range of products and solutions for
process, power, and oil and gas industries. Tek-Trol provides process measurement and control products for Flow, Level,
Temperature and Pressure measurement, Control valves and Analyzer systems. We are present in 15 locations globally and are
known for our knowledge, innovative solutions, reliable products, and global presence.

Tek-Trol LLC
796 Tek Drive Crystal Lake, IL 60014 USA
Tel: +1 847 857 6076, +1 847 655 7428 Fax: +1 847 655 6147

Flow | Level | Temperature | Pressure | Valves | Analyzers | Accessories | TekValSyss

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